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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Microsaccades as a window to visuospatial attention / evidence by the simultaneous recording of eye movements and EEG

Meyberg, Susann 20 April 2017 (has links)
Die Erforschung visueller Aufmerksamkeit beruht auf verdeckter Aufmerksamkeit; das heißt, wenn der Fokus der Aufmerksamkeit trotz strikter Fixation ausgerichtet wird ohne größere Sakkaden auszuführen. EEG-Studien haben das neuronale Netzwerk identifiziert, dass verdeckte Aufmerksamkeit steuert. Diese Studien ignorieren jedoch unwillkürliche kleine Sakkaden während der Fixation - Mikrosakkaden (MS) genannt. Blickbewegungsstudien hingegen belegen einen Zusammenhang zwischen Aufmerksamkeit und diesen MS, beziehen ihre Resultate jedoch nicht auf etablierte EEG-Befunde. Um diese Forschungslücke zu schließen, zielt diese Dissertation darauf, den Zusammenhang zwischen Ereignis-korrelierten Potentialen (EKP) endogener Aufmerksamkeit und MS zu untersuchen. Folglich wurden drei Studien mit gleichzeitiger Erfassung von EEG und Blickbewegungen durchgeführt. In den Studien haben die Probanden ein „Posner Spatial-Cueing-Paradigma“ absolviert mit einem endogenen Hinweisreiz. Wir zeigen deutliche Zusammenhänge zwischen MS und neuronalen Korrelaten visueller Aufmerksamkeit. Erstens, MS und ein posteriores EKP reflektierten die Selektion visueller Reize basierend auf deren Merkmale. Dieses Ergebnis stärkt die Idee eines Netzwerkes, dass relevante Reize unter Distraktoren selektiert und zielgerichtetes Verhalten initiiert. Zweitens, MS erzeugten ein visuelles Potential, das verstärkte Potentialkomponenten für Reize zeigte, die im Aufmerksamkeitsfokus lagen. Dieses MS-evozierte Potential stellte einen zeitlich gut aufgelösten Aufmerksamkeitsindex dar. Drittens, MS erzeugten zudem ein in früheren Studien übersehenes, korneoretinales Artefakt. Dieses Artefakt kontaminierte die Messung eines frontalen EKPs, dass zuvor mit der Kontrolle von Aufmerksamkeit assoziiert war. Zusammenfassend zeigt diese Dissertation, dass die gleichzeitige Erfassung von EEG und Blickbewegungen bedeutsame Einblicke in den Zusammenhang von MS und visueller Aufmerksamkeit erlaubt. / Research on visual attention focusses on covert attention; that is, when attention is directed during fixation periods in the absence of larger saccades. While previous EEG research has provided insights into the neural network that controls covert attention, this field fails to account for the inevitable occurrence of miniature fixational saccades - called microsaccades (MS). In contrast, previous eye-tracking research has established links between MSs and covert attention, but has not directly related their findings to seminal EEG results. This thesis bridges this research gap by investigating the link between event-related potentials (ERPs) of endogenous attention and MSs. To this end, three studies were conducted with concomitant ERP and high-resolution eye-tracking recordings while participants performed a Posner spatial cueing task with an endogenous cue. Crucially, we show that MSs relate to neural correlates of visual attention. First, MS and an early posterior ERP reflected the top-down selection of a visual stimulus based on its features. This finding is consistent with the notion of a neural network that selects relevant stimuli from distracting ones and initiates goal-directed behavior toward selected stimuli. Second, gaze shifts from MSs evoked a visual potential in the EEG that was enhanced for stimuli in the focus of attention; a finding well-known for the visual potential measured after presenting a stimulus. Importantly, these MS-related potentials provided a fine-grained temporal index of the subject’s attentional state. Finally, MSs further evoked a corneoretinal artifact overlooked in previous EEG studies. This artifact contaminated the measurement of a frontal ERP previously associated with preparatory attentional control. In sum, this thesis provides first evidence for the benefits of using concomitant ERP and eye-tracking recordings to examine the link between MSs and visual attention.

Investigating Task-Order Coordination in Dual-Task Situations

Kübler, Sebastian 25 May 2021 (has links)
Bisherige Studien liefern Hinweise für das Auftreten von aktiven Prozessen der Reihenfolgekoordination in Doppelaufgaben. Diese Prozesse sind notwendig für die Regulation der Bearbeitungsreihenfolge von zwei Aufgaben. Bisher ist jedoch wenig über die kognitiven und neuronalen Mechanismen bekannt, die diesen Prozessen zugrunde liegen. Ziel der vorliegenden Dissertation war deshalb die Überprüfung eines Modells aktiver Reihenfolgekoordination in Doppelaufgaben. Das Modell nimmt an, dass diese Prozesse auf Repräsentationen zurückgreifen, die Informationen über die Verarbeitungssequenz zweier Aufgaben enthält. Zusätzlich macht das Modell Annahmen über (1) den Ort der Verarbeitung und (2) den genauen Inhalt dieser Repräsentationen. Weiterhin enthält das Modell die Annahmen, dass (3) der präfrontale Kortex kausal in Reihenfolgekoordination involviert ist und dass (4) diese Prozesse von unterschiedlichen Kriterien beeinflusst werden. In dieser Dissertation wurde das Model in einer Reihe von vier Studien überprüft. Dazu wurde ein Doppelaufgabenparadigma mit zufällig wechselnder Aufgabenreihenfolge verwendet. Ich konnte zeigen, dass die Reihenfolgerepräsentationen im Arbeitsgedächtnis aufrechterhalten und aktiv verarbeitet werden. Ich konnte weiterhin zeigen, dass diese Repräsentationen nur Information über die Sequenz der Aufgaben enthalten. Spezifische Aufgabeninformation wird hingegen separat repräsentiert. Durch den Einsatz transkranieller Magnetstimulation konnte ich zudem nachweisen, dass der präfrontale Kortex eine kausale Rolle für Reihenfolgekoordination spielt. Darüber hinaus konnte ich zeigen, dass Anforderungen an Reihenfolgekoordinationsprozesse in Situationen, in denen Probanden ein von außen vorgegebenes Reihenfolgekriterium befolgen, erhöht sind im Vergleich zu Situationen, in denen Probanden ein auf einer freien Wahl basierendes Kriterium nutzen können. Die Implikationen dieser Ergebnisse werden unter Berücksichtigung des vorgeschlagenen Modells diskutiert. / Evidence from behavioral as well as neurophysiological studies indicates the occurrence of active task-order coordination processes in dual-task situations. These processes are required for planning and regulating the processing sequence of two tasks that overlap in time. So far, however, the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying active task-order coordination are highly underspecified. To tackle this issue, in the present dissertation I tested a model of task-order coordination in dual-task situations. This model assumes that task-order coordination relies on representations that contain information about the processing sequence of the two component tasks. In addition, the model includes assumptions about the (1) locus of processing as well as (2) the exact content of these order representations. The model further assumes that (3) the lateral prefrontal cortex is causally involved in implementing task-order coordination processes and that (4) these processes are affected by different order criteria. I tested this model in a series of four studies by applying a dual-task paradigm with randomly changing task order. I demonstrated that task-order representations are actively maintained and processed in working memory during dual tasking. Moreover, I found that these order representations only contain information about the processing sequence of tasks, whereas specific component task information is represented separately. By applying transcranial magnetic stimulation, I also provided evidence for the causal role of the lateral prefrontal cortex for task-order coordination. Furthermore, I showed that the demands on task-order coordination are increased when participants have to adhere to an external and mandatory order criterion compared to when they can use an internally generated order criterion that is based on free choice. The implications of these results as well as an outlook for future research will be discussed in the framework of the proposed model.

Auf dem Weg zu einer missionalen theologischen Ausbildung im deutschsprachigen Europa :|beine missionswissenschaftlich-empirische Untersuchung über theologische Ausbildung und Mission unter Leitern von evangelikalen Ausbildunsprogrammen / Toward missional theological education in German speaking Europe : a missiological-empirical research about theological education and mission among leaders of evangelical educational programs

Burri, Mathias 27 January 2015 (has links)
Die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit untersucht den Zusammenhang zwischen theologischer Ausbildung und missionarischer Herausforderung im deutschsprachigen Europa. Dabei steht die Forschungsfrage im Zentrum, was der sich verändernde Kontext und die damit verbundene missionarische Herausforderung der Kirche für eine Reform der theologischen Ausbildung bedeuten. Zu dieser Fragestellung werden aus ökumenischer und evangelikaler Perspektive Stimmen laut, welche eine Reform hin zu einer missionalen theologischen Ausbildung fordern, welche somit in Wesen und Funktion von der Missio Dei her zu verstehen sei. Die vorliegende Untersuchung geht der Frage nach, was eine solche Forderung bedeuten könnte und welche grundsätzlichen Implikationen sich für die theologische Ausbildung ergeben. In einem ersten Teil werden ökumenische, evangelische und evangelikale Impulse zur Reform der theologischen Ausbildung und dem Zusammenhang der missionarischen Herausforderung dargestellt, theoretische Sensibilität und Kernkategorien für die empirische Untersuchung entwickelt. Im Hauptteil der Forschungsarbeit wird die obige Fragestellung mittels einer qualitativ-empirischen Untersuchung unter Leitern von evangelikalen theologischen Ausbildungstätten im deutschsprachigen Europa untersucht. Mit halbstandardisierten Experten-Interviews werden nach Grounded Theory und mittels Typologienbildung vier Handlungsmuster als mögliche Reaktionen theologischer Ausbildungsverantwortlicher dargestellt. Abschließend werden die Ergebnisse der empirischen Untersuchung unter Einbezug der Literatur evaluiert und eine missionswissenschaftliche Auswertung hinsichtlich der Theologie, der Lerntheorie und der Kompetenzorientierung einer missionalen theologischen Ausbildung vorgenommen. Die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit leistet somit einen dreifachen Beitrag. Erstens stellt sie ökumenische, evangelische und evangelikale Beiträge und empirisch erarbeitete Handlungsmuster zum Thema Reform theologischer Ausbildung im Hinblick auf die missionarische Herausforderung dar. Zweitens bietet sie aus missionswissenschaftlicher Perspektive einen Diskussionbeitrag zu einer möglichen Reform theologischer Ausbildung. Drittens werden konkrete Impulse zu Theologie, Lerntheorie und Kompetenzorientierung einer missionalen theologischen Ausbildung für den deutschsprachigen Kontext erarbeitet / This dissertation examines the relationship between theological education and missionary challenges in German-speaking Europe. The central research question is what the changing context and related missionary challenges of the church signify for a reform of theological training. Voices from an ecumenical and evangelical perspective are demanding a reform of theological education towards a missional approach, an approach defined in its identity as well as its function from the Missio Dei. The following study pursues the question as to what such demands entail and what implications follow for theological education in general. The first part presents the ecumenical, evangelical and evangelic impulse towards a reform of theological education and a link with missionary challenges; theoretic sensibilities and key categories are developed for the empirical examination. The main section of the study examines the abovementioned question through a qualitative-empirical study of the leadership of evangelical theological educational establishments in German-speaking Europe. With the help of half-standardised interviews of experts, four action samples were presented as possible reactions, according to grounded theory and by means of typology development. Finally, the results of the empirical examination were evaluated in the light of the literature and a missional-empirical evaluation was made regarding the theology, the learning theory and the competence orientation of a missional-theological education. This dissertation thus makes a threefold contribution. Firstly, it constitutes ecumenical, evangelical and evangelic contributions and an empirically developed plan of action on the theme of the reform of theological education in light of missionary challenges. Secondly, it offers a contribution from a missional- empirical perspective to the discussion of a possible reform of theological education. Thirdly, it develops a concrete impetus towards the theology, learning theory and competence orientation of a missional theological education in the German-speaking context / Practical Theology / D. Th. (Missiology)

Estatística em confiabilidade de sistemas: uma abordagem Bayesiana paramétrica / Statistics on systems reliability: a parametric Bayesian approach

Rodrigues, Agatha Sacramento 17 August 2018 (has links)
A confiabilidade de um sistema de componentes depende da confiabilidade de cada componente. Assim, a estimação da função de confiabilidade de cada componente do sistema é de interesse. No entanto, esta não é uma tarefa fácil, pois quando o sistema falha, o tempo de falha de um dado componente pode não ser observado, isto é, um problema de dados censurados. Neste trabalho, propomos modelos Bayesianos paramétricos para estimação das funções de confiabilidade de componentes e sistemas em quatro diferentes cenários. Inicialmente, um modelo Weibull é proposto para estimar a distribuição do tempo de vida de um componente de interesse envolvido em sistemas coerentes não reparáveis, quando estão disponíveis o tempo de falha do sistema e o estado do componente no momento da falha do sistema. Não é imposta a suposição de que os tempos de vida dos componentes sejam identicamente distribuídos, mas a suposição de independência entre os tempos até a falha dos componentes é necessária, conforme teorema anunciado e devidamente demonstrado. Em situações com causa de falha mascarada, os estados dos componentes no momento da falha do sistema não são observados e, neste cenário, um modelo Weibull com variáveis latentes no processo de estimação é proposto. Os dois modelos anteriormente descritos propõem estimar marginalmente as funções de confiabilidade dos componentes quando não são disponíveis ou necessárias as informações dos demais componentes e, por consequência, a suposição de independência entre os tempos de vida dos componentes é necessária. Com o intuito de não impor esta suposição, o modelo Weibull multivariado de Hougaard é proposto para a estimação das funções de confiabilidade de componentes envolvidos em sistemas coerentes não reparáveis. Por fim, um modelo Weibull para a estimação da função de confiabilidade de componentes de um sistema em série reparável com causa de falha mascarada é proposto. Para cada cenário considerado, diferentes estudos de simulação são realizados para avaliar os modelos propostos, sempre comparando com a melhor solução encontrada na literatura até então, em que, em geral, os modelos propostos apresentam melhores resultados. Com o intuito de demonstrar a aplicabilidade dos modelos, análises de dados são realizadas com problemas reais não só da área de confiabilidade, mas também da área social. / The reliability of a system of components depends on reliability of each component. Thus, the initial statistical work should be the estimation of the reliability of each component of the system. This is not an easy task because when the system fails, the failure time of a given component can be not observed, that is, a problem of censored data. We propose parametric Bayesian models for reliability functions estimation of systems and components involved in four scenarios. First, a Weibull model is proposed to estimate component failure time distribution from non-repairable coherent systems when there are available the system failure time and the component status at the system failure moment. Furthermore, identically distributed failure times are not a required restriction. An important result is proved: without the assumption that components\' lifetimes are mutually independent, a given set of sub-reliability functions does not identify the corresponding marginal reliability function. In masked cause of failure situations, it is not possible to identify the statuses of the components at the moment of system failure and, in this second scenario, we propose a Bayesian Weibull model by means of latent variables in the estimation process. The two models described above propose to estimate marginally the reliability functions of the components when the information of the other components is not available or necessary and, consequently, the assumption of independence among the components\' failure times is necessary. In order to not impose this assumption, the Hougaard multivariate Weibull model is proposed for the estimation of the components\' reliability functions involved in non-repairable coherent systems. Finally, a Weibull model for the estimation of the reliability functions of components of a repairable series system with masked cause of failure is proposed. For each scenario, different simulation studies are carried out to evaluate the proposed models, always comparing then with the best solution found in the literature until then. In general, the proposed models present better results. In order to demonstrate the applicability of the models, data analysis are performed with real problems not only from the reliability area, but also from social area.

Estatística em confiabilidade de sistemas: uma abordagem Bayesiana paramétrica / Statistics on systems reliability: a parametric Bayesian approach

Agatha Sacramento Rodrigues 17 August 2018 (has links)
A confiabilidade de um sistema de componentes depende da confiabilidade de cada componente. Assim, a estimação da função de confiabilidade de cada componente do sistema é de interesse. No entanto, esta não é uma tarefa fácil, pois quando o sistema falha, o tempo de falha de um dado componente pode não ser observado, isto é, um problema de dados censurados. Neste trabalho, propomos modelos Bayesianos paramétricos para estimação das funções de confiabilidade de componentes e sistemas em quatro diferentes cenários. Inicialmente, um modelo Weibull é proposto para estimar a distribuição do tempo de vida de um componente de interesse envolvido em sistemas coerentes não reparáveis, quando estão disponíveis o tempo de falha do sistema e o estado do componente no momento da falha do sistema. Não é imposta a suposição de que os tempos de vida dos componentes sejam identicamente distribuídos, mas a suposição de independência entre os tempos até a falha dos componentes é necessária, conforme teorema anunciado e devidamente demonstrado. Em situações com causa de falha mascarada, os estados dos componentes no momento da falha do sistema não são observados e, neste cenário, um modelo Weibull com variáveis latentes no processo de estimação é proposto. Os dois modelos anteriormente descritos propõem estimar marginalmente as funções de confiabilidade dos componentes quando não são disponíveis ou necessárias as informações dos demais componentes e, por consequência, a suposição de independência entre os tempos de vida dos componentes é necessária. Com o intuito de não impor esta suposição, o modelo Weibull multivariado de Hougaard é proposto para a estimação das funções de confiabilidade de componentes envolvidos em sistemas coerentes não reparáveis. Por fim, um modelo Weibull para a estimação da função de confiabilidade de componentes de um sistema em série reparável com causa de falha mascarada é proposto. Para cada cenário considerado, diferentes estudos de simulação são realizados para avaliar os modelos propostos, sempre comparando com a melhor solução encontrada na literatura até então, em que, em geral, os modelos propostos apresentam melhores resultados. Com o intuito de demonstrar a aplicabilidade dos modelos, análises de dados são realizadas com problemas reais não só da área de confiabilidade, mas também da área social. / The reliability of a system of components depends on reliability of each component. Thus, the initial statistical work should be the estimation of the reliability of each component of the system. This is not an easy task because when the system fails, the failure time of a given component can be not observed, that is, a problem of censored data. We propose parametric Bayesian models for reliability functions estimation of systems and components involved in four scenarios. First, a Weibull model is proposed to estimate component failure time distribution from non-repairable coherent systems when there are available the system failure time and the component status at the system failure moment. Furthermore, identically distributed failure times are not a required restriction. An important result is proved: without the assumption that components\' lifetimes are mutually independent, a given set of sub-reliability functions does not identify the corresponding marginal reliability function. In masked cause of failure situations, it is not possible to identify the statuses of the components at the moment of system failure and, in this second scenario, we propose a Bayesian Weibull model by means of latent variables in the estimation process. The two models described above propose to estimate marginally the reliability functions of the components when the information of the other components is not available or necessary and, consequently, the assumption of independence among the components\' failure times is necessary. In order to not impose this assumption, the Hougaard multivariate Weibull model is proposed for the estimation of the components\' reliability functions involved in non-repairable coherent systems. Finally, a Weibull model for the estimation of the reliability functions of components of a repairable series system with masked cause of failure is proposed. For each scenario, different simulation studies are carried out to evaluate the proposed models, always comparing then with the best solution found in the literature until then. In general, the proposed models present better results. In order to demonstrate the applicability of the models, data analysis are performed with real problems not only from the reliability area, but also from social area.

Auf dem Weg zu einer missionalen theologischen Ausbildung im deutschsprachigen Europa :|beine missionswissenschaftlich-empirische Untersuchung über theologische Ausbildung und Mission unter Leitern von evangelikalen Ausbildunsprogrammen / Toward missional theological education in German speaking Europe : a missiological-empirical research about theological education and mission among leaders of evangelical educational programs

Burri, Mathias 27 January 2015 (has links)
Die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit untersucht den Zusammenhang zwischen theologischer Ausbildung und missionarischer Herausforderung im deutschsprachigen Europa. Dabei steht die Forschungsfrage im Zentrum, was der sich verändernde Kontext und die damit verbundene missionarische Herausforderung der Kirche für eine Reform der theologischen Ausbildung bedeuten. Zu dieser Fragestellung werden aus ökumenischer und evangelikaler Perspektive Stimmen laut, welche eine Reform hin zu einer missionalen theologischen Ausbildung fordern, welche somit in Wesen und Funktion von der Missio Dei her zu verstehen sei. Die vorliegende Untersuchung geht der Frage nach, was eine solche Forderung bedeuten könnte und welche grundsätzlichen Implikationen sich für die theologische Ausbildung ergeben. In einem ersten Teil werden ökumenische, evangelische und evangelikale Impulse zur Reform der theologischen Ausbildung und dem Zusammenhang der missionarischen Herausforderung dargestellt, theoretische Sensibilität und Kernkategorien für die empirische Untersuchung entwickelt. Im Hauptteil der Forschungsarbeit wird die obige Fragestellung mittels einer qualitativ-empirischen Untersuchung unter Leitern von evangelikalen theologischen Ausbildungstätten im deutschsprachigen Europa untersucht. Mit halbstandardisierten Experten-Interviews werden nach Grounded Theory und mittels Typologienbildung vier Handlungsmuster als mögliche Reaktionen theologischer Ausbildungsverantwortlicher dargestellt. Abschließend werden die Ergebnisse der empirischen Untersuchung unter Einbezug der Literatur evaluiert und eine missionswissenschaftliche Auswertung hinsichtlich der Theologie, der Lerntheorie und der Kompetenzorientierung einer missionalen theologischen Ausbildung vorgenommen. Die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit leistet somit einen dreifachen Beitrag. Erstens stellt sie ökumenische, evangelische und evangelikale Beiträge und empirisch erarbeitete Handlungsmuster zum Thema Reform theologischer Ausbildung im Hinblick auf die missionarische Herausforderung dar. Zweitens bietet sie aus missionswissenschaftlicher Perspektive einen Diskussionbeitrag zu einer möglichen Reform theologischer Ausbildung. Drittens werden konkrete Impulse zu Theologie, Lerntheorie und Kompetenzorientierung einer missionalen theologischen Ausbildung für den deutschsprachigen Kontext erarbeitet / This dissertation examines the relationship between theological education and missionary challenges in German-speaking Europe. The central research question is what the changing context and related missionary challenges of the church signify for a reform of theological training. Voices from an ecumenical and evangelical perspective are demanding a reform of theological education towards a missional approach, an approach defined in its identity as well as its function from the Missio Dei. The following study pursues the question as to what such demands entail and what implications follow for theological education in general. The first part presents the ecumenical, evangelical and evangelic impulse towards a reform of theological education and a link with missionary challenges; theoretic sensibilities and key categories are developed for the empirical examination. The main section of the study examines the abovementioned question through a qualitative-empirical study of the leadership of evangelical theological educational establishments in German-speaking Europe. With the help of half-standardised interviews of experts, four action samples were presented as possible reactions, according to grounded theory and by means of typology development. Finally, the results of the empirical examination were evaluated in the light of the literature and a missional-empirical evaluation was made regarding the theology, the learning theory and the competence orientation of a missional-theological education. This dissertation thus makes a threefold contribution. Firstly, it constitutes ecumenical, evangelical and evangelic contributions and an empirically developed plan of action on the theme of the reform of theological education in light of missionary challenges. Secondly, it offers a contribution from a missional- empirical perspective to the discussion of a possible reform of theological education. Thirdly, it develops a concrete impetus towards the theology, learning theory and competence orientation of a missional theological education in the German-speaking context / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Missiology)

Divadelní studio Reduta jako příklad modernistické utopie / Theatre Studio Reduta as an example of modernistic utopia

Jiřík, Jan January 2013 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT This thesis describes the theatre reform at the turn of 19th and 20th century in its wider sociocultural concept. It focuses on the reaction of theatre to the modernistic crisis of European culture and society. Modernism is understood here according to its wider thematic and chronological definition. Modernism is based on the conception of machine civilization as it was defined by a Polish sociologist Jerzy Jedlicki. Jedlicki places the rise of modernistic cultural formation into the second half of 18th century which is when a steam engine was invented and it was a time of social turbulence and changes in human spirituality. Another theoretical frame of the thesis is created by utopia phenomenon as it was defined by Jerzy Szacki. Second half of 20th century is considered to be the end of modernism, inasmuch the utopic visions which had been placed on theatre faded away. The main topic of the thesis is Juliusz Osterwa's and Mieczyslaw Limanowski's theatre studio Reduta. It was founded in Warsaw in 1919 and it was to a great extend inspired by Moscow theatre studios of Stanislavsky and by Polish theatre sources (Stanislaw Wyspianski). By studying selected examples, the thesis studies Reduta as a realisation of modernistic utopia when theatre was supposed to carry a special mission in renaissance of...

Handboekouteurs en wiskunde-onderwysers se inlyninterpretasie van die wiskundekurrikulum vir effektiewe klaskamerpraktyk

Van der Merwe, Wynand Johannes 10 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Due to the radical reform in mathematics education worldwide, the mathematics curriculum underwent dramatic changes in order to meet the new objectives in mathematics. This has placed a huge responsibility on curriculum compilers and the authors of mathematics textbooks and mathematics teachers to enhance the cognitive development of learners. This study takes the view that: What happens in the class is what you get. Based on the above statement, the foundation of mathematics teaching, namely the mathematics curriculum, the mathematics textbook and the teacher’s instruction in the teaching venue were scrutinised. During a diagnostic examination of teachers’ interpretation, knowledge and application of the mathematics curriculum and the content of mathematics textbooks on the East Rand, the following problems regarding mathematics teaching emerged: The most important finding of TIMMS is that the differences in performance in mathematics between different countries can be linked to the way teachers interpret and present the content of mathematics. Research has revealed that the interaction of teachers with curriculum content follow a dynamic and constructive application instead of direct application based on the mathematics curriculum. Teachers often change the prescriptions and order of content in the mathematics curriculum to suit their teaching style, knowledge and previous experience. Consequently, align application of mathematical concepts and skills does not take place and this creates a gap in learners’ cognitive development. It also leaves a gap in the application of the Type 5 cognitive development tasks in mathematics which enable a verifying deductive application of concepts. The action research created a structure which could meet this need. Authors of mathematics textbooks present their own vision, interpretation and style in mathematics textbooks, which influences the order of mathematics content and concepts. The result is that mathematics content and concepts are at times not aligned with representations in the mathematics curriculum and objectives are therefore not reached. The different interpretations of mathematics textbooks by teachers differ greatly and these differences place great pressure on teachers to decide how the mathematics textbook will be used in the teaching venue. In this study a mathematics textbook profile and a task analysis were formulated in the cause of action research which will enable teachers to make a professional analysis which they can use. Because a variety of mathematics textbooks are selected for use in schools, teachers assume that these approved mathematics textbooks focus on the curriculum. They therefore slavishly follow the mathematics textbooks without consulting the mathematics curriculum. Shortcomings in mathematics textbooks and teachers’ own interpretation of mathematics content leave a big gap in their own alignment of mathematics teaching. To satisfy this need, an assessment profile and an methodology for alignment are provided to enable teachers to monitor the curriculum alignment presentation of concepts and skills. / As gevolg van die radikale hervorming in wiskunde-onderrig wêreldwyd het die wiskundekurrikulum dramatiese veranderings ondergaan ten einde die nuwe doelstellings in wiskunde te bereik. Dit het enorme verantwoordelikheid geplaas op kurrikulumsamestellers en outeurs van wiskundehandboeke en wiskunde-onderwysers om die kognitiewe ontwikkeling van leerders te bevorder. In hierdie studie is van die volgende standpunt uitgegaan: What happens in the class is what you get. Derhalwe is die fondasie van wiskunde-onderrig, naamlik die wiskundekurrikulum, wiskundehandboek en die onderwyser se instruksies in die klaskamer ondersoek. In `n diagnostiese ontleding van onderwysers se interpretasie, kennis en toepassing van die wiskundekurrikulum en die wiskundehandboekinhoude aan die Oos-Rand het die volgende probleme in verband met wiskunde-onderrig na vore gekom: Die belangrikste bevinding van TIMMS is dat die verskille in wiskundeprestasie tussen lande verband hou met die wyse waarop onderwysers die wiskudekurrikuluminhoude interpreteer en aanbied. Navorsing toon dat die interaksie van onderwysers met kurrikulummateriaal op ʼn dinamiese en konstruktiewe toepassing geskied in plaas van direkte toepassing vanuit die wiskundekurrikulum. Onderwysers verander dikwels die wiskundekurrikulum se voorskrifte en volgorde van inhoude om by hulle onderrigstyl, kennis en vorige ervarings te pas. Die gevolg is dat geen inlyntoepassing van wiskundebegrippe en vaardighede plaasvind nie en dit laat ʼn leemte in leerders se kognitiewe ontwikkeling. Verder laat dit ʼn leemte in die toepassing van die 5-tipe kognitiewe ontwikkelingstake in wiskunde wat ʼn verifiërend deduktiewe toepassing van begrippe bewerkstellig. In die aksienavorsing is ʼn struktuur geskep wat in hierdie behoefte voorsien. Outeurs van wiskundehandboeke het ʼn eie visie, interpretasie en styl wat hulle in wiskundehandboeke aanbied. Dit het ʼn invloed op die volgorde van wiskunde-inhoude en begrippe en gevolglik is wiskunde-inhoude en -begrippe soms nie inlyn geplaas met voorstellings van die wiskundekurrikulum nie, en word doelstellings nie bereik nie. Onderwysers se verskillende interpretasies van wiskundehandboekinhoude verskil radikaal van mekaar en plaas gevolglik groot druk op onderwysers om ʼn keuse te maak wat betref die gebruik van ʼn wiskundehandboek vir gebruik in die klaskamer. In die studie is ʼn wiskundehandboekprofiel en ʼn taakontleding tydens aksienavorsing geformuleer wat onderwysers in staat sal stel om ʼn professionele ontleding te maak vir gebruik. As gevolg van die verskeidenheid wiskundehandboeke wat gekeur word vir gebruik in skole neem onderwysers aan dat hierdie gekeurde wiskundehandboeke op die kurrikulum gerig is. Gevolglik word wiskundehandboeke slaafs nagevolg sonder om die wiskundekurrikulum te raadpleeg. Tekortkominge in wiskundehandboeke en die eie interpretasie van wiskundeinhoude deur onderwysers laat ʼn groot leemte in hul eie inlynwiskunde-onderrig. Om te voorsien in hierdie behoefte is ʼn assesseringsprofiel en ʼn inlynmetodiek saamgestel om onderwysers in staat te stel om die inlynaanbieding van begrippe en vaardighede te monitor. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Didaktiek)

Comunicação e organizações na sociedade em rede: novas tensões, mediações e paradigmas / Comunicação e organizações na sociedade em rede: novas tensões, mediações e paradigmas.

Mello, Selma Ferraz Motta 16 March 2010 (has links)
Este estudo analisa as metamorfoses em curso nas organizações, em decorrência da revolução digital e de seus desdobramentos na economia, na sociedade, na cultura e, sobretudo, no sistema comunicacional. O objetivo é indagar em que medida as tecnologias da informação e comunicação (TICs) estão provocando mutações também na comunicação organizacional, quais seriam os pilares do paradigma emergente e como as empresas brasileiras estão incorporando, na prática, essas novas dimensões. / This study analyses the changes in corporate structures brought forth by the digital revolution and its ramifications in society, culture, the economy and above all in contemporary systems of communication. The goal is to explore the extent to which information and communication technologies and the new socio-technical system are changing established notions of organizational communications, and how Brazilian companies are adapting to incorporate these shifting paradigms.

Comunicação e organizações na sociedade em rede: novas tensões, mediações e paradigmas / Comunicação e organizações na sociedade em rede: novas tensões, mediações e paradigmas.

Selma Ferraz Motta Mello 16 March 2010 (has links)
Este estudo analisa as metamorfoses em curso nas organizações, em decorrência da revolução digital e de seus desdobramentos na economia, na sociedade, na cultura e, sobretudo, no sistema comunicacional. O objetivo é indagar em que medida as tecnologias da informação e comunicação (TICs) estão provocando mutações também na comunicação organizacional, quais seriam os pilares do paradigma emergente e como as empresas brasileiras estão incorporando, na prática, essas novas dimensões. / This study analyses the changes in corporate structures brought forth by the digital revolution and its ramifications in society, culture, the economy and above all in contemporary systems of communication. The goal is to explore the extent to which information and communication technologies and the new socio-technical system are changing established notions of organizational communications, and how Brazilian companies are adapting to incorporate these shifting paradigms.

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