Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pedagogical.""
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Afetividade e Prática Pedagógica: uma proposta desenvolvida em um curso de formação de professores de Educação FísicaOliveira, Greice Kelly de 14 June 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-06-14 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / ABSTRACT The valorization of the cognition, to the detriment of the other dimensions involved in the process teaching-learning, a lot of times, it has been limiting the student's formation. Under similar fragmentary logic, in spite of the progresses in the studies and approaches of the School Physical education, no rare, they are found professionals that restrict their contribution perspectives to the education process, to the physical and motor development. It is, specifically, the problem regarding the lack of valorization of the affectivity in their integration with the domains motor and cognitive, in practice pedagogic, the main motivador of this study. Henri Wallon's perspective, theoretical referencial of this theory, recognizes the importance of the affectivity in the constitution and in the human being's development, because it postulates the beginning of the integration of the dimensions motive, cognitive and affectionate of such a form that every returned pedagogic action to any one of the three dimensions will affect the others. In this sense, with the intention of contributing for the construction of pedagogic proposals what do consider the affectionate dimension, this research had as focus the following problem: Which are the possibilities and limitations of a proposal that it seeks to contribute for the physical education teachers' formation that they consider the affectivity in their pedagogic practices? Referred proposal was developed with base in the methodological presuppositions of the research-action and in the theoretical recital of the theory starting from which three basic guidelines were elaborated a) Study and reflection about the theme Affectivity; b)Verbal expression and reflection about the own affectivity and of the students; c) Participation in the construction of pedagogic practices that they consider the affectionate dimension.The extracted results of the analysis of interviews and complemented with the reports of the encounters between the researcher and the teachers in formation revealed, among other results, that the teachers in formation began: a) to present larger attention to their students' affectionate manifestations; b) to recognize the importance of the affectionate dimension in the process teaching-learning; c) to involve in the search of ways for the consideration of the affectivity in their pedagogic practices. Without the intention of generalization of the found results, this research was limited to the application and study of a proposal that it requests improvement and adaptations for pedagogic practices and other studies, however, it proposed guidelines that revealed an interesting contributive potential for the teachers' formation that, planned indeed, consider the affectivity in the school. / A valorização da cognição, em detrimento das demais dimensões envolvidas no processo ensino-aprendizagem, muitas vezes, tem limitado a formação do aluno. Sob lógica fragmentária semelhante, apesar dos avanços nos estudos e abordagens da Educação Física Escolar, não raro, são encontrados profissionais que restringem suas perspectivas de contribuição ao processo educacional, ao desenvolvimento físico e motor. É, especificamente, a problemática referente à falta de valorização da afetividade na sua integração com os domínios motor e cognitivo, na prática pedagógica, o principal motivador deste estudo. A perspectiva de Henri Wallon, referencial teórico desta tese, reconhece a importância da afetividade na constituição e no desenvolvimento do ser humano, pois postula o princípio da integração das dimensões motora, cognitiva e afetiva de tal forma que toda ação pedagógica voltada a qualquer uma das três dimensões afetará as demais. Neste sentido, com a intenção de contribuir para a construção de propostas pedagógicas que considerem a dimensão afetiva, a presente pesquisa teve como foco o seguinte problema: Quais as possibilidades e limitações de uma proposta que visa contribuir para a formação de professores de educação física que considerem a afetividade em suas práticas pedagógicas? A referida proposta foi desenvolvida com base nos pressupostos metodológicos da pesquisa-ação e na fundamentação teórica da tese a partir da qual foram elaboradas três diretrizes básicas quais sejam: a) Estudo e reflexão sobre a temática Afetividade; b)Expressão verbal e reflexão sobre a afetividade própria e dos alunos; c) Participação na construção de práticas pedagógicas que considerem a dimensão afetiva.Os resultados extraídos da análise de entrevistas e complementados com os relatos dos encontros entre a pesquisadora e os licenciandos, revelaram, dentre outros resultados, que os licenciandos passaram a: a) apresentar maior atenção às manifestações afetivas dos seus alunos; b) reconhecer a importância da dimensão afetiva no processo ensino-aprendizagem; c) envolver-se na busca de caminhos para a consideração da afetividade em suas práticas pedagógicas. Desprovida da intenção de generalização dos resultados encontrados, esta pesquisa limitou-se à aplicação e estudo de uma proposta que requer aperfeiçoamento e adaptações para práticas pedagógicas e estudos outros, porém, propôs diretrizes que revelaram um interessante potencial contributivo para a formação de professores que, planejada efetivamente, considerem a afetividade na escola.
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O processo de constituição da identidade humana e o trabalho da universidade neste processo: um estudo com alunos do curso de serviço social da PUC/SP / The process of constitution of the human identity and the role of the university in this process: a study with students of the social service course at PUC/SPPadilha, Augusta 27 November 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-11-27 / This research encompasses a study about the process of constitution of human
identity. From the theoretical perspective of Ciampa, based on the historicdialectic
materialism, life history narratives of undergraduate students are
studied. Such universe is first of all taken as source of reference of activities
and experiences assimilated along their lives, thus serving as reference to the
understanding of the process of constitution of their identities. The study seeks
to apprehend this process, based on the conception of the socio-historic man
and of identity as a metamorphosis process. Through these life histories, the
process of development of specifically human aptitudes and the human sense
named conscience are analyzed. Under the light of the conceptions from the
socio-historic psychology, the qualitative transformation of the conscience
through embedded factors that are internal and external to men is studied,
particularly in what refers to identity. For this reason, research extends to the
analysis of form and content of what the students think and how they express
their thoughts as narratives, considering these as the objectivation of capacities
or acquisitions implied in their academic activities. We then come to the
analysis of elaborations of the students and to the interactions that sustain such
elaborations. Consequently, we come to the work of the Social Service Course
at PUC/SP and to the implication of this work in the process of constitution of
the identity of its students, in this study, represented by two of them. By
focusing on the identity process as metamorphosis, research is centered in the
relationship established between course-student, grounded on the pedagogic
project of the course and on the professional profile it proposes. As a result of
this study, the effectiveness of a process of constitution of human identities was
evidenced, considering that a determined proposal of undergraduate teaching
and determined kinds of learning produce movements in the identity of the
students, participants of this research. That is, it is possible to organize
revolutionary teaching under the capitalist roof / Esta pesquisa constitui-se num estudo sobre o processo de constituição da
identidade humana. Sob a perspectiva teórica de ciampa, com base no
materialismo histórico-dialético, estudam-se as narrativas de histórias de vida
de alunas universitárias. Tal universo é tomado primeiramente como fonte de
referência de atividades e experiências assimiladas no percurso de suas vidas,
sendo, assim, referência para a compreensão do processo de constituição de
suas identidades. A pesquisa busca apreender esse processo, tendo por base
a concepção de homem sócio-histórico e de identidade como processo de
metamorfose. Por meio dessas histórias de vida analisa-se o processo de
desenvolvimento de aptidões especificamente humanas e o sentido humano
chamado consciência. À luz das concepções da psicologia sócio-histórica,
estuda-se, principalmente no que se refere à identidade, a transformação
qualitativa da consciência por imbricamento de fatores internos e externos ao
homem. A pesquisa se estende, por isso, à análise da forma e do conteúdo do
que as alunas pensam e como expressam seus pensamentos em narrativas,
considerando-os como objetivação de capacidades ou aquisições implicadas
em suas atividades acadêmicas. Chega-se, assim, à análise de elaborações
das alunas e às interações que dão sustentação a tais elaborações.
Consequentemente chega-se ao trabalho do Curso de Serviço Social da
PUC/SP e à implicação desse trabalho no processo de constituição da
identidade de seus alunos, nesta pesquisa representados por duas deles. Com
foco no processo de identidade como metamorfose, a pesquisa centra-se na
relação que se estabelece entre curso-aluno tendo por base o projeto
pedagógico do curso e o perfil profissional proposto por este. Assim, como
resultado deste estudo, evidencia-se a efetivação de um processo de
constituição de identidades humanas, mediante o que uma determinada
proposta de ensino superior e determinadas aprendizagens produzem
movimentos na identidade das alunas, sujeitos desta pesquisa. Ou seja, é
possível, organizar um ensino revolucionário sob o teto capitalista
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Sala de apoio pedagógico: os sentidos e significados construidos no Município de Barueri - SPEscabora, Carina 17 October 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-10-17 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The aim of this work is to study the meanings and senses of Sala de Apoio
Pedagógico in Barueri town in São Paulo state during the years 2002 to 2004, on teacher s
perspective. Thus, it was tried to understand how SAP project was defined in Barueri and how
its implementation was conducted at schools. It is proposed to investigate major faced
difficulties and the results of the project. It deals with an exploratory study that fits in
qualitative researches, having as subject teachers that worked in SAP and multidisciplinary
teams (specialists). To the accomplishment of this research, we used as resource semistructural
interviews, open questions questionnaire and empirical observations.
The collected data were organized on table structures to make them clearer. In
interviews case, the tables had their cells split in PI and PII, showing the responses of the
teachers in the first and second phase, respectively. The results evidenced that the teachers
that worked on first phase, were better prepared for the support of learning differences and
difficulties better understanding the project, while teachers of second phase had exerted the
functions without having the knowledge for it. It also became clear that these teachers felt the
support service as another formation moment, and offered reinforcement project attendance
like to the students. This work reveals the improvement and change needs and announces new
actions that were took by the city to support learning differences and difficulties / Este trabalho pretende estudar os sentidos e significados da Sala de Apoio
Pedagógico (SAP), no município de Barueri/ São Paulo, no período de 2002 a 2004, na visão
dos professores que desempenharam a função docente neste projeto. Sendo assim, procurouse
compreender como este foi definido em Barueri e como foi conduzida sua implementação
nas escolas. Propõe-se a investigar também as maiores dificuldades enfrentadas e os
resultados obtidos com o desenvolvimento deste projeto. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório,
que se enquadra nas pesquisas qualitativas, tendo como sujeitos os professores que atuaram na
SAP e a equipe multidisciplinar (especialistas). Para a realização desta pesquisa, utilizamos
como recurso as entrevistas semi-estruturadas, questionários de perguntas abertas e
observações empíricas.
Os dados coletados foram organizados em tabelas No que se referem às
entrevistas, as tabelas tiveram suas células divididas em PI e PII, demonstrando as respostas
obtidas pelas professoras da primeira ou segunda fase do projeto. Os resultados evidenciaram
que as professoras que atuaram na primeira fase, estavam mais preparadas para o atendimento
às diferenças e dificuldades de aprendizagem compreendendo melhor o projeto, enquanto que
as professoras da segunda etapa assumiram a função sem ter conhecimentos para isso.
Também ficou evidente que estas professoras perceberam o serviço de apoio como mais um
momento de formação, e ofereceram aos alunos um atendimento que se assemelharam aos
projetos de reforço. Este trabalho desvela a necessidade de aprimoramento e mudança do
projeto e anuncia novas medidas tomadas pelo município para um atendimento às
dificuldades de aprendizagem
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A prática pedagogica do professor de Educação Física: Atitudes de violência no contexto escolar.Peres, Luis Sérgio 21 March 2005 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2005-03-21 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This thesis aims to analyse THE PEDAGOGIC PRACTICE IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION: VIOLENT ATTITUDES IN SCHOOL’S CONTEXT in its methodologic approaches and pedagogic interventions. In the research the background of physical education teachers were sought along with its basic conceptions and perpectives of change, as well as the valoration of the physique in pedagogic practice which occasionaly becomes the trigger for violence in school context and, thus presenting cooperative sports as a possible alternative for methodologic changes in this practice.
The methodology was developed in a qualitative form through an exploratory research made in three cities in the west of Parana State, Brazil. The schools were intentionally chosen due to its geographic location on a sample of 18 teachers of PHYSICAL EDUCATION and 170 students chosen at random. The methodologic procedure consisted of semi-structured interviews and local observations in which the presents of violent attitudes performed by these teachers were verified.
Such attitudes are related to their practices and the predominant misplacement and misconceptions of sports. These practices are simbolically interpreted as violent actions shown through the devaluation of classes, the voice’s high tones when claimming the student’s attention, the irony in interpersonal relationships, the debasing of the less skilled (females in its great majority), the uniqual punishment for students with the same misdemeanor producing unequality in the comparisons made between the students and there judgments awareness, misinformation at the occasion of basic ground rules of the subject and, chiefly, the exclusion and devaluation of some particular students. In connections to the teaching of sports, this is shown in its utilization as a merely thecnical and exludent activity, thus forgetting that sports, when developed and thought in a ludic approach allow pleasure and happiness, becoming something pleasant independently of whether someone is a winner or not.
In the development of such discussion some reflections are presented, regarding the importance of some changes in the professional’s menthality by the use of a few Paulo Freire’s categories such as fondness and dialogicity without which teaching thecniches renovation and awareness counciousness raising becomes a hard task. / Este estudo objetiva analisar a prática pedagógica do professor de Educação Física - Atitudes de violência no contexto escolar em suas abordagens metodológicas e nas intervenções pedagógicas. Na pesquisa buscou-se a formação do profissional de Educação Física, suas concepções e perspectivas de mudanças, bem como a valorização do corpo na prática pedagógica, que muitas vezes torna-se o ponto inicial da violência no contexto escolar, apresentando o esporte de cooperação como uma possível alternativa para mudança metodológica desta prática. A metodologia foi desenvolvida de forma qualitativa, através de uma pesquisa exploratória junto a três cidades da região Oeste do Paraná. As escolas foram escolhidas intencionalmente devido sua localização geográfica compondo uma amostragem de 18 professores de Educação Física e 170 alunos, escolhidos aleatoriamente. O procedimento metodológico foi composto por entrevistas semi-estruturadas e de observações, onde constatou-se a existência de atitudes de violência destes profissionais. Estas atitudes estão relacionadas com suas práticas e com a predominância equivocada do esporte. Práticas simbolicamentes interpretadas como atos agressivos demonstradas através da não valorização da aula, do tom de voz no chamar a atenção dos alunos, na ironia como tratamento com outros, no menosprezar principalmente os menos habilidosos ( na grande maioria do sexo feminino), em punição diferenciada entre alunos com o mesmo problema ocasionando desigualdade, na comparação entre eles e na consciência de julgamento, omissão de informação junto à correção de fundamentos básicos da aula e principalmente na exclusão e desvalorização de alguns alunos. Em relação ao esporte, na utilização desse como atividade técnica e de exclusão, esquecem-se, de que ele realizado de forma lúdica da prazer, felicidade e transforma-se em algo agradável, independente de sermos os vencedores ou não. No tecer da discussão apresentamos algumas reflexões quanto a importância de mudanças nesta postura do profissional, utilizando algumas categorias de Paulo Freire, consideradas fundamentais como a afetividade e dialogicidade, sem as quais torna-se difícil a conscientização e renovação no jeito de ensinar.
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Le changement par les technologies numériques en école d'ingénieurs : Étude d’impact / The changing by digital technology in engineering school : Impact StudyNjingang Mbadjoin, Theodore 18 June 2015 (has links)
Résumé : Cette recherche analyse l'impact des technologies numériques sur l'efficacité de l'innovation des formations professionnelles d'ingénieur, des apprentissages et la flexibilité des dispositifs pédagogiques, ainsi que sur la professionnalisation des enseignants tuteurs universitaires. Ceci, au regard des modèles d'organisation managériale et d’usages pédagogiques des TIC. Les résultats de l’axe 1 indiquent que, les dispositifs de Master présentent un modèle d’organisation bi modale hybride qui impacte directement le déséquilibre de répartition des charges entre distance/présence. L’impact indirect sur les actions managériales favorise la flexibilité des dispositifs en termes de gestion des contraintes professionnelles/distance géographique et l’adaptation horaire, l’ouverture aux projets communs, le libre choix des méthodes et outils de communication collaborative médiatisée, accentués par l’émergence de changements de comportement, et une forte dynamique d’esprit d’équipe acceptant les différences constructives. En revanche, il suscite chez l’étudiant l’expression d’un mal-être se traduisant par la nécessité de souplesse structurelle, un besoin de télé laboratoire et plus de travaux pratiques professionnels en présence. L’axe 2 indique un impact direct sur l’usage pédagogique intensif du groupe d’outils incitatifs et interactifs (Emails, chat, forum, simulations, exerciseurs, conception/modèle graphe), et un usage médiocre du groupe (vidéo/visioconférence, audioconférence), l’absence d’usage du groupe (blog, wiki). En outre, il apparaît que le groupe d’outils (chat, forum, simulation, exerciseur) à usage intensif (presque à tous les UE), sont peu efficaces, contrairement aux outils (vidéo/visioconférence, téléconférence) à usage médiocre (rare à l’UE), qui sont plutôt assez efficace. La structuration des forums a un impact significatif sur l’efficacité d’apprentissage. Les forums de type 2 (assez structurés, 3 ≥ fn < 6), présentent une forte intensité de messages référentiels cognitifs et un comportement initia tif et réactif, assez prononcé. A L’inverse, les forums de type 1 (peu structurés, fn < 3), accentuent les messages (relationnels, de régulation) et l’attitude évaluative. Il apparaît dans les dispositifs hybrides, que la performance des étudiants ne dépend pas simplement de l’usage diversifié et intensif d’outils numériques, mais aussi des facteurs d’autodétermination, motivationnels, le sentiment de compétences et la valeur ajoutée des dispositifs. L’axe 3, présente un impact significatif des dispositifs sur le développement professionnel des enseignants/tuteurs, au niveau du changement des pratiques innovantes et de leur sentiment d’engagement. Il ressort que l’engagement dépend plus de l’intention personnelle d’explorer de nouvelles méthodes pédagogiques à distance par le numérique, et non pas aux prescriptions institutionnelles, ou actions managériales, perçues comme des injonctions institutionnelles.Mots-clés : Management et organisation, Technologies numériques, Innovation et formation d’ingénieurs, flexibilité et efficacité des stratégies, impact dispositifs hybrides ou FAD/e-Learning, actes de langage, pratiques pédagogiques innovantes, développement professionnel / This research analyzes the impact of the digital technologies on the efficiency of innovation of the vocational engineer’s trainings, and the flexibility of educational devices in distance learning, as well as on the professionalization of the teacher’s university guardians. This, with regard to the models of managerial organization and educational practices of ICTS(INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES).With the glance as of results from the axis 1, it arises that, the organization devices as regard mater degree, offer the model type bimodal hybrid with an imbalance in the burden-sharing with charges activities higher as distance involved than presence. The indirect impact of managerial actions favor the flexibility of devices in terms of managing professionals constraints as regard distance geographical and the hourly adaptation, the opening to the common projects, the free choice of methods and communications tools. It accentuated the emergency of the behavioral changes, and a strong dynamics of team spirit accepting the constructive differences. In addition, from de axis 2 of search, the intensive use of the inciting digital tools and interactive tool is not enough to explain their effectiveness or performance durably in supporting quality and evolution of the device’s training. It makes emerge the difficulty in organizing, illustrating and sharing the graphic figures or symbols, in order to explain reasoning during the exchanges with (chat, audio conference, and forum).The use of simulation devices is less effective, because of the digital divide (cost access and low speed Internet, infrastructures decayed to the point). Furthermore, the level of structuring of the forums has a significant impact on the effectiveness of training. Forums of the type 2 (structured enough, 3 ≥ fn ≤ 6), presents a high intensity of cognitive/métacognitive’s messages, an initiative and reactive behavior. It is the reverse with the forums type 1 (little structured, fn ≤ 2), where the evaluative attitude and messages that are not directly related to learning are increase than others. It also appears that the performance of the students does not depend simply on the intensive use of tool of the digital tools, but of their self-determination, resulting in their feeling of new competences, the sources of motivation and the added-value of the devices to develop itself in company. It arises from axis 3 that the devices significantly impact the professional development of the teachers/tutors, with the changes of practices digital and a strong personal intention to explore new teaching practices remotely, and not of a commitment related to the managerial or institutional regulations, perceived like injunctions.Keys words: Impact of digital technologies, hybrid devices or FAD/e-Learning, training of engineers of LMD system, flexibility and effectiveness’s pedagogic, acts of language and training quality, practices innovating, professional development of trainer. Management and organization
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Prática discursiva, prática pedagógica e estrutura de conhecimento em comunicação síncrona online / Discursive practice, pedagogic practice and knowledge structure in online synchronous communicationVictoriano, Erisana Célia Sanches 26 October 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-10-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The new ICTs have been used in face-to-face and distance courses to support and enrich teaching-learning processes. However, their use demands planning and adequacy so that it corresponds to educational goals. For this reason, many studies have been developed. They usually focus on the use of the tools, or on the roles teachers and students play during the interactions (Gervai, 2007; Costa, 2005; Leal, 2005). However, these investigations do not seem to consider language as central in teaching-learning processes; they do not discuss the importance of pedagogic practice and the knowledge structure that are involved in the interactions. In order to contribute to the filling of these gaps, this research was suggested. Therefore, the general objective of this study is to contribute to the improvement on the use of ICTs, more specifically to the use of synchronous communication tools in educational contexts, by considering language as central in teaching-learning processes. In order to reach this goal, seven synchronous sessions (chats) were collected from a distance course that was offered for teachers of English. In addition, the data were analysed under two theoretical frameworks: the systemic-functional theory and the Bernstenian social theory. The analysis developed during this research favoured detailed comprehension about some kinds of interactions that can take place in online synchronous communication in educational contexts, as it highlighted differences in the pedagogic and discursive practices, and in the knowledge structure during the sessions. The analysis developed with the support of the systemic-functional approach for the description of conversations, exchange structure (Martin, 1992), allowed a detailed study of some discursive practices that can take place during this kind of communication. This analysis, combined with the concepts of regulative and instructional discourse suggested in the Bernsteinian theory (Bernstein, 1990), allowed reflections about pedagogic practices that had been involved in the online synchronous sessions. Finally, the concept of entity (Martin and Rose, 2003) and the concepts of horizontal and vertical discourse (Bernstein, 1990) contributed to the comprehension about the nature of knowledge which had been involved in the interactions. This research indicates that the combination of the systemic-functional theory and the Bernsteinian theory can be powerful for the comprehension of language, pedagogic practices and different nature of knowledge that were brought to the interactions; and, it presents results which can contribute to an adequate use of chats in educational contexts , and to the quality of distance education / As tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TICs) vêm sendo usadas em cursos presenciais e a distância com o objetivo apoiar e enriquecer o ensino-aprendizagem. Porém, seu uso exige planejamento e adequação para que corresponda aos objetivos educacionais. Por esse motivo, muitos estudos vêm sendo conduzidos. Esses estudos geralmente focam o uso das próprias ferramentas, ou o papel de professores e alunos durante as interações (Gervai, 2007; Costa, 2005; Leal, 2005). No entanto, essas investigações não consideram a centralidade da linguagem no ensino-aprendizagem, e não discutem a importância da prática pedagógica e das naturezas do conhecimento envolvidas nas interações. Para contribuir com o preenchimento dessas lacunas, esta pesquisa foi proposta. Dessa forma, o objetivo geral deste trabalho é contribuir para o aprimoramento do uso das TICs, mais especificamente com o uso de ferramentas de comunicação síncrona, em contexto educacional considerando a centralidade lingüística em contextos de ensino-aprendizagem. Para tal, sete sessões síncronas online (bate-papos) foram coletadas de um curso a distância, oferecido para professores de inglês. Além disso, os dados foram analisados sob duas perspectivas teóricas: a teoria sistêmico-funcional e a teoria social Bernsteiniana. Ao apontar diferenças nas práticas discursivas e pedagógicas, e na estrutura do conhecimento durante as sessões, a análise conduzida durante essa pesquisa ajudou a compreender mais detalhadamente o tipo de interação que pode acontecer em comunicações síncronas online em contexto educacional. A análise conduzida com ajuda do conceito sistêmico-funcional de estrutura da troca (Martin, 1992) possibilitou um estudo detalhado de algumas práticas discursivas que podem acontecer neste tipo de comunicação online. Essa análise, combinada com os conceitos de discurso regulador e instrucional propostos na teoria bernsteiniana (Bernstein, 1990) permitiu reflexões sobre as práticas pedagógicas que estiveram envolvidas nas sessões síncronas online. Por fim, o conceito de entidade (Martin e Rose, 2003) e os conceitos de discurso horizontal e discurso vertical (Bernstein, 1990), colaboraram para o entendimento sobre a natureza dos conhecimentos envolvidos nas interações. Esta pesquisa indica que a combinação da teoria sistêmico-funcional com a teoria Bernsteiniana mostra-se ferramenta poderosa para a compreensão da linguagem, da prática pedagógica e das diferentes naturezas de conhecimentos trazidos para contextos educacionais; e, apresenta resultados que podem contribuir com usos adequados de ferramentas síncronas digitais em contexto educacional e, assim, com a melhoria da qualidade da educação a distância.
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Prática discursiva, prática pedagógica e estrutura de conhecimento em comunicação síncrona online / Discursive practice, pedagogic practice and knowledge structure in online synchronous communicationVictoriano, Erisana Célia Sanches 26 October 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-10-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The new ICTs have been used in face-to-face and distance courses to support and enrich teaching-learning processes. However, their use demands planning and adequacy so that it corresponds to educational goals. For this reason, many studies have been developed. They usually focus on the use of the tools, or on the roles teachers and students play during the interactions (Gervai, 2007; Costa, 2005; Leal, 2005). However, these investigations do not seem to consider language as central in teaching-learning processes; they do not discuss the importance of pedagogic practice and the knowledge structure that are involved in the interactions. In order to contribute to the filling of these gaps, this research was suggested. Therefore, the general objective of this study is to contribute to the improvement on the use of ICTs, more specifically to the use of synchronous communication tools in educational contexts, by considering language as central in teaching-learning processes. In order to reach this goal, seven synchronous sessions (chats) were collected from a distance course that was offered for teachers of English. In addition, the data were analysed under two theoretical frameworks: the systemic-functional theory and the Bernstenian social theory. The analysis developed during this research favoured detailed comprehension about some kinds of interactions that can take place in online synchronous communication in educational contexts, as it highlighted differences in the pedagogic and discursive practices, and in the knowledge structure during the sessions. The analysis developed with the support of the systemic-functional approach for the description of conversations, exchange structure (Martin, 1992), allowed a detailed study of some discursive practices that can take place during this kind of communication. This analysis, combined with the concepts of regulative and instructional discourse suggested in the Bernsteinian theory (Bernstein, 1990), allowed reflections about pedagogic practices that had been involved in the online synchronous sessions. Finally, the concept of entity (Martin and Rose, 2003) and the concepts of horizontal and vertical discourse (Bernstein, 1990) contributed to the comprehension about the nature of knowledge which had been involved in the interactions. This research indicates that the combination of the systemic-functional theory and the Bernsteinian theory can be powerful for the comprehension of language, pedagogic practices and different nature of knowledge that were brought to the interactions; and, it presents results which can contribute to an adequate use of chats in educational contexts , and to the quality of distance education / As tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TICs) vêm sendo usadas em cursos presenciais e a distância com o objetivo apoiar e enriquecer o ensino-aprendizagem. Porém, seu uso exige planejamento e adequação para que corresponda aos objetivos educacionais. Por esse motivo, muitos estudos vêm sendo conduzidos. Esses estudos geralmente focam o uso das próprias ferramentas, ou o papel de professores e alunos durante as interações (Gervai, 2007; Costa, 2005; Leal, 2005). No entanto, essas investigações não consideram a centralidade da linguagem no ensino-aprendizagem, e não discutem a importância da prática pedagógica e das naturezas do conhecimento envolvidas nas interações. Para contribuir com o preenchimento dessas lacunas, esta pesquisa foi proposta. Dessa forma, o objetivo geral deste trabalho é contribuir para o aprimoramento do uso das TICs, mais especificamente com o uso de ferramentas de comunicação síncrona, em contexto educacional considerando a centralidade lingüística em contextos de ensino-aprendizagem. Para tal, sete sessões síncronas online (bate-papos) foram coletadas de um curso a distância, oferecido para professores de inglês. Além disso, os dados foram analisados sob duas perspectivas teóricas: a teoria sistêmico-funcional e a teoria social Bernsteiniana. Ao apontar diferenças nas práticas discursivas e pedagógicas, e na estrutura do conhecimento durante as sessões, a análise conduzida durante essa pesquisa ajudou a compreender mais detalhadamente o tipo de interação que pode acontecer em comunicações síncronas online em contexto educacional. A análise conduzida com ajuda do conceito sistêmico-funcional de estrutura da troca (Martin, 1992) possibilitou um estudo detalhado de algumas práticas discursivas que podem acontecer neste tipo de comunicação online. Essa análise, combinada com os conceitos de discurso regulador e instrucional propostos na teoria bernsteiniana (Bernstein, 1990) permitiu reflexões sobre as práticas pedagógicas que estiveram envolvidas nas sessões síncronas online. Por fim, o conceito de entidade (Martin e Rose, 2003) e os conceitos de discurso horizontal e discurso vertical (Bernstein, 1990), colaboraram para o entendimento sobre a natureza dos conhecimentos envolvidos nas interações. Esta pesquisa indica que a combinação da teoria sistêmico-funcional com a teoria Bernsteiniana mostra-se ferramenta poderosa para a compreensão da linguagem, da prática pedagógica e das diferentes naturezas de conhecimentos trazidos para contextos educacionais; e, apresenta resultados que podem contribuir com usos adequados de ferramentas síncronas digitais em contexto educacional e, assim, com a melhoria da qualidade da educação a distância
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[pt] Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar as vozes
discursivas envolvidas no ensino de gramática da língua
portuguesa no contexto escolar: a voz do sistema
educacional, de instituições escolares, de professores, de
alunos e da família. O estudo dessas vozes que compartilham
o mesmo universo discursivo e das concepções que expressam
sobre questões relacionadas à gramática foi feito a
partir das noções de voz, dialogismo e polifonia de Bakhtin
(1981, 2000) e das contribuições de vários estudiosos a
respeito do ensino de língua portuguesa (Bagno, 1999, 2002;
Geraldi, 1987, 1996, 2002; Perini, 2001; Possenti, 1996,
2002). O corpus principal da pesquisa compõe-se de dados do
discurso oral, tendo sido gravadas e transcritas 52
entrevistas, com professoras, alunos e mães de
alunos de 5a a 8a série de duas escolas, uma particular e
outra municipal. Uma vice-diretora e uma coordenadora foram
entrevistadas, representando as duas escolas. O texto dos
Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCNs) para a língua
portuguesa foi anexado ao corpus coletado para esta
pesquisa, buscando-se identificar, através deles, a voz do
sistema educacional. O confronto de vozes foi
feito a partir de cinco temas que afloraram dos dados:
ensino de gramática, conteúdos, finalidades, modos de
ensinar/aprender e variação lingüística.
Investigamos cada uma das vozes discursivas de modo a
perceber como o enunciado de uma voz reflete o enunciado de
outra, enfatizando os aspectos em que tais vozes ecoam
simultaneamente. Esse confronto de vozes nos possibilitou
fazer a descrição e análise de diferentes percepções quanto
ao ensino de gramática; identificar as contribuições das
novas teorias lingüísticas incorporadas ao ensino de língua
portuguesa; e verificar que as concepções de língua,
gramática e ensino de língua direcionam o fazer pedagógico
e que, para os alunos, o sucesso do ensino está relacionado
ao modo como este é implementado em sala de aula. / [en] This research investigates the discursive voices involved
in the teaching of Portuguese grammar in school contexts:
the voice of the educational system, schools, teachers,
students and families. The study of these voices which
share the same discursive universe, as well as the
conceptions they express about grammar, was based on
Bakhtin`s (1981, 2000) notions of voice, dialogism and
polyphony and on the contributions of research work about
Portuguese language teaching (Bagno, 1999, 2002; Geraldi,
1987, 1996, 2002; Perini, 2001; Possenti, 1996, 2002). The
main corpus of this study is composed of spoken discourse
data that were recorded and transcribed. Interviews (N=52)
with teachers, students and student mothers from 5th to 8th
grades were conducted in two schools, a private and a
public one. A vice-director and a coordinator were
interviewed, representing each school. The text of the
National Curriculum Parameters (PCNs) for the Portuguese
language was added to the corpus in order to represent the
voice of the educational system voice. The confrontation of
voices is developed around five themes that emerged from
the data: grammar teaching, contents, purposes, ways of
teaching/learning and linguistic variation. We investigated
each discursive voice in order to check how the discourse
of a voice reflects the discourse of another voice,
emphasizing the aspects in which such voices echo
simultaneously. This confrontation of voices allowed us to
describe and analyze the different perceptions related to
grammar teaching; to identify the contributions of new
linguistic theories to Portuguese teaching; to verify that
language, grammar and language teaching conceptions affect
pedagogic practice; and to realize that, for students,
teaching success is related to the way this practice is
implemented by teachers in the classroom.
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Estudio de caso sobre la viabilidad de la integración curricular como proceso para atender a la diversidad del alumnado del Programa de Diversificación CurricularMolina Saorín, Jesús 06 July 2001 (has links)
Esta Tesis de Doctorado Europeo dedica tres grandes capítulos a la defensa y propuesta de un nuevo método educativo de enseñanza que atiende a la diversidad del alumnado. Se trata de una propuesta totalmente innovadora y sin precedente, que abre nuevas líneas de investigación, realizando una crítica a las teorías del aprendizaje y a los modelos de organización y diseño curricular actuales. Partiendo de un paradigma critico, defiende la construcción de un Proyecto Curricular basado en Unidades Didácticas Integradas (UDIs) como herramienta básica en la construcción de una escuela abierta, plural y atenta a la diversidad. A través de sus dos últimos capítulos, junto con la edición de un video y dos CD Roms interactivos, se describe y ejemplifica el proceso y la experiencia llevada a cabo en un centro de la ESO de Murcia, así como los resultados obtenidos, a través de una metodología de análisis eminentemente cualitativa. / This Thesis of European Doctorate dedicates three big chapters to the defense and offer of a new educational method of education that attends to the diversity of the pupils. It is a question of a totally innovative offer and without precedent, that it opens new lines of investigation, realizing a critique to the theories of the learning and to the current models of organization and curriculum development. Departing from a critic paradigm, it defends the construction of a Project Curricular based on Didactic Integrated Units (UDIs) as basic tool in the construction of an opened, plural and attentive school to attend the diversity. Across his last two chapters, together with the edition of a video and two interactive CD-ROMs, it described and exemplifies the process and the experience carried out in a Institute of secondary education of Murcia, as well as the obtained results, across an eminently qualitative methodology of analysis.
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Blended learning : undergraduate students' experiences of using technology to support their learningJefferies, Amanda Lucille Joanne January 2011 (has links)
This thesis investigates undergraduate experiences of studying within a blended learning environment at a UK university in the first decade of the 21st century. Blended learning in this context comprises the use of institutionally provided technologies including a university-wide managed learning environment, alongside campus-based classroom teaching to support student learning. The personal ownership of technologies and their importance for the student learning experience is also considered. The University of Hertfordshire has promoted itself as a ‘blended learning institution’ since 2005 and this study considers what blended learning means and how students use information technology to support their learning. The study approaches the student experience of blended learning by considering three constituent themes: the student, their HE study and their use of technology. The preliminary study for this work used student constructed reflective video and audio diaries over a period of 18 months. Subsequently a new conceptual framework was drawn up by the researcher. This provided a matrix structure with which to explore through interviews with students their uses of technology for learning, and the relationship with approaches to pedagogy. The analysis of the interviews has provided a snapshot of students’ experiences of pedagogy and technology use across their studies. A Venn diagram was used to explore the three themes and provide a representation of the extent to which technology is seen by students as a part of their everyday lives whether for study or leisure. The student experiences reported here demonstrated a high degree of dependence on technology overall in both their personal and study lives. Their preferences were for a learning environment which included both the taught campus–based experience and the opportunity for easy online access to materials and supplementary activities to support their studies twenty four hours a day. As the students reported on their ‘maturing’ as learners during the course of the study, they described increasingly sophisticated online searching strategies and independent approaches to their learning regardless of their personal pedagogic preferences. Garrison and Vaughan assert that the ‘ideal educational transaction is a collaborative constructivist process that has inquiry at its core’ (2008:14). The outcome of this study presents a more complex view of the student experience of pedagogy in Higher Education. While recent research has reported on the student experience of either technology or pedagogy, the unique contribution of this study is its consideration of both pedagogy and the use of information technology from the viewpoint of the student experience.
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