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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Silent University at Tensta konsthall : From educational platform to community building activities

Saarnak, Katinka January 2023 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the decade-long collaboration between The Silent University and Tensta konsthall, investigating its role as a lasting, solidarity driven, educational, socially engaged art project within an art institution. Utilizing qualitative methods and institutional ethnography, the study examines the relationship between The Silent University within Tensta konsthall. The research uses three guiding questions: 1) How can The Silent University and its integration into Tensta konsthall be interpreted as a socially engaged, transformative, and performative artwork?; 2) How has the implementation of The Silent University at Tensta konsthall evolved since its inception?; 3) What is the current status of The Silent University as a socially engaged project and artwork within the context of Tensta konsthall? The first question is answered by employing Umberto Eco's concept of "open" works and Claire Bishop's analysis of socially engaged art and uses secondary sources as material. The second question is approached through interviews with Fahyma Alnablsi and Emily Fahlén. Drawing from Michel de Certeau’s concepts of "tactics" and "strategies," as well as Sara Ahmed's notions of the "stranger" and community building, the second chapter explores the project's evolving dynamics and potential tensions since its establishment. In response to the third question, the discussion synthesizes The Silent University's journey at Tensta konsthall, underscoring its evolution and present condition. Findings highlight The Silent University's classification as an "open" and transformative artwork. It has transitioned from a primarily educational focus to a more socially engaged approach within the framework of Tensta konsthall. The project's sustainability is closely intertwined with Alnablsi’s involvement and engagement, thus posing both a strength and a challenge. In essence, this thesis dissects The Silent University's role within Tensta konsthall, delving into its transformative artistic, educational, and social facets, thereby contributing to a deeper understanding of the interplay between socially engaged art, institutions, and community dynamics.

Fri lek i förskoleklass : En intervjustudie med sex förskollärare om den fria lekens betydelse i förskoleklassens undervisning / Free play in preschool class : An interview study with six preschool teachers about the importance of free play in the teaching of the preschool class

Falck, Malin, Sedendahl, Katarina January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med vårt arbete är att utveckla kunskap om hur förskollärare ser på den fria lekens betydelse i förskoleklassens verksamhet samt hur de använder sig av och förhåller sig till barnens fria lek. Detta utifrån hur förskollärarna tolkar läroplanens innehåll och utifrån hur barngruppens behov och verksamhetens förutsättningar ser ut. Metoden består av insamlade data från intervjuer med sex förskollärare som är verksamma i förskoleklasser i olika delar av Sverige. Datainsamlingen har analyserats med utgångspunkt från det teoretiska perspektivet policy enactment som i vår studie innebär att förskollärarna tolkar, anpassar och använder sig av läroplansinnehållet i sin undervisning. Det framkom olika kategorier från vår datainsamling som presenteras som rubriker i resultatavsnittet. De kategorier som framkommer utifrån vår första frågeställning om den fria lekens betydelse är: Utveckla lärande, utvecklas socialt samt utveckla inflytande och delaktighet genom den fria leken. De kategorier som framkommer från vår andra frågeställning om förskollärarens förhållningssätt är: Att styra den fria leken, att använda den fria leken som fyllmedel eller motivation samt Att positionera sig vid barnens fria lek. Resultatet visar hur förskollärarna använder sig av den fria leken i förskoleklassens verksamhet, vilka möjligheter, fördelar och svårigheter som upplevs samt vilka begränsningar som görs. I resultatet framkommer även hur förskollärarna väljer att positionera sig under barnens fria lek och vilka fördelar respektive nackdelar som deras val innebär. Avslutningsvis sammanfattas slutsatser om att den fria leken ses som viktig utifrån både ett socialt och ett lärande perspektiv, samtidigt som förskollärarna belyser att den fria leken utifrån olika faktorer begränsas.

Pädagogische, psychologische und kulturanalytische Traditionen und Perspektiven im Werk Ellen Keys

Mann, Katja 07 April 2003 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt eine biographische und werkanalytische Untersuchung über Ellen Key dar. Mittels biographisch-historischer, phänomenologischer und hermeneutischer Methoden wurden mehrere voneinander abgrenzbare Facetten des Lebenslaufes und des Werkes der schwedischen Reformpädagogin in ihren Beziehungen untereinander wie auch zu den epochalen und gesellschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen herausgearbeitet. Im Sinne des Strukturmodells Wilhelm Diltheys sind alle diese Facetten als Strukturelemente aufzufassen, welche in ihrer Anordnung und gegenseitigen Bedingtheit die Individualität Ellen Keys abbilden. Strukturelemente, die im Rahmen dieser Untersuchung detailliert dargelegt wurden, sind: Ellen Keys Verhältnis zur Philosophie, zur Dichtung, zur Frauenfrage, zum libertären Sozialismus, zum Pazifismus, zur Religion, zur Anthropologie und Psychologie sowie zur Pädagogik. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass Keys Denken weit über pädagogische Einflüsse hinaus sehr stark von europäischen Kulturtraditionen, insbesondere auch von deutschsprachiger Philosophie und Dichtkunst, geprägt war. Ihr pädagogisches Konzept kann daher nur unter Berücksichtigung ihrer kulturanalytischen und kulturkritischen Neigungen und Interessen angemessen verstanden und eingeordnet werden. Ellen Key stand im Schnittpunkt bedeutender Kulturtraditionen Europas wie etwa des Darwinismus, der nietzscheschen Philosophie, des libertären Sozialismus eines Oscar Wilde, der Pädagogik Rousseaus und des Menschen- wie auch Weltbildes Goethes. Daneben unterhielt sie intensive persönliche Kontakte zu bedeutenden Künstlern, Wissenschaftlern und Schriftstellern ihrer Zeit, wie etwa Rainer Maria Rilke, Romain Rolland, Georg Brandes, Stefan Zweig, Lou Andreas-Salomé, Poul Bjerre und Bertha von Suttner. All diese Einflüsse haben es Ellen Key ermöglicht, ein Werk zu schaffen, welches die Pädagogik in ihren vielschichtigen und komplexen Zusammenhängen mit anderen Kulturbereichen definiert - eine Art von Erziehungslehre, die durch ein hohes Maß von Integration vielfältiger wissenschaftlicher und philosophischer Erkenntnisse und Überlegungen besticht und damit auch zukünftig große Aktualität aufweist. / The following essay is intended as a biographical and analytical examination of Ellen Key and her work. Using biographical/historical, phenomenological and hermeneutical methods several disconnected facets of the life and work of the Swedish reformist educationalist were elaborated in their relationship to each other as well as to their contemporary and social setting. In close adherence to Wilhelm Dithey's structural model all of these facets can to perceived as structural elements which in their sequence and mutual conditionality reflect the individuality of Ellen Key. Structural elements presented in detail in the course of this examination are: Ellen Key's relationship to philosophy, poetry, women's rights, libertarian socialism, pacifism, religion, anthropology, psychology and education. It was possible to demonstrate that Key's thinking encompassed far more than just pedagogical influences and was very strongly determined by European cultural traditions and especially by German philosophy and poetry. Her pedagogical concept can therefore only be adequately understood and quantified when one considers her inclinations and interests when analysing and criticising contemporary culture. Ellen Key found herself at the crossing point of significant European cultural traditions like Darwinism, Nietschean philosophy, libertarian socialism as promulgated by Oscar Wilde, Rousseau's theory of education and Goethe's views on mankind and the world picture. She also had close personal contacts to eminent artists, scientists and writers of her time like Rainer Maria Rilke, Romain Rolland, Georg Brandes, Stefan Zweig, Lou Andreas-Salomé, Poul Bjerre and Bertha von Suttner. All these influences allowed Ellen Key to create a work which defines pedagogy in its multifarious and complex connections with other cultural areas - a sort of educational doctrine, which achieves significance through its high level of integration of diverse scientific and philosophical insights and reflections and in doing so demonstrates its continued relevance for the future.

Tâches d'apprentissage et langues étrangères: analyse et application en classe de FLE de niveau secondaire / Learning Tasks and Foreign Languages: Analysis and Application in Secondary Level FLE Classes

Sessions, Gwenola Jane 08 1900 (has links)
Teaching a foreign language using task-based language teaching (TBLT) has garnered a lot of attention and has been the object of worldwide scientific studies for the last thirty years. Few of these studies, however, include an evaluation of this method by the teachers themselves, or are conducted by them directly. My thesis, centered around the notion of task-based language learning, a teaching method recommended more and more though sometimes still snubbed, relies on my professional experience as a teacher of secondary level FLE classes in the United States and on the analysis of reference studies conducted in this field. I have adopted the methodology of research-action with the goal of offering a pedagogic intervention. First I identify certain hurdles encountered by high school foreign language teachers. After this introduction, I evaluate the methods and didactic principles that stood out to lead to a teaching philosophy centered around communication, such as task-based language teaching. The second part of the thesis presents some important studies that evaluate the pros and cons of this approach. The next section examines in turn each of three tasks offered as contrast against the traditional model consisting of presentation, practice and production, known as "PPP." Finally the last section presents my conclusions which will serve as a frame of reference for future research by other teachers.

The design of continuous professional development in technikons, with special reference to the teaching function

Matee, Bruce Lesego 03 December 2009 (has links)
A CPD model for the University of Technology lecturers is designed in this study. The focus of the CPD model is on teaching as a predominant feature of the Lecturers‟ functions. Literature review on the nature, historic developments and the mandate of former Technikons in South Africa is conducted. A comparative analysis of University of Technology education systems in five other countries is conducted. Research was then conducted to establish the status of Lecturers‟ CPD in former Technikons. Data obtained from literature and the research project was used to design a CPD model for University of Technology Lecturers. Interviews were subsequently conducted with CPD practitioners in Universities of Technology to obtain opinions on the model. A survey was conducted to obtain Lecturers‟ opinions on the aspects of the model. Data obtained was then used to modify the model. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Educational Management)

A framework for the development of pedagogical content knowledge for secondary school statistics teachers

Makina, Antonia 11 1900 (has links)
The study developed and designed a pedagogical content knowledge framework to guide and support the professional development of pedagogical content knowledge to about 130 statistics teachers. It captured the experiences of teachers during the development of pedagogical content knowledge, to come up with the main themes that describe pedagogical content knowledge as the relevant knowledge for teaching Grade 11 and 12 statistics. The study was overall qualitative in nature and supported by some quantitative data. Questionnaires, in-class facilitated tasks/activities, in-class facilitated discussions and observations were used as the main data collection instruments. This process revealed some significant themes, described as “missed opportunities”, which were defined as incidents in which pedagogical content knowledge was needed but not used. The thesis contributes to the theoretical and knowledge base of secondary school statistics teachers in the education system by providing measures that can be used to determine professional development needs of teachers. / Mathematics Education / D. Ed. (Mathematics Education)

Die rol van die vrou in die onderwys met spesiale verwysing na bruinonderwys

Wessels, Frances Joan 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Die Bruinvrou in die onderwys het 'n besondere rol om te vertolk veral in die !ewe van die volwassewordende kind asook in die hele skoolopset. Die doel van hierdie ondersoek was om hierdie rol te bepaal. Tersaaklike gegewens is verkry deur middel van Iiteratuurstudie, die outobiografiese teks, onderhoude asook vraelyste. Deur die inligting bekom, is vasgestel dat die omstandighede waaronder 'n groot gedcelte van die Bruinonderwyseresse werk, nie altyd gunstig is nie. Baie Bruinlccrclcrs woon in sosio-ekonomiese agtergeblewe gebiede waar misdaad en bendebcdrywighedc aan die orde van die dag is. Waardestelsels, leefstyl van die subkultuur, onvoldoende materiele versorging en gebrekkige opvoeding veroorsaak steuringe in die leerders se ingesteldheid teenoor die skool. Haar vrouwees laat die onderwyseres baie empatie toon in haar opvoedingskommunikasie met die leerder. Sy poog om toereikend na sy behoeftes om te sicn. As medcganger help sy die leerder om elke mylpaal wat hy bereik, te beskou as die begin van 'n ander. Deur haar meelewendheid word veral die milieugestremde Bruinkind se menswaardigheid erken. Baie bruinleerders het aangedui dat onderwyseresse rolmodelle vir hulle is. Sommige onderwyseresse word verplig om jarelank dieselfde graad te onderrig. Aangesien hulle so 'n betekenisvolle rol in die volwassewording van die kind speel, is dit nodig dat hulle ervaring opdoen van die verskillende grade in die skool. Die vrou is baie veelsydig en het moontlikhede wat tocreikcnd aangewend kan word in al die fasette van die skoolopset. Sy kan '11 baie belangrike bydrae lewer in die organisasie en administrasie van die skool as sy die geleentheid gebied word. Haar ingesteldheid op die menslike en die belangrikheid van gesonde verhoudinge asook haar hoe pligsbesef dui daarop dat die onderwyseres by magte is om 'n uitstekende onderwysleier te wees. Nieteenstaande die feit dat onderwyseresse volgens statistieke oorverteenwoordig is in die onderwys, is hulle onderverteenwoordig in bestuursposte. Alhoewel die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid Afrika 1996, gebaseer is op die beginsels van gelykheid en menswaardigheid, is seksisme en diskriminasie op grond van geslag nog steeds ernstige struikelblokke vir die onderwyseres op haar weg na beter vooruitsigte in die onderwys. Aanbevelings vir praktykverbetering asook verdere navorsing is gemaak. / The Coloured woman in education has a particular role to play, especially in the life of the child growing towards adulthood as well as in the school in general. The aim of this investigation is to determine that role. Relevant information had been obtained by means of literary sources, autobiographical texts, interviews and questionnaires. Having obtained this information, it was established that the circumstances in which a large proportion of Coloured female educators work, are not always favourable. Many coloured learners live in socio-economic disadvantaged areas where crime and gangsterism prevail. Value systems, lifestyles of the subculture, inadequate material care and a serious lack of education are causing disruptions of learners' inclination towards the school. Being a woman enables the female educator to show considerable empathy in her pedagogic communication with the learners. She endeavours to sufficiently provide in their needs. As pedagogic accompanist she assists the learner to see every milestone that he/she achieves as the basis for another. Her involvement brings about an acknowledgement of the human dignity of the milieu-deprived Coloured child. Many coloured learners have indicated that their female educators are their role models. Some female educators are compelled to teach the same grade for years. Their significant role merits experience of teaching the various grades at school. Women are very versatile and have potential which can be utilized adequately in all the facets of the school situation. They can make very important contributions towards the organisation and administration of the school as a whole, given the opportunity. Their focus on human nature and the importance of sound relationships as well as their high sense of duty are indicative of the ability female educators have to become excellent leaders in education. They are nevertheless under-represented in educational management positions. Although the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, is based on the principles of equality and human dignity, sexism is still a stumbling block in the path of female educators. Recommendations for an improvement m educational practice as well as further research were made. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Filosofie van die Opvoeding)

Aggressiwiteit : 'n fundamenteel-andragogiese perspektief op selfbeeldvorming

Fourie, Hendrina Magdalena, 1948- 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Teen die agtergrond van toenemende gewelddadige gedrag binne die konteks van verskillende bevolkingsgroepe en gemeenskappe, is reeds ·heelwat navorsing ten opsigte van die aard en oorsake van aggressiewe gedrag onderneem. Aggressiwiteit as vorm van afwykende gedrag is nog nooit deur die onderskeie gemeenskappe in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika aanvaar nie. Die oorsake van aggressiwiteit word deur verskillende navorsers vanuit wydverspreide ooghoeke benader. Hoewel fisiologiese oorsake van aggressiewe gedrag nie deur die skrywer ontken word nie, word in hierdie studie die volwasse mens as verantwoordelike en verantwoordbare wese se motivering vir aggressiewe gedrag van naderby beskou. 'n Weldeurdagte literatuurstudie oor aggressiwiteit sowel as die basiese hunkeringe van die mens in die kontemporer-moderne wereld, het aan die lig gebring dat mense verskillend optree al sou hulle aan dieselfde samelewingseise blootgestel word. Ervaringsreste, veral ten opsigte van pedagogiese verhoudings, blyk 'n groat rol in die vorming van die selfbeeld sowel as belewing en hantering van krisissituasies te speel. Die mens staan nooit alleen in die wereld nie, maar is voortdurend in 'n verhouding betrokke. Die noodwendigheid van verhoudings raak horn as sosiale wese, en is ten nouste gekoppel aan belewing en beagting van die self. Defhalwe word die ervaring van verhoudings uit veral die kinderdae, of te wel pedagogiese verhoudings, as van deurslaggewende belang by die vorming van die selfbeeld beskou. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie is geverifieer by wyse van 'n idiografiese ondersoek. Gevangenes wat aggressiewe misdade gepleeg het, is op vrywillige basis by die navorsing betrek. Na aanleiding van genoemde bevindings is dit nodig geag om 'n gestandaardiseerde vraelys vir die meting van elkeen se selfbeeldstand in te skakel. Aanbevelings is geformuleer nadat insig uit navorsingsresultate ten aansien van die interafhanklikheid van pedagogiese verhoudings, selfbeeldvorming en aggressiwiteit, verkry is. Hierdie aanbevelings is veral gerig op steungewende, terapeutiese begeleiding van die aggressiewe oortreder sodat hy vaardighede kan aanleer waar~olgens hy lewenskrisisse kan begryp en hanteer. / Extensive research has already been undertaken in respect of the nature of aggression against the background of increasingly violent behaviour within different population groups and communities. Aggression as a form of deviant behaviour has never been accepted by the various communities in the Republic of South Africa. Researchers have investigated the causes of aggression from a wide range of perspectives. Although the author does not deny the existence of physiological causes of aggressive behaviour, this research focuses on the motivation for aggressive behaviour in the adult as responsible and accountable being. A thorough study of the literature concerning aggression as well as, the basic yearnings of man in the contemporary modern world, revealed a diversity in human behaviour even when people were confronted with the identical demands of society. Past experience, especially in connection with pedagogic relations, appears to have an important impact on not only the formation of the self-image but also how people experience and cope with crisis situations. Man is never in the world in isolation but is continuously involved in relationships. This essentiality of relationships affects him as a social being and is intimately a,ssociated with the experiencing and evaluation of the self. Experiences with relationships, especially in childhood, that is pedagogic relationships, are therefore, of cardinal importance in self-image formation. The findings of this research were verified by means of ideographic studies. Prisoners who had perpetrated violent crimes were included in this research on a voluntary basis. In accordance with the findings it was considered necessary to incorporate a standardized questionnaire to measure the state of the self-image of each prisoner. Recommendations were formulated after obtaining insight arising from research findings which focussed on the interdependence of pedagogic relationships, self-image formation and aggression. These recommendations are mainly directed at the supportive therapeutic guidance of the aggressive transgressor in order that he may acquire skills to understand and cope with the crises of life. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Filosofie van die Opvoeding)


DANIELA CALDEIRA BRUNO 10 October 2005 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho desenvolve uma visão sobre a construção de identidades no contexto de práticas discursivas vivenciadas na formação de oficiais combatentes do Exército Brasileiro. Tais práticas evidenciam a representação dos sistemas simbólicos que dão forma a esta ecologia e às identidades suscitadas em seus participantes. As principais fontes de análise utilizadas foram textos interpretados como a materialização de um discurso de ordem social superior - o discurso pedagógico, produzidos durante exercícios de adestramento de tropas combatentes para o cumprimento de sua missão constitucional. Considerando-se que a língua carrega o potencial de produzir as ordens de significado que o dispositivo pedagógico está tentando controlar e distribuir, uma análise da organização funcional das práticas pedagógico-discursivas selecionadas, baseada no ferramental da Gramática Sistêmico-Funcional de Halliday (1985), principalmente no que tange à metafunção ideacional da linguagem e à transitividade, evidenciou que as escolhas lexicogramaticais, semânticas, fonológicas e entoacionais instanciadas constituem-se de sistemas semióticos não arbitrários de construção e representação do mundo. Essas escolhas funcionam produzindo significados particulares no âmbito da formação militar combatente, ideologicamente compartilhados e apropriados pela comunidade de prática estudada, facilitando processos de formação e representações sociais. As análises trouxeram à tona a crença de que o imaginário, o simbólico e o mítico marcham na mesma cadência que a racionalidade pretendida pelo discurso pedagógico enquanto veiculador de uma verdade e fator de construção de identidades no cotidiano das práticas discursivas que emergem nesta academia militar. / [en] This dissertation focuses on discourse, understood as an ideological practice of meaning and as a practice evocative of social identities at an institution of undergraduate military education. A particular view is developed on the identity construction process in the context of discursive practice enunciations taking place along the education of combatant officers of the Brazilian Army. Such practices reflect the representation of the symbolic systems which contribute to the shaping of this ecology and of the identities evoked from its members. The main source for analysis comprises texts interpreted as the materialization of a superior social order discourse - pedagogic discourse, produced during military maneuvers aiming at skilling combatant troops to accomplish their constitutional mission. Considering that language carries the potential of producing the orders of meaning which pedagogic discourse tries to control and distribute, the functional organization of the pedagogic-discursive practices was analyzed. Based on Halliday´s (1985) Systemic-Functional Grammar, with special focus on the ideational metafunction and transitivity, these analyses support that choices of lexicogramatical, semantic, phonological and intonation patterns build nonarbitrary semiotic systems of construction and representation of the world. These choices function producing particular meanings in the military combatant educational scope, besides being ideologically shared and appropriated by the studied community of practice, enabling social formation and representation processes. The analysis has risen the belief that the imaginary, the symbolic and the mythical march in the same cadence as that intended by the pedagogic discourse, medium which materializes the truth and factor of identity construction during the daily discursive practices that flourish at this military academy.

O ensino de Língua Portuguesa: os documentos oficiais e a construção do discurso pedagógico do professor da rede Estadual de Ensino de Carapicuíba

Ruotti, William 17 March 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T19:34:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 William Ruotti.pdf: 2133289 bytes, checksum: 75e78a01826c75e428e612e726f300c3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-17 / Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo / In this thesis, part of the line of research Reading, Writing and English Language Teaching, the Program of Postgraduate Studies in Portuguese at PUC-SP, I investigate the relations between the SEE-SP and its institutional discourse and the potential impacts on acting teacher of Portuguese who teaches in the public schools of the city of Carapicuíba. The objective of the research is to identify and discuss the power structure established by SEE-SP, through its official documents, in the constitution of pedagogical discourse around the performance of this teacher. Thus, I develop this study in the light of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), the side proposed by Fairclough (2003, 2008, 2010) and Critical Realism (RC), from what has Resende and Ramalho (2009) and Bhaskar (1998). The analysis focused on documents that are part of the teacher as a career: the portarias do INEP / MEC that determine the evaluation of ENADE and what is expected of the future teacher, graduated in Letters; the clippings of notices to join the state system of São Paulo teaching by drawing a comparison between the 1998 contests, in 2003, 2010 and 2014, 1996 LDB post in which establish the profile and knowledge necessary for the teacher formed and ticket seeker ; Currículo do Estado de São Paulo de Língua Portuguesa, the Matrizes de Referência para a Avaliação SARESP, guidance on the AAP and, finally, the Diretrizes Norteadoras da política Educacional do Estado de São Paulo - 2015-2018, the actions of regulators teacher in the classroom. Think of these moments in the construction of pedagogic discourse of the teacher is very important considering that in this process, particular and individual, the teacher confronts what is put by the Secretariat and the experiences that brings with it, basing their way of being, of representing and acting in the world. The results showed us the need for reflection on the institutional texts on education make increasingly part of the discussions held by the Portuguese Language teachers at different times of training, in order to elucidate and clarify a simple mechanical causality that the teaching process and learning can become / Nesta tese, inserida na linha de pesquisa Leitura, Escrita e Ensino de Língua Portuguesa, do Programa de Estudos Pós-graduados em Língua Portuguesa da PUC-SP, investigo as relações estabelecidas entre a SEE-SP e seu discurso institucional e os potenciais reflexos na atuação do professor de Língua Portuguesa que leciona nas escolas estaduais do município de Carapicuíba. O objetivo da pesquisa é identificar e discutir a estrutura de poder estabelecida pela SEE-SP, por meio de seus documentos oficiais, na constituição do discurso pedagógico em torno da atuação desse professor. Sendo assim, desenvolvo este estudo à luz da Análise de Discurso Crítica (ADC), na vertente proposta por Fairclough (2003, 2008, 2010) e do Realismo Crítico (RC), a partir do que apresenta Resende e Ramalho (2009) e Bhaskar (1998). A análise centrou-se nos documentos que fazem parte do percurso do professor como profissional: as portarias do INEP/MEC que determinam a avaliação do ENADE e o que se espera do futuro professor formado em Letras; os recortes feitos nos Editais para ingresso na rede estadual de ensino de São Paulo, traçando um comparativo entre os concursos de 1998, 2003, 2010 e 2014, pós LDB de 1996, identificando o perfil e os conhecimentos necessários ao professor formado e candidato a ingresso; o Currículo do Estado de São Paulo de Língua Portuguesa, as Matrizes de Referência para a Avaliação SARESP, as orientações sobre a AAP e, por fim, as Diretrizes Norteadoras da Política Educacional do Estado de São Paulo 2015-2018, reguladores da atuação do professor em sala de aula. Pensar nesses momentos na construção do discurso pedagógico do professor é muito importante considerando que nesse processo, particular e individual, o professor confronta o que lhe é posto pela Secretaria e as vivências que traz consigo, fundamentando sua maneira de ser, de representar e de agir no mundo. Os resultados nos mostraram a necessidade dessas reflexões sobre os textos institucionais que orientam sua atuação em sala de aula façam, cada vez mais, parte das discussões realizadas pelos professores de Língua Portuguesa em diferentes momentos de formação, sejam nas ATPC ou mesmo em O.T. centralizadas, no sentido de elucidar e tornar claro o processo de ensino e aprendizagem, evitando que esse se torne um reflexo de uma simples causalidade mecânica

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