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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kämpa, fly eller ta en snus : Skillnader och likheter mellan och inom könens skolrelaterade stress och stresshantering / Fight, flee or take a snuff : Differences and similarities between and within the sexes' school-related stress and stress management

Ekholm, Julia, Holmgren, Olivia January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka elevers upplevda stress och deras tillvägagångssätt för att hantera denna stress med hjälp av copingstrategier, vilket sedan sätts i relation till biologiskt kön. Arbetet utgår ifrån ett elektroniskt frågeformulär som inkluderar både kvantitativa och kvalitativa aspekter. Resultaten av denna studie visar sig i några fall avvika från den tidigare forskningen, vilket leder till intressanta analyser och diskussioner. Ett av dessa resultat är pojkarnas användande av emotionsfokuserade copingmetoder, som annars är färre än flickornas. Ett annat intressant och avvikande resultat är stressnivåerna inom gruppen flickor, då det visar sig att de som går ett yrkesförberedande program procentuellt är mer stressade än högskoleförberedande programmets flickor. / The purpose of this study is to examine students experienced stress and their ways of coping with that stress using coping strategies, which is later also put in relation to biological sex. The study is using a mixed method in the form of an electronic questionnaire. The results of this study turned out to deviate from previous research, which leads to interesting analyzes and discussions. One of these results is the boys’ usage of emotion-focused coping methods, which otherwise is fewer than the girls. Another interesting and deviating result is the stress levels within the girls’ group, since it turns out that girls who attend a profession-based program are more stressed, percentage wise, than the girls who attend a college-based program.

Spirituality and Psychological Well-Being Among ALS Caregivers: Hope and Perceived Stress as Mediators

Jeter, Bridget R 01 May 2016 (has links)
The empirical study of the salutary relationship between spirituality/religiousness and psychological well-being is burgeoning. However, mechanisms of this association have received less empirical attention. Theory suggests that spirituality/religiousness may lead to positive psychological characteristics such as hope, which may function as a means of coping in the context of a significant stressor or stressful situation. The perceived burden and stress associated with caring for individuals with chronic illnesses such as ALS is significant, and caregivers may be at risk for increased symptoms of depression, symptoms of anxiety, somatic symptoms, and other deleterious psychological well-being related outcomes. Within the context of ALS caregiving, spirituality/religiousness may lead to hope and less perceived stress, ultimately contributing to increased caregiver psychological well-being. Cross-sectional mediation-based analyses were conducted on data collected from a sample of 85 ALS caregivers throughout the U.S., The Netherlands, and Belgium. Participants were 78.8% female, 92.9% Caucasian, 48.2%, spent over 100 hours per week caregiving, and the average age was 55.2 years. Ritualistic spirituality was not related to psychological well-being in ALS caregivers in a direct or indirect fashion. Theistic spirituality was directly, positively related to psychological well-being in ALS caregivers. Existential spirituality was directly related to psychological well-being, but in a deleterious fashion. However, when hope and perceived stress were considered as mediators within the model, the effect changed such that existential spirituality contributed salutarily to psychological well-being when operating though hope alone and also in conjunction with perceived stress. This study may be the first of its kind to explicitly model spirituality and psychological well-being in ALS caregivers, thus more research to investigate the caregiving process, barriers, promotion, and means of coping is warranted.

Exercise, self-perceptions and mood during pregnancy

Petersson, Khaliah January 2008 (has links)
The general purpose of this research was to investigate physical activity levels as a correlate of selected aspects of psychological health among pregnant women. Specifically, the aims of the study were (1) to provide a cross-sectional description of changes in physical self-concept, mood, and perceived stress during pregnancy; (2) to evaluate physical activity patterns of pregnant women over time during pregnancy; and (3) to determine if there is a difference between physical activity and physical self-concept, mood, perceived stress and/or burnout symptoms during pregnancy. Participants were pregnant women from various antenatal clinics at King Edward Memorial Hospital. The women completed a questionnaire package containing questions on physical activity levels and measures of physical self-concept, social physique anxiety, perceived stress, mood and burnout symptoms. A series of ANOVAs was used to provide a descriptive profile of how these psychological variables change during the course of pregnancy. Significant time-related differences were found for the perceived health subscale of the PSDQ and the tension subscale for the BRUMS. Findings also suggested a significant association between physical activity, and physical self-perceptions, most importantly self-esteem. Higher levels of physical activity were also found to be closely related to positive mood states, lower levels of perceived stress and fewer burnout symptoms. No significant association was found between physical activity and social physique anxiety.

A study of women in atypical careers / Jolene van den Berg

Van den Berg, Jolene January 2011 (has links)
As a result of structural changes in the global economy, many organisations are faced with changing workforce demographics. The global workforce is changing not only in terms of age and race, but also in terms of gender (International Labour Office, 2009). This change is referred to as the feminization of labour, and it poses many challenges to organisations as women are entering careers that have previously been predominated by men such as medicine, pharmacy, accounting, engineering and mining (Blau & Kahn, 2000). The retention of women in atypical careers has become a growing concern, as these women are often faced with challenges in the workplace, such as sexual discrimination, hostility and resentment from their co-workers, and physical violence in the workplace (Cognard-Black, 2004). These obstacles encountered by women in atypical positions result in their experiencing difficulty fitting into their groups at work and their organisations as a whole, which increases their turnover intentions (Young & Hurlic, 2007). For effective retention of women in atypical positions in an effort to secure a truly diverse workforce, organisations must be aware of the factors that affect their career decision making. Young and Hurlic (2007) have proposed a model of gender enactment and fit in relation to career decisions of women in atypical positions. They suggest that gender enactment of employees in atypical positions, in relation to the gender-based micro-culture of their work groups ultimately affects their person-group fit, person-organisation fit and career decision making. The main objective, therefore, of this research has been to explore the constructs outlined in the model of Young and Hurlic (2007) within the South African context and to establish their influence on the career decision making of a sample of South African employees in atypical positions. The research has been explorative in nature, and a qualitative design was used to achieve the research objectives. Participants were invited to participate in the research on a voluntary basis, and they were selected by means of a purposive sampling method. Criteria that were decided upon for the selection of participants were that participants needed to be female, permanently employed and occupying atypical occupations within the same organisation. Based on these criteria, a total population of ten employees was included in the research study (N=10). Qualitative data was collected by means of unstructured and semi-structured interviews. The results indicated that awareness, group acceptance, person-group fit, perceived stress, and person-organisation fit were the key determinants of the career decisions of participants. Awareness was found to be related to group acceptance, whereas group acceptance was identified as being related to person-group fit. Person-group and person-organisation fit were found to result in participants considering lateral career moves, choosing to stay in their current positions, or seeking promotions. Conversely, perceived stress was found to have a negative impact in the career decision making of participants, as all participants who reported perceived stress planned to leave their respective organisation. / MA, Industrial Psychology, North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2012

Expériences de trauma lors de l'enfance et stress chronique chez des adultes avec et sans maladies cardiovasculaires

Bossé, Stéphanie 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Occupational stress, strain and coping in a professional accounting organisation

Cope, Carolyn M. 30 August 2003 (has links)
This research focuses on the concept of occupational stress. Theories and models are discussed in an attempt to highlight the nature of stress and its implications for the individual if it is not effectively managed. Individual differences in the way they experience strain and cope with stress are considered, as well as the organisational implications of stress. Current thinking in the management of stress programmes is highlighted. The empirical study was conducted to determine whether there are differences between various organisational subgroups with regard to variables relating to occupational stress, strain and coping, as measured by the Occupational Stress Inventory - Revised (Osipow, 1998). The findings of the study show that there are significant differences between seniority, age, race and gender subgroups within the accounting organisation in which the research took place, with regard to stress, strain and coping / Industrial Psychology / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Förändringsprocesser i acceptance and commitment therapy för personer med hörselnedsättning : - en randomiserad kontrollerad studie

Bergwall, Kajsa, Hansson-Malmlöf, Johan January 2014 (has links)
I Sverige beräknas 17 % av befolkningen ha en hörselnedsättning, vilket innebär att det är den vanligaste sensoriska funktionsnedsättningen. Idag finns det en mängd studier som visar att hörselnedsättning är relaterat till sämre psykisk hälsa. Acceptans av sin hörselnedsättning har visat sig vara positivt för hörselnedsatta och samvarierar med hjälpsökande. Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) är en transdiagnostisk behandling där psykopatologi antas bero på en hög grad av upplevelsemässigt undvikande och fusion med tankar. Målet i ACT är att öka psykologisk flexibilitet där acceptans är en betydande komponent. Denna explorativa studie undersökte förändringsprocesser i ACT för personer med hörselnedsättning där utfallet var känslomässig och social anpassning för hörselnedsättningen (HHIE-S). De förändringsprocesser som prövades var acceptans (HAQ), som tidigare visat på medierande effekt för ACT, samt två alternativa förändringsprocesser; self-efficacy (HSE-4) och upplevd stress (PSS-4). Behandlingen bestod av åtta internetadministrerade moduler givna med behandlarstöd där veckovisa mätningar av förändringsprocesser och utfall användes. Studiens resultat visar att behandlingsgruppen upplevde marginellt signifikant mindre problem med känslomässig och social anpassning för hörselnedsättningen (HHIE-S). Studiens resultat pekar på att hörselrelaterad acceptans (HAQ) och self- efficacy (HSE-4) medierar behandlingens effekt på deltagarnas känslomässiga och sociala anpassning för hörselnedsättning (HHIE-S). Således tillför denna studie ytterligare belägg för acceptans som förändringsprocess i ACT. Även self-efficacy kan vara en intressant mediator att beakta i fortsatt forskning.

The Role of Shift Work on Psychological Well-being on Swedish Single Mothers

Snöfjord, Snöfjord, Tapper Östlund, Linda January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of the present work was to study the psychological well-being of shift working single mothers in comparison with shift working cohabiting mothers, single mothers working regular hours and cohabiting mothers working regular hours. This was done using the four scales: Perceived stress, perceived social support, general health and satisfaction with life. The convenience sample consisted of Swedish care workers and nurses, who answered a questionnaire. The responses were tested through a 2 x 2 MANOVA. The results showed that there was a significant difference in psychological well-being between single and cohabiting mothers, but no difference among shift working and regular working mothers, and no interaction effects of the four scales on the four groups of mothers. While single mothers’ psychological well-being was worse than cohabiting mothers’, there was no significant difference among shift workers and regular day workers. The psychological well-being of shift working single mothers did not significantly differ from shift working cohabiting mothers, single mothers working regular hours and cohabiting mothers working regular hours. The results are discussed with respect to previous research and we concluded that among Swedish mothers, being a single mother can have more impact on well-being than working shifts.

Stress and emotion regulation with graphic activities and expressive narrative / Regulación del estrés y emociones con actividades gráficas y narrativa expresiva / Regulação de estresse e emoções com atividades gráficas e narrativa expressiva

Vanegas-Farfano, Minerva, González Ramírez, Mónica, Cantú Guzmán, Rodrigo 25 September 2017 (has links)
The present study evaluated instructions in graphic and expressive writing tasks as stress and emotion regulation activity aids. Six experimental groups were composed of thirty university students. Effects were measured with the Mexican versions of the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS). The groups were similar in  the perceived stress and affect measures in time 1. Results demonstrated positive changes in both variables in time 2,for the intervention groups. The results indicate that it is necessary to evaluate the types of instructions given in experimental and clinical settings. / Se evalúa el impacto de las instrucciones dadas para el uso de actividades gráficas y escritura expresiva como una forma de apoyo en el manejo del estrés y las emociones a partir de seis grupos experimentales con treinta estudiantes universitarios. Los efectos fueron estimados mediante la adaptación mexicana de la Escala de Estrés Percibido y la adaptación de Escala de Afecto Positivo y Negativo. Los grupos fueron similares en su estrés percibido y en emociones en el tiempo 1. Los resultados indican que ambas variables mejoran tras la intervención (tiempo 2), mostrando diferencias entre los grupos. Se concluye que es necesario evaluar el tipo de instrucciones en ambientes experimentales y clínicos considerando estas diferencias. / O propósito do estudo foi avaliar o impacto das instruções dadas para o uso de atividades gráficas e escritura expressiva como uma forma de apoio no controle do estresse e das emoções. A amostra foi formada por trinta estudantes universitários. Deste modo formaram-se seis grupos experimentais, cujos efeitos foram medidos mediante a adaptação mexicana da Escala de Estresse Percebido e a adaptação da Escala de Afeto Positivo e Negativo. Os grupos foram similares no estresse percebido e nas emoções no tempo 1. Os resultados indicam que ambas variáveis melhoram depois da intervenção (tempo 2); mas com diferenças entre os grupos. Deste modo se conclui que é necessário avaliar o tipo de instruções em ambientesexperimentais e clínicos considerando estas diferenças.

Prokrastinering, arbeta extra och upplevd stress : En kvantitativ studie inriktad på heltidsstudenter vid högskola/universitet / Procrastination, extra work and perceived stress : A quantitative study focused on full time college/university students

Eriksson, Helena, Heinst, Felinda January 2017 (has links)
Föreliggande kvantitativa studie ämnade undersöka om det fanns några skillnader i prokrastinering och upplevd stress mellan heltidsstuderande kvinnor och män vid högskola/universitet med eller utan arbete vid sidan om studierna, samt sambandet mellan prokrastinering och upplevd stress. Som mätinstrument utformades en internetenkät utifrån Pure Procrastination Scale (PPS) och Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-14). Enkäten spreds via Facebook där deltagarna, 164 studenter varav 82 kvinnor och 82 män, valdes ut genom ett bekvämlighetsurval. Resultatet visade att studenter som arbetar extra prokrastinerar i mindre utsträckning än de som inte arbetar, samt att kvinnor prokrastinerar mer än män. Resultatet visade även att studenter som arbetar extra upplevde sig vara mindre stressade än de som inte arbetar, samt att kvinnor upplevde sig mer stressade än män. Det förelåg ett starkt positivt samband mellan prokrastinering och upplevd stress för samtliga undersökningsgrupper, och när det kontrollerades för stress försvann effekterna av kön och att arbeta extra. Upplevd stress är därmed en av flera bakomliggande faktorer som spelar en viktig roll när det kommer till om individen prokrastinerar eller inte. / The purpose of this quantitative study was to examine if there were any differences regarding procrastination and perceived stress between full-time female and male college students with or without work parallel to their studies, as well as the relationship between procrastination and perceived stress. A web-based questionnaire was designed based on Pure Procrastination Scale (PPS) and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-14). The survey was shared on Facebook where the participants, 164 students of which 82 women and 82 men, were selected by convenience sampling. The result of the study showed that students who worked extra procrastinates less than students without work, and that women procrastinates more than men. The result also showed that students who worked extra were less stressed than students without work, and that women were more stressed than men. There was a strong positive correlation between procrastination and perceived stress for all groups in the study. Moreover, the effects of gender and extra work on procrastination disappeared when stress was statistically controlled for. This indicate that underlying factors, such as stress, can play an important role in procrastination.

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