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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“Imprisoned in my own body”- Women's experiences of Hyperemesis Gravidarum during pregnancy : A qualitative study

Choudri, Tooba January 2022 (has links)
Introduction: Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) in pregnancy can cause severe and persistent vomiting, nausea, dehydration, vitamin and mineral deficiencies. The symptoms can have varying degrees of impact on women's physical, emotional, social, and marital lives and affect their quality of life. Some women voluntarily terminate their pregnancies due to HG. Despite the severe consequences, the etiology of this disorder remains unknown. HG is thought to be caused by a mixture of hormonal variables and genetics. Various therapies have been documented with varying degrees of efficacy. Nevertheless, there is a lack of research on the actual causes of the disease and effective medications, as well as a lack of research on patients' experiences with HG, its treatments, and its consequences. Aim: This thesis aims to examine women's own experiences of HG, with the following research questions: How do women experience HG in their daily lives? What kind of support do they have in coping? What kind of approach do they receive from the health care system? What medical interventions were offered to them? and how effective were they perceived? Method: The thesis adopts a qualitative approach. Some prominent women's groups on Facebook were used to spread the information about the study, and 20 women in Sweden who had suffered from HG during pregnancy and had given birth no more than four years ago were interviewed individually online via Zoom. The data was analyzed using the thematic analysis method by creating sub-themes and themes through coding. Findings: The analysis revealed two themes: 'Trapped in my own body' and 'Longing for optimal HG care'. The first theme described the women's daily lives, which were significantly affected by HG. Due to severe vomiting and nausea, many of them were bedridden for long periods and unable to take care of their children or do household chores. They had significant problems with eating food, drinking water, odors, and oral hygiene. Many were unable to work, and most were on long-term sick leave. Women relied on their partners and families to cope with HG. The disease was compounded by mental health problems such as isolation, loneliness, sadness, and even depression. The second theme revealed that medications and their perceived effects were experienced differently. No drug could completely cure the disease in every case, and HG treatments were not considered optimal by any woman. Medical facilities often lacked knowledge about the disease and the drugs available, and there were no functioning care plans. Lack of knowledge meant that most women in the early stages of pregnancy were not taken seriously by the health system, and it took a long time for many of them to receive appropriate treatment. Conclusion: HG was perceived by women as a severe disease that caused significant physical and psychological obstacles in life and made women feel imprisoned in their bodies. Their most considerable support in coping with this illness was their partners and family. Despite these severe problems, most received inadequate care at health facilities mainly due to ignorance of the disease. This study has highlighted a great need for clear organizational structures, a working care plan, and more knowledge of HG in all health departments. Evidence-based national and local guidelines are needed to improve the availability and quality of health care. Based on the women’s experiences, the findings of this study may provide essential insights for implementing such guidelines in clinical practice.

Elevers syn på inflytande och delaktighet i förskoleklass : En kvalitativ intervjustudie utifrån barns perspektiv / Student’s views on influence and participation in preschool class : A qualitative interview study from children’s perspective

Stenbäck, Sandra, Morar, Adriana January 2022 (has links)
Begreppen delaktighet och inflytande används flitigt i skolans verksamhet, men hur görs barn och elever delaktiga i undervisningen och när tillåts de egentligen ha inflytande? Studiens syfte är att belysa elevernas delaktighet och inflytande utifrån deras perspektiv. Den teori som används är Shiers delaktighetsmodell och som metod har intervjuer använts i form av barnsamtal. I en kvalitativ studie med öppna intervjufrågor har samtal genomförts med elever på två olika skolor. Resultatet visar att det finns begränsningar när det gäller elevernas medbestämmande och möjligheten till att påverka sin undervisning. Majoriteten av eleverna upplever att lärarna endast lyssnar ibland, men att de inte tar hänsyn till det som eleverna säger. En minioritet av eleverna upplever att de blir lyssnade till när de kommer med tankar och idéer. Elevernas möjlighet till delaktighet och medbestämmande blir större när de går in i en roll som till exempel vid morgonsamlingen då eleverna får möjlighet att vara dagens värd. I de olika ämnen som är i förskoleklass är det i den fria leken som eleverna känner att de har störst inflytande medan i matematik och svenska har eleverna inget att bestämma om. Studien visar utifrån elevers upplevelser hur en begränsning av delaktighet och inflytande är för eleverna. Studien kan inspirera lärare i förskoleklass till att våga tänka utanför ramarna och utifrån ett elevperspektiv. Det kan bidra till att låta eleverna få mer delaktighet och inflytande i sin undervisning. / The concepts of participation and influence are widely used in school activities, but how are children and students involved in teaching and when are they actually allowed to have influence? The purpose of the study is to shed light on students' participation and influence from their perspective. The theory used is Shier's participation model and as a method interviews have been used in the form of child interviews. In a qualitative study with open interview questions, interviews were conducted with students at two different schools. The results show that there are limitations when it comes to students' participation and the opportunity to influence their teaching. The majority of students experience that the teachers only listen occasionally, but that they do not take into account what the students say. A minority of students experience that they are listened to when they come up with thoughts and ideas. The students' opportunity for participation and co-determination becomes greater when they enter a role such as at the morning assembly when the students are given the opportunity to be the host of the day. In the various subjects that are in the preschool class, it is in the free play that the students feel that they have the greatest influence, while in mathematics and Swedish the students have nothing to decide on. The study shows, based on students' experiences, how a limitation of participation and influence is for the students. The study can inspire preschool teachers to dare to think outside the box and from a student perspective. It can help to give students more participation and influence in their teaching.

Vilka sidor av historien? : En studie av interkulturella perspektiv i historieläromedel för åk 1-3 / Multilateral History? A Study of Intercultural : Perspectives inYear 1-3History Textbooks

Heyman, David January 2020 (has links)
Denna explorativa studies syfte är att undersöka förekomst och former av interkulturellt perspektiv i två tryckta läromedel i historia för årskurs 1-3. Frågeställningen är utöver förekomsten och formerna, att undersöka huruvida en potential i detta perspektiv – att bidra till att ge eleverna en mångsidig historieförståelse – utnyttjas. Studien lutar sig mot etablerad teoribildning inom interkulturella perspektiv på historieundervisning, men undersöker de obeforskade yngsta årskurserna. Övrig relaterad forskning redogörs för översiktligt. Kvalitativ textanalys används som metod, med en analysmodell inspirerad av textanalysmetoden och av den forskning som gjorts i Sverige om historieundervisning relaterat till interkulturellt perspektiv. Modellen består av dimensioner som representerar olika formerav interkulturella perspektiv. I resultaten som redovisas framgår att en begränsad förekomst av interkulturellt perspektiv finns i båda läromedlen, och att innehållet även till något större del består i vad som definierats som perspektivets motsats. Resultaten är därmed motsägelsefulla, och potentialen hos perspektivet i att bidra till en mångsidig historieförståelse kan sägas både utnyttjas och inte utnyttjas.

Den egyptiska mumien, mosslik och reliker : Omtvistade och oomtvistade mänskliga kvarlevor i samlingar / The Egyptian mummy, Bog bodies and Relics : Contested and Uncontested Human Remains in Collections

Piili, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
This study examines uncontested human remains from a staff- and institutional perspective in Scandinavia. Focusing on Sweden and Denmark, this study aims to understand more of the practice and approach concerning the Egyptian mummy, Bog bodies and Relics. Today, human remains are debated and treated in different ways depending on different ethical issues concerning the category. Here, we can talk about contested and uncontested human remains. Contested human remains is, for example, ancestral remains belonging to indigenous groups or remains of a more modern date that are deemed for have been inappropriately handled historically. The uncontested human remains however, are remains that do not fit in given examples above and that have not been seen as problematic as the contested human remains. With that said, the uncontested human remains are more prone to be covered, moved around or discussed, but in the end of the day they are still there in the exhibition or in the collection and not removed. This study is based on Tiffany Jenkins (2011) definition about the contested and uncontested and Berit Sellevold’s (2013) figure of ethical aspects in which groups of people and researchers view certain remains. Arisen from these theories and the earlier research of human remains this study attempts to examine the practice and the approach about uncontested human remains. The result of the nine case studies in this thesis shows that the Egyptian mummy, Bog bodies and Relics are used and being used for bringing human beings closer the human remains as the individuals they are and for telling stories of the past. In a concrete way of understanding this, it is the staff of the institution that makes this use and approach possible neither if it’s connecting humans to the individual, the history or the religious sphere. Two main results from this study are that the appearance and context are highly affecting whether the institution, mainly the museum, chooses to exhibit uncontested human remains or not. This is a two years master’s thesis in Museum and Cultural Heritage Studies.

Faculty Perspectives on Effective Integration of Simulation into a Baccalaureate Nursing Curriculum

Howell, Linda Jane 01 January 2017 (has links)
Research shows that use of high fidelity simulation (HFS) as a teaching strategy requires extensive amounts of faculty time and financial resources for faculty development and equipment. This project study addressed the challenges encountered in the integration of HFS into a Midwestern metropolitan baccalaureate nursing program. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore perceptions of nursing faculty about best practice elements for successful integration of HFS into undergraduate nursing programs. Guiding questions were developed using Donabedian's structure-process-outcome model and focused on faculty perceptions related to successful implementation of simulation in their programs. Purposeful sampling was used to select 22 faculty who had integrated HFS into 5 regional baccalaureate nursing programs in metropolitan areas of 2 Midwestern states. Nine participants completed an online interview tool developed by the researcher and designed to elicit responses to open-ended questions about barriers encountered, methods used to overcome those barriers, first impressions about conducting HFS, perceptions of successful integration, and incentives to using HFS. Data were coded and analyzed to identify themes. Emergent themes included the need to identify specific courses for HFS, ensure participation of faculty teaching didactic courses, use nationally recognized principles for HFS implementation, implement consistent methods of debriefing, and use formal written plans. Findings from the study were used to design a staff development initiative to facilitate planning and establishment of HFS in a nursing curriculum. Positive social change may occur when faculty and administrators use project guidelines to develop sound practices for integrating HFS into the nursing curriculum.

Just Pushing Through: Developmental Student Perspectives of Their Positioning in Higher Education

Dorhout, Lesley January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Exploring BSW educators' experiences of working with under-prepared students

Richardson, Robert F., II 20 April 2015 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Little is known about the perspectives of social work educators who work with under-prepared students in baccalaureate social work (BSW) programs. Educators across fields believe that students are increasingly under-prepared to be successful in higher education, and social work programs face greater numbers of under-prepared students seeking BSW degrees. Although an increasing amount of research offers strategies for matriculating, retaining, and teaching under-prepared students, these strategies are often presented without the contextual experiences faced by the educators who work with under-prepared students on a day-to-day basis. The following research seeks to begin to fill that gap. The researcher interviewed 11 participants and used Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) to uncover the essential experiential elements of working with under-prepared BSW students and to reveal the meaning that social work educators create within these experiences. Analysis resulted in four overlapping themes including understanding under-preparation as social injustice, questioning what it means to be a social work educator, recalling compelling moments, and demonstrating care in and out of the classroom. These results suggest that social work programs and educators can more explicitly recognize how working with under-prepared students mirrors traditional social work practice, and discuss how this mirrored process might affect both educators and students. Based on these results, the meaning of advancing social justice for under-prepared students, the conflicting roles that educators often adopt with under-prepared students, and the influence of external forces on educators' work all deserve further research.

Generation Opioid: Teacher Perspectives of Students Affected by Opioids

Sawyer, Molly K. 30 April 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Geriatric audiology : clients' perspectives of service delivery in an affluent, urban area in South Africa

Pillay, Dhanashree 10 August 2010 (has links)
Current research in the field of geriatric audiology focuses on the audiological assessment and management. However there is a lack of published work describing the perspectives of the geriatric individuals with a hearing loss regarding the audiological service delivery received. This study aimed to determine the perspectives of the geriatric individuals with a hearing loss in this regard. Convenience sampling was utilised to recruit 50 geriatric individuals who wore hearing aids, in Gauteng. A two phase methodology was employed in this study. Phase one included a questionnaire aimed to determine the geriatric individuals’ perspectives of the audiological assessment and management processes conducted by the audiologist. Phase two, a focus group discussion regarding audiological service delivery, included 7 geriatric individuals who were randomly selected from the 50 geriatric individuals in phase one of the study. Results revealed that geriatric individuals with a hearing loss; perceived the audiological services received as adequate. However the results obtained from the questionnaire indicate that the majority of these geriatric individuals were not provided with a full test battery of assessment and management procedures as required. Therefore South African audiologists need to evaluate the assessment and management procedures used when working with the geriatric population. AFRIKAANS : Resente navorsing in die veld van geriatriese oudiologie fokus hoofsaaklik op oudiologiese evaluering en behandeling. Daar bestaan egter beperkte literatuur wat geriatriese individue met ‘n gehoorverlies se persepsies beskryf oor die proses van evaluering en dienslewering. Gevolglik was die doel van hierdie studie om geriatriese individue met ‘n gehoorverlies se persepsies aangaande oudiologiese dienste te bepaal. ‘n Twee-fase metodiek is in hierdie studie aangewend. ‘n Vraelys is in fase een gebruik om 50 geriatriese individue met ‘n gehoorverlies en wat gepas is met gehoorapparate, se persepsies aangaande oudiologiese dienslewering te bepaal. Sewe geriatriese individue het deelgeneem aan die tweede fase, naamlik ‘n fokusgroepbespreking aangaande oudiologiese dienslewering. Resultate dui daarop dat geriatriese individue met ‘n gehoorverlies die oudiologiese dienste wat hulle ontvang het as voldoende ervaar, Die meerderheid van die geriatriese individue het egter aangedui dat ’n.volledige oudiologiese toetsbattery nie tydens die evaluasieproses uitgevoer is nie en toepaslike gehoorapparaatevaluering- en passingsprosedures nie gevolg is nie. Die implikasies hiervan is dat oudioloë werksaam in Suid-Afrika die evaluering- en behandelingsprosedures wat toegepas word vir die geriatriese populasie, voortdurend moet evalueer en aanpas. Copyright / Dissertation (M. Communication Pathology)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology / unrestricted

Enhancing Understanding of Parental Engagement During Family-Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Early-Onset Pediatric Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Bullard, Carrie January 2023 (has links)
Introduction: Family-focused cognitive behavioural therapy (FFCBT) is emphasized as an approach to optimize treatment outcomes for early-onset obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Parental engagement is critical to successful treatment. However, few studies have examined how to promote parental engagement during FFCBT. Additionally, from a parental perspective, there is a limited understanding of factors that influence parental engagement throughout treatment, including the role of nurses. Aims: To determine (i) how parents experience and understand their engagement in FFCBT provided for their child with early-onset OCD in community or outpatient mental health programs, and (ii) how parents describe the role of nurses related to parental engagement during the treatment process. Methods: This study used an interpretive description approach. Semi-structured interviews were completed with parents (n = 17) recruited from community or outpatient children’s mental health programs in the Hamilton Region of Southwestern Ontario. Treatment provider interviews (n = 9) augmented the data collected from parents’ perceptions of their engagement and the role of nurses during FFCBT. Interviews were analyzed using Braun and Clark’s (2006) thematic analysis process. Results: A conceptualized model was constructed to display and communicate the individual, interpersonal, and contextual influences identified by parents and treatment providers. These influences facilitated or inhibited parental engagement during treatment across distinct phases, levels, and stages of engagement. Six distinct nursing roles were identified that promoted parental engagement throughout treatment. / Dissertation / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Without effective treatment, pediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can interfere with childhood development. Early-onset OCD is a unique subtype of the disorder involving pediatric patients with symptoms that present before the age of 10 years. Family-focused cognitive behavioural therapy (FFCBT) emphasizing parental involvement is commonly used to treat pediatric OCD. However, parental engagement during FFCBT, including nurses’ roles, is poorly understood. This study aimed to increase knowledge about parental engagement during FFCBT for children with early-onset OCD receiving treatment in community programs. Data analysis of parent and treatment provider interviews identified various factors and how nurses influenced parental engagement during FFCBT. A model was made to display how these factors helped or hindered parental engagement during treatment and how nurses promoted engagement across three distinct phases. This new knowledge informed recommendations to promote parental engagement for treatment providers, improve service development and delivery, and strengthen nursing education.

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