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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Translating Françoize Boucher’s Le Livre Qui t’Explique Enfin Tout sur les Parents for US Audiences: Playing with Words and Images

Bugaeva, Evgeniya 18 March 2015 (has links)
The focus of this thesis is my translation of Le livre qui t'explique enfin tout sur les parents by Françoize Boucher from French into English. Chapter one begins with a brief history and definition of children’s literature, as well as children’s literature in translation. I discuss the subgenre of informational picturebooks—its objectives, characteristics, and current trends. What follows is a short biographic and bibliographic sketch of Françoize Boucher. Then, I discuss the content, format, style, and illustrations of Le livre qui t'explique as well as examine the work’s audience, aims, and values. Finally, I discuss my English translation of the work—providing an overview of the translation strategies and methodologies that I used. Chapter two focuses on specific challenges encountered during the translation process. The chapter begins with the challenge of translating culturally significant topics such as French cultural references, brands, slang, and metric measurements. Then, I discuss the translation of linguistically bound terms such as wordplay, the use of English in a French text, and onomatopoeia. Finally, I discuss the translation of taboo subjects. Chapter three is my complete English-language translation: The Book That Finally Explains About Your Parents.


25 October 2021 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a ilustração enquanto elemento fundamental na construção de sentido de livros infantis. É feito um breve levantamento do percurso histórico da ilustração em livros desde a Idade Média e são examinadas as etapas da criação de imagens a partir de depoimentos e entrevistas com ilustradores contemporâneos, cujas obras representam uma linguagem visual específica em seus livros. Em seguida, as fases do processo da criação ilustrativa são descritas a fim de mostrar que a produção de imagens não é meramente uma ação intuitiva em relação ao texto verbal. Fruto de um projeto de design, trata-se de um processo estudado, concebido e referenciado na experiência do autor, bem como nos componentes da obra. Desta forma, a pesquisa estuda a relação verbo-visual e sua importância na criação das obras literárias infantis, considerando o gênero de ilustrações narrativas. A relação entre estes dois códigos de linguagem é discutida a partir da perspectiva de diferentes autores e ilustradores, identificando as possibilidades oferecidas pelo Design Gráfico na interação entre tipografia e ilustração. / [en] This work s goal is to study illustration as a fundamental element in the children s book meaning making. A brief historical account of book illustration from Middle Ages is presented. Contemporary illustrators are interviewed to describe their creative process. This process is brought foreword in order to show that image creating is not just based on intuition vis-à-vis the verbal text. As the result of a project of graphic design, such process is conceived and based on the author s experience, as well as the elements found in references around the written text. The present work, therefore, examines the verbal and visual relationship, and its importance in the creation of children s literary works concerning narrative illustration. The connection between these two codes, is then, discussed bearing in mind different perspectives presented by authors and illustrators.

Leer juntos : la recepción del libro-álbum colombiano

Alvarado-Agudelo, Ana-Catalina 04 1900 (has links)
La réalisation de ce projet a été rendue possible grâce à une bourse d’études supérieures du Canada du Conseil de recherche en sciences humaines (CRSH). / Dans ce mémoire, nous proposons une étude de la réception des albums publiés en Colombie ou par des auteurs et illustrateurs colombiens dans la période allant de 2000 à 2013. À partir de la définition de l'album qui va s'exposer, nous comprenons qu'il s'agit d'un objet culturel qui est conçu et fabriqué, qui soutient et est impliqué dans le récit et qui est partagé pendant la lecture. En ce sens, nous allons considérer non seulement les dynamiques qui le définissent, mais nous allons aussi le lier à une conception de l'enfant, de la lecture et du livre auxquels ce type d'expression artistique semble répondre. C'est à dire, à une vision esthétique du livre pour les enfants, à la lecture comme une fin en elle-même et à l'enfant lecteur comme un récepteur actif. Pour ce faire, nous allons nous servir de la notion de communautés interprétatives proposée par Stanley Fish pour inclure dans l'analyse le contexte de la médiation esthétique de lecture en Colombie comme le cadre définissant les stratégies interprétatives qui dirigent la construction du sens dans les expériences de lecture de notre corpus. / In this thesis we propose a study of reception of picturebooks published in Colombia or by Colombian authors and illustrators during the period from 2000 to 2013. From the definition of the picturebook that we will expose, we understand picturebooks as a cultural object that is designed and manufactured, which supports and is involved in the story and that is shared while reading. In this sense, we will not only consider its dynamic narratives but it will also be linked to the concept of the child, to the act of reading and the book to which this kind of artistic expression seems to respond; that is, an aesthetic vision of the children's book, the act of reading as a goal itself and the reader child as an active receptor. To do this, we will use the notion of interpretive communities proposed by Stanley Fish in order to include in the analysis the context of aesthetic reading mediation in Colombia as the framework defining the interpretive strategies that direct the construction of meaning in the experiences of reading of our corpus. / En esta tesina nos proponemos hacer un estudio de recepción de los libros-álbum publicados en Colombia o por autores e ilustradores colombianos en el periodo de 2000 a 2013. A partir de la definición del libro-álbum que expondremos, entendemos que estamos abordando un objeto cultural que se diseña y se fabrica, que soporta y se involucra en la narración y que se comparte al ser leído. En este sentido, no solo tendremos en cuenta las dinámicas narrativas que lo definen sino que lo ligaremos con una concepción del niño, de la lectura y del libro a la que este tipo de expresión artística parece responder; a saber, a una visión estética del libro infantil, de la lectura como fin en sí misma y del niño lector como receptor activo. Para ello, nos valdremos de la noción de comunidades interpretativas propuesta por Stanley Fish en miras a incluir en el análisis el contexto de la mediación estética de lectura en Colombia como el marco que define las estrategias interpretativas que dirigen la construcción de sentido durante las experiencias de lectura de nuestro corpus.

Bilderböcker för färgblinda barn : En studie i tillgänglig design / Picturebooks for colorblind children : A study in accessible design

Lundqvist, Fanny January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate accessibility in visual paratexts of picturebooks in relation to color blindness, to identify qualities that fulfill criterias for accessibility and functionality. The number of children with color blindness is greater than shown in statistics. Color is widely used in preschools and not percieving color correctly can be misinterpreted as difficulties in learning or concentration, indicating the importance of accessible use of color in media that children interact with. The study is conducted within a theoretical framework in which the concepts of design-for-all and visual paratext are central. Previous research on picturebooks as a medium for teaching as well as children’s development provides an additional theoretical foundation for answering the research questions: how do contemporary picturebooks correspond to criterias for color accessibility and functionality – and how can picturebooks be made accessible for colorblind children without losing functional qualities? The study is carried out with qualitative research methods in two case studies, based on analysis and systematic observations of the visual paratexts in four picturebooks, two of which are explicitly marketed as ‘accessible’ whilst the remaining two are not. Having identified and assessed qualities of the visual paratexts, results show that the ‘accessible’ picturebooks overall did not fulfill accessibility nor functionality criterias, while the other two had significantly higher qualities in functionality. In conclusion, beneficial qualities were use of high contrast, tactile and graphic textures, expressive faces, as well as the use of blues and yellows.

Friedensbilderbücher - Die österreichische Kinder- und Jugendbuchautorin Mira Lobe als Friedenserzieherin

Anselgruber, Marie-Luise 04 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire cherche à créer un dialogue entre les domaines de recherche du livre d’images et celui de recherches sur la paix afin d’exposer les différentes formes et fonctions des livres d’images pour la paix. Questionnant le pourquoi et le comment de ces œuvres, ce travail expose la façon et la manière avec lesquelles ces dernières contribuent à « l’alphabétisation de la paix » auprès des enfants et comment elles les motivent à agir en fonction de la paix. Les livres d’images constituent un média idéal pour éduquer les enfants à la paix. Très tôt dans le processus de socialisation, ces livres sauront transmettre et inculquer des concepts et aptitudes clefs et éventuellement ancrer dans l’esprit de l’enfant les valeurs d’une culture de la paix. Au centre de cette recherche est exposé le thème de la paix tel que traité à travers les œuvres de l’écrivaine autrichienne Mira Lobe (1913–1995). Par l’analyse de sept livres d’images pour la paix, ce travail explique quelles stratégies et méthodes littéraires, pédagogiques, sémiotiques, narratives et esthétiques sont employées par l’auteure pour réussir à bien présenter et à traiter de sujets politiques complexes et d’enjeux sociaux et humains parfois délicats et tabous à un jeune auditoire. Il montre également par quels moyens ces œuvres font naître l’empathie, une aversion pour la violence et comment elles pourront finalement amener les enfants à opter pour l’acte de la paix. En joignant et en mettant en relation les résultats et conclusions des deux champs de recherche observés dans ce travail, soit l’éducation à la paix et la recherche sur des livres d’images, il devient possible de démontrer comment Mira Lobe apporte, avec ses livres d’images pour la paix, une contribution universelle et intemporelle à l’éducation à la paix. / The purpose of this study is to lay the groundwork for a dialogue between the fields of picture book studies and peace education in order to highlight the different forms and functions of picture books for peace. This study shows how these books contribute to peace literacy in children and motivate them to act for peace, by looking at how and why they are written and how and why they work. Picture books are an ideal medium to educate children about peace. Very early in the childhood socialization process, these books can convey concepts and key skills and eventually instill in the child values rooted in a culture of peace. This research is based on the theme of peace as dealt with in the works of the Austrian author Maria Lobe (1913-1995). Seven peace picture books are analyzed to determine which strategies and literary, pedagogical, semiotic, narrative and aesthetic approaches the author used to deal with sometimes delicate and taboo complex human, political and social issues in her works for young audiences. The research also seeks to show how these works may help develop empathy, an aversion for violence and a desire for peace in children who may thus learn to choose peace and become peacemakers. The results and conclusions drawn from the fields of education and studies of picture books lead us to demonstrate how Mira Lobe, through her peace picture books, makes a universal and timeless contribution to peace education. / Diese Arbeit bringt Bilderbuch- und Friedensforschung erstmals systematisch in einen Dialog, um Formen und Funktionsweisen von der hier als „Friedensbilderbücher“ bezeichneten Medien aufzuzeigen. Sie stellt erstmals Fragen danach, wie und warum Friedensbilderbücher wirken, d.h. Kinder einerseits „friedensalphabetisieren“ und andererseits zum Friedenshandeln motivieren. Bilderbücher sind ein ideales Medium zur Friedenserziehung von Kindern. Schon früh während des Sozialisationsprozesses können jungen Menschen durch das Bilderbuch Friedensinhalte, Abneigung gegen Gewalt und alternative Wege der Konfliktlösung vermittelt und somit im kindlichen Geist die Werte einer Kultur des Friedens verankert werden. Im Mittelpunkt der Arbeit steht der friedenserzieherische Aspekt in den Bilderbüchern der österreichischen Kinder- und Jugendbuchautorin Mira Lobe (1913-1995). Mittels einer systematischen Analyse von sieben Friedensbilderbüchern wird untersucht, welcher literarischer, pädagogischer, semiotischer, narrativer und ästhetischer Strategien und Vorgangsweisen sich Mira Lobe bedient, um die Gratwanderung von politischen und tabuisierten Themen zur Kindgemäßheit zu reüssieren und um in Kindern Empathiebereitschaft und Gewaltabneigung zu induzieren, sie zum Friedenshandeln zu inspirieren und motivieren. Auch die Möglichkeiten der Friedenserziehung mittels der Bilder bzw. der Text-Bild-Interdependenz im Bilderbuch werden in diesem Hinblick untersucht. Der interdisziplinäre Zugang, nämlich die Verknüpfung von Erkenntnissen der Friedenserziehung mit den Einsichten der Bilderbuchforschung in die medienspezifischen Möglichkeiten des Bilderbuchs, macht es möglich aufzuzeigen, wie Mira Lobe mit ihren Friedensbilderbüchern einen universellen und zeitlosen Beitrag zur Friedenserziehung leistet.

Embodiment and agency in digital reading : preschoolers making meaning with literary apps

Frederico, Aline January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation investigates meaning-making in children's joint-reading transactions with literary apps. The analysis of meaning-making focuses on embodiment as a central aspect of literary app's texts and their reading and on children's negotiation of agency in the act of joint-reading. Meaning-making is understood through a multimodal social semiotics perspective, which considers that meaning is realised in the dynamic transaction between reader, text and social context. Therefore, the dissertation integrates the analysis of the apps and of the children's responses to capture the dynamics of meaning-making in such transactions. Case studies were conducted with six families, who read the apps The Monster at the End of This Book (Stone & Smollin, 2011) and Little Red Riding Hood (Nosy Crow, 2013) in an English public library. The central method of data collection involved video-recorded observations of parent-child joint-reading events, complemented by graphic elicitation, informal interviews and a questionnaire. The video data was analysed through multimodal methods. The findings indicate that the participant readers used their bodies not only as a material point of contact and activation of the interactive features but also as a resource for meaning-making in their transactions with the apps. The reader's body was essential in their engagement with the material and interactive affordances of the apps, in reader's expressions of their responses, and in the sharing of the reading experience with the parents. The body of the reader, through spontaneous and interactive gestures, is a mode of communication in the multimodal ecologies of both the text and the reader's responses. Furthermore, the child readers constantly negotiated their agency within the constraints posed by the text, which include the narrative itself and its interactive features, and those posed by the joint-reading situation. The bodies of the readers played an essential role in this dual negotiation of agency. Children's agency was scripted, that is, the readers exerted their agency within the limitations of a script. The script, however, allowed readers to improvise, and their performances also involved resistance to the script through playful subversion. In the joint-reading event, children's agency was foregrounded, positioning the children as protagonist readers, who performed most of the interactions and lived the aesthetic experience of the text fully, to the expense of their parents, who mostly participated as supporting readers, transferring their agency to the children through scaffolding.

Moje Daisy Mrázková / My Daisy Mrázková

Čejková, Markéta January 2017 (has links)
The thesis analyzes the illustrations and author books of Daisy Mrázková directed mainly to the children readers. The thesis puts this part of her artistic work in the context of her work as a whole as well as in the Czechoslovak artistic milieu from sixties till eighties. Detailed attention is paid to Daisy Mrázková's inspiration, her childhood and education, family life and relationship with her friends, especially those from the artistic group UB 12, and their influence on her work. The work also focuses on the influence of English children literature specifically due to the artist's family origin. Her illustrations and author books are compared to the books of the contemporary Czechoslovak fellow artists as well as her teachers and schoolmates. A significant part of the thesis describes and analyzes synesthesia, both in the artist own work as well as in the work of the Czech and foreign artists.

Inventório. Processos de design na divulgação científica para crianças: estudo de caso de livro informativo / Inventory design processes in science communication for children: informative book case study

Campos, Ana Paula 06 May 2016 (has links)
A pesquisa de caráter qualitativo teve como objetivo levantar e discutir maneiras pelas quais o campo do design pode contribuir para a divulgação científica para o público infantil. A partir de um levantamento de casos de comunicação da ciência para crianças no Brasil e exterior, de naturezas e mídias diversas, foram identificados os processos de design empregados e determinados os eixos investigativos da pesquisa: processos colaborativos, processos participativos, ludicidade e design da informação. Para evidenciar e discutir as questões relativas aos quatro eixos, foi realizado um estudo de caso sobre o livro informativo para crianças Lá fora - Guia para descobrir a natureza (textos de Maria Ana Peixe Dias e Inês Teixeira do Rosário, ilustrações de Bernardo P. Carvalho, editora Planeta Tangerina, Portugal, 2014). O estudo de caso baseou-se em revisão bibliográfica relativa a: processos colaborativos, processos participativos, processos voltados ao lúdico, design da informação, livros ilustrados e livros informativos para crianças. As análises sugerem que as contribuições do campo para a divulgação científica para crianças potencializam-se quanto mais abrangente for o escopo de participação do design e quanto mais inicial for o estágio de projetação em que é introduzido. Além disso, de cada eixo investigativo sobressaem contribuições específicas ligadas às forma de participação do design no processo de produção da divulgação, a saber: o rigor informativo, investigativo e crítico, e a criatividade na abordagem dos temas da ciência (processos colaborativos); a defesa da autonomia, do protagonismo e do respeito às necessidades cognitivas e emocionais da criança (processos participativos); a aproximação poética, aberta, imaginativa e complexa dos assuntos tratados (processos voltados à ludicidade); e o cuidado com a usabilidade dos objetos, a legibilidade e a visualização da informação (design da informação). / This qualitative study aimed to raise and discuss ways in which the design field can contribute to science communication for children. Specific applied design processes and certain investigative axes of research were identified from a survey of cases of science communication for children in Brazil and abroad, of different natures and media: collaborative processes, participatory processes, playfulness and information design. In order to highlight and discuss questions relating to these four axes, we conducted a case study of the children\'s information book Lá fora - Guia para descobrir a natureza (texts by Maria Ana Peixe Dias and Inês Teixeira do Rosário, illustrations by Bernardo P. Carvalho, Planeta Tangerina, Portugal, 2014). The case study is based on literature review on: collaborative processes, participatory processes, processes aimed at playfulness, information design, picturebooks and children\'s information books. The analysis suggests that the design field contribution to science communication for children can be enhanced the more comprehensive its scope is and the earlier it is introduced in the design process. In addition, each investigative axis highlights specific contributions, linked to the form of participation that design takes on the production process of the publication, namely: the informative, investigative and critical accuracy, and the creativity in addressing the themes of science (collaborative processes); the defense of autonomy, leadership and respect to cognitive and emotional needs of the child (participatory processes); the poetic, open, imaginative and complex approach of subjects addressed (processes aimed at playfulness); the attention to the usability and readability of objects, and its information visualization (information design).


SILVINA RUTH CRENZEL 09 January 2018 (has links)
[pt] Esta Tese apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa realizada pela triangulação de um método quantitativo e outro qualitativo que teve por objetivo detectar como a incorporação de animações interfere na compreensão de histórias por crianças. Desde o advento do livro infantil, este passou por inúmeras transformações conceituais e técnicas e evoluiu de gravuras e desenhos de linha a uma ampla gama de estilos. Hoje, livros infantis exibem milhões de cores e texturas diversas elaboradas com técnicas e recursos muito variados. No final do século XX, as mídias digitais interativas já configuravam um novo suporte para narrativas literárias. Acredita-se que possam promover um novo tipo de relacionamento entre o sujeito que as lê e as histórias que para ele se desvendam na medida em que interage com os conteúdos apresentados. No meio digital, as ilustrações, sempre presentes em contos infantis, ganham novos contornos: poderão contar com a animação. Com os livros eletrônicos digitais – e-readers – que hoje são realidade, as crianças passam a ter a possibilidade de explorar narrativas onde as imagens poderão ganhar movimento. Os resultados podem colaborar, com designers, escritores, ilustradores, pedagogos e docentes principalmente no esforço de estimular o prazer de ler no período que segue ao da alfabetização. / [en] This Thesis presents the results of a research made by the triangulation of a qualitative and a quantitative method design try to find out how children may understand narrative content when stories are presented in different forms: as a traditional hard copy book and as an animated e-book in a digital platform such as an e-reader. Since the very first storybook for children, the illustrations that have always been included in such books have gone through many conceptual and technical changes and has evolved from simple line drawings do a wide range of styles. Today we see story books showing colors and textures created through various techniques and resources. Interactive digital media offer a new supporting structure for literary narrative and may provide the means to create a new kind of relationship involving the subject who reads and the unfolding stories as he interacts with the narrative content. In this media, illustration, which has always made part children of story books, acquires a new form, for there is a possibility to explore sensorial resources beyond those enhanced by verbal text and printed illustration and, thus, creates a new way to practice and develop the act of reading. The collected data and the research results can be used by designers, writers, illustrators, pedagogy professionals and school teachers as aiding tools in the effort to stimulate the pleasure of reading by small children after they have learned the alphabet and during the time they struggle to became fully literate. / [es] Esta Tesis presenta los resultados de uma investigación realizada por triangulación de um método quantitativo y otro qualitativo que tuvo por objetivo detectar como la incorporación de animaciones interfiere em la compreensión de historias por niños. Desde que existe el libro infantil, ya pasó por inúmeras transformaciones conceptuales y técnicas y evolucionó de dibujos simples a uma ampla gama de estilos. Hoy, libros infantiles exhiben millones de colores y diversas texturas elaboradas con técnicas y recursos muy variados. Al final del siglo XX, los medios digitales interactivos ya configurabam un nuevo soporte para narrativas literárias. Se cree que este tipo de narrativa pueda promover nuevas formas de relacionamento entre el sujeito que las lee y las historias que se Le desvendam em la medida en que interacciona con los contenidos presentados. Em el medio digital, las ilustraciones, siempre presentes en cuentos infantiles, adquieren nuevos contornos: podrán contar com la animación. Con los libros eletrónicos digitales – e-readers – que soy hoy realidade, los ninõs pasaron a tener la posibilidad de explorar narrativas donde las imágenes podrán moverse. Los resultados pueden colaborar, com diseñadores, escritores, ilustradores, pedagogos y docentes, principalmente em lo que significa el esfuerzo de estimular el gusto por la lectura, el placer de leer, en los años posteriores al período de alfabetización.

Inventório. Processos de design na divulgação científica para crianças: estudo de caso de livro informativo / Inventory design processes in science communication for children: informative book case study

Ana Paula Campos 06 May 2016 (has links)
A pesquisa de caráter qualitativo teve como objetivo levantar e discutir maneiras pelas quais o campo do design pode contribuir para a divulgação científica para o público infantil. A partir de um levantamento de casos de comunicação da ciência para crianças no Brasil e exterior, de naturezas e mídias diversas, foram identificados os processos de design empregados e determinados os eixos investigativos da pesquisa: processos colaborativos, processos participativos, ludicidade e design da informação. Para evidenciar e discutir as questões relativas aos quatro eixos, foi realizado um estudo de caso sobre o livro informativo para crianças Lá fora - Guia para descobrir a natureza (textos de Maria Ana Peixe Dias e Inês Teixeira do Rosário, ilustrações de Bernardo P. Carvalho, editora Planeta Tangerina, Portugal, 2014). O estudo de caso baseou-se em revisão bibliográfica relativa a: processos colaborativos, processos participativos, processos voltados ao lúdico, design da informação, livros ilustrados e livros informativos para crianças. As análises sugerem que as contribuições do campo para a divulgação científica para crianças potencializam-se quanto mais abrangente for o escopo de participação do design e quanto mais inicial for o estágio de projetação em que é introduzido. Além disso, de cada eixo investigativo sobressaem contribuições específicas ligadas às forma de participação do design no processo de produção da divulgação, a saber: o rigor informativo, investigativo e crítico, e a criatividade na abordagem dos temas da ciência (processos colaborativos); a defesa da autonomia, do protagonismo e do respeito às necessidades cognitivas e emocionais da criança (processos participativos); a aproximação poética, aberta, imaginativa e complexa dos assuntos tratados (processos voltados à ludicidade); e o cuidado com a usabilidade dos objetos, a legibilidade e a visualização da informação (design da informação). / This qualitative study aimed to raise and discuss ways in which the design field can contribute to science communication for children. Specific applied design processes and certain investigative axes of research were identified from a survey of cases of science communication for children in Brazil and abroad, of different natures and media: collaborative processes, participatory processes, playfulness and information design. In order to highlight and discuss questions relating to these four axes, we conducted a case study of the children\'s information book Lá fora - Guia para descobrir a natureza (texts by Maria Ana Peixe Dias and Inês Teixeira do Rosário, illustrations by Bernardo P. Carvalho, Planeta Tangerina, Portugal, 2014). The case study is based on literature review on: collaborative processes, participatory processes, processes aimed at playfulness, information design, picturebooks and children\'s information books. The analysis suggests that the design field contribution to science communication for children can be enhanced the more comprehensive its scope is and the earlier it is introduced in the design process. In addition, each investigative axis highlights specific contributions, linked to the form of participation that design takes on the production process of the publication, namely: the informative, investigative and critical accuracy, and the creativity in addressing the themes of science (collaborative processes); the defense of autonomy, leadership and respect to cognitive and emotional needs of the child (participatory processes); the poetic, open, imaginative and complex approach of subjects addressed (processes aimed at playfulness); the attention to the usability and readability of objects, and its information visualization (information design).

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