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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A class of state-dependent delay differential equations and applications to forest growth / Études d'une classe d'équations à retard dépendant de l'état et application à la croissance de forêts

Zhang, Zhengyang 14 May 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude d'une classe d'équations différentielles à retard dépendant de l'état -- ces équations provenant d'un modèle structuré en taille. La principale motivation de cette thèse provient de la volonté d'ajuster les paramètres du système d'équations étudiées vis-à-vis des données générées par un simulateur de forêts, appelé SORTIE. Deux types de forêts sont étudiés ici: d'une part une forêt ne comportant qu'une seule espèce d'arbre, et d'autre part une forêt comportant deux espèces d'arbres (au chapitre 2). Les simulations numériques du système d'équations correspondent relativement bien aux données générées par SORTIE, ce qui montre que le système considéré peut être utilisé afin d'écrire la dynamique de populations d'une forêt. De plus, un modèle plus étendu prenant en compte la position spatiale des arbres est proposé dans le chapitre 2, dans le cas de forêts possédant deux espèces d'arbres. Les simulations numériques de ce modèle permettent de visualiser la propagation spatiale des forêts. Les chapitres 3 et 4 se concentrent sur l'analyse mathématique des équations différentielles à retard considérées. Les propriétés du semi-flot associé au système sont étudiées au chapitre 3, où l'on démontre en particulier que ce semi-flot n'est pas continu en temps. Le caractère dissipatif et borné du semi-flot, pour des modèles de forêts comportant une ou deux espèces d'arbres, est étudié dans le chapitre 4. En outre, afin d'étudier la dynamique de population d'une forêt (d'une seule espèce d'arbre) après l'introduction d'un parasite, nous construisons dans le chapitre 5 un système proie-prédateur dont la proie (à savoir la forêt) est modélisée par le système d'équations différentielles à retard dépendant de l'état étudié auparavant, et dont le prédateur (à savoir le parasite) est modélisé par une équation différentielle ordinaire. De nombreuses simulations numériques associées à différents scénarios sont faites, afin d'explorer le comportement complexe des solutions du au couplage proie-prédateur et les équations à retard dépendant de l'état. / This thesis is devoted to the studies of a class of state-dependent delay differential equations. This class of equations is derived from a size-structured model.The motivation comes from the parameter fittings of this system to a forest simulator called SORTIE. Cases of both single species forest and two-species forest are considered in Chapter 2. The numerical simulations of the system correspond relatively very well to the forest data generated by SORTIE, which shows that this system is able to be used to describe the population dynamics of forests. Moreover, an extended model considering the spatial positions of trees is also proposed in Chapter 2 for the two-species forest case. From the numerical simulations of this spatial model one can see the diffusion of forests in space. Chapter 3 and 4 focus on the mathematical analysis of the state-dependent delay differential equations. The properties of semiflow generated by this system are studied in Chapter 3, where we find that this semiflow is not time-continuous. The boundedness and dissipativity of the semiflow for both single species model and multi-species model are studied in Chapter 4. Furthermore, in order to study the population dynamics after the introduction of parasites into a forest, a predator-prey system consisting of the above state-dependent delay differential equation (describing the forest) and an ordinary differential equation (describing the parasites) is constructed in Chapter 5 (only the single species forest is considered here). Numerical simulations in several scenarios and cases are operated to display the complex behaviours of solutions appearing in this system with the predator-prey relation and the state-dependent delay.

Ecological characterisation and effects of fire and grazing on Cyrtanthus nutans (R.A.Dyer) in North-Western Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa

Ruddle, Lynne Michelle 05 1900 (has links)
Cyrtanthus nutans (RA Dyer) is a KwaZulu-Natal Province near-endemic species, classified as vulnerable in South Africa (IUCN Red Data categories). Literature references suggest that no recent ecological research has been conducted on Cyrtanthus nutans. Last assessed in 2007, the current study determined the demographics and the abiotic and biotic factors that influenced the distribution and range of Cyrtanthus nutans. Key determinants influencing the autecology, distribution and population dynamics of Cyrtanthus nutans were investigated. Anthropological factors influencing the decline of populations were addressed. Two investigations were undertaken for the current study on Cyrtanthus nutans in Dundee in North-western KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa namely a survey to determine the population dynamics and autecology of the species and the effect key determinants have on the recruitment and survival. Sites of occurrence and the ecological and anthropological factors that influence the existence of plants were documented. Experimental plots were conducted to determine the influence of climatological factors, fire and defoliation on the emergence and survival of Cyrtanthus nutans plants. A preference was found for soils with high nitrogen and organic carbon, low phosphorus and acidity levels situated on slopes of < 10% on mid to lower terrain slopes within an altitude range of between 1 100 and 1 300 m (a.m.s.l.) in the Sour Sandveld and Moist Tall Grassveld Bioresource Groups. The influence that climatological factors, fire and defoliation had on the emergence and seed recruitment of Cyrtanthus nutans were determined through a small plot experiment in the Dundee area. Mean relative humidity (%) and mean rainfall two weeks before emergence in conjunction with treatments were highly significant (P<0.001). Burning treatments B (fire inclusion and defoliation inclusion) and BC (fire inclusion and defoliation exclusion) were more highly significant on the emergence of Cyrtanthus nutans plants than any other treatments. ii | P a g e Increasing fragmentation of thriving populations of Cyrtanthus nutans populations is occurring through landuse change, mismanagement of veld and non-compliance of legislation. Continued monitoring and awareness is essential in the survival of this species. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Sciences)

Modelando evolução por endossimbiose / Modeling evolution by endosymbiosis

Carlos Eduardo Hirakawa 13 July 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Nesta dissertação é apresentada uma modelagem analítica para o processo evolucionário formulado pela Teoria da Evolução por Endossimbiose representado através de uma sucessão de estágios envolvendo diferentes interações ecológicas e metábolicas entre populações de bactérias considerando tanto a dinâmica populacional como os processos produtivos dessas populações. Para tal abordagem é feito uso do sistema de equações diferenciais conhecido como sistema de Volterra-Hamilton bem como de determinados conceitos geométricos envolvendo a Teoria KCC e a Geometria Projetiva. Os principais cálculos foram realizados pelo pacote de programação algébrica FINSLER, aplicado sobre o MAPLE. / This work presents an analytical approach for modeling the evolutionary process formulated by the Serial Endosymbiosis Theory represented by a succession of stages involving different metabolic and ecological interactions among populations of bacteria considering both the population dynamics and production processes of these populations. In such approach we make use of systems of differential equations known as Volterra-Hamilton systems as well as some geometric concepts involving the KCC Theory and the Projective Geometry. The main calculations were performed by the computer algebra software FINSLER based on MAPLE.

Estudo da comunidade bacteriana endofítica e de sua manifestação na micropropagação de Eucalyptus benthamii / Study of endophytic bacterial community and its manifestation in the micropropagation of Eucalyptus benthamii

Natalia Pimentel Esposito Polesi 18 June 2015 (has links)
Eucalyptus benthamii tem se mostrado especialmente vantajoso como alternativa ao cultivo em regiões frias, justificando esforços para o estabelecimento de protocolos para sua micropropagação. Porém, as matrizes são preferencialmente selecionadas quando adultas (material apresenta menor competência morfogênica), tornando a micropropagação dependente de maior número de subcultivos e maior tempo para se reverter o material ao rejuvenescimento. Assim, a redução das perdas in vitro tem merecido atenção, como por exemplo, as manifestações endofíticas, que exigem maximização da eficiência da cultura e adequações no protocolo, visando minimizá-las, possibilitando melhorar o entendimento das relações estabelecidas e mantidas entre os endófitos e seu hospedeiro durante a micropropagação. Dessa maneira, foram utilizadas minicepas provenientes de duas fontes de miniestacas coletadas a partir do brotamento de gemas epicórmicas de megaestacas da base da copa e de brotamentos do anelamento da base do tronco, de uma matriz de E. benthamii com 13 anos de idade, estabelecidas em minijardim clonal sob condição de casa de vegetação, com o objetivo de avaliar como se dá a multiplicação, sob diferentes condições de cultivo, das duas fontes de explantes (minicepas); analisar se a frequência e intensidade das manifestações endofíticas são afetadas pelas diferentes condições de cultivo; investigar a ocorrência de alterações na comunidade bacteriana endofítica devido à alteração das condições de cultivo e fase da micropropagação (in vivo = minicepas, e in vitro = microcepas, material alongado e enraizado). Visando atender estes objetivos, a pesquisa se dividiu em duas partes. Na primeira (capitulo 3) o desenvolvimento, os aspectos morfofisiológicos, histoquímicos e a manifestação endofítica foram avaliados na multiplicação das duas fontes de explante sob diferentes meios e condições de cultivo. Na segunda (capítulo 4) as comunidades bacterianas endofíticas foram analisadas por meio de PCR-DGGE, baseada na região V6 do gene 16S DNAr. Os resultados mostraram que as microcepas provenientes de megaestaca tiveram melhor desenvolvimento independentemente do tratamento e maior frequência de manifestações endofíticas, comparando-se com as de anelamento. As comunidades bacterinas endofíticas foram distintas entre as amostras in vivo e in vitro, e se alteraram ao longo dos subcultivos e nas amostras alongadas e enraizadas. As diferenças existentes no desenvolvimento das microcepas podem ser inerentes à totipotencialidade do material, mas também podem ser afetadas, tanto pela ocorrência de manifestação, quanto pela comunidade bacteriana endofítica mais ou menos sensível ao processo de micropropagação, auxiliando ou prejudicando o desenvolvimento in vitro de seus hospedeiros. Cabe destacar, ainda, que mesmo em um sistema asséptico e ambientalmente controlado, os microrganismos endofíticos que resistiram a todo processo de desinfestação e cultivo, não estão \"adormecidos\", muito pelo contrário podem se alterar em quantidade à medida que seu hospedeiro é submetido a um novo sistema de cultivo (introdução) ou uma nova fase dentro da micropropagação (multiplicação &rarr; alongamento e enraizamnento) ou, ainda, ao longo dos subcultivos. Sendo assim, a complexa rede de relações das plantas com seus endófitos não cessa durante o cultivo in vitro, ao contrário mantém-se dinâmica. / Eucalyptus benthamii has proven to be especially advantageous as an alternative culture in cold regions, justifying efforts to establish protocols for micropropagation. However, the matrices are preferably selected when adults (material with lower morphogenic efficiency), making micropropagation more dependent of subcultures and too longer to reverse the material to rejuvenation. Thus, reduction of losses in vitro has deserved attention, such for example the endophytic manifestations that require the maximization of efficiency culture and adjustments to the Protocol, in order to minimize them, enabling better understanding of the relations established and maintained between endophytes and its host along micropropagation. For this, mini-stumps were used from two sources of mini-cuttings collected from the epicormic shoots of mega-cuttings from the treetop base and shoots from girdling from the trunk base, both of one E. benthamii matrix with 13 years of age established in clonal mini garden under greenhouse condition, aimed to evaluate how is the multiplication of two sources of explants (mini-stumps) under different growing conditions; analyze how the endophytic manifestations frequency and intensity are affected by different conditions; investigate the changes to occurrence in the endophytic bacterial community due to the variation of culture conditions and micropropagation phase (in vivo = mini-stumps, and in vitro = micro-stumps, elongated and rooted materials). In order to meet these objectives, the research was divided in two parts. In the first (chapter 3) the development, morphophysiological aspects, histochemical and endophytic manifestation were evaluated in the multiplication of the two explants sources from different media and culture conditions. In the second (chapter 4) endophytic bacterial communities were analyzed by PCR-DGGE based on the V6 region of 16S rDNA gene. The results showed that micro-stumps from mega-cuttings had better development regardless of treatment and increased frequency of endophytic events, comparing with the girdling. Endophytic bacterial communities were different between samples in vivo and in vitro, and have changed over the subcultures and the elongated and rooted samples. The differences in the development of micro-stumps can be explained by the totipotentiality inherent to the material, but may also be affected by both the manifestation occurrence and the endophytic bacterial community more or less sensitive to the micropropagation, helping or harming the in vitro development of their hosts. We also highlight that even in an aseptic and environmentally controlled system, the endophytic microorganisms that resisted the whole process of disinfection and cultivation, are not \"asleep\", quite the opposite may change in quantity when your host is subjected to a new cultivation system (in vitro establishment) and a new phase within the micropropagation (multiplication &rarr; stretching and enraizamnento), or even along the subcultures. This way, the complex network of relationships of the plant with their endophyte does not cease during the in vitro culture, unlike remains dynamic.

Modélisation des interactions trophiques impliquant des transferts de contaminants biologiques et chimiques : application à Echinococcus multilocularis et aux éléments traces métalliques / Modeling of food web interactions involving transfer of biological and chemical contaminants : application to echinococcus multilocularis

Baudrot, Virgile 29 September 2016 (has links)
La structure et l’intensité des interactions ressources-consommateurs qui forment les réseaux trophiques régulent une très grande partie des transferts de biomasse mais aussi de contaminants biologiques et chimiques dans les écosystèmes. L’objectif de la thèse est de développer des modèles permettant d’étudier les mécanismes de transport des contaminants et d’évaluer ainsi d’une part la dynamique des maladies infectieuses et des pollutions chimiques, et d’autre part les réponses des réseaux trophiques soumis à ces contaminations.[...] À l’issue de ces travaux, une quatrième étape de la thèse a été d’intégrer les interactions trophiques, les dynamiques des parasites et les impacts des pollutions dans des méta-écosystèmes (i.e. avec dispersions d’individus entre écosystèmes). En utilisant la théorie des matrices aléatoires nous avons établi des mesures des risques d’émergence de parasites que nous avons évalués en fonction des perturbations extérieures.L’étude a ainsi montré que ces perturbations augmentent les risques épidémiques, mais que ces risques pouvaient être réduits par la dispersion des individus (sains et infectés) sous certaines conditions qui sont,par exemple pour les TTP, un nombre d’espèces plus grand que le nombre d’écosystèmes connectés, et un taux de virulence plus faible que le taux de contagion.Ainsi, dans un contexte planétaire d’augmentation des pressions anthropiques sur les écosystèmes,cette thèse de modélisation apporte un ensemble d’outils et de développements conceptuels permettant d’analyser quantitativement et qualitativement les transferts et les impacts des contaminants sur les écosystèmes. / Structure and strength of trophic interactions shaping food webs regulate a large part of biomass andenergy transfer in ecosystems, but also the transfer of biological and chemical contaminants. The aim ofthe PhD thesis is to develop models describing the mechanisms of contaminant transmission and using them to study the dynamics of infectious diseases and chemical pollutions, and also the response of trophic networks subject to those contaminations.[...] Following those works, a fourth step of the thesis has been to integrate trophic interactions, parasite dynamics and pollutions effects in order to study the stability of meta community (i.e. spatially connectedcommunities) and the risk of disease outbreaks. To do so, we use the theory of random matrices andwe introduced new criteria of metacommunity stability and of disease outbreak in metacommunity, both under external pressures. The study showed that external perturbations increase the risk of epidemics,but that those risks could be reduced with the dispersal of individuals (susceptible and infectious) underspecific conditions such as, for TTP, a greater number of species than that of connected ecosystems, and a smaller virulence than the contagion rate.In this way, in a context of planetary increase of anthropogenic pressures on ecosystems, this PhD thesis in modeling provides a set of tools and conceptual developments suitable to analyze quantitatively and qualitatively the transfers and impacts of contaminants in ecosystems.

Dynamique spatio-temporelle des populations de truites en milieu naturel et au voisinage des ouvrages hydroélectriques / Spatiotemporal dynamics of brown trout populations in natural and bypassed reaches

Bret, Victor 04 May 2016 (has links)
Bien que l’écologie de la truite (Salmo trutta) ait déjà été bien étudiée, les processus expliquant la dynamique spatio-temporelle des populations restent à caractériser. L’objectif de cette thèse était d’identifier les processus démographiques (ex. survie ou déplacements) et l’influence des processus biotiques (interactions entre individus) et abiotiques (conditions environnementales) qui structurent dans le temps et dans l’espace les différentes classes d’âge (alevins, juvéniles et adultes) de ces populations. J’ai étudié l’influence sur la survie apparente de (1) la densité-dépendance et (2) des conditions environnementales vécues directement par les truites (habitat hydraulique et température de l’eau). Pour évaluer la transférabilité des résultats, j’ai évalué (3) l’échelle spatiale (globale ou locale) à laquelle opéraient les processus et (4) si ces processus variaient entre populations (approche hiérarchique). J’ai considéré la dynamique de 45 populations de truites dont 22 sont situées à l’aval d’un ouvrage hydroélectrique. A large échelle, il est apparu que le recrutement de populations séparées par des distances allant jusqu’à 75km peut être synchronisé par de fortes crues lors de l’émergence des alevins ou des déplacements du substrat de ponte. Nous avons synthétisé les résultats de l’application d’un modèle déterministe de dynamique de population, calibrés localement sur neuf stations aux conditions environnementales bien caractérisées. Cette synthèse a montré que des processus locaux influençaient directement la dynamique des populations. Enfin, la construction d’un modèle hiérarchique a montré le rôle structurant de la mortalité densité-dépendante des juvéniles et des adultes, dont l’intensité augmentait en l’absence d’abris (<2% de la surface) ou variait avec la température de l’eau (diminution pour les juvéniles et augmentation pour les adultes). Ce travail fournit des bases scientifiques aux gestionnaires d’ouvrages hydro-électriques pour leur permettre de limiter leur influence sur les populations de poissons et répondre ainsi aux demandes réglementaires / Brown trout (Salmo trutta) ecology was largely studied. However, the process structuring the spatiotemporal patterns of population dynamics remains unclear. The objective of this thesis was to identify the demographic processes (e.g. survival or displacements) and the influence of biotic (between-individuals interactions) and abiotic (environmental conditions) processes structuring the age-stages (fry, juveniles and adults) of these populations in time and space.I studied (1) the role of density-dependence on survival and (2) the influence of environmental conditions experienced by trouts (hydraulics and water temperature). To assess the results’ transferability, I studied (3) the spatial scale (global or local) of influence of the processes and (4) if those processes varied among populations (hierarchical approach).I considered the dynamics of 45 trout populations, 22 being located downstream a hydropower facility. At a large scale, the recruitment of distant populations (up to 75 km apart) may be synchronized by large floods during emergence of fry or by spawning substratum displacements. We summarized the results of a determinist population dynamics models, locally calibrated on nine reaches showing well-described environmental conditions. This summary revealed the influence of various local drivers on population dynamics. Finally, a hierarchical model showed that density-dependent mortality among juveniles and adults was a key biotic process. The strength of the competition was greater in absence of shelter (<2% of the surface) and varied with water temperature (decreasing for juveniles and increasing for adults).The results of this work will provide scientific basis to hydropower facility managers. This will help them to reduce their influence on trout populations and respond to regulatory demands

Analyse et contrôle de modèles de dynamique de populations / Analysis and controle of population dynamics models

He, Yuan 22 November 2013 (has links)
La présente thèse est divisée en deux parties. La première partie concerne l'analyse mathématique et la contrôlabilité exacte à zéro pour une catégorie de systèmes structurés décrivant la dynamique d'une population d'insectes. La seconde partie est consacrée à l'étude de la stabilité de la conductivité d'un système de réaction diffusion modélisant l'activité électrique du coeur.Dans le chapitre 2, on considère que la population d'adultes se diffuse dans la vignoble,la fonction de la croissance des individus à chaque stade dépend des variations climatiques et de la variété des raisins. En utilisant la méthode de point fixe, on obtient l'existence et l'unicité des solutions du modèle. On démontre ensuite l'existence d'un attracteur global pour le système dynamique. Enfin, on utilise la théorie des opérateurs compacts et le théorème de point fixe de Krasnoselskii pour prouver l'existence des états stationnaires.Dans le chapitre 3, on traite le problème de contrôlabilité exacte du modèle de Lobesia Botrana, lorsque la fonction de croissance est égale à 1. On suppose que les quatre sous-catégories de ce système sont dans une phase statique. On obtient que la population d'oeufs peut être contrôlée à zéro. Ce résultat est basé sur des estimations à priori combinées avec un théorème de point fixe.Lorsque les papillons adultes se dispersent spatialement, on introduit un contrôle sur la population d'oeufs, de larves et de femelles dans une petite région du vignoble. On montre alors la contrôlabilité exacte à zéro pour les femelles.Dans la deuxième partie de cette thèse, on analyse la stabilité des coefficients de diffusion d'un système parabolique qui modélise l'activité électrique du coeur. On établit une estimation de Carleman pour le système de réaction-diffusion. En combinant cette estimation avec des estimations d'énergie avec poids on obtient le résultat de stabilité. / This thesis is divided into two parts.One is mainly devoted to make a qualitative analysis and exact null controlfor a class of structured population dynamical systems, and the other concernsstability of conductivities in an inverse problem of a reaction-diffusion systemarising in electrocardiology.In the first part, we study the dynamics ofEuropean grape moth, which has caused serious damages on thevineyards in Europe,North Africa, and even some Asian countries.To model this grapevine insect, physiologically structured multistage population systems are proposed.These systemshave nonlocal boundary conditions arising in nonlocal transition processes in ecosystem.We consider the questions of spatial spread of the populationunder physiological age and stage structures,and show global dynamical properties for the model.Furthermore, we investigate the control problem for this Lobesia botrana modelwhen the growth function is equal to $1$.For the case that four subclasses of this system are all in static station,we conclude that the population of eggs can be controlled to zero at acertain moment by acting on eggs.While the adult moths can disperse,we describe a control by a removal of egg and larvapopulation, and also on female moths in a small region of the vineyard.Then the null controllability for female mothsin a nonempty open sub-domain at a given time is obtained.In the second part, a reaction-diffusion system approximating a parabolic-elliptic systemwas proposed tomodel electrical activity in the heart. We are interested inthe stability analysis of an inverse problem for this model.Then we use the method of Carleman estimates and certain weight energyestimatesfor the identification of diffusion coefficients for the parabolicsystem to draw the conclusion.

Écologie de Pseudomonas syringae dans un bassin versant : vers un modèle de transfert : des habitats naturels aux agro-systèmes / The ecology of Pseudomonas syringae in watersheds : towards a model of transfer from natural habitats to agrosystems

Monteil, Caroline 09 December 2011 (has links)
Caractériser la dissémination des bio-agresseurs est un enjeu majeur pour la gestion et la prédiction des maladies en santé des plantes. Face aux limites des approches usuelles en pathologie végétale, une nouvelle vision a été proposée abordant les paradigmes d’histoire de vie des agents phytopathogènes en dehors des limites du système hôte-pathogène. Parmi ces agents phytopathogènes, les études sur P.syringae sont celles qui ont contribuées le plus à ce nouveau courant de pensée et dont on connaît le mieux l’histoire de vie en relation avec ses réservoirs « non hôtes ». L’espèce est détectée dans de nombreux compartiments du cycle de l’eau, des précipitations jusqu’aux rivières et eaux d’irrigation, en passant par les plantes sauvages et le manteau neigeux. L’ensemble de ces observations ont soulevé de nouvelles questions sur la manière dont P. syringae se dissémine au travers de ces environnements et sur les processus impactant sur la dynamique des populations à l’échelle d’un bassin versant. Ces recherches se sont donc intéressées à ses processus dans des précipitations jusqu’aux cours d’eau alpins dans l’optique d’acquérir des données pour la modélisation des flux de P. syringae. Elles ont mis en évidence les populations résidentes de la litière et la survie sa survie dans le sol, processus jamais identifiés à l’histoire de vie de P. syringae. Elles ont également caractérisé (i) les conditions propices à son transport via les précipitations, (ii) le rôle du manteau neigeux comme réservoir et protecteur des populations des prairies alpines et (iii) ont mis en évidence la chimie de l’eau comme indicateur témoin de la dynamique des populations des les rivières. Ces observations suggérant un transport de P. syringae dans le sol, nous l’avons quantifiée à travers des études de terrain et des simulations en laboratoire.Enfin, l’ensemble des données de ces recherches couplées à des outils SIG et des modèles météorologiques et hydrologiques ont permis de proposé un modèle sur les flux de P.syringae des habitats naturels vers les agro-systèmes. / The characterization of the spread of bio-agressors spread is a major issue for themanagement of plant health and the prediction of disease emergence. Given thelimitations of conventional approaches in plant pathology, a new vision has beenproposed addressing paradigms life history of plant pathogens outside the limits of thecrop host-pathogen system. Among the plant pathogens, studies on P. syringae are thosethat have contributed the most to this new way of thought for which life history inrelation to "non host" reservoirs has been highlighted. The species is found in manycompartments of the water cycle, from precipitation to rivers and irrigation water, wildplants and snowpack. All these observations have raised new questions about how P.syringae spreads through these environments and on the processes impactingpopulation dynamics at the scale of a watershed. This research was therefore interestedin these processes with the objective to acquire data for modeling the tranfer of P.syringae through the watershed. They highlighted the resident populations of litter andtheir survival in the soil, processes never identified in association with the life history ofP. syringae. They also revealed (i) the conditions for transport via precipitations, (ii) therole of snowpack as a reservoir and protector of the populations in alpine meadows and(iii) showed that water chemistry can be used as an indicator of the populationdynamics in headwaters. These observations suggested a transport of P. syringae via thesoil that we subsequently characterized through field studies and laboratorysimulations. Finally, all data from this research combined with GIS tools andmeteorological and hydrological models have permitted us to propose a model of theflux of P. syringae of natural habitats to agricultural systems.

Field Ecology Patterns of High Latitude Coral Communities

Foster, Kristi A. 01 November 2011 (has links)
Some climate models predict that, within the next 30-50 years, sea surface temperatures (SSTs) will frequently exceed the current thermal tolerance of corals (Fitt et al. 2001; Hughes et al. 2003; Hoegh-Guldberg et al. 2007). A potential consequence is that mass coral bleaching may take place (i) during warm El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events which are predicted to occur in some regions more frequently than the current 3-7 year periodicity (Hoegh-Guldberg 1999; Sheppard 2003) or (ii) perhaps as often as annually or biannually if corals and their symbionts are unable to acclimate to the higher SSTs (Donner et al. 2005, 2007). Global data also indicate an upward trend toward increasing frequencies, intensities, and durations of tropical hurricanes and cyclones (Emanual 2005; Webster et al. 2005). As coral communities have been shown to require at least 10-30 years to recover after a major disturbance (e.g. Connell 1997; Ninio et al. 2000; Bruno & Selig 2007; Burt et al. 2008), it is possible that future coral communities may be in a constant state of recovery, with regeneration times exceeding the periods between disturbances. Life history traits (e.g. reproduction, recruitment, growth and mortality) vary among species of hard corals; thus, gradients in community structures may have a strong influence on susceptibilities to disturbance and rates of recovery (Connell 1997; Ninio & Meekan 2002). Taxa which are more susceptible to bleaching and mechanical disturbance (e.g. tabular and branching acroporids and pocilloporids) may experience continual changes in population structure due to persistent cycles of regeneration or local extirpation, while the more resistant taxa (e.g. massive poritids and faviids) may display relatively stable population structures (Woodley et al. 1981; Hughes & Connell 1999; Baird & Hughes 2000; Marshall & Baird 2000; Loya et al. 2001; McClanahan & Maina 2003). Determining whether resistant coral taxa have predictable responses to disturbances, with consistent patterns over wide spatial scales, may improve predictions for the future affects of climate change and the composition of reefs (Done 1999; Hoegh-Guldberg 1999; McClanahan et al. 2004). The work presented in this dissertation describes the spatial and temporal patterns in community structures for high latitude coral assemblages that have experienced the types of natural disturbances which are predicted to occur in tropical reef systems with increasing frequency as a result of climate change. The primary area of focus is the southeastern Arabian Gulf, where the coral communities are exposed to natural conditions that exceed threshold limits of corals elsewhere in the world, with annual temperature ranges between 14-36°C (Kinzie 1973; Shinn 1976) and salinities above 40 ppt. Two additional regions are included in this study for comparisons of high latitude coral community structures. The northwestern Gulf of Oman is adjacent to the southeastern Arabian Gulf (i.e. the two bodies of water are connected by the Strait of Hormuz); however, the environmental conditions are milder in the Gulf of Oman such that the number of coral taxa therein is threefold that found in the southeastern Arabian Gulf (i.e. 107 coral species in the Gulf of Oman compared to 34 species in this region of the Arabian Gulf (Riegl 1999; Coles 2003; Rezai et al. 2004)). Broward County, Florida is geographically remote from the Gulfs and, therefore, serves as a benchmark for testing whether consistent patterns in community structures exist despite different climatic and anthropogenic influences. The coral communities within the southeastern Arabian Gulf, the northwestern Gulf of Oman, and Broward County, Florida have been exposed to recurrent elevated sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies, sequential cyclone and red tide disturbances, and frequent hurricanes and tropical storms, respectively. These disturbances and other impacts (e.g. bleaching episodes, disease outbreaks, anthropogenic stresses) have affected the more susceptible acroporids and pocilloporids, resulting in significant losses of coral cover by these families and shifts towards massive corals as the dominant taxa. During the post-disturbance scarcity or absence of branching and tabular corals, the resistant massive taxa have become the crux of the essential hard coral habitat for fish, invertebrates and other marine organisms. Because recovery to pre-disturbance community structures may take decades or may not occur at all, it is vital that scientists and resource managers have a better understanding of the spatial and temporal ecology patterns of the corals that survive and fill in the functional gaps that are created by such disturbances. To aid in this understanding, this dissertation presents spatial and temporal patterns for the coral assemblages which have developed after the respective disturbances. Spatial ecology patterns are analyzed using graphical descriptions (e.g. taxa inventories, area cover, densities, size frequency distributions), univariate techniques (e.g. diversity indices), distributional techniques (e.g. k-dominance curves) and multivariate techniques (e.g. hierarchical clustering, multidimensional scaling). Temporal comparisons at monitoring sites within the southeastern Arabian Gulf and northwestern Gulf of Oman describe the coral population dynamics and are used to create size class transition models that project future population structures of massive corals in the recovering habitats.

Vers une gestion intégrative des populations animales : l'importance d'intégrer l'immigration à la compréhension de leur dynamique et à l'évaluation scientifique des actions de régulation et de conservation / Towards an integrative management of animal populations : integrating immigration in the study of population dynamics and the evaluation of conservation and control actions

Lieury, Nicolas 21 July 2015 (has links)
Pour limiter l'impact des activités humaines sur la biodiversité, les populations animales sont gérées dans de nombreux contextes. La gestion des populations animales comprend la conservation des espèces menacées, comme l’exploitation/régulation des espèces gibiers ou considérées nuisibles. Elle consiste à modifier la dynamique des populations soit en favorisant leur croissance, soit en réduisant leur abondance. Face à l’urgence d’agir dans un contexte de ressources financières limitées, une gestion efficiente des populations animales requiert une bonne compréhension de leur dynamique en réponse aux actions mises en œuvre. Durant mon doctorat, j’ai travaillé en partenariat avec des gestionnaires agissant sur deux systèmes biologiques : la conservation de rapaces méditerranéens (aigles de Bonelli et vautours percnoptères) et la régulation des densités de renards en paysage rural. Pour chaque système, mon travail a consisté i) en l’analyse des suivis de populations qui sont réalisés pour ii) évaluer l’effet de la gestion sur la dynamique des espèces gérées. Dans les deux contextes, j’ai pu iii) mettre en évidence la contribution de l’immigration à la croissance des populations menacées, comme à l’atténuation des effets de la régulation. Après iv) avoir extrait des recommandations pouvant améliorer l’efficience de la gestion en tenant compte de ces processus d’immigration, mon travail s’est conclu par v) une réflexion en retour sur l’optimisation des suivis de populations, afin qu’ils génèrent le plus d’informations pour un investissement moindre. Dans l’ensemble, ce travail aboutit à une réflexion sur les moyens favorisant une gestion efficiente des populations animales. / Due to the multiple interactions linking species together, human activities and animal species influence each other. Animal populations are therefore managed to favour long-term cohabitation. Wildlife management includes the conservation of endangered species, the harvest of game species and the control of species considered as pest. It consists in impacting population dynamics (density variation in a territory) either by favouring or limiting population growth. Faced with the complexity of ecological processes and the urgent need for acting in a context of decreasing allocated resources, an efficient management requires a precious understanding of population dynamics in response to actions. During my PhD, I collaborated with managers supervising two contrasted biological systems: the conservation of endangered Mediterranean raptors (Bonelli’s eagles and Egyptian vultures) and the control of fox densities in French rural landscapes. For each case of study, my work consisted in i) analysing data from population monitoring designed to ii) evaluate the management impact on population dynamics. In both systems, I highlighted iii) the crucial importance of immigration either in boosting endangered population or compensating for fox regulation. After having iv) derived concrete guidelines to improve management facing with immigration. I concluded my PhD by v) searching in turn for cost-effective designs of population monitoring. Overall, I questioned the contrasted systems I studied to understand pitfalls and solutions favouring an efficient management of animal populations.

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