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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Corporate Garden : att kommunicera varumärke eller verksamhetsområde genom den yttre miljön

Franevik, Malin January 2012 (has links)
Företag och organisationer arbetar mycket med att förstärka sin position på marknaden, att leva upp till sin image och stärka sin identitet. En viktig del i arbetet handlar om att bygga ett starkt varumärke utifrån verksamhetens kärnvärden som når ut till kunderna. Det gäller att vara tydlig i sin kommunikation. Ofta kan man se en röd tråd genom ett företags grafiska profil, hur lokalerna är utformade och hur man marknadsför sig. Att inomhusmiljön speglar företagets profil och värden är lika vanligt som att ha en tydlig grafisk profil och en logotype på sitt visitkort. Däremot har de flesta företag inte någon tydlig koppling mellan miljön inomhus och den yttre miljön. Ofta är det bara företagsnamnet och loggan på husfasaden som vittnar om att företaget huserar där. Genom Corporate garden kan företag som en del i en genomtänkt företagsprofilering kommunicera sin verksamhet. Syftet med mitt examensarbete är att undersöka hur ett kommunalt tjänsteföretag kan kommunicera sitt varumärke eller sitt verksamhetsområde genom den yttre miljön.  Jag har använt mig av Sandviken Energi som studieobjekt. Till dem har jag gjort ett gestaltningsförslag, en Corporate Garden, som en del i examensarbetet. Min grundtanke har varit att kombinera funktion med kommunikation där jag använt mig av material från verksamheten som delvis kommunicerar vad företaget arbetar med. Genom att göra en processbeskrivning kommer arbetet kunna följas löpande fram till ett slutförslag. Processen omfattar informationsinsamling, analys av platsen, skissfas, skissmetod, problemlösning kring bristen på parkeringsplatser, resonemang kring idéer samt ett slutförslag som visar en utemiljö där innehållet speglar företaget och dess verksamhet.

Grafisk profilering av Vextech AB

Blomster, Daniel January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Grafisk profilering av EM-loppet

Grahn, Mattias January 2008 (has links)
Consumers don´t buy products, they buy brands. To create a succesful brand, you need a clear identity,and it will be strengthened by for instance a graphic profile. This project includes a theoretical partabout corporate identity and graphic profiling, and a description of the work with the graphic profile ofEM-loppet. The aim with this project is to strengthen the identity of EM-loppet, by making a clear andunified profile. The project has been accomplished by studying literature, searching information on theInternet and via personal contacts. The graphic manual of EM-loppet and examples of its applicationsare enclosed.

B2B-företags varumärkesbyggande online : En studie av den nordiska industrisektorns inträde på YouTube

Svantesson, Jens, Olai Jansson, Freddie January 2011 (has links)
Internet har förändrat sättet att kommunicera, och numera erbjuds ett vidsträckt spektrum av kommunikationsalternativ att sprida information genom. Ett av alternativen utgörs av YouTube, som också visat sig utgöra ett starkt medium för företag att nyttja i marknadsföringssyfte. Frågan är emellertid om formatet passar företag som enkom opererar på renodlade industriella marknader, så kallade B2B-företag. Avsikten med studien är att undersöka detta, och därigenom bidra till förståelsen för hur B2B-marknadsföring ser ut på Internet. Undersökningen utförs genom en kartläggning av de nordiska industriföretagens närvaro på YouTube, samt via en innehållsanalys av videokommunikationen ur ett varumärkesperspektiv. Resultatet visar att YouTube-användandet är etablerat bland nordiska industriföretag och att största delen av kommunikationen är fokuserad kring produkter, följt av innehåll som beskriver verksamheten i stort. Även kommunikation med ett medarbetarperspektiv förekommer. I studien framkommer dessutom intressanta iakttagelser vilka renderar i införandet av ytterligare en innehållsrelaterad dimension. Dels återfinns en profilerande typ av kommunikation, som pekar ut företagens strävan efter att uppfattas som exklusiva, dels framkommer en kommunikation med ett normaliserande innehåll som pekar ut företagens strävan efter legitimitet. Med hjälp av fyndet framträder en mer nyanserad bild av innehållet, som vidare möjliggör att kommunikationens övergripande syfte bättre kan urskiljas. Studien lämnar ett bidrag till den teoretiska diskussionen kring varumärkeskonceptet, samtidigt som det medför förslag till framtida forskning och implikationer på ett praktiskt plan.

Profilering av Södertörns Högskola : Studenternas inställning till lärosätets marknadskommunikation

Leiva, Maria Isabel, Dawd, Isabella Ashtar January 2008 (has links)
Either if you are a company or a state owned organization, in our case Sodertorn University collage, it is very highly demanded and needed that there is a well-defined definition of the area you perform in. It is also highly recommended that you have an accurate and informal profile of the type of company you are and that you have an effective communication to your surroundings, so that they can perceive it the way the company wishes mediate the message. In this essay we have tried to explain the kind of profile Sodertorn University collage has, and how its current students perceive this profiling strategy. Sodertorn University collage profiles itself through three significant areas: the school claim themselves to be multicultural, multiscientific in an aspect when it comes to courses and programs, and as a school with an ambition to educate and form more critical thinking students. This has become Sodertorn University collages trademark and is quite significant for the school, something that we have examined in our survey among the current students. What we will examine in our essay will only be the two first mentioned components, multicultural and multiscientific programs and courses. We have also had the intention to do a comparison with an earlier essay from 1997 made by two economics students, and put our results in contrast to the earlier results since there were no previous research after this one. We also wanted to see if the profile of the school accordingly to the three components mentioned above was more or less accurate or not to the image that the students had. Our survey was done on 95 students currently studying on Sodertorn University collage; along with an interview with the temporary information manager to find out if the whether the profile was perceived in an accurate way or not. We also used litterateur that has helped us get more insight in the problem surrounding a profile, an image and an identity and how the dynamics surrounding these there takes place. We have also tried to do a comparison on how Sodertorn University collage defines the first two components in their profile and how the students define the same components. What we can conclude is that the students perceive and understand the meaning of multiscientific courses and programs, but when it comes to the definition of the multicultural word the students seem to have a much more restrained definition in comparison to the schools way of defining the word. This definition may result from an action taken by Sodertorn University collage to be more discreet about this fact.

Användarfokuserad utveckling av en mellanmålsdryck för skolelever / User-centric developments of a snack drink for school children

Nyman, Jesper, Yin, Niklas January 2014 (has links)
Examensarbetets syfte var att undersöka preferenser för olika mellanmålsdrycker, avsedda för skolbarn och som enbart var tillverkad av skånska vegetabilier. Ett ytterligare syfte var att studera lärares uppfattningar av elevernas koncentrationsförmåga under lektionstiden innan lunch. Som ett första led i att utse tre mellanmålsdrycker till ett preferenstest bland skolelever utfördes två konsensusprofileringar. Första profileringen utfördes med experter inom produktutvecklingsområdet där fyra dryckesprototyper profilerades och den andra profileringen utfördes med en studentpanel där 3 vidareutvecklade prototyper profilerades. Preferenstestet utfördes med barn som deltagare för att utse vilken av de tre prototypdryckerna som barnen ansåg som favorit. Favoriten skulle användas till ett projekt vid namn Skolskjutsen. För att ta reda på lärares uppfattning kring elevernas koncentrationsförmåga innan lunch utfördes en kvalitativ mailundersökning med sex deltagande lärare. Resultatet från profileringarna visade att prototyperna skiljde sig från varandra i fråga om egenskaperna utseende, doft, smak och konsistens. De två utvalda mellanmålsdryckerna från profilering 1 var båda söta och mindre sura, den nya framtagna prototypen som profilerades i profilering 2 ansågs både vara för sur och mindre söt i smaken. Preferenstestet visade att barnen signifikant föredrog svartvinbärsdrycken framför mixdrycken i smak, utseende och i helhet. Svartvinbärsdrycken var mer söt och mindre sur i smaken jämfört med mixdrycken. Det var endast ett fåtal av barnen som föredrog mixdrycken som var minst söt och mest sur i smaken.     Slutsatsen av preferenstestet är att majoriteten av barnen i studien föredrog drycker som smakar sött och inte allt för surt. För majoriteten av barnen är det smaken som är den avgörande faktorn. Lärarna anser att barnen är mest koncentrerade på skoldagens start och är minst koncentrerade sent på eftermiddagen. Lärarna som deltog i studien anser även att barnen är hungriga och mindre koncentrerade timmen innan lunch. De undviker att ha mer krävande lektioner som matte och svenska timmen innan lunchen. / The thesis aimed to examine preferences for different snack drinks for school children, and that alone was made from Scania vegetables. A further aim was to study teacher’s perceptions of students' ability to concentrate during class time before lunch. As a first step to appoint three snacks drinks to a preference test among school students were two consensus profiling conducted. First profiling was conducted with experts in the field where four beverage prototypes were profiled and the other profiling was performed with a student panel where three further developed prototypes were profiled. The preference test was conducted with children as participants to select which of the three prototype drinks the children considered favorites. The favorite would be used for a project called Skolskjutsen. To find out the teachers 'perception of students' ability to concentrate before lunch was performed a qualitative email survey with six participating teachers. The results from the profiling have showed that the prototype differed from each other in terms of characteristics appearance, aroma, flavor and texture. The two snack drinks from profiling one was both sweet and less sour, but the new developed prototype which was profiled in profiling 2 considered being too acidic and less sweet in taste. The preference test showed that children significantly preferred the black currant drink before the mix drink in taste, appearance and in full. Blackcurrant drink was sweeter and less acidic in flavor compared to the mix drink. There were only a few of the children who preferred the mix drink that was least sweet and most acidic in taste. The conclusion of the preference test is that the majority of children in the study preferred the beverages that taste sweet and not too acid. For the majority of children, it is the taste that is the determining factor. The teacher’s view that children are most concentrated on the start of the school day and is least concentrated in the late afternoon. The teachers who participated in the study also consider that the kids are hungry and less concentrated the hour before lunch. They avoid having more demanding classes as math and Swedish before lunch. / Skolskjutsen

Grafisk profilering och utveckling av en databasdriven webbplats

Pettersson, Eric, Kastebo, Jonas January 2006 (has links)
This is a degree work, connected to the education Media and Communication engineering at the University of Linköping, and is made for TEFK a furnishing company in Sjövik. The purpose of this degree project is to create a visual identity and to develop a databasedriven website. The goal was to clarify the visual identity and to build an appealing website that could be administrated by the company. They had a need to present their products and to let their customers be able to order directly through their website. The website also had to serve as a part of the marketing by informing the visitors about the company. The result became a website developed in ASP.NET that presents the company and its products and lets the costumers place orders. Further they now have an interface for easy management of the website and its content. The company has guidelines on how to produce graphical content. On the basis of these guidelines we produced a new businesscard and document templates for common communication. In the end both we and the company are very satisfied with the result with this degree project. This thesis describes the work that has been done.

Vad vore en studentkår utan studenter? : En komparativ studie mellan Karlstad Studentkårs och Örebro Studentkårs arbete med extern kommunikation / What would a student union be without students? : A comparative study of Karlstad and Örebro Student Unions' approach to external communication

Johansson, Sofia, Öst, Stina January 2013 (has links)
This study aims to compare how Karlstad Student Union and Örebro Student Union are working with their external communications in order to reach existing and potential members. By comparison, we looked for similarities and differences in how these student unions work with media mix, press contacts, goals, profiling and strategies. We also analyzed how the latter three impact external communication. In making this comparison, we wanted to state whether the unions’ external communication could be improved.The main questions of this study are;How do Örebro’s Student Union and Karlstad’s Student Union work with their external communication?What differences are there in their external communication?What strengths and weaknesses exists in the student unions’ work with their external communication?Are there approaches in their external communication that could be more effective?The aim of the study will be reached by interviews with employees at the unions and by analyzes of the results based on theories of external communication and strategic communication, goals, profile, strategy, media mix and press contacts.The results show that the student unions are working quite differently with their communication. Karlstad Student Union has a communications policy, and they have a clear plan for how to communicate. They work actively with their profile and have a plan as well as to how they work in social media, such as how to express themselves to their target groups. Örebro Student Union works in an unstructured way and lacks long-term thinking, even though it is active, such as using Facebook and demonstrates visibility in other ways.Therefore, the analyzes shows that Karlstad Student Union has a more effective external communication approach based on a strategic and long-term think process which is reflected in most aspects of their communication work. Örebro Student Union has a lack of continuity in their communication efforts leading to more spontaneous work. There are strengths and weaknesses within both organizations. For example, more evaluations and clearer target group analysis would well serve Karlstad Student Union and Örebro Student Union has desirable elements in their work with press contacts.

"Jag försöker ju också sticka ut i den här massan" : En kvalitativ studie om journalistisk profilering och varumärkesbyggande

Koch-Emmery, Linn, Karpmyr, Martina January 2020 (has links)
Färre fasta anställningar har fått journalister att söka alternativa vägar och metoder för att överleva. Journalistyrket tangerar idag yrken som marknadsföring och affärskommunikation och på arbetsmarknaden premieras nya egenskaper som allt oftare går att kopplas till entreprenörskap. Denna kvalitativa studies frågeställningar behandlar de egenskaper journalister själva upplever krävs för att vara attraktiv på arbetsmarknaden idag, vad den enskilda journalistens plattform och publiken på sociala medier har för betydelse samt vilka varumärkesbyggande strategier som journalister använder sig av i arbetet med en journalistisk profil. Med semistrukturerade intervjuer som underlag undersöker denna studie på ett mer djupgående sätt hur svenska profilerade journalister upplever arbetsmarknaden samt hur de arbetar för att öka sin konkurrenskraft. Resultatet vittnar om att det går att dra paralleller mellan journalisters arbete med profilering respektive sociala medier och klassiska varumärkesbyggande strategier. Sociala medier utgör idag en viktig distributionskanal för både enskilda journalister och arbetsgivare. Att bygga en plattform på sociala medier och få en stor egen publik går att likställas med en form av eget kapital som journalister använder när de konkurrerar om jobb.

What’s Up with Green Roofs? : A study on why property owners should invest in Green Roofs and what benefits tenants receive from it. / Gröna tak, vad är grejen? : En studie om varför fastighetsägare borde investera i gröna tak samt vilka fördelar gröna tak ger hyresgäster

Szecsödy, Emma, Lilja, Jacob January 2020 (has links)
The building sector has for a longer period of time been responsible for a considerable part of the negative environmental imprint. The increased interest for the environment and sustainability in the industry has led to technological developments which has reduced the negative environmental impact from buildings. This, combined with the fact that buildings take up more space in cities reducing green spaces, has increased the use of green roofs. This research paper includes a study on the competitive advantages green roofs can offer property owners and what the driving forces behind the use of green roofs are. The study also includes a research on what benefits tenant’s experience from having offices in properties that have green roofs. Lastly, the study attempts to present why buildings should have green roofsand what motivates property owners to use them more often. The literature review reveals that green roofs have become popular due to their ability to absorb carbon dioxide, cool down cities, manage urban runoff and increase biodiversity. The literature review describes both the practical aspects of constructing a green roof and the management of green roofs. It also examines the cost of green roofs compared to conventional roofs. The main challenges with green roofs are said to be the increased risk of leakage, increased weight on roofs and the steep slopes of Swedish roofs. Green roofs are said to have a longer lifespan compared to regular roofs. The literature review also discusses market value and the parameters which affect the market value of a property. The research results demonstrate that it is difficult to link green roofs to an increased market value. Due to the regulation against particular, structural requirements the municipality cannot require property owners to implement green roofs. However, the municipality of Stockholm have requirements stating that each property owner is responsible for the management of urban runoff within the property lines. One way of solving this management is by using green roofs. The municipality may also require the GYF factor to be fulfilled during new construction, which means that a certain amount of green space is required. This is something green roofs can help property owners achieve as well. The LEED and BREEAM green building certification programs also require a certain amount of green spaces in order to generate a higher rating. Here, too, green roofs could be used for this aspect. The study also examines if LEED and BREEAM have any economic benefits. Interviews were conducted with property owners, tenants, architects and employees at the municipality of Stockholm. The results were relatively similar to that of the results of the literature review. Among the most important factors when considering building a green roof according to the property owners, were green certifications, the factor of green areas (GYF),stormwater management and biodiversity. The study revealed that the most important benefit for tenants was the ability of green roofs to help companies with their environmental profiling. The conclusion of the study is that the main driving factor for utilizing green roofs above all is that it helps the property owner to achieve a higher certification rating. For property owners this is important as they want to profile themselves in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way, which attracts tenants and investors. Certification programs are also leading to economic benefits for the property owners. Other driving forces for property owners to use green roofs are to meet the requirements of the municipality regarding urban runoff management and to reach the level of GYF required. As tenants often have strict sustainability policies, green roofs provide an added value as they are sustainable. In terms of cost, green roof is said to have initial costs of 300-600 kr/m2 which is higher than for conventional roofs. The short-term risk of leakage is refuted by this study, but the longtermrisk is still unknown. Even though higher initial cost and unknown long-term risk of leakage the study believes that implementing a green roof is justifiable; the positive environmental and social aspects outweighs the higher costs. Green roofs can provide a financial profit for the property owner when it’s combined with a green building certification;green roofs are a factor to implement in order to reach higher levels of green building certification systems LEED and BREEAM, which, in turn, can lead to a higher market value.The study also reveals that accessible green roofs can result in an increased revenue for the property owner.

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