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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relationen mellan motivationsreglering, behovstillfredsställelse och idrottsrelaterad utbrändhet : En tvärsnittsstudie baserad på Crossfit deltagare. / The relationship between motivation regulations, psychological needs satisfaction and athlete burnout : A cross-sectional study based on Crossfit participants

Karlsson, Mina, Wahlström, Linnéa January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka om (a) självbestämmande motivation medierar sambandet mellan behovstillfredsställelse och idrottsrelaterad utbrändhet. Samt om (b) kontrollerad motivation medierar sambandet mellan behovstillfredsställelse och idrottsrelaterad utbrändhet. Föreliggande studie är en kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie och datainsamling genomfördes via tillgänglighetsurval. Totalt deltog 138 Crossfit deltagare i åldrarna 19 - 58 år (M= 32.19, Sd= 9.02). Baserat på studies syftet skapades två hypoteser som vidare testades i varsin medieringsanalys. Medieringsanalys 1 kunde inte bekräfta hypotesmodell 1 då resultatet påvisar en icke signifikant indirekt effekt mellan behovstillfredsställelse och idrottsrelaterad utbrändhet via självbestämmande motivation. Å andra sidan kunde medieringsanalys 2 bekräfta hypotesmodell 2 eftersom resultatet visar en signifikant indirekt effekt mellan behovstillfredsställelse och idrottsrelaterad utbrändhet via kontrollerad motivation. Resultatet tydliggör förståelsen av att kontrollerad motivation inom Crossfit anses bidrar med lägre grad av behovstillfredsställelse och ökar risken för utveckling av idrottsrelaterad utbrändhet. / The purpose of the study was to investigate if (a) self-determining motivation mediates the correlation between psychological need satisfaction and athletic burnout. Also, if (b) controlled motivation mediates the correlation between psychological need satisfaction and athletic burnout. The current study is a quantitative cross-sectional study. Data was collected by accessibility sampling. There were 138 Crossfit participants who participated in the ages 19 - 58 (M= 32.19, Sd= 9.02). Based on the purpose of the study were two hypotheses created and tested in two separated mediation analysis. Mediation analysis 1 in the study could not accept hypotheses 1, based on the result which indicated no significant indirect effect between psychological need satisfaction and athletic burnout through self- determination motivation. Opposite, mediation analysis 2 could accept hypotheses 2 based on the result which indicated a significant indirect effect between psychological need satisfaction and athletic burnout through controlled motivation. The results illustrate the understanding of controlled motivation in Crossfit because it contributes lower psychological need satisfaction and higher the risk of developing athletic burnout.

Chefer som leder andra chefer : En kvalitativ studie av ledarskapets betydelse för medarbetarnas motivation / Managers leading other managers : A qualitative study of the importance of the leadership for employees work motivation

Ekman, Lisa, Honnér Idenstedt, Rebecca January 2020 (has links)
Att som organisation ha medarbetare som är motiverade anses vara av stor vikt, både föratt medarbetarna ska känna arbetsglädje men också för organisationen då kan uppnå ettmer framgångsrikt resultat. Studiens teoretiska referensram omfattas av både ledarskapsochmotivationsteorier, detta för att kunna besvara studiens problemformulering och syfte.Ledarskapsteorierna omfattas av det transformativa ledarskapet (eg. Burns 2010) och detautentiska ledarskapet (eg. Miniotaitė & Bučiūnienė, 2013; Walumbwa et. al., 2008), dessaanvänds för att försöka se indikationer på hur cheferna använder sitt ledarskap för attförsöka motivera sina medarbetare. Motivationsteorierna omfattas av Self-DeterminationTheory (eg. Ryan & Deci, 2000) och Public Service Motivation (eg. Hondeghem och Perry,2009), som används för att beskriva vad som kan motivera enskilda medarbetare samtmedarbetare inom kommunal verksamhet.Studiens syfte var att beskriva på vilket sätt chefens ledarskap kan ha inverkan påmedarbetarnas arbetsmotivation. Studien är baserad på kvalitativ forskningsmetod och enabduktiv forskningsansats. Insamlad empiri baseras på två perspektiv, chefernas ochmedarbetarnas, för att ge studien mer trovärdighet. Det empiriska materialet innefattas avsex semistrukturerade intervjuer med chefer (avdelningschefer) samt av en enkät somskickades till deras medarbetare (enhetschefer). Till exempel ansåg cheferna att det är enutmaning att motivera andra, eftersom motivation ofta är något som kommer inifrånindividen själv. Genom dialog, feedback och beröm försöker de individanpassa hur de skamotivera sina anställda. För att analysera de insamlade primära uppgifterna har grundadteori använts för att koda och kategorisera alla svar.Resultatet som presenteras i den här studien visar att om medarbetarna inom kommunalverksamhet själva känner arbetsmotivation och arbetstrivsel, kan ledarskapet ha en positivbetydelse för deras motivation. Detta genom att cheferna är lyhörda och lyckas tillgodosemedarbetarnas individuella behov, så att medarbetarna känner att de kan uppfylla sinamotivationsfaktorer i deras arbete. De motivationsfaktorer som var framträdande i studienvar att medarbetarna ville ha frihet under ansvar, få vara med och påverka vid planeringoch beslut, få verka i en organisation som gör skillnad för dem de finns till för samt attderas egna medarbetare också är motiverade. Däremot fanns det medarbetare sommotiverades av andra faktorer och det visar på vikten av att cheferna har en viktig uppgift5i att individanpassa sitt ledarskap för att lyckas se varje enskild medarbetare och vad sommotiverar dem. / Being motivated, as an employee of an organization, is considered to be of greatimportance. Both for the employees to feel job satisfaction but also for the organization toachieve a more successful result. The study's theoretical framework is comprised of bothleadership and motivation theories, 24in order to answer the study's problem formulationand purpose. Leadership theories that are included is the Transformative leadership (eg.Burns 2010) and the Authentic leadership (eg. Miniotaitė & Bučiūnienė, 2013; Walumbwaet al., 2008), which are used to try to seek indications of how the managers uses theirleadership in order to motivate their employees. Motivation theories are covered by Self-Determination Theory (eg. Ryan & Deci, 2000) and Public Service Motivation (eg.Hondeghem and Perry, 2009), which are used to describe what can motivate individualemployees and employees in municipal operations.The purpose of the study was to describe how the manager's leadership can have an impacton employees' work motivation. The study is based on a qualitative research method andan abductive research approach. Collected empirical data is based on managerial andemployee perspectives, to give the study more credibility. The empirical material iscomprised of six semi-structured interviews with managers (department managers) andquestionnaires were sent to their employees (unit managers). For example, the managersfelt that it is a challenge to motivate others because motivation is often something thatcomes from within the individual themselves. Through dialogue, feedback and praise, theytry to individualize how they should motivate their employees. In order to analyze thecollected primary data, grounded theory has been used to encode and categorize allresponses.The results presented in this study show that if employees in municipal operations feelwork motivation and job satisfaction themselves, leadership can have a positive impact ontheir motivation. This is because the managers are responsive and succeed to meet theindividual needs of each employee, so that the employees feel that they can fulfill theirmotivational factors in their work. The prominent motivational factors in the study werethat the employees wanted to feel freedom under responsibility, be involved in andinfluence planning and decisions, to work in an organization that makes a difference forthose they exist for and that their own employees are also motivated. However, there were7employees who were motivated by other factors and it shows the importance of managershaving an important task in individually adapting their leadership to succeed in seeing eachindividual employee and what motivates them.

Satisfacción de necesidades psicológicas básicas en la relación de pareja de mujeres transexuales de Lima / Satisfaction of basic psychological needs in the relationship of transsexual women in Lima

Quesquen Pachamoro, Juan Gonzaga 25 January 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo explorar y describir cómo contribuye la relación de pareja en la satisfacción de necesidades psicológicas básicas (NPB) en un grupo de mujeres transexuales de Lima. Se abordó las NPB mediante un estudio cualitativo con diseño fenomenológico en seis casos de estudio. Se realizó una entrevista a semi estructurada por cada una de las seis mujeres transexuales residentes en Lima Metropolitana de nivel socioeconómico B y C que oscilaban entre los 26 y 61 años de edad. Los resultados indicaron que la relación de pareja logra tanto satisfacer como frustrar las NBP de las practicantes. Se concluyó que los procesos de satisfacción o frustración de las NBP de estas mujeres transexuales además de ser el resultado de una conducta de sus parejas, también pueden darse de forma combinada, creándose redes complejas donde la satisfacción de una necesidad puede llevar o esconde la frustración de otra u ocurrir de manera inversa. / The objective of this research is to explore and describe how couple’s relationship contributes to the satisfaction of psychological basic needs (PBN) on a group of transsexual women of Lima. PBN were approached through a qualitative study with phenomenological design in sex case studies. A semi-structured interview was conducted by each of the six transsexual residents of Metropolitan Lima of socioeconomic level B and C, who ranged between 26 and 61 years old. The results indicated that couple’s relationship achieves both satisfy and thwart the PBN of the participants. It was concluded that the process of satisfaction or thwart of the PBN of these transsexual women besides being the result of a behavior of their partners, can also occur in a combined way, creating complex networks where the satisfaction of a need can carry or hide the frustration of another or occur in reverse. / Tesis

Job Satisfaction and Psychological Needs Satisfaction of Public School Library Media Specialists

Timmons, Elizabeth Ann 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to study job satisfaction among public school library media specialists based on the psychological needs of social needs, security needs, esteem needs, autonomy needs, and self actualization needs, according to Maslow's Hierarchy. Subjects were requested to respond to a questionnaire of 30 items pertaining to job satisfaction. Each item required two responses: first, as to the level of importance the item held; and secondly, the satisfaction currently received from that particular item.

Tjänstedesignens påverkan på upplevd delaktighet : En kvantitativ studie inom projektet Experio WorkLab / The impact of service design on perceived participation : A quantative study within the projekt Experio WorkLab

Nicklas, Rask, Robert, Ahlqvist January 2021 (has links)
Denna kvantitativa studies fokus är att mäta huruvida det finns positiva effekter av användandet av tjänstedesign inom arbetsmiljöarbete. Syftet för studien är att undersöka huruvida medarbetares upplevda känsla av delaktighet på arbetsplatsen påverkas av användandet av metoder inom tjänstedesign som problemlösningsmodell i arbetsmiljöarbete. För att besvara syftet har en enkät delats ut till deltagare inom projektet Experio WorkLab, och datan från enkäten har bearbetats i SPSS. För att analysera resultatet används Self Determination Theory, Human Resource Development och teorier om organisationskultur.  Resultatet visar att användandet av tjänstedesign som modell för arbetsmiljöarbete har en påverkan på den upplevda delaktigheten på arbetsplatsen. Studien ser en ökning i upplevd delaktighet både hos de som deltar aktivt och de som deltar passivt i projektet. Det framgår också i resultatet att även utbildningsgrad och ålder påverkar den upplevda delaktigheten. Det signifikanta resultatet är starkt både för de som deltar passivt och de som deltar aktivt vilket betyder att det finns mycket att vinna för organisationer att lära sig och börja tillämpa arbetsmiljöarbete med denna modell. / The focus of this quantitative study is to measure whether the use of service design as model for improving work environment yields positive results. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether employees' perceived sense of participation in the workplace is affected by the use of methods within service design as a problem-solving model in environmental work. To answer the purpose, a survey was distributed to participants within the project Experio WorkLab, and the data from the survey was processed in SPSS. To analyze the results, Self Determination Theory, Human Resource Development and theories of organizational culture are used.  The study's results show that the use of service design as a model for environmental work has an impact on the perceived participation in the workplace. The study sees an increase in perceived participation both among those who participate actively and those who participate passively in the project. It also appears from the results that the degree of education and age also affect the perceived participation. The result is strong both for those who participate passively and those who participate actively, which means that there is much to be gained for organizations to learn and start applying environmental work with this model.

Unga kvinnors upplevelser av att spela golf på breddidrottsnivå utifrån självbestämmandeteorin / Young women’s experiences from golfing as lower-level athletes based on the self-determination theory

Fransson, Elisabeth, Kågström, Sandra January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att beskriva och strukturera unga golfspelande kvinnors upplevelser av fortsatt golfspel som breddidrottare baserat på självbestämmandeteorin och de grundläggande psykologiska behoven. Studien var av kvalitativ karaktär där datainsamling genomfördes via åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med kvinnor i åldrarna 22 till 33 års ålder (M=26,25, SD=4,97). Intervjuguiden strukturerades utifrån självbestämmandeteorin (Deci & Ryan, 2000a; 2000b) och tidigare studier inom området, exempelvis Williams m.fl. (2012). Datan analyserades utifrån en kvalitativ innehållsanalys och presenterades utifrån tre teman, kompetens, samhörighet och autonomi. Resultatet visade att deltagarna upplevde att aspekter inom kompetens, exempelvis utvecklingsmöjligheter och samhörighet hade störst positiv inverkan på kvinnors upplevelser av att spela golf på breddidrottsnivå. Inom autonomi var det frivillighet och möjligheten att välja när och var de ville spela som upplevdes vara viktigast för kvinnorna för att fortsätta spela golf. Vidare diskuteras resultatet i relation till tidigare forskning inom området och självbestämmandeteorins motivationskontinuum. Därefter följs det upp med implikationer och slutsatser samt förslag för fortsatt forskning, där det rekommenderas att göra djupare studier kring kvinnors fortsatta golfspel. Det som studien önskar tillföra är mer förståelse för vad kvinnor upplever som viktigt i sitt fortsatta golfspel, vilket ligger i linje med Svenska golfförbundet och PGA of Swedens arbete för att inkludera fler kvinnor i golfen. / The purpose of this study was to examine young female golf player’s experiences of continued golfing as a lower-level athlete based on the self-determination theory and the basic psychological needs. The study was based on a qualitative method where data collection was implemented by eight semi-structured interviews with women aged 22 to 33 years old (M=26.25, SD=4.97). The interview-guide was based on the self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 2000a; 2000b) and previous studies in the field, for example Williams et al. (2012). The data was analysed based on a qualitative content analysis and presented by three themes, competence, belonging and autonomy. The results showed that the participants experienced aspects within competence, for example the opportunity for development and belonging had the greatest positive impact on the women’s experiences of playing golf as a lower-level athlete. In autonomy, it was the free will and the opportunity to choose whenever and wherever they wanted to play that was considered most important for women’s continued golfing. Furthermore, the results were discussed in relation to previous research in the field and the motivational continuum of the self-determination theory. Implications and conclusions along with suggestions for continued research were followed up where recommendations on deeper studies on women’s continued golfing were presented.  The study wishes to give more understanding of what women have experienced as important in their continued golfing, which corresponds with what the Swedish Golf Association and the PGA of Sweden are working with to include more women in golf.

Les facteurs et les conditions organisationnelles favorisant la motivation des enseignants du primaire et du secondaire dans leur développement professionnel lié à l’intégration des TIC

Rasmy, Aziz 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.

What's Next? Improving an Out-of-School-Time Program for Social-Emotional Learning in an Elementary School

Sarafian, Karen Marie 01 January 2020 (has links)
Today’s elementary school students face myriad traumatic issues including poverty, violence, physical and emotional abuse, homelessness, and parental substance abuse. These adverse childhood experiences are responsible for an increased risk of academic failure and behavioral problems in childhood, adolescence, and into adulthood. Social-emotional learning (SEL) programs, provided through school and community partnerships, attempt to address these needs in both school-based and out-of-school-time (OST) learning settings. The purpose of this action research study was to examine one northern California-based nonprofit organization’s OST SEL program for third through fifth grade students and determine actions and interventions for greater program effectiveness. Students, parent/guardians, site administrators, school-staff, and community members engaged in focus groups, completed surveys, participated in validation groups, and acted as research associates throughout the iterative plan, act, observe, reflect action research cycle conducted during the winter of 2020. Qualitative data from focus group meetings included identified themes from authenticated and coded transcripts while quantitative data included descriptive statistical analysis of pre-program and end-of-program surveys. As the lead researcher for the study, I worked with action research participants to make program modifications and identify new actions for program improvement. Based on themes and data trends, as well as the application of self-determination theory’s basic psychological needs theory, findings demonstrate that student self-management skills improved during the 4-week action research cycle, as did their sense of autonomy, competence, and relatedness. At the same time, findings suggest additional growth opportunities in the areas of responsible decision-making and program improvement through development and implementation of integrated and universal SEL supports in classrooms, schools, families, and the larger community. Linking the literature to these findings, recommendations for future action research cycles include age and developmental considerations regarding instruction and application of responsible decision-making skills, and integration of all five SEL competencies for greater harmonization of emotion and thought. To that end, the nonprofit organization’s educational design team and I have begun redesigning the curriculum. Program modifications address child development of perceptual and higher-level memory and cognitive skills, and intentional integration of instruction and practice in all five SEL competencies throughout each program module. Teaching, combined with real-time application of planning and decision-making skills, will include opportunities for active role-playing, adult guidance, and experiences in which students learn and grow from mistakes. In addition to student program modifications to build responsible decision-making skills, literature supports the call for universal SEL in the form of partnerships between schools, families, and community organizations for resource coordination resulting in more positive youth outcomes. Again working with the educational design team, the nonprofit organization and I have taken initial steps to establish a city wellness task force, bringing together a diverse group of stakeholders to partner in wellness for children and families in the community. We also continue to iterate as we develop a community of practice for educators, focused on building SEL knowledge and practice. By focusing on continuous improvement through an ongoing action research process, this study not only serves as an opportunity to celebrate successes, but highlight growth opportunities to advance the work of the northern California-based nonprofit organization and its programs. Utilizing study findings in combination with supporting literature, we are taking immediate action towards more positive outcomes for those we serve. This study also provides tools and guidance for other community partners in their design and implementation of effective SEL programs for the social and emotional well-being of elementary school students and families, and the communities in which they live.

Relationship-Contingent Self-Esteem and Inter- and Intrapersonal Outcomes: All in Moderation

Santic, Frane Francis January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Implantation de la classe inversée en biologie au collégial : de la motivation et de l’engagement étudiant au processus de développement professionnel enseignant

Gruslin, Edith 10 1900 (has links)
Au collégial, la réussite des étudiant·e·s aux profils et besoins divers pose un défi face auquel certain·e·s enseignant·e·s peuvent décider de répondre en modifiant leurs pratiques. Parmi les modifications de pratique qui peuvent être envisagées se trouve la classe inversée, qui permet aux étudiant·e·s de s’approprier hors-classe des notions à un rythme et moment qui leur conviennent, avant de miser davantage sur l’apprentissage actif en collaboration avec les collègues lors des périodes de classe. Ce changement offre une façon de diversifier les moyens proposés aux étudiant·e·s en vue de soutenir leur réussite, mais est néanmoins complexe à mettre en place par les enseignant·e·s. La présente thèse porte sur la manière dont l’implantation d’un dispositif de classe inversée est vécue par les étudiant·e·s et les enseignant·e·s dans le contexte d’un cours de biologie au collégial. Plus précisément, il y sera question des liens entre la motivation, l’engagement et la perception d’apprentissage chez les étudiant·e·s ainsi que du processus de développement professionnel chez les enseignant·e·s. La motivation sera examinée selon le cadre de la théorie de l’autodétermination (Ryan et Deci, 2017). Celui-ci permettra de considérer différents types de motivation contrôlée et autonomes et de les mettre en relation avec les dimensions affective, comportementale et cognitive de l’engagement (Fredericks et al, 2004) d’étudiant·e·s en classe inversée. Ce cadre motivationnel sera aussi mobilisé pour explorer la satisfaction des besoins fondamentaux des enseignant·e·s que sont les besoins d’autonomie, de compétence et d’appartenance sociale lors de leur processus de développement professionnel. Le processus vécu lors de la complexe implantation de la classe inversée et les relations entre cette nouvelle pratique et les autres domaines identifiés dans le cadre du modèle interconnecté de développement professionnel de Clarke et Hollingsworth (2002) (personnel, conséquences perçues et externe) sera finalement étudié. Par un devis de type design-based, le changement de pratique vers la classe inversée a été étudié lors de deux itérations. D’une part, la motivation, l’engagement (affectif, comportemental et cognitif), la satisfaction dans les études et la perception d’apprentissage des étudiant·e·s ont été mesurés par un questionnaire auquel un total de 254 étudiant·e·s ont participé. D’autre part, une étude multi-cas a été réalisée auprès de quatre enseignant·e·s via une série de huit entrevues menées sur une période de 18 mois débutant avant le changement de pratiques et se terminant à la suite de la deuxième itération. Des analyses statistiques ont été menées à partir des données issues des questionnaires étudiants, alors que les entrevues ont été analysées par une analyse thématique à deux niveaux. Les résultats montrent que les étudiant·e·s ayant participé à la recherche étaient surtout animé·e·s par une forme de motivation autonome, la motivation extrinsèque identifiée. Les analyses de régression linéaire ont révélé que la motivation intrinsèque est liée positivement à toutes les formes d’engagement ainsi qu’à la satisfaction dans les études et à la perception d’apprentissage. La satisfaction dans les études et la perception d’apprentissage plutôt basses mesurées à la première itération se sont avérées plus élevées à la deuxième. Les ajustements posés par les enseignant·e·s ont été nombreux, notamment lors de la première itération. Ce processus complexe de développement professionnel a été marqué par de multiples aller-retours entre le domaine personnel et les domaines des conséquences observées et de la pratique. L’autonomie dans la pratique professionnelle des enseignant·e·s a permis de mettre en action plusieurs idées et de poser des ajustements au dispositif en cours de route. L’apport du domaine externe a été variable et s’est concrétisé parfois par l’apport des données de cette recherche, par des lectures ou encore par les échanges avec les collègues. Intense pour les enseignant·e·s, ce processus a parfois temporairement déstabilisé leur besoin de compétence. Leur besoin d’appartenance sociale a quant à lui partiellement été comblé. Cette meilleure compréhension du processus vécu permet de tracer une ébauche de recommandations pour la pratique de la classe inversée ainsi que pour le soutien au développement professionnel des enseignant·e·s, tout en éclairant des voies de recherche complémentaires. / At the college level, the success of students with various profiles and needs poses a challenge, which some teachers may decide to address by changing their practices. Among the changes that can be considered is the flipped classroom, which allows students to learn concepts out-of-class at a pace and moment that suits them, before focusing more on active learning in collaboration with colleagues during the class periods. This change offers a way to provide multiple means to students in order to support their success but is nonetheless complex to implement by teachers. This thesis examines how the implementation of a flipped classroom is experienced by students and teachers in the context of a college biology course. Specifically, it will examine the relationship between motivation, engagement, and perceived learning by students as well as the process of professional development by teachers. Motivation will be examined within the theoretical framework of self-determination theory (Ryan and Deci, 2017), allowing for the consideration of different types of controlled and autonomous motivation and relating them to the affective, behavioral, and cognitive dimensions of engagement (Fredericks et al, 2004) of students in the flipped classroom. This motivational framework will also be used to explore the satisfaction of teachers’ fundamental needs for competence, autonomy and relatedness during the transformation of their practice. The process experienced by teachers during the complex implementation of the flipped classroom will be studied within the framework of the interconnected model of professional development (Clarke & Hollingsworth, 2002), allowing for an understanding of the relationships between the practice, personal, consequences and external domains in this context. Using a design-based approach, the change in practice towards the flipped classroom was studied during two iterations. On the one hand, students' motivation, engagement (affective, behavioral, and cognitive), study satisfaction and learning perception were measured by a questionnaire in which a total of 254 students participated. In addition, a multi-case study was conducted with four teachers via a series of eight interviews which took place over an 18-month period beginning before the change in practices and ending following the second iteration. Statistical analyses were performed on the data from the student questionnaires, while the interviews were analyzed using a two-level thematic analysis. Results showed that students who participated in the research were primarily driven by a form identified extrinsic motivation, a form of autonomous motivation. Linear regression analyses revealed that intrinsic motivation was positively related to all forms of engagement as well as to academic satisfaction and perceived learning. The rather low academic satisfaction and perception of learning measured in the first iteration were found to increase in the second. The adjustments made by the teachers were numerous, especially during the first iteration. This complex process of professional development was marked by multiple back and forth between the personal domain and the domains of observed consequences and practice. The autonomy of the teachers' professional practice allowed them to put several ideas into action and to make adjustments to the flipped classroom conditions along the way. The contribution of the external domain varied and was sometimes marked by the contribution of data from this research, by readings or by exchanges with colleagues. Experienced as intense by the teachers, this process sometimes temporarily destabilized their need for competence while their need for relatedness was only partially met. This better understanding of the process allows us to outline recommendations for the implementation of the flipped classroom and for the support of teachers' professional development, while shedding light on complementary research avenues.

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