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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En mensvänligare arbetsplats : En studie om menstruation i arbetslivet / A more menstrual-friendly workplace : A study on menstruation in working life

Dahlberg, Åsa, Karlsson, Olivia January 2023 (has links)
Till stor del har historien om menstruation skapat strukturer och normer i samhället som bidragit till stigmatisering kring kvinnors menstruation. Kvinnor behöver hantera sin menstruation i arbetslivet, vilket kan orsaka påfrestningar för arbetsmiljön. Åtgärder som arbetsgivaren delvis kan införa för att främja kvinnors arbetsmiljö är en mensvänlig arbetsplats, som underlättar menshanteringen. En del av en mensvänlig arbetsplats är implementering av fria mensskydd. Om arbetsgivare tar ställning till att erbjuda fria mensskydd på arbetsplatserna kan uppfattningen delvis resultera i att implementeringen anses vara en överdriven rättighet som kvinnor drar fördel av på grund av biologiska skillnader. Samtidigt anses åtgärden som en självklar rättighet för att underlätta menshanteringen på arbetsplatsen. Rättigheterna skulle vidare kunna vara ändamål för bildandet av ett framtida ramverk inom lagstiftningen. Studien har undersökt arbetsgivarens motiv till skapandet av en mensvänligare arbetsplats, utifrån en institutionell teori. Vidare har studien analyserat skapandet baserat på feministisk teori. Åtta kvalitativa intervjustudier genomfördes, intervjuerna resulterade i material som sedan analyserades för att vidare kopplas samman med den teoretiska referensramen, vilket har omfattats av institutionell-, och feministisk teori samt ett arbetsmiljöperspektiv. Reaktionerna från arbetsgivarna kring studiens frågeställning: Vilka motiv ligger till grund för arbetsgivarens införande av en mensvänlig arbetsplats?, har varit tudelade men majoriteten visade ett motiv utifrån den institutionella teorin. / Largely, the history of menstruation has created structures and norms in society that have contributed to stigma around women's menstruation. Women need to manage their menstruation in working life, which can cause strain on the work environment. Measures that the employer can partly introduce to promote women's work environment is a menstrual-friendly workplace, which facilitates menstrual management. Part of a period-friendly workplace is the implementation of free menstrual protection. If employers decide to offer free menstrual protection in the workplace, the perception may partly result in the implementation being considered an exaggerated right that women take advantage of due to biological differences. At the same time, the measure is considered a self-evident right to facilitate menstrual management in the workplace. The rights could also serve as a purpose for the formation of a future framework within the legislation. The study has investigated the employer's motives for creating a more menstrual-friendly workplace, based on an institutional theory. Furthermore, the study has analyzed the creation based on feminist theory. Eight qualitative interview studies were conducted, the interviews resulted in material that was then analyzed to be further connected with the theoretical frame of reference, which has been covered by institutional and feminist theory as well as a work environment perspective. The reactions from the employers regarding the study's question: What motives are the basis for the employer's introduction of a menstrual-friendly workplace?, have been divided, but the majority showed a motive based on the institutional theory.

Den psykosociala arbetsmiljön inom revisionsbranschen : En kvalitativ studie om den psykosociala arbetsmiljöns roll i revisorsassistenters incitament att lämna branschen / The psychosocial work environment in the audit industry

Johansson, Filip, Dahl, Jonatan, Snibb, Alfred January 2022 (has links)
De ledande revisionsbyråerna på den svenska marknaden präglas av en hög säsongsbaserad arbetsbelastning samt en hög personalomsättning. Mängden revisorer har minskat markant under de tre senaste decennierna samtidigt som den yngre generationens värderingar har förändrats. Studien syftar till att undersöka den rådande psykosociala arbetsmiljön inom branschen och hur den uppfattas av aktiva revisorsassistenter. Vidare undersöks om miljön haft en inverkan på de individer som valt att lämna branschen. Den tidigare forskningen kring revisionsbranschen är relativt omfattande. Det saknas dock studier på hur de som befinner sig längst ned inom den hierarkiska stegen uppfattar och upplever den arbetsmiljö som de omfattas av. Den empiriska datainsamlingen utfördes genom tio intervjuer. Hälften av studiens deltagare arbetar aktivt som revisorsassistent, och den andra hälften har tidigare arbetat som revisorsassistent men lämnat yrket helt. För att bygga en användbar modell att analysera det empiriska resultatet har studien utgått från de teoretiska begrepp Eklöf (2017) använder sig av för att definiera den psykosociala arbetsmiljön. Det framkom att de ledande byråerna visar tydliga brister i arbetets psykiska krav samt att det finns en problematik gällande arbetsrelaterade normer och en bristande organisatorisk rättvisa. Det synliggjordes samtidigt att assistenter upplever resurser i form av stimulans och egenkontroll, ett socialt stöd, ett bra teamarbete, en anställningstrygghet och att arbetsplatsen inte präglas av konflikter eller mobbning. Beroende på hur egenskaperna värderas kan en individs incitament till att lämna yrket påverkas positivt eller negativt. Slutsatsen blev därför att de ledande revisionsbyråerna präglas av en bristande psykosocial arbetsmiljö, vilket enligt studien haft en påverkan på incitamenten att lämna yrket. Studien påvisar dessutom att den upplevda psykosociala arbetsmiljön bygger på subjektiva värderingar och att upplevelsen på så sätt varierar mellan assistenterna. / The leading auditing firms in Sweden are characterized by a high seasonal workload and high staff turnover. The number of auditors has decreased over the past three decades, while the values of the younger generation have changed. The study is written in Swedish and aims to examine the prevailing psychosocial work environment in the industry and how it is perceived by currently active audit assistants. Moreover, the impact on the individuals who have chosen to leave the industry will be examined. Previous research on the auditing industry is relatively extensive. However, there is a lack of studies regarding how the individuals situated at the bottom of the hierarchy perceive and experience the work environment they are covered by. The empirical data collection was performed through ten interviews. Half of the study participants work actively as audit assistants, and the other half have previously worked as audit accountants but left the profession completely. To build a useful model to analyze the empirical result, the study has been based on the theoretical concepts that Eklöf (2017) uses to define the psychosocial work environment. It emerged that the leading agencies show clear shortcomings in the work's psychological demands and that there are problems with work-related norms and a lack of organizational justice. At the same time, it was made clear that assistants experience resources in the form of stimulation and self-control, social support, good teamwork, job security and that the workplace is not characterized by conflicts or bullying. Depending on how the qualities are valued, an individual's incentive to leave the profession can be affected positively or negatively. The conclusion was therefore that the leading auditing firms are characterized by a lack of psychosocial work environment, which according to the study had an impact on the incentives to leave the profession. In addition, the study also shows that the perceived psychosocial work environment is based on subjective values and that the experience thus varies between the assistants.

Allting handlar om relationer mellan människor : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur första linjens chefer inom hemtjänsten handskas med den psykosociala arbetsmiljön / Everything is about relationships between people : A qualitative interview study on how first-line managers in home care deal with the psychosocial work environment

Blomström, Angelica, Grön, Kirsten January 2023 (has links)
En god arbetsmiljö är avgörande för god hälsa. Sjukfrånvaron inom vårdrelaterade yrken blir allt högre samtidigt som antalet äldre personer i behov av hemtjänst förväntas öka med 76 procent till 2040 och antalet personer i yrkesverksam ålder förväntas öka med 9,4 procent. Därmed kan vi se att vård- och omsorgsorganisationer har en ökad risk för under bemanning och ökad personalomsättning på grund av den ökade belastningen inom yrkesgruppen. Utifrån detta ser vi att det är av vikt att studera första linjens chefer inom hemtjänsten och deras upplevelser kring den psykosociala arbetsmiljön. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur första linjens chefer inom hemtjänsten handskas med den psykosociala arbetsmiljön genom att titta på chefernas förutsättningar för att arbeta med den psykosociala arbetsmiljön, studera deras upplevelser kring det stöd som de åtnjuter i arbetet med den psykosociala arbetsmiljön samt hur arbetet mot den ökande sjukfrånvaron ser ut. Datainsamling skedde via kvalitativ intervjustudie med induktiv ansats och data analyserades via tematisk analys. Resultatet visade att arbetet med den psykosociala arbetsmiljön i hemtjänsten är komplex och utmanande där första linjens chefer har stora personalgrupper som en försvårande faktor. Framgångsfaktorer som identifierades var närvarande ledarskap, låta medarbetare vara delaktiga i att planera tid för besök hos brukare, anpassning av arbetsuppgifter och fungerande stöd till chefer och medarbetare. Studiens resultat visar att första linjens chefer inom hemtjänsten har ett utmanande arbete med stora personalgrupper och höga krav på att hålla budget samtidigt som de ansvarar för arbetsmiljön och att det behövs omfattande arbete för att förbättra chefers förutsättningar och stöd. Studien bekräftar även tidigare forskning inom området och indikerar att det behövs ytterligare forskning inom området. / A good working environment is crucial for good health. The sick leave rate in healt care-related professions is increasing, while the number of elderly individuals in need of home care services is expected to increase by 76 percent, alongside a projected 9,4 percent increase in the working-age population. Consequently, we can observe that the healthcare organizations face an increased risk of understaffing and high turnover due to the growing demands in the profession. Based on this, it is important to study first-line managers in home care and their experiences with the psychosocial work environment. The aim of this study is to examine how first-line managers in home care manage the psychosocial work environment, by examining their prerequisites for addressing the psychosocial work environment, assessing how they experience the support they receive in this regard, and exploring the efforts made to combat increasing sick leave rates. Data collection was conducted through qualitative interviews using an inductive approach, and the data was analyzed using thematic analysis. The results revealed that the work concerning the psychosocial work in home care is complex and challenging, with the large size of the staff groups being a complicating factor. Success factors identified included present leadership, involving employees in planning time for client visits, task customization, and effective support for managers and employees. The result of the study shows that first-line managers in home care face challenging work with large staff groups and high demands to maintain the budget, while also being responsible for the work environment. There is a need for extensive efforts to improve managers conditions and support. The findings of the study also confirm previous research in the field and suggest the need for further research in this area.

Socialtjänsten - en kravfylld arbetsplats? : En enkätstudie om den psykosociala arbetsmiljön för myndighetsutövande i socialtjänsten. / Social services - a demanding workplace? : A survey study on the psychosocial work environment for authority exercising practitioners in social services.

Nilsson, Johan, Martin, Matilda January 2024 (has links)
Stress-related work absence in Sweden has risen threefold in the last 14 years. Working in close contact with clients is described by many as a risk factor for stress-related illnesses. Those working in social services are particularly exposed to these negative factors. There seems to be a consensus that much of the stress can be attributed to the working environment. The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between stress and factors defined by the Demand, Control, Support model for social workers with the power to exercise authority in social services. This was done by analyzing 379 answers collected from a survey that was sent to 100 Swedish municipalities. The statistical analyses were made in SPSS version 29 and included both univariate, bivariate and multivariate analyses. The results show that the self-reported stress-levels were moderate and that the respondents had high levels of demand, control and support in their work. This study shows that demands had the strongest impact on self reported stress levels for the respondents. The mitigating effects of control and support were not strong enough to compensate for the demands.

Stressprevention & Agil transformation : Prevention av organisatoriska rotorsaker till stress genom införandet av det Agila arbetssättet inom en högteknologisk multinationell svensk koncern

Fritz, Minanda January 2018 (has links)
Background: The Swedish Royal School of Technology (KTH) was hired to conduct a pilot study project on stress prevention, "Stress Prevention Project" in a Swedish high-tech global manufacturing company with headquarters in Sweden. The aim was to identify the root causes of stress among employees at the organizational level and to offer a way to prevent the root causes. The initiative to implement the project came from the HR department in the company. The occupational health department had not been able to lower the costs of sickness and rehabilitation. One of nine divisions was included in this evaluation study. The project was carried out during the years of 2012-2014, and three quantitative stress measurements were carried out using the modern working environment form “Modern Work Life” based of knowledge from KTH and designed by Metodicum. The present study has evaluated the root causes of the division's stress. In the division, it was stated that the risk areas that the division had to work with were: resources, demands, control, support but also leadership and reorganization with implementing the Agile methods (autonomous work) in the form of. The aim was to improve the psychosocial occupational health and to make the production work more efficient. Aim: The aim was to evaluate the effect of stress preventive measures in one of the nine divisions (that were included in the overall project) and the effect of implementing the Agile methods (autonomous work) in the organization. Limitations: The evaluation is restricted to one of the nine divisions. Method: The method is a quantitative and qualitative case study, with a narrative approach. The study includes a division with 200 employees of which data was collected from 18 of these employees in two focus groups interviews. Materials have also been collected from interviews with the division's HR director, section leader, head of unit and head of the organization's business health. The evaluation is based on qualitative data, which were obtained through 3 single interviews and 4 focus group interviews and participant observation. Quantitative data were obtained through three different measurements (between 2012-14). The quantitative data were compared and analyzed with the qualitative data in order to understand the results up to the final measurement 3 (2014). Results: The evaluation of the stress prevention – where the focus was to prevent risk areas including demands, develop resources, control, support and also leadership – showed that introducing and using the Agile working principles had had a significant positive effect on all the risk areas. Additionally, this change in the organization contributed to positive results regarding the efficiency of the production process; a reduction of working hours from 12 months to 2 weeks of action at the same result. The absence due to illness and rehabilitation has been decreasing from 4 % to 0,5-1% right after introducing the Agile methods in the division. However, the results also showed no improvement regarding some other working environment; as conflicts and bullying persisted. This may be due to how the reorganization of the groups was done. It should be clarified that the outcomes may be influenced by the extensive reorganization that took place in connection with the stress prevention project and the introduction of the agile approach. Conclusions - The stress prevention could not have been done efficiently due to other on-going reorganizations in the company and the staff has not been able to follow the recommendation for efficient stress-prevention due to lack of support from the headquarter. That created a crisis in the stress prevention-project group. The agile methods seem to have had a significant good result in all risk areas as resources, demands, control, support and also leadership and the absence has decreased from 4 to 0,5 %. Due to the agile methods have the productions process been shorter from 12 months to 2 weeks.

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