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Skolsköterskors hälsofrämjande arbete för barn med ADHD / School nurses´ work of health promotion for children with ADHDWingbro-Carlsson, Gunilla, Matsson, Lena January 2016 (has links)
Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) är en uppmärksamhetsstörning med hyperaktivitet som drabbar cirka 3-5 procent av barn i skolåldern. Skolan har inflytande på barns liv och det finns ett samband mellan elevers psykiska hälsa och skolresultat. Skolsköterskor har en viktig roll som hälsofrämjare, särskilt då barn med ADHD har ökad risk för ohälsa och riskbeteende. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva skolsköterskors erfarenheter av att arbeta med åtgärder för barn med ADHD. Metod: Studien har genomförts med kvalitativ metod. Studien är baserad på åtta telefonintervjuer med skolsköterskor, vilka har analyserats med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Fem kategorier framkom ur analysen, vilka beskriver skolsköterskors erfarenheter av att arbeta med åtgärder för barn med ADHD; Att samverka genom dialog, Att anpassa skolmiljö, Att vägleda och ge råd till föräldrar och barn, Att observera och genomföra kontroller samt Att arbeta specifikt hälsofrämjande. Slutsats: Skolsköterskor har erfarenheter av olika typer av åtgärder för barn med ADHD. De betonar särskilt betydelsen av att uppmärksamma barn med ADHD tidigt samt hälsosamtalet. / Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder that affects approximately 3-5 percent of school-age children. The school has an important influence on children's lives and there is a correlation between students' mental health and school performance. School nurses have an important role as health promoters, especially when children with ADHD are at increased risk of ill health and risky behavior. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe the school nurses´ experiences of working with measures for children with ADHD. Method: The study was conducted using a qualitative method. The study is based on telephone interviews with eight school nurses, which have been analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Results: Five categories emerged from the analysis, which describes the school nurses´ experiences of working with various measures for children with ADHD; Working together through dialogue, to adapt the school environment, provide guidance and advice to parents and children, to observe and implement controls and to work specifically with health promotion. Conclusion: School nurses have experience of different types of measures for children with ADHD. They stressed in particular the importance of paying attention to children with ADHD and regular health discussions.
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Särskolans elever i grundskolan : Lärares upplevelser av att undervisa integrerade elever i årskurs 7-9 i ett ramfaktorteoretiskt perspektiv / Special school pupils in primary schools : Teachers´perceptions of teaching mainstreamed pupils in grade 7-9 in a frame factor theoretical perspectiveBondegård, Maria January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is on the basis of frame factors such as time, policy documents and student diversity, to examine some teachers' perceptions of opportunities and difficulties to teach mainstreamed pupils. The underlying intensions is to show what is found in the teachers' statements concerning what conditions they feel they have to teach on the basis of two different curricula, how they express themselves on various frame factors such as time, policy documents and student diversity, and if other possible frame factors become visible in the teachers´ statements. Interviews have been used as a method and carried out with six different teachers who are teaching in grades 7-9. They come from different parts of the country and teaches different subjects. This study has a frame factor theoretical perspective and the theory has been the basis regarding study design, implementation and analysis. The results show that the teachers in this study have intentions of customize their teaching based on all students' different needs, but it can be difficult with great student variation and cognitive discrepancy. The teachers told that it is the primary school curriculum that mostly determines the education and that adjustments then are made to fit the students who take the special school curriculum. The risk is that students who follow special school curriculum does not get the opportunity to show their skills in a fair manner since the curricula differs greatly in certain subjects between school types. The teachers in this study were generally positive about teaching mainstreamed pupils, but expressed that it often is a lack of knowledge in primary school about intellectual disabilities and special school. Previous studies show that knowledge is a key factor for the success of creating teaching that is characterized by the participation of all students. / Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån ramfaktorerna tid, styrdokument och elevvariation undersöka några lärares upplevelser av möjligheter och hinder för att undervisa integrerade elever. Underliggande frågeställningar är att synliggöra vad som framkommer i lärarnas utsagor gällande vilka förutsättningar de upplever att de har att undervisa utifrån två olika kursplaner, hur de uttrycker sig om olika ramfaktorer som tid, styrdokument och elevvariation samt om andra möjliga ramfaktorer blir synliga i lärarnas utsagor. Intervju har använts som metod och genomförts med sex olika lärare som undervisar i årskurs 7-9. De kommer från olika delar av landet och undervisar i olika ämnen. Studien har ett ramfaktorteoretiskt perspektiv och teorin har legat till grund för studiens utformande, genomförande och analys. Resultatet visar att de deltagande lärarna i studien har intentioner om att anpassa undervisningen utifrån alla elevers olika behov, men att det kan vara svårt när elevvariationen och den kognitiva diskrepansen är stor. Lärarna har berättat om att det oftast är grundskolans kursplan som styr och att anpassningar sedan görs för att passa för elever som läser efter särskolans kursplan. Risken med detta är att eleverna som läser efter särskolans kursplan inte får möjlighet att visa sina kunskaper på ett rättvist sätt då kursplanerna mellan skolformerna skiljer sig mycket åt i vissa ämnen. Lärarna i studien var över lag positivt inställda till att undervisa integrerade elever, men uttryckte att det ofta saknas kunskap i grundskolan om intellektuella funktionsnedsättningar och om särskola som skolform. Tidigare studier visar på att kunskap är en nyckelfaktor för att lyckas med att skapa undervisning som präglas av delaktighet för alla elever.
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Skolsköterskans hälsofrämjande och preventiva arbete på gymnasieskolan : - ur ett elevperspektiv / Students perspectives on the school nurse ́s role in health education and prevention of illness in secondary schoolEkström, Paula, Persson, Kerstin January 2016 (has links)
Allt fler rapporter visar att den psykiska ohälsan ökar bland ungdomar i Sverige och då främst bland flickor. Gymnasieskolan är en stor mötesplats för ungdomar och skolsköterskan är en viktig person då hon träffar alla ungdomar minst en gång under deras gymnasietid, i det av Skolverket fastställda hälsosamtalet. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur elever inom gymnasieskolan vill att deras skolsköterska ska arbeta hälsofrämjande och preventivt. Gymnasieelever vid två olika skolor i nordvästra Skåne intervjuades i två olika fokusgrupper. Intervjumaterialet transkriberades och analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Efter resultatanalysen framkom tre kategorier: kommunikation, skolsköterskan som aktör på gymnasieskolan och interaktion. Faktorer som att skolsköterskan skall finnas där, vara lättillgänglig och inge trygghet var viktiga för gymnasieeleverna. Resultatet visar att skolsköterskan behövs inom gymnasieskolan men behöver synliggöra sitt arbete. Vidare forskning, både ur elevernas och ur skolsköterskans perspektiv behövs. Ungas ökade psykiska ohälsa finns högt på agendan i Sverige idag, ändå är skolsköterskan och elevhälsan på gymnasienivå ett område som fortfarande är outforskat. / Research is accumulating which indicates that mental illness is increasing among youth in Sweden and especially among female youth. Secondary school is a significant meeting place for young people and the school nurse is an important person as he or she meets with each youth at least once in the health conversation required by the school system. The goal of this study was to investigate how secondary school students want their school nurse to work in the promotion of health and prevention of illness. Students at two different secondary schools in south Sweden were interviewed in two different focus groups. The data procured from the interviews was transcribed and qualitatively analyzed. Three categories were derived from this analysis: communication, the school nurse's role in the secondary school and interaction. The students deemed that factors such as the presence of the nurse, the availability of the nurse and the nurse's ability to communicate safety were important. The results indicated that the nurse is needed in the secondary school, but he or she also needs to make his or her work visible. More research is needed from both the perspective of the students and the nurses. Increasing the mental health of young people is a high priority in Sweden today. But the school nurse and student health at the secondary level is still largely unresearched.
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Bemötande av flickor och pojkar i skolan : Betydelse av genus i interaktionen mellan lärare och eleverGustavsson, Daniel, Remmer, Loredana January 2006 (has links)
<p>Gender is a universal factor that is unavoidable in classroom interaction between pupils and teachers. The principle aim of this essay is to illustrate whether, during the interaction between pupil and teachers still occurs behavior that expresses a gender order. We also want to establish if the ones who attract attention from the teachers is the individual, or if teachers still on a subconscious or conscious level, think of the pupils gender and ascribes him or her some characteristics or qualities. Especially we want to bring out the pupils thoughts and sights of there is a difference on how teachers treat boys and girls. Another purpose we wanted to achieve was to illustrate how teachers work with the concept of equivalence between the sexes, according to Lpo94.</p><p>Our essay is built on our studies around what teachers think on how they treat the pupils, on the basis of gender perspective. The study has also a more objective view that builds on observations. The parts of the essay that explores earlier studies and different developments, deal with the issues that affect our society and the schools purpose as a rear.</p><p>Our results have point out to more conscious pedagogical methods that teachers have come to use in order to turn the traditional gender stereotype around. But we cannot fully ignore the gender issue because we are all part of it and we will always carry it with us as part of our culture.</p>
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Mobbning - En fallstudie av en antimobbningsplan och dess effektivitet ur elevens perspektivVega Martinez, Santiago January 2006 (has links)
<p>The purpose of my essay is on one hand to research and evaluate the measures that one intermediate school in Sweden, uses in order to prevent bullying and stop it in the event that one pupil happens to get bullied or harassed. In other words, I would like to show how that school is capable of creating a safe environment. Qualitative research is used to obtain these findings.</p><p>On the other hand, I also wish to examine what pupils at the school think about these measures and how they perceive the attitudes of the school’s teachers and management regarding the prevention of bullying. In order to acquire this information quantitative research is used.</p><p>The conclusions that I draw after conducting my research are as follows:</p><p>1- Regarding the “Anti – bullying Performance Plan”, my essay shows that school teachers and management actively work in order to maintain a safe environment and as a result bullying is successfully prevented the school. However, I also highlight some aspects of the school’s plan that should be altered in other to make it more understandable to pupils.</p><p>2- The majority of the pupils surveyed feel secure at the school and also think that teachers and school management do a good job in preventing bullying. This despite the fact that few pupils know about the existence of the aforementioned plan. I therefore point out how important it is that the school’s teachers work to make pupils aware of the plan’s existence and the rights that the plan gives them.</p>
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High-Precision Astrometry Using a Diffractive Pupil and Advancements in Multi-Laser Adaptive OpticsBendek, Eduardo A. January 2012 (has links)
Detection of earth-size exoplanets using the astrometric signal of the host star requires sub-microarcsecond measurement precision. One major challenge in achieving this precision using a medium-size (< 2-m) space telescope is the calibration of dynamic distortions. A diffractive pupil can be used to generate polychromatic diffraction spikes in the focal plane, which encode the distortions in the optical system and may be used to calibrate astrometric measurements. The first half of this dissertation discusses the design and construction of a laboratory to test this concept. The main components of the system are a high stability star simulator, a diffraction limited off-axis optical system, and the data reduction algorithms to obtain the distortion map calibration. Currently, the laboratory is operational and first tests of distortion measurements have been done validating this concept to improve the astrometric accuracy of a telescope. The second part of this dissertation describes the use of the multi-laser guide star (LGS) system available at the 6.5 m MMT telescope to characterize GLAO performance and advance Laser Tomography Adaptive Optics (LTAO) technology. The system uses five range-gated and dynamically refocused Rayleigh laser beacons to sense the atmospheric wavefront aberration. Corrections are then applied to the wavefront using the 336-actuator adaptive secondary mirror of the telescope. So far, the system has demonstrated successful control of ground-layer aberration over a field of view (FoV) substantially wider than is delivered by conventional adaptive optics, yielding reduction in the width of the on-axis point-spread function from 1.07" to < 0.2" in H band. Both techniques can be combined to improve the astrometric accuracy of ground based telescopes, especially when using Multi-Conjugated Adaptive Optics (MCAO). A diffractive pupil can be used to calibrate the distortions induced by multiple Deformable Mirrors (DM), which is the main limitation to use this kind of AO system for high precision astrometric measurements.
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An exploratory case study of a 'successful' pupil referral unit (PRU)Leather, Mark Frederick January 2009 (has links)
This thesis is an exploratory case study that investigates a 'successful' pupil referral unit (PRU) for key stage 3 secondary school pupils located in the semi-rural southwest of England. The achievement of the PRU was externally acknowledged by the Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted) with a recently reported overall grade of 1 or ‘Outstanding’. This exploratory study took a social constructionist approach and was informed by the methodology of illuminative evaluation. This study explored the stories and experiences of pupils and staff using interviews, a focus group and video diaries for the pupils. The analysis of these data was from a socio-cultural theoretical perspective. The research data suggested that success was in a state of flux for all in the PRU. For pupils there were personal transformations in their attitudes, behaviours and values. Pupils’ social and emotional capital was increased by the ‘deep relationships’ that developed between pupils and staff. The innovative approach to the curriculum allowed pupils to engage positively with education and featured lessons that were routinely based upon experiential learning. This included weekly outdoor learning lessons which provided a rich context for informal learning to take place alongside the formal objectives. Leadership and management appeared to be the keystone of the PRU success. There was a clear well founded educational philosophy that was successfully articulated through the operational systems of the PRU. All of these parts contributed to the holistic success of the PRU. Findings from this case study are not generalisable due to its specificity to one particular setting and small number of participants. However, ‘naturalistic generalisations’ may be arrived at by the reader. For example, the reader may be able to apply some aspects of good practice, such as developing deep relationships, to their own context when working with those pupils who are, or have the potential to be, disaffected.
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A Critical Evaluation of the Course for General Mathematics in Meeting the Needs of Youth as Revealed by Several Courses of Study and the Adopted Textbooks for Texas SchoolsArmstrong, John H. 08 1900 (has links)
This study is an attempt to determine how a course in general mathematics can satisfy some of the needs of youth. The purpose of this study is to find out how the course in general mathematics can be made to contribute effectively to pupil growth, and how well the present course is contributing to pupil growth.
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The Effect of Two Methods of Reporting Pupil Progress on Adjustment and Achievement of Fourth Grade Students in a Suburban Elementary SchoolHorn, John Duane, 1941- 08 1900 (has links)
The present research was an investigation of the effect of two methods of reporting pupil progress on adjustment and achievement of fourth grade pupils in a suburban elementary school. One method involved the use of an evaluation form reflecting performance in terms of ability, parent-teacher conferences, and work samples. The other method was comprised primarily of competitive grading and marking procedures, utilizing a standard report card to report results.
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Working Conditions and Development at School. Preconditions for Pupil and Personnel CollaborationHäggqvist, Susann January 2004 (has links)
The principal aim of this dissertation is empirically todevelop and test a collaboration model for how to operatesystematically with the work environment at school. Ontheoretical grounds, a case is made that collaboration betweendifferent groups (various professions and pupils) should beinvestigated despite different conditions, qualifications andages.School Environment 2000is a model for theongoing monitoring of the work environment at school. It isdesigned for integration into school-based activities, and itsmaterial offers an opportunity for any stakeholder involved toparticipate in activities concerning conditions at school. TheSchool Environment 2000have been used by pupilsand personnel (totally 2,383) at 36 schools in 8 municipalitiesin Sweden. Three of the four studies are follow-up studies; thefourth study had matched control schools. All studies usedquestionnaires; the fourth were completed with other methods asdiaries, observations and interviews. The result showed that amajority of pupils specified both sickness-related andpsychosocial reasons for absence from school. The second(pupils) and third (personnel) study show associations betweenthe work environment and ill-health, especially by females.Among women, all the items describing self-reported complaintscorrelated significantly with the Work at school index and Workclimate index. In the fourth study, in which a work environmentintervention was tested, the participants adopted a morelimited concept than that contained in School Environment2000-questionnaire. A clear desire was expressed, for morestructure and order in school work. The participants attainedin the intervention program, compared with the controller, weremore engaged in greater collaboration with others, had becomemore active in managing problems and conflicts, had greaterinternal effectiveness and perceivedfacilitating factors inwork for change as depending less on personal attributes andbehaviours of personnel. The discussion focus the need forfollowup changes and their effects on health; collaboration topromote objective and subjective scope for action; andcollaboration for goal fulfilment. Special care must beconsidered pupils work environment. The school situation is agood time for learning how to create a good work environmentand to prevent ill-health. / <p>QC 20161027</p>
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