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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effektivisering av informationsflödet inom en offentlig organisation / Improvement of the information flow within a Public Organization

Assgård, Christoffer January 2017 (has links)
Syfte – Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka problem den offentliga organisationen har vad gäller informationsflödet inom organisationen samt föreslå en lösning på detta. För att uppnå syftet kommer följande frågeställningar att besvaras: Vilka problem har en offentlig organisation med informationsflödet? Hur kan en kravspecifikation bidra till en effektivisering av informationsflödet inom en offentlig organisation? Metod – För att uppnå studiens syfte och besvara frågeställningarna har en kvalitativ studie utförts på en offentlig organisation. Först utförs semistrukturerade intervjuer, efter det har det teoretiska ramverket skapats ur litteraturstudier för att ge en kunskapsgrund inom området. Ur detta framkommer riktlinjer för skapandet av en kravspecifikation, som ligger till grund för ett mer effektivt informationsflöde inom en offentlig organisation. Den empiri som insamlats på beskrivet sätt har sedan analyserats och jämförts med den insamlade teorin. Detta för att jämföra verkliga det arbetslivet med teorin. Även litteraturstudier har genomförts eftersom det är viktigt att få en stabil bakgrund gällande metoder, teorier och verktyg. Med sin grund i kravspecifikationen skapandes ett lösningsförslag efter att ett val har gjort vilken typ av lösning som är lämplig för ändamålet. Detta gjordes i samrådande med den berörda organisationen. Kravspecifikationen har analyserats mot empirin och teorierna samt skett i samrådande med den berörda organisationen. En demonstration av den slutliga lösningen och uppföljningsintervju utfördes även för att få feedback lösningsförslaget effektiviserade den berörda organisationen informationsflöde. Resultat – Studiens resultat bygger på den insamlade empirin och den utförda litteraturstudien. Resultatet visar att utvecklandet av en artefakt i form riktlinjer för en kravspecifikation som ligger till grund för en vidareutveckling för att effektivisera informationsflödet, har resulterat i en förbättring av informationsflödet inom en offentlig organisation. Kraven som framkom genom semistrukturerade intervjuer har använts vid skapandet av kravspecifikationen. Detta för att få ett bra resultat som löser den berörda organisationen krav och behov, vad det gäller att effektivisera informationsflödet inom en offentlig organisation. Implikationer – Ambitionen i denna studie är att skapa riktlinjer för en kravspecifikation som ligger till grund för en effektivisering av informationsflödet inom en offentlig organisation. Genom studiens resultat fås riktlinjer fram som borde användas av andra utvecklare eller studenter vid liknade projekt. Blomkvist och Hallin (2015) menar att vissa exjobb ger ett metodologiskt bidrag till forskningen detta genom att på ett nytt sätt lösa en organisations praktiska problem. Detta är denna studies kunskapsbidrag. Kunskapsbidraget vad det gäller forskningen inom ämnet informatik, bidrar den till en förbättring av förmedling av information. Detta genom att ta fram och använda riktlinjer för en kravspecifikation som ligger till grund detta. Studien ges stöd genom att ta fram ett riktlinjer för en kravspecifikation i form av en artefakt som ligger till grund vid utvecklingsarbetet. Ytterligare studier kan ses som önskvärt då denna studie endast har inriktat sig på en organisation och för att forskningen ska bli optimal och behöver ytterligare studier inom området utföras. Begränsningar – En studie utfördes på en offentlig organisation och därför blir studien relevant för denna organisation samt för liknade organisationer. Studiens ämnesområden är av varierande djup, eftersom det inte tidsmässigt varit möjligt att gå lika djupt inom alla ämnen. / Purpose – The purpose of this study is to investigate what kind of problems a public organization has with their information flow and suggest a solution to the identified problems.To achieve the purpose, will the report answer the following questions: What problems do a public organization have with the information flow? How can a specification contribute to efficiency the flow of information within a public organization? Method – In order to achieve the objectives of the study and answer the research questions, a qualitative study is conducted in a public organization. First, semi-structured interviews have been conducted, and then a literature search is performed to provide a knowledge base in this field. From this emerges a specification that forms the basis for a more efficient flow of information within a public organization. The empirical data, which is collected in the manner described, is then analysed and compared with the collected theory. This is to compare the real working life with the theory. Even literature studies have been carried out because it is important to have a stable background current methods, theories and tools. With its basis in the specification, the proposed solutions was developed after an election has made the kind of solution that is fit for purpose. This was done in consultation with the organization concerned. The requirement specification has been analysed by the empirical data and theories, and occurred in consulting with the organization concerned. A demonstration of the final solution and follow-up interviews were also conducted, to get feedback about the solution improvement of the information flow within the public organization. Findings – The study results are based on the collected empirical data and the conducted literature review. The result shows that development of an artefact in the form of guidelines for a set of requirements that form the basis, for further development solution improvement of the information flow has resulted in an improvement of the information flow within a public organization. The requirements that have been identified; with semi-structured interview have been used to create the specification demands. This is done to get a good result that solves the organizations requirements and needs, in terms of information flow in a public organization. Implications – Blomkvist and Hallin (2015) argues that some thesis provides a methodological contribution to research this, a new way to solve an organization's practical problems. This is this study knowledge contribution. Knowledge contribution in terms of research in informatics, it contributes to an improvement in the distribution of information. This is through the development and use guidelines for a set of requirements that underpin it. The study provides support by producing a guidance on a specification in the form of an artefact that is the basis for development. Further studies may be seen as desirable as this study has only focused on the organization and for research to be optimal and needs further studies in the field carried out. Limitations – The study was conducted in a public organization and therefore the results of the study are specifically relevant for this kind of organizations.

Skellefteås återkomst : En fallstudie om migrationsmönster och urbana effekter under en industriell expansion / The Return of Skellefteå : A case study of migration patterns and urban effects during an industrial expansion

Kokkalis, Elena, Adler, Rebecca January 2022 (has links)
Idag står världen inför nya typer av utmaningar för att möta hållbarhetsmål och nya behov somuppkommer. Många städer genomgår därför stora förändringar i utvecklingen där både förväntadeoch oväntade konsekvenser kommer att uppstå. Sedan Northvolt beslutade att etablera sig iSkellefteå år 2017, står staden inför den stora möjligheten att bli en pionjär stad för grön utveckling.Den nya utvecklingen har inte bara satt industrin på prov, utan även staden som helhet. Kommunensutmaning är att sprida budskapet om vad den kommande utvecklingen har att erbjuda, i hopp om attsätta fart på inflyttningen då kompetensbehovet är Skellefteås främsta utmaning idag. För att mötavisionerna kring utvecklingen behöver alla aktörer samverka för att bli en stad för grön elektrifiering.Välfungerande socialt kapital mellan offentlig sektor, industri, akademi och medborgare är enförutsättning för att skapa en framgångsrik utveckling.Arbetet utforskar hur en stad som genomgår en omfattande och snabb industriell expansionpåverkas. Genom att studera migrationsmönster ur “push and pull”-teorin undersöker arbetet hur detär möjligt att generera en ökad in-migration i olika målgrupper, som studenter eller hemvändare.Samtidigt som Skellefteå är beroende av att ha ett positiv inflyttningsnetto behöver även denuvarande invånarna bibehållas. Därför har intervjuer och en enkät genomförts för att få en tydligbild av styrkor och svagheter i utvecklingen av Skellefteå. Resultaten av enkäten och intervjuernaanalyserades och diskuterades genom en exemplifiering av de två teorierna push and pull och teorinom socialt kapital.Stora industriella expansioner av denna storlek skakar städerna till sin kärna, eftersom stadensidentitet och attribut ifrågasätts under denna typ av förändring. Vid en utveckling av denna storleksätts det sociala kapitalet på prov och beroende på dess effektivitet kan utfallen skilja sig åt. Stadentvingas väga olika faktorer mot varandra; ekonomiska, sociala och miljömässiga, då alla inte är möjligaatt upprätthålla till samma grad. Eftersom det största målet är att skapa en ökad in-migration till denexpanderande staden måste de pull-faktorer som finns och främjas ifrågasättas; Vad erbjuderegentligen Skellefteå? Arbetet identifierade sex möjliga grupper av in-migration; kontraurbanister,livsstilsmigranter, människor som flyttar för relationer/hemvändare, människor som flyttar förjobbmöjligheter, studenter och människor som flyttar för hållbarhetsskäl. Genom att lyfta fram enuppsättning av pull-faktorer specifikt för Skellefteå har staden den unika möjligheten att påverkamigrationsmönstren till deras behov och skapa en hållbar och attraktiv stad för den nuvarande ochframtida invånaren. / Today the world stands in front of the challenge of adapting to new demands, where solutions thatincrease sustainability are required. Many cities are therefore undergoing big changes indevelopments where both expected and unexpected consequences will arise. Since 2017, whenNorthvolt decided to establish in Skellefteå, the city stands in front of the opportunity to become apioneer city of green evolution. The new development has not only put the demands of the industryat test, but also the city as whole. The challenge of the municipality is how to spread the message ofwhat the upcoming development has to offer to boost the in-migration, as the need for competence isthe main challenge of Skellefteå today. To be able to fulfil and meet the visions of the transformation,all actors need to work together in becoming the green city of electrification. To create a successfuldevelopment, the overlapping collaboration between the government, industry, academia andcommunity needs to be of high quality and thus the social capital will increase.The thesis explores the effects of a city that undergoes a fast expansion. By studying migrationpatterns through push and pull theory, the thesis investigates how to generate an increasedin-migration in different target groups, such as students and returners. While Skellefteå is dependenton having a positive netto in-migration, the current residents also need to be maintained, thusinterviews and a questionnaire has allowed the thesis to obtain a clear picture of strengths andweaknesses of the development in Skellefteå. The results of the questionnaire and the interviews areanalysed and discussed through an exemplification of the two theories of push and pull and thetheory of social capital.Large industrial expansions of this size shake cities to their core, as the identity and attributes of thecity are questioned as they change. When dealing with a development of this size, the social capital isput to the test and depending on its effectiveness, the outcomes can differ. The city is forced to weighdifferent factors against each other, the benefits of accommodating economic, social andenvironmental factors are measured and prioritised as all are not possible to sustain. As the main goalis to create an increased in-migration to the expanding city, the pull factors available and promotedneed to be questioned; What is Skellefteå in fact offering? The thesis identified six possible groups ofin-migration; counterurbanists, lifestyle migrants, people moving for social ties/the returners, peoplemoving for job opportunities, students and people moving for sustainability reasons. By highlightingone set of pull factors, Skellefteå has the unique opportunity to influence the migration patterns totheir needs and create a sustainable and attractive city for the current and future residents.

Factors influencing the migration of teachers from Zimbabwe to South Africa

Weda, Zenzele Lungile 12 1900 (has links)
Zimbabwe is suffering from an acute shortage of teachers mainly as a result of teacher emigration to South Africa and abroad. The southern migration of Zimbabwean teachers has received little research attention which has mainly focused on the migration of medical personnel. The purpose of this study is to uncover the factors that drive the migration of teachers from Zimbabwe to South Africa and to explain how these factors function within a grounded theory approach to teacher migration. To achieve this, a review of literature and an empirical study of a small sample of migrant Zimbabwean teachers resident in South Africa were undertaken. A constructivist grounded theory design was used. A theoretical sampling method generated a sample group of thirteen participants who were all qualified Zimbabwean teachers who had migrated to South Africa and been in the country for between one and five years. Data generation and collection consisted of two phases: in the first phase the participants were asked to write a life history narrative or provide a verbal narrative of their life history focussing on their migration. In the second phase they participated in individual interviews to clarify or expand on issues raised in the first phase. Three stages of coding were used in the analysis of the data, namely initial, intermediate and advanced coding. This led to the generation of a grounded theory on teacher migration. The grounded theory indicated that Zimbabwean teachers see migration as the best way to attain an ideal status. An ideal status is conceived to be the ideal interplay between the work conditions, standard of living and social esteem which teachers believe befits members of their profession. Depending on various criteria, teachers fall into one of the following status categories: further diminished status, diminished status, ideal status or ideal status surpassed. Migration is a drastic and demanding way to improve one’s status and it is adopted by teachers only after other strategies to this end have been exhausted. Weighed against existing theories of migration, the grounded theory contributes to understanding teacher migration and retention through the innovative use of the core category status. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Socio-Education)

Starkare varumärke genom användande av sociala medier : En kvalitativ fallstudie av Volkswagen Sverige

Strandh, Joakim, Garcin, Alexander January 2012 (has links)
Problem-definition: How companies work with social media to strengthen their brand equity and what other purposes might lay behind this usage. Purpose: How Volkswagen Sweden use social media in order to strengthen their brand equity. Method: Qualitative case- study of Volkswagen Sweden where a number of respondents will be interviewed with the help of a semi structured interview guide. Theories: A number of theories in the field of brand equity and communication theory will be used in this paper, some of these theories are, Post-model, Social technographics ladder, brand equity and word of mouth. Empiric: A semi-structured interview guide will be shaped from theory and answered through interviews with people who have knowledge within the field. Conclusions: Extracted from the results the research members has identified a number of important factors that business should consider when they work with social media or planning to. They have also answered how business can strengthen their brand equity with social media. / Problemformulering: Hur arbetar företag med sociala medier för att stärka varumärkeskapitalet, samt vilka andra syften kan ligga bakom detta användande.  Syfte: Hur Volkswagen Sverige använder sig av sociala medier för att stärka sitt varumärkeskapital. Metod: Kvalitativ fallstudie av Volkswagen Sverige där ett flertal respondenter intervjuas med hjälp av en semistrukturerad intervjuguide. Teori: Ett flertal teorier inom kommunikation och varumärkesteori har använts, några av dessa är brand equity, post-modellen, social technographics ladder & word of mouth.  Empiri: Semistrukturerade intervjuguider har utifrån teori formats och besvarats genom intervju med personer som besitter kunskap inom ämnesområdet. Slutsats: Utifrån undersökningen som utförts har forskingsmedlemmarna identifierat ett flertal viktiga faktorer för att lyckosamt implementera och arbeta med sociala medier. Samt besvarat frågeställningen hur företag kan stärka varumärkeskapitel genom sociala medier.

International Student Mobility and Internationalisation of Universities - The role of serendipity, risk and uncertainty in student mobility and the development of cosmopolitan mind-sets through knowledge and intercultural competence. Employability, students’ future mobility aspirations and the EU’s support of international student mobility

Weibl, Gabriel January 2014 (has links)
The background to this study lies in the discrepancy between the perceptions of international student mobility in the context of the internationalisation of higher education by the EU and universities on one hand and international students themselves in terms of their motivations to study abroad on the other hand. This is a comparative study based on three main case studies, of six universities in New Zealand, Oxford University in the UK and the Charles University in the Czech Republic. It explores the students’ experiences abroad in terms of their intercultural competence, the shaping of identities, the acquisition and transfer of knowledge, the possible forming of cosmopolitan mind-sets and empathy, perceptions of employability and their future mobility aspirations. This thesis also considers the barriers and ‘push and pull’ factors of mobility, perceptions of risk and uncertainty in regards to mobility and the role of serendipity in student mobility, which has been overlooked in the literature on mobility and migration. The theoretical framework of the study builds on social capital theory, Europeanisation and the ‘do-it-yourself biography’ theory. The nature of this topic, however, suggested the employment of the concepts of globalisation, transnationalism and consideration of other forms of capital, such as the total human capital, mobility capital and transnational identity capital. This is predominantly a qualitative, mixed-method and longitudinal research project, which uses surveys, case studies, interviews and the data collecting tool called grounded theory. It triangulates data to support and enhance the analytical validity of the thesis. This research concludes that student experiences abroad as well as the internationalisation efforts of universities and the EU would benefit from the introduction of education for global citizenship, which should focus on the intercultural competencies of students. The thesis suggests sociocultural elements for example the cosmopolitan mind-set can enhance the economic, academic and political rationales of internationalisation, such as employability.

The influence of the 2008/2009 economic recession on travel behaviour of visitors to the Kruger National Park / Marco Scholtz

Scholtz, Marco January 2010 (has links)
During the recession period of 2008/2009, global tourism declined by 8%. This was also evident is South Africa with the domestic travel market shrinking by 8% as well. However, this did not apply to the Kruger National Park (KNP) which experienced a sustained Accommodation Unit Occupancy growth of 1.6% during the same period. Visitors to the KNP thus see it as an attractive holiday destination irrespective of tough economic conditions characterised by less disposable income. To sustain this growth, it is important to be aware of the reasons visitors still visit the KNP during a recession. The aim of this study was to determine the reasons why visitors still travelled to the KNP during the 2008/2009 recession. This can be done by analysing the visitors’ behaviour and the motivational factors (internal feelings of the visitors) and determinants of the demand (income and exchange rates for instance) that influenced visitors’ choice to visit the KNP. To achieve this aim, a survey was conducted at the KNP between 15 and 20 December 2009 (high season). A total of 355 questionnaires were completed, after which a number of analyses were done to determine the effects of the recession on travel behaviour. For the purpose of this study, two articles were written. Article 1 is titled: “Motivations of visitors to the Kruger National Park during the 2008/2009 recession period”. The aim of this article was to determine the motivations of visitors to the KNP during the recession. A factor analysis on the motivations to visit the park was conducted, of which the following factors obtained the highest mean values: Escape, Wildlife experience and Family benefits. Push factors to the KNP were important to such an extent that visitors regarded visiting the park as a primary need or lifestyle. The results furthermore showed that visitors might have adapted their spending behaviour at the park to still afford to visit the park during the recession. This article provides a better understanding of visitors’ feelings towards the KNP, especially amidst recessions which, in turn, will improve niche marketing and a competitive advantage. Article 2 is titled: “Factors that influenced demand to the Kruger National Park during the 2008/2009 economic recession”. The aim of this article was to identify the determinants that influence the demand for visits to the KNP. Due to the homogeneous nature of the park’s market, the results of the stepwise logistic regression analysis revealed a few socio-demographic and behavioural determinants that influenced visitors’ demand to the park. The motives Escape and Souvenirs were the only two behavioural determinants while the provinces Gauteng and Mpumalanga were the only socio-demographic determinants. These two provinces are the two main markets for the KNP. Visitors indicated that visiting the KNP is a great way of escaping their busy metropolitan areas, especially in the Gauteng province. Mpumalanga residents have many tourism attractions in their province thus lowering the chances that they will visit the KNP. The determinant Souvenirs indicates that visitors adapted their spending at the park to still be able to afford visits. It was also found that demand to visit the park was not greatly influenced by the recession, because visitors could adapt their spending at the park. This is the first time the determinants of demand to a national park during a recession period have been conducted. The study indicated that visiting natural areas may have become a primary need or part of a lifestyle, especially during the 2008/2009 recession period. This article gives park management guidelines that will ensure the sustainability of the KNP because this information now allows for well-planned, thorough marketing and management of the park. In the case of KNP, which has a homogeneous market, the number of determinants identified influencing demand for visiting the park is fewer than has been found in other studies done on heterogeneous markets. This study therefore also makes a valuable methodological contribution in relation to analysing demand of homogeneous and heterogeneous markets. / Thesis (M.Com. (Tourism))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

The influence of the 2008/2009 economic recession on travel behaviour of visitors to the Kruger National Park / Marco Scholtz

Scholtz, Marco January 2010 (has links)
During the recession period of 2008/2009, global tourism declined by 8%. This was also evident is South Africa with the domestic travel market shrinking by 8% as well. However, this did not apply to the Kruger National Park (KNP) which experienced a sustained Accommodation Unit Occupancy growth of 1.6% during the same period. Visitors to the KNP thus see it as an attractive holiday destination irrespective of tough economic conditions characterised by less disposable income. To sustain this growth, it is important to be aware of the reasons visitors still visit the KNP during a recession. The aim of this study was to determine the reasons why visitors still travelled to the KNP during the 2008/2009 recession. This can be done by analysing the visitors’ behaviour and the motivational factors (internal feelings of the visitors) and determinants of the demand (income and exchange rates for instance) that influenced visitors’ choice to visit the KNP. To achieve this aim, a survey was conducted at the KNP between 15 and 20 December 2009 (high season). A total of 355 questionnaires were completed, after which a number of analyses were done to determine the effects of the recession on travel behaviour. For the purpose of this study, two articles were written. Article 1 is titled: “Motivations of visitors to the Kruger National Park during the 2008/2009 recession period”. The aim of this article was to determine the motivations of visitors to the KNP during the recession. A factor analysis on the motivations to visit the park was conducted, of which the following factors obtained the highest mean values: Escape, Wildlife experience and Family benefits. Push factors to the KNP were important to such an extent that visitors regarded visiting the park as a primary need or lifestyle. The results furthermore showed that visitors might have adapted their spending behaviour at the park to still afford to visit the park during the recession. This article provides a better understanding of visitors’ feelings towards the KNP, especially amidst recessions which, in turn, will improve niche marketing and a competitive advantage. Article 2 is titled: “Factors that influenced demand to the Kruger National Park during the 2008/2009 economic recession”. The aim of this article was to identify the determinants that influence the demand for visits to the KNP. Due to the homogeneous nature of the park’s market, the results of the stepwise logistic regression analysis revealed a few socio-demographic and behavioural determinants that influenced visitors’ demand to the park. The motives Escape and Souvenirs were the only two behavioural determinants while the provinces Gauteng and Mpumalanga were the only socio-demographic determinants. These two provinces are the two main markets for the KNP. Visitors indicated that visiting the KNP is a great way of escaping their busy metropolitan areas, especially in the Gauteng province. Mpumalanga residents have many tourism attractions in their province thus lowering the chances that they will visit the KNP. The determinant Souvenirs indicates that visitors adapted their spending at the park to still be able to afford visits. It was also found that demand to visit the park was not greatly influenced by the recession, because visitors could adapt their spending at the park. This is the first time the determinants of demand to a national park during a recession period have been conducted. The study indicated that visiting natural areas may have become a primary need or part of a lifestyle, especially during the 2008/2009 recession period. This article gives park management guidelines that will ensure the sustainability of the KNP because this information now allows for well-planned, thorough marketing and management of the park. In the case of KNP, which has a homogeneous market, the number of determinants identified influencing demand for visiting the park is fewer than has been found in other studies done on heterogeneous markets. This study therefore also makes a valuable methodological contribution in relation to analysing demand of homogeneous and heterogeneous markets. / Thesis (M.Com. (Tourism))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Factors influencing the migration of teachers from Zimbabwe to South Africa

Weda, Zenzele Lungile 12 1900 (has links)
Zimbabwe is suffering from an acute shortage of teachers mainly as a result of teacher emigration to South Africa and abroad. The southern migration of Zimbabwean teachers has received little research attention which has mainly focused on the migration of medical personnel. The purpose of this study is to uncover the factors that drive the migration of teachers from Zimbabwe to South Africa and to explain how these factors function within a grounded theory approach to teacher migration. To achieve this, a review of literature and an empirical study of a small sample of migrant Zimbabwean teachers resident in South Africa were undertaken. A constructivist grounded theory design was used. A theoretical sampling method generated a sample group of thirteen participants who were all qualified Zimbabwean teachers who had migrated to South Africa and been in the country for between one and five years. Data generation and collection consisted of two phases: in the first phase the participants were asked to write a life history narrative or provide a verbal narrative of their life history focussing on their migration. In the second phase they participated in individual interviews to clarify or expand on issues raised in the first phase. Three stages of coding were used in the analysis of the data, namely initial, intermediate and advanced coding. This led to the generation of a grounded theory on teacher migration. The grounded theory indicated that Zimbabwean teachers see migration as the best way to attain an ideal status. An ideal status is conceived to be the ideal interplay between the work conditions, standard of living and social esteem which teachers believe befits members of their profession. Depending on various criteria, teachers fall into one of the following status categories: further diminished status, diminished status, ideal status or ideal status surpassed. Migration is a drastic and demanding way to improve one’s status and it is adopted by teachers only after other strategies to this end have been exhausted. Weighed against existing theories of migration, the grounded theory contributes to understanding teacher migration and retention through the innovative use of the core category status. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Socio-Education)

Individuella migrationsdrivkrafter i den moderna svenska emigrationen : En studie om vilka faktorer som ligger bakom utlandssvenskars emigration och permanenta bosättning i USA. / Individual drivers of migration in the modern Swedish emigration : A study on which factors that cause Swedes to emigrate and permanently reside in the United States.

Tydesjö, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
This thesis considers the individual drivers of migration in modern Swedish emigration and the subsequent decision to remain in the host country. The study draws on primary data from 14 semi-structured digital interviews with Swedes who have emigrated and permanently settled down in different locations in the United States. Through the push- and pull framework, individual cases have been considered whilst also comparing the findings with previously identified drivers in migration research. The sociological findings of this study present the collectivist Swedish norm Jantelagen (‘The Law of Jante’) as a prospective push-factor in both the decision to emigrate and to permanently settle down in the U.S. Subsequently, certain discrepancy exists on the macro level of Swedish society as both radically individualistic with collectivistic norms expecting individual conformity. The result implies that emigration is an option to break free from normative restrictions for certain individuals. Relatedly, the perception of a negative political development, restricted freedom of opinion, and self-censoring political correctness are explicit push-factors for some Swedes to emigrate and/or reside permanently. Furthermore, higher levels of stimulation in education and work, easy access to the job and housing market in the U.S. could be linked to the migration driver subjective well-being/happiness. Network often influenced the emigration and led to perceived lifestyle improvement. Moreover, the initial push and pull factors proved to be inconstant as motives and circumstances in the migration process changed e.g. in case of separation from a partner.

Innovation in Business to Business Payment Services: a contextual approach to future innovation

Jackson, David January 2018 (has links)
Payments take place every day in exchange for goods and services. There are a large variety of different methods which can be used to make a payment, and multiple scenarios in which payments take place. Recently there has been a significant amount of innovation in the Payment Services sector, however the majority of this innovation has occurred in the Business-to-Consumer (B2C) market, leaving the Business-to-Business (B2B) market relatively devoid of innovations. This raises the question, why are there limited successful innovations in B2B Payment Services? Furthermore, are there areas for innovation in the realm of B2B Payments? To explore this perceived gap in innovation, the payment methods available to small B2B companies were examined to identify key challenges and areas for future innovation in B2B payments. The research contains primary data from semi-structured telephone interviews with five owners or managers in SME (Small or Medium-Sized Enterprise) B2B companies, located in the United Kingdom. It will be concluded that the payment methods available to small businesses are sufficient for their needs, and there were no real ‘pain points’ with the actual payments themselves – and this is posited as one reason why payment services innovation has been limited within B2Bs. However, each business experienced a number of challenges in the bigger-picture payment cycle and business purchasing flow. It is within this space - helping businesses manage payments, not make payments - that opportunities for innovation lie, and a conceptualisation of new business opportunities is discussed. / <p>Master of Entrepeneurship and Innovation Management (TEILM)</p>

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