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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Inconformidades indumentárias: reflexões sobre moda e crossdressing / Sartorial nonconformity: reflections on fashion and crossdressing

Maíra Arcoverde 20 April 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como propósito lançar uma reflexão sobre as maneiras pelas quais os usos descontextualizados da roupa podem consistir em uma subversão do sistema, sobretudo por meio das práticas de crossdressing. A moda, aqui, foi analisada em dois movimentos: o primeiro, que consiste no reforço ao modelo binário de gênero; e o segundo, em que se aproveita de fissuras oriundas da própria norma para causar-lhe perturbações. A partir de referenciais teóricometodológicos feministas e queer, foram realizadas investigações qualitativas, como entrevistas e pesquisas de campo, que possibilitaram uma perspectiva dos sujeitos como provisórios e cambiantes, contribuindo para que suas narrativas fossem compreendidas de maneira mais ampla e menos limitada. A roupa, no contexto do crossdressing, foi observada como parte fundamental da construção das subjetividades e da imagem feminina à qual as crossdressers aspiram, denunciando precisamente o caráter construído da naturalidade dos gêneros que encontra endosso na moda. Ainda que parte dos discursos de produção da normalidade, a vestimenta encerra inumeráveis possibilidades de (r)existência que desestabilizam e desmantelam hegemonias / This research aims to propose a reflection on the ways through which the decontextualized uses of clothing can consist in a subversion of the system, especially through crossdressing practices. Hence fashion was analyzed in two movements: the first, which consists in reinforcing the binary gender model; and the second, in which it takes advantage of the cracks originating from the very norm in order to disturb it. From feminist and queer theoretical-methodological frameworks, qualitative inquiries such as interviews and fieldwork were carried out, which permitted a perspective of the subjects as provisional and mutable, allowing their narratives to be comprehended in a wider and less constrained manner. Clothing, within the crossdressing context, was seen as a fundamental part in the construction of the subjectivities and of the feminine image to which crossdressers aspire. That way, it precisely exposes the fabricated character of gender, which finds support in fashion. Though being part of the production of normality discourses, clothes encompass numberless possibilities of (r)existence that destabilize and dismantle hegemonies

Violette Leduc: a travessia do deserto ao arco-íris / Violette Leduc: crossing from desert to rainbow

Natalia de Oliveira Ribeiro Candido Gomes 10 April 2017 (has links)
Essa dissertação percorre a obra da escritora francesa, Violette Leduc, elaborando uma reflexão crítica a partir das noções de performatividade e performance, tal como conceituadas por Judith Butler. O núcleo da investigação proposta é a maneira como tais noções operam na obra leduciana, sobretudo sua trilogia autobiográfica, composta pelos livros La bâtarde, La folie en tête e La chasse à lamour. A partir da lente da crítica feminista, com especial atenção aos estudos queer (sem, no entanto, esquecer as vertentes críticas que os precedem), a análise da obra de Leduc torna-se, também, uma discussão sobre poder, gêneros, sexualidades e potências da linguagem literária. As narradoras-personagens dos livros de Leduc constantemente se debruçam sobre a própria obra da autora e a tomam para si: reescrevem os livros publicados como ficcionais, denunciam suas estratégias criativas, falam sobre os impasses do exercício da escrita, desestabilizam a obra de Violette Leduc, transformando-a constantemente. Para além disso, há na literatura leduciana um questionamento recorrente das estruturas sociais, culturais e políticas que regulam os gêneros, os desejos e as práticas sexuais. Tanto a lesbiandade, a bissexualidade, a heterossexualidade, a fluidez dos desejos e das possibilidades para sua práxis quanto as feminilidades e masculinidades, são temas narrados e explorados ao longo de toda a trilogia autobiográfica e também dos romances. Tais indagações culminam em transformações na própria escrita literária, revelando como característica central da literatura leduciana a relação simbiótica entre criação (performance) e citação (performatividade). / The following dissertation explores the work of french writer, Violette Leduc through Judith Butlers definition for both gender performativity and performance notions. The investigations core is the part such notions play in Leducs work, especially her autobiographical trilogy, which comprehends the novels La bâtarde, La folie en tête and La chasse à lamour. This research views Leducs work from the feminist criticism perspective, with special attention to queer studies (but without losing account of the critical thinking that preceded it). The result is an literary analysis that transforms into a discussion of various themes, such as power, genders, sexualities and the different potentials for literary language. Leducs autobiographical protagonist-narrators constantly address Leducs own literary work and claim their ownership over it: they rewrite Leducs fiction and also denounce their creative strategies as well as her impasses with literary writing. The result is a narrator that destabilizes Violette Leducs work, persistently transforming it. Beyond that, in the leducian literature there is a recurrent interrogation of social, political and cultural structures that regulate genders, desires and sexual practices. Lesbianhood, bissexuality, heterossexuality, feminility and masculinity as well as desire and its practical potentialities are themes explored throughout the entire autobiographical trilogy and also in the fictional work. Such inquiries result in transformations on the very literary writing, revealing a key aspect of Leducs literature: the symbiotic relationship established between creation (performance) and citation (performativity).

Le traitement esthétique de l'homosexualité dans les oeuvres décadentes face au système médical et légal : accords et désaccords sur une éthique de la sexualité / The aesthetic treatment of homosexuality in decadent works confronted with both medical and legal systems : agreements and disagreements on an ethics of sexuality

Courapied, Romain 15 December 2014 (has links)
À la fin du XIXème siècle, la médecine prend en charge de manière prégnante le phénomène homosexuel, à l'aune des découvertes en psychopathologie. Le personnage est non seulement identifié physiquement sur la base d'un certain nombre de critères dits scientifiques, mais plus encore, on dresse sa cartographie mentale. Bien que cette classification des comportements sexuels se fasse dans une intention moins punitive que curative, les pratiques sexuelles minoritaires sont encore stigmatisées. Au niveau juridique, les lois françaises sont réputées clémentes puisque les pratiques homosexuelles ne constituent plus un délit dans le code pénal de 1810. L'usage détourné de l’outrage public aux moeurs permet cependant de contrôler les comportements tandis qu’on observe une recrudescence des procès pour outrage aux moeurs en fin de siècle. Notre travail, qui s'inscrit explicitement dans le cadre des Gender studies et de la Queer theory, est d’abord épistémologique : il vise à analyser la construction d’un savoir sur l’homosexualité dans la seconde moitié du xixème siècle à travers le corpus médical,dont le rôle est souvent considéré comme majeur dans les études, et à travers les corpus juridiques et littéraires, parfois minimisés. Nos analyses relèvent également de l’histoire des représentations : il s’agit de proposer une définition de l’esthétique décadente à laquelle nous intégrons le signifiant homosexuel. Notre propos est enfin d’entrer dans l’étude détaillée des textes par le biais de trois thématiques majeures démontrant l’usage décadent d’une homotextualité : la symbolique des fleurs, la figure de l’androgyne et le mythe de Narcisse. / By the end of the 19th century, medicine overwhelmingly took hold of the homosexual phenomenon, basing itself on new findings related to psychopathology. Not only were characters physically identified thanks to a series of so-called scientific criteria, but they were also analysed through mental mapping. Although the aim of the classification of sexual behaviours was to cure rather than punish, the practices of sexual minorities were still stigmatized. As far as the judiciary system was concerned, French laws were considered to be quite lenient in so far as homosexual relationships had no longer been regarded as offences since the 1810 penal code. Nevertheless, the distorted use of the affront to public decency enabled to control people's behaviours and, by the end of the century, an increase of the trials focusing on cases of indecent exposure could be noticed. Our work, that definitely ascribes itself within the field of Gender Studies and Queer theory, is first and foremost epistemological and seeks to analyze how a body of expertise about homosexuality emerged in the second half of the 19th century, through the medical corpus that turned out to be prevalent in the studies that were conducted then, as well as through both legal and literary texts, although they were quite overlooked then. Our analyses also pertain to the history of representations, as we offer to define the aesthetics of decadence by adding a signifier: homosexuality. Finally, we also plan on scrutinizing texts by relying on three main themes that are meant to emphasize the decadent use of a homotextuality : the symbol of flowers, the figure of the androgyne and the myth of Narcissus.

Grotesque «queer» et savoirs abjects dans l’oeuvre de Dorothy Allison / Queer grotesque and abject knowledge in the work of Dorothy Allison

Grué, Mélanie 06 December 2013 (has links)
Originaire du milieu white trash, victime d’inceste, lesbienne et queer, Dorothy Allison appartient à une nouvelle génération d’auteurs qui, depuis les années 1980, perturbent le paysage littéraire et politique américain. Peuplée de personnages grotesques, dont les difformités physiques reflètent les normes sociales, sexuelles et de genre qui sous-tendent les discours dominants réduisant l’individu déviant au silence, l’oeuvre de l’auteure est pourtant un espace de prise de parole pour les sujets subalternes (les pauvres, les femmes, l’enfant abusée, et les homosexuels) que la société définit comme étant abjects. Ces recherches se concentrent sur les liens entre littérature et théorie, et sur la portée politique du témoignage minoritaire de Dorothy Allison, envisagé comme un espace de théorisation. À partir de l’analyse des théories du sujet, des études sur les classes et les « races », des critiques de l’autobiographie et de la théorie queer, nous expliciterons la manière dont le texte littéraire transmet le discours de revendication de l’individu subalterne, permet l’affirmation du sujet, et véhicule les « savoirs abjects » qui perturbent les normes. Ce travail s’attache à relire et repenser les théories à travers le prisme d’une oeuvre littéraire qui s’approprie le mode de représentation grotesque et accorde une place centrale au corps et aux sens. Faisant la part belle au langage du corps, le témoignage minoritaire romancé met à mal les hiérarchies et célèbre la profonde humanité des individus dévalorisés. / Born in a white trash milieu, a victim of incest, lesbian and queer, Dorothy Allison belongs to the new generation of writers who, since the 1980s, have troubled the American literary and political landscape. Overflowing with grotesque characters, whose physical deformity mirrors the social, sexual and gender norms underlying the dominant discourses that silence the deviant individual, the author’s work is nevertheless a space where inferior subjects (the poor, women, the abused child, homosexuals), defined by society as being abject, can speak. This research focuses on the connections between literature and theory, and on the political significance of Dorothy Allison’s testimony, here considered as a theorizing narrative. Using subject theory, class and race studies, autobiography criticism and queer theory, we shall explain how the literary text passes on the inferior individual’s claims, enacts the subject’s self-assertion, and transmits the “abject knowledge” which disrupts the norms. This research aims at re-reading and rethink various theories through the literary work which appropriates the grotesque mode of representation and grants the material body and the senses a central place. The fictionalized testimony makes bodily language paramount, interrogates established hierarchies and glorifies the intense humanity of discredited individuals.

De l'énigme au paradigme : La psychanalyse n'est pas homophobe. / The enigma to the paradigm : psycholysis is not homofobic

Rodríguez Diéguez, María Paz 20 January 2015 (has links)
Cette recherche vise à répondre aux critiques que certains auteurs de la théorie queer ont adressé à la théorie lacanienne, en l´accusant d´homophobe. Nous proposons une nouvelle approche de la sexualité humaine qui ne sera plus instaurée à partir de l´ordre symbolique du Complexe d´Œdipe. À la fin de son enseignement, Lacan reconnaît qu´ « Il n´y a pas de rapport sexuel », et avec cet aphorisme il nous ouvre la porte vers un nouveau paradigme orienté vers le réel : la jouissance qui vise l´impossible de la relation sexuelle. Cette jouissance substitutive, comme l´a nommé Jacques-Alain Miller, ne distingue pas entre névrose et perversion. Cette nouvelle lecture qui va au-delà de la clinique structurelle surgit du nœud borroméen, c´est-à-dire, de ce qui fait tenir ensemble les registres symbolique, réel et imaginaire du désir et de la jouissance. Nous prétendons surmonter l´Œdipe par le biais du tout dernier enseignement de Lacan. Pour ce faire, nous avons revisité le célèbre cas de « la jeune homosexuelle » de Freud, à partir des nouveaux éléments de son histoire publiés dans sa biographie intitulée Sidonie Csillag, Homosexuelle chez Freud. Lesbienne dans le siècle. Grâce à cette nouvelle conception borroméenne nous regarderons l´homosexualité sous un autre angle. Notre but sera de trouver les convergences entre ce nouveau paradigme borroméen de la psychanalyse et la théorie queer. / This investigation aims to respond to the critiques certain authors of queer theory have addressed to Lacanian theory, namely the accusation of homophobia. At the end of his teaching, Lacan recognized « There is no sexual relation »; and with this aphorism, he opened the door to a new paradigm oriented by the real: jouissance that aims at the impossible of the sexual relation. This substitutive jouissance, as Jacques-Alain Miller named it, doesn’t distinguish between neurosis and perversion. This new reading which goes beyond the structural clinic springs from the Borromean knot, in other words, that which holds the symbolic, real, and imaginary registers of desire and jouissance together. We purport to overcome the Oedipus complex by way of the very last Lacanian teaching. In order to do so, we revisited Freud’s extremely well-known case of the “young homosexual woman”, starting from new historical elements published in her biography entitled, Sidonie Csillag: Jeune Homosexuelle chez Freud, lesbienne dans le siècle. We will regard homosexuality from another angle thanks to the new Borromean conception. Our goal shall be to find the convergences between this new Borromean paradigm of psychoanalysis and Queer theory.

Homoparentalidade e os efeitos da matriz heterossexual: uma análise Queer sobre a adoção conjunta por pessoas do mesmo sexo no judiciário

CAVALCANTI, Gabriela Guimarães 25 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2016-04-13T13:11:03Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Gabriela Guimarães PPGDH.pdf: 1397132 bytes, checksum: 4e76652a449b9f10423732b679019793 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-13T13:11:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Gabriela Guimarães PPGDH.pdf: 1397132 bytes, checksum: 4e76652a449b9f10423732b679019793 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-25 / FACEPE / A presente dissertação tem por objetivo investigar, sob a ótica queer desenvolvida pela filósofa Judith Butler, os sentidos subjacentes à adoção por pessoas do mesmo sexo na realidade brasileira, tendo como foco de análise o primeiro caso processado e julgado no Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de Pernambuco (2007-2008). A partir dos estudos sobre os efeitos da matriz bioparental e heteronormativa na adoção, buscamos realizar a (re)leitura da história da adoção no Brasil, compreendendo os significados – religiosos, morais, sociais – que a prática ocupou ao longo do tempo. Paralelamente, desenvolvemos uma série de problematizações sobre identidades, homossexualidade e heterossexualidade e sobre o questionamento em Butler (2003a) se o parentesco está adstrito aos termos de uma matriz heterossexual legitimadora. Consideramos, segundo Teixeira Filho (2010) que a sobreposição dos laços de sangue hierarquiza os vínculos de filiação ao sustentar uma “essência” humana em procriar e continuar existindo através dos filhos, pondo em evidência os valores heteroreferentes dos papéis sociais de gênero que essa naturalização implica. Tal referência, reiterada/recitada na adoção, operaria uma série de efeitos, desde a expectativa de (hetero)normalização de casais do mesmo sexo à sua tentativa de docilização, por meio do uso reiterado do termo homoafetividade. Assim, o trabalho pretende realizar uma leitura, a partir de uma perspectiva interdisciplinar em direitos humanos, dos termos do debate no processo judicial em análise, com atenção à articulação entre as vozes dos pretendentes à adoção, das crianças, da equipe interprofissional e multidisciplinar, do Ministério Público e do órgão julgador. Por conseguinte, quer-se questionar em que medida, especialmente no âmbito da adoção conjunta por dois homens em análise, o parentesco é tido como heterossexual ou, no mínimo, adstrito aos termos da heterossexualidade normativa. / This dissertation aims to investigate, under Judith Butler’s queer lenses, the meanings underlying the adoption by a same sex couple in the Brazilian reality through the study of the first case prosecuted and judged in the Court of the State of Pernambuco (2007-2008). Inspired by studies on the effects of bioparental and heteronormative matrix in adoption practices, we seek to achieve a (re) reading of the history of adoption in Brazil, comprehending the meanings – religious, moral, social – revolved around this practice over time. At the same time, we problematized topics such as identities, homosexuality and heterosexuality, as well as Butler’s questioning of whether kinship is always bounded to the terms of a legitimizing heterosexual matrix. We believe that, as Teixeira Filho (2010) has clearly explained, the coincidence of blood ties ranks the bonds of belonging by sustaining a human "essence" to procreate and a desire to remain alive through the lives of their children. This naturalization implies the heteronormativity of social gender roles values. Such reference, repeated / recited in the adoption process, probably operates a number of effects from the expectation of (hetero) standardization of same-sex couples to the attempt of highlighting the docilization of these couples through the exhaustive use of the term “homoafetividade”. From an interdisciplinary perspective on human rights, this work pursues a different reading about the terms of the debate in the judicial process under review, with attention to the relation between the voices of the couple who applied for the adoption of the children, the judicial interprofessional and multidisciplinary team, the prosecutor and the judge. Therefore, we hope to discuss to what extent, especially in the context of the same sex joint adoption, is kinship always considered heterosexual or at least attached to the terms of normative heterosexuality.

Det blåa blodet : Kvinnors erfarenheter av mens och menstruation som socialt stigma / The blue blood : Women's experiences of periods and menstruation as a social stig

Flemell, Amilia January 2020 (has links)
Följande uppsats är baserad på en kvalitativ inriktning med hjälp av intervjuer med sju personer i åldrarna 15 till 35, med erfarenheter av att leva med mens. Uppsatsen har tillämpat en tematisk analys för att analysera det insamlade materialet. Detta har gjorts med hjälp av mina teoretiska utgångspunkter vilka är stigma, mens gör kvinnor "queer" och Terror Management Theory. Min ambition med denna uppsats har varit att undersöka vilket utrymme mens får ta i informanternas vardag, i deras sociala relationer och i offentligheten som exempelvis reklam. Samt undersöka hur detta påverkar informanternas fysiska och psykiska välbefinnande. Vidare har denna uppsats avsett till att skapa förståelse för informanternas erfarenheter av att menstruera i relation till sociala förväntningar. Undersökningen visar att mens och menstruation har ett begränsat utrymme i informanternas vardagspraktiker samt sociala relationer. Resultatet visar också på att mens i offentligheten framställs på ett felaktigt sätt och att det inte stämmer överens med den bild informanterna har av vad mens och menstruation är.

Hbtq Genom Livsfrågor I Religionskunskap / Lgbtq Through Existential Life Questions In Religious Education

Dören, Håkan January 2021 (has links)
This paper aims to summarise what current research says about how “life questions” is used in Swedish religious education and what criteria LGBTQ questions need to meet in order to be used in teaching. It does this by systematically searching and assessing academic sources found in four different databases. The research shows that there are two main ways educators use life questions in classrooms, as discussion starters and as thematic interdisciplinary teaching. The research also shows that two general hurdles need to be maneuvered to teach about LGBTQ in classrooms. First one being structural, such as syllabus and knowledge hurdles. Second being social, as other teachers, administrators, students and parents might cause problems for the teacher. This work can and should be seen in the tradition of critical pedagogy more than in the tradition of “life questions”. Even though this paper does not systematically gather new data nor create new knowledge, it is critical of the lack of research on religious LGBTQ students, the lack of research on student perception about LGBTQ questions in the classroom and the lack of research on the concrete results of education pushes by Skolverket, MUCF and RFSL. Keywords: LGBTQ, Queer, GSM, Religious education, High school, Sweden, Livsfrågor, Queer, HBTQ, Religionskunskap, Gymnasiet.

Intellektuella horor och Daddy’s Girls : – om skeva flickor, femininitet och sexualitet i Sara Stridsbergs pjäs Valerie Jean Solanas ska bli president i Amerika

Ahlgren, Thea January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Dys4ia a reflexe autobiografického videoherního narativu transgender komunitou / Videogame Dys4ia and reflection of autobiographical narrative by transgender community

Trhoň, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
Videogames are becoming an important means of expression for marginalized communities. Despite the growing body of research in queer game studies, transgender identity remains under-researched and lacking in empirical data. By using an experimental approach coupled with grounded theory and informed by current game and queer theory, this study aims to illuminate how transgender- identifying persons approach autobiographical videogame depiction of transgender experience. Ten participants were asked to play influential independent videogame Dys4ia, which depicts the author's hormonal replacement therapy, and semi-structured interviews were conducted. Their responses were coded, and a preliminary model of how Dys4ia works in the context of transgender media ecology was constructed. The term Procedural-autobiographic multimodality is introduced to describe an assemblage of interactive affordances, distinctive aesthetics and situatedness of Dys4ia in structures of minority media while considering video game-specific theories. This study attempts to empirically ground transgender queer game studies, suggesting avenues for future research and proposing a model of how videogames as procedural artefacts work alongside vlogs and other expressive means within transgender mediascape.

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