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TOM: Measuring Liquidity in the Swedish Real Estate Market : Investigation of the influence of the market conditions on the time-on-market and price relationship / TOM: Mätning av likviditet på fastighetsmarknaden : Undersökning av marknadsförhållandenas inverkan på tid-på-marknad och prisförhållandeLuna Andonegui, Catalina January 2023 (has links)
This thesis project examines the liquidity of the residential market in Stockholm under different phases of the real estate cycle. Using time-on-market (TOM) as a liquidity indicator, the aim is to get an insight of the influence of prices, property characteristics and macroeconomic variables. The housing price index of residential apartments in Stockholm witnessed a significant fluctuation following the economic shock of the COVID-19 pandemic and the invasion of Ukraine. This unique situation provided an excellent opportunity to explore the relationship between TOM and prices, a topic that has been subject to recurrent research. Due to competing retail theory and the search theory, the TOM-price relationship is still debated between positive or negative. By dividing the sample data into quarters and market phases, this study demonstrates that the residential market in Stockholm has a negative TOM-price relationship in all market conditions. However, the magnitude of the effect of price over TOM varied depending on the market phase. The results suggest that sellers adopt a rational approach in which they are motivated to capitalize on the positive market conditions before the situation becomes unfavorable. Conversely, when the market is experiencing a decline, sellers choose to wait for a more favorable market environment. Further research could test a different empirical methodology to confirm this relationship and identify other factors that could be affecting the liquidity of the market. / Detta examensarbete undersöker likviditeten på bostadsmarknaden i Stockholm under olika faser av fastighetscykeln. Med hjälp av tid på marknaden (TOM) som likviditetsindikator är syftet att få en inblick i hur priser, fastighetsegenskaper och makroekonomiska variabler påver-kas. Noterbart är att bostadsprisindexet för bostadslägenheter i Stockholm upplevde betydande fluktuationer efter den ekonomiska chocken av covid-19-pandemin och invasionen av Ukraina. Denna unika situation gav ett utmärkt tillfälle att utforska förhållandet mellan TOM och priser, ett ämne som har varit föremål föråterkommande forskning. På grund av konkurrerande retail teori och search teori, diskuteras TOM-prisrelationen fortfarande mellan positivt och negativt. Genom att dela upp provdatan i kvartals- och marknadsfas, visar denna studie att på bostads-marknaden i Stockholm är förhållandet mellan TOM och pris negativt under alla marknadsför-hållanden. Storleken på effekten av pris över TOM varierade dock beroende på marknadsfas. Resultaten tyder på att säljare antar ett rationellt tillvägagångssätt där de motiveras att kapitalisera på de positiva marknadsförhållandena innan situationen blir ogynnsam. Omvänt, när marknaden upplever en nedgång väljer säljarna att vänta på en mer gynnsam marknadsmiljö. Ytterligare forskning kan använda en annan empirisk metod för att bekräfta detta förhållande och identifiera andra faktorer som kan påverka marknadens likviditet.
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Crises in Stockholm’s Office Market : Any Signs Today? / Kriser i centrala Stockholms kontorsmarknad : Några tecken idag?Andersson, Lukas, Källman, Marcus January 2019 (has links)
The office market in central Stockholm has since the financial crises in ‘08 showed remarkablegrowth and the current conditions are compared to the once under the previous crises. Thecommercial real estate market has had a substantial role in the last crises, as it is sensitive to cyclesand has high indebtedness. The study aimed to evaluate the market today by comparing it withforemostly the crises in Sweden in the 90s and dotcom-era, but also the great recession in’08.Further, the perception of the market actors was analysed. The methodology was qualitative, as sixprofessionals have been interviewed representing property companies, consultancy firms, bank,and institutional owners. The result shows more differences than similarities to the past crises, inboth macro and micro level. Furthermore, consensus had an optimistic view of the future and thereal estate market. Central Stockholm office market can be regarded as more professional andstable. However, there are uncertainties which were not present during the crises, such ascoworking, market-financing and low-interest rate. The study suggests that the factor causing thenext crisis is something the market does not know. / Kontorsmarknaden i centrala Stockholm har sedan finanskrisen 2008 visat en stark tillväxt och denuvarande förhållandena har jämförts med de som rådde under tidigare kriser. Kommersiellafastighetsmarknaden har haft en betydande roll i de senaste kriserna, eftersom den är känslig motcykler och har hög skuldsättning. Studien syftade till att jämföra marknaden idag med främstkriserna i Sverige på 90-talet och dotcom, men också den stora finanskrisen 2008. Dessutomanalyseras marknadsaktörernas uppfattning om riskerna för en kris i dagens kontorsmarknad.Metoden var kvalitativ då sex professionella intervjuades som representerade fastighetsbolag,konsultföretag, banker och institutionella ägare. Resultatet visar fler skillnader än likheterna medkriserna på både makro och mikronivå. Vidare hade konsensus en optimistisk syn på marknadensframtid. Centrala Stockholm kan betraktas som mer professionell och stabil. Det finns emellertidosäkerheter som inte var närvarande under kriserna, till exempel coworking, marknadsfinansieringoch de låg räntorna. Studien tyder på att faktorn som kommer orsaka nästa kris är något okänt förmarknaden idag.
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台灣房地產景氣動向預測之準確度研究詹任偉 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過因果關係檢定,找出領先指標領先同時指標三季的關係,確定可以透過領先指標來預測三季之後的景氣變化情形。再利用平均絕對百分比誤差分析使用領先指標作為預測工具的準確度,經過計算求得平均絕對百分比誤差為4.57%,可以看出使用領先指標作為預測工具相當合適。在廠商本身預測景氣動向上,本研究發現廠商預期符合調適預期理論,且對未來的預期有較為樂觀的趨勢;經過本研究統計整理發現廠商對房地產景氣變動的認知與同時指標的變動之間的一致性並不理想,此有可能是因為市場上各項房地產資訊充斥,廠商並不全然以同時指標的變動來判斷房地產景氣的變動。惟經過前後期的比較,可以發現一致性的上升與不一致性的下降,表示兩者之間認知的一致性有逐漸提升的趨勢。 / The atmosphere of the real estate industry in Taiwan was upswing gradually in the past few decades, and its market information was definitely occupied an significant role and many people started to put their focus on it. In fact, the industry forecast which can be found from those seasonal report was a prediction only that is not accurate, i.e. those projections were based on the current market information only. Therefore, how to interpret and digest the number from those reports is the crucial issue for the reader to think and to consider. This study is trying to find out the time-lags between leading index and coincident index and the accuracy of the cycle forecasting system.
The Granger causality test is widely used to examine the time-lags between the leading index and the coincident index. From the result of this study, we can found that there has a 3-season time-gap embedded in, and this is an obvious difference indeed. In addition, the forecasted index of the leading indicator i.e. The MAPE is in 4.57% sharp. Thus, we dare to judge that the result of this study is absolutely accurate with 100% confidence.
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How to identify downturns within an office submarke : A quantitative time series analysis of Stockholm CBD / Hur man identifierar nedgångar inom en kontorsmarknadPalmquist, Jacob January 2018 (has links)
The last couple of years there has been a significant increase in demand of attractive office locations in Stockholm consequently leading to all-time low office prime yields within the Central Business District (CBD), indicating warning signals regarding an overheated submarket. As the real estate market is crucial for the economy as a whole, it is essential to improve the understanding and predictability of future real estate cycles. This study produced three different logistic regression models with the purpose of identifying downturns in the office market of Stockholm CBD. The most successful model were able to predict 74 % of the actual downturns occurring throughout 114 observed quarters between Q3 1989 and Q4 2017. The dependent downturn variable consist of prime yield explained by variables on a national basis combined with submarket specific variables. Another produced model contained variables regarding confidence and expectations of tenants in Stockholm. However that model was unsatisfactory, leading to this study’s suggestion of further research on fluctuations of demand related to the current characteristics of Stockholm CBD. / Under de senaste åren har det skett en betydande ökning av efterfrågan på attraktiva kontorslokaler i Stockholm vilket resulterat i rekordlåga direktavkastningskrav inom Stockholm Central Business District (CBD), vilket indikerar på varningssignaler avseende en överhettad delmarknad. Eftersom fastighetsmarknaden är avgörande för ekonomin som helhet är det viktigt att förbättra förståelsen och förutsägbarheten för framtida fastighetscykler. Denna studie producerade tre olika logistiska regressionsmodeller med syfte att identifiera nedgångar i kontorsmarknaden inom Stockholm CBD. Den mest framgångsrika modellen kunde förutse 74 % av de faktiska nedgångarna som inträffade under 114 observerade kvartal mellan Q3 1989 och Q4 2017. Den beroende nedgångsvariabeln består av prime yield som förklaras av variabler på nationell basis i kombination med delmarknadsspecifika variabler. En annan producerad modell innehöll variabler avseende förtroende och förväntningar hos hyresgäster i Stockholm. Denna modell var dock otillfredsställande, vilket ledde till att denna studie föreslog ytterligare forskning om fluktuationer i efterfrågan relaterade till de nuvarande egenskaperna hos Stockholms centralbank
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以遠期交易訂價理論探討國內預售屋價格之研究白金安 Unknown Date (has links)
進一步利用特徵價格方程式來固定品質,使成屋與預售屋在相同的基礎上比較,並藉由太平洋房屋所提供之民國77年∼82年大台北都會區實際成交案例8885筆來試驗。發現期間預售屋每戶價格平均比成屋高出33.08萬,即就大台北都會區的房屋市場而言,購屋者於此期間選購成屋較有利、比較各年之預售屋與成屋價格,除77年之基差為負以外, 78年∼82年的基差都大於零,其中基差變動的原因,可由本研究所建立之理論模式來加以詮釋。最後應用理論模式來分析房屋市場的基差,說明國內預售屋價格大多高於成屋價格的原因,並詮釋理論模式的政策意涵,與對購屋決策及建商經營的應用。 / The pre-sales housing system in Taiwan is a quite unique method allowing home buyers to speculate on or purchase their houses. The prices of pre-sales houses have become a leading indicator of the housing cycle in the market. However, limited knowledge is availab1e regarding how and why pre-sales house prices are determined, or what is the relationshiP between the pre-sales and existing house prices.
Determining Whether the theories of forward or futures transactions can account for the pre-sales house pricing behavior is highly desired since one characteristic feature of the pre-sales syStem is its similarity to forwqrd of futures transactions.
In this study, an arbitrage perspective is used to discuss the difference (basis ) between pre-sales and existing house prices. Based on the storage theory, a pricing model suitable for pre-sales houses in Taiwan was established steP by step under the considerations of the presence of expected market changes, and the risk of product uncertainty in pre-sales houses.The price of pre-sales houses is equal to the price of existing houses on the transaction date plus the carry cost, and the price difference resulted from expected market changes minus the contract guarantee cost.
The established model was then used to analyze the 8885 actual transaction cases provided by the Pacific Rehouse during l988 and l993. We used hedonic price. theory to analyze the differences between pre-sales and existing house price. As far as the overall market is concerned, the analysis found that the difference between the pre-sales house price on the transaction date and the price of the existing house was NT$330,800/unit. The basis was positive in l988 and negative during l989 and l993. By the pricing modeL, we can explain the price of pre-sales houses was greater then that of existing housing in most cases. The results of our research also can be applied to the real estate policy and the decision of purchasing house.
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台灣房地產景氣循環之研究-生產時間落差、宣告效果、總體經濟之影響 / Real Estate Cycles in Taiwan -- The Influence of Construction Lags, Preannouance Effect, and Macroeconomic Variables彭建文, Peng, Chien-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
其次,空屋數對於預售屋房價的影響彈性相對大於貨幣供給以及建照面積的影響,且相關變數對於台北市預售屋房價的影響相對大於台北縣,但台北縣預售屋房價消弭均衡誤差的速度較台北市為快,此乃因台北市住宅供給與需求彈性相對較小,當其他影響變數發生變動時,其預售屋房價受到的影響相對較大,故一旦偏離均衡時,必須花費較長的時間來調整。此結果亦顯示,要解決房地產市場長期的不景氣,從消化空餘屋著手最為有效。另外,不論台北市或台北縣預售屋房價與其他變數間的短期領先或落後關係並不明顯,此可能是因房地產市場自1986-1990年這一波房地產景氣後,已產生結構性變遷所造成。 / This dissertation consisted of three relative essays about real estate cycles. The first paper explores the influence of the real estate cycles on construction lags by analyzing the fluctuations of total floor areas of building permits and usage permits as a reflection of construction lags. Results support that a long-run equilibrium is existing between them; however, building permits may be dropped during a downswing market. In addition, the duration of construction lags is affected by changes in the real estate cycles and by the impacts of policies. During a time of strong market, the duration of construction lags is cut shorter and is extended when the market is depressed.
The second paper presents a simultaneous equation to examine how expectation of market participants and preannouncement of zoning control influence real estate cycles through three housing submarkets: rental market, sales market, and new construction market. One interesting finding is that, before the government announced a change in its zoning policy, builders constructed at maximum capacity despite fact that the real estate market was already depressed. Such construction only worsens the real estate market condition and extends the duration of depressed period. Another interesting finding is that the expected real estate cycles have different effects on rent and housing price. Although high capital gain expectations drive up the housing price, rent continues to decrease. A high vacancy rate, although decreasing the housing price, has little influence on construction starts.
The last paper examines the long-term relationships between real estate cycles and macroeconomic variables by using cointegration test and error correction model. I found that both housing price of Taipei City and Taipei County do have long-term relationships with money supply, vacant houses, and new construction, but when considering market structure change, the relationship between housing price and new construction will change. I also found that the vacant houses have more influence on housing price than that of money supply and new construction, and the influences of these three variables on housing price are more sensitive in Taipei City than Taipei County. These results reflect the market structure of Taipei City and Taipei County is different, and the importance to solve vacant houses problem. Another surprise finding is that short-term lead or lag relationships among these variables are not significant. One possible reason is the structure change of real estate market after 1990.
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