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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identificação da influencia do El Niño: oscilação sul e oscilação decenal do Pacífico sobre as geleiras andinas tropicais usando sensoriamento remoto e parâmetros climáticos

Veettil, Bijeesh Kozhikkodan January 2017 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas, particularmente desde a década de 1970, testemunhou-se um rápido recuo das geleiras em várias partes dos Andes tropicais. Uma tendência de aquecimento foi observada na região durante o mesmo período, com um hiato recente desde no início de 2010. No entanto, este hiato pode não ser o principal fator a influenciar as observações de aquecimento e recuo das geleiras em altitudes elevadas nos Andes tropicais. Com o surgimento de imagens de alta resolução espacial e espectral, e de modelos digitais de elevação (MDE) de alta resolução, agora é possível compreender as mudanças multitemporais das geleiras, o que era difícil de realizar utilizando as técnicas tradicionais e os dados de baixa resolução. Neste trabalho foram calculadas as variações da linha de neve das geleiras selecionadas ao longo dos Andes tropicais desde o início de 1980. A linha de neve máxima observada durante a estação seca (inverno austral) nos trópicos pode ser considerada como equivalente à linha de equilíbrio que separa a zona de acumulação da zona de ablação. A fim de reduzir o erro na estimativa da linha de neve foram consideradas somente as geleiras com declividades menores que 20o. Dependendo da região estudada e da presença de cobertura de nuvens, foram selecionadas imagens de várias fontes. As imagens da série Landsat (MSS, TM, ETM+ e OLI), EO1 OLI, ASTER e IRS LISS III foram usadas junto com MDE do ASTER GDEM-v2. Três bandas espectrais (TM5 - infravermelho médio, TM4- infravermelho próximo e TM2 - verde) foram utilizadas para calcular a linha de neve durante a estação seca, aplicando limiares adequados para TM4 e TM2. Os conjuntos de dados meteorológicos de várias fontes também foram analisados para observar as mudanças na precipitação, na temperatura e na umidade que influenciam os parâmetros glaciológicos como: o balanço de massa e a linha de equilíbrio. Geleiras representativas nos trópicos internos e trópicos externos foram consideradas separadamente dentro de um novo quadro, que foi baseado na precipitação, umidade e condições de temperatura ao longo da América do Sul. Neste âmbito, os Andes tropicais são classificados em trópicos internos, trópicos externos úmidos do norte, trópicos externos úmidos do sul e os trópicos externos secos. O Vulcão Cotopaxi no Equador (trópicos internos), o Nevado Caullaraju-Pastoruri que é uma geleira na Cordilheira Branca no Peru (trópicos externos úmidos do norte), o Nevado Cololo na Cordilheira Apolobamba na Bolívia (trópicos externos úmidos do sul), o Nevado Coropuna na Cordilheira Ampato no Peru e o Nevado Sajama na Cordilheira Ocidental da Bolívia (trópicos externos secos) são as geleiras representativas de cada grupo consideradas neste estudo. As geleiras tropicais nos trópicos internos, especialmente as situadas perto da Zona de Convergência Intertropicais (ZCIT), são mais vulneráveis a aumentos na temperatura e menos sensíveis a variações na precipitação. Em contraste, as geleiras nos trópicos externos respondem à variabilidade de precipitação muito rapidamente em comparação com a variação de temperatura, particularmente quando se deslocam para as regiões subtropicais. A dependência do balanço de massa sobre as características de sublimação também aumenta a partir dos trópicos internos para os trópicos externos. As condições de aquecimento, com maior umidade, tendem a aumentar a perda de massa por causa do derretimento em vez da sublimação. A elevação da umidade nos trópicos externos pode alterar as geleiras dominadas pela sublimação (nos trópicos externos e subtrópicos) e para as geleiras dominadas por derretimento. Observa-se que as geleiras próximas da ZCIT (trópicos internos e trópicosexternos úmidos do sul) estão recuando mais rapidamente como uma resposta ao aquecimento global, enquanto que as geleiras nos trópicos externos úmidos do norte e trópicos externos secos mostraram recuo relativamente mais lento. Possivelmente isso pode ser devido à ocorrência de fases frias do El Niño - Oscilação Sul (ENOS) conjuntamente com a Oscilação Decenal do Pacífico (ODP). As anomalias observadas nas variáveis meteorológicas seguem os padrões de ODP e as variações anuais de linha de neve seguem eventos de El Niño particularmente na fase ODP quente. No entanto, uma forte correlação entre as variações da linha de neve e dos fenômenos ENOS (e ODP) não está estabelecida. As geleiras do Equador mostram menos retração em resposta à tendência de aquecimento se comparadas às observações feitas por outros pesquisadores na Colômbia e na Venezuela, provavelmente devido à grande altitude das geleiras equatorianas. Em poucas palavras, as geleiras menores e em baixas altitudes nos trópicos internos e trópicos externos úmidos do sul estão desaparecendo mais rapidamente do que outras geleiras nos Andes tropicais. Também se observou neste estudo a existência de uma propriedade direcional no recuo das geleiras, o que não se observou em quaisquer outros estudos recentes. As geleiras nas cordilheiras leste do Peru e da Bolívia, que alimentam muitos rios nos lados leste das cordilheiras orientais, estão recuando do que aquelas geleiras situadas nas encostas ocidentais dos Andes tropicais. / Recent decades, particularly since the late 1970s, witnessed a rapid retreat of glaciers in many parts of the tropical Andes. A warming trend is observed in this region during the same period, with a recent hiatus since the early 2010s. However, this hiatus is observed to have not influenced the retreat of high elevation glaciers in the tropical Andes. Due to the emergence of high spatial and spectral resolution images and high quality digital elevation models (DEM), it is now possible to understand the multi-temporal glacier changes compared with the techniques that existed a few decades before. We calculated the snowline variations of selected glaciers along the tropical Andes since the early 1980s. The maximum snowline observed during the dry season (austral winter) in the tropics can be considered as nearly equivalent to the equilibrium line that separates the accumulation zone from the ablation zone. In order to reduce the error in the estimated snowline, glaciers with slopes < 20o only were considered in this research. Depending on the study region and the presence of cloud cover, images from multiple sources were selected. Landsat series (MSS, TM, ETM+, and OLI), EO1 OLI, ASTER, and IRS LISS III images were used along with digital elevation models (DEM) from ASTER GDEM-v2. Three wavebands (TM5 - Middle Infrared, TM4 - Near Infrared, and TM2 - Green) were used to calculate the dry season snowline, after applying suitable threshold values to TM4 and TM2. Meteorological datasets from multiple sources were also analysed to observe the changes in precipitation, temperature, and humidity that influence key glaciological parameters such as the mass balance and the equilibrium line. Representative glaciers in the inner and the outer tropical Andes were considered separately within a new framework, which is based on the precipitation, humidity, and temperature conditions along the South America. In this framework, tropical Andes are classified in to inner tropics, northern wet outer tropics, southern wet outer tropics, and dry outer tropics. Cotopaxi ice-covered volcano, Ecuador (inner tropics), Nevado Caullaraju-Pastoruri Glacier, Cordillera Blanca, Peru (northern wet outer tropics), Nevado Cololo, Cordillera Apolobamba, Bolivia (southern wet outer tropics), and Nevado Coropuna, Cordillera Ampato Peru and Nevado Sajama, Cordillera Occidental, Bolivia (dry outer tropics) are the representative glaciers in each group considered in this study. Inner tropical glaciers, particularly those situated near the January Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), are more vulnerable to increases in temperature and these glaciers are less sensitive to variations in precipitation. In contrast, outer tropical glaciers respond to precipitation variability very rapidly in comparison with the temperature variability, particularly when moving towards the subtropics. Mass balance dependency on sublimation characteristics also increases from the inner tropics to the outer tropics. Warming conditions with higher humidity tends to enhance mass loss due to melting rather than sublimation. Increased humidity observed in the outer tropics may change the sublimation dominated glaciers in the outer tropics and subtropics to melting dominated ones in the future. It is observed that the glaciers above and near the January ITCZ (inner tropics and southern wet outer tropics) are retreating faster as a response to global warming, whereas the glaciers in the northern wet outer tropics and dry outer tropics show relatively slower retreat. This can be possibly due to the occurrence of cold phases of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) together. The observed anomalies in the meteorological variables slightly follow PDO patterns and the variations in annual snowlines follows El Niño events, particularly when in phase with warm PDO. However, a strong correlation between snowline variations and ENSO (and PDO) is not established. Mountain glaciers in Ecuador show less retreat in response to the warming trend compared with observations done by other researchers in Colombia and Venezuela, probably due to very high altitude of the Ecuadorean glaciers. In a nutshell, smaller glaciers at lower altitudes in the inner tropics and the southern wet outer tropics are disappearing faster than other glaciers in the tropical Andes. Another observation made in this study is the directional property of glacier retreat, which was not covered in any other recent studies. Those glaciers on the eastern cordilleras of Peru and Bolivia, which feed many rivers on the eastern sides of the eastern cordilleras, are retreating faster than those glaciers situated on the western sides.

Coastal erosion on Högklint, Gotland: Processes, rate, and future implications / Kusterosion på Högklint, Gotland: Processer, hastighet och framtida konsekvenser

Glansholm, Helena January 2015 (has links)
The coastline along Högklint and Gråberget, Gotland, Sweden, was examined in order to establish therate of cliff erosion, erosion patterns, as well as some of the driving factors of the erosional processes in the area. Picture comparisons of the coastline reveal some major geomorphological changes in the area over the last 100 years, and the coast is still changing. At present, gardens are slowly disappearing over the cliff edge, and during storms Buske fishing place is threatened to be destroyed.Cliff retreat values could be obtained on two locations with the help of a Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) system. Scans were made with the LiDAR in January and May 2013. The scans were latercompared in CloudCompare and a mean erosion rate of 0.159 m/a was obtained for the Högklint siteand 0.123 m/a for the Gråberget site. The cliffs were also studied with a Schmidt hammer that clearly showed how that the cliff face was more eroded below the visible groundwater table than above it. With Gemini Tinytag data loggers temperatures were measured from October 2012 to May 2013 at the surface of the cliff face and inside the cliff at a depth of 4.5 cm and 9.5 cm. It could be concluded that tempera- tures were within the frost-cracking window (-10 to -3 ºC) for 19.7 Julian days, not consecutive. Due to the visibly high water content in the cliff and temperatures within the frost-cracking window, ice segre- gation within the cliff is a possible eroding factor in the area.The cliffs are subjected to erosion caused by ground-, melt-, and rainwater in a significant degree, possibly even more so than by the impact of breaking waves. It is important that the municipality ofGotland takes action to prevent further damage on personal property and to prevent personal injury. Todo this further studies needs to be done on how future climate change will effect the coast and rate oferosion. / Kuststräckan längs med Högklint och Gråberget, Gotland, Sverige, undersöktes för att etablera erosionshastighet,erosionsmönster och de drivande erosionsprocesserna i området. Genom återfotografering ochbildjämförelse av kuststräckan konstateras stora geomorfologiska förändringar de senaste 100 åren.Kustförändringarna är en pågående process. I dagsläget försvinner trädgårdar bit för bit över klintkantenoch vid varje storm hotas Buske fiskeläge att förstöras.Med en Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) radar erhölls data över hur mycket som försvunnitfrån klinten på två platser längs området. LiDAR- skanningarna gjordes i januari och maj 2013. Mätningarnajämfördes sedan i CloudCompare och visade på ett medelvärde av erosionshastigheten på0,159 m/a för platsen vid Högklint och 0,123 m/a för platsen vid Gråberget. Klintarna undersöktes ocksåmed en Schmidt-hammare. Resultatet visar hur klippväggen är mer eroderad under den synliga grundvattennivånän över den. Mellan oktober 2012 och maj 2013 mättes temperaturen på klintväggen, samt4,5 cm och 9,5 cm inne i berget, med hjälp av Gimini Tinytag datainsamlare. Resultatet visar att temperaturenlåg inom spannet för frostsprängning, dvs -10 till -3 ºC, i sammanlagt 19,7 dygn. Dessa lågatemperaturer tillsammans med den höga andelen synligt vatten i klinten möjliggör för bildandet avsegregationsis inne i klinten. Detta kan vara en bidragande orsak till uppluckring av klintväggen ocherosion i området.En betydande del av klinterosionen längs med kusten sker på grund av grund-, smält-, och regnvatten,kanske till och med i högre grad än brytande vågor. Det är viktigt att Gotlands kommun vidtar åtgärderför att förhindra skada på egendom och personskador. Mer studier behövs för att ta reda på hur framtidaklimatförändringar kommer att påverka klintarna och erosionshastigheten längs med kusten.

L’adaptation des littoraux au changement climatique : une gouvernance performative par expérimentations et stratégies d’action publique / Coastal adaptation to climate change : Performative governance and new public risk management

Rocle, Nicolas 18 December 2017 (has links)
L’élévation des niveaux marins accélérée par le changement climatique fait l'objet d'uneattention soutenue au niveau international depuis les années 1990. L’adaptation des littorauxau changement climatique est désormais en voie d’institutionnalisation de l’échelleinternationale jusqu’au niveau local. La thèse analyse les processus de mise en politique del’adaptation au changement climatique sur les littoraux français, à partir de deux cas d’étudecontrastés dans leur histoire, leurs politiques d’aménagement et leurs configurations sociales,mais traversés par des processus analogues d’attractivité et de vulnérabilité face auxsubmersions marines et à l’érosion côtière : la côte aquitaine et le littoral martiniquais.La thèse soutient que la mise en politique de l’adaptation au changement climatique en zonescôtières procède d’une gouvernance performative, définie comme un ensemble de dispositifset d’énoncés visant à faire advenir des mesures d’adaptation en les mettant à l’épreuve duréel. La thèse propose de montrer qu’entre une planification par intégration du changementclimatique dans les politiques littorales existantes (plan national d’adaptation, plans deprévention des risques littoraux…), et des formes d’expérimentation de nouvelles optionsd’adaptation (relocalisation des biens et des activités ou repli stratégique), émerge une« nouvelle gestion publique des risques » littoraux. Pour cette dernière, le concept de stratégied’action publique rend compte de ces formes d’instrumentation qui visent à encadrer, àrationaliser et à faire émerger de nouveaux référentiels gestionnaires (comme l’adaptation etla préparation) par de l’expertise scientifique et technique, par des procédures collaborativeset de la concertation citoyenne en vue d’une responsabilisation individuelle et collective desacteurs locaux.L’analyse des discours, des logiques d’acteurs et des instruments visant à légitimer une actionpublique guidée par l’anticipation et la préparation face aux risques et aux menaces, mobilisela sociologie de l’action publique, la sociologie des sciences et de l’expertise, et la sociologiepragmatique des problèmes publics. Des enquêtes par observation directe de situations denégociation et de concertation, par entretiens et par analyse de documents d’expertise et deplanification ont été menées sur chaque terrain d’étude ; une enquête par questionnaire a étéconduite sur la commune de Lacanau afin d’appréhender l’expérience des citoyens-usagersriverainsface à l’évolution et au recul du trait de côte. / Sea level rise accelerated by climate change is of major concern at international scale since the 1990’s. From now on, climate change adaptation is institutionalized from global to local scales. I analyze policy making processes related to climate change adaptation in French coastal areas. Two qualitative case studies are at the heart of the thesis: Aquitaine coastline and Martinique Island (French West Indies). They are contrasted in their history, their coastal planning policy and their social dynamics, though they share common processes of attractiveness and vulnerability to submersion and coastal erosion. I analyze discourses, actors and policy instruments in the legitimization of anticipation and preparation as guiding principles to cope with coastal risks and threats. The theoretical framework builds on political sociology of science and policy, as well as insights from pragmatic sociology. Direct observation of local, regional and national consultation and steering committees, semi-structured interviews and documentation analysis are the key methodological approaches. A questionnaire survey has been conducted in the coastal town of Lacanau, on Aquitaine coastline, in order to analyze the way in which residents and users experiment coastal retreat. The main line of argumentation advanced in this thesis is that coastal adaptation to climate change proceeds with performative governance, by which policy devices and narratives are geared towards building adaptation policies upon their interpretive effects. I demonstrate how climate adaptation mainstreaming and planning (adaptation and coastal risks prevention plans…) is combined with experimentalist forms to govern new adaptation options (like planned retreat) and with a new public risk management in which political and institutional risks are as important to prevent as socio-ecological vulnerabilities. The concept of “public action strategy” is built to better capture these forms of managerial policy instruments used for framing, rationalizing and performing a governance of preparedness and adaptation, by means of expert knowledge, collaborative procedures and concertation to render local actors accountable for their own security. State steering practices and decentralization policies are key processes shaping coastal adaptation and risk regulation. This new public risk management strengthens expert configurations for defining and operationalizing coastal risks policy strategies.

L'option de la relocalisation des activités et des biens face aux risques côtiers : stratégies et enjeux territoriaux en France et au Québec / Opting for relocation of assets exposed to coastal risks : strategies and territorial issues in France and Québec

Mineo-Kleiner, Lucile 01 June 2017 (has links)
Depuis 2012, le gouvernement français porte une stratégie nationale de gestion intégrée du trait de côte tournée vers la relocalisation des enjeux bâtis, associée à un projet de territoire. Au Québec, une telle stratégie n’a pas été élaborée, mais des habitations sont ponctuellement déplacées ou détruites en situation d’urgence. Cette thèse de doctorat analyse la façon dont la question du recul des enjeux est abordée en France et au Québec. Un premier bilan des expériences passées révèle que la relocalisation telle qu’envisagée par le gouvernement français s’est rarement concrétisée. Face à ce constat, l’objectif de cette recherche est de confronter les idées soutenues par les gouvernements à travers leurs politiques publiques aux réalités du terrain et d’identifier les freins et les possibilités de mise en oeuvre d’un projet de territoire intégrant la relocalisation. Pour cela, une enquête a été menée auprès d’acteurs institutionnels d’une part, et d’habitants de municipalités exposées en France et au Québec d’autre part. Ces enquêtes révèlent des dissemblances dans la façon d’aborder le recul par les gouvernements et les acteurs institutionnels, qui sont à relier à des différences fondamentales de l’action publique dans les deux territoires. Mais, la mise en oeuvre de cette option soulève aussi de nombreuses questions communes, en matière de finances, de gestion du foncier et d’acceptabilité sociale. Les freins majeurs identifiés concernent la gouvernance d’un projet de recul anticipé, qui repose sur une idée impopulaire et relève du long terme. Les intérêts portés à différentes échelles semblent actuellement suffisamment antagonistes pour compromettre l’émergence d’un projet de territoire intégrant la relocalisation. Néanmoins, une proposition de loi en France et une évolution récente de l’action du gouvernement québécois ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives. / Since 2012, the French government has carried out a national strategy for the integrated coastline management that promotes managed retreat (or relocation) included in a territorial project. In Quebec, such a strategy has not been developed, but houses are occasionally displaced or destroyed. This PhD focuses on how managed retreat is tackled in France and in Quebec. A first assessment of past experiences reveals that relocation has rarely been materialized as the French government conceives it. The aim of this research is to confront the ideas supported by governments through their public policy with the ground and to identify the obstacles and the possibilities of implementing relocation. To reach this goal, we have gathered the opinion of institutional stakeholders through semi-directive interviews. Two polls have also been carried out to get inhabitants point of view. These surveys reveal dissimilarities in the approaches taken by governments and institutional actors in France and Quebec. It reflects fundamental differences in public policy in both territories. Moreover, the implementation of relocation raises many common issues, financial, land management and social acceptability issues. Major constraints concern governance of relocation project, which is based on an unpopular idea and is a long term challenge. Interests at different scales seem to be sufficiently antagonistic to compromise the emergence of a territorial project integrating relocation. Nevertheless, a law proposal in France and a recent evolution of the Quebec government's action open up new perspectives.


Jordyn B Miller (11852195) 17 December 2021 (has links)
<p>Alpine glaciers around the world are in retreat and are unlikely to reverse course. This dissertation focuses on improving our understanding of the impact of glacial melt on mountainous alpine groundwater systems. Studies on glacial melt-groundwater interactions have become more prevalent, particularly in the past 5 years, because we are recognizing that the contribution of glacial melt to the hydrologic cycle is not limited to melt-season surficial streamflow. The importance of glacial melt to mountain groundwater systems has the potential to not only influence spring and streamflow generation, but also the longevity of alpine specific, and frequently endangered species, dependent on this source of recharge. This recharge may be vital for human water needs such as potable water, agriculture, and hydrothermal power.</p>The impact that a transition from glacial melt to snow- or rain-dominated streamflow and recharge will have on alpine ecosystems in a continually warming climate is far reaching. This dissertation: 1) tests whether glacial melt is an important source of recharge for mountain springs and their microbial communities, 2) investigates the spatial impact of glacial-melt recharge on residence times and flowpaths that support alpine springs, and 3) explores the impact of post-peak water on alpine baseflow using a statistical, timeseries approach. My results show that the groundwater systems in glaciated mountainous, alpine regions are particularly vulnerable to climate change. Springs in Mount Hood National Forest and Glacier National Park were sampled over a 4-year period, and in addition, publicly available long-term streamflow datasets were are also utilized. The chapters composing this work build upon each other, and compare and contrast the factors most important in glacial melt recharging the mountain-block. Information that is vital to the management of alpine water resources by landowners, watershed groups, scientists, and others interested in mountain groundwater systems in glaciated alpine regions is presented in the following pages.

A Measure of Time A Sense of Place

Chang, Yue-Feng 23 January 2006 (has links)
Sustainable design is often conceived of only in terms of applied technologies, without a concern for quality of life of residents. This thesis is an investigation of sustainable design that meets standards of quality of life for residents. The study focuses on balancing the needs for integration with the existing context and maintenance of privacy for the residents, and on heightening peopleâ s responsiveness to and awareness of daily and seasonal phenomena. The goal of this investigation is to create a residence that heightens the inhabitantsâ psychological connection with the outdoor environment, and thus enhances their quality of life. / Master of Architecture

Divestment Under Political Crisis : Swedish MNCs Response to Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

Akhter, Mahmuda, Svensson, Oscar January 2023 (has links)
The exogenous shock that Russia's invasion of Ukraine entailed brought great challenges and demands for change in companies worldwide. Governing under these conditions is not easy, nor is knowing what is actually right to do. There is research on turbulent environments and exogenous shocks, divestments, and legitimacy, but research on the interaction between these is limited. In this study, we examine how companies have responded to exogenous shocks, more specifically how Swedish MNCs have acted and communicated as a result of Russia's invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. The study consists of 69 Swedish MNCs that were active in Russia pre-invasion and their communications and actions as a result of this event, with data drawn from press releases, company reports, state registers and the media. The results show that many of the examined companies have acted in a similar way and divested the Russian market, albeit with varying quickness and forcefulness, thus adopting an approach consistent with what may be considered to be a legitimate strategy, with a few exceptions where the companies' actions has not been as consistent. What this means is that despite the fact that these decisions are made by the respective company management, the measures are generally in line with each other, which may be a result of pressure from both internal and external stakeholders and society at large.


Ayobami O Oladapo (19218853) 26 July 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Alpine glacier meltwater is an important source of recharge supporting groundwater flow processes in the high mountains. In the face of rapid ice loss, knowledge of response times of mountain aquifers to loss of glacial ice is critical in evaluating the sustainability of alpine water resources for human communities and alpine ecosystems. Glaciers are very sensitive to changes in climate, they advance during periods of global or regional cooling, and they retreat in response to global or regional warming conditions. When the glaciers grow, the equilibrium-line altitude separating the zone of accumulation and zone of ablation on the glacier moves downslope; it moves upslope when they retreat. The latter is not a sustainable condition for the glacier. Previous studies have shown that glacial meltwater is an important source of groundwater recharge. However, we lack fundamental information on the importance of glacial meltwater in mountain groundwater processes such as supporting baseflow generation to alpine streams, perennial flow to alpine springs, and the geochemical evolution of groundwater in mountain aquifers. Thus, continued glacial ice loss may have severe consequences for alpine hydrological and hydrogeological systems.</p><p dir="ltr">Glacier National Park (GNP) and Mount Hood National Forest (MH), both have alpine glaciers. These two study sites show different responses to climate change since their glaciers are in different states of retreat. GNP glaciers are in advanced stages of retreat compared to MH glaciers. Groundwater samples were collected from springs, seasonal snow, glacial ice, and glacial melt (subglacial flow) in GNP and MH. The samples were analyzed for a suite of environmental isotopes and geochemical tracers to address the following questions: 1) How are isotopic fingerprints of glacial meltwater preserved in mountain-block aquifers? What does the isotopic fingerprint of subglacial flow tell us about melting, meltwater processes, and mixing processes? 2) Is the preservation of the isotopic fingerprint of glacial meltwater affected by aspect controls on ice preservation? Aspect is defined as the compass direction of the slope where the glacier is found. 3) What controls groundwater flow and flowpath connectivity from high elevations (near glacier) to lower elevations? What geologic units support groundwater flow to local- and regional-scale springs and flowpath connectivity across spatial scales in each study site?</p><p dir="ltr">The flow of groundwater in mountainous terrain is heavily dependent on the hydraulic properties of the bedrock including presence/absence of dipping layers and structural features, primary and secondary porosity, and presence/absence of ongoing tectonic activity. Strontium isotopes (<sup>87</sup>Sr/<sup>86</sup>Sr) were used to identify the rock units that host groundwater flowpaths and to quantify flowpath connectivity across spatial scales in both study sites. The <sup>87</sup>Sr/<sup>86</sup>Sr data show that flowpaths in GNP are primarily hosted in the Helena Formation and permeable facies in the Snowslip Formation. Groundwater also flows through alluvium and younger bedrock units, and there is some flow along or through the volcanic sill in the Helena Formation. Hydrostratigraphy also affects groundwater flow and the spatial distribution of alpine springs in GNP. At MH, the rock units hosting flowpaths are young reworked volcanic rock units that are Quaternary in age. Flowpaths in MH appear to be connected across spatial scales since warm springs emerging along the lower southern slopes of Mount Hood preserve stable isotopic signatures of glacial meltwater. In comparison, nearly all the sampled springs in GNP emerge on south-facing slopes. This is not an indication of ice preservation, instead it’s controlled by hydrostratigraphy. In fact, it’s unlikely that high-elevation groundwater is strongly connected to low-elevation sites due to hydrostratigraphy. There are more springs on south-facing slopes at MH as well; however, they do not preserve an isotopic signature of recharge from glacial meltwater except for the warm springs. Springs on north-facing slopes in MH, however, do preserve the signature.</p><p dir="ltr">Tritium (<sup>3</sup>H) and chlorine-36 (<sup>36</sup>Cl/Cl) were measured to assess how the isotopic fingerprint of glacial meltwater is preserved in mountain aquifers. The <sup>3</sup>H activities in spring water are elevated in GNP and it’s difficult to differentiate between modern precipitation and glacial meltwater. Tritium activities are lower in MH, but it’s also difficult to differentiate between potential endmembers. This discrepancy could imply that glacial meltwater doesn’t contribute to groundwater recharge, but this doesn’t support the Bayesian stable isotope mixing model results of an earlier study. Instead, I infer that englacial mixing processes are affecting the isotopic fingerprint of subglacial melt. An englacial mixing model (EMM) was developed to explain how the isotopic fingerprint of subglacial flow (glacial meltwater) changes in relation to the stage of retreat. The stage of retreat is important because it controls the proportion of glacial meltwater to runoff from snowmelt and rain that enters the englacial network from the surface of the glacier. Mixing occurs in the englacial network, and the mixed water is transported to the base of the glacier. Englacial mixing in conduits, fractures, and moulins affects the <sup>3</sup>H and <sup>36</sup>Cl/Cl fingerprint of subglacial flow and will, in turn, affect the isotopic fingerprint of recharge from glacial meltwater. For this study, the <sup>3</sup>H is not robust by itself; however, <sup>36</sup>Cl/Cl shows some additional benefits over <sup>3</sup>H. The EMM suggests that the impact of englacial mixing and the influence of modern precipitation on the isotopic composition of subglacial flow increases as the glacier retreats in both GNP and MH. This model is novel to the best of our knowledge. Additional testing of the EMM should be prioritized in the near future.</p>

"In this body and life" / the religious and social significance of hermits and hermitages in Eastern Tibet today and during recent history

Turek, Magdalena Maria 14 March 2013 (has links)
Tantrische Praktiken von Meditation in Zurückgezogenheit sind auf der tibetischen Hochebene seit mindestens einem Jahrtausend verbreitet, doch ihre äußerst elitäre und geheime Natur hat ihre Erforschung bisher verhindert. Diese Dissertation definiert die vormoderne Struktur der eremitischen Tradition in Khams, die von der Ris med-Bewegung festgelegt wurde, und widmet sich der Wiederbelebung dieser Tradition im modernen Khams unter der chinesisch-kommunistischen Herrschaft. Die Fallstudie bildet die ’Ba’ rom bKa’ brgyud- "Meditationsschule von La phyi" (La phyi sgom grwa) mit Fokus auf den gTum mo-Verwirklicher Tshul khrims mthar phyin (geb. 1947), der als zeitgenössische Verkörperung des Mi la ras pa gilt. Gemäß der Dissertation liegt die rituelle und soziale Macht des tibetischen Eremiten in der Ausführung, Verkörperung und Aussöhnung von Paradoxa: das Erreichen von soteriologischen Zielen im weltlichen Leben sowie die Lösung der Dilemmas der Tibeter in Krisenzeiten. So wird Entsagung zu einer affirmativen Strategie, die Netzwerke aktiviert, die wiederum Eremiten, ihre Linien, Praktiken und Trainingsstätten seit Jahrhunderten unterstützten. Der Antrieb für soziale Ermächtigung der Einsiedler liegt in der Radikalität ihrer Entsagung, bei der nicht nur erwartet wird, Befreiung und Erleuchtung unvermeidlich zu generieren, sondern diese wie Mi la ras pa "in diesem Leib und Leben" zu verwirklichen. Eine solche wahrgenommene Transformation des Körpers durch Meditation ist entscheidend für die Befähigung der Eremiten, Widersprüche zu versöhnen und Einsiedeleien zu gründen, die als Orte für eine effektive Identitätskonstruktion und Sphären der Autonomie und Macht, die aus der lokale Geschichte und heilige Stätten gewonnen werden, dienen. Gerade in Krisenzeiten neigen Einsiedeleien dazu, Netzwerke zu bilden und zu einer alternativen Bewegung zu werden, die die etablierten Machtstrukturen umgeht oder gegen sie spricht, zugleich aber ihren religiösen Charakter behält. / Tantric practices of meditation in retreat have been prevalent across the Tibetan Plateau since at least a millennium, yet their highly elitist and clandestine nature has hitherto prevented their exploration and analysis. This thesis defines the pre-modern structure of the hermitic tradition in Khams, codified by the nonsectarian Ris med movement, but devotes most attention to the examination of its revival in contemporary Khams under the Chinese communist rule through the case study of the ’Ba’ rom bKa’ brgyud “meditation school of La phyi” (La phyi sgom grwa), centered around the cotton-clad gtum mo-accomplisher Tshul khrims mthar phyin (b. 1947), eulogized as the contemporary embodiment of Mi la ras pa. The main claim of this dissertation is that the ritual and social power of the Tibetan hermit lies in the performance, embodiment and final reconciliation of paradox – generally attaining soteriological goals in mundane life and specifically, resolving the dilemmas of Tibetans during times of perceived crisis. Acts of renunciation become an affirmative strategy, activating networks that have sustained hermits, their lineages, practices, and training venues for centuries. The reason for social empowerment of hermits lies in the radical nature of their training, which by social agreement is not only bound to generate liberation and enlightenment, but is even able to yield fruit “in this very body and life,” in emulation of Mi la ras pa. Such transformation of the body through meditation is crucial to the hermit’s ability to reconcile contradictions and to establish hermitages as venues for effective identity construction and spheres of autonomy and power, extracted from local history and sacred geography. Especially in times of crisis, hermitages tend to form networks and evolve into a movement for counter-culture, which circumvents or speaks against the established power structures of the day, but at the same time, maintains its essentially religious character.

Tradition. Passio. Poesis. Retreat: Comments around “The Gallery”

Lipson, Daniel B 01 January 2013 (has links)
Although Andrew Marvell wrote and published relatively little, his poetry collects from the full range of “schools” and idiosyncratic styles present in the seventeenth century: echoes of Herbert, Donne, Milton, Traherne, Herrick, Lovelace, and Jonson, among others, permeate throughout his work. Although much of his imagery seems novel, if not strange, it is clear that Marvell has a deep engagement with several important long-running traditions. His work is conversation with Ovid, Horace, and Theocritus as much as it responds directly to the poets whose lives overlapped with his own. In his engagement with such varied sources, Marvell demonstrates an astounding degree of poetic flexibility. He is a master of imitating voice and style.

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