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Three essays on hedge fund performanceTolonen, P. (Pekka) 02 September 2014 (has links)
This doctoral thesis aims to contribute to the literature on hedge fund performance in three interrelated essays. The first essay uses a novel database aggregation and a comprehensive analysis of differences between the main commercial databases exploring the effects of different databases on previously documented stylized facts, including the (1) average risk-adjusted performance; (2) the persistence of that performance; (3) and the cross-sectional relation between fund-characteristics and risk-adjusted returns. The main finding is that several previously documented stylized facts about hedge fund performance are sensitive to database selection and associated biases. Differences in conclusions stem from database differences in defunct coverage, survivorship and backfill biases, and the completeness of assets under management information.
The second essay examines the effect of frictions on the returns that investors can earn from investing in hedge funds. The study focuses on size and redemption restrictions that are key investment constraints in practice. The size–performance relationship is positive (negative) when past (future) performance is used. The negative size–performance relationship is consistent with theories suggesting a decreasing returns-to-scale in the active management industry. Differences in attrition rates and risk taking as well as the relative importance of management fees and capacity constraints between small and large funds are consistent with an equilibrium in which investors and hedge funds optimally respond to incentives subject to constraints. Performance persistence decreases along with the fund size but concentrated hypothetical Fund-of-Fund portfolios outperform.
The third essay examines hedge funds' ability to enhance their performance through leverage. The essay explicitly shows that leverage enhances risk-adjusted performance and risk of investment programs. The main finding is that the average high-leverage fund class underperforms its low-leverage counterpart of the same investment program after their returns are appropriately adjusted to the same level. The finding is consistent with the predictions of leverage aversion theories suggesting that leverage constraints and costs of leverage have a negative impact on risk-adjusted returns. / Tiivistelmä
Tämä väitöskirja sisältää kolme artikkelia, joissa tutkitaan hedge-rahastojen menestystä. Ensimmäisessä artikkelissa rakennetaan yhdistelmäaineisto päätietokannoista ja tutkitaan tietokantojen eroavaisuuksien vaikutuksia keskeisiin kirjallisuudessa esitettyihin tutkimustuloksiin hedge-rahastojen riskikorjatun tuoton tasosta ja tuoton pysyvyydestä sekä rahastokohtaisten ominaispiirteiden ja riskikorjatun tuoton välisestä relaatiosta. Tutkimuksessa havaitaan että tutkimusaineiston valinta vaikuttaa merkittävästi aikaisemmassa kirjallisuudessa esitettyihin tutkimustuloksiin. Merkittävimmät erot tutkimustuloksissa eri tietokantojen välillä selittyvät tietokantojen eroavaisuuksissa toimintansa lopettaneiden rahastojen kattavuudessa ja näin ollen eloonjäämis- ja backfilling-harhan tasossa sekä rahastojen markkina-arvoa kuvaavan aineiston määrässä ja laadussa.
Toinen artikkeli tarkastelee rajoitteita, joita sijoittajat kohtaavat sijoittaessaan hedge-rahastoihin. Päähuomio on koko- ja lunastusrajoitteissa, jotka ovat käytännössä merkittävimmät rajoitteet hedge-rahastosijoittajalle. Rahastojen markkina-arvon ja riskikorjatun tuoton välillä on negatiivinen (positiivinen) relaatio kun tarkastellaan rahastojen tulevaa (historiallista) menestystä. Tulokset tukevat teoreettisia esityksiä, joiden mukaan rahastojen kasvu heijastuu menestykseen negatiivisesti. Markkina-arvoltaan pienissä rahastoissa on huomattavasti enemmän riskiä kuin markkina-arvoltaan suurissa rahastoissa. Korkeampi riski pienissä rahastoissa lisää tuotto-perusteisten palkkioiden merkitystä palkkiorakenteissa kun taas suurilla rahastoilla on kannustimet maksimoida markkina-arvon mukaan määriteltyjä hallinnointipalkkioita. Tulokset tukevat talousteoriaa, jonka mukaan riski ja tuoton taso pienevät rahastojen markkina-arvojen kasvaessa. Tuoton pysyvyys pienenee rahaston markkina-arvon kasvaessa. Kuitenkin hypoteettiset rahastot, jotka on hajautettu aikaisempiin menestyjiin keskeiset sijoittajien rajoitteet huomioiden, menestyvät riskikorjatusti.
Kolmannessa artikkelissa tutkitaan hedge-rahastojen kykyä lisätä riskikorjatun tuoton tasoa velkavivun avulla. Velkavivun käyttö kasvattaa sijoitusstrategian tuoton ja riskin tasoa alhaisemman velkatason osuuslajeihin verrattuna. Päätuloksena havaitaan, että tyypillinen sijoitusstrategian korkean velkatason osuuslajin tuoton taso on merkittävästi alhaisempi matalan velkatason osuuslajiin nähden kun molempien osuuslajien tuottoaikasarjat ovat asetettu samalle tasolle. Talousteoriaa ennustaa, että sijoittajien rajoitteet käyttää velkavipua ja velkavivun käyttöön liittyvät kustannukset heijastuvat salkun tuoton tasoon negatiivisesti.
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Záporné úrokové sadzby v kontexte hrozby deflácie / Negative interest rates in the context of deflation threatsJenis, Filip January 2017 (has links)
The introduction of negative interest rates, as an additional tool of unconventional monetary policy in recent years, leads to many, yet largely polarized debates about the implications of the unconventional monetary policy of central banks. The main reason for their introduction in some economies, namely the threat of deflation, is also questioned, as well as the negative side effects of this instrument on financial stability and economic growth, and finally, their limited scope is under scrutiny. Due to the still insufficient research in this field, the aim of the diploma thesis is to evaluate the concerns and the main long-term risks and impacts of the monetary policy using negative interest rates in the context of deflation threats. The analysis of available data confirms both the concerns about the negative effects of negative interest rates on the banking sector, the recovery process of public finances, the possible rise of a price bubble on the financial markets and real estate markets, or on the possibility of excessive risk taking, and on the other hand draws attention to the direct dependence between negative impacts and the duration of monetary policy using negative interest rates.
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The urban underclass and post-authoritarian Johannesburg : train surfing (Soweto style) as an extreme spatial practiceSteenkamp, Hilke 13 December 2011 (has links)
This dissertation aims to position train surfing as a visual spectacle that is practised by Sowetan train surfers within the context of post-authoritarian Johannesburg. The author argues that train surfing is a visual and spatial phenomenon that is theoretically under-researched. As such, this study aims to decode seven train surfing videos to establish what train surfing looks like, where train surfing occurs and why individuals participate in such a high risk activity. This study, furthermore, aims to frame train surfing as a spectacle by investigating the similarities between train surfing and rites of passage (initiation rites). The author also regards train surfing as a very specific form of storytelling. The narratives conveyed in the seven videos are, therefore, interpreted to establish that train surfing is practised to ‘voice’ fatalistic feelings, societal as well as individual crises. After establishing the visual aspects of train surfing, the author focuses on the spatial context of train surfing. Johannesburg is described as both an authoritarian and post-authoritarian construct by tracing the spatial and political history of the city. When the discussion turns to the post-authoritarian city, townships and squatter settlements are analysed as being both marginal and hybrid spaces. It is argued that townships are marginal spaces due to their location, they are inhabited by the underclass and they are formed by processes of capitalism and urbanisation, and as a result of these factors, township residents might have fatalistic mindsets (Gulick 1989). The author, however, contends that township space is an ambivalent construct, and as such, it can also be read as hybrid space. Here, hybrid space is interpreted as a platform from which township residents can resist oppressing spatial and political ideologies. In this context, train surfing is regarded as one way in which train surfers use hybrid space to express tactics of resistance. After establishing the spatial context of train surfing, the socio-economic and material living conditions of train surfers are investigated. The discussion firstly, explores the underclass, as theorised by Jencks and Peterson (1990), and thereafter highlights why train surfers can be classified as being part of this sub-category. It is, furthermore, argued that Sowetan train surfers are part of a new lost generation due to high unemployment rates, the HIV/AIDS pandemic and bleak future outlooks. The author aims to establish that, as a result of their socio-economic status and material living conditions, train surfers are fatalistic, and practice an extreme activity to exert control over one area of their lives, namely their bodies. Lastly, the dissertation aims to explore train surfing as being both a risk-taking activity and a new spatial practice. The dynamics of adolescent risk-taking behaviour is explored by emphasising the psychological motivations behind high risk activities. The author argues that alienating space can be regarded as an additional factor that usher adolescents into risk-taking activities. As such, the place(s) and space(s) inhabited by train surfers, namely Johannesburg, Soweto and township train stations, are discussed as alienating spaces. Moreover, it is argued that alienating spaces create opportunities for resistance (following the power-resistance dialectic inherent to space), and as such, train surfing is interpreted as a de-alienating spatial practice that enables the marginalised train surfer to exert control over his surroundings. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Visual Arts / unrestricted
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Tid är din vän, impuls din fiende : Coronapandemin ur ett börspsykologiskt perspektiv / Time Is Your Friend, Impulse Your EnemyFernström, Lovisa, Vikstrand, Ellinor January 2021 (has links)
Börsåret 2020 har varit ett unikt år som präglats av ett kraftigt börsras, men även en historiskt snabb återhämtning. Det unika händelseförloppet härrör ur en pandemi orsakad av ett coronavirus, vilket skapat nya underlag för studier av investerares beslutsfattande ur ett börspsykologiskt perspektiv. Syftet med studien var att kartlägga vilka börspsykologiska faktorer som indikerats hos investerare under pandemin. Intentionen var att undersöka huruvida det förelåg samband mellan börspsykologiska faktorer och investerares beslutsfattande. Studien har främst tillämpat en kvantitativ metod i form av en tvärsnittsdesign för att uppnå generaliserbarhet, men har även inslag av kvalitativ forskningsdesign för att erhålla en djupare förståelse. I syfte att besvara studiens forskningsfrågor har en statistisk analys i form av bivariata och multivariata linjära regressionsanalyser genomförts. Resultatet visar att samtliga undersökta börspsykologiska faktorer indikeras hos investerare och att det existerar ett flertal signifikanta samband mellan faktorerna och investerares beslutsfattande. Vidare har studien uppmärksammat en problematik i investerares självuppfattning och brister i de tillämpade testerna för börspsykologiska faktorer. Slutligen har en modell framtagits i syfte att bistå med underlag som kan öka förståelsen och medvetenheten inom ämnesområdet och således skapa bättre förutsättningar för rationella investeringsbeslut. / The stock market during 2020 has been a remarkable year that has experienced a major marketcrash, but also a historical recovery. The unique course of events derives from a pandemic causedby a coronavirus, which has generated new data for research of investors’ decision making from abehavioral finance perspective. The purpose with the research was to map biases which havebeen indicated by investors during the pandemic. The intention was also to investigate whetherthere were relationships between biases and the decision making of investors. This thesis hasmainly applied a quantitative method in the form of a cross-sectional study to achievegeneralizability, but it also has elements of qualitative research to obtain a deeper understanding.In order to answer the research questions, a statistical analysis in the form of bivariate andmultivariate linear regression models has been applied. The result concludes that all theinvestigated biases were indicated, and several significant relationships between the biases andthe decision making of the investors. Furthermore, the research has shown two problematicaspects. The first is the self-perception of investors and the second is the weaknesses of theapplied tests for biases. Finally, a model has been developed with the aim to contribute withuseful research that can create better conditions for rational investment decisions through anincreased understanding and awareness in the area of behavioral finance.
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Begreppet psykologisk trygghet har visat sig vara en faktor som påverkar om personal trivs och stannar på arbetsplatsen. Begreppet innebär hur tryggt det upplevs att visa sig sårbar i en grupp och vad det får för konsekvenser. Forskning om poliskultur har visat att den karaktäriseras av tradition och rigida normer, vilket påverkar beteenden i gruppen. Den aktuella studien syftade till att undersöka hur nyblivna poliser upplever psykologisk trygghet i sin arbetsgrupp, samt hur de beskriver normer i förhållande till detta. Åtta deltagare intervjuades med en semistrukturerad intervjuguide baserad på Edmondsons teori om psykologisk trygghet samt forskning på poliskultur. Datat analyserades med reflexiv tematisk analys. Majoriteten av deltagarna upplevde att humor var ett framträdande sätt att hantera svåra upplevelser, men det fanns även behov av annat typ av stöd. De flesta deltagare upplevde att det var viktigt att visa sårbar för att lära sig yrket, samt att det påverkade relationerna i arbetsgruppen positivt, men flera upplevde det även som skrämmande och skamfyllt. Deltagarnas beskrivningar av arbetsgruppens normer, och deras förhållande till dem, verkade påverka upplevelsen av psykologisk trygghet. Normbrytande beteende sanktionerades, vilket avskräckte från framtida normbrytande. Resultaten stärker teorierna om att psykologisk trygghet är förenat med lärandebeteende och att poliskulturen är traditionsbunden. Psykologisk trygghet kan vara en bidragande faktor till att få poliser att trivas och stanna inom yrket. / Psychological safety has been shown to affect employees’ job satisfaction and turnover intention. The term “psychological safety” means how safe one feels in showing vulnerability in a group and the consequences it might bring. Research has shown that police culture is characterized by traditionality and rigid norms, which affects group behaviour. The present study aimed to examine how new police officers’ experience psychological safety within their work group. Eight police officers were interviewed with a semistructured interview guide based on Edmondson’s theory of psychological safety and literature on police culture. The data were analysed using reflexive thematic analysis. Most participants found humour to be a pronounced coping strategy for negative experiences, but there was a need for alternative ways of coping. Most participants found showing vulnerability to be essential for learning the police role, and that these behaviours had a positive effect on relationships within the work group, even though several found showing vulnerability frightening and shameful. The participants’ descriptions of the norms within the work group, and how well you fit into them, affected their experience of psychological safety. Breaking norms in the group was often followed by sanctions, which disencouraged similar future behaviour. The findings in this study support existing research on the link between psychological safety and learning behaviour and on police culture being governed by traditions. Psychological safety could be a contributing factor to keeping police officers satisfied so that they might stay within their line of work.
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Impact of HIV/AIDS on rural community of Kwa-Mthethwa area in KwaZulu-NatalSibaya, Simangele Mary-Magdalene January 2003 (has links)
Submitted to the Faculty of Arts in fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts in the Department of Sociology at the University of Zululand, 2003. / A study of impact of HIV/AIDS on rural community involves a whole range of factors. This investigation focused on youth's level of knowledge of HTV/AIDS, youth's informants and youth's attitudes towards HIV/AIDS sufferers.
Literature review was conducted. This has revealed that the attitude within the community feeds on a plethora of explanations for caring of AIDS sufferers. Much research has focused on poverty. Most research recognize the importance of support groups and champion this idea to many communities.
An empirical investigation was conducted. The findings reveal that many adolescents/youth understand a lot about HIV/AIDS. Furthermore youth is receptive to a wide spectrum of credible sources of information. The attitude of the community is generally positive towards HIV/AIDS sufferers.
The dissertation concludes with recommendations for further research in this field.
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Prise de risque à l'adolescence : l'influence du niveau d'incertitude et du contexte socio-émotionnel / Risk-taking in adolescence : influence of uncertainty level and socio-emotional contextOsmont, Anaïs 30 November 2015 (has links)
Afin de rendre compte de la spécificité des comportements à risque des adolescents, les modèles neurocognitifs récents ont proposé d'envisager la compétition entre deux systèmes caractérisés par des trajectoires développementales différentes : un système socio-émotionnel et un système de contrôle cognitif. En effet, l'engagement des adolescents dans des conduites à risque pourrait s'expliquer par une hypersensibilité émotionnelle exacerbée par des contextes sociaux saillant comme la présence de pairs, auquel s'ajoute une immaturité des processus de contrôle nécessaires à la régulation de ces émotions. Toutefois, l'ensemble de ces modèles négligent l'influence du niveau d'incertitude associées aux situations de prise de risque, alors même que les travaux de psychologie du développement témoignent de capacités différentes dans les situations de prise de décision à risque et les situations de prise de décision sous ambiguïté chez les adolescents. Ces derniers semblent en effet parfaitement capables d'intégrer des informations probabilistes et les enjeux associés aux différentes options, mais présentent des difficultés à décider avantageusement dès lors que ces informations ne sont plus directement disponibles mais doivent être inférées sur la base de leur propre expérience. Ainsi, l'objectif général de ce travail de thèse consistait à examiner l'influence du niveau d'incertitude et du contexte social sur la prise de risque à l'adolescence. Après avoir démontré dans une première étude que les adultes étaient massivement aversifs face aux situations associées à un manque d'information probabiliste, nous avons examiné la trajectoire développementale fine de ce phénomène d'aversion à l'ambiguïté chez l'enfant, l'adolescent et l'adulte. Cette étude contribue à définir l'aversion à l'ambiguïté comme une stratégie intuitive apparaissant progressivement au début de l'adolescence et mais suggère une aversion à l'ambiguïté aussi marquée chez les adolescents de 14-16 ans que chez les adultes. Ensuite, notre troisième étude avait pour objectif de clarifier l'impact du niveau d'information sur l'engagement des adolescents dans la prise de risque, à travers une comparaison directe entre des situations dites informées et non informées. Nos résultats démontrent que les adolescents présentent des difficultés à ajuster leurs réponses au niveau de risque dans les situations non-informées alors que la simple disponibilité d'indices concernant le niveau de risque les conduit à des performances similaires à celles des adultes. La réunion de nos trois premières études suggère ainsi que la prise de risque exacerbée des adolescents résulte davantage d'un déficit d'apprentissage basé sur les feedbacks, plutôt que d'une tendance générale à explorer les situations risquées ambigües. Face à ce constat, la quatrième étude visait à clarifier l'impact d'une influence sociale risquée ou prudente sur l'engagement des adolescents dans la prise de risque selon le niveau d'incertitude de la situation. Cette dernière étude nous a ainsi permis de souligner l'influence positive de l'expérience des pairs sur les conduites à risque des adolescents et de mettre en exergue le rôle spécifique de l'expérience d'autrui comme une information de nature sociale susceptible de compenser leur difficulté à apprendre sur la base de leur propre expérience. / In order to account for the characteristics of risk-taking specific to adolescence, new neurocognitive models presuppose a competition between two systems with distinct developmental trajectories: an emotional system and a top-down control system. Indeed, heightened risk-taking in adolescence could result from increased emotional sensitivity in socio-emotional contexts, including the presence of peers, combined with immature control processes underlying emotional regulation. Unfortunately, these models ignore the potential impact of varying levels of uncertainty in risky situations, despite advances in developmental psychology that suggest adolescent's capacities differ between risky decision-making and decision-making under ambiguity. Although adolescents are fully competent at evaluating probabilities and entertaining outcome likelihoods, they fail to make advantageous choices when such information is not directly available but must be inferred from their own experience. Thus, the overall aim of this thesis is to examine the impact of both the information level regarding risks and of the social-emotional context on risk-taking during adolescence. After showing in a first study that adults are largely ambiguity-averse in situations in which information is missing, we investigated the exact developmental trajectory of such ambiguity aversion in children, adolescents and adults. This second study characterizes ambiguity aversion as an affective strategy that gradually develops at the beginning of adolescence, while demonstrating that adolescents display an ambiguity aversion as much as adults. Then, study 3 aimed to clarify the influence of information level on adolescents' risk-taking behaviors by directly comparing informed and uninformed situations. Results showed that adolescents exhibit a suboptimal ability to adjust risk-taking to the risk level in the non-informed condition, but are efficient in making advantageous choices when explicit information is provided. Taken together, the first three studies suggest that heightened risk-taking in adolescence does not result from an increased ambiguity tolerance but rather from a specific impairment of feedback-based learning. Given adolescents' learning impairments in ambiguous situations, study 4 aimed to specify the impact of cautious or risky social influence on risk-taking behaviors, depending on the level of uncertainty. This final study underlies the potential positive influence of peers on risky behaviors. Peers4 experiences could play a particular role by providing social information that is likely to balance the difficulties adolescents have learning from their own experience.
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Vinterturisters förståelse och användande av “the danger rating scale” och lavinprognoserJohansson, Matilda January 2023 (has links)
Jakten på orörd snö är en central del i offpistskidåkning. För att hjälpa allmänheten att ta säkra beslut i lavinterräng skriver lavinexperter varje år en lavinprognos. Lavinprognoser är en form av riskkommunikation vars syfte är att göra vinterturister och andra människor medvetna om vilka risker dem eventuellt kan utsättas för på berget. Den här rapportens syfte är att undersöka vinterturisternas förståelse för “the danger rating scale” och lavinprognoser. Samt för att se hur den påverkar deras risktagande och beslutsfattande i lavinterräng. För att besvara dessa forskningsfrågor har ett kvalitativt metodval använts i form av 8 semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet visar att “the danger rating scale” och lavinprognoser har ett stort inflytande på vinterturisternas risktagande och beslutsfattande i lavinterräng. Men att det finns en tveksamhet i tolkandet av skalan. / The hunt for untouched snow is a central part of off-piste skiing. To help the public make safe decisions in avalanche terrain, avalanche experts write an avalanche forecast every year. Avalanche forecasts are a form of risk communication whose purpose is to make winter tourists' and other people aware of the risks they may be exposed to on the mountain. The purpose of this report is to investigate winter tourists' understanding of "the danger rating scale" and avalanche forecasts. As well as to see how it affects their risk-taking and decision-making in avalanche terrain. To answer these research questions, a qualitative choice of method has been used in the form of 8 semi-structured interviews. The results show that "the danger rating scale" and avalanche forecasts have a great influence on winter tourists' risk-taking and decision-making in avalanche terrain. But that there is a doubt in the interpretation of the scale. / <p>2023-06-16</p>
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Drinking Rhythms in Alcohol Preferring MiceMatson, Liana M. 29 August 2012 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Multiple lines of High Alcohol Preferring (HAP) mice were selectively bred for their intake of 10% ethanol (v/v) during 24-h daily access over a four-week period, with the highest drinking lines exhibiting intakes in excess of 20 g/kg/day. Drinking rhythms and corresponding blood ethanol concentrations (BEC) of the highest drinking HAP lines to those of the C57BL/6J (B6) inbred strain. Adult male and female crossed HAP (cHAP), HAP1 and B6 mice had free-choice access to 10% ethanol and water for 3 weeks prior to bi-hourly assessments of intake throughout the dark portion of a reverse 12:12 light dark cycle. In another cohort of cHAP mice, the same procedure was used to assess bi-hourly ethanol intake, and blood samples were taken across the day to look at the pattern of accumulation in these mice. Finally, considering the high level of intake by cHAP mice, we were interested in assessing whether metabolic and functional tolerance develop following chronic free-choice access, which were assessed using 2.0 and 1.75 g/kg challenge doses of 20% ethanol, respectively.
cHAP and HAP1 mice maintained an excessive level of intake throughout the dark portion of the cycle, accumulating mean BEC levels of 261.5 + 18.09 and 217.9 + 25.02 mg/dl at 7-8 hours following lights off, respectively. B6 mice drank comparatively
modestly, and did not accumulate high BEC levels (53.63 + 8.15 mg/dl). In the cHAP cohort, mean BECs were 112.47 + 19.91 at 2 hours after lights off, 189.00 + 27.40 at 6 hours after lights off, 193.80 + 29.66 at 10 hours after lights off, and 89.68 + 22.19 at 2 hours after lights on. Further, following 3 weeks of ethanol access, cHAP mice had a faster rate of ethanol metabolism and fewer hind slips than water-only exposed mice (ps < .05). In conclusion, the excessive free-choice drinking demonstrated by the HAP1 and cHAP lines, as well as the pattern of sustained high BECs in cHAP mice, challenge the notion that rodents will not reliably and voluntarily sustain ethanol intake at pharmacologically relevant levels. These results suggest that the highest drinking HAP lines may provide a unique opportunity for modeling the excessive intake that has been observed in alcohol-dependent individuals. Further, we observed that cHAP mice develop both metabolic and functional tolerance to the ataxic effects of ethanol following 3 weeks of free-choice access. Together, these findings support HAP mice as translational rodent model of alcoholism, and provide rationale for exploration of the predisposing factors for excessive consumption, as well as the development of physiological, behavioral, and toxicological outcomes following alcohol exposure.
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Le bien-être et la priorisation de certaines valeurs : étude sur les valeurs intrinsèques et extrinsèques et leurs corrélats parentauxTessier, Jeanne 09 1900 (has links)
Thèse de doctorat présenté en vue de l'obtention du doctorat en psychologie - recherche intervention, option psychologie clinique (Ph.D) / Nos valeurs sont au cœur de notre personnalité et de notre identité, servant de principes directeurs pour notre vie. La théorie de l’autodétermination (TAD) fait la distinction entre les valeurs intrinsèques (VI; p.ex., les relations intimes épanouissantes, la connaissance de soi et l’esprit de communauté) et les valeurs extrinsèques (VE; p.ex., la richesse, la beauté et la célébrité). Les premières seraient les seules à répondre directement aux besoins psychologiques fondamentaux innés et universels des êtres humains. L’adolescence étant une période clef pour le développement des valeurs, l’objectif de la présente thèse était d’enrichir les connaissances relatives aux VI et aux VE pendant cette période de vie en clarifiant leurs relations avec le bien-être et la prise de risque (Étude 1), ainsi qu’en examinant comment les trois composantes délétères du parentage s’y relient (Étude 2). Les études passées ayant souvent étudié les valeurs des adolescents en agrégeant les VI et les VE, cette thèse a plutôt cherché à établir leurs contributions respectives aux associations. La thèse s’est aussi intéressée à la fois à l’importance accordée aux valeurs (valorisation) et au niveau auquel les valeurs sont mises en pratique (implantation). À ces fins, 647 adolescents âgés entre 14 et 17 ans ont été recrutés afin de remplir un questionnaire en ligne.
Les résultats de l’Étude 1 ont d’abord montré, tel qu’attendu, que la valorisation des VI par les adolescents était associée à un plus grand bien-être alors que la valorisation et l’implantation de leurs VE étaient associées positivement à la prise de risque. L’Étude 1 a aussi examiné les interactions entre la valorisation et l’implantation des valeurs et a révélé que d’une part, l’importance accordée aux VE n’était jamais reliée au bien-être, peu importe à quel point les adolescents accordaient d’importance aux VI. D’autre part, chez les adolescents mettant moins en pratique les VI, l’implantation des VE était associée à un plus grand bien-être, alors qu’elle n’y était pas reliée chez ceux qui mettaient davantage en pratique les VI. Des analyses exploratoires ont toutefois montré que les bénéfices affectifs observés chez certains adolescents implantant davantage de VE se limitaient à des aspects plus éphémères du bien-être (c’est-à-dire, les affects positifs et la vitalité), en contraste avec les bénéfices associés aux VI (c’est-à-dire, davantage d’affects positifs, de vitalité, de satisfaction de vie et de présence de sens).
Dans le cadre de l’Étude 2, nous nous sommes d’abord intéressées aux associations directes entre le parentage et les valeurs des adolescents et ensuite, au possible rôle modérateur du parentage dans l’association entre les valeurs parentales et les valeurs des adolescents. Un accent a été mis sur les trois composantes du parentage délétère : le parentage rejetant, chaotique et contrôlant. Lorsque ces trois composantes étaient prises en compte, seul le parentage contrôlant était associé significativement aux valeurs des adolescents. Plus les adolescents percevaient leurs parents comme contrôlants, plus ils étaient susceptibles d’accorder de l’importance aux VE. Ensuite, nous avons observé que seul le parentage chaotique modérait la correspondance entre les valeurs des parents et celles de leurs adolescents. Plus les parents étaient perçus comme ayant des pratiques parentales chaotiques, moins le niveau d’importance accordée aux VE des adolescents était similaire à celui de leurs parents. Ces résultats suggèrent que les parents peuvent influencer l’adoption des valeurs de leurs adolescents de façon directe, via un parentage contrôlant, de même que de façon indirecte, via un parentage chaotique.
En somme, les résultats des deux études de la thèse contribuent à enrichir les connaissances au sujet des valeurs à l’adolescence et à clarifier certaines associations ambigües dans la littérature. Alors que l’Étude 1 de la thèse appuie l’idée qu’il serait bénéfique pour la santé psychologique et physique des jeunes de favoriser leur adoption de VI, tout en limitant celle de VE, l’Étude 2 de la thèse fournit des pistes de stratégies potentielles pour le faire. Mises ensemble, les deux études de la thèse nous orientent vers l’implantation d’interventions aidant les parents à adopter des pratiques parentales moins contrôlantes et moins chaotiques afin de favoriser un développement sain des valeurs chez les jeunes. / Our values are at the heart of our personality and identity, serving as guiding principles throughout our life. Self-determination theory (SDT) makes the distinction between intrinsic values (IV; e.g., close relationships, self-knowledge, and community feeling) and extrinsic values (EV; e.g., wealth, beauty, and fame). Only IV would allow the direct satisfaction of our basic psychological needs which are innate and universal in human beings. Adolescence being a key period for value development, the goal of this dissertation was to advance knowledge regarding IV and EV during this life period by clarifying their associations with well-being and risk-taking (Study 1) and by examining how the three detrimental parenting components relate to them (Study 2). As past studies have often studied adolescents’ values by aggregating IV and EV, the present dissertation aims instead to establish their respective contributions to observed associations. This dissertation has also taken interest in the importance given to values (talk) as well as the degree to which values are put into practice (walk). To these ends, 647 adolescents aged between 14 and 17 years old were recruited to complete an online survey.
The results of Study 1 first showed, as expected, that adolescents’ talking of IV was associated with greater well-being, whereas the talking and walking of EV were associated with more risk-taking. Study 1 also examined the interactions between values’ talk and walk and revealed that, on the one hand, the talking of EV was never related to well-being, no matter how much adolescents gave importance to IV. On the other hand, among adolescents who put less IV into practice, the walking of EV was associated with more well-being, whereas it wasn’t related to it among those who put more IV into practice. Exploratory analyses however showed that the observed wellness benefits observed among some adolescents putting more EV into practice were limited to more fleeting aspects of well-being (i.e., positive affect and vitality), in contrast to the benefits related to IV (i.e., more life satisfaction, presence of meaning, positive affect and vitality).
In Study 2, we were interested in the direct associations between parenting and adolescents’ values and to the potential moderating role of parenting in the association between parental values and adolescents’ values. We focused on the three components of detrimental parenting: rejecting, chaotic, and controlling parenting. When these three components were taken into account, only controlling parenting was significantly related to adolescents’ values. The more adolescents perceived their parents as controlling, the more they were susceptible to give importance to EV. Next, we also observed that only chaotic parenting moderated the correspondence between parents’ and adolescents’ values. The more parenting was perceived as chaotic, the lower the similarity was between the degree of importance given to EV by adolescents and their parents. Results suggest that parents can influence adolescents’ value adoption in a direct manner, through controlling parenting, as well as in an indirect manner, through chaotic parenting.
In sum, results from the two studies of this dissertation contribute to enrich knowledge regarding values in adolescence and to clarify certain ambiguous associations in the literature. While Study 1 supports the idea that it would be beneficial for adolescents’ psychological and physical wellness to foster their adoption of IV, while limiting that of EV, Study 2 provides potential strategies to accomplish that. Together, the present dissertation’ studies recommend the delivery of interventions helping parents to adopt less controlling and chaotic parenting practices to foster a healthy development of values in adolescents.
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