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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Copyright implications of computer-generated imagery using the likeness of real people

Leinonen, Emmi January 2020 (has links)
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights article 27 shows that copyright law has two functions. ‘everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits. Everyone has right to protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author.’[1]  These functions are supporting cultural aspects on society and give a prior right to holder of the copyright to secure and use the work. On the other hand, copyright secures the personality and property rights of the copyright holder. When talking about copyright as an international concept we can state that copyright is not an absolute right, it is limited by the common wellbeing of society, meaning that quoting and getting the information or ideas from other’s work is accepted. Ideas, principles, thoughts, or themes are not included in the scope of copyright protection.[2] Copyright can be created only by a human, but it can be transferred to a legal person like a company. Not that long-ago computer programs were not seen as tangible property and that is why the damages done to the programs were hard to prove as a criminal action.[3] Copyright protects the artistic work during the whole lifetime of author and 70 years after his death. It can be said that copyright and related rights are less protective than industrial registered intellectual property, on contrary, copyright is not limiting the protection to the level of success or requirements, while for example, patent law is very restrictive about the quality of product.[4] Copyright law is a territorial limited law, led by international regulations like the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (hereafter Berne Convention)[5] and European Copyright Directive (hereafter DSM Directive).[6] Photoshop and image manipulation are present in everyday life, this kind of services can be offered even to children for their school portals. Use of computer-generated pictures and films is increasing in campaigns, news and movies. This kind of image technology can be used for making simulations of law cases or “waking up” movie stars from death. The scale of use is endless. The artificial intelligence (hereafter AI) technology behind computer-generated imageries is called deep learning. Deep learning is an advanced type of machine learning and it is used at, for example, computer programs, self-driving cars, and targeted online advertising.[7] The artificial intelligence software makes generating easy and possible for larger user groups and develops images, which brings more legal problems as well. Computer-generated imageries (hereafter CGI) are used for the entertainment industry for different targets and upgrade the film for a new level. In the same time, it can be used for an act of revenge, when the content is defamation the person at the picture, or it can be used for fake news. These kinds of computer-generated imageries are called deep fakes. Sometimes the imageries done by AI or other software are so real that it is almost impossible to recognize the difference with the bare eye, the content of the deep fake can lead the viewer to wrong. The problem of deep fakes has been identified by the governments as well as by the large corporations, for example, Facebook. Facebook, which is one the world’s biggest social media network, has decided to delete and ban deep fakes on its pages according to Monica Bickert vice-president of Facebook. The ban does not apply the parody or satire content, which is one argument that copyright holders are relying on deep fakes.[8] The aim of the thesis is to recognise all aspects of copyright law implications; including the rights of the owner of original work, rights of the owner of new work, rights of the persons that are at the copyright-protected work and rights of the trademark owner if the trademark is used on imagery. [1] The Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 1948 [2] Article 2 of Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. September 9, 1886 regulates the scope of the works which are enjoying copyright protection. Guidelines to Berne Convention paragraph 2.2 and 2.3 state that the content itself is not important for copyright protection but the form of the work. Therefore, for example, idea is excluded from the scope of copyright protection. WIPO. Guide to the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. 1978. Retrieved April 25, 2020, from https://www.wipo.int/edocs/pubdocs/en/copyright/615/wipo_pub_615.pdf [3] Cox v Riley (1986) 83 Cr App R 54. The employee erased several programs from the magnetic cards and was charged with criminal damage. Employee argued that he was not guilty because the computer programs were not tangible property. Court held that even though the computer programs were not tangible property the damages done to the cards were enough to be charged in a criminal sentence. [4] Pila, J. Torremans, P. European Intellectual Property Law. 2nd edition. 2019. Oxford. [5] Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. September 9, 1886. The latest text of Berne Convention (from 1971 Paris Act plus Appendix) will be used at thesis. [6] Directive (EU) 2019/790 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market and amending Directive 96/9/EC and 2001/29/EC [7] Rouse, M. Definition ‘deep learning’. TechTarget. 2019. Retrieved May 25, 2020, from  https://searchenterpriseai.techtarget.com/definition/deep-learning-deep-neural-network [8] Bickert, M. Enforcing Against Manipulated Media. 2020. Retrieved May 9, 2020, from   https://about.fb.com/news/2020/01/enforcing-against-manipulated-media/

Intellectual Property Rights and the Game Industry : Focusing on Copyright law

Mosharrof, Sadia January 2020 (has links)
This thesis looks at how copyright laws are used in the home console Gaming industry and, in particular, how these laws are used to capture the returns from Investment .Which can indirectly provide a stimulus to innovation. The relationship is evaluated in two selected markets: the United States (USA), the European Union.This thesis assesses this relationship through a unique approach, adopting both a legal approach and economic analysis. The thesis begins with a detailed analysis of the market for this industry to identify the key factors affecting the ability of individual businesses to return on investment.Next come Section II which continues to examine the effects of copyright on these factors in the developed markets of the United States and Europe. It's the view of this thesis that copyright laws can theoretically be used to maximize the performance of a business investment without distorting competition; therefore, the thesis suggests that IPRs indirectly, it can create incentives to innovate.

Förtäckta värdeöverföringar och deras lagenlighet / Disguised Distributions and their Legality

Bergström, Signe January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Avtal i riggade system / Contracts in fixed systems

Gramenius, Tore January 2020 (has links)
Avtalslagen trädde i kraft för över hundra år sedan, och har sedan dess varit hörnstenen i den svenska avtalsrätten. Trots att avtalslagen endast var tänkt att behandla avtal som sluts genom korrespendens används den av dagens jurister för att beskriva avtalsslut för nästan alla typer av avtal, med blandade resultat. En typ av avtal för vilken avtalslagen passar särskilt dåligt är avtal slutna i riggade system, d.v.s. avtal där bara den ena parten aktivt handlar med ett på förhand uppriggat system. Ett nytt sätt att tänka kring avtal måste därför ställas upp för avtalstypen. Uppsatsens syfte är att klargöra vilken avtalsmekanism som används för avtal i riggade system samt hur avtalsinnehållet fastsälls i dessa. Syftet uppnås genom att analysera fyra typfall (Shrink och Click wrap-villkor, onlineauktioner, butikshandel och parkering) och sedan med grund i dessa ställa upp allmänna riktlinjer för hur avtal i riggade system bör behandlas.

Smarta kontrakt i svensk avtalsrätt : Huruvida Smarta kontrakt och Blockkedjor är lämpliga Avtalsinstrument / Smart Contracts in Swedish Contractual Law : Whether if Smart Contracts and Blockchains are Suitable Contractual Instruments

Li, Andy January 2020 (has links)
The objective of this thesis paper is to investigate whether if smart contracts concluded on a blockchain are recognized as contracts under Swedish law. This is done by analyzing two fictional examples of concluded smart contracts. The study shows that smart contracts may indeed be recognized as contracts as they fulfill mechanisms for concluding contracts that are regulated in the Swedish Contracts Act, such as offer-acceptance. Smart contracts may also be concluded on mechanisms that are not directly regulated by the Contracts Act, these include tacit agreements and standard form of contracts. The objective also includes discussions regarding certain legal issues that are raised by the blockchain and smart contracts. For instance, what problems an immutable blockchain may pose for the possibility to recall an offer or acceptance stated in the Contracts Act. Another aspect that may also potentially prove troublesome is the smart contracts self-fulfillment. This is because they can facilitate the automatic fulfillment of contracts that are null and void due to the fact that they comprise illegal or immoral undertakings.

Lönekartläggning, ett medel för att uppnå jämställda löner? : En analys av de svenska reglerna om lönekartläggning och Europeiska kommissionens förslag till ett direktiv om insyn i lönesättningen / Pay Audits, a Tool for Achieving Equal Pay? : An Analysis of the Swedish Rules on Pay Audits and the European Commissions Proposal for a Directive on Pay Transparency

Törnlund, Alice January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to examine whether the Swedish rules on pay auditing fulfill their aim. It also analyses the European Commission’s proposal for a directive on pay transparency and its possible effects on the Swedish pay audit rules and labour law model. Lastly the thesis discusses whether the proposed directive would help eliminate the gender wage gap in Sweden.                       Through a study of governmental and union reports, it can be concluded that employers failing to comply with pay audit regulation is a prevalent issue. Altogether, this shortcoming can largely be contributed to a general lack of knowledge amongst employers regarding the rules and a lack of supervision from the authorities.                       This essay also investigates how pay audit regulation has affected Sweden’s efforts on eliminating the gender pay gap. The country’s small and medium sized companies show a maximum of a five percent difference in pay between men and women performing comparable work, these small differences make it difficult for employers to conduct pay audits and statistically show any differences in wages. Additionally, pay audit regulation is weakened by employers who use competitive markets as an excuse to explain differences in pay as such methods only serve to uphold the gender pay imbalance.                        Lastly, the essay shows that the European Commission’s proposed directive on pay transparency would require Sweden to make numerous considerable amendments to both its constitution, procedural labor law rules as well as its rules on pay audits. As an EU-wide directive covering a variety of different labour law models, the proposal is far from perfect for Sweden. Its adoption would limit the autonomy of Swedish labour market partners to negotiate and decide wages. In conclusion, state involvement though legislation would have a considerable impact on the fine balance of the current Swedish labour law model.

Justerade bygglov

Nyblom, David, Johansson, Fredrik January 2021 (has links)
Mark- och miljööverdomstolen (MÖD) menade i ett avgörande från 2020 att mindre justeringar inom befintligt bygglov kan beviljas. Formuleringen om mindre justeringar indikerade en ändrad syn hos MÖD som 2015 menade i ett avgörande att plan- och bygglagen (2010:900) inte lämnar något utrymme för ändring av bygglov utan i stället hänvisade till ny bygglovsansökan. MÖDs beslut 2015 konstaterade även i avgörandet att ett nytt lov fordrade att grannar ska ges möjlighet att yttra sig om åtgärden. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur byggnadsnämnderna tolkar ändring av beviljade bygglov. De följande frågeställningarna behandlas: vilka lagar prövar byggnadsnämnderna i fråga om ändring av bygglov och hur hanteras grannar vid ändring av bygglov. Vidare granskas begreppet liten avvikelse och vad det innebär i bygglovsprövningen, samt hur MÖD tolkar ändring av redan beviljat bygglov.Juridisk metod har tillämpats i studien. Samtliga 49 kommuner i Västra Götalandsregionen har kontaktats med begäran om fem bygglovsbeslut från 2017 eller 2018. 14 bygglov var relevanta för studien. Tre intervjuer genomfördes med bygglovshandläggare som är verksamma inom Västra Götalandsregionen.Analys av de insamlade bygglovshandlingarna visade bland annat att ändring av en byggnadsplacering behandlades i flera av fallen. Respondenterna svarade i intervjuerna att flytt av bostadens placering var en vanlig avvikelse från bygglov. De bygglovshandlingar som granskats var samtliga ändringar jämfört med tidigare bygglov vilket ger att de granskade byggloven innehåller åtgärder som inte tolererats inom tidigare beviljat bygglov. Studiens slutsatser är bland annat att gällande rätt för bygglovsbeslut följts av byggnadsnämnderna men att studien saknar underlag för att bedöma huruvida byggnadsnämnder förhållit sig till MÖDs senaste avgörande avseende mindre justeringar avbygglov. Begreppet liten avvikelse i bygglovsprövningen hanteras enligt respondenterna restriktivt. / The Land and Environmental Court intended in a decision in 2020 that minor adjustmentswithin existing building permits could be granted. The wording about minor deviations indicated an adjusted outlook among The Land and environmental Court that in a decision from 2015 stated that the Planning and Building Act (2010:900) does not allow for adjustments of a building permit but instead referred to a new building permit. The Land and environmental court’s decision in 2015 also established that a new building permit demands the neighbors’ opportunity to remark on the measure.The purpose of the study is to investigate how the local building committees interpret adjustments in terms of a building permit decision. The following issues are treated: what articles are being reviewed by the local building committees in a situation of an adjusted building permit and how is the question of right for the neighbors to give one’s opinionbeing dealt with in a situation of an adjusted building permit. Furthermore, is the term minor deviation being reviewed and how it interprets in a building permit matter, and also how The Land and Environmental Court interprets adjustments of a building permit.Juridical method has been applied for the study. All 49 counties within Region Västra Götaland was contacted with a request of five building permit decisions from 2017 or 2018. 14 building permits had relevance towards the study. Three interviews were conducted with building permit administrators that are active in the Region Västra Götaland. An analysis of the collected building permits displayed among other things that adjustments of placing was processed in most cases. Respondents replied in interviews that relocation of the residence placing were a common deviation from building permits. The reviewed buildings permit act consisted of adjustments compared with prior building permits which yields that reviewed building permits consists of measures that are not tolerated within the prior granted building permit. The conclusions of the study includes established law of building permits are being complied by the local building permit committees but the study lacks basic data to evaluate whether local building permit committees relate to the latter decision by the Land and Environmental court regarding minor adjustments of building permits. The expression minor deviation in building permit validation is being managed restrictive according to the respondents.

Psykosocial hälsa och egna resurser : - Unga arbetslösa berättar / Psychosocial health and the resources of young unemployed people : - Stories of young unemployed people

Jalal Ibrahim, Barwa January 2021 (has links)
Denna studie går ut på att söka och vidga kunskap om unga arbetslösas tillvaro ocharbetslöshetens konsekvenser för unga personers psykosociala hälsa samt att utforskaungas egna resurser att etablera sig på arbetsmarknaden. Studien bygger på en kvalitativansats, närmare bestämt 10 intervjudeltagares berättelser och upplevelser. Samtligadeltagare är mellan 18–24 år, är födda i eller bosatta i Sverige sedan minst 5sammanhängande år. Denna studie har analyserats utifrån två teoretiska utgångspunkter,nämligen känsla av sammanhang (KASAM) av Aaron Antonovsky samt stigma avErving Goffman. Studiens resultat och tidigare forskning visar att arbetslöshet har ennegativ inverkan på ungas hälsa, framför allt en negativ inverkan på den psykosocialahälsan. Intervjudeltagarna saknar resurser gällande information och kunskap omarbetsmarknaden. Slutsatsen av denna studie är att förutom den ekonomiska aspektengår den arbetslöse miste om den sociala gemenskapen, något som i förlängningenriskerar att leda till social isolering. Den unga arbetslöse kan glömma bort kunskap ochfärdigheter eftersom denne inte får möjlighet att praktisera dem. Självbilden ochsjälvförtroendet kan påverkas negativt, något som i förlängningen kan ha en negativinverkan på hälsan.

Förbud mot huvudduk i kommunala för- och grundskolor : Förenligheten med barnkonventionen och EKMR / Ban on headscarves in municipal preschools and compulsory schools : Compatibility with the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the ECHR

Borgryd, Lisa January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Upphandlande myndigheters möjligheter att beakta mänskliga rättigheter och arbetstagares rättigheter i leverantörens kedja av underleverantörer : Särskilt inom fordonsindustrin / Possibilities for contracting authorities to respect human rights and workers’ rights in the suppliers’ chain of subcontractors : Particularly within the automotive industry

Arnesson, Gisela January 2022 (has links)
Offentlig upphandling är den process genom vilken myndigheter, regioner, kommuner och andra offentligt styrda organ anskaffar de varor, tjänster och byggentreprenader som krävs för att de ska kunna bedriva sin verksamhet och fullgöra sina uppgifter. Oavsett om det handlar om blyertspennor eller bussar till kollektivtrafiken ska anskaffningen ske genom konkurrensutsättning på den gemensamma EU-marknaden. Den upphandlade myndigheten ska sedan välja den leverantör som kan erbjuda den ekonomiskt mest fördelaktiga varan, tjänsten eller byggentreprenaden. Under de senaste 20 åren har offentlig upphandling utvecklats från att enbart vara ett instrument för att förverkliga den gemensamma EU-marknaden och att upphandla bäst vara, tjänst eller byggentreprenad till bäst pris, till att även utgöra ett verktyg för att nå viktiga politiska och samhälleliga mål. Ett exempel på sådant mål är att tillgodose att mänskliga rättigheter och arbetstagares rättigheter respekteras genom samtliga globala leverantörsled som föremålet för ett offentligt inköp passerar. Möjligheterna att beakta sociala hänsyn i en offentlig upphandling är flera och det kan ske löpande genom hela upphandlingsprocessen, under förutsättning att krav på hänsyn är förenliga med de upphandlingsrättsliga principerna, har anknytning till föremålet för upphandlingen samt är möjliga att kontrollera och följa upp. Den stora utmaningen för den upphandlande myndigheten är att garantera att de ställda kraven och kriterierna också efterlevs av leverantörens underleverantörer, och framför allt av underleverantörer till dessa i samtliga led. Ett möjligt sätt att arbeta med sociala hänsyn inom fordonsbranschen är att kräva att allt tenn, tantal, volfram och guld som används inom fordonsproduktionen ska bära en viss märkning som bevis på att utvinningen skett med beaktande av mänskliga rättigheter och arbetstagares rättigheter. Ett annat sätt är att kräva att leverantören genomför en så kallad human rights due diligence. För att nå ett effektivt resultat är en socialt ansvarsfull upphandling även i allra högsta grad beroende av att den upphandlande myndigheten utövar kontroll och följer upp att de ställda kraven också i praktiken efterlevs. Annars riskerar kraven att bli tandlösa samt att hämma den goda konkurrensen och effektiva resurshanteringen som offentlig upphandling syftar till att tillgodose.

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