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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sover du gott, lille vän? : En studie om mellanstadie- och gymnasieelevers sömnvanor och upplevda prestationsförmåga i skolan

Gibson, Maria, Strömbäck, Therése January 2009 (has links)
This study has emerged from a growing interest in students' sleeping habits. During practical training as teachers, we have noticed a discussion of students' sleeping habits, fatigue and student performance at school in relation to their sleeping habits. The purpose of this field survey was to examine students’ sleeping habits and self-perceived performance ability in school in relation to sleeping habits. The material was collected from a questionnaire that was answered by 200 students in 4-6th grade and 188 students in 1-2th grade in the upper secondary school, this to give an opportunity to see if there were any differences between the different age groups. Differences in gender have also been looked into. The results of the study show that many students, regardless of age or gender, that are sleeping less than 8 hours on school-nights also are tired in school and not able to fully concentrate during the day. The results show some correlation between sleeping habits and how the students feel they are able to perform in school. The results also show that older students sleep less than the younger ones, but a bigger part of the younger students than the older seem to have problems concentrating in school. The results also show a tendency towards differences in sleeping habits between genders, regardless of age, where boys sleep less than girls, but girls have a harder time concentrating in school.

Percep??o dos idosos sobre sa?de bucal

R?go, J?nio Rodrigues 27 May 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:30:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JanioRR_DISSERT.pdf: 1059779 bytes, checksum: 2f156563089ccdb68afd0585079055aa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-05-27 / The assessment of oral health status in elderly patients is essential for the development of specific health policies. The prevalence of oral diseases is high in this population. The self-perception of oral health conditions influences the demand for oral care and quality of life for seniors. The aim of this study was to assess self-perception of oral health status in 100 elderly of both sexes, aged 60 years or older and functionally independent the Basic Health Unit of Felipe Camar?o II, Natal, Brazil. For comparison of self-perception data was collected in Bom Pastor, Natal / RN. In this research data were collected a questionnaire grouped into two parts. The first part with the socio-demographic data, subjective and objective condition of oral health and access to the service, the second part GOHAI Index. This index consists of 12 items that make it possible to obtain information involving aspects of chewing, speech, phonation, and self-assessed oral health. The results were subjected to statistical tests of Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis test (&#945; = 0.05), to identify possible predictors of self-evaluation. As a result, 69% were female, ages ranged from 60 to 86 years, with a median of 65 years. In relation to marital status 48% were married. For the years of study, the sample had an average of 3 years. For the last visit to the dentist, only 27% of seniors had visited the Dentist for less than a year. Regarding the questions about the presence of gingival and dental problems were answered by 46% and 21% respectively. The data on the perception of your teeth and gums, 44%. The index showed GOHAI value for self-perception of 30 points to Felipe Camar?o and 28 points for the Bom Pastor, both considered a low perception. We identified predictors of self-rated number of people in the room, participate in any associational activity, there is problems with your teeth and your gums. Concluded a negative self-perception of oral health condition by Gone in both areas, influenced by socioeconomic and cultural issues, although they realize the importance given to oral health, but by the misfortunes of other prominent favored little valuing of oral health / O envelhecimento, antes considerado um fen?meno, hoje, faz parte da realidade da maioria das sociedades. Contribuir para uma longevidade em que mais pessoas alcancem idades avan?adas com o melhor estado de sa?de poss?vel ?, sem d?vida, um triunfo. A avalia??o das condi??es de sa?de bucal em pacientes idosos ? essencial para o desenvolvimento de pol?ticas p?blicas de sa?de. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a auto-percep??o das condi??es de sa?de bucal em idosos. Foram examinados 100 idosos de ambos os sexos, com idade de 60 anos ou mais e funcionalmente independentes, da Unidade B?sica Sa?de de Felipe Camar?o II, Natal, Brasil. Para efeito de compara??o da auto-percep??o foi coletado dados no bairro Bom Pastor, Natal/RN. Os dados foram coletados atrav?s da aplica??o de um question?rio agrupado em duas partes. A primeira parte correspondeu aos dados s?cio-demogr?ficos, condi??o subjetiva e objetiva da sa?de bucal e acesso ao servi?o e a segunda parte ao ?ndice GOHAI. Este ?ndice ? composto de 12 itens que possibilitam a obten??o de informa??es envolvendo aspectos ligados ? mastiga??o, ao discurso, ? fona??o, e de auto-avalia??o da condi??o bucal. Os resultados foram submetidos aos testes estat?sticos de Mann-Whitney e de Kruskal-Wallis (&#945;=0,05), para identificar poss?veis preditores dessa auto-avalia??o. Dos 100 idosos, 69% eram do sexo feminino, a idade variando entre 60 a 86 anos, mediana igual a 65 anos. Em rela??o ao estado civil, 48% eram casados. Referente aos anos de estudo, a amostra teve uma m?dia de 3 anos. Em rela??o ? ?ltima visita ao dentista, somente 27% dos idosos haviam consultado o Cirurgi?o-Dentista h? menos de um ano. Em rela??o ?s quest?es sobre a presen?a de problemas dent?rios e gengivais, estas foram respondidas por 46% e 21% respectivamente. Os dados referentes ? percep??o sobre a sa?de dos seus dentes e gengivas foi de 44%. O ?ndice GOHAI apresentou valor para auto-percep??o de 30 pontos para Felipe Camar?o e de 28 pontos para Bom Pastor, ambos considerados segundo a escala desenvolvida pelos autores como uma percep??o baixa. Foram observadas diferen?as significativas na associa??o de poss?veis preditores dessa auto-avalia??o: n? de pessoas no c?modo (p = 0,487), se participa de alguma atividade associativa (p=0,006) , existe problemas com seus dentes e com sua gengiva (p=<0,001). Conclu?mos existir uma auto-percep??o negativa sobre a condi??o bucal por parte dos idosos em ambos os bairros, influenciada pelas quest?es socioecon?mica e cultural, embora se perceba a import?ncia dada ? sa?de bucal, com pouca valora??o a sa?de

Personlighet som prediktor för individuell arbetsprestation

Kristiansson, Linn, Ekberg, Josefine January 2020 (has links)
En utmaning för företag runtom hela världen är individuella arbetsprestationer, vilket har lett till omfattande forskning kring ämnet. Personlighet har visat sig vara en av de faktorer som har betydande roll för individuella arbetsprestationer. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka sambandet mellan personlighet och självupplevd individuell arbetsprestation samt att undersöka vilket personlighetsdrag som kan förklara mest av variationen av den självupplevda individuella arbetsprestationen. En kvantitativ studie gjordes med en webbaserad enkät innehållandes totalt 75 frågor. Mätinstrumenten Mini-IPIP6, SD3 och IWPQ användes för att mäta personlighet och självupplevd individuell arbetsprestation utifrån självskattningsskalor. Totalt deltog 302 personer i studien (M = 44 år, SD = 13.2, range 20 - 74 år, 72% kvinnor). Det enda kravet för att få deltaga i studien var att respondenten hade någon form av yrkeslivserfarenhet på minst 50% under minst 3 månaders tid. Den genomsnittliga arbetslivserfarenheten uppgick till M = 22.4 år (SD = 13.2, range 0.7 - 51 år). Resultaten visade att narcissism hade störst betydelse för självupplevd kontextuell prestation och uppgiftsbaserad prestation medans psykopati visade sig ha störst betydelse för självupplevd kontraproduktivt arbetsbeteende. Vår slutsats är att personlighet är en prediktor för självupplevd individuell arbetsprestation. / A challenge for companies around the world is individual work performance, which has led to extensive research on the subject. Personality has proven to be one of the factors that play a significant role in individual work performance. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between personality and self-perceived individual work performance and to investigate which personality traits can explain most of the variations of the self-perceived individual work performance. A quantitative study was conducted with a web-based questionnaire containing a total of 75 questions. The measuring instruments MiniIPIP6, SD3, and IWPQ were used to measure personality and self-perceived individual work performance based on self-assessment scales. A total of 302 persons participated in the study (M = 44 years, SD = 13.2, range 20 - 74 years, 72% women). The only requirement to participate in the study was that the respondent had some form of professional experience of at least 50% for at least 3 months. The average work experience was M = 22.4 years (SD = 13.2, range 0.7 - 51 years). The results showed that narcissism had the greatest significance for selfperceived contextual performance and task performance while psychopathy proved to be most important for self-perceived counterproductive work behavior. Our conclusion is that personality is a predictor of self-perceived individual work performance.

Nej, det påverkar inte mig

Hachichou, Len, Markkanen, Julia January 2023 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka relationen mellan självupplevd kunskap av gamification och tredjepersonseffekten (TPE) (En effekt som innefattar att jaget “första person” tror att propaganda eller kommunikation påverkar andra “tredje person” mer än sig själv) samt hur denna påverkar motivationsnivån som gamification försöker höja. Studien omfattade sex deltagare. Tre spelstudenter som har kunskap av gamification och tre konststudenter som inte har kunskap av gamification. Detta är för att se hur den självupplevda kunskapen påverkar TPE och därmed motivationen till att använda applikationen Duolingo som valdes som ett instrument i denna studie för att svara på forskningsfrågan. Där den huvudsakliga forskningsfrågan lyder, hur påverkar den självupplevda kunskapen av gamification motivationsnivån? Som har ytterligare två underfrågor för att besvara den huvudsakliga, hur påverkar den självupplevda kunskapen av gamification tredjepersoneffekten? samt hur påverkar tredjepersoneffekten motivationsnivån? Studien innefattade både en kvalitativ och en kvantitativ del i datainsamlingen där både semistrukturerade intervjuer och enkäter användes. Tematisk analys och ett induktivt sätt användes som dataanalysmetod i denna studie. Denna studie har funnit att den självupplevda kunskapen inte påverkar motivationen. Däremot kunde det inte finnas en TPE i spelstudenternas syn gentemot konststudenterna, där det var evident att spelstudenterna ansåg att alla påverkas av gamification och spelelement. Vidare hittades ingen relation mellan TPE och motivationsnivån även fast studenterna insåg en social distans mellan grupperna. Däremot ansågs inte gamification som något negativt, vilket medför att TPE inte uppkom mellan de två grupperna. Å andra sidan uppkom det en TPE gentemot barn och unga eftersom respondenterna ansåg dessa grupper som mer erfarna av spel, vilket resulterar i att de påverkas mer av de negativa effekterna med applikationens utformning såsom spelberoende, ekonomisk press och otillräcklig information för språkinlärning, samt spelelementen som används i applikationen. Vidare existerade även TPE gentemot personer som är tävlingsinriktade och skulle ha ett stort fokus i tävlingsaspekten av applikationen. / This study aimed to explore the interplay between self-perceived knowledge, gamification, and the thirdperson effect (TPE) (An effect which includes the "first person" believes that propaganda or communication affects other "third person" more than itself) in relation to motivation levels facilitated by gamification elements. Data was collected from six participants, divided into two groups: computer science students specializing in game design at Stockholm University (with knowledge of gamification) and art students at Luleå University (without knowledge of gamification), serving as a comparison group. This division allowed for an analysis of how self-perceived knowledge impacts the third-person effect and subsequent motivation to use the Duolingo phone app. This study aims to explore the relationship between self-perceived knowledge of gamification, motivation levels, and the third-person effect. The main research question guiding this investigation is: "How does self-perceived knowledge of gamification influence user motivation?" Two supporting sub-questions are posed to shed light on this main question: "How does self-perceived knowledge of gamification impact the third-person effect?" and "How does the third-person effect influence user motivation?" By investigating these interrelated factors, this study seeks to provide insights into the complex dynamics between self-perceived knowledge, gamification, motivation, and the third-person effect. The study incorporates a comprehensive qualitative section, employing semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis to collect and analyse data. Additionally, a smaller quantitative section employs a survey to assess participants' self-perceived knowledge. The findings indicate no significant evidence of a third-person effect between the computer science and art students. The computer science students believed that gamification affects everyone, regardless of student group. Moreover, the study reveals no correlation between the third-person effect and motivation, despite evident social distance between the groups. Notably, gamification was not perceived as a negative phenomenon or strategy, leading to a diminished occurrence of the third-person effect. However, there was a recognised TPE towards children and young adults due to the respondents considering these groups as more experienced with video games, which results in them being more affected by the negative effects of the applications design. These effects were notably game addiction, financial pressure, and insufficient information for language learning, as well as the game elements used in the application. Furthermore, TPE also existed towards people who are competitive and would have a big focus in the competition aspect of the application.

La perception du soutien conditionnel parental et enseignant : évolution et liens avec la perception de compétence scolaire lors de la transition entre le primaire et le secondaire / Parents and teachers’ conditional support : evolution and links with students’ perception of their scholastic competence during the transition from primary to secondary school

Hascoët, Marine 16 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet l’étude de la perception par les enfants du soutien conditionnel parental et enseignant, défini comme un soutien vu comme dépendant de l’atteinte des exigences fixées par ces adultes (Harter, 1999). Deux objectifs sont poursuivis dans ce travail. Le premier étudie l’évolution d’une telle perception lors de la transition entre le primaire et le secondaire. Pour ce faire, nous devions disposer d’un outil de mesure. Nous avons testé, dans trois études, les qualités psychométriques d’une échelle de perception du soutien conditionnel parental et enseignant dans le domaine scolaire auprès d’élèves de CM2 et de 6ème. Les analyses sur l’instrument ont mis en évidence trois dimensions dans le soutien conditionnel : un soutien conditionnel d’estime (parental et enseignant), un soutien conditionnel émotionnel parental et un soutien conditionnel émotionnel enseignant. Concernant le premier objectif, les résultats révèlent que la perception du soutien conditionnel émotionnel parental est stable du CM2 à la 6ème. La perception du soutien conditionnel émotionnel enseignant est aussi stable entre le début et la fin du CM2, mais diminue en 6ème alors que celle du soutien d’estime diminue faiblement au cours du temps. Le deuxième objectif vise à vérifier les liens entre ce soutien conditionnel parental et enseignant et la perception de compétence scolaire des élèves. Nous supposions (1) que les différents types de soutien conditionnel perçu seraient liés négativement à la perception des élèves de leur compétence scolaire, (2) que ces relations seraient médiatisées par l’anxiété envers l’évaluation et la sensibilité à l’erreur et (3) que le lien entre le soutien parental et la perception de compétence scolaire des élèves serait modéré par le soutien conditionnel émotionnel enseignant. Nos résultats montrent que le soutien conditionnel émotionnel parental et le soutien conditionnel émotionnel enseignant sont bien liés négativement à la perception de compétence scolaire et que seule l’anxiété d’évaluation médiatise cette relation. Le soutien conditionnel d’estime n’est pas lié à la perception de compétence quand le soutien conditionnel émotionnel est contrôlé. Enfin, le soutien conditionnel émotionnel parental et le soutien conditionnel enseignant interagissent pour prédire la perception de compétence scolaire : sous une perception élevée du soutien conditionnel d’une source, la perception du soutien conditionnel de l’autre source n’est plus liée à la perception de compétence scolaire. Pris dans leur ensemble, nos résultats confortent les études qui soulignent les effets néfastes du soutien conditionnel perçu en termes d’adaptation scolaire et sociale (e.g., Assor, Roth, & Deci, 2004 ; Côté, Bouffard, & Vezeau, 2014 ; Makri-Botsari, 2015). Ils ajoutent aux connaissances en montrant l’importance du soutien conditionnel de l’enseignant dans cette même adaptation. / This thesis focuses on children perception of the conditional support provided by their parents and teachers. Conditional support refers to a support that depends on succeeding to achieve standards set by these adults (Harter, 1999). This work has two objectives. The first aims at studying the evolution of the perception of the adults’ conditional support during the transition from primary to secondary school. To do so, a series of three studies was conducted to test the psychometric properties of an instrument devoted to assess the perception of students from the 5th and 6th grades that the availability of their parents and teachers support was conditional to their academic achievement. Factorial analyses (EFA and CFA) revealed the presence of three types of conditional support: an esteem conditional support common to parents and teachers, a parents’ emotional conditional support and a teachers’ emotional conditional support. Regarding our first objective, results reveal that the perception of parents’ emotional conditional support is stable across the transition to secondary school. Teachers’ emotional conditional support is stable between the beginning and the end of 5th grade, but decreases during the 6th grade. The esteem conditional support slowly drops throughout the whole period. Our second objective is to verify the links between perception of conditional support from parents and teachers and the students’ perception of their scholastic competence. We hypothesised (1) that all types of conditional support would be negatively linked to the students’ perception of their scholastic competence, (2) that anxiety towards evaluation and sensitivity to error would mediate these relations and (3) that the teacher’s emotional conditional support would moderate the link between the parents’ conditional support and the students’ perception of their scholastic competence. Our results show that the emotional conditional support from both the parents and the teacher are negatively linked to the perception of scholastic competence and that only anxiety mediates these relations. The esteem conditional support is unrelated to the perception of scholastic competence when emotional conditional support is controlled. Finally, the parents’ emotional conditional support and the teachers’ conditional support interact to predict the perception of scholastic competence: under a high perception of conditional support from one source, the perception of conditional support from the other source is no more linked to the perception of scholastic competence. Altogether, our results strengthen previous studies that underline the deleterious effects of perceived conditional support on social and academic adaptation (e.g., Assor et al., 2004 ; Côté et al., 2014 ; Makri-Botsari, 2015). They bring new knowledge by showing the importance of teacher conditional support for this adaptation.

A multidimensional assessment of health and functional status in older Aboriginal Australians from Katherine and Lajamanu, Northern Territory

Sevo, Goran, sevo1984@yubc.net January 2003 (has links)
Human health is multidimensional: apart from physical, mental, and social aspects, it also incorporates subjective perceptions of health, and functional status (FS). Given that elderly persons have very distinctive health and social needs, multidimensional assessment (MA) of health proves particularly useful in this age group.¶ Aboriginal populations suffer poor health, and there are relatively few studies addressing the health problems of older Aboriginal Australians, mainly because of their distinctive demographic structure, and the low proportion of their elderly. Also, there is no prior information available on MA of health in this Australian population group.¶ This thesis offers a MA of health in older Aboriginal persons from two, urban and rural/isolated, locations in the NT, Katherine and Lajamanu (the NT survey).¶ This thesis specifically addresses the following questions: - what is the physical health, FS, subjective perception of health, and social functioning amongst the NT survey participants? - what are the possible similarities and differences in various dimensions of health between the two major survey locations, what age and gender patterns are observed, and what are the reasons for these patterns, similarities and differences? - how do various dimensions of health relate to each other, and why? - how do current findings relate to broader Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal populations, and why? - what can MA add to a better understanding of various aspects of morbidity and health care use? - what are its possible implications for health planning?¶ Findings from this work indicate poor physical health amongst participants in almost all investigated aspects, comparable to information available from other Aboriginal populations. These are accompanied by low levels of ability for physical functioning. Despite this, subjective perception of health is rather optimistic amongst participants, and levels of social functioning high. Use of health services is mainly related to available health infrastructure. Important health differences exist between Katherine and Lajamanu, and they became particularly visible when all dimensions of health are considered together.¶ The Main conclusions from the current work are that 1) poor physical health is not necessarily accompanied by similar level of deterioration in other dimensions of health: even though participants from the isolated community of Lajamanu experience most chronic diseases, their ability for physical functioning is better, self-perceived health (SPH) more optimistic and levels of social functioning highest 2) institutionalised participants from Katherine suffer by far the worst health of all sample segments in this study; at least some of the poor health outcomes are potentially avoidable, and could be improved by more appropriate residential choices for Aboriginal elderly 3) better health infrastructure does not necessarily bring better health in all its dimensions, suggesting that other factors (primarily socio-economic and cultural) should be addressed in conjunction with this in solving complex health problems of Aboriginal Australians, and 4) it provides strong support that MA can become a useful tool in comprehensive health assessment of older Aboriginals.

Vilken betydelse har sportighet? : Yngre elever resonerar kring betydelsen av fysisk aktivitet och fysisk självkänsla

Jacobsson, Andreas January 2011 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Min avsikt med studien var att undersöka yngre elevers (8-10 år) attityder och upplevelser av fysisk aktivitet, samt vilken roll barnen tilldelar fysisk förmåga och upplevd fysisk självkänsla vid spel och lekar tillsammans med andra barn. Metod Urvalet bestod av 12 elever, 8-10 år med vilka en semistrukturerad intervju genomfördes. Vid intervjun användes bilder som föreställde barn i olika situationer. Utöver Intervjun genomfördes en föräldraenkät för att få en bakgrundsinformation om föräldrarnas syn på barnens fysiska aktivitet och deras egna motionsvanor. Intervjusvaren bearbetades utifrån frågeställningarna, analyserades och tolkades med utgångspunkt från ett interaktionistiskt perspektiv. Resultat Eleverna beskriver den egna fysiska självkänslan i termer av god idrottslig motorisk kompetens. Då respondenterna resonerar kring andras goda kompetenser beskrivs dessa i termer av fysisk styrka och kondition. De fysiskt aktiva (föreningsbundna) eleverna tenderar att vara tydligare i sina motiveringar till varför de är duktiga på idrott eller är sportiga. Majoriteten av respondenterna väljer umgänge och gemensam aktivitet baserat på rörelsekompetens och sportighet. Samtliga respondenter beskriver en positiv upplevelse av ämnet idrott och hälsa. Det förekommer dock i intervjusvaren berättelser om kamrater som beskrivs som fysiskt inaktiva och ej roade av ämnet. De fysiskt aktiva (föreningsbundna) respondenterna har lättare att beskriva vad som är roligt i ämnet och de har en något tydligare bild av ämnets investeringsvärde. Dock legitimeras ämnet enligt ett investeringsvärde snarare än av ett egenvärde av samtliga respondenter. Slutsats Samtliga respondenter äger en hög grad av fysisk självkänsla, som beskrivs i termer av god idrottslig motorisk kompetens. Ur ett interaktionistiskt perspektiv verkar fysisk aktivitet, att vara sportig, ha en viss betydelse för yngre elever då det gäller val av umgänge och fria aktiviteter på exempelvis raster. Detta framträder som mer betydelsefullt för de fysiskt aktiva (föreningsbundna) eleverna och för de äldre eleverna. Dock verkar sportighet ej ha någon betydelse för social positionering eller företräda ett hierarkiskt värde för yngre elever. / Aim My aim was to exploreexperiences and attitudes towards physical activity among juniors (children aged 8 to 10 years), in particular the influence of physical activity and physical self-esteem when playing and interacting with others. Method Interviews with 12 randomly selected juniors from grades 2 to 4, i.e. aged 8 to 10 was carried out. Pictures presenting children in different situations were used during the interviews. The interviews were also supplemented with a questionnaire where the parents views on physical activity andexpectations on their children were displayed. The answers were categorized, compared and analyzed from an interactionist perspective. Results The respondents own physical self-esteem is described in terms of high athletic motor competence. When the respondents argue about others high competence, they use terms of physical power and cardiovascular health. Juniors with memberships in sport clubs tend to be more explicit when giving reasons why they are good at sports. The majority of the respondents choose company and activities based on physical competence and sports performance.  All respondents express favourable experiences from physical education (PE). Yet, the interviews include stories about friends who are physically inactive, and who does not seem to experience a pleasure in, or enjoy participating in PE. Membership in sports clubs is associated with a higher ability to describe what is stimulating in the subject and also associated with having a slightly more distinct picture of the investment value of the subject. However, the subject is justified by an investment value, rather than an intrinsic value by all respondents. Conclusion All of the respondents have a high level of physical self-esteem, which is described in terms of high athletic motor competence. From an interactionist perspective, physical activity, being sporty, seems to have certain significance to juniors concerning choice of company and free activities, e.g. in school breaks. This is even more obvious for pupils with membership in sport clubs, and also for the older pupils. However, being sporty does not seem to have any value of hierarchy, nor does social position seem to depend on being sporty.

The relationship between burnout, employee engagement and self-perceived employability amongst employees in the South African public sector

Zwane, Ntombifuthi Joy 11 1900 (has links)
Orientation: The employee engagement approach has been utilised to combat burnout in both private and public sector institutions. With increasing research, selfperceived employability is gaining popularity as an effective tool to reduce burnout in the contemporary world of work. Knowledge of the relationship between these three constructs is therefore important for public sector institutions and researchers in industrial and organisational psychology in South Africa. Research purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between burnout, employee engagement and self-perceived employability amongst employees in the South African public sector. Motivation for study: Numerous studies have highlighted the prevalence of poor service delivery in public sector institutions as linked to employees feeling disconnected from their work as a result of numerous burnout symptoms. A plethora of studies have emphasised the significance of employee engagement in reducing burnout. With increasing research, focus has also been on the employability construct as a tool to manage burnout in the ever-changing working environment and the labour market. Both employee engagement and self-perceived employability have been utilised as approaches to reduce burnout amongst employees. However, the relationship between these three constructs is unknown, and therefore the findings of this study will be crucial for both public sector institutions and researchers in industrial and organisational psychology in South Africa. Research design, approach and method: The researcher conducted a quantitative study. It involved a non-probability sample of 158 South African public sector employees. Correlational and descriptive statistical analyses were utilised to analyse the data. Main findings: Burnout has a significant negative relationship with employee engagement; however, burnout does not significantly correlate with self-perceived employability. There are significant differences between the various biographical groups and burnout, employee engagement and self-perceived employability. Practical/managerial implications: Approaches to reducing burnout amongst employees should consider employee engagement and self-perceived employability as effective tools to enhance employees’ wellness, morale and productivity. Improving the engagement levels of employees and enhancing their employability will greatly improve the well-being of employees in public sector institutions and help alleviate the actual employee burnout. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Distribution of and relationship between medically classified weight and self-perceived body size across sexual orientation: An Add Health analysis

Strauss, Ashley J. 28 November 2016 (has links)
No description available.

The moderating role of graduate skills and attributes in relation to the employability and retention of graduates in a retail organisation

Mulaudzi, Livhuwani Ronnie 06 1900 (has links)
The general aim of the study was to assess the relationship between the graduateness, employability and satisfaction with retention factors of individuals and whether graduateness moderates the relationship between employability and satisfaction. The study used a quantitative, cross-sectional research design on a purposive, non-probability sample (N = 100) of predominant black (93%), male (49%) and female (51%) trainees between the ages of 17-29 years (early career). Presenting/applying information skills significantly and negatively predicted compensation while ethical/responsible behaviour significantly and positively predicted satisfaction with job characteristics and organisational commitment. Graduateness related positively to self-perceived general employability. General employability did not significantly predict the participants’ satisfaction with retention factors. Graduate skills and attributes did not significantly moderate the relationship between self-perceived employability and satisfaction with retention factors. Males had significantly stronger perceptions of employability compared to females while females had higher levels of work–life balance satisfaction compared to males. Overall, the results suggest that general self-perceived employability is more a function of graduateness than of retention, while graduateness positively relates to retention factors. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

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