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In between mobile meetings : Exploring seamless ongoing interaction support for mobile CSCWWiberg, Mikael January 2001 (has links)
This thesis is a collection of seven papers reporting a research effort that started in January 1999. The theme of the thesis is interaction support for mobile CSCW (Computer Supported Cooperative Work). The interest in this theme is motivated by the trend towards a networked and nomadic society, the technical trends towards embedded, ubiquitous, and mobile technology, and the emergence of mobile CSCW settings. It is also motivated by current trends within the area of CSCW to focus on actual work practices, invisible and ubiquitous computer support, and mobile work settings where interaction with others is critical to get the work done. For some time now mobile technology has been widely used to support dispersed mobile interaction, and recently the importance of co-located ”mobile meetings” to get the work done, has been recognized in the area of CSCW. However, current technology is not well suited when it comes to support interaction in mobile work settings across co-located and dispersed settings. Here, this problem is approached from an informatics perspective. Informatics can be described as a theory and design oriented study of information technology use. The scope of this thesis can be defined as understanding transformations of work practice through the use of mobile technology, and how it might be supported. The overall research question is: What are the specific needs of interaction support related to mobile meetings and dispersed interaction, how might these be supported, and what are the implications for current interaction models and support within CSCW? To answer this question several activities have been undertaken. This thesis contains empirical studies of mobile work among service technicians at Telia Nära, models of mobility and mobile meetings, and design and evaluations of a prototype system called RoamWare. The overall conclusions related to the question stated in this thesis are that mobile interaction can be described as ongoing across mobile meetings, including both co-located face-to-face and dispersed interaction. Further, the interaction is maintained by the mobile workers through their efforts of re-establishing different threads of interaction across co-located and dispersed settings. Overall: There is a need to bridge co-located and dispersed meetings with sustained interaction support. Concerning the second part of the overall research question one conclusion is that sustained interaction across co-located and dispersed settings can be supported with mobile physical/virtual meetings support systems through the use of personal and public interaction histories. To illustrate and test this idea a prototype system called RoamWare was developed. However, evaluations of RoamWare revealed that synchronous support for sustained interaction divides users’ attention between co-located and dispersed interaction. As a consequence a second version of RoamWare was developed as an unobtrusive support for sustained interaction in between mobile meetings through seamless reestablishment of different threads of interaction, by offering support for converting interaction histories into project contexts. Finally, and according to the last part of the question stated above, this thesis concludes that current session management models need to be extended to handle sustained and dynamic sessions of interaction across co-located and dispersed mobile meetings and that, techniques for addressing groups need to be extended to enable dynamic addressing of participants in co-located mobile meeting. Finally, the exploration of how to support sustained interaction in between mobile meetings reveals important aspects to consider when trying to automatically frame spontaneous interaction with mobile technology. Directions for future work include questions of how to design filters to support: maintenance, participation in, and negotiation about participation in between, different mobile meetings. Further, more work is needed related to how to capture spontaneous face-to-face interaction technically. Finally, new methods are needed to enable good evaluations of the impact of IT in mobile work settings.
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Experiences of diabetes care - patients' and nurses' perspectivesHörnsten, Åsa January 2004 (has links)
Background: In order to provide good diabetes care it is important for the health care professionals to share patients’ personal understanding of living with diabetes, which differs from a professional understanding of the illness. Patients’ beliefs about health, illness, control and cure are predictive of the outcome of lifestyle changes and pharmacological treatment. Narratives about illness could be used to elucidate what people believe to be central to their experience of an illness and its management. The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate experiences of diabetes and diabetes care among people with type 2 diabetes and district nurses responsible for diabetes care within primary health care. Methods: Forty-four patients diagnosed with diabetes during the previous 2 years were interviewed about their personal understanding of illness and experiences of care. They also participated in an intervention study consisting of group sessions during 9 months. The intervention focused on the patients’ understanding of living with diabetes and was directed at the patients and their nurses (n = 5). The outcome variables haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), lipids, blood pressure (BP) and body mass index (BMI) as well as well-being, treatment satisfaction and diabetes symptoms of the intervention group were compared with those in a control group (n = 60). Another ten patients were interviewed about their views of their lives. Seventeen nurses in diabetes care were interviewed about their views of their work with patients. The narrative, thematic interviews and focus group interviews were analysed using qualitative content analysis. Findings: Patients’ personal understanding of illness included the categories “image of the disease”; “meaning of the diagnosis”; “integration of the illness”; “space for the illness”; “responsibility for care”; and “future prospects”. Patients’ narratives about their lives included views of knowledge, and capacity, motivation and courage, aspects important for effective self-management. Patients’ views on clinical encounters in diabetes care, interpreted as satisfying or not, included the themes “being in agreement v. in disagreement about the goals”; “being autonomous and equal v. being forced into adaptation and submission”; “feeling worthy as a person v. feeling worthless”; “being attended to and feeling welcome v. being ignored”; and “feeling safe and confident v. feeling unsafe and lacking confidence”. The results of the intervention study with group sessions showed improvements in metabolic balance and treatment satisfaction in the intervention group. At the 1-year follow-up the mean difference between groups in HbA1c was 0.94% (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.58–1.29). Nurses’ views of their work included the themes “Perspectives on illness and caring are not easily integrated into views of disease and its treatment”; “Nurses view their knowledge as more important than the patients’ knowledge”; Nurses’ conscience is challenged by some of their nursing decisions”; “The individuality of each patient is undermined when patients are regarded as a collective group”; and “Nurses are confirmed in their role of nurses by patients who assume a traditional patient role”. Conclusion: These results demonstrate that the understanding of illness and care differs between patients and nurses working in diabetes care; furthermore, that an intervention involving patients and their nurses based on patients’ personal understanding of illness is effective with regard to metabolic control and treatment satisfaction. The cost of the intervention is moderate. Also, we believe that it is possible to clinically implement this intervention within the existing resources for primary health care.
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Eclecticism and the American piano sonata: the assimilation of neoclassicim and the twelve-tone technique in the piano sonatas of Roger Sessions, Vincent Persichetti, and Ross Lee FinneySchumann, Michelle Vera 28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available / text
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Eclecticism and the American piano sonata : the assimilation of neoclassicim and the twelve-tone technique in the piano sonatas of Roger Sessions, Vincent Persichetti, and Ross Lee FinneySchumann, Michelle Vera 08 August 2011 (has links)
Not available / text
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Lietuvos Olimpinio sporto centro jaunųjų graikų-romėnų imtynininkų rengimas metiniu treniruočių ciklu / The analysis of the cycle of annual trainings for young greco – roman wrestlers of the Lithuanian Olympic Sport CenterPutiakov, Aleksej 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šiuolaikinės graikų – romėnų imtynės sparčiai vystosi – didėja konkurencija tarp sportininkų, tobulėja sportininkų atrankos sistema. Sparčiai gerėja sportiniai rezultatai, keičiasi taisyklės, o tai skatina ieškoti moksliškai pagristų sportininkų rengimo metodų, priemonių ir treniruotės organizavimo formų. Darbe atlikta Lietuvos olimpinio sporto centro jaunųjų graikų – romėnų imtynininkų rengimo per metinį treniruočių ciklą (2005 – 2006 m.) analizė. Išanalizuota jaunųjų imtynininkų metinio rengimo struktūra, treniruočių krūvių apimtis, specifiškumas, fizinio, funkcinio imtynininkų pajėgumo, bei specialios ištvermės kaita per metinį treniruočių ciklą. Tyrimai parodė, kad imtynininkų metinio rengimo ciklo programos atskirų periodų turinys yra pernelyg vienodas. Mažai besikeičiantis santykinai bendram ir specialiam fiziniam rengimui skiriamas laiko kiekis bei mažai kintantis treniruočių intensyvumas. Tai patvirtina ir imtynininkų fizinio ir funkcinio pajėgumo rodiklių maža kaita metiniame treniruočių cikle. Darbo išvados leidžia daryti prielaidą, kad būtina tobulinti Lietuvos olimpinio sporto cento jaunųjų graikų-romėnų imtynininkų metinio treniruočių ciklo programą. / Contemporary Greco – Roman wrestling has been rapidly developing – competition among sportsmen has increased sportsmen’s selection system. Sporting results have been becoming better, the rules are changing fast and thus all these things stimulate the interest of searching for scientifically approved methods, means and forms of trainings of sportsmen preparation. The study comprises the analysis of the cycle of annual trainings (years 2005-2006) for young Greco – Roman wrestlers of the Lithuanian Olympic Sport Center. The structure of the annual preparation of sportsmen, volume of training, specification, change of physical, functional and special capacity during the annual cycle of training sessions have been analyzed. The research has shown the content of separate periods of the wrestlers’ annual preparation cycle to be too monotonous. Comparatively small amount of time spent for general and special physical preparation. This is confirmed by wrestlers’ minor change of physical and functional capacity in the cycle of annual training session. The conclusion of this study allow us to presume that the plan of annual training cycle for young Greco – Roman wresters at Lithuanian Olympic sport center must be improved.
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Förskollärares uppfattningar av musiksamlingens roll i förskolan : En fenomenografisk studie / Preschool teachers´conceptions of the role of music sessions in preschool : A phenomenographical studyAlpsten, Elisabet, Ljungberg, Hanna January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Terapia cognitivo-comportamental em grupo para transtorno de pânico : avaliação de efeito do protocolo padrão e do acréscimo de sessões de reforço com técnicas cognitivas nas estratégias de enfretamento (coping)Viana, Ana Cristina Wesner January 2012 (has links)
O transtorno de pânico (TP) é uma condição crônica e recorrente que prejudica a qualidade de vida e o funcionamento psicossocial dos pacientes. O tratamento com medicamentos e a terapia cognitivo-comportamental (TCC) tem evidências comprovadas de eficácia. Entretanto, a recaída é frequente e a falha nas estratégias de enfrentamento (coping), ao lidar com eventos estressores, tem sido apontada como um gatilho deste desfecho. O protocolo de 12 sessões de TCC em grupo (TCCG), atualmente utilizado, é específico para sintomas do TP. Estudos que avaliam os efeitos de intervenções com técnicas cognitivas de estratégias de coping ainda não foram testados. Pretende-se, neste estudo, verificar se a TCCG padrão modifica as estratégias de coping dos pacientes com TP comparados a um grupo sem transtorno mental (artigo 1) e avaliar o efeito ao acréscimo de quatro sessões de reforço com técnicas cognitivas de estratégias de coping após a TCCG (artigo 2). Trata-se de um ensaio clínico com pacientes (n=48) que participaram das 12 sessões de TCCG para TP de 2006 a 2009, chamados novamente em 2010 e sorteados para o grupo de intervenção (4 sessões de reforço) ou para o grupo controle (2 reuniões educativas). A gravidade dos sintomas foi mensurada pelas escalas: Impressão Clínica Global (CGI), Escala de Gravidade do TP (PDSS), Inventário do Pânico, Hamilton-Ansiedade (HAM-A) e Inventário de Depressão de Beck (BDI). Para identificar as estratégias de coping e a resiliência foram aplicados o Inventário de Estratégias de Coping (IEC) e a Escala de Resiliência, respectivamente. A qualidade de vida (QV) foi avaliada pela WHOQOL-bref. Para o primeiro objetivo de avaliar a mudança das estratégias de coping, os instrumentos foram aplicados antes e após a TCCG e o grupo sem transtorno mental (n=75) respondeu o IEC. Para verificar o efeito das sessões de reforço, os instrumentos foram aplicados antes da intervenção e após o término (1, 6 e 12 meses) por avaliadores independentes. A TCCG padrão foi efetiva na redução dos sintomas do TP em todas as medidas de desfecho. No artigo 1, foi observado que os pacientes diminuíram significativamente o uso da estratégia de coping de confronto (p=0,039) e de fuga e esquiva (p=0,026) quando comparada com o início do tratamento. Porém, a fuga e esquiva após a TCCG não foi mais significativamente diferente (p=0,146) que o grupo sem transtorno mental. Também foi encontrado que o uso de estratégias mais adaptativas estava correlacionado à diminuição da ansiedade antecipatória e dos ataques de pânico. No Artigo 2, os resultados do efeito das quatro sessões de reforço demonstraram melhora significativa dos sintomas do TP, da ansiedade e de depressão em ambos os grupos, considerando desfecho tempo. Ocorreu aumento significativo no domínio de relações sociais da QV no grupo de intervenção, considerando a interação tempo*grupo, independentemente da melhora dos sintomas. Entretanto, não houve diferença significativa nas estratégias de coping e nos demais domínios da QV. As mudanças nos níveis de resiliência foram dependentes dos sintomas do TP, ansiedade e depressão, isto é, quanto menor a intensidade dos sintomas, maior foram os níveis de resiliência. Concluindo, as técnicas da TCCG padrão podem modificar as estratégias de coping, porém com exceção da fuga e esquiva, as estratégias continuam diferentes do grupo sem transtorno mental. A resposta ao acréscimo de sessões de reforço com técnicas específicas de coping melhora o domínio das relações sociais da QV ao longo do tempo, independentemente da diminuição dos sintomas. Por outro lado, o aumento dos níveis de resiliência foi dependente da melhora da intensidade dos sintomas do TP, ansiedade e depressão e a melhora destes sintomas foi significativa, porém não foi diferente entre os grupos intervenção e controle. A hipótese é que este resultado pode estar relacionado a fatores terapêuticos do formato de grupo tanto das sessões de intervenção quanto do controle. Portanto, estudos que investiguem a adição de técnicas cognitivas de coping durante a TCCG padrão e o efeito de fatores terapêuticos do formato de grupo ainda precisam ser realizados. / Panic disorder (PD) is a chronic and recurrent condition that impairs patients’ quality of life and psychosocial functioning. Treatment with medication and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has confirmatory evidence of efficacy. Nonetheless, relapse is frequent and failure on coping strategies, when dealing with stressful events, has been suggested as being the trigger of this outcome. The protocol of 12 cognitive-behavioral group therapy (CBGT) sessions, as currently used, is specific for PD symptoms. Studies assessing the effects of interventions with cognitive techniques of coping strategies have not been tested yet. The present study aims to verify if the standard CBGT changes PD patients’ coping strategies, when compared to the ones used by the group of individuals without mental disorders (Article 1), and to evaluate the effect of adding 4 booster sessions with cognitive techniques of coping strategies after CBGT (Article 2). This study is a controlled clinical trial with patients (n=48) who participated in the 12 CBGT sessions for PD from 2006 to 2009, who were assessed again in 2010 and assigned either for the intervention group (4 booster sessions) or the control group (2 educational sessions). Symptoms severity was measured by the following scales: Clinical Global Impression (CGI), PD Severity Scale (PDSS), Panic Inventory, Hamilton-Anxiety (HAM-A), and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). To identify coping strategies and resilience, Coping Strategies Inventory (CSI) and Resilience Scale were applied. Quality of life (QoL) was assessed by WHOQoL-bref. For the first objective of assessing the change on coping strategies, the instruments were applied before and after CBGT, while the group of individuals without mental disorders (n=75) answered CSI. To analyze the impact of booster sessions, the instruments were applied before the intervention and after it was concluded (1, 6, and 12 months) by independent interviewers. Standard CBGT was effective in reducing PD symptoms in all outcome measures. In the Article 1, it was observed that the patients reduced significantly the use of confrontive (p=0.039) and escape and avoidance (p=0.026) coping strategies in comparison to the treatment onset. However, the escape and avoidance strategy after CBGT was not more significantly different (p=0.146) than the strategy used by the control group without mental disorders. It was also observed that the use of more adaptive strategies correlated to the reduction of anticipatory anxiety and panic attacks. In the Article 2, the results of the effect of 4 booster sessions showed significant improvement of PD, anxiety and depression symptoms in both groups, considering the outcome time. A significant increase on social relations domain of QoL was observed in the intervention group, considering interaction time*group, regardless of symptom improvement. However, there was no significant difference on coping strategies and other domains of QoL. Changes on resilience levels depended on PD, anxiety, and depression symptoms, that is, the smaller the symptoms intensity the higher the resilience levels were. In conclusion, standard CBGT techniques might change coping strategies, but, except for escape and avoidance ones, other strategies are still different from the ones used by the group without mental disorders. The response to adding booster sessions with specific coping techniques improves the social relations domain of QoL over time, regardless of the reduction of symptoms. On the other hand, the increase of resilience levels depended on the improvement of PD, anxiety, and depression symptoms intensity. The improvement of these symptoms was significant, but not different for intervention and control groups. The hypothesis is that this result may be related to therapeutic factors of the group therapy both in intervention and control sessions. Therefore, research investigating the addition of cognitive coping techniques during standard CBGT and the effect of therapeutic factors of group therapy is yet to be carried out.
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Avaliação da cicatrização da pele de rato wistar após múltiplas sessões de terapia fotodinâmicaAngarita, Dora Patricia Ramírez 25 October 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-10-25 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / Nonmelanoma skin cancer is the most frequent disease in the world population and it is becoming a public health problem. Due to this fact, new technologies are being tested for the treatment of this disease. Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) is a noninvasive technique with an excellent cosmetic outcome, well tolerated by patients and with good healing results when used for the initial stages of cancer lesions. PDT uses molecular oxygen, light at appropriate wavelengths and the drug photosensitizers to generation of reactive oxygen species such as singlet oxygen responsible for the photoinactivation of target cells. The characteristics of scar tissue after multiple sessions of PDT is not completely understood. It is not known whether multiple sessions of PDT may cause irreversible changes in the treated tissue. Thus, the present study has as its main objective the evaluation of the characteristics of the skin scarred after multiple sessions of PDT. For this study, we used 25 Wistar type male mice. These 25 mice were grouped into 5 subgroups of 5 each: G0, control group, non-subjected to any treatment; G1, exposed to one PDT session and after, there was made a lesion with CO2 laser over the scarred tissue; G2, the group is submitted twice for the same procedure, G3, subjected to 3 times the procedure performed for G1 group; G4, exposed to 4 times the procedure. Once the mice s skin was healed, we performed macroscopic and microscopic evaluations of the histological pieces. Furthermore, we made a microscopic evaluation of collagen fibers and the generation of the second-harmonic through multiphotons microscopy. Macroscopically, it was observed a good healing for the different groups. The aesthetic result showed a decrease after the third and fourth sessions. In the microscopic study, it was observed an conservation of the quantity of sebaceous glands per square millimeter (mm2). The morphology of collagen fibers when evaluated using two-photon excited fluorescence in the confocal microscope, showed thinner fibers with a parallel arrangement and lower density in the G3 e G4 compared to the control group. It was not observed decrease in the generation of second harmonic in histopathology slides. These results suggest that healing in skin after four (4) sessions of PDT/lesion presents alterations in aesthetic and histological of the morphology of collagen fibers that may be related to submitted of the skin in eight (8) consecutive occasions with an incomplete healing between them. / O Câncer de pele não melanoma é o câncer mais frequente da população mundial, se tornando um problema de saúde pública. Devido a essa problemática, novas tecnologias estão sendo testadas para o tratamento desta doença. A Terapia Fotodinâmica (TFD) é uma técnica não invasiva com excelentes resultados estéticos, bem tolerada pelos pacientes e com bons resultados de cura quanto usado para lesões iniciais. Usa o oxigênio molecular, a luz num comprimento de onda adequado e o medicamento fotossensibilizador para formar espécies altamente reativas como o oxigênio singleto responsável pela fotoinativação das células alvo. As características do tecido cicatrizado após múltiplas sessões de TFD não são completamente conhecidas. Ainda não se tem conhecimento se múltiplas sessões de TFD podem ocasionar modificações irreversíveis no tecido tratado. Desta forma, o presente estudo tem como principal objetivo a avaliação das características da pele cicatrizada após múltiplas sessões de TFD. Para este estudo, aprovado pelo comitê de ética e pesquisa foram utilizados 25 ratos machos, da linhagem Wistar, divididos em 5 grupos com 5 animais por cada grupo: G0 controle, não foi submetido a nenhum procedimento; G1, submetidos a uma sessão de TFD na pele do dorso, posteriormente, nesta pele cicatrizada foi feita uma lesão externa com laser de CO2; G2, o grupo passa duas vezes pelo mesmo procedimento explicado anteriormente; G3, o grupo passa três vezes pelo procedimento e para o grupo G4 é repetido os procedimentos em quatro ocasiões. Após a cicatrização dos procedimentos é feita uma avaliação macroscópica, um analise microscópica e uma avaliação da microestrutura das fibras de colágeno e geração do segundo harmônico por microscopia multi-fótons. Macroscopicamente, foi observada uma cicatrização satisfatória para os diferentes grupos tratados se apresentando uma diminuição no resultado estético após a terceira e a quarta sessão. No estudo microscópio, foi evidente uma conservação da quantidade de glândulas sebáceas por mm2. A morfologia das fibras de colágeno apresentaram modificações que foram mais acentuadas na terceira e quarta sessão, se evidenciando fibras de menor espessura, com uma disposição paralela e menor densidade quando comparadas ao grupo controle. Não foi evidente diminuição da geração do secundo harmônico nas lâminas estudadas. A partir destes dados sugere-se que a cicatrização na pele após 4 sessões de TFD/lesão, apresenta modificações no resultado estético, histológico, da morfologia das fibras de colágeno que podem estar relacionadas com acometimento consecutivo da pele em 8 ocasiões com uma cicatrização incompleta entre elas.
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Terapia cognitivo-comportamental em grupo para transtorno de pânico : avaliação de efeito do protocolo padrão e do acréscimo de sessões de reforço com técnicas cognitivas nas estratégias de enfretamento (coping)Viana, Ana Cristina Wesner January 2012 (has links)
O transtorno de pânico (TP) é uma condição crônica e recorrente que prejudica a qualidade de vida e o funcionamento psicossocial dos pacientes. O tratamento com medicamentos e a terapia cognitivo-comportamental (TCC) tem evidências comprovadas de eficácia. Entretanto, a recaída é frequente e a falha nas estratégias de enfrentamento (coping), ao lidar com eventos estressores, tem sido apontada como um gatilho deste desfecho. O protocolo de 12 sessões de TCC em grupo (TCCG), atualmente utilizado, é específico para sintomas do TP. Estudos que avaliam os efeitos de intervenções com técnicas cognitivas de estratégias de coping ainda não foram testados. Pretende-se, neste estudo, verificar se a TCCG padrão modifica as estratégias de coping dos pacientes com TP comparados a um grupo sem transtorno mental (artigo 1) e avaliar o efeito ao acréscimo de quatro sessões de reforço com técnicas cognitivas de estratégias de coping após a TCCG (artigo 2). Trata-se de um ensaio clínico com pacientes (n=48) que participaram das 12 sessões de TCCG para TP de 2006 a 2009, chamados novamente em 2010 e sorteados para o grupo de intervenção (4 sessões de reforço) ou para o grupo controle (2 reuniões educativas). A gravidade dos sintomas foi mensurada pelas escalas: Impressão Clínica Global (CGI), Escala de Gravidade do TP (PDSS), Inventário do Pânico, Hamilton-Ansiedade (HAM-A) e Inventário de Depressão de Beck (BDI). Para identificar as estratégias de coping e a resiliência foram aplicados o Inventário de Estratégias de Coping (IEC) e a Escala de Resiliência, respectivamente. A qualidade de vida (QV) foi avaliada pela WHOQOL-bref. Para o primeiro objetivo de avaliar a mudança das estratégias de coping, os instrumentos foram aplicados antes e após a TCCG e o grupo sem transtorno mental (n=75) respondeu o IEC. Para verificar o efeito das sessões de reforço, os instrumentos foram aplicados antes da intervenção e após o término (1, 6 e 12 meses) por avaliadores independentes. A TCCG padrão foi efetiva na redução dos sintomas do TP em todas as medidas de desfecho. No artigo 1, foi observado que os pacientes diminuíram significativamente o uso da estratégia de coping de confronto (p=0,039) e de fuga e esquiva (p=0,026) quando comparada com o início do tratamento. Porém, a fuga e esquiva após a TCCG não foi mais significativamente diferente (p=0,146) que o grupo sem transtorno mental. Também foi encontrado que o uso de estratégias mais adaptativas estava correlacionado à diminuição da ansiedade antecipatória e dos ataques de pânico. No Artigo 2, os resultados do efeito das quatro sessões de reforço demonstraram melhora significativa dos sintomas do TP, da ansiedade e de depressão em ambos os grupos, considerando desfecho tempo. Ocorreu aumento significativo no domínio de relações sociais da QV no grupo de intervenção, considerando a interação tempo*grupo, independentemente da melhora dos sintomas. Entretanto, não houve diferença significativa nas estratégias de coping e nos demais domínios da QV. As mudanças nos níveis de resiliência foram dependentes dos sintomas do TP, ansiedade e depressão, isto é, quanto menor a intensidade dos sintomas, maior foram os níveis de resiliência. Concluindo, as técnicas da TCCG padrão podem modificar as estratégias de coping, porém com exceção da fuga e esquiva, as estratégias continuam diferentes do grupo sem transtorno mental. A resposta ao acréscimo de sessões de reforço com técnicas específicas de coping melhora o domínio das relações sociais da QV ao longo do tempo, independentemente da diminuição dos sintomas. Por outro lado, o aumento dos níveis de resiliência foi dependente da melhora da intensidade dos sintomas do TP, ansiedade e depressão e a melhora destes sintomas foi significativa, porém não foi diferente entre os grupos intervenção e controle. A hipótese é que este resultado pode estar relacionado a fatores terapêuticos do formato de grupo tanto das sessões de intervenção quanto do controle. Portanto, estudos que investiguem a adição de técnicas cognitivas de coping durante a TCCG padrão e o efeito de fatores terapêuticos do formato de grupo ainda precisam ser realizados. / Panic disorder (PD) is a chronic and recurrent condition that impairs patients’ quality of life and psychosocial functioning. Treatment with medication and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has confirmatory evidence of efficacy. Nonetheless, relapse is frequent and failure on coping strategies, when dealing with stressful events, has been suggested as being the trigger of this outcome. The protocol of 12 cognitive-behavioral group therapy (CBGT) sessions, as currently used, is specific for PD symptoms. Studies assessing the effects of interventions with cognitive techniques of coping strategies have not been tested yet. The present study aims to verify if the standard CBGT changes PD patients’ coping strategies, when compared to the ones used by the group of individuals without mental disorders (Article 1), and to evaluate the effect of adding 4 booster sessions with cognitive techniques of coping strategies after CBGT (Article 2). This study is a controlled clinical trial with patients (n=48) who participated in the 12 CBGT sessions for PD from 2006 to 2009, who were assessed again in 2010 and assigned either for the intervention group (4 booster sessions) or the control group (2 educational sessions). Symptoms severity was measured by the following scales: Clinical Global Impression (CGI), PD Severity Scale (PDSS), Panic Inventory, Hamilton-Anxiety (HAM-A), and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). To identify coping strategies and resilience, Coping Strategies Inventory (CSI) and Resilience Scale were applied. Quality of life (QoL) was assessed by WHOQoL-bref. For the first objective of assessing the change on coping strategies, the instruments were applied before and after CBGT, while the group of individuals without mental disorders (n=75) answered CSI. To analyze the impact of booster sessions, the instruments were applied before the intervention and after it was concluded (1, 6, and 12 months) by independent interviewers. Standard CBGT was effective in reducing PD symptoms in all outcome measures. In the Article 1, it was observed that the patients reduced significantly the use of confrontive (p=0.039) and escape and avoidance (p=0.026) coping strategies in comparison to the treatment onset. However, the escape and avoidance strategy after CBGT was not more significantly different (p=0.146) than the strategy used by the control group without mental disorders. It was also observed that the use of more adaptive strategies correlated to the reduction of anticipatory anxiety and panic attacks. In the Article 2, the results of the effect of 4 booster sessions showed significant improvement of PD, anxiety and depression symptoms in both groups, considering the outcome time. A significant increase on social relations domain of QoL was observed in the intervention group, considering interaction time*group, regardless of symptom improvement. However, there was no significant difference on coping strategies and other domains of QoL. Changes on resilience levels depended on PD, anxiety, and depression symptoms, that is, the smaller the symptoms intensity the higher the resilience levels were. In conclusion, standard CBGT techniques might change coping strategies, but, except for escape and avoidance ones, other strategies are still different from the ones used by the group without mental disorders. The response to adding booster sessions with specific coping techniques improves the social relations domain of QoL over time, regardless of the reduction of symptoms. On the other hand, the increase of resilience levels depended on the improvement of PD, anxiety, and depression symptoms intensity. The improvement of these symptoms was significant, but not different for intervention and control groups. The hypothesis is that this result may be related to therapeutic factors of the group therapy both in intervention and control sessions. Therefore, research investigating the addition of cognitive coping techniques during standard CBGT and the effect of therapeutic factors of group therapy is yet to be carried out.
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Proposta de abordagem para as tÃcnicas de integraÃÃo usando o software Geogebra. / Proposed approach to the integration techniques using Geogebra software.Cristina Alves Bezerra 23 March 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho propÃe uma forma de abordagem para as TÃcnicas de IntegraÃÃo â que serve como um complemento para aquelas que sÃo trabalhadas por parte dos autores dos livros de CÃlculo Diferencial e Integral (C.D.I). Seu objetivo geral à estruturar e propor situaÃÃes de ensino apoiadas na Tecnologia Digital, mais precisamente no software Geogebra, relativa Ãs TÃcnicas de IntegraÃÃo, onde sejam explorados os padrÃes grÃfico-geomÃtricos relacionados com as funÃÃes integrandas e suas primitivas. A organizaÃÃo da pesquisa seguiu as duas fases iniciais da Engenharia DidÃtica (E.D) â AnÃlises Preliminares e AnÃlise a Priori. A estruturaÃÃo das sessÃes didÃticas, envolvendo situaÃÃes-problema diferenciadas, respeitou as fases da SequÃncia Fedathi â Tomada de posiÃÃo, MaturaÃÃo, SoluÃÃo e Prova. Iniciamos o trabalho com o levantamento da problemÃtica â identificamos que o conteÃdo, TÃcnicas de IntegraÃÃo, Ã, nos livros didÃticos da disciplina de C.D.I, citados no Programa de Unidade DidÃtica (PUD) do Curso Licenciatura em MatemÃtica do IFCE â Juazeiro do Norte, trabalhado unicamente por meio do carÃter algÃbrico. Com a intenÃÃo de registrarmos essa observaÃÃo, fizemos comentÃrios sobre as formas de abordagens dos autores Stewart (2010), Guidorizzi (2011) e Leithold (1994), em que pudemos deixar registrado que, de fato, hà uma limitaÃÃo sobre a exploraÃÃo dos padrÃes grÃfico-geomÃtricos relativos Ãs TÃcnicas: SubstituiÃÃo de VariÃveis, Por Partes, FraÃÃes Parciais e SubstituiÃÃo TrigonomÃtrica. Como produto educacional, foi desenvolvido um âsiteâ em que disponibilizamos as videoaulas e as respectivas sessÃes didÃticas.
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