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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Part I The Samson Suite for Chamber Orchestra. Part II The Provocative Prokofiev: Analysis of Moderato Movement Sonata for Flute and Piano in D Major, Opus 94

Webb, Timothy 02 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Spenser's Goodly Frame of Temperance: Secret Design in The Faerie Queene, Book II

Calver, Dawnan Cheryl 05 1900 (has links)
<p>Spenser's design for the second book of The Faerie Queene involves hidden parallel and synnnetrical patterns, previously undetected, that have serious hermeneutic significance for the study of that poem and other literature of the Renaissance. My study is of form. The first chapter considers the structural approach to literature of the Renaissance and discusses my methodology. Chapter II reveals the simultaneous existence of a parallel and a symmetrical pattern of the stanzas of Book II as a whole. Chapters III and IV explore the simultaneous operation of five patterns--three parallel and two synnnetrical--for numerous pairs of cantos. Chapter V demonstrates the simultaneous existence of parallel and symmetrical patterns within each canto of Book II.</p> <p>What is presented is a demonstration of intricate construction along consistently predictable parallel and symmetrical lines. Such patterned composition has been detected previously in shorter Spenser poems, Epithalamion and "Aprill," in particular. My discoveries result from applying a method which, from shorter Spenser poems, one has an expectation will work. The method involves counting stanzas and dividing by two to determine the midpoint or arithmetical centre, then considering the stanzas in parallel and synnnetrical arrangements.</p> <p>Spenser creates, through the parallel and symmetrical placement of the episodes, characters, images, and themes of Book II, a microcosm of hidden analogies. The patterns are intricate and readily iii predictable. Spenser must have composed his poem according to such principles. While the ordinary reader may have experienced only the superficial sense of romance rambling that Spenser obviously intends to give, his more curious readers may have been aware of patterned composition along inevitable parallel and symmetrical lines and may have used presumption of patterning as a means of interpretation. They could have predicted a pattern and used the information of comparison, contrast, and reciprocal connnent to illuminate an image, character, or episode which they did not understand. For example, a reader who discovered the pairing of Belphoebe, a known type of Elizabeth, with Medina or Alma would get the hint that the latter are types of Elizabeth, though otherwise such a conclusion might seem only guesswork. The patterns provide a useful tool for criticism, suggesting and confirming interpretation.</p> <p>The patterns I have detected may not be the only ones awaiting discovery in The Faerie Queene. There may be some underlying principle involved that we don't see at the moment. Perhaps there is a set of mathematical ratios--some sort of mathematical formula for composition--involved in making the goodly framework of the poem. Pythagorean ratios and other symbolic proportions are now known to have been used in Renaissance architecture. Spenser speaks of Book II as a building and fills it with houses and temples as major symbols. He makes his book according to a "goodly frame." The mystique of arcane construction no doubt has Pythagorean, nee-Platonic, hermetic, and numerological significance.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Leksandsbrons deformationsövervakning med geodetiska metoder

Olhans, Linnéa January 2018 (has links)
Av olika orsaker sker rörelser i strukturer, vilket leder till att deformationer uppstår. För att upptäcka deformationer krävs att förändringarna övervakas regelbundet. Övervakning kan ske på olika sätt. När detta utförs bör ett stomnät, upprättat av referenspunkter av god kvalitet, finnas tillgängligt. Stomnätet ger en grund för deformationsmätningen och gör att instrumentet som används, kan erhålla en lokalisering av var referenspunkterna placeras innan mätningen av strukturen utförs. 2014 utförde konsultföretaget Sweco, med uppdrag från Leksands kommun, en deformationsmätning av Leksandsbron, som är en gammal bågvalvsbro från 1925 i Leksands kommun, Dalarnas län. Syftet var att undersöka brons hållbarhet, men några slutsatser kunde inte dras utifrån den mätningen. I denna studie är syftet att ge förslag på hur Swecos stomnät skulle kunna utvecklas. Kompletteringen av stomnätet utfördes genom en simulering i programvaran SBG Geo där ett antal av Swecos kända stompunkter valdes och nya stompunkter placerades ut grafiskt med avseende på kvalitet, tillförlitlighet, geometri och ekonomiska aspekter i tre scenarier. Ett stomnät kan se ut på många olika sätt i teorin, men i praktiken är omgivningen begränsad vid bromätningar. Nätutjämning av förslagen fick senare klargöra vilket nät som var det bästa för att använda som referens till inmätningen av bron. Kompletteringen resulterade i att det förslag som var det mest lämpade också var det som var bäst anpassat till brons omgivning, natur och sikt. Det bästa förslaget har därefter användes därefter till inmätning av Leksandsbron, där Swecos deformationsmätning utgjorde referens. Inmätningen av stomnätet och bron utfördes med totalstationen Trimble S7. Genom nätutjämning beräknades nätets koordinater och osäkerheter från observationerna och differenserna jämfördes mot Swecos punkter för att se om någon deformation uppstått. Resultatet visar att två av Swecos punkter och några av brons punkter har utsatts för deformation. Deformationen för punkternas avvikelser analyserades också genom att använda t-student signifikanstest på ett konfidensintervall av 95%. Är avvikelsen inom intervallet har punkten inte rört sig och är avvikelsen utanför konfidensintervallet har punkten rört sig. Signifikanstestet visade att de punkter som utsatts för deformation i nätutjämningen även är signifikanta i t-student testet och bekräftade att punkterna har rört sig. / For different reasons there are movements in structures, which leads to deformations. To monitor deformations, the changes have to be monitored on a regular basis. Monitoring can take place in different ways. When doing this, a core network based on good quality reference points, should be available. The core network provides a basis for deformation measurements and allows the instrument to predict a suitable location before measuring of the structure. In 2014, the consultancy company Sweco, commissioned by Leksands municipality, made deformation measurements of Leksandsbron, an old arch bridge from 1925, situated in Leksand, Dalecarlia. The intention was to investigate the sustainability of the bridge, but it was not possible to draw any conclusions from the measurements from 2014. The purpose of this study is to give suggestions on how the core network from Sweco could be developed. The completion was performed by a simulation in SBG Geo Software where some known points from Sweco were chosen as a reference and new points were graphically placed in terms of quality, reliability, geometry and economic aspects in three scenarios. A core network can look in many different ways theoretically, but practically, and especially at bridge measurements, there are limitations. By network adjustment of the proposals it could be clarified, which network was the best one to use for the survey of the bridge. The result of the completion was that the best suited proposal also was the one best suited to the surroundings, nature and visibility of the bridge The best suggestion was used for the bridge measurement with Sweco´s deformation measurement as a reference. The survey of the core network and the points of the bridge was performed by the Trimble S7 total station. With network adjustment the coordinates and assurances were calculated and the differences were compared to Sweco points to see if any deformation had occurred. The result showed that two of Sweco´s points and some of the bridge points have been exposed to deformation. The deformation has also been analyzed for the deviations of the core network points and the bridge points by using t-student significance test of a confidence interval of 95%. If the deviation is within the range it´s considered that the point has not moved and if the deviation is outside the range it´s considered that the point has moved. The significance test showed that the same points that had been exposed to deformation in the network adjustment, also were significant in the t-student test, which confirms that the points have moved.

Teaching English Literature : A Qualitative Questionnaire and Content Analysis of Swedish Upper Secondary English Teachers’ Reading and Teaching Choices Analyzed Through Literary Socialization and Reception Theory / Litteraturundervisning i engelskan : En kvalitativ enkät- och innehållsanalys av svenska engelsklärares läs- och undervisningsval på gymnasiet analyserade genom litterär socialisations- och receptionsteori

Zeidan, Lejla January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate Swedish upper secondary school teachers’ statements regarding reading and teaching choices in the English courses. The methods used were a survey in the form of a qualitative questionnaire, and a qualitative content analysis which was then applied to the survey data gathered. Reception theory and literary socialization theory were applied to the results. The four main research questions were: 1. What English literature do teachers in Swedish college preparatory programs choose for their students? 2. What English literature do teachers in Swedish vocational programs choose for their students? 3. What aspects of reception theory and literary socialization theory correspond to the teachers’ questionnaire answers regarding what skills they wish their students to acquire from reading English literature? 4. What are teachers’ attitudes towards students reading books of cultural, historical, and literary significance? The results concluded that there was no significant difference in the types of books chosen for the two programs. The college preparatory programs read a little more classical fiction, but the vocational courses did not lag far behind. When it came to the theories, a majority of teachers mentioned aspects brought up within literary socialization theory, while reception theory was barely touched upon. Books of literary, cultural, and historical significance were expected to be read in both the college preparatory and vocational programs. However, students in the college preparatory programs were expected to read these books slightly more than students in the vocational programs. One suggestion for future research is to examine the number of books teachers read within or outside of their preferred genre and how choice of genre may affect their literacy teaching in the classroom. / Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka svenska gymnasielärares läs- och undervisningsval i engelskundervisningen. Metoderna som användes var en enkätundersökning i form av ett kvalitativt frågeformulär och en kvalitativ innehållsanalys som sedan tillämpades på den insamlade enkätdatan. Receptionsteori och litterär socialisationsteori tillämpades på resultatet. De fyra huvudsakliga forskningsfrågorna var: 1. Vilken engelsk litteratur väljer lärare för elever på svenska högskoleförberedande program? 2. Vilken engelsk litteratur väljer lärare för elever på svenska yrkesprogram? 3. Vilka aspekter av receptionsteorin och litterär socialisationsteori stämmer överens med lärarnas enkätsvar om vilka färdigheter de önskar att deras elever ska förvärva genom att läsa engelsk litteratur? 4. Vilka är lärarnas attityder till att eleverna läser böcker av kulturell, historisk och litterär betydelse? Genom resultaten drogs slutsatsen att det inte fanns någon större skillnad i de typer av böcker som valdes för högskoleförberedande gentemot yrkesprogram. De högskoleförberedande programmen läste i ringa mängd mer klassisk skönlitteratur, men yrkesprogrammen hamnade inte långt efter. När det gällde teorierna nämnde majoriteten av lärarna aspekter som togs upp inom den litterära socialisationsteorin, medan aspekter inom receptionsteorin knappt berördes.Böcker av litterär, kulturell och historisk betydelse förväntades bli lästa i både de högskoleförberedande programmen och yrkesprogrammen. De högskoleförberedande programmen förväntades dock läsa dessa böcker i något större utsträckning än yrkesprogrammen. Ett förslag till framtida forskning är att undersöka hur många böcker lärare läser inom eller utanför den genre de föredrar och hur vald genreläsning kan påverka deras läs- och skrivundervisning (litteracitet) i klassrummet.

What is the Hidden Web? / Was ist das Hidden Web? Die Entstehung, Eigenschaften und gesellschaftliche Bedeutung von anonymer Kommunikation im Hidden Web.

Papsdorf, Christian 27 April 2016 (has links) (PDF)
More than two-and-a-half million people currently use the Tor network to communicate anonymously via the Internet and gain access to online media that are not accessible using standard Internet technology. This sphere of communication can be described as the hidden web. In part because this phenomenon is very recent, the subject has scarcely been studied in the social sciences. It is therefore the purpose of this paper to answer four fundamental questions: What is the hidden web? What characterises the communication sphere of the hidden web in contrast to the “normal Internet”? Which reasons can be identified to explain the development of the hidden web as a new communication sphere? And, finally, what is the social significance of the hidden web? / Über zweieinhalb Millionen Menschen nutzen gegenwärtig das Tor Network, um anonym über das Internet zu kommunizieren und Zugriff auf Online-Medien zu erhalten, die mit gewöhnlicher Internettechnik nicht nutzbar ist. Diese Kommunikationssphäre kann als Hidden Web bezeichnet werden. Unter anderem weil es sich um ein sehr junges Phänomen handelt, liegen bisher nahezu keine sozialwissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse zu dem Thema vor. Dementsprechend werden hier vier grundlegende Fragen beantwortet: Was ist das Hidden Web? Welche Eigenschaften weist die Kommunikationssphäre des Hidden Web im Vergleich zum „normalen“ Internet auf? Welche Gründen lassen sich identifizieren, die die Entstehung des Hidden Web als neue Kommunikationssphäre erklären können? Und welche gesellschaftliche Bedeutung kommt dem Hidden Web schließlich zu?

Le rythme dans les musiques traditionnelles de l'Amérique du Sud : modélisation, typologie et signification culturelle

Orea-Sanchez, René 07 1900 (has links)
Notre thèse vise une analyse comparative qui porte sur le paramètre du rythme. Le corpus d’étude est constitué d’une quarantaine de genres musicaux parmi les plus emblématiques de l’Amérique du Sud. La problématique principale consiste à comprendre le rapport entre la structure des rythmes et leurs dénominations vernaculaires multiples et de faire émerger leur signification culturelle. L’objectif de notre analyse est d’aboutir à des alternatives typologiques à géométrie variable mettant en confrontation les plans d’observation (endogène et exogène). Ces typologies nous permettent en même temps de mettre en relief les airs de famille entre les rythmes ainsi que leurs éventuelles filiations. Cette analyse s’appuie sur divers procédés de transcription, de modélisation et de comparaison des patterns polyrythmiques. Plusieurs composantes et aspects relatifs au paramètre rythmique sont également considérés, tels les oppositions de timbre, le tempo, les multiples spécificités performancielles, ainsi que les principes agogiques mis en oeuvre par les musiciens. Constituée de quatre chapitres, notre thèse fait état des différentes étapes méthodologiques de notre travail : analyse musicale, premières propositions typologiques (perspective exogène), enquêtes menées auprès des détenteurs des traditions (perspective endogène). Les deux perspectives sont ensuite mises en relation, voire confrontées, le tout dans une optique de validation culturelle des données conduisant à de nouvelles solutions typologiques. / Our thesis is a comparative analysis that focuses on rhythm as a parameter. The corpus of study consists of forty of the most iconic music genres of South America. The main issue is to understand the relationship between the structure of the rhythms and their various vernacular names and to make their cultural meaning emerge. The goal of our analysis is to create typological alternatives that confront the observation plans (endogenous and exogenous). These typologies focus on the family similarities between the rhythms and their possible affiliations. This analysis is based on various transcription processes, modeling and comparison of polyrhythmic patterns. Several aspects and components relating to the rhythmic parameter will also be considered, such as timbre oppositions, tempo, multiple performance formulations, and agogic principles created by the musicians. Consisting of four chapters, our thesis is based on several methodological steps: our music analysis and our initial typological proposals (exogenous perspective) on one hand, and on the other hand, our investigation process lead with the owners of the traditions (endogenous perspective). Both perspectives are then related, or faced, all in the perspective of a cultural validation.

User Adoption of Big Data Analyticsin the Public Sector

Akintola, Abayomi Rasheed January 2019 (has links)
The goal of this thesis was to investigate the factors that influence the adoption of big data analytics by public sector employees based on the adapted Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model. A mixed method of survey and interviews were used to collect data from employees of a Canadian provincial government ministry. The results show that performance expectancy and facilitating conditions have significant positive effects on the adoption intention of big data analytics, while effort expectancy has a significant negative effect on the adoption intention of big data analytics. The result shows that social influence does not have a significant effect on adoption intention. In terms of moderating variables, the results show that gender moderates the effects of effort expectancy, social influence and facilitating condition; data experience moderates the effects of performance expectancy, effort expectancy and facilitating condition; and leadership moderates the effect of social influence. The moderation effects of age on performance expectancy, effort expectancy is significant for only employees in the 40 to 49 age group while the moderation effects of age on social influence is significant for employees that are 40 years and more. Based on the results, implications for public sector organizations planning to implement big data analytics were discussed and suggestions for further research were made. This research contributes to existing studies on the user adoption of big data analytics.

Kvalificerad revisor : En ohygienisk historia

Helenius, Maria January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Den kvalificerade revisorns huvudsakliga uppgift är att i sin profession gentemot sina kunders intressenter intyga riktigheten eller meddela eventuella oriktigheter eller oegentligheter i sina kunders finansiella rapporter respektive deras förvaltning. Den kvalificerade revisorn är en viktig spelbricka i ett fungerande näringsliv. Revisorsinspektionens roll är att tillse att näringslivet i Sverige har tillgång till de kvalificerade revisorer som behövs och att dessa kvalificerade revisorer har den kompetens de behöver för att klara av sitt uppdrag. Revisorsyrket är en profession med hög status men antalet revisorer som avgår i förtid från sitt yrke har ökat och är per 2018 års ingång nästan lika många som pensionsavgångarna. Syfte:  Syftet med studien är att bidra med att hitta några av de anledningar som gör att kvalificerade revisorer avgår i förtid samt att undersöka och försöka förstå dessa anledningar. Metod: Studien har gjort avstamp i en abduktiv ansats där jag utgått från redan befintlig teori inom närliggande områden. Denna befintliga teori har sedan legat till grund för en teoretisk referensram med begrepp som strukturerats i Herzbergs tvåfaktorsmodell och sedan testats i empiriska studier. Jag har genomfört semistrukturerade intervjuer med före detta kvalificerade revisorer. Det material som erhölls i dessa intervjuer har transkriberats och sedan strukturerats och analyserat med hjälp av innehållsanalys i förhållande till den teoretiska referensramen. Resultat: Kvalificerade revisorer avslutar sin anställning för att de anser att det inte finns någon balans i arbetsbelastningen, det finns inga marginaler om något oförutsett skulle hända. Detta skapar en känsla av otillräcklighet som sedermera påverkar önskan att lämna professionen. Utöver detta kan även svårigheter för enskilda kvalificerade revisorer att välja att göra karriär enligt up or out-systemet på byråer inom revisionsbranschen samt svårigheten att samarbeta med mindre kunder där det finns ett större förväntningsgap påverka beslutet att avsluta sin profession i förtid. / Background: The main task of the certified auditor is to ensure that the financial reports from his or her clients are substantially correct and to report any irregularities or fraud found in the financial reports or in the management. The certified auditor is an important member of a well working economy. The main task of the Swedish Public Authority (Sw. Revisorsinspektionen) is to make sure that the Swedish business sector has the correct amount of certified auditors needed and that these certified auditors have the accurate knowledge needed to do the auditing. The profession of auditing is a profession with high status, but the number of auditors who resigned from their occupation prematurely has risen, and is, by the beginning of 2018, almost as high as the amount who resigned due to retirement. Purpose: The aim of this study is to find some of the reasons that render certified auditors to resign as auditors prematurely and to investigate and understand these reasons. Methods: The study sets off in an abductive approach where I build my case from existing theory in adjacent areas. This existing theory is then used to build a theoretical framework in which the concepts that are analyzed using content analysis are structured in Herzberg’s two-factor model and subsequently tested in empirical studies. I have conducted semi-structured interviews with former certified auditors. The material that was thus obtained in these interviews has been transcribed and then structured and analyzed in relation to the theoretical framework. Conclusions: Certified auditors choose to terminate their careers as auditors because they consider the work load to be unbalanced and to crammed, there are no marginals in case something unforeseen happens. This creates a feeling of insufficiency which eventually effects the desire to quit working as an auditor. In addition, there may also be difficulties for individual certified auditors to choose if they want to make career in terms of the up or out-system that exists in audit firms. Also, certified auditors may experience trouble in collaborating with smaller clients in due to the expectation gap. These concepts also affect the decision to terminate the certified auditors profession prematurely.

"Jag vill spara etiskt, men vad har jag för alternativ?" : En kvantitativ studie av etiska restriktioners påverkan på svenska fonders prestation

Atterby, Alfred, Ekström Hagevall, Adam, Wikström, Carl January 2019 (has links)
During the last few decades, the Swedish population has shown an increased interest in investment fund savings, and more than 60% of Swedish citizens are saving through funds today. In addition to this, awareness on climate change and related risks has increased, which has contributed to a greater focus on corporate sustainability among Swedish companies. As a result of these trends, there has been an increase in fund companies that are basing their investments on certain ethical restrictions, in order for private investors to save ethically. The purpose of this study was to examine how ethical restrictions affect the financial performance of Swedish funds with regards to risk-adjusted return. Previous studies have focused on comparing ethical and traditional funds, but this study chose not to make any difference between the two types of funds. The study's relevance is based on how it can make private investors aware of which ethical restrictions that have a negative impact on the risk-adjusted return, and how much each restriction decreases the return. A total of 101 Swedish funds were analyzed. Information about each fund's performance measures were retrieved from Morningstar, and is based on three years development. Information about each fund's ethical restrictions were retrieved from Hållbarhetsprofilen and their information pamphlets. With data about the performance measures Sharpe ratio, Alpha, and Treynor ratio, three statistical models were defined and analyzed with multiple linear regression analysis. Each model's reliability was assessed with residual analysis; the models were adjusted and improved if necessary. Hypotheses were evaluated with significance testing to answer the research questions. The results indicate that exclusion of tobacco and gambling companies affect the risk-adjusted return of Swedish funds negatively, while exclusion of alcohol companies affect the risk-adjusted return positively. This implies that private investors should save their money in Swedish funds that exclude alcohol companies in order to avoid lower risk-adjusted return. / Fondsparandet i Sverige har under de senaste decennierna ökat kraftigt och idag sparar över 60% av befolkningen i fonder. Utöver detta har bland annat miljömedvetenheten hos befolkningen ökat, vilket har bidragit till ett ökat engagemang i hållbarhetsfrågor hos företag. I kölvattnet av dessa trender har allt fler svenska fondbolag valt att införa etiska restriktioner på deras investeringar, så att fondsparare på ett enkelt sätt ska kunna investera hållbart. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur etiska restriktioner påverkar svenska fonders prestation med avseende på riskjusterad avkastning. Där tidigare forskning har fokuserat på att jämföra etiska och traditionella fonder, valde denna studie istället att inte göra någon skillnad mellan de två fondtyperna. Studiens relevans baseras på hur studiens slutsatser kan hjälpa småsparare att bli medvetna om vilka etiska restriktioner som hämmar avkastningen och vad varje restriktion kostar investerare i potentiellt förlorad avkastning. Totalt har 101 svenska fonder undersökts. Information som gäller fondernas prestationsmått har hämtats från Morningstar, och baseras på tre års utveckling. Information om fondernas etiska restriktioner har hämtats från Hållbarhetsprofilen och fondernas informationsbroschyrer. Med insamlad data om prestationsmåtten Sharpekvoten, Alfa, och Treynorkvoten, har tre modeller definierats som sedan analyserats med multipel linjär regressionsanalys. Modellernas tillförlitlighet har sedan utvärderats med residualanalys; modellerna förbättrades om det fanns belägg för det. Utifrån signifikanstest har hypoteser utvärderats för att besvara studiens frågeställningar. Studiens resultat pekar på att exkludering av företag inom tobak- och spelbranschen påverkar svenska fonders riskjusterade avkastning negativt, medan exkludering av företag inom alkoholbranschen påverkar den positivt. Detta betyder alltså att småsparare bör investera i svenska fonder som väljer bort företag inom alkoholbranschen för att undvika låg avkastning.

Pesquisas sob amostragem informativa utilizando o FBST / Surveys under informative sampling using the FBST

Azerêdo, Daniel Mendes 28 May 2013 (has links)
Pfeffermann, Krieger e Rinott (1998) apresentaram uma metodologia para modelar processos de amostragem que pode ser utilizada para avaliar se este processo de amostragem é informativo. Neste cenário, as probabilidades de seleção da amostra são aproximadas por uma função polinomial dependendo das variáveis resposta e concomitantes. Nesta abordagem, nossa principal proposta é investigar a aplicação do teste de significância FBST (Full Bayesian Significance Test), apresentado por Pereira e Stern (1999), como uma ferramenta para testar a ignorabilidade amostral, isto é, para avaliar uma relação de significância entre as probabilidades de seleção da amostra e a variável resposta. A performance desta modelagem estatística é testada com alguns experimentos computacionais. / Pfeffermann, Krieger and Rinott (1998) introduced a framework for modeling sampling processes that can be used to assess if a sampling process is informative. In this setting, sample selection probabilities are approximated by a polynomial function depending on outcome and auxiliary variables. Within this framework, our main purpose is to investigate the application of the Full Bayesian Significance Test (FBST), introduced by Pereira and Stern (1999), as a tool for testing sampling ignorability, that is, to detect a significant relation between the sample selection probabilities and the outcome variable. The performance of this statistical modelling framework is tested with some simulation experiments.

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