Spelling suggestions: "subject:"skolbibliotekarie"" "subject:"skolbiblioteket""
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Medie- och informationskunnighet i grundskolan : En intervjustudie om samarbete mellan skolbibliotekarier och lärareLarsson, Didrik January 2023 (has links)
The abiblity to find, critically evaluate and use information in a conscious and responsible way is a skill that is increasingly important in tje high paced flow of digital information. This belongs to the school librarian's area of expertise and efforts are being made to involve school librarians to a greater degree when it comes to the teaching of such competencies. This study aims to examine how education in media and information literacy (MIL) is conducted in Swedish cumpulsory school and through this gain knowledge on the collaboration between teachers and school librarians within the topic of MIL. This was done by conducting interviews with five separate school librarians. The results was then alalyzed using Montiel-Overalls theory Teacher and librarian collaboration, which allowed the depth of the collaboration to be measured. The findings show that school librarians are used as a pedagogical resource in the classroom instructing students in MIL. The collavoration between teachers and the school librarians taking part in this study was for the most part to give the librarian insight into the teachers content area to be able to plan the MIL-instruction around given the content area. This made MIL to be mostly taught separately rather than integrated into the content area. This divide can ble explained by a lack of time to co-plan and fully integrate MIL in the curriculum as well. This is also what keeps the collaboration between the professions to reach the deeper levels of collaboration in Montiel-Overalls model.
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Rektorer om skolbibliotek : En intervjustudie om rektorers förutsättningar att bedriva skolbiblioteksverksamhet / Principals on school libraries : An interview studie about the preconditions of principals on running a school library media programNehag, Kitt January 2023 (has links)
According to the Swedish School Act, all students are entitled to a school library. There is however no distinct definition of what a school library really is. Is it a storage space for books, or is it an educational resource program? Research results and other literature on school libraries argue that school libraries need qualified staff to be considered a resource for active learning. Many school libraries do not have school librarians and the students risk missing out on information literacy, learning through technology and other activities instructed by a professional librarian. According to the Swedish national curriculum, from grades one through nine, the ultimate responsibility of the school library media program lies on the principals, but it is found that they in general have traditional views on and inadequate knowledge of how the school library media program can support the learning program. The aim of this thesis is to gain an understanding of the principals’ views of the school library and what they believe are the essential preconditions to run a school library media program. To reach a deeper understanding of their views on this matter, it is also important to understand what views the principals have on school libraries, and on their own significance to the school library media program. The method used in this study is semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis based on Loertscher’s taxonomy for principals. It is found that the principals in this study do not believe their role is more important that anyone else’s and that they consider their preconditions of running a school library media program are quite sufficient.
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”Ingen faktatext hade nog fått mig att förstå” : Hur skolbibliotekarier och bibliotekariestudenter ser på skönlitteraturens empatifrämjande effekter / ”No factual text could have made me understand” : How school librarians and library science students view the empathy enhancing effects of fictionHamrelius Östling, Fanny January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur skolbibliotekarier och bibliotekariestudenter ser på skönlitteraturens empatifrämjande effekter. Främst ligger fokuset på effekter på barn, unga och elever på skolor. Motivationen bakom detta arbete är att undersöka vilka utmaningar och möjligheter respondenterna ser kring ämnet. Detta för att kunna ge underlag till hur man kan arbeta i framtiden för att ytterligare undersöka och främja dessa effekter. De diskuterade empatifrämjande effekterna kan verka positivt i vårt nuvarande skolklimat där det fortfarande råder diskriminering av bland annat marginaliserade grupper. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer med totalt fem personer. Resultatet tematiserades hermeneutiskt och analyserades genom en modell som bygger på transportation theory. Modellen förutsätter att läsandet kan ses som en simulering av erfarenheter vilket kan leda till starkare empati även i verkligheten. Resultatet visar att det finns både möjligheter och utmaningar med att arbeta empatifrämjande med litteratur. En stor del av problemen relaterar till att få en läsare att ta sig an materialet. Något som skiljer sig från den teoretiska bakgrundens förståelse. Detta kan peka på att man behöver fokusera på läsfrämjande arbete, behöver mer resurser och det kan vara nödvändigt att prioritera det lustfyllda läsandet. Eventuellt kan detta i längden kunna leda till empatifrämjande effekter. / This study examines how school librarians and library science students view the empathy-enhancing effects of fiction. The focus is mainly on effects on children, young people and students in schools. The motivation behind this work is to investigate what the respondents view as challenges and opportunities relating to the subject. This is done to provide a basis to further investigate and promote this effect. The empathy-promoting effects could have a positive effect in our current school climate, where there is still discrimination against, among others, marginalized groups. The study was conducted using semi-structured interviews with a total of five people. The result was gone through hermeneutically and through a model based on transportation theory. The model assumes that reading can be seen as a simulation of experiences, which can lead to stronger empathy in the real world. The results show that there are both opportunities and challenges in working with literature to promote empathy. A large part of the problems relates to getting a reader to engage with the material. This differs from the understanding in the theoretical background. This may indicate that what is needed is a focus on working to promote reading, more resources and to prioritize enjoyable reading. Possibly, this would in the long run lead to empathy-promoting effects.
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Vägen till läslust : En kvalitativ studie om hur lärare och skolbibliotekarier såväl enskilt som gemensamt kan stimulera elevernas läslust / A desire to read : A qualitative study of how teachers and school librarians can stimulate students' reading desireMalmbo, Elin January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap om mellanstadielärare och skolbibliotekariers uppfattningar om läslust och på vilka sätt den kan stimuleras genom undervisning och annat läsfrämjande arbete, samt vilken betydelse lärare och skolbibliotekarier har för elevernas läslust. Studien bygger på tre lärares och två skolbibliotekariers uppfattningar varvid en kvalitativ metod och en fenomenografisk metodansats har använts. Datainsamlingen har genomförts i form av tematiska semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt grundar sig i det sociokulturella perspektivets syn på lärande som genomsyrar studiens samtliga delar med undantag från dataanalysen, vilken genomfört utifrån en fenomenografisk analysmodell. Resultatet visar att det finns ett antal faktorer som anses vara fördelaktiga i det läsfrämjande arbetet. Exempelvis framhåller lärarna att det är viktigt att vara insatt i elevernas läsning och påvisa ett eget intresse för böcker och läsning. Ytterligare anses det egna valet av litteratur och möjligheten till schemalagd läsning i skolan ha positiva effekter på elevernas läslust. Högläsning, social interaktion, läsförståelse och en god läsförmåga betraktas också som gynnsamma faktorer. Skolbibliotekarierna konstaterar att ett inbjudande skolbibliotek där böcker frontas och synliggörs är viktigt för att eleverna ska kunna finna böcker av intresse. Vidare framhålls att ett gediget utbud av ny och aktuell litteratur tenderar att stimulera elevernas läslust. Dessutom anser de att en personlig relation till eleverna är en förutsättning för att sedermera kunna guida och vägleda dem i sina litterära val. Bokprat lyfts fram som en viktig läsfrämjande insats med syfte att inspirera och stimulera eleverna till läsning. Avslutningsvis menar skolbibliotekarierna att lästävlingar, läsutmaningar, bibliotekraster och bokcirklar är ytterligare tillvägagångsätt för att stimulera elevernas läslust. Nyckelord: Inre motivation, lärare, läslust, samarbete, skolbibliotekarier, undervisning / The purpose of the study is to contribute knowledge about how teachers and school librarians, both individually and in interaction, can stimulate students' desire to read. The study is based on the views of three teachers and two school librarians, using a qualitative method and a phenomenographic method approach. The data collection has been carried out in the form of thematic semi-structured interviews. The study's theoretical starting point is based on the socio-cultural perspective's view of learning that permeates all parts of the study with the exception of the data analysis, which was carried out on the basis of a phenomenographic analysis model. The results show that there are a number of factors that are considered to be beneficial in the reading promotion work. For example, teachers emphasize that it is important to be familiar with students' reading and demonstrate their own interest in books and reading. Furthermore, one's own choice of literature and the possibility of scheduled reading in school are considered to have positive effects on students' desire to read. Reading aloud, social interaction, reading comprehension and a good reading ability are also considered favorable factors. The school librarians state that an inviting school library where books are fronted and made visible is important for the students to be able to find books of interest. Additionally, it is emphasized that a solid range of new and current literature tends to stimulate students' desire to read. In addition, they believe that a personal relationship with the students is a prerequisite for later being able to guide and guide them in their literary choices. Book talk is highlighted as an important reading promotion effort with the aim of inspiring and stimulating students to read. In conclusion, the school librarians believe that reading competitions, reading challenges, library breaks and book circles are further approaches to stimulate students' desire to read. Keywords: Collaboration, desire to read, intrinsic motivation, school librarian, teacher, teaching.
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Spelifierade textsamtal : Skolbibliotekariers uppfattningar om spelifierade textsamtal och elevers delaktighet / Gamified booktalks : School librarians' perception of playful text conversations and student participationArlid Weyde, Ida January 2022 (has links)
During my studies and my work as a teacher and school librarian, I have come into contact with different reading and language stimulating activities. I wanted to study how school librarians work with gamified booktalks and how they perceive students' participation. The purpose of the study is to help show how some selected school librarians use gamified booktalks and how they experience students' participation and interest in reading during and after gamified booktalks. My questions in this study: - How do school librarians reason about gamified text conversations as reading-promoting activities for the students in the school? - How do school librarians experience that gamified text conversations affect reading interest and participation? The study shows that school librarians agree that gamified booktalks are a new and interesting way of working that they want to use to develop more and that they perceive it as an inspiring form of teaching for students. The school librarians also experience that students become more involved and engaged during and after the gamified booktalks. The study also shows that school librarians want to collaborate with teachers in gamified booktalks, but it is difficult to get time for planning together.
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Skolbibliotekarie sökes! : En studie av hur skolbibliotekariens roll förändrats i platsannonser med skola som arbetsgivare / School Librarian Wanted! : A Study of how the School Librarian's Role has Changed in Job Advertisements with Schools as EmployersOhlström, Tove, Lundberg, Anna January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to increase the understanding of the school librarian's profession in a Swedish context, by making visible how the professional role has changed over time from a school-related employer perspective. By using content analysis, the study has investigated how the school librarian's role has been described in 132 job advertisements with schools as employers over a twenty-year period, between 2001 and 2021. The content of the job advertisements has been analyzed, looking at both the skills required and the tasks described. The IFLA School Library Guidelines has been used as a framework for the coding process. The authors examined the extent to which the key roles and competencies of a school librarian mentioned in the Guidelines were represented in job advertisements seeking school librarians from 2001 to 2021. Abbotts theory of the professions and the central concept of jurisdiction was used in the analysis of the data. The results show that the tasks and competencies described in the job advertisements have become more profession-specific during the chosen twenty-year period. This increase of profession-specific tasks and competencies indicates that the jurisdiction of the school librarian profession has been strengthened. The empirical data also show that the school librarian profession has renegotiated jurisdiction over teaching and reading promotion and acquired new professional tasks. This is a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.
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Skolbibliotekarier i samverkan : Samarbete mellan skolbibliotekarier och lärare i Dalarna / School librarians in collaborationTallroth, Johanna, Andersson, Martina January 2017 (has links)
Title: School librarians in collaboration The focus of this text is to examine the collaboration between librarians and teachers and how this collaboration can help students achieve better results in school. The school library is often bypassed by teachers. In this lack of involvement and support lies a risk that the gain for students is less than it should be. The purpose of this study aims to investigate if there is any collaboration between the school librarians and the teachers and to what level. The theory used is Patricia Montiel-Overall´s Teacher and Librarian Collaboration (TLC). Seven interviews with school librarians was conducted. Due to being a small study, the material was transcribed into text and read through the perspective of the school librarians only. The findings show collaboration between teachers and librarians is present but to a low level and that administrators do not take such an active part in supporting the librarians. The study provides a glimpse into this field of research on collaboration between teachers and librarians.
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En kvalitativ intervjustudie av gymnasiebibliotekariers emotionella arbete / A qualitative interview study of high school librarians' emotional labourLange, Louise January 2019 (has links)
Introduction. The concept of emotional labour can be described as the strategies used to express emotions required of a job, and the strategies used to suppress those emotions that are inappropriate in the workplace. This paper aims to examine the emotional labour of Swedish high school librarians. Method. For this study, six high school librarians were interviewed about emotional situations in the workplace and how they handle their emotions. The interview transcripts were analysed thematically, using QDA Miner Lite software. Analysis and results. Emotional labour theories and role theory were used to understand the librarians' emotional labour. The findings show that emotional labour occurs in interactions with students, teachers/colleagues and managers. Situations that require emotional labour include students that make a racket in the library, students in need of support in personal matters and challenges of instructional work. However, the most prominent theme concerns teachers/colleagues and managers who do not have accurate knowledge of the librarians' competencies. The librararians use deep and surface acting strategies to handle their emotions, as well as situation modification, situation selection and venting. These strategies are used both during interaction and before/after (outside of) situations. Conclusion. Interactions with students are not the primary cause of the librarians' emotional labour. Rather, the main reason for emotional labour is managers' and colleagues' limited knowledge of school library work and the competencies of school librarians. One effect of this limited knowledge is that the librarians do not always get the opportunity to practice their competence. Another effect is the risk that the students do not get equal access to the librarys' and the librarians' services – in turn, the risk of this inequality affects the librarians' emotional health negatively. This is a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.
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Skolbibliotekes roller och kännetecken : En diskurs- och argumentationsanalytisk undersökning av SOU 2021:3 Skolbibliotek för bildning och utbildning / Roles and characteristics of the school library : A discourse and argumentation analysis of the SOU 2021:3 Skolbibliotek för bildning och utbildningToresand, Maja January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to elucidate which arguments and discourses can be discovered in the state investigation SOU 2021:3 Skolbibliotek för bildning och utbildning. By presenting these arguments and discourses I intend to accentuate the expectations surrounding the school library and its personnel. Another aim with my thesis is to emphasise the situation surrounding the school library and how it can be affected by the propositions in the state investigation. The theoretical and methodological starting points are discourse analysis and argument analysis. The discourse analysis stems from Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe with contributions from Åse Hedemark. In the empirical analysis I present five themes regarding the school library, based on findings in the material. Here I also present concepts and arguments regarding the school library, which in turn formulate the discourses. In the last discussion of the thesis, I present and analyze the discourses. There are four discourses I find representative of the preconditions of school libraries and school librarians, along with their current situation. The discourses are about; The enthusiast, the power and the pastorale, the leadership, and the invisibility and frustration. The discourse analytical discussion reflects on how there are predominating discourses that frame the reality of the school library. However, the state investigation presents dictums which can become new discourses. They can formulate the default discourses surrounding the definitions of the school library; here the difficulty lies in transforming theory to actuality. This thesis explores the arguments, discourses and virtual situation affecting the school library and its personnel. It presents reflections on how the propositions of the state investigation can influence working life of the school librarian, as well as the roles and features of the school library. This is a two-year master’s thesis in Library and information science.
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More than just a room full of books: Swedish school libraries during distance education / Mer än bara ett rum med böcker: Svenska skolbibliotek under distansundervisning.Shove, Claire January 2021 (has links)
Thus far the research on how schools have managed the sudden transition to distance education due to the COVID-19 pandemic has mainly focused on the experiences of teachers, and the voices of school librarians have gone unexplored. This study aims to explore the transition to distance education from the perspectives of secondary school librarians in Sweden. The study focuses on how this transition affected school librarians’ working practices and the factors that impacted their abilities to rebuild their usual activities and services in new formats. This study uses an infrastructural perspective to analyse the school library as a part of the wider school infrastructure, and considers the enforced transition to distance education as a kind of infrastructural ‘breakdown’. School libraries are treated as multifaceted infrastructures with material, structural and relational/cultural factors which all may contribute to their success. Through a thematic analysis of semi-structured interviews with 14 librarians at 12 secondary schools in Sweden, I identified four themes in the ways informants talked about the transition process: 1. Most well-established practices, relationships and collaborations could be adapted. 2. The library room had social functions that could not be fully rebuilt online. 3. Systematic integration, strong relationships and a culture of library use contributed to successful transitions. 4. Work to make libraries more accessible and visible became more important. This is a two years master's thesis in Library and Information Science. / Hittills har forskningen om hur skolor har hanterat den plötsliga övergången till distansundervisning på grund av COVID-19-pandemin fokuserat till största delen på lärares erfarenheter, och skolbibliotekariers röster har inte utforskats. Denna studie syftar till att utforska övergången till distansundervisning utifrån svenska skolbibliotekariers perspektiv. Studien fokuserar på hur denna process påverkade skolbibliotekariers arbetspraktiker, och de faktorer som påverkade deras förmåga att återskapa sina vanliga verksamheter i nya format. Studien använder ett infrastrukturellt perspektiv för att analysera skolbiblioteket som en del av en bredare skolinfrastruktur, och betraktar den påtvingade övergången till distansundervisning som ett slags “infrastrukturellt sammanbrott”. Skolbibliotek behandlas som mångfasetterade infrastrukturer, med materiella, strukturella och relationella/kulturella faktorer som alla kan bidra till deras framgång. Genom tematisk analys av semi-strukturerade intervjuer med 14 bibliotekarier på 12 gymnasieskolor i Sverige identifierade jag fyra teman i hur informanterna pratade om övergångsprocessen: 1. De mest väletablerade praktikerna, relationerna och samarbetena kunde anpassas. 2. Biblioteksrummet hade sociala funktioner som inte helt kunde återskapas på nätet. 3. Systematisk integrering, starka relationer och en kultur av biblioteksanvändning bidrog till framgångsrika övergångar. 4. Arbetet för att göra biblioteken mer tillgängliga och synliga blev viktigare.
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