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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sociala matematikerna : En kvantitativ studie om elevers vilja till lärande / Social mathematicians : A quantitative study of students ' desire for learning

Anwari, Marwa, Bergsköld, Sam January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka elevers attityder till matematik i årskurs 3 och fördjupa kunskapen om hur olika undervisningsmaterial och olika undervisningssätt kan påverka elevers intresse, motivation och attityd till matematik. Studien utgår utifrån enkäter från fyra olika skolor och åtta olika klasser. Studiens teoretiska perspektiv utgår utifrån Vygotskij syn på den sociokulturella lärandeteorin.  I resultatet framgår det att sociala samspel är en väsentlig del för elevers utveckling, skapa intresse, och för att skapa ett socialt lärande. Studiens resultat har sammanställts i fem rubriker: Elevers attityd till ämnet matematik, Elevernas emotionella aspekt till matematik, Undervisningssätt, Undervisningsmaterial och Enkätens öppna utsaga. / The purpose of the study is to investigate students 'attitudes to mathematics in year 3 and deepen the knowledge of how different teaching materials and different teaching methods can affect students' interest, motivation, and attitude to mathematics. The study is based on questionnaires from four different schools and eight different classes. The study's theoretical perspective is based on Vygotsky's view of sociocultural learning theory. The results show that social interaction is an essential part of students' development, creating interest, and creating social learning. The results of the study have been compiled in five headings: Students 'attitude to the subject of mathematics, Students' emotional aspect to mathematics, Teaching methods, Teaching materials and the survey's open statement.

Vivienda colectiva de estudiantes / Collective stunden housing

Rodríguez Carpio, Karina Patricia 05 December 2020 (has links)
La Globalización 3.0 propone un nuevo reto para los diseñadores y arquitectos de todo el mundo: diseñar programas arquitectónicos eficientes incorporando espacios compartidos generadores de sociedad. Para ello, se propone clasificar los espacios de la vivienda en dos tipos. Los primeros son los espacios donde se realicen actividades netamente privadas y los segundos son espacios donde se realicen actividades que se puedan desarrollar en sociedad. Teniendo en cuenta que estos últimos se utilizan solo el 20% del tiempo, se propone unir estos espacios con los de otras viviendas para generar un espacio mayor de uso más eficiente, el cual se llamará espacio compartido. Este proyecto plantea cumplir “el reto” con la creación de una nueva tipología de Vivienda Colectiva de Estudiantes, para satisfacer la alta demanda que se presenta en Lima. La Vivienda Colectiva de Estudiantes se ubicará en San Borja, siendo parte del gran eje cultural nacional del que son parte: la Biblioteca Nacional, el Gran Teatro Nacional, el Museo Nacional, el Centro de convenciones, entre otros. Sirviendo de punto medio entre el eje cultural y la zona residencial. Además de ser un espacio de interacción social e intelectual entre estudiantes de diferentes carreras, la Vivienda Colectiva de Estudiantes tendrá como objetivo principal servir como apoyo y complemento a la formación del estudiante, brindando todos los espacios y servicios que este requiera y de esta manera apoyar a construir un capital humano con conocimiento e inteligencia, con miras al desarrollo y a la investigación. / Globalization 3.0 proposes a new challenge for designers and architects around the world: to design efficient architectural programs incorporating shared spaces that generate society. To do this, it is proposed to classify the spaces of the housing into two types. The first are the spaces where activities that are purely private are carried out and the second are spaces where activities that can be developed in society are carried out. Taking into account that the last ones are used only 20% of the time, it is proposed to unite these spaces with those of other housings to generate a larger space of more efficient use, which will be called shared space. This project intends to face "the challenge" with the creation of a new type of Collective Student Housing, to satisfy the high demand presented in Lima. The Collective Student Housing will be located in San Borja, being part of the great national cultural axis, of which are part: the National Library, the Great National Theater, the National Museum, the Convention Center, among others. Serving as a middle point between the cultural axis and the residential area. In addition to being a space for social and intellectual interaction between students of different careers, the Student Collective Housing will have as its main objective to serve as support and complement to the student's formation, providing all the spaces and services that this requires and, in this way, supporting to build human capital with knowledge and intelligence, with development and research ideals. / Tesis

You Are on Mute : A study on the impact of the digitalisation of communication on experienced interactions in organisations

Knorr, Endimione, Schreml, Christina January 2021 (has links)
This thesis aims to interpret the changed interactions and communication in the workplace due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Due to the massive changes in society and the workplace, it is important to look into this aspect of the pandemic’s consequences. The research question “What impact does the expedited digitalisation of communication, caused by the global pandemic of 2020, have on the experienced interactions in organisational contexts?” allows for easy access into different aspects of the topic by conducting the study relatively broadly. In order to answer the research question, semi-structured interviews with employees, who were working during the pandemic, were held and all necessary data was extracted from these interviews. This data was then interpreted in light of the four principal theoretical topics: Communication, Social Interaction, Work Life and Leadership Relations. Certain similarities, but also paradoxes were discovered in the findings, and therefore discussed through paradoxical lenses. The basic findings concerning the research question are that many changes happened in opposing directions, for example having at the same time more, but also less communication. This double shift applies to almost all findings. To put these findings into practical use, organisations and companies should consider their team’s needs and optimise the working structures between hybrid and on-site in order to get the best possible working results.

Supporting social interaction between mothers : A wearable design proposal

Waldorff, Michael January 2021 (has links)
This thesis aims to find opportunities to support communication between new mothers to foster a sense of connectedness, during a pandemic where social interactions such as parent groups are unavailable. The project is based on research that shows that new parents have a great need for social support. Due to physical distancing, there was room for interaction design to intervene by exploring tangible solutions to develop innovative custom design. Through a user-centered design process, including findings from theory, interviews and design workshops with the target group, the study resulted in a co-created design proposal of a communication device in the form of a wearable wristband. The proposal showed positive indications in meeting the needs and desires of mothers found during a co-design workshop.

Výtvarná tvorba jako možnost interkulturního porozumění / Artistic creation as the possibility of intercultural understanding

Stránská, Nikola January 2019 (has links)
The thesis is devoted to the topics of multicultural and intercultural education. The aim of the thesis is to illustrate the cross-sectional theme of multicultural education and its shift to intercultural education. The aim of the empirical part is to contribute to intercultural understanding through a thematic series of art assignments with intercultural content. In the reflective balances of past art blocks, the research probe uses the open coding method to find answers to research questions. The author's own collection, presenting the pupil's final work, forms part of every artistic assignment carried out.

Centro de Emprendimiento e Innovación StartUp en Lima / Entreppreneurship and Innovation StartUp Center in Lima

Durand Flores, Jonathan Johnny 15 December 2021 (has links)
Actualmente, el Perú se sitúa entre los primeros lugares de los países con mayor índice de emprendimiento. El perfil del usuario emprendedor se concentra entre los jóvenes de 16 a 35 años. Muchas personas hoy en día optan por desarrollar ideas de negocio tecnológicas que les permitan escalar más rápido en el mercado gracias a las tecnologías de la información. Así es como las StartUp han ocupado un espacio importante en el emprendimiento tecnológico del país. Una StartUp se caracteriza por desarrollar un modelo de negocio mediante un intercambio de conocimiento multidisciplinario de la mano de la tecnología; sin embargo, los espacios para desarrollar este tipo de emprendimientos no han terminado de consolidarse, teniendo como resultado espacios poco beneficiosos para el desarrollo de estas actividades. La investigación muestra como la tipología de oficina a lo largo de la historia ha ido evolucionando de la mano de la tecnología, siempre cambiando de acuerdo a las necesidades tecnológicas. En los últimos años la tecnología ha alcanzado niveles inesperados. Sin embargo, los espacios de trabajo compartido mantienen los mismos lineamientos que no permiten que la creatividad, el intercambio de conocimiento y la sinergia profesional sean potenciados. Por tal motivo, a partir de un análisis de proyectos referenciales donde se potencia la creatividad y emprendimiento así como conceptos que sustentan la interacción social como parte del desarrollo multidisciplinario e intercambio de ideas, se plantean en esta investigación diferentes lineamientos para el desarrollo de un Centro de Emprendimiento e Innovación Start Up en Lima. / Currently, Peru is among the first places of the countries with the highest rate of entrepreneurship. The entrepreneurial user profile is concentrated among young people from 16 to 35 years old. Many people today choose to develop technological business ideas that allow them to scale faster in the market thanks to information technologies. This is how StartUp have occupied an important space in the country's technological entrepreneurship. A StartUp is characterized by developing a business model through a multidisciplinary knowledge exchange hand in hand with technology; However, the spaces to develop this type of undertaking have not finished consolidating, resulting in spaces of little benefit for the development of these activities. This research shows how the office typology throughout history has evolved hand in hand with technology, always changing according to technological needs. In recent years, technology has reached unexpected levels. However, shared workspaces maintain the same guidelines that no longer allow creativity, knowledge exchange and professional synergy to be enhanced. For this reason, based on an analysis of referential projects in the world where creativity and entrepreneurship are promoted, as well as concepts that support social interaction as part of multidisciplinary development and exchange of ideas, different guidelines for development are proposed in this research. of a Start Up Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Lima. / Tesis

“Vi stänger kontorsdörren och pratar med folk via en skärm, fast vi har kollegor på jobbet” : En studie om social interaktion och gemenskap i digitala team

Hamzagić, Elma, Julin, Madelene January 2022 (has links)
The development in today's labor market is characterized by digitalization and it is becoming increasingly common to work in teams where collaboration mainly takes place in digital forums. The new ways of working cause challenges regarding fellowship and social interaction in digital teams. Research shows that it is more difficult to achieve fellowship and affiliation to colleagues in teams that do not meet physically. Communication in digital teams is characterized by formal interactions, rather than informal ones, which complicates opportunities to socialize "around the coffee machine" in the same way as in a physical organizational context. The organization plays an important role in enabling successful digital work through organizational support structures such as training, guidelines, and well-functioning communication tools. The purpose of this study is to investigate how members of digital teams perceive digital teamwork, with a focus on how they experience social interaction and feelings of fellowship. The study further aims to provide insight into how organizations contribute to the digital teams through support structures. The study is based on qualitative, semi-structured interviews with people who are part of digital teams. The results from the interviews are explained with Gunnar Aronsson et al. 's team definition, Erving Goffman's dramaturgical perspective and Randall Collins' theory of interaction rituals. The study shows that there are difficulties in achieving feelings of fellowship in digital teams because communication consists mainly of formal interactions. Digital work is sometimes perceived as lonely. The study also shows that the organization plays a crucial role in providing opportunities for the digital teams to interact informally and thereby develop a fellowship. / Utvecklingen på dagens arbetsmarknad präglas av digitalisering och det blir allt vanligare med arbetsteam där samarbetet huvudsakligen sker i digitala forum. De nya arbetssätten medför utmaningar med avseende på gemenskap och social interaktion i teamen. Forskning visar bland annat att det är svårare att uppnå gemenskap och anknytning till kollegor i team som inte möts fysiskt. Kommunikationen i digitala team kännetecknas av formella interaktioner, snarare än informella, vilket komplicerar möjligheter att socialisera “runt kaffeautomaten” på samma sätt som i en fysisk organisationskontext. Organisationen spelar en viktig roll för att möjliggöra framgångsrikt digitalt arbete genom organisatoriska stödstrukturer som exempelvis utbildning, riktlinjer och välfungerande kommunikationsverktyg. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur medlemmar i digitala team uppfattar det digitala teamarbetet, med fokus på hur de upplever social interaktion och känslor av gemenskap. Studien syftar vidare till att ge insikt i på vilket sätt organisationer bidrar till de digitala teamen genom stödstrukturer. Studiens datainsamlingsmetod är kvalitativa, semistrukturerade intervjuer med personer som ingår i digitala team. Resultaten från intervjuerna förklaras utifrån Gunnar Aronsson et al:s teamdefinition, Erving Goffmans dramaturgiska perspektiv och Randall Collins teori om interaktionsritualer. Studien visar att det finns svårigheter med att uppnå känslor av gemenskap i digitala team. Kommunikationen består huvudsakligen av formella interaktioner, vilket försvårar teammedlemmarnas möjligheter att lära känna varandra. Digitalt teamarbete upplevs ibland som ensamt. Det framgår även av studien att organisationen spelar en avgörande roll för att tillhandahålla tillfällen för de digitala teamen att interagera informellt och därigenom utveckla en gemenskap.

“Hör du mig?! Ser du mig?!” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om social interaktion, digital scenmiljö ochrekryterares bedömningsmöjligheter under digitala anställningsintervjuer

Norberg, Emelie, Pojen, Miranda January 2022 (has links)
Due to the restrictions during the covid-19 pandemic, organizations have needed to implement digital job interviews instead of physical job interviews. This will probably remain in the future because digital job interviews are not only due to the pandemic but also the digitalization in general. The purpose of this study is to investigate the social interaction and the importance of the digital setting, during digital job interviews, from the perspective of recruiters. By studying this, recruiters' assessment possibilities are also made visible. As digital job interviews are an unexplored area in sociology, a section on previous research has been built upon the basis of various themes related to the subject. Previous research has, for example, shown that nonverbal communication and recruiters' subjective perception become crucial when assessing job applicants. The study's theoretical frame of reference is based on Mead's (1976) concept of gestures and Goffman's (2020) dramaturgical perspective. This study conducted qualitative interviews with recruiters working at a Swedish municipality. The results from the study show that non-verbal communication is limited, that technology influences the interaction and that the digital setting is essential during digital job interviews. In addition, the study shows that technology and the digital setting affect the assessment of job applicants. The study also highlights how a skill-based approach has consequences for the assessment during digital job interviews. / Till följd av restriktionerna under covid-19 pandemin har organisationer behövt övergå från fysiska anställningsintervjuer till digitala anställningsintervjuer. Detta är något som förmodligen kommer kvarstå i framtiden, eftersom den ökade digitaliseringen i samhället inte är ett “undantagstillstånd” som endast beror på pandemin. Syftet med studien är att undersöka den sociala interaktionen och digitala scenmiljöns betydelse under digitala anställningsintervjuer, utifrån rekryterares perspektiv. Genom att studera detta synliggörs även rekryterares bedömningsmöjligheter. Då digitala anställningsintervjuer är ett outforskat område inom sociologin har ett avsnitt om tidigare forskning byggts upp utifrån olika teman som relaterar till ämnet. Tidigare forskning visar exempelvis att icke-vokal kommunikation och rekryterares subjektiva uppfattning blir avgörande vid bedömning av de arbetssökande under en anställningsintervju. Studiens teoretiska referensram utgår från Meads (1976) begrepp gester samt Goffmans (2020) dramaturgiska perspektiv. I denna studie har kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts med rekryterare som arbetar på en svensk kommun. Studiens resultat visar bland annat att den icke-vokala kommunikationen begränsas, att tekniken påverkar den sociala interaktionen samt att den digitala scenmiljön har betydelse under digitala anställningsintervjuer. Vidare visar studien att tekniken och den digitala scenmiljön påverkar bedömningen av de arbetssökande. I studien belyses även hur ett kompetensbaserat arbetssätt får konsekvenser för bedömningen under digitala anställningsintervjuer.

La intención de compra visto a través de la interacción parasocial de los influencers del sector moda con sus seguidores al promocionar sus emprendimientos dentro de Instagram durante la pandemia / The purchase intention seen through the parasocial interaction of the influencers of the fashion sector with their followers when promoting their ventures within instagram during the pandemic

Gallarday Corales, Margiory 07 July 2021 (has links)
Esta investigación tiene como objetivo general identificar como se desarrolla la intención de compra visto a través de la interacción parasocial de los influencers del sector moda en sus seguidores al promocionar sus emprendimientos dentro de Instagram durante la pandemia del 2020. Para ello, es importante conocer la manera en como estos influencers del sector moda generan credibilidad y persuasión en sus seguidores dentro de instagram, así como también indicar como los influencers del sector moda se comunican con sus seguidores para promocionar su emprendimiento durante la pandemia. La presente investigación parte desde un paradigma interpretativo y, asimismo, tiene un enfoque cualitativo, en donde los objetivos serán desarrollados a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas a nueve seguidores de tres micro influencers peruanos del sector moda, los cuales son: Sofia Santaella, Melonmadness y Senpai, quienes tienen un emprendimiento y lo han publicitado durante la pandemia en la red social Instagram. A los seguidores de estos influencers se les preguntará sobre cómo, estos influencers, manejan la persuasión y la interacción de su instagram, que es lo que hacen para mantener a su público enganchado con su contenido, como los fidelizan, de qué han promocionado su emprendimiento durante la pandemia, su proceso y dinamismo. De esta manera, se propone responder la siguiente pregunta de investigación: ¿Cómo se desarrolla la intención de compra visto a través de la interacción parasocial de los influencers del sector moda en sus seguidores al promocionar sus emprendimientos dentro de Instagram durante la pandemia del 2020? / The general objective of this research is to identify how the purchase intention is developed seen through the parasocial interaction of the influencers of the fashion sector in their followers when promoting their ventures within Instagram during the 2020 pandemic. For this, it is important to know the How these influencers from the fashion sector generate credibility and persuasion in their followers within Instagram, as well as indicate how influencers from the fashion sector communicate with their followers to promote their entrepreneurship during the pandemic. This research starts from an interpretive paradigm and, likewise, has a qualitative approach, where the objectives will be developed through semi-structured interviews with nine followers of three Peruvian micro influencers from the fashion sector, which are: Sofia Santaella, Melonmadness and Senpai , who have a business and have publicized it during the pandemic on the social network Instagram. The followers of these influencers will be asked about how these influencers manage the persuasion and interaction of their instagram, which is what they do to keep their audience hooked with their content, how do they retain their loyalty, what they have promoted their venture during the pandemic, its process and dynamism. In this way, it is proposed to answer the following research question: How does the purchase intention, seen through the parasocial interaction of the influencers of the fashion sector, develop in their followers when promoting their ventures within Instagram during the 2020 pandemic?. / Trabajo de investigación

The Power of Talk : Creating Space for Social Interaction to Build Stress-Resilience

Engfeldt, Aurora January 2020 (has links)
Mental health issues are an increasing public health problem in Sweden and the most common reason for sick leave. As many preventive measures take a reactive approach, this thesis argues for more preventive work done at an earlier stage. Even though young adults and students feel more stress than other groups, there is a lack of preventive measures for this group. To build stress-resilience in society long term, thus minimizing sick leave, this thesis suggest an enhanced focus on stress prevention for young adults and students. Umeå, with its young population, being the context. By focusing on how architecture can facilitate early stress prevention through social interaction, the thesis’ purpose is to investigate what further aspects and spatial tools could be relevant for preventing negative stress.    Combined with desk-based research, the investigative method has been the architect’s tool of talk, socially interacting with context relevant users and actors. The process included: 1) mapping of a student association, 2) informal group interviews through podcast sessions, set in different spatial contexts, 3) raising and discussing issue with a potential actor and 4) experiencing an existing preventive measure in context. During these moments, spatial aspects relevant for preventing negative stress were collected.   Complementing social interaction, the most commonly discussed aspects, with previous studies of being stress preventive, were knowledge and nature. Having established these three main themes, facilitating architectural tools could be identified.    The findings from the explorative method results in an architectural proposal including a city scale concept and a permanent building program. The city scale concept suggest a permanent-mobile building relationship for flexibility in reach and continued spatial investigations around the city enabling for further improvements. The building program suggests different levels of social interaction integrated by the stress relieving architectural tools.   This thesis finds that by integrating spatial tools facilitating social interaction, knowledge and nature, it is possible to create spatial conditions for early preventing negative stress. The thesis also provides a potential strategy for finding spatial tools answering to an issue in society.   As younger generations are more immersed in digital space, this thesis suggests future studies on the relationship between digital and physical space in relation to social interaction.

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