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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Organisationskultur ur två perspektiv : En jämförande studie av två etnografier ifrån socialantropologi och organisationsteori / Organizational Culture from two perspectives : A comparative study of two ethnografies from Social Anthropology and Organization Studies

Styrenius, Jakob January 2009 (has links)
<p>This study aims to compare two ethnographies of organizational culture – one from the discipline of Social Anthropology and one from the discipline of Organizational Studies – considering their purpose, their method, and their concept of culture. Despite big similarities, or perhaps thanks to the similarities, some fundamental differences are made visible. The discipline of Organizational Studies has, compared to that of Social Anthropology, regarding the research method being used, less focus on, and less participation in, the informal social life of the organizational culture of the study. Regarding the concept of culture the Organizational Studies consider culture containing more of unity, stability and clear boundaries, compared to Social Anthropology. Further – the Organizational Studies has more focus on power and structure, while Social Anthropology has more focus on meaning and interpretation. Finally – the research purpose of studies in Organizational Studies is a bit more normative in its characteristic, than that of Social Anthropology. The study is concluded with a discussion of the future of Social Anthropology and its studies of organizational culture. An argumentation is conducted intended to get the two disciplines to learn from each other in the area of organizational culture, and also intended to show the discipline of Social Anthropology a road to relevant studies in the area of organizational culture.</p> / <p> </p><p>Denna studie syftar till att jämföra två etnografier inom organisationskultur - en från disciplinen socialantropologi och en från disciplinen organisationsteori - med fokus på deras respektive syfte, metod och kulturbegrepp. Trots stora likheter, eller kanske tack vare likheterna, syns några grundläggande skillnader. Organisationsteorin har, jämfört med socialantropologin, angående forskningsmetod, mindre fokus på och mindre deltagande i det informella sociala livet i den studerade organisationskulturen. Angående kulturbegreppet så ser organisationsteorin kultur som något enhetligt, stabilt och tydligt avgränsat i större utsträckning än socialantropologin. Vidare har organisationsteorin större fokus på makt och struktur, medan socialantropologin har mer fokus på mening och tolkning. Slutligen är organisationsteorins syfte något mer normativ i sin karaktär än hos socialantropologin. Studien avslutas med en diskussion om socialantropologins framtid på området organisationskultur. En argumentation drivs i syfte att de två disciplinerna ska kunna lära från varandra och i syfte att visa en väg för socialantropologin att bedriva relevanta studier på området organisationskultur.</p>

Organisationskultur ur två perspektiv : En jämförande studie av två etnografier ifrån socialantropologi och organisationsteori / Organizational Culture from two perspectives : A comparative study of two ethnografies from Social Anthropology and Organization Studies

Styrenius, Jakob January 2009 (has links)
This study aims to compare two ethnographies of organizational culture – one from the discipline of Social Anthropology and one from the discipline of Organizational Studies – considering their purpose, their method, and their concept of culture. Despite big similarities, or perhaps thanks to the similarities, some fundamental differences are made visible. The discipline of Organizational Studies has, compared to that of Social Anthropology, regarding the research method being used, less focus on, and less participation in, the informal social life of the organizational culture of the study. Regarding the concept of culture the Organizational Studies consider culture containing more of unity, stability and clear boundaries, compared to Social Anthropology. Further – the Organizational Studies has more focus on power and structure, while Social Anthropology has more focus on meaning and interpretation. Finally – the research purpose of studies in Organizational Studies is a bit more normative in its characteristic, than that of Social Anthropology. The study is concluded with a discussion of the future of Social Anthropology and its studies of organizational culture. An argumentation is conducted intended to get the two disciplines to learn from each other in the area of organizational culture, and also intended to show the discipline of Social Anthropology a road to relevant studies in the area of organizational culture. / Denna studie syftar till att jämföra två etnografier inom organisationskultur - en från disciplinen socialantropologi och en från disciplinen organisationsteori - med fokus på deras respektive syfte, metod och kulturbegrepp. Trots stora likheter, eller kanske tack vare likheterna, syns några grundläggande skillnader. Organisationsteorin har, jämfört med socialantropologin, angående forskningsmetod, mindre fokus på och mindre deltagande i det informella sociala livet i den studerade organisationskulturen. Angående kulturbegreppet så ser organisationsteorin kultur som något enhetligt, stabilt och tydligt avgränsat i större utsträckning än socialantropologin. Vidare har organisationsteorin större fokus på makt och struktur, medan socialantropologin har mer fokus på mening och tolkning. Slutligen är organisationsteorins syfte något mer normativ i sin karaktär än hos socialantropologin. Studien avslutas med en diskussion om socialantropologins framtid på området organisationskultur. En argumentation drivs i syfte att de två disciplinerna ska kunna lära från varandra och i syfte att visa en väg för socialantropologin att bedriva relevanta studier på området organisationskultur.

"Det som är norm i vardagen är inte norm här" : Svenska konvent som sekulära ritualer

Lönn, Mathilda January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to establish whether Swedish fan conventions organised around East-Asian popular culture such as anime and manga can be identified as a form of secular ritual. The methods used to determine this include participant observation, interviews and ethnographic data. Defining secular ritual as a performance event that establishes an alternative context that transforms the everyday without being connected to a religious or supernatural worldview or origin, we find that Swedish conventions of this kind may be called a form of ritual that engages people united by a common, broad field of interests and a notion of being outside of society’s norms in different ways, most notably in regards to sexuality and gender. This opens a discussion about Swedish fan conventions and how they may inform us about the use and function of rituals in a secularised society.

Den svarta paraden : Emo-kulturens uttryck och intention,tolkat i termer av uppror / The Black Parade : The expressions and intensions of emo subculture, interpreted in terms of rebellion

Hägg, Alice January 2017 (has links)
Emotional hardcore är subkulturen som gick från undergroundrörelse med nära kopplingar till punken till att bli en extremt kommersialiserad subkultur. Emos efter millennieskiftet har beskrivits som deprimerade och destruktiva, och deras kultur som potentiellt farlig för unga människor. I den här uppsatsen kommer emo-kulturens uttryck och intention att undersökas, framförallt kommer fokus att ligga på hur samtalet om motstånd, psykisk ohälsa och känslor såg ut. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med fem personer som rört sig i emo-kulturen, analyser av text från Bilddagboken och privata bloggar framträder en mer komplex bild av emos. Kulturen rymmer både normskritiska och livsbejakande inslag, även om scenen inte värjer sig för tunga ämnen som självdestruktivitet och depression. Emos synliggjorde sina känslor och personliga uttryck men krävde också respekt och acceptans från sin omgivning. Deras närvaro öppnar upp för en debatt om utseendenormer och psykisk ohälsa som fortfarande är aktuell. / Emotional hardcore is the subculture which went from underground movement with close ties to punk rock to become an extremely commercialized subculture. The emos of the post-millennial emo culture have been described as depressed and destructive, and their culture as potentially dangerous to young people. This essay is exploring the expressions and intentions of the emo culture, with a focus on the discourse on rebellion, mental health and feelings. Qualitative interviews with five former members of the Swedish emo-community, textual analyses from the social media Bilddagboken (Dayviews) and private blogs form a more complex picture of emos. The emo culture contains both norm critical and life affirmative elements, even if the scene doesn’t shield itself from difficult subjects like self-harm and depression. Emo kids made both their feelings and personal expressions visible and demanded respect and acceptance from their surroundings. Their presence open up for a debate about standards of appearance and metal health that is still relevant.

Otraditionella lösningar med traditionella medel : Åtgärdsvalstudien som planeringsfenomen

Odhage, John January 2017 (has links)
This thesis aims to understand the method of strategic choice (MSC, Sw. metodik för åtgärdsvalsstudier) in Swedish transport planning as a planning phenomenon. Based on a normative interpretative approach and critical theory, underlying ideas and thinking that surround the context of MSC and how they are expressed in practice, in the guidelines and in concrete planning situations were investigated. The starting point was that changing conditions in society have necessitated reform of the transport sector and a new method has been introduced. It aims to enable a broader grip on transport issues by opening them up together with other actors, thus increasing scope and spreading responsibility for more sectors and activities, enabling new and unconventional solutions to transport problems for a sustainable future. MSC is described and interpreted here as a manifold phenomenon that reveals a tension between different perspectives and mindsets, but also leads to certain aspects being more often expressed which complicates wider and deeper perspectives on complex societal problems. More concretely, it was found that the collaboration in MSC is limited prematurely and is often limited at an early stage of the process, and that this leads to a more narrow understanding of the problem to be solved than would otherwise be the case. Furthermore, one specific perspective, namely the transport system perspective, is proposed explicitly as the basis for assessments. The study has also identified challenges related to the consideration of conflicting and contradictory knowledge claims in the process. Assessments of the effects of actions are assumed to be based upon logical premises, and not on judgments in dialogue and argumentation. However, the analysis suggested that the functional instrumental reasoning of success-oriented action does not seem to take normative and political issues into consideration in order to better address sustainable development issues in the complex, democratic and pluralist society. In conclusion, the analysis identifies the need for these processes in addressing a sustainable future to be kept open in a more inclusive and diverse way, drawing on more and different possible futures. / <p>QC 20170515</p>

Happy Ending för nybörjare : En netnografisk studie om ett sexköpsforum

Lindberg, Johannes January 2017 (has links)
Internet har inneburit nya möjligheter för mänskligheten att kommunicera och organisera sig. I denna uppsats beger vi oss till utkanterna av nätet för att utforska ett sexköpsforum online med inriktning mot thaimassagesalonger. Med hjälp av netnografisk metod och utifrån sociologisk teori undersöks normer och organisering på forumet med fokus på förstagångsbesökaren. En lättare undersökning av förekomst av sexuell tjänst som beskriven av forumets medlemmar återfinns. Studiens resultat tyder på att det analyserade forumet har bidragit till att inspirera och lära förstagångsbesökare till att erhålla sexuella tjänster. Vidare identifieras ett, utanför det publika forumet, informationsubyte av komprometterande information där exakta anvisningar och platsdata utbyts medlemmar emellan. Detta sker i det så kallade privata meddelandet / Along with the rise of the Internet human interaction, communication and organisaiton have come to see new opportunities. In this study we will explore the fringes of the internet to explore a forum discussing thaimassage with sexual services also known as Happy Ending. Thanks to netnographic methods and sociological and criminological theory we will put the sex buyer in a social context. Extra focus is given to the first timer. The results of this study shows that criminal or deviant behavior can be learned from a forum online. In particular that the first time sexbuyer gets inspiration from and help to learn how to become a sexbuyer. Other results include the organisational setup surrounding the analyzed forum as well as a brief quantitative calculation on occurences of Happy Endings.

"Kungens pojkar" : En kvalitativ studie om hur poliser kan legitimera kollegors anmälningsbara gärningar

Marttala, Amanda, Ahlstedt, Nicolina January 2017 (has links)
This study aims to explain the demarcations regarding which crimes that are seen as “acceptable” to commit as an police officer, and those who categorizes as “not acceptable”. The study is based on a qualitative, narrative method of semi-structured interviews. Antecedent research shows the strong subculture in the police force and the approach of seeing the police profession as a lifestyle. This study uses Erving Goffmans dramaturgic perspective on society by applying “Team”, “Front Stage and “Back Stage” to explain why the demarcations is the way it is. By studying “Front Stage” as police officers in front of the public and “Back Stage” as a closed space for the police officers, the essay intends to see how police officers, seen as a team, deal with wrongful acts made by an police officer. By using an constructed sorting model the study separated the data from ten interviewed police officers by categorizing into ways of legitimizing crimes commited by an police officer. The study aims to show understanding in why unethic and unlegal deeds by police officers are not reported, and therefore legitimized by the subculture. The conclusion of this essay is that there are two ways to legitimize wrongful acts of police officers. These two ways are by the norms “Us versus them” and the silence code. We created two concepts in combination with the use of the theories of Goffman. This paper will show how the two concepts, ”team offset” and ”team censoring”, can legitimize crimes as a part of the subculture. To be able to legitimize a wrongful act, the police officer needs to use his team. If the team can not legitimize the crime, it categorizes as “not acceptable”.

Jämställdhet - en självklarthet! Eller? : En kvalitativ studie om hur förhandling och uppdelning av hushållsarbete sker mellan unga heterosexuella par / Gender equality – a matter of course! Or is it? : A qualitative study on how distribution and division of household work takes place within young heterosexual couples

Sjöström, Jannie, Eriksson, Clara January 2019 (has links)
During the course of this study we have been inspired by Carin Holmbergs essay ’It’s Called Love’ (1993). Our purpose with this study has been to examine how gender works among young Swedish heterosexual couples without children. This was done by examining how couples distribute housework among themselves, with certain focus on how class interacts with gender. We asked three questions: 1). How is gender made in relation to expected characteristics of how women and men should be? 2). How is gender made with distribution of household work within the couples? 3). In what way does class play a role in distribution of domestic work? Qualitative method was used in order to answer our purpose and questions. We interviewed ten couples, five whom had a university degree and five whom had secondary education. Our theoretical framework consists of the perspective of symbolic interactionism, Yvonne Hirdman's theory of the gender system, asymmetric role-taking and class. The analysis of our empirical material showed that the individuals within the couples attribute themselves and each other with properties that are in line with the traditional gender distribution in society, regardless of which class the couples belong to. When it came to all housework activities women were initiators. The distribution of household work took place according to what the men thought was interesting, regardless of class. Class, on the other hand, plays a role in the distribution of domestic work that took place on the basis of what was natural or not. Couples with upper secondary education distribute household work based on what is natural for the sexes in relation to the traditional gender roles, while those with an academic degree carry out household work that is not tied to the traditional gender roles to a greater extent. We found that women's and men's genders contribute to the maintenance and reproduction of the woman as subordinate and the man as superior, which contributes to an uneven distribution of labour in the home where the woman still has the main responsibility for the care work.

Students' Assets and Strategies via the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship Program : A Case of Cambodia's Master Degree Students

Chhim, Putsalun January 2018 (has links)
This study analyzes, the structure of the Erasmus Mundus scholarship program by utilizing mixed methods, and is being analyzed within the contextualized framework of the Cambodia’s Higher Education system as well as its relationship with the Erasmus Mundus scholarship program. Mixed approach has been employed for this study, combining both quantitative data to construct the social space, which acts as a backbone for interpretation, and qualitative data from interviewing the scholarship program coordinator and scholarship holders in order to investigate the recruitment process and the students’ perception respectively, presenting the macro-micro relationship that makes up the entirety of the scholarship program. Collectively inspected, the findings reveal a new contextualized result that contributes not only to the development of the Cambodia’s Higher Education, but also to its position and its students within the space of the scholarship program of Erasmus Mundus. Through the close inspection using interview method, the underlying complexity of the recruitment process of the scholarship program is illustrated, indicating a multi-layer hierarchy and multiple decision-making processes. There are also implications of oppositions between the properties of the students, signaling the diversified student body in the scholarship program. Prominent theme of the opposition in the space appears to be related to the colonial past of the Cambodia’s system as well as the differences between local and international experiences that the students possess. Students interviewed in the study, furthermore, reveal how they prepared themselves to apply for the scholarship program and to be successful candidate, which depicts their assets and strategies that can be derived from the constructed space. Unanimously the students show strong confidence and great insight of information which can be understood as the compatibilities between the recruiter of the scholarship program and the students’ assets. Finally, overall findings give a new perspective of the profile of the scholarship program within the Erasmus Mundus mobility scheme. It shows that while students are required to possess certain objectively set requirements, there are also exception cases that students who possessed lower amount of capitals can also be successful, provided that the conditions like the credentials of their degree from Cambodia, as well as minimum requirements to pass the university admission have been met, and their “motivation letter” is exceptionally well-written which shows the subjective side of the recruitment process.

"Det är inte du som bestämmer i det här hushållet" : framställningen av brottsoffren och gärningspersoner avseende grov kvinnofridskränkning i förundersökningsprotokoll och domar. / "It is not you who decides in this household." : descriptions of victims and perpetrators of gross violation of women’s rights.

Sörberg, Erika January 2019 (has links)
Våld i nära relation och grov kvinnofridskränkning är aktuella frågor som har fått stort utrymme i media på senare år. Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka om det framkommer mönster och beskrivningar av hur målsäganden (brottsoffren) och de tilltalade (gärningspersonerna) framställs och beskrivs i förundersökningsprotokoll med tillhörande domar avseende grov kvinnofridskränkning. Tidigare forskning förklarar orsakerna till mäns våld mot kvinnor utifrån olika vetenskaper, så som socioekologiska faktorer, biologiska förklaringar och ur ett könsmaktsperspektiv. Teorierna som använts i den här studien är Nils Christies teori om det ideala brottsoffret och den ideala gärningspersonen samt teorin om genus. Förundersökningsprotokollen och domarna har textanalyserats och diskursanalys har använts för att fokusera på diskurserna och maktrelationerna inom den. Resultatet bekräftar mycket av tidigare forskning främst att majoriteten av gärningspersonerna tenderar att ha ett kontrollerande och svartsjukt beteende och att brottsoffren kunde beläggas skuld för våldet. Samtidigt som teorin om det ideala offret och gärningsperson inte uppfylldes på alla kriterium. En majoritet av brottsoffren hade nämligen det ekonomiska överläget över gärningspersonerna som i flera fall var arbetslösa. Flera av brottsoffren försökte att rädda relationen för att de älskade sina män så innerligt. Kontrollerande gärningspersoner och kärleksfulla brottsoffer.

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