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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En individuell kvinna mot ett lag av män : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av Sportbladets innehåll på Instagram i relation till genus / An Individual Woman Against a Team of Men : A quantitative content analysis of Sportbladets content in relation to gender on Instagram

Bergström, Ludwig January 2023 (has links)
This study's aim and purpose was to investigate how the Swedish tabloid Sportbladet presentation of female and male athletes could differ on their Instagram page. A quantitative content analysis was used as the method to analyze the 343 posts during a four month period starting in January 1st 2022 to April 30th 2022.  The study could conclude that female athletes are shown in ⅓ of the posts made during the period, making male athletes more commonly shown. Another interesting conclusion that the study could make was that depending on the format of a sport, male or female athletes were represented more. In the individual sports related to skiing, female athletes tend to be represented and shown more. Compared to team sports in which male athletes tend to be shown more. Ishockey and football or soccer being the most common. The study can also conclude that the framing of the genders also differs.

Dopingfall i svenska medier : En kvalitativ textanalys av den svenska sportjournalistiken / Doping cases in Swedish media : A qualitative textual analysis of the Swedish sports journalism

Fjellstedt, Cornelia January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is through a qualitative textual analysis, examine how Swedish sports journalism portrays two Swedish doping scandals in three Swedish newspapers and tabloids. This essay will, in its stage of analysis, relate to three relevant theories regarding scandals, nationalism and discourse. The first theory about scandals were appearing in all articles thanks to the five main points from the Thompsons theory. It was also noticed by the journalists’ use of words related to scandals. Billig’s theory about nationalism was also proved by the journalists and their articles through their disapproval of the two athletes doping. The discourse theory turned out to be a useful tool for the analysis of the articles. The theory made it possible to use different instruments to help the analysis Altogether, 34 articles were analyzed by a qualitative text analysis method. The result of the analysis found three main themes. First, the articles were written differently depending on when they were written. Secondly, every article about the athletes could, according to the scandal theory, be considered as a scandal. Last, journalists demonstrated nationalism through the absence of words such as Sweden or Swedish. Further, the studied material showed that the journalists are critical, scrutinizing, but also not impartial. The conclusion of studying the 34 articles combined with the theories and the method was that depending on what time and which athlete, the articles were written differently by the journalists. Lastly, the result showed that the previous research, although it showed that journalists are both objective or not, was relevant and proven in the essay.

"Alltså, ställs dumma frågor ger man ofta dumma svar." : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av elitidrottares syn på den svenska sportjournalistiken. / "I mean, if stupid questions are asked stupid answers are given." : A qualitative interview study of elite athletes´views on the Swedish sports journalism.

Hermansson, Jenny, Kärnman, Kajsa January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine what Swedish elite athletes’ experiences, opinions and ideas are about Swedish sports journalism. We wanted to understand how sports journalism works through the athletes’ point of view, since there is a symbiotic relationship between professional sports and the media. To approach this we carried out a qualitative study based on seven personal interviews with elite athletes representing seven different sports. The theoretical frames used in this study are symbolic interactionism, the agenda-setting theory, framing theory and the sports media complex.The result shows that according to the athletes the journalistic content depends on a range of components, the most important being the relation between the journalists and the athletes, which is mainly based upon the journalist’s knowledge and participation. The sports media complex, which explains the symbiosis between sports and media, is very explicit in our results and so is how journalists set the agenda for the audience. We discuss whether distorted coverage and insufficient knowledge can result in the citizens not getting a chance to fully understand the reality of sports in Sweden and how stereotypical journalism communicate certain meanings and values about sports to the audience.

”Det handlar om mentala faktorer” : En studie i hur vinnarmentalitet gestaltas i svensk sportpress / ”It’s about mental factors” : Examining how a “winner’s mentality” is portrayed in Swedish sports media

Pettersson, Felix January 2017 (has links)
Title: ”It’s about mental factors” – Examining how a “winner’s mentality” is portrayed in Swedish sports mediaThis essay aims to explore what the Swedish sports media means when it discusses the term of a “winner’s mentality”, through a discourse analysis. More specifically this essay studies how the language in nine different sports papers in Sweden construes the meaning of the word by combining it with different signs and through the use of metaphors, a commonly used linguistic trick in Sportugese. The articles selected for analysis were all published in a one month span between the 8th of December 2016 and the 8th of January 2017. This particular period of time was selected because it included the 2017 World Juniors in ice hockey, a tournament in which the Swedes have placed fourth three years in a row, and which sparked a debate in the Swedish sports press about the team’s “winner’s mentality”.The study found five major themes within the sports journalistic discourse. A major aspect was focusing on the athlete´s psychology, their self-confidence and their will to win. This closely resembles the discourse in popular psychology, more specifically self-help texts where the readers are encouraged to change through active will. Another major theme was that of a winning record. According to the sports press, if an athlete or a team wins more often than not than that proves they possess a “winner’s mentality” and helps them win in the future as well. The essay also found differences in “winner´s mentality” based on a cultural aspect. Swede’s ability to win was downplayed while Americans were praised for their unusually strong mental abilities. This is also found in Swedish self-help texts and might indicate a much larger discourse in national identity at work. The two last themes identified were the importance of experience, and also that a “winner´s mentality” could be affected by a large amount of external factors.Overall the study found that the discourse was in disagreement within itself. A “winner´s mentality” could mean plenty of different things, and in some cases actively opposes itself. Another finding was that the sports press rarely reflects on the meaning of the term and instead mostly uses it as a rhetoric weapon or to make a point across. This raises the question whether or not the term has an actual use within sports terminology and debate if it can be interpreted in many different ways.

Ludmila : Livet på löpsedeln. Sportjournalistikens dilemma. / Ludmila : life in the tabloid. The dilemma of sports journalism.

Hellstrand, Linn January 2003 (has links)
During several years we have been able to follow the victories and disappointments of Ludmila Engqvist through the scrutinising eye of the media. This essay will deal with how media’s picture perception of Ludmila Engqvist has changed by analysing articles from the Swedish newspapers Aftonbladet and Expressen from 1996 to 2001. Why and how the media’s picture has changed will be analysed through the perspectives of Ludmila Engqvist being an elite athlete, immigrant and woman. My opinion is that the majority of the articles have dealt mainly with Ludmila Engqvists private life. Ludmila is the Russian that became a Swede by help of other Swedes. In return she was supposed to produce medals from major championships, and she did. Once Ludmila Engqvist reached the status of being a Swedish sports star the news is spiced with all kinds of stories involving Ludmila. The media creates a Heroin and Ludmila, Johan Engqvist and the media themselves makes a large profit from the publicity. Her life is described as a fairy tale. The value judgements are strong and the articles about Ludmila are charged with excitment and drama. The kiss of death is when Ludmila Engqvist in 2001 changes career from hurdles to bobsleigh and admits doping in connection with a competition in Norway. Sports and media function in a complex relationship, much due to the commercial interests inside sports. This relationship is also very evident between the sport journalists and the athletes. Media’s power is growing and sport is conforming to its ideals. The power to create and kill off a sports star is in the hands of media – and that is exactly what happened to Ludmila Engqvist.

I frysboxen : Hur bevakningen av dam- och herridrott skiljer sig åt

Andersson, Nathalie January 2016 (has links)
Jag har undersökt hur kvinnliga respektive manliga idrottare presenteras i tre olika medieformer under en vecka i april 2016, datumen 18–24 april för att vara exakt. De tre olika medierna jag använt mig av är SVT:s Sportnytt, tidningen Expressens sportbilaga i pappersform samt webbupplagan av tidningen Gefle Dagblads sportsidor, www.gd.se/sport.   Jag har använt mig av kvantitativ metod för att procentuellt se skillnaderna mellan könens representation och kvalitativ metod för att se om texter och bilder har tendenser till könsstereotypa framställningar av idrottarna. Resultatet blev att en överhängande majoritet av inslag, artiklar och krönikor skrivs av manliga journalister och tillägnas manliga idrottare samt att kvinnor och män beskrivs på olika sätt i texter och rubriker.   När det gäller det visuella finns en tydlig tendens att i artiklar med kvinnliga idrottare är bilderna ofta porträttbilder eller miljöbilder, med manliga idrottare är bilderna situationsbilder där de typiska manliga attributen muskelmassa, styrka och snabbhet framhävs. I en värld där männen har dominerat sportens värld i tusentals år har vi fortfarande en lång väg att gå för att nå jämlikhet mellan könen.

Att konstruera en världsmästare : En semantisk studie i konstruktionen av professionell dam- och herrboxning i kvällspressens sportsektioner / Constructing a World Champion : A semantical study in the construction of men's and women's professional boxing in tabloid sport sections

Trolin Ulfeldt, Johannes January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka hur sportsektionen i två stora svenska kvällstidningar konstruerar två framgångsrika svenska boxare, Mikaela Laurén och Badou Jack, som vann varsin världsmästartitel mellan hösten 2014 och våren 2015. De frågor som undersökningen försöker svara på är 1: hur den professionella boxningen konstrueras som verksamhet i samband med vinsten av en världsmästartitel, 2: hur den manliga respektive kvinnliga boxaren konstrueras inom denna verksamhet, och 3: huruvida dessa konstruktioner framställer herrboxningen som norm gentemot damboxningen. Materialet består av totalt fyra artiklar som publicerades i samband med respektive boxares vinst. Två artiklar är hämtade från Aftonbladet och två är hämtade från Expressen. Frågorna besvaras genom en analys av den ideationella metafunktionen ur systemisk funktionell grammatik (SFG). Undersökningen utgår från en analys av det semantiska skiktet i texterna för att blottlägga det kontextuella skiktet och därmed få insyn vilken typ av verksamhet som konstrueras. Resultatet visar att den profesionella boxningen konstrueras som en högst individualistisk och prestations- och statusinriktad verksamhet där vinnaren realiseras som den viktigaste deltagaren. Det visar även att den manliga boxaren och hans vinst konstrueras inom en historiskt och karriärmässigt viktig kontext och att den kvinnliga boxaren och hennes vinst konstrueras inom en främst personligt viktig kontext. Slutligen så visar analysen även på drag i den manliga boxarens text som kan tolkas som normerande för herrboxningen gentemot damboxningen, och detta utan att damboxningen nödvändigtvis förminskas.

Timeout i sportjournalistiken : En kvantitativ studie av genus i svensk sportjournalistik / Timeout in sports journalism : A quantitative study of gender in Swedish sports journalism

Funeland, Ida, Johansson, Lisa, Sundberg, Tova January 2020 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka skillnader i hur manliga och kvinnliga idrottsutövare porträtteras i svenska tidningars sportjournalistik, utifrån tre centrala faktorer (1) tidsperspektiv, (2) täckningstal och (3) skribentens kön. Frågeställningar: • Har #metoo påverkat porträtteringen av könen i svenska tidningars sportjournalistik? • Påverkar tidningars täckningstal porträtteringen av könen i svenska tidningars sportjournalistik? • Påverkar skribentens kön porträtteringen av könen i svenska tidningars sportjournalistik? Teorier: Dagordningsteorin, gestaltningsteorin, tystnadsspiralen, medielogik Metod: I denna studie har vi använt oss av metoden kvantitativ innehållsanalys och genomfört undersökningen på två svenska tidningar, Aftonbladet och Nya Wermlands-tidningen. Vi undersökte 80 stycken artiklar, 40 stycken från vardera tidning, inhämtade från den digitala plattformen Retriever. Efter att vi genomfört den kvantitativa innehållsanalysen bearbetades vår data i IBM SPSS Statistics där vi med hjälp av resultatet skapade korstabeller. Genom resultatet analyserade och diskuterade vi fram slutsatser. Slutsats: Inledningsvis kan vi efter vår kvantitativa innehållsanalys dra slutsatsen att manliga idrottsutövare var överrepresenterade medan kvinnliga var underrepresenterade i svenska tidningars sportjournalistik. Vi kan även dra slutsatserna att manliga idrottsutövare gavs större utrymme än kvinnliga i förhållande till ordomfång, bilder och antalet personer som omskrivs. Fortsättningsvis kan vi dra slutsatsen att det skrevs mer om manliga idrottsutövare efter #metoo än vad det gjorde före #metoo. Vi kan också dra slutsatsen att den rikstäckande tidningen (Aftonbladet) och den lokala tidningen (Nya Wermlands-tidningen) skrev mer om manliga idrottsutövare än om kvinnliga. Dock höll den lokala tidningen en mer jämställd rapportering än den rikstäckande. Avslutningsvis kan vi konstatera att manliga skribenter skrev mer om manliga idrottsutövare medan kvinnliga skribenter var mer jämställda i sin rapportering. Däremot är flera av skillnaderna små. Nyckelord: kön, idrottsutövare, #metoo, täckningstal, skribentens kön, sportjournalistik / Purpose: The purpose of the essay is to examine differences in how male and female athletes are portrayed in Swedish newspaper sports journalism, through three central factors (1) time perspective, (2) coverage rate and (3) the gender of the author. Research questions: • Has #metoo affected the portrayal of genders in Swedish sports journalism? • Does the coverage rate of the newspaper affect the portrayal of genders in Swedish sports journalism? • Does the gender of the author affect the portrayal of genders in Swedish sports journalism? Theories: Agenda setting theory, Framing theory, The Spiral of Silence, Media logic Method: In this study we have been using the method quantitative content analysis. We've used this method on two Swedish newspapers; Aftonbladet and Nya Wermlands-tidningen. We’ve examined 80 articles, 40 from each newspaper, collected from the digital platform Retriever. After we collected the data it was processed in IBM SPSS Statistics, where we created cross tabulations. With the result we analysed and discussed our way to a conclusion. Conclusion: Initially we draw the conclusion that male athletes were overrepresented in Swedish newspapers’ sports journalism, while female athletes were underrepresented. We can also draw the conclusions that male athletes were given more space than female athletes seen to word scope, images and the number of people being written about. Further we can draw the conclusion that newspaper wrote more about male athletes after #metoo than they did before #metoo. We can also draw the conclusion that both the nationwide paper (Aftonbladet) and the local paper (Nya Wermlands-tidningen) tended to write more about male athletes than female. Nevertheless the local paper held a more equal reporting than the nationwide. At last we can conclude that male journalists wrote more about male athletes while female journalists were more equal in their reporting. Several of the differences are however small. Key words: gender, athletes, #metoo, coverage rate, the gender of the writer, sports journalism

Allting började med en villkorstrappa : En kvantitativ analys om kvällspressens framställning av fotbollssupportrar / Everything started with a term stair : A quantitative analysis on how the tabloid press describe football supporters

Gustafsson Tengberg, Simon, Holm Stålhand, Simon January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to examine if there been a change of attitude in sports journalism in the reporting on supporter-related issues in Swedish elite football after the new police method that was applied in 2019, called the terms stair. We have analyzed the differences between two football seasons, 2018 and 2019, with a quantitative content analysis on Sportbladet and Sportexpressen, which is the two biggest papers when it comes to sport. he most interesting result we got from our study was that there has been a shifting in the attitude from sport journalist concerning football supporters. Another interesting result was that the word ”hooligan” is rarely used to describe football supporters.

Saudiarabien - Fotbollens nya Mecka : En kvalitativ textanalys av svensk och saudisk sportjournalistik / Saudi Arabia - The new Mecca of Football : A qualitative text analysis on Swedish and Saudi sports journalism

Flygare, Hugo, Willför, Oliver January 2024 (has links)
Football is the world's most practiced sport. Historically, countries worldwide have employed the positive attributes of sports as a means of propaganda to present a more favorable image of their nation to a global audience. Recently, countries such as Russia, China, Qatar, and now Saudi Arabia have been accused of sportswashing. Football star Cristiano Ronaldo became the first to depart from European elite football and move to the untested Saudi Professional League, with several elite European players following suit. In 2023, voices emerged, accusing Saudi Arabia of sportswashing and questioning the underlying motives. Research acknowledges the prevalence of sportswashing in contemporary times, yet there is a dearth of studies examining sports journalism's coverage of it. This thesis explores how the sports journalists of Swedish Expressen and Saudi Arab News cover the substantial investments in the Saudi Professional League. The empirical material comprises a total of 20 articles, evenly sourced from respective news outlets. These articles underwent a comparative qualitative text analysis. Given Saudi Arabia's geographical location within the historical Orient, it is pertinent to analyze how Western sports journalism reports on football in Saudi Arabia through the theoretical lenses of orientalism and eurocentrism. Furthermore, the study explores how Saudi sports journalism legitimizes itself through the perspectives of occidentalism and ethnocentrism. The study's findings reveal that Expressen incorporates elements of both orientalism and eurocentrism in their articles. In response to European football leaking top footballers to Saudi Arabia, Expressen resorts to both orientalist and eurocentric criticism in its arguments. In an attempt to reaffirm European superiority and diminish the emerging influence of Saudi Arabia. Conversely, Arab News predominantly employs ethnocentric arguments to position Saudi Arabia among the absolute global elite without substantial scrutiny. / Fotboll är världens mest utövade sport. Historiskt har länder världen över nyttjat sportens positiva egenskaper som ett propagandaverktyg för att ge omvärlden en bättre bild av landet. I absolut närtid är Ryssland, Kina, Qatar och nu senast Saudiarabien exempel på länder som anklagats för sporttvätt. Cristiano Ronaldo tillsammans med flera av Europas elitspelare har lämnat den europeiska fotbollen för den obeprövade Saudi Professional League. Under 2023 höjdes röster världen över som anklagade Saudiarabien för sporttvätt och ifrågasatte motiven bakom spelarnas flyttar. Forskning visar att sporttvätt i modern tid är ett faktum, men det saknas studier om sportjournalistikens rapportering om dessa länder. Denna studie undersöker hur sportjournalisterna hos svenska Expressens respektive saudiska Arab News rapporterar om de omfattande satsningarna på den saudiska fotbollsligan. Det genom en kvalitativ jämförande textanalys med teoretiska verktyg från representationsteorin, orientalismen, eurocentrismen, occidentalismen samt etnocentrismen för att synliggöra historiska dolda värderingar, kritiska mot Saudiarabien respektive Västerlandet. Eftersom Saudiarabien geografiskt är en del av den historiska Orienten är det relevant att analysera hur västerländsk sportjournalistik rapporterar om saudisk fotboll. Samt i relation hur saudiska sportjournalister legitimerar Saudiarabien. Studiens empiriska material består av totalt 20 artiklar, lika många från respektive tidning. Resultatet visar att Expressen i respons till att den europeiska elitfotbollen läcker toppspelare till Saudiarabien använder både orientalistisk och eurocentrisk kritik i sin argumentation. Det görs för att bekräfta den europeiska överhögheten och förminska uppstickaren Saudiarabien. Arab News å andra sidan använder främst etnocentriska argument för att positionera Saudiarabien bland den absoluta världseliten utan någon egentlig prövning.

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