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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fenomenet underprissättning på den svenska börsmarknaden

Hemb, Jakob, Jägrén, Filip January 2024 (has links)
Conducting an IPO allows companies to obtain external capital from investors in exchange for ownership stakes. The capital raised in an IPO is intended to finance the company's economic growth and expansion. A challenge regarding IPOs is the pricing of shares. The study aims to investigate whether there is a relationship between industry affiliation and underpricing in IPOs on Nasdaq Stockholm and First North. The study will also examine whether underpricing differs between IPOs on First North and Nasdaq Stockholm and whether there is a relationship between market conditions and underpricing. The sample of the study consists of 197 companies operating in the Data/IT, Real Estate, Finance, Manufacturing Industry, and Pharmaceutical industries between 2017-2023. The study uses a chi 2 test and t-tests in order to answer the research questions.  The results of the study shows that there is a statistically significant relationship between underpricing and the Swedish stock market. The average underpricing was 8,99% for all IPOs in the sample. Furthermore, the study's results indicate that there is no significant relationship between industry affiliation and underpricing. Future research could examine how IPOs in the selected industries perform over time.

Shared Space, Shared Ideology : Building Social Capital and Third Place in Stockholm's Suburban Allotment and Forest Gardens

Fonteles Castro Pinto, Rafaella January 2024 (has links)
This thesis explores how four community gardens (Forest Gardens and Allotment Gardens) in Stockholm's multicultural suburbs enhance social connections among members and build community within the surrounding areas, through the lenses of social capital and third place, respectively. This case study aims to investigate participants’ perspectives on their relationships with other gardeners and visitors from the local neighborhood, utilizing semi-structured interviews and field/participant observations to collect qualitative data. The findings suggest that the shared ideologies among members in Forest Gardens, especially around the principles of permaculture, differentiate this typology from Allotment Gardens, in which the shared space aspect is more prevalent. Forest Gardens raise bonding social capital, stimulating deeper friendships and offering third places for the local communities, while Allotment Gardens promote bridging social capital, encouraging social learning through casual interactions with a diverse group of members, yet not so likely to include outsiders, functioning more as clubs. As a main contribution, this study highlights the importance of investigating the influence of members’ shared ideologies in the way social relationships are shaped in gardening communities, and not only examining gardening practices and spaces. On this basis, further research on the Pallet Collar Garden typology in Stockholm is recommended.

Penningpolitikens instrument: Riksbankens beslut om styrräntan och utvecklingen på OMXS30 : En eventstudie om abnormala avkastningar vid räntebesked

Glöersen, Leo, Jylänki, Joar January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker sambandet mellan penningpolitiska uttalanden från Sveriges centralbank och börsutvecklingen, med särskilt fokus på annonsering av styrränta och avkastningen för bolag underliggande Stockholmsbörsens storbolagsindex, OMXS30. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om det föreligger abnormala avkastningar i samband med Riksbankens räntebesked, där två forskningsfrågor har formulerats som adresserar den övergripande marknadsreaktionen samt branschspecifika effekter. För att analysera dessa samband har ett antal hypoteser utformats och testats med hjälp av en eventstudie-metod. Denna metod innebar genomförande av statistiska tester baserade på insamlade sekundärdata i form av historiska aktiekurser under två perioder, 2015-2016 respektive 2022-2023. Vidare har studien granskat den effektiva marknadshypotesen, där resultaten indikerade en generell avsaknad av statistiskt signifikanta samband mellan räntebesked och abnormala avkastningar vilket stödjer teorin om en effektiv marknad. Samtidigt identifierades ett antal sektorsspecifika mönster, där industrisektorn visade viss känslighet för räntesänkningar medan finanssektorn uppvisade ett antal observationer med abnormala avkastningar i samband med räntehöjningar. Sammanfattningsvis finner studien begränsad evidens för ett direkt samband mellan Riksbankens räntebesked och aktieavkastningar inom OMXS30, vilket antyder att marknaden effektivt inkorporerar denna information i aktiekurserna. Slutligen föreslås några rekommendationer för framtida forskning för att vidare undersöka dessa dynamiker och deras konsekvenser för investerare. Dessa innefattar bland annat användningen av ett bredare urval av branscher och företag, samt inkludera en multivariatanalys samt en sentimentanalys. / This study examines the relationship between monetary policy statements from the Swedish central bank and stock market performance, with a particular focus on the policy rate announcements and the returns of companies comprising the OMXS30 index. The purpose of the study is to investigate if abnormal returns occur around Riksbank's interest rate decisions, where two research questions were formulated addressing the overall market reaction and industry-specific effects. To analyze these relationships, a number of hypotheses have been developed and tested using an event study method. This method involved conducting statistical tests based on collected secondary data in the form of historical stock prices over two periods, 2015-2016 and 2022-2023. Furthermore, the study examined the Efficient Market Hypothesis, where the results indicated a general lack of statistically significant relationships between interest rate announcements and abnormal returns, supporting the theory of an efficient market. However, sector-specific patterns were identified, with the industrial sector showing some sensitivity to interest rate cuts while the financial sector showed a number of observations with abnormal returns associated with interest rate hikes. In summary, the study finds limited evidence for a direct relationship between the Riksbank's interest rate announcements and stock returns within OMXS30, suggesting that the market effectively incorporates this information into stock prices. To conclude, some recommendations for future research are proposed to further explore these dynamics and their implications for investors. These include using a broader selection of industries and companies, as well as incorporating multivariate analysis and sentiment analysis.

Do capital markets mistrust strong owners? : The impact of dual-class shares on firm valuation on the Swedish stock exchange

Fahlén, Oscar, Haraldson, Erik January 2024 (has links)
In the last two decades, corporate governance rules in Sweden have been arguably improved, giving more protection to minority owners. We thus investigate the impact of dual-class shares on firm valuation on the Swedish stock exchange. Companies from Nasdaq Stockholm are observed during the years 2018-2022, where an OLS regression analysis is made to explore the relationship of the firm valuation measurement Tobin’s Q and other firm variables. Based on regression analysis we do not find an association between the categorical dual-class share structure and Tobin's Q. However, we find a negative association between size of the wedge - the divergence between voting and cash flow rights of the largest owner - and Tobin's Q, attributed to agency costs.

Exploring stakeholder perceptions of nature-based solutions to provide resilience against heatwaves in the Stockholm Royal Seaport: A mental mapping approach

Rieger, Jorinde-Marie January 2024 (has links)
Urban areas worldwide, including Stockholm, face increasing environmental challenges such as rising temperatures and heatwaves exacerbated by climate change and urban heat island effects. In response, nature-based solutions (NBS) have been proposed as a planning tool for enhancing urban resilience. However, evidence on the fine-scale effectiveness of NBS in addressing extreme events, such as heatwaves remains limited. Furthermore, the inclusion of subjective measures to enrich objective measures for increased NBS benefits and thermal comfort assessments is needed. This study investigates the cooling effectiveness of NBS, hence strengthening the resilience of the Stockholm Royal Seaport against heatwaves. Mental mapping interviews were used to explore residents' and expert advisors' perceptions of the cooling effects of NBS. Key findings reveal the significant cooling effects of large natural areas such as parks and waterbodies, notably the Royal National City Park. However, smaller NBSs, while contributing to the green aesthetic and climate regulation of the neighborhood, were not perceived by residents as cooling. The study emphasizes the importance of the proximity and size of NBS to residential areas and highlights the subjective nature of neighborhood boundaries that influence residents' perceptions of NBS cooling effects. A comparison of residents’ and advisors’ perceptions reveals differences between theoretical expert and experience-based knowledge. These differences highlight the need for participatory planning processes that have the potential to complement advisor knowledge with resident perception and contribute to user-based planning. Overall, the study contributes to understanding the role of NBS in urban resilience, advocates for participatory approaches to urban planning, and demonstrates the value of mental mapping in capturing nuanced community perspectives for future planning efforts by revealing experiential knowledge that may remain hidden in a dialogue.

Skärgårdsdestinationer : en studie om hur offentliga och privata aktörer är organiserade och samverkar på skärgårdsdestinationer

Gunvaldsson, Maria, Jaccopucci, Alexandra January 2013 (has links)
Turismen organiseras av offentlig sektor, privata aktörer eller dessa två i samverkan och kan avgränsas på olika sätt, geografiskt eller politiskt. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka och jämföra destinationer i Sverige på lokal och regional nivå för att se hur de är organiserade, med fokus på hur offentliga och privata aktörer arbetar för destinationens utveckling. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med privata och offentliga aktörer på destinationerna Bohuslän och Stockholms skärgård har vi genomfört en komparativ studie. Studien diskuterar olika former av turismorganisationer och visar att Bohuslän och Stockholms skärgård liknar varandra i hur de är organiserade på lokal och regional nivå och att det på båda destinationerna finns samarbeten mellan offentliga och privata aktörer för att utveckla destinationerna. / The tourism in Sweden is organised by the public sector, the business world or these two in collaboration. The boundaries can be either geographical or political. This study aims at study and compare Swedish tourist destinations at local regional level to find how they are organized with focus at how public sector and the business world manage destination development. Through qualitative interviews with public sector and the business world at the destinations Bohuslän and Stockholms skärgård we have a comparative study. The study discusses different types of tourist organizations and shows that Bohuslän and Stockholms skärgård are similar in the way their tourism is organized at local and regional level. At both destinations there is collaboration between the public sector and the business world to develop the destination.

En stad i världsklass – hur och för vem? : En studie om Stockholms sociala stadsplanering / A world-class city: how and for whom? : A study of Stockholm’s social urban planning

Loit, Jon January 2014 (has links)
The city is characterised by unequal living conditions and inequities. Residential segregation – in the sense that people with different socio-economic resources and of various ethnicities live separately from one another – is a major cause of urban inequities. Urban planning has contributed to segregation but also provides the potential for change by facilitating a more just and non-segregated city. Social sustainability and social justice objectives, however, usually conflict with a neoliberal planning mindset, one that shapes both the planning conditions and approach and benefits economic growth. The aim of this thesis is to examine how and for whom Stockholm is being planned in order to thus clarify whether the planning reduces segregation and contributes to creating a more just city. This is done by looking at Stockholm’s overall planning approach, based on the ambitious objective of ‘a world-class Stockholm’, and the present planning of two areas – Järva and Stockholm Royal Seaport. Vision Järva 2030 is a strategy to develop segregated neighbourhoods, while Stockholm Royal Seaport is a new urban development project. The analysis highlights that Stockholm’s planning is in a dialectical state between a socially sustainable approach – with the goal of reducing inequities and segregation – and a neoliberal development logic focusing on competing with other cities to attract investment. The latter, however, predominates, for instance resulting in social strategies taking place on neoliberal terms and so losing their true meaning. The planning focuses primarily on developing the city for a neoliberal subject associated with economic growth. In accordance with this, a lifestyle philosophy based on the city centre’s urban city ideals and middle-class consumption and activity patterns is in evidence in the planning. The overall conclusion is that the planning cannot be deemed to reduce segregation or contribute to the creation of a just city as a result of how and for whom the city is being planned.

Skapa om livet. En existentialistisk analys av modernitetsbehandlingen i Ivar Lo-Johanssons Kungsgatan.

O'Nils, Rebecka January 2015 (has links)
Kungsgatan av Ivar Lo-Johansson visar urbaniseringen och moderniteten i mellankrigstidens Sverige. Romanen har framför allt studerats genom protagonisten Adrians bildningsresa, men denna uppsats framhåller statardottern Martas fall som kvintessentiell för Lo-Johanssons gestaltning av moderniteten. Med avstamp i det frihetstema Ola Holmgren identifierat i Lo-Johanssons författarskap tillämpar jag existentialistiska begrepp från Jean-Paul Sartre i syfte att undersöka vad Martas fall orsakas av och hur hennes fall relaterar till moderniteten såsom den beskrivits av Marshall Berman och Georg Simmel. Slutsatsen blir att Martas livsöde bör förklaras i termer av att hon agerar i ond tro och att hon därigenom antar ett omodernt levnadsmönster som inte fungerar i moderniteten. Orsaken till hennes agerande härleds till en obalans mellan transcendens och fakticitet, en orsak som rättfärdigas med hjälp av Lo-Johanssons andra skildringar av statarnas livsvillkor. Slutsatsen blir att moderniteten gestaltas som krävande invånarnas anpassning och att alla inte är kapabla till sådan, vilket förtydligas om man utvecklar Holmgrens forskning genom existentialistiska begrepp och nyttjar dem till att analysera Martas fall.

Urban Travel Time Estimation from Sparse GPS Data : An Efficient and Scalable Approach

Rahmani, Mahmood January 2015 (has links)
The use of GPS probes in traffic management is growing rapidly as the required data collection infrastructure is increasingly in place, with significant number of mobile sensors moving around covering expansive areas of the road network. Many travelers carry with them at least one device with a built-in GPS receiver. Furthermore, vehicles are becoming more and more location aware. Vehicles in commercial fleets are now routinely equipped with GPS. Travel time is important information for various actors of a transport system, ranging from city planning, to day to day traffic management, to individual travelers. They all make decisions based on average travel time or variability of travel time among other factors. AVI (Automatic Vehicle Identification) systems have been commonly used for collecting point-to-point travel time data. Floating car data (FCD) -timestamped locations of moving vehicles- have shown potential for travel time estimation. Some advantages of FCD compared to stationary AVI systems are that they have no single point of failure and they have better network coverage. Furthermore, the availability of opportunistic sensors, such as GPS, makes the data collection infrastructure relatively convenient to deploy. Currently, systems that collect FCD are designed to transmit data in a limited form and relatively infrequently due to the cost of data transmission. Thus, reported locations are far apart in time and space, for example with 2 minutes gaps. For sparse FCD to be useful for transport applications, it is required that the corresponding probes be matched to the underlying digital road network. Matching such data to the network is challenging. This thesis makes the following contributions: (i) a map-matching and path inference algorithm, (ii) a method for route travel time estimation, (iii) a fixed point approach for joint path inference and travel time estimation, and (iv) a method for fusion of FCD with data from automatic number plate recognition. In all methods, scalability and overall computational efficiency are considered among design requirements. Throughout the thesis, the methods are used to process FCD from 1500 taxis in Stockholm City. Prior to this work, the data had been ignored because of its low frequency and minimal information. The proposed methods proved that the data can be processed and transformed into useful traffic information. Finally, the thesis implements the main components of an experimental ITS laboratory, called iMobility Lab. It is designed to explore GPS and other emerging data sources for traffic monitoring and control. Processes are developed to be computationally efficient, scalable, and to support real time applications with large data sets through a proposed distributed implementation. / <p>QC 20150525</p>

International conference site selection criteria : And a case study of Stockholm as an international conference city

Henaien, Moncef, Sinha, Shalvi January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to identify the destination site selection criteria for internationalconferences from the perspectives of the three main players of the conference industry,conference buyers (organizers and delegates) and suppliers. Additionally, the researchidentifies the strengths and weaknesses of the congress cities of Stockholm and Vienna.Through a comparison with Vienna, the top city for hosting international conferences, a roadmap for Stockholm has been designed, to strengthen its congress tourism opportunities, thus,obtaining a higher status as an international congress city. This qualitative research hascombined both primary and secondary data methods, through semi-standardized expertinterviews and secondary studies respectively, to fulfil the study’s aim. The data have beenanalysed by applying the techniques of qualitative content analysis; the secondary dataadopting an inductive approach according to Mayring (2003) while the expert interviewsusing a deductive approach according to Meuser &amp; Nagel (2009). The conclusions of thesecondary data have been further compared and contrasted with the outcomes of the primarydata, to propose fresh discoveries, clarifications, and concepts related to the site selectioncriteria for international conferences, and for the congress tourism industry of Stockholm. Theresearch discusses the discoveries of the site selection criteria, the implications of thestrengths and weaknesses of Stockholm in comparison to Vienna, recommendations forStockholm via a road map, and future research areas in detail. The findings andrecommendation, not only provide specific steps and inceptions that Stockholm as aninternational conference city can apply, but also propose findings, which can aid conferencebuyers and suppliers to cooperate, to strengthen their marketing strategies and developsuccessful international conferences and destinations to help achieve a greater competitiveadvantage.

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