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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring youth’s nature values and desirable future visions of the Royal National City Park in Stockholm / Exploring youth’s nature values and desirable future visions of the Royal National City Park in Stockholm

Thiel, Hannah January 2023 (has links)
As human activity continues to cause significant global issues, such as the decline of biodiversity, there is an increasing demand to engage with desirable visions of the future. Sustainability research emphasizes the significance of participatory approaches prioritizing nature and incorporating diverse human-nature relationships to promote more inclusive and sustainable paths to a positive future. However, the involvement of youth in current future studies is limited. Urban national parks provide valuable opportunities to investigate people-nature relations and their future. This study conducted a participatory futures workshop that combined the Natures Futures Framework and the Three Horizons Framework with fifteen young individuals living in Stockholm to capture their diverse nature relationships and positive future visions of the Royal National City Park in Stockholm. The workshop identified several aspects of nature in the park appreciated by the group, such as biodiversity, calmness, and the opportunity for recreation and connection to nature. If those values are projected onto a desirable future, this group of youth envisions the park to include reduced pollution, increased biodiversity, stronger protection and regulation, and prioritization of nature, with societal involvement and better accessibility. To support value-inclusive decision-making for the sustainable future of the Royal National City Park, collected values and visions were shared with park stakeholders. By collecting diverse nature value perspectives on a local scale using the Nature Futures Framework, this work contributes to the generation of a global perspective of desirable nature futures. While the Natures Futures Framework proved effective in generating rich value perspectives, a reflection survey revealed that not all participants found the framework easy to understand, particularly the difference between the different value perspectives presented in the framework. In conclusion, this study provides insights into possible futures and inspires actions toward a sustainable future where humans and nature coexist in harmony.

Socialt kapital och dess effekter på akademisk prestation : En intervjustudie om hur lärare uppfattar elevers skolprestation i segregerade skolor.

Rage, Mona, Karimberdieva, Esma January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker fenomenet skolsegregation och dess konsekvenser för elevernas akademiska prestationer, med fokus på lärarnas perspektiv. Genom kvalitativ forskning utforskar studien hur segregation påverkar elevernas akademiska prestationer och det sociala kapitalets roll i att forma deras framgång. Pierre Bourdieus och James Colemans teoretiska ramverk används för att förstå samhälleliga strukturer och deras effekter på individuella resultat. Resultaten identifierar flera faktorer som bidrar till skolsegregation, inklusive bostadssegregation, fritt skolval och spridningen av fristående skolor. Segregation i skolor observeras genom språkliga barriärer och socioekonomiska faktorer som hindrar akademiska framsteg. Dessutom påverkar föräldrars utbildning, socioekonomisk status och habitus avsevärt akademiska prestationer. Lärare lyfter fram den genomgripande karaktären av skolsegregation som en social fråga som vidmakthåller orättvisor, särskilt som drabbar utsatta elevgrupper. Studien understryker vikten av att säkerställa rättvis tillgång till utbildning, och betonar behovet av att ta itu med denna samhälleliga utmaning.

Farstanäs Kunskapsgård / Farstanäs, A place for knowledge

Hedström, Natalia January 2021 (has links)
Projektet är baserat i dem Södra delarna av Södertälje Kommuns landsbygd. Projektet är utvecklat från ett grupparbete som ligger till grunden för all analys. Farstanäs är en plats med fler hundra års historia och här har jag skapat en Folkhögskola tillsammans med ett Holkets Hus. Platsen tillhör en gammal mjölkgård, som består av fem lador och ett torg i mitten av dessa. På torget har jag gjort ett tillägg av ett stort växthus och i en av ladorna bedriver folkhögskolan sin verksamhet. / A project based in the rural parts of Södertälje municipality.  Further developed from a group project. Farstanäs is a place dating back a few houndred years, and here I have designed a school along with a Folkets Hus focused on cultivation. The project consists of the barns from an old milk farm and the square between these barns now consisting of a big greenhouse, together creating a Folkhögskola and a Folkets Hus.

Tillsammans eller var för sig : En studie av fyra församlingars mångfaldsarbete i mångkulturella miljöer inom Equmeniakyrkan Region Stockholm / Together or apart : A study of the diversity activities, driven by four congregations in their own multiculturalcontext, within the Uniting Church of Sweden, the Region of Stockholm

Hemmati, Carin January 2020 (has links)
En inventering och analys av de speciella vägval som multietniska församlingar i Equmeniakyrkan ställs inför när det gäller organisering och gudstjänstverksamhet utifrån sin mångfaldskaraktär och mångkulturella kontext. Studien genomfördes med intervjuer av medarbetare i fyra multietniska församlingar inom Equmeniakyrkan Region Stockholm och med två medarbetare från dess regionala kansli.

Between ‘Place-Branding’ and ‘Sense of Place’ in the Nordics : A comparative study through two generations of Nordic residents in Stockholm.

Djelloul, Iman Miriam January 2023 (has links)
Place branding refers to the strategical act of attaching a positive reputation to a geographical place. This concept is argued important due to its ability to boost places with advantageous lead when globally competing over financial, cultural and human resources. In 2015, the Nordic Council of Ministers accordingly adopted an official strategy for how to internationally brand the Nordic Region. The strategy includes illustrations of the Region, along with detailed goals on how the Nordics – natively called ‘Norden’ – should be associated and perceived.  Nevertheless, when dissecting the elements of which place-brands are made up by, it is found that residents ‘sense of place’ form an essential component to the quality and success of the place-brand. At the same time, it is recognized that people belonging to different generational groups typically carry different social and cultural frames of references, eventually influencing their perception of the world and potentially even their experienced sense of place.  This study has therefore aimed to examine the convergence between the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Place Branding strategy and the ‘sense of place’ experienced by residents of the Region. Additionally, by comparing results between two generational groups; the ‘Gen-z’s’ and the ‘Boomers’. Practically by answering up to the following research questions: (1) How is Nordic residents experienced ‘sense of place’ differing between generational groups? And (2) How are the outcomes in RQ1 standing in relation to the Nordic place branding strategy?  The study has applied a qualitative methodology using surveys and gathering data from a total of 94 respondents, of which 49 have belonged to the Gen-z group and 45 to the Boomer group.   Concludingly, it has been found that residents’ sense of place in the Nordics in fact is differing between generational groups. In broad, the differences are reflected by a strong sense of Nordic belongingness among Boomers, however, in combination with a sense of the Nordics that is further away from what the strategy is intending to communicate. On the other hand, the Gen-z’s are found to have significantly lower sense of Nordic belongingness, although, together with a more positive sense of the Nordics, that also is more in line with strategy.

Sulfidförande berggrund i Stockholmsområdet : Riskbergarter och trender / Sulfide-Bearing Rock in the Stockholm Bedrock Area : Identifying risk rocks and trends

Åhrberg, Immanuel January 2016 (has links)
Kunskap om svavelhalter i den svenska berggrunden är viktig när bergmassa ska losshållas och bearbetas, oavsett om det gäller gruvbrytning, infrastruktur eller andra byggnationer. Svavel förekommer ofta bundet i sulfider som oxiderar i kontakt med syre och vatten, vilket kan ha en försurande effekt på yt- och grundvatten. Sulfidförande berg har tidigare kartlagts mestadels i samband med malmprospektering och gruvbrytning. Det finns ganska omfattande svaveldata från norra Sverige, men det saknas tillräckligt med svavelmätningar i Stockholmsområdet för att dra några tydliga slutsatser om vart de förhöjda och potentiellt skadliga halterna av sulfider kan påträffas. Kandidatarbetet har utförts i samarbete med avdelningen för geologi och bergteknik på WSP i Stockholm, i syfte att få en bättre förståelse av vilka bergarter i Stockholmsområdet som kan förväntas inneha förhöjda halter av svavel och vart dessa bergarter kan förväntas påträffas. Under projektet har 329 prover av olika litologier samlats in och undersökts. Litologierna har kategoriserats till 7 förenklade bergartsgrupper. Proverna har skickats på geokemisk analys där olika metoder använts för att bland annat bestämma den totala svavelhalten hos bergarten. Vid halter över 1000 ppm har ytterligare analyser utförts med acid base accounting [ABA] samt net acid generation [NAG]. Dessa tester beskrivs i rapporten och används för att ta reda på om bergarten har försurande egenskaper. Bergartprovlokalerna har digitaliserats som punkter i geopackages i kartprogrammet QGIS. Punkterna för proverna har sammanförts med en digitaliserad version av Stålhös (1968) detaljerade geologiska karta över Stockholms berggrund. Svavelhalten i varje enskild stuff har kopplats till en yta från den sedimentära gnejsen, uppdelad enligt Stålhös (1968). Den producerade kartan har analyserats i QGIS för att ta fram geologiska och bergartskopplade trender av svavelhalten i Stockholms berggrund. 7 olika symmetriska histogram, så kallade fioldiagram, som visar svavelhalten och den relativa provdensiteten i respektive bergartskategori har tagits fram i rapporten. Slutligen har amfibolit och sedimentär gnejs, med underkategorin granatådergnejs identifierats som bergarterna med högst risk att innehålla förhöjda svavelvärden i Stockholmsområdets berggrund. / Knowledge of sulfur levels in the Swedish bedrock is important when rock mass is to be detached and processed in any way, whether it concerns mining, infrastructure, or other constructions. Sulfur is often found bound in sulfides that oxidize in contact with oxygen and water, which can have an acidifying effect on surface- and groundwater. Sulfide-bearing rock has previously been mapped mostly in connection with ore exploration and mining. There is quite extensive sulfur data from northern Sweden, but there are not enough Sulphur measurements in the Stockholm area to draw any clear conclusions about where the elevated and potentially harmful levels of sulfides can be found. The bachelor's thesis has been carried out in collaboration with the Division of Geology and Rock Engineering at WSP in Stockholm, with the aim of gaining a better understanding of which rocks in the Stockholm area can be expected to possess elevated levels of sulfur and where these rocks can be expected to be found. During the project, 329 samples of different lithologies have been collected and examined. The lithologies have been categorized into 7 simplified rock categories. The samples have been sent for geochemical analysis where different methods have been used to determine, among other things, the total sulfur content of the rock. At concentrations above 1000 ppm, further analyses have been performed using acid base accounting [ABA] and net acid generation [NAG]. These tests are described in the report and are used to find out if the rock has acidifying properties. The rock test premises have been digitized as points in geopackages in the QGIS mapping program. The points for the samples have been combined with a digitized version of Stålhös (1968) detailed geological map of Stockholm's bedrock. The sulfur content of each individual sample has been linked to an area from the sedimentary gneiss, divided according to Stålhös (1968). The produced map has been analyzed in QGIS to produce geological and rock-linked trends of the sulfur content in Stockholm's bedrock. 7 different violin graphs showing the sulfur content and relative sample density in each rock category have been produced in the report. Finally, amphibolite and sedimentary gneiss, with the subcategory of garnet vein gneiss, have been identified as the rocks with the highest risk of containing elevated sulfur values in the Stockholm bedrock area.

Resiliensanalys av vertikal odling i Stockholms län

Jonsson, Kristina January 2020 (has links)
I denna uppsats undersöks resiliensen av vertikal odling, och hur odlingsformen kan bidra till att stärka resiliensen av Stockholms läns livsmedelssystem. Dessutom undersöks potentialen att stärka den vertikala odlingens resiliens. För att samla in data genomfördes fyra intervjuer - med Länsstyrelsen Stockholm och tre vertikala odlingar belägna i Stockholms län. Dessutom genomfördes en litteraturstudie om vertikal odling. Informationen inhämtades från vetenskapliga artiklar och rapporter. För att analysera resiliensen av vertikal odling användes sju principer som bygger resiliens. Information om dessa hämtades från ‘Principles for Building Resilience’ (Biggs, Schlüter & Schoon, 2015), och några vetenskapliga artiklar som visade på applicering av metoden. I resultatet presenteras resiliensen av vertikal odling princip för princip. Dessutom anges hur Stockholms läns livsmedelssystem påverkas. Av denna studie går det inte att säga om vertikal odling är resilient eller ej, men det går att se styrkor och svagheter inom varje princip. Odlingen sker i kontrollerad miljö och har därför inte samma sårbarheter som odlingar utomhus. Till exempel är den inte lika utsatt för sjukdomar och extremväder. Samtidigt innebär dess karaktär andra sårbarheter, såsom att odlingen är beroende av el för att förse grödorna med ljus. Trots att vertikal odling sker i staden påverkas den av störningar i globala handelsavtal och transportsystem eftersom insatsmedel importeras. Det finns potential att stärka resiliensen inom flera av principerna. Resiliensen av Stockholms läns livsmedelssystem kan stärkas av att vertikal odling bidrar till en mångfald i produktionssystem och tekniklösningar. Samtidigt som den kontrollerade miljön förhindrar läckage av vatten och näringsämnen till naturen så förhindrar den även att den omgivande miljön drar nytta av odlingen. / In this master thesis, the resilience of vertical farming is assessed. It also explores if vertical farming can increase the resilience of the food system in Stockholm County. Furthermore, the potential to increase the resilience of vertical farming is explored. To gather data, four interviews were conducted. One with Stockholm County, and the other three with vertical farms located in Stockholm. Data was also collected through literature. Specifically through scientific articles and reports. To analyze the resilience of vertical farms seven principles for enhancing resilience were used. Information about the principles was collected through ‘Principles for building resilience’ (Biggs, Schlüter & Schoon, 2015) and scientific articles that had applied the principles. The resilience of vertical farming is presented principle by principle. Also, the influence on the food system of Stockholm County is presented. From this study it is not possible to conclude if vertical farming is resilient or not. However, it is possible to see the system’s strengths and weaknesses within each principle. Vertical farming is conducted in a controlled environment, which results in other strengths compared to other farming systems. For example, it is not exposed to diseases and extreme weather events in the same way. At the same time it has other vulnerabilities, such as being dependent on electricity for providing the crops with light. Even though vertical farming is conducted in the city it provides for, it is affected by global disturbances. This is due to the import of seeds, substrate and fertilizers. There is potential to increase the resilience within several principles. Vertical farms can contribute to the resilience of the food system in Stockholm County by providing tech-solutions and enhancing the diversity of production methods. The controlled environment of vertical farms prevents leakage of water and nutrients to the surrounding environment. However, the controlled environment also prevents the surrounding environment from benefiting from the farm.

Empirical studies of property appraiser behaviour and of location value in office rents

Netzell, Olof January 2007 (has links)
In the first paper the effect of accessibility upon rent is investigated for office properties located in Downtown Stockholm. Starting from the firm’s cost minimization problem, a translog hedonic model is derived. The results suggest the model has good predictive power in explaining the variation in the log of the rent. A negative rent gradient is obtained with a base approximately 90 meters from the postulated focal point. It appears as if Space Syntax adds important information to the understanding of the intraurban office rent pattern. The second paper investigates assumed capitalisation rates in 3026 discounted cash flow valuations of office properties in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö during the time period 1998-2004. The study investigates determinants of property-level variation in cap rates and how going in and exit cap rates relate to each other. Exit cap rates exhibit substantial variation across properties. Part of this cross-sectional variation can be attributed to the location of the property, part of it is due to other characteristics of the property. Exit cap rates are differentiated between properties of the same type on the same market segment, which shows that valuers apply property level fine-tuning when setting exit cap rates. Properties with low market rent and high long-run vacancy assumption typically have high exit cap rates. Properties in peripheral parts of a city typically have higher exit cap rates than properties in central parts. The implicitly assumed going-in cap rate (defined as assumed net operating income year one divided by estimated market value) follows a similar pattern as the exit cap rate but exhibits more temporary, property-specific variation. Going-in cap rates are strongly influenced by temporary deviations of vacancy rates and rents from assumed “normal” levels of vacancy and rent. The difference between going-in and exit cap rates is influenced by assumed short-run growth in net operating income in the way stipulated by theory: high assumed short-run growth is associated with going-in cap rates being lower than exit cap rates. / QC 20101115

Hur har industri- och finansaktier presterat på Stockholmsbörsen?

Hedman, Filip, Knape, Cecilia January 2024 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att analysera förhållandet mellan risk, förväntad avkastning och realiserad avkastning inom industri- och finanssektorerna på Stockholmsbörsen. Vidare avser studien att jämföra sektorerna sinsemellan samt med marknaden överlag. Studien riktar sig till privata investerare som förvaltar sina egna aktieportföljer för att bidra med ökad kunskap gällande investering i aktier. Metoden är kvantitativ och det studerade underlaget utgörs av sekundärdata för historiska priser och avkastningar för utvalda aktier från Nasdaq Stockholms mest handlade index, OMXS30. Studien omfattar data mellan perioden 2018-2022. Innehållet är inspirerat av bland annat Rosdiana (2023) och Meric et al. (2010), flera delar av studien är i enlighet med vederbörande. Två hypoteser formuleras och testas, den första nollhypotesen testar risk i förhållande till avkastning och den andra nollhypotesen testar marknadens avkastning i förhållande till industri- och finanssektorernas. CAPM används för att beräkna aktiernas förväntade prestation över bestämd tidsperiod. Alfa tillämpas sedan för att beräkna eventuella skillnader i aktiernas förväntade avkastning och realiserade avkastning. Enligt studiens resultat gav aktierna inom industrisektorn överlag en högre avkastning än både finanssektorn och marknaden. Däremot förkastas ingen av de två nollhypoteserna. / The purpose of the study is to analyze the relationship between risk, expected return and realized return within the industrial and financial sectors in the Stockholm Stock Exchange. Furthermore, the study intends to compare these sectors with each other and with the market overall. The study targets private investors who manage their own stock portfolios and aims to contribute with increased knowledge regarding stock investments. The method is quantitative, and the practiced data consist of secondary data of historical prices and returns from selected stocks in the most traded index in Nasdaq Stockholm, OMXS30. The study covers data from the period 2018-2022. The study is inspired by Rosdiana (2023) and Meric et al. (2010). Two hypotheses are formulated and tested: the first null hypothesis tests risk relative to return, and the second null hypothesis tests market return relative to the industrial and financial sectors. The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is applied to calculate the performance of stocks over a specific time period. Alpha is applied to calculate any differences in the shares expected return and realized return. Overall, stocks in the industrial sector yielded higher returns than both the financial sector and the market, but none of the null hypothesis could be rejected.

Ses på torget! - A transformation of Tensta Centrum

Salman, Alhawraa January 2023 (has links)
The project focuses on the center of Tensta. The municipality of Stockholm has identified multiple developing areas in Stockholm, one of them being Tensta and especially Tensta centrum.  The main focus of this project is to think about and implement social and environmental sustainability through architecture. A big garage complex sits quite empty in the center of Tensta today, taking up valuable place of the center. In this project the garage complex is disassembled and its parts re- and upcycled to fit a new building in the site. The building's program consists of Järva stadsdelsförvatlning (Järva city administration office), Tensta library and a restaurant. A new square is also designed to make the center of Tensta a more welcoming place.

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