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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Social media effects on diaspora tourism : A case study on second generation of Iranian immigrants in Stockholm

Izadi, Paria January 2020 (has links)
The impact of social media in tourism industry is significant. This study examines the role, impact, and relationship of social media platforms among second generation Iranian Swedish in Stockholm as a segment of tourism market when travelling to Iran. In addition, the purpose of this study is to explore if social media has a motivational role for diaspora tourism on second generation of immigrants’ trip to their origin country. The study uses content analysis and online questionnaire to collect data of 22 second generation Iranian diaspora who have traveled to Iran at least once during their lifetime. Three themes were identified from the collected qualitative answers based on the objectives of the research: Iranian diaspora motivations to visit homeland, feelings, and traveler experience by social media. Findings demonstrate the social media platforms are working as a motivation-pull factor influencing second generation immigrants to visit Iran, in much the same as other pull factors do. Also, the results show the User Generated Contents (UGC) such as travelers generated reliable travel information and introduction of new destinations can persuade second generation of diaspora immigrants to go back to their origin country for another visit. Finally, the findings of this research have revealed that two outcomes of trip to Iran by second generation of Iranian immigrants are Visiting Friends and Relatives (VFR) and visiting tourism attractions. Such outcomes can highly affect the diaspora members’ decisions in planning their travel to their origin country.

ARL - anledningen till nästa börskrasch? : En kvantitativ studie om ARL:s påverkan på den svenska aktiemarknaden / ARL - the reason for the next stock market crash? : A quantitative study about ARLs impact on the Swedish stock market

Dagerhem, Einar, Strömberg, Simon January 2020 (has links)
Tidsperioden mellan räkenskapsårets slut och datumet för påskriven revisionsberättelse benämns audit report lag (ARL). Anledningarna till att ARL uppstår har studerats i stor utsträckning, men de konkreta effekterna som uppstår till följd av ARL är mindre studerade. En tidigare studie om ARL:s samband med ökad risk för aktieprisfall på den kinesiska aktiemarknaden visade på ett positivt samband. På grund av detta samband finns ett intresse att studera om ett liknande samband existerar på den svenska aktiemarknaden. Syftet med studien är att förklara ett eventuellt samband mellan lång ARL och ökad risk för aktieprisfall på den svenska aktiemarknaden. Studien använder sig av en deduktiv ansats och en longitudinell forskningsdesign bestående av kvantitativ data för att försöka förklara ett eventuellt samband mellan lång ARL och en ökad risk för aktieprisfall. Datamaterialet bestod av sekundärdata. Studien finner inget samband mellan lång ARL och ökad risk för aktieprisfall på den svenska aktiemarknaden. Däremot visas svaga indikationer på att kort ARL leder till ökad risk för aktieprisfall på den svenska aktiemarknaden. Studien bidrar med utökad kunskap om sambanden mellan ARL och ökad risk för aktieprisfall. Vidare bidrar studien med kunskap för revisorer, bolagsledningar och investerare om vilka konsekvenser ARL kan ha på börsnoterade bolags aktiekurs. / The time period between the fiscal year end and the audit report date is termed audit report lag (ARL). The determinants of ARL have been frequently studied, however the practical consequences of ARL have not been studied to the same extent. A previous study about ARLs association with stock price crash risk on the Chinese stock market showed a positive association. This association made it interesting to study if a similar association exists on the Swedish stock market. The purpose of this study is to explain a possible association between long ARL and an increased stock price crash risk on the Swedish stock market. This study uses a deductive approach and a longitudinal research design consisting of quantitative data to explain a possible association between long ARL and an increased stock price crash risk. The data set consisted of secondary data. The study finds no association between long ARL and an increased stock price crash risk on the Swedish stock market. However, the study does find weak indications that short ARL leads to an increased stock price crash risk on the Swedish stock market. The study contributes with increased knowledge regarding associations between ARL and an increased stock price crash risk. Furthermore, the study contributes with knowledge for auditors, company management and investors of the consequences ARL can have on listed companies’ stock price.

Företagsvärde och kapitalstruktur på den svenska börsen : En empirisk studie av relationen mellan företagsvärde och kapitalstruktur på Stockholmsbörsen

Ståhl, Oskar, Variichuk, Maksym January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to search for a relationship between enterprise value and capital structure. It specifically targets the Swedish stock market OMXS small cap, observing 48 companies listed on the market between the years 2014-2019. The methodology used is a multiple regression analysis with the dependent variable being the enterprise value and the independent variable being the debt to equity ratio along with five other mediating variables.  The result of the analysis show a statistically significant but negative relation between enterprise value and debt to equity ratio, generating evidence supporting the pecking order theory. / Denna studie syftar till att undersöka om det finns en relation mellan företagsvärde och kapitalstruktur. Urvalet för studien är bolag noterade på Stockholmsbörsen OMXS small cap, där 48 bolag identifierats mellan åren 2014-2019. Metoden som applicerats för att undersöka denna studie är en multipel regressionsanalys där den beroende variabeln är företagets värde och den oberoende variabeln är skuldsättningsgraden samt ytterligare fem oberoende variabler.   Regressionsresultatet visar på ett statistiskt signifikant samband mellan företagsvärde och skuldsättningsgrad som även är negativt, vilket genererar bevis som stöder pecking order teorin.

A Right to a Pollution-free Environment Through the Right to Life

Mousa, Natalie S 01 January 2021 (has links)
Since humans have existed on Earth, the environment has been one of the primary resources contributing to humans' ability to live life adequately. Pollution has not only destroyed natural life, but it has also diminished humans' right to life. The United Nations 1966 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) guarantees "every human being has the inherent right to life," but how can one exercise this right in an environment that is degrading through pollution? This is the basis of which this thesis is surrounded; the issue of environmental pollution hindering humans' right to life. Thus, this thesis aims to show how legal action can be taken under the substantive right to life when environmental pollution occurs and negatively impacts humans and their surroundings. Specifically, this thesis shows how the right to life has been used in courts around the world through three primary approaches – State Constitution approach, Regional Treaty approach, and Blended approach – when environmental pollution has occurred. The different approaches will show different ways a court can come to the conclusion that there has been a violation of the right to life in the occurrence of environmental pollution. Through a comparative-analysis of the different approaches, this thesis presents yet another way to protect not only the environment, but also the rights of humans who have been negatively affected by environmental pollution.

Crises in Stockholm’s Office Market : Any Signs Today? / Kriser i centrala Stockholms kontorsmarknad : Några tecken idag?

Andersson, Lukas, Källman, Marcus January 2019 (has links)
The office market in central Stockholm has since the financial crises in ‘08 showed remarkablegrowth and the current conditions are compared to the once under the previous crises. Thecommercial real estate market has had a substantial role in the last crises, as it is sensitive to cyclesand has high indebtedness. The study aimed to evaluate the market today by comparing it withforemostly the crises in Sweden in the 90s and dotcom-era, but also the great recession in’08.Further, the perception of the market actors was analysed. The methodology was qualitative, as sixprofessionals have been interviewed representing property companies, consultancy firms, bank,and institutional owners. The result shows more differences than similarities to the past crises, inboth macro and micro level. Furthermore, consensus had an optimistic view of the future and thereal estate market. Central Stockholm office market can be regarded as more professional andstable. However, there are uncertainties which were not present during the crises, such ascoworking, market-financing and low-interest rate. The study suggests that the factor causing thenext crisis is something the market does not know. / Kontorsmarknaden i centrala Stockholm har sedan finanskrisen 2008 visat en stark tillväxt och denuvarande förhållandena har jämförts med de som rådde under tidigare kriser. Kommersiellafastighetsmarknaden har haft en betydande roll i de senaste kriserna, eftersom den är känslig motcykler och har hög skuldsättning. Studien syftade till att jämföra marknaden idag med främstkriserna i Sverige på 90-talet och dotcom, men också den stora finanskrisen 2008. Dessutomanalyseras marknadsaktörernas uppfattning om riskerna för en kris i dagens kontorsmarknad.Metoden var kvalitativ då sex professionella intervjuades som representerade fastighetsbolag,konsultföretag, banker och institutionella ägare. Resultatet visar fler skillnader än likheterna medkriserna på både makro och mikronivå. Vidare hade konsensus en optimistisk syn på marknadensframtid. Centrala Stockholm kan betraktas som mer professionell och stabil. Det finns emellertidosäkerheter som inte var närvarande under kriserna, till exempel coworking, marknadsfinansieringoch de låg räntorna. Studien tyder på att faktorn som kommer orsaka nästa kris är något okänt förmarknaden idag.

Parking standards in Stockholm. / Parkeringsnormer i Stockholms län.

Hägglund, Maria January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Urban Mutualism

Mestvedt Borgen, Sigrun January 2021 (has links)
The city of Stockholm has set the goal to build 140 000 new residential units by 2030 to meet the demand of a growing urban population. Simultaneously we are seeing a decline in biodiversity in and surrounding the city. Some of the main factors are climate change, pollution, overexploitation and habitat destruction. As cities grow, they have the potential to aid or accelerate these problems, depending on how this urban growth is approached.In current urban development projects in Stockholm, we increasingly see large scale, high exploitation projects that view efficiency and profitability as their main goal. Biodiversity is largely considered an afterthought. We are chipping away at natural habitats and infrastructure, which has dramatic consequences for other species and ultimately ourselves.This thesis is a study on the city’s impact on biodiversity, and how new developments in Stockholm relate to our surrounding ecosystems. It is an investigation of how we, as urban dwellers, can live with nature. It is also an exploration of how we, as architects and urban planners, can shape cities for urban mutualism.

Architecture of Power

Wadensten, Fredrik January 2021 (has links)
The 34 silos at Jarlaberg today contain crude oil but after the lease of land expires at 2036 are refurbished and remade to hold 2 500 000 m3 of water from Stockholm archipelago. Sharing the industrial plot of the reworked silos are 13 buildings with 2000 households between them. At the shores of the rocky hills is a new landmark with two swirling metal structures reflecting daylight and the shining light from the structure bellow. The building contains two hydro turbines, with the glass roofs and metal vortexes above, a landmark to be seen from both the built plateaus above and the opposite side shores as a celebration of the renewable energy progress of 2030-2050.  The project started as a look at industrial architecture and its relation to city spaces. Specifically the implementation of a stored capacity hydropower solution if placed close to major city centers which demanding more, renewable energy. At first the ambition was to integrate a series of turbines to the new Slussen water outlet from Mälaren to Saltsjön but after further readings the theme of letting the industries society’s development  is dependent upon be a part in planning the cities expansion. To join a industrial function to a housing plan would make a large impact on the urban space in-between the two. To both make a bond but also show the story of the production of energy the project provides. The sides of the silos have been fitted with a series of stepped gradients for seating and to access the top of the water reservoirs. The bottom of the gradients connect to the urban spaces such as parks and squares. Providing both a sun step for seating and meeting spaces close to areas of activity.

Tillsammans i olikhet. Om isärhållning i Stockholms utsatta områden.

Hassan Nejad, Ranya, Kerar, Hiba January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Handelsstrategier baserade på glidande medelvärden : En studie i marknadens effektivitet

Brished, Gustav, Roos, Erik January 2023 (has links)
Att finna den mest effektiva strategin för att maximera sin avkastning på aktiemarknaden har varit en fråga som har intresserat investerare i hundratals år. Denna studie avser att undersöka vilken av investeringsstrategierna, Gyllene korset eller Buy and hold som är mest lönsam under perioden 2004 - 2022 på Stockholmsbörsen för att dra slutsatser om marknadens effektivitet. Genom att mäta avkastningen av tio aktier från large-cap listan och tio aktier från mid-cap-listan visade studiens resultat att Buy and hold under perioden gav en högre genomsnittlig avkastning relativt Gyllene korset under parametrarna glidande medelvärde 50, 200. Detta ger stöd för den effektiva marknadshypotesen som säger att det inte går att få överavkastning genom teknisk analys. Studien finner dock stöd för att köpsignalen som gavs vid Gyllene korset skapade stora vinster, och att det snarare var en försenad säljsignal, dödskorset, som var huvudanledningen till att Buy and hold var överlägsen Gyllene korset-strategin. / Finding the most effective strategy to maximize returns in the stock market has been a question that has interested investors for hundreds of years. This study aims to see which of the investment strategies, Golden cross or Buy and hold that is most profitable during the period 2004 - 2022 on the Stockholm Stock Exchange to draw conclusions about the efficiency of the market. By measuring the return of ten stocks from the large-cap list and ten stocks from the mid-cap list, the study's results showed that during the period, Buy and hold gave a higher average return than the Golden cross under the parameters moving average 50, 200. This supports the efficient market hypothesis, which states that it is not possible to obtain excess returns through technical analysis. However, the study finds support that the buy signal given at the Golden cross created large returns, and that it was rather a delayed sell signal, the death cross, that was the reason why Buy and hold was superior to the Golden cross strategy.

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