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Forage accumulation and nutritive value, canopy structure and grazing losses on Mulato II brachiariagrass under continuous and rotational stocking / Acúmulo e valor nutritivo da forragem, estrutura do dossel e perdas em pastejo em capim Mulato II sob lotação contínua e intermitenteGabriel Baracat Pedroso 30 July 2018 (has links)
Regardless of studies demonstrating that continuous and rotational stocking can promote equivalent animal productivities, rotational stocking is still commonly associated with the idea of intensification of production systems. Moreover, studies evaluating agronomic responses of plants to stocking methods are scarce. The objectives of the present study were to explain the effects of three stocking methods (continuous stocking - CS, lenient rotational stocking - LRS, and severe rotational stocking - SRS), combined by factorial combinations with two mean canopy heights (20 and 30 cm), on forage accumulation (FA) and nutritive value, canopy structure, and grazing losses (GL) of Mulato II brachiariagrass during the 2016/2017 summer rainy season in Piracicaba, Brazil. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with three replications. Stocking methods were imposed by height variations around the two mean canopy heights: 10% (mimicked continuous stocking), 25% (lenient rotational stocking), and 40% (severe rotational stocking), applied using a mob stocking protocol. Forage neutral detergent fiber concentration (NDF), stem proportion in the forage mass (FM) and leaf area index (LAI) under continuous stocking and at pre-grazing under rotational stocking were affected by the mean canopy height × stocking method interaction. Forage in vitro digestible organic matter (IVDOM) and crude protein (CP) concentrations under continuous stocking and at pre-grazing under rotational stocking were affected by mean canopy height and stocking method. Leaf and dead material proportions in the FM under continuous stocking and at pre-grazing under rotational stocking were only affected by stocking method. Forage accumulation (8363 ± 1578 kg DM ha-1) and GL (5305 ± 585 kg DM ha-1) did not differ between treatments. For the 20-cm mean canopy height, CS, despite presenting the least LAI (3.3) and the greatest stem proportion in the FM (30%), promoted the least forage NDF concentration (531 g kg-1 DM). For the 30-cm mean canopy height, CS promoted the least forage NDF concentration (535 g kg-1 DM), SRS presented the greatest LAI (8.9), and LRS presented the least stem proportion in the FM (31%). Continuous stocking, despite presenting the least leaf proportion (32 %) and the greatest dead material proportion (35 %) in the FM, promoted the greatest forage IVDOM (609 g kg-1 DM) and CP (150 g kg-1 DM) concentrations. Severe rotational stocking, despite presenting the least dead material proportion (24 %) and the greatest leaf proportion (46%) in the FM, promoted the least forage IVDOM concentration (549 g kg-1 DM). Lenient rotational stocking, presented intermediate leaf (42 %) and dead material (29 %) proportions in the FM, and did not differ from the other stocking methods on forage IVDOM concentration (574 g kg-1 DM). In general, as mean canopy height decreased, LAI (from 6.6 to 4.8), dead material proportion in the FM (from 33 to 28 %) and forage NDF concentration (from 570 to 545 g kg-1 DM) declined, while forage IVDOM (from 554 to 600 g kg-1 DM) and CP (from 128 to 146 g kg-1 DM) concentrations increased. / Apesar de estudos demonstrarem que métodos de lotação contínua e rotativa podem promover níveis de produtividade animal equivalentes, a lotação rotativa permanece comumente associada à ideia de intensificação de sistemas de produção. Além disso, estudos agronômicos de respostas de plantas forrageiras aos métodos de lotação são escassos. Os objetivos do presente trabalho foram explicar os efeitos de três métodos de lotação (lotação contínua - LC, lotação rotativa leniente - LRL e lotação rotativa severa - LRS) combinadas em arranjo fatorial com duas alturas médias de dossel (20 e 30 cm), sobre o acúmulo e valor nutritivo da forragem, estrutura de dossel e perdas de forragem por pastejo (PP) em pastos de capim Mulato II durante o verão agrostológico de 2016/2017 em Piracicaba, SP. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos completos cazualisados, com três repetições. Os métodos de lotação foram impostos por variações de 10% (lotação contínua mimetizada), 25% (lotação rotativa leniente) e 40% (lotação rotativa severa) em torno das duas alturas médias de dossel, aplicadas com o protocolo experimental do tipo \"mob stocking\". A concentração de fibra em detergente neutro da forragem (FDN), a proporção de colmos na massa de forragem (MF) e o índice de área foliar (IAF) do dossel sob lotação contínua e em pré-pastejo sob lotação rotativa foram afetados pela interação altura média de dossel × método de lotação. A digestibilidade in vitro da matéria orgânica (DIVMO) e a concentração de proteína bruta (PB) da forragem sob lotação contínua e em pré-pastejo sob lotação rotativa foram afetados por altura média de dossel e por método de lotação. As proporções de folhas e material morto na MF sob lotação contínua e em pré-pastejo sob lotação rotativa foram afetadas apenas por método de lotação. Acúmulo de forragem (8363 ± 1578 kg MS ha-1) e PP (5305 ± 585 kg MS ha-1) não diferiram entre os tratamentos. Para a altura média de dossel de 20 cm, LC promoveu a menor concentração de FDN da forragem (531g kg-1 MS), apesar de apresentar os menores valores de IAF (3,3) e a maior proporção de colmos na MF (30 %). Para a altura média de dossel de 30 cm, LC promoveu a menor concentração de FDN da forragem (535 g kg-1 MS), LRS apresentou o maior valor de IAF (8,9) e LRL apresentou a menor proporção de colmos na MF (31 %). Lotação contínua, apesar de apresentar a menor proporção de folhas (32 %) e a maior proporção de material morto (35 %) na MF, promoveu a maior DIVMO (609 g kg-1 MS) e a maior concentração de PB (150 g kg-1 MS) da forragem. Lotação rotativa severa, apesar de apresentar a menor proporção de material morto (24 %) e a maior proporção de folhas (46%) na MF, promoveu a menor DIVMO da forragem (549 g kg-1 MS). Lotação rotativa leniente apresentou proporções intermediárias de folhas (42 %) e material morto (29%) na MF, e não diferiu dos demais métodos de lotação quanto à DIVMO da forragem (574 g kg-1 MS). Em geral, conforme a altura média de dossel diminuiu, os valores de IAF (de 6,6 para 4,8), proporção de colmos na MF (de 33 para 28 %) e concentração de FDN da forragem (de 570 para 545 g kg-1 MS) diminuíram, enquanto DIVMO (de 554 para 600 g kg-1 MS) e concentração de PB (de 128 para 146 g kg-1 MS) da forragem aumentaram.
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Potentiell koppling mellan elektrolys och landbaseradfiskodling : En analys av behov och tillgång på syrgas och värmeHansen, Per January 2021 (has links)
Det kommer ske en stor utbyggnad av elektrolys för produktion av vätgas i Sverigeoch övriga världen. För att sänka produktionskostnaden och därmed göra vätgasenbilligare analyserar denna rapport vilket behov av syrgas och värme som en landbaserad fiskodling har, samt hur mycket syrgas och värme fiskodlingen skulle behövaköpa från en elektrolysör. Analysen visar att de arter som används i studien - tilapia(Oreochromis, Oreochromis,. Alcolapia), regnbåge (Oncorhynchus mykiss) och lax(Salmo salar) - i en odling som producerar 40 ton fisk om året skulle förbruka cirka1,16 procent av syrgasen och cirka 0,35 procent av värmen från en 3 MW PEMelektrolysör. Försäljningsvärdet av syrgasen och värmen från en 3 MW elektrolysörberäknas till cirka 695 000 SEK/år för syrgasen och cirka 1 830 000 SEK/år för värmen. Den genomsnittliga kostnaden för syrgas och värme för arterna i studien i enodling på 40 ton/år beräknas till 8900 SEK/år för syrgasen och 6400 SEK/år förvärmen i en landbaserad fiskodling. / There will be a major expansion of electrolysis for production of hydrogen in Sweden and the rest of the world. To reduce production costs and thus make hydrogencheaper, this report analyzes how much oxygen and heat a fish farm consumes andtherefore would need to buy from an electrolyser. The analysis shows that the species used in the study - tilapia (Oreochromis, Oreochromis, Alcolapia), rainbow(Oncorhynchus mykiss) and salmon (Salmo salar) - in a farm that produces 40 tonsof fish per year would consume 1.16 percent of the oxygen and 0,35 percent of theheat produced from a 3 MW PEM electrolyzer. The value of the oxygen and theheat from a 3 MW electrolyser is calculated at SEK 694,939/year for the oxygenand SEK 1,829,813/year for the heat. The average cost for the species in the studyin a 40 tonne/year fish farm is calculated at SEK 8,900/year for the oxygen and SEK6,400/year for the heat in a land-based fish farm.
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Using nutritional quality of forage and faeces for predicting sustainable livestock and game stocking rates at Pniel Estates in Northern Cape, South AfricaMbatha, Khanyisile R. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / The aim of the study was to assess the importance of spatial and temporal variation in diet quality and abundance for determining sustainable stocking rates on commercial, communal and game ranches in a semi-arid savanna, with the ultimate goal of avoiding land degradation in the long term, to provide sustainable livelihoods in rangelands and to make policy that will help in managing the available natural resources in the rangelands. Thus, firstly the effects of grazing, fire, nitrogen and water availability on nutritional quality of grass in semi-arid savanna was assessed. Secondly, spatial and temporal variation in plant quantity and quality among management (commercial, communal and game) types and habitat types (open savanna, rocky, shrubby and pans) and stocking rates in different management types were determined. Thirdly, the quality and quantity of variation inside and outside herbivore exclosures among commercial, communal and game management and habitat types in the semi arid savanna were estimated. Fourthly, faecal profiling was used to assess the effects of different management types on diet quality in semi-arid savanna. Lastly, policy based on the results of the present study was formulated.
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Continuité écologique et conservation de la diversité génétique et écotype d’un grand migrateur (Salmo trutta L.) / Ecological continuum and conservation of genetic and ecotypic diversity of a highly migratory fish (Salmo trutta L.)Masson, Séverine 02 December 2016 (has links)
La dispersion, caractérisée par les mouvements d’individus dans l’espace et dans le temps, conduit à la production d’un flux de gènes et permet la connectivité des populations. Comprendre les facteurs qui façonnent les flux de gènes et la structuration des populations est d’une importance capitale pour améliorer les pratiques de gestion et de conservation des espèces. Celles caractérisées par une anadromie facultative, telles que la truite commune (Salmo trutta L.), sont des modèles de choix pour étudier le rôle de la diversité écotypique et comportementale, sous l’effet des activités anthropiques, sur le fonctionnement des populations. En utilisant la génétique des populations cette thèse se propose donc d’analyser la structuration des populations de la truite commune dans le fond du Golfe de Gascogne mais également de déterminer l’influence combinée de la dispersion de la truite de mer, de son comportement reproducteur et des activités anthropiques (repeuplements, transport de reproducteur) sur leur fonctionnement. Cette thèse aborde également la contribution des populations de truites communes (via leur origine natale) au stock de truites de mer capturées par la pêche professionnelle, sur le même site d’étude, en couplant de la génétique des populations et de la microchimie des otolithes. Nos résultats montrent une structuration génétique forte des populations de truite commune avec la présence de sept populations distinctes dans le bassin de l’Adour. Ceci semble être en partie expliqué par un comportement marqué de fidélité au site de naissance des truites de mer, couplé à un mouvement directionnel de celles-ci du sud (Espagne) vers le nord qui ne semble pas résulter en une dispersion effective (i.e. mouvement suivi d’une reproduction). En outre, les repeuplements récents, semblent impacter faiblement la structuration génétique des populations sauvages. Certains flux de gènes détectés localement semblent être dus à d’autres activités anthropiques, telles que le transport de reproducteurs. Les truites de mer capturées par la pêche professionnelle proviennent majoritairement de la population du gave d’Oloron et peu des populations des Nives et du Gave de Pau. La raison pourrait se trouver en premier lieu dans le fait que le Gave de Pau est fortement impacté par la présence de barrières à la migration et en second lieu dans les différences phénotypiques (taille plus petite) présentées par les truites de mer des Nives, par rapport à celle des gaves. Ceci suggère donc une différenciation de cette population et peut expliquer que la pêche professionnelle les capture dans une moindre proportion. Cette thèse a d’autre part pu démontrer les difficultés dans l’assignation d’une origine natale via la génétique lorsque les signatures génétiques sont relativement proches. Elle confirme l’utilité d’un couplage génétique des populations - microchimie des otolithes pour assigner des individus à leur origine natale à une échelle plus fine que le bassin. Les résultats obtenus au cours des trois années de thèse ont permis la détermination de populations génétiquement distinctes dont l’une contribue très largement à l’activité de pêche professionnelle. Ces populations peuvent être considérées comme de potentielles unités de gestion qui pourront servir de base à l‘élaboration de plans de gestion et de conservation. La meilleure compréhension de la biologie et du fonctionnement de la truite commune, et de l’impact des activités anthropiques sur la structuration des populations, acquise lors de cette thèse, pourra également permettre d’améliorer la prise de décisions des gestionnaires locaux pour la conservation et la gestion des populations de truites communes. / Dispersal, characterized by the movements of individuals in space and time leading to gene flows, allows populations to connect. Understanding factors shaping gene flow and population structure is vital to improve management and conservation practices of species. Those characterized by a partial anadromy, such as brown trout (Salmo trutta L.), are models of choice to study the role of ecotypic and behavioral diversity, under anthropic activities on population functioning. By using population genetics, this theses proposes to analyse population structure of brown trout in the Bay of Biscay, but also to determine the combined influence of sea trout dispersal, its reproductive behavior, and anthropic activities (stocking, transport of spawners) on their functioning. This thesis also addresses the contribution of brown trout populations (natal origin) on sea trout stock captured by professional fisheries, on the same study site, by coupling population genetics and otolith microchemistry. Results show a strong hierarchical structure of Brown trout population with seven distinct population detected in Adour basin. This seems to be explained a high site fidelity movement of sea trout together with a directional movement of sea trout from South (Spain) to North. This directional movement did not result into effective dispersal (i.e. movement followed by reproduction). Furthermore, a limited contemporary impact of stocking on genetic structure of wild population is observed. A few cases of inter-population gene flow detected seems to be explained by wild population management, particularly transport of spawners. The majority of sea trout captured by professional fisheries come from Gave d’Oloron and few from Nives and Gave de Pau. The reason is that Gave de Pau is impacted by migration barriers. And also that sea trout from Nives have phenotypic differences (smaller length) from sea trout originated from gaves. This suggest a differentiation of this population and can explained that professional fisheries capture them in smaller proportion.On the other hand, this thesis have been shown the difficulties to assign natal origin by using genetics when population are closed genetically. This confirm the usefulness to coupling population genetics and otolith microchemistry together to assign individuals to their natal origin at a finer scale than basin.Results obtained during these three years of thesis have made it possible the determination of distinct populations one of which contribute in majority of professional fisheries activities. These populations can be considered like potential management units (MUs) which could serve as basis in the elaboration of conservation and management plans. The better understanding of brown trout biology and functioning, and the impact of anthropic activities on population structure, obtained in this thesis, can also improve the decision-making of local managers for brown trout population conservation and management.
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Grazing management of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) in South Island (New Zealand)Ates, Serkan January 2009 (has links)
This study consisted of two sheep grazed dryland pasture experiments. Experiment l compared sheep production from 3-year-old cocksfoot based pastures grown in combination with white, Caucasian, subterranean or balansa clover with a ryegrass-white clover pasture and a pure lucerne forage. Sheep liveweight gain per head from each pasture treatment and the pure lucerne stand was recorded in the 2006/07 and 2007/08 seasons. The cocksfoot-subterranean clover pasture provided equal (381 kg LW/ha in 2006) or higher (476 kg LW/ha in 2007) animal production in spring and gave the highest total animal production (646 kg LW/ha) averaged across years of the five grass based pastures. However, total annual liveweight production from lucerne was higher than any grass based pasture mainly due to superior animal production during summer when lucerne provided 42-85% higher animal production than any of the grass based pastures. In Experiment 2, the effect of stocking rate (8.3 (low) and 13.9 (high) ewes + twin lambs/ha) and time of closing in spring on lamb liveweight gain, pasture production and subterranean clover seedling populations was monitored over 2 years for a dryland cocksfoot-subterranean clover and ryegrass-subterranean clover pasture in Canterbury. In both years, twin lambs grew faster (g/head/d) in spring at low (327; 385) than high (253; 285) stocking rate but total liveweight gain/ha (kg/ha/d) was greater at high (7.26; 7.91) than low (5.43; 6.38) stocking rate. Ewes also gained 0.5 and 1.5 kg/head at the low stocking rate in 2006 and 2007 respectively but lost 0.2 kg/head in 2006 and gained 0.3 kg/head at high stocking rate in 2007. Mean subterranean clover seedling populations (per m²) measured in autumn after grazing treatments in the first spring were similar at both low (2850) and high (2500) stocking rate but declined with later closing dates in spring (3850, 2950, 2100 and 1700 at 2, 4, 6, 8 weeks after first visible flower). Seedling populations measured in autumn after grazing treatments in the second spring were also unaffected by stocking rate (low 1290, high 1190) but declined with later closing dates in spring (1470, 1320 and 940 at 3, 5 and 8 weeks after first flowering, respectively). The effect of stocking rate and closing dates in spring on pasture and clover production in the following autumn was similar to the effects on seedling numbers in both years. However, clover production in the following spring was unaffected by stocking rate or closing date in the previous year at the relatively high seedling populations generated by the treatments. This was presumably due to runner growth compensating for lower plant populations in pastures that were closed later in spring. Subterranean clover runner growth in spring may not compensate in a similar manner if seedling numbers in autumn fall below 500/m². Mean annual dry matter production from cocksfoot and ryegrass pastures grown with and without annual clovers pasture production ranged from 6.4 to 12.4 t DM/ha/y but stocking rate (8.3 vs. 13.9 ewes/ha) during spring did not affect annual pasture production. Pastures overdrilled with annual clovers yielded 23-45% more dry matter production than pastures grown without annual clovers. The study confirms the important role of subterranean clover in improving pasture production and liveweight gains of sheep in dryland cocksfoot and ryegrass pastures. Lowering stocking rate from 13.9 to 8.3 ewes/ha was a less effective method of increasing seed production of subterranean clover in dryland pastures although it did lead to increased liveweight gain per head.
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Produtividade e valor nutritivo de pastagens de capim elefante sob os sistemas orgânico e convencional / Productivity and nutritive value of elephant grass pastures under organic and conventional systems.Bem, Cláudia Marques de 14 March 2014 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The objective of this research was to evaluate the productivity and nutritive value of elephant grass pastures, subjected to conventional and organic production system. In the conventional system elephant grass was planted in rows 1.2 m apart from each other. In the organic system elephant grass was planted in rows 3 m apart from each other. In the space between rows, in cool season, annual ryegrass was sown; allowing the development of spontaneous growing species in the warm season. It was applied 100 kg of N/ha from chemical and organic fertilizers (manure of cattle and pig slurry) in the respective pastures. The grazing method was rotated with time to occupy the two days. Holstein cows receiving 0.9% of body weight complementary concentrate feed were used. Pre and post grazing forage mass, botanical and structural composition, forage production and stocking rate were evaluated. Hand-plucked samples were collected to analyze chemical composition and digestibility. Experimental design was completely randomized with two treatments (forage systems), three replicates (paddocks) and repeated measures (mean values of grazing cycles or season). Eight and seven grazing cycles were performed during the experimental period for respective systems. Organic system present best forage distribution thought the year and highest participation of elephant grass leaf blades on herbage mass. The pasture under conventional system presented higher forage mass and stocking rate. Similar value was found in the chemical composition and digestibility of elephant grass pastures in both pasture systems. The organic as much as conventional system showed high qualitative values considering the fertilization, manage and utilization time, in proposed strategy. The results show that the elephant grass can be used under the organic system proposed. / Objetivou-se com esta pesquisa avaliar a produtividade e o valor nutritivo de pastagens de capim elefante submetidas aos sistemas de produção orgânico e convencional. No sistema convencional, o capim elefante foi plantado em linhas afastadas a cada 1,2 m. No sistema orgânico, o capim elefante foi plantado em linhas afastadas a cada 3 m; no espaço entre as linhas, no período hibernal, foi semeado o azevém anual e, no período estival, permitiu-se o desenvolvimento de espécies de crescimento espontâneo. Foram utilizados 100 kg de N/ha com fertilizantes químico e orgânico (esterco de bovino e chorume de suínos) para os respectivos sistemas de produção. O método de pastejo adotado foi o rotacionado, com tempo de ocupação de um ou dois dias, utilizando vacas em lactação que receberam complementação alimentar com concentrado à razão de 0,9% do peso vivo. Foram avaliados a massa de forragem de pré-pastejo e pós-pastejo, composições botânica e estrutural, taxa de desaparecimento, e de acúmulo, produção de forragem e carga animal. Para a determinação da composição química e digestibilidade da forragem, foram retiradas amostras simulando o pastejo. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado com dois tratamentos (sistemas forrageiros), com três repetições (piquetes) e com medidas repetidas (valores médios dos pastejos em cada ciclo ou estação do ano). Durante o período experimental, foram conduzidos oito e sete pastejos para os respectivos sistemas. Na pastagem sob o sistema orgânico, houve melhor distribuição de forragem e maior participação de lâminas foliares do capim elefante na massa de forragem. Na pastagem sob o sistema convencional, verificaram-se maiores valores de produção de forragem e carga animal. Valores similares foram observados quanto à composição química e digestibilidade do capim elefante em ambos os sistemas. Na estratégia proposta, tanto no sistema orgânico quanto no convencional
apresentaram teores qualitativos elevados, considerando-se a adubação, manejo e tempo de utilização. Os resultados demonstram que o capim elefante pode ser utilizado segundo o sistema de produção orgânico proposto.
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Qualidade física, química e microbiológica de ovos lavados armazenados sob duas temperaturas e experimentalmente contaminados com Pseudomonas aeruginosa / Quality physical,chemical and microbiological washed eggs stored under two temperatures and experimentally infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosaMENDES, Fernanda Rodrigues 02 March 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:07:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2010-03-02 / The objective of this study to verify the physical, chemical and bacteriological
egg-washed and not washed undergoing experimental infection with
Pseudomonas aeruginosa and stored at 5 oC and 25 oC during the 30
days. We used 768 eggs without cracks and classified as large,
hens line Dekalb White, 30 to 40 weeks of age,
and 384 for physical and chemical quality and 384 for bacteriological quality. The
experimental design was in blocks of two stages and in factorial 2
x 2 x 2 (contamination, washing and storage temperature) with six
repetitions for variables of physical, chemical and bacteriological. Eggs
were contaminated by handling, with 1.5 x 105 units forming
colonies (CFU) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa / mL and remained
5c and stored at 25oC for 30 days. Every 10 days were analyzed
physical quality of eggs (egg weight, specific gravity, thickness
shell, yolk percentage, albumen and shell, Haugh unit, yolk index
and albumen), chemistry (pH of albumen and yolk) and bacteriological (count
bacteria on the shell and contents of the egg). To analyze the weight loss of
eggs at 30 days were used 96 eggs weighed every three days. The
experimental design was randomized blocks in factorial 2 x 2 x 2
(Contamination washing x x storage temperature), with six
replicates and one egg per experimental unit. It was observed that the cooling
maintained the internal egg quality even when there was contamination in
shell with inoculum of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (p <0.05). It was concluded that the
Refrigeration slows weight loss and provides better internal quality,
physics, and chemistry of eggs during the 30 days of storage (p> 0.05),
independent of the contamination and the washing process. Best values
internal quality were obtained in chilled eggs (p <0.05), eggs
stored at 5 ° C had lower bacterial counts (p <0.05).
It was concluded that the cooling provides better quality of bacteriological
eggs during 30 days of storage and that there was more growth
bacterial washed eggs and especially the content of the eggs. / Objetivou-se com este estudo verificar a qualidade física, química e bacteriológica de ovos lavados e não-lavados submetidos à contaminação experimental com Pseudomonas aeruginosa e armazenados a 5oC e 25oC durante o período de 30 dias. Foram utilizados 768 ovos sem trincas e classificados como grandes, de poedeiras leves da linhagem Dekalb White, com 30 a 40 semanas de idade, sendo 384 para qualidade física e química e 384 para qualidade bacteriológica. O delineamento empregado foi em blocos com duas etapas e em esquema fatorial 2 x 2 x 2 (contaminação, lavagem e temperatura de armazenamento) com seis
repetições para variáveis de qualidade física, química e bacteriológica. Os ovos foram contaminados, pelo manuseio, com 1,5 x 105 unidades formadoras de
colônias (UFCs) de Pseudomonas aeruginosa/mL de solução e permaneceram
armazenados a 5oC e 25oC por 30 dias. A cada 10 dias foram realizadas análises
de qualidade física dos ovos (peso do ovo, gravidade específica, espessura de
casca, porcentagem de gema, albume e casca, unidade Haugh, índices de gema
e albume), química (pH do albume e da gema) e bacteriológica (contagem de
bactérias na casca e no conteúdo do ovo). Para analisar a perda de peso dos
ovos ao final de 30 dias foram utilizados 96 ovos pesados a cada três dias. O
delineamento utilizado foi em blocos casualizados em esquema fatorial 2 x 2 x 2
(contaminação x lavagem x temperatura de armazenamento), com seis
repetições e um ovo a unidade experimental. Observou-se que a refrigeração
manteve a qualidade interna dos ovos mesmo quando houve contaminação na
casca com inóculo de Pseudomonas aeruginosa (p<0,05). Concluiu-se que a
refrigeração retarda a perda de peso e proporciona melhor qualidade interna,
física, e química de ovos durante os 30 dias de armazenamento (p>0,05),
independente da contaminação e do processo de lavagem. Melhores valores de
qualidade interna foram obtidos nos ovos refrigerados (p<0,05), Os ovos
armazenados a 5ºC apresentaram menor contagem bacteriana (p<0,05).
Concluiu-se que a refrigeração proporciona melhor qualidade bacteriologica dos
ovos durante 30 dias de armazenamento e que houve maior crescimento
bacteriano nos ovos lavados e principalmente no conteúdo dos ovos.
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Fish communities in gravel pit lakes: The impact of fisheries management and littoral structuresMatern, Sven 28 March 2023 (has links)
Im ersten Teil meiner Arbeit habe ich den Einfluss von Seeentstehung und fischereilicher Bewirtschaftung auf Artenreichtum und Zusammensetzung der Fischgemeinschaften in kleinen Seen untersucht. Dafür habe ich fischereilich ungenutzte Naturseen als Referenz herangezogen und deren Fischgemeinschaft mit der von unbewirtschafteten Baggerseen, sowie fischereilich genutzten Baggerseen und Naturseen verglichen. Im zweiten Teil meiner Arbeit habe ich die Mechanismen der Totholzrekrutierung in Baggerseen untersucht und die Wichtigkeit von Totholz und anderen Litoralstrukturen im Vergleich zu den klassischen Seenvariablen Nährstoffgehalt und Seemorphologie auf die Fischabundanz im Litoral analysiert. Des Weiteren habe ich die Habitat-spezifischen Effekte auf die artspezifische, litorale Fischabundanz und die Effekte von zusätzlich eingebrachten Totholzbündeln auf die Abundanz typischer Fischarten in Baggerseen analysiert.
Ich habe herausgefunden, dass fischereiliche Bewirtschaftung die Anzahl der Fischarten in Bagger- und Naturseen erhöht ohne die Zusammensetzung der Fischgemeinschaft im Vergleich zu fischereilich ungenutzten Naturseen signifikant zu verändern. Im Gegensatz dazu unterscheidet sich die Fischgemeinschaft in fischereilich ungenutzten Baggerseen durch das Fehlen von typischen Seefischarten und eine hohe Variabilität in der Zusammensetzung zwischen den Gewässern. Ich konnte zeigen, dass die litorale Totholzmenge in Baggerseen durch die Baumdichte am Ufer in Kombination mit der Windrichtung, durch fischereiliche Bewirtschaftung in Interaktion mit der Uferneigung und das Alter der Gewässer getrieben wird und entsprechend in jungen Baggerseen niedriger ist als in alten Naturseen. Ich fand heraus, dass Litoralstrukturen, wie Totholz, wertvolle Lebensräume darstellen, wichtige Deskriptoren der art-spezifischen, litoralen Fischabundanz sind und die Fischabundanz grundsätzlich mit der Strukturmenge ansteigt. / In the first part of my thesis, I studied the effects of lake genesis and fisheries management on fish species richness and community composition in small lakes. I used fish communities in unmanaged natural lakes as reference and compared them to unmanaged gravel pit lakes as well as managed gravel pit and natural lakes. In the second part, I investigated the recruitment of littoral deadwood in gravel pit lakes and analysed the importance of deadwood and other littoral structures on littoral fish abundance in gravel pit lakes compared to the lake environmental variables such as nutrient level and lake morphology. I further analysed habitat-specific effects on species-specific littoral fish abundance and focussed explicitly on the effects of deadwood bundles implemented in the littoral zone.
I found fisheries management to increase the number of fish species in gravel pit and natural lakes, but not leading to different fish community compositions compared to unmanaged natural lakes. By contrast, unmanaged gravel pit lakes were characterized by a lack of typical lake fish species and a high variation in fish community composition among lakes (β-diversity). I detected littoral deadwood densities in gravel pit lakes to be mainly driven by lake age, riparian tree density in interaction with wind direction and littoral slope in angler-managed lakes, with lowest deadwood densities in shallow areas of angler-managed lakes. Furthermore, deadwood densities were lower in young gravel pit lakes compared to old natural lakes. I detected littoral structures, such as littoral deadwood, as appropriate habitats and important descriptors of the species-specific, littoral fish abundance in gravel pit lakes with generally positive effects of structure extension on fish abundance. Littoral habitat characteristics were mostly of similar, or even higher, importance for fish abundance compared to lake environmental factors.
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The Response of Zooplankton Communities in Montane Lakes of Different Fish Stocking Histories to Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition SimulationsBrittain, Jeffrey Thomas 21 May 2015 (has links)
Freshwater ecosystems are subject to a wide variety of stressors, which can have complex interactions and result in ecological surprises. Non-native fish introductions have drastically reduced the number of naturally fishless lakes and have resulted in cascading food web repercussions in aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Additional anthropogenic influences that result from increases in global airborne emissions also threaten wildlife habitat. Atmospheric nitrogen deposition has been recognized as an anthropogenic contributor to acidification and eutrophication of wilderness ecosystems. Planktonic communities have shown declines in response to predation and shifts in composition as a result of nutrient inputs and acidification, both of which are potential fates of nitrogen deposition. This study identified the response of zooplankton communities from two lakes (fish present vs. absent) in Mount Rainier National Park to manipulations simulating an episodic disturbance event in mesocosms. The experiment used a 2 x 2 factorial design with acid and nitrogen treatments. Treatments resulted in significantly elevated nitrogen and decreased pH conditions from control mesocosms over 42 days, indicating that the treatment effects were achieved. Results indicate that zooplankton communities from lakes with different food web structure respond differently to the singular effects of acid and nitrogen addition. Surprisingly, the interaction of the two stressors was related to increases in community metrics (e.g., abundance, biomass, body size, richness, and Shannon-Weiner diversity) for both lake types. This work can aid management decisions as agencies look to restore more aquatic montane habitats to their historic fishless states, and assess their abilities to recover and afford resistance to atmospheric pollution.
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Zur Rekonstruktion historischer Biodiversität aus archivalischen Quellen: Das Beispiel des Oderbruchs (Brandenburg) im 18. Jahrhundert / The reconstruction of historical biodiversity by archival sources: the example of the Oderbruch floodplain (Brandenburg) in the 18th centuryJakupi, Antje 05 July 2007 (has links)
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