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Kvinnliga plus size konsumeneter : Upplevelse av Servicescape i fysiska klädbutiker / Female Plus Size Consumers : Experience of servicescape in physical storesDahlin, Carolina, Strandlycke, Monika, Eriksson Palmgren, Andrea January 2019 (has links)
Plus size är ett växande kundsegment som idag har blivit i stort sett negligerat av klädbranschen både nationellt och internationellt. Med ett begränsat utbud och brist på inspirerande butiksavdelningar har allt fler konsumenter slutat att handla i fysisk butik och istället övergått till att handla på nätet. Detta har inspirerat till en undersökning av hur svenska kvinnliga modemedvetna plus size konsumenter i olika åldrar upplever fysiska klädbutikers servicescape. I studien har en kvantitativ metod, surveyundersökning online, genomförts där bekvämlighetsurval använts som grund. 121 modemedvetna plus size kvinnor uttryckte sin åsikt angående sina upplevelser av fysiska butikers servicescape och hur produkterna upplevs. I enkäten gjordes en medveten uppdelning av frågorna gällande fysiska butiker, ena butikskonceptet har en specifik plus size avdelning och den andra har sitt plus size sortimentet integrerat med det övriga sortimentet i butiken. Efter genomförd deskriptiv och statistisk analys av det insamlade materialet har det kunnat fastställas att plus size konsumenter anser att det finns skillnader mellan butiker med enskild avdelning och butiker med integrerat sortiment. Den allmänna upplevelsen bland respondenterna var att servicescape genomförts bättre i butiker där plus size produkter är integrerade bland det övriga sortimentet. Utbudet av produkter i plus size upplevs vara begränsat. Det är därför svårt att avgöra hur servicescape påverkar uppfattningen av produkter. Dock uppfattas plus size avdelningars servicescape negativt och detta kan påverka konsumenters upplevelse av produkter och dess tillgänglighet. Studien har bidragit med nya insikter i hur det specifika kundsegmentet, plus size kvinnor, upplever servicescape. Vidare har studien bidragit till forskning gällande butiker med integrerat utbud då tidigare forskning inom detta område varit begränsat. / Plus size is a growing consumer segment that have become neglected in the clothing industry both nationally and internationally. With a limited supply and a lack of inspiring departments in store, more consumers have stopped shopping in physical stores and instead directed their shopping towards online retailers. These factors have inspired this study and the need to investigate how Swedish female fashion forward plus size consumers in different ages experience physical store environments in terms of servicescape. The study is based on a quantitative method where convenience sample was used. 121 female plus size consumers took part in an online survey to express their experiences of servicescape and how products are perceived in these environments. The survey was deliberately divided into two different parts where one part focused on stores that have a specific department for plus size clothing and the other where the plus size assortment was integrated with the other ranges in store. After conducted descriptive and statistical analysis of the compiled material, the study shows that female plus size consumers deem that there is a difference between the experienced servicescape of the two different types of store. The general conception among the respondents is that the stores where the plus size assortment is integrated have a better applied servicescape. The range of products in plus size was experienced to be limited. Because of this is has been hard to determine werther servicescape have a big impact on how products are perceived or not. However, since the study shows that plus size departments in terms of servicescape are perceived negatively, this may have an effect on how the products and its availability are perceived. The study has contributed with new insights into how the specific consumer segment, female plus size, experience servicescape. Furthermore, the study has contributed with new knowledge regarding the experience of stores with an integrated plus size assortment since this particular angle has been limited in earlier studies.
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Estudio sobre los factores que influyen en la decisión de compra de los clientes de tiendas de conveniencia del distrito de Santiago de Surco antes y durante el periodo de inmovilización social del año 2020 / Study on the factors that influence the purchase decision of customers of convenience stores in the Santiago de Surco district before and during the period of social immobilization in 2020Elgegren Gonzales, Jorge Alberto, Ruíz Castro, Anthony Andrés 22 November 2020 (has links)
En los últimos años, las tiendas por conveniencia han tenido un gran crecimiento en la mayoría de los distritos de Lima y dentro de algunas provincias del Perú. Estas han venido posicionándose y ganando una gran parte del mercado peruano. Los centros comerciales y las bodegas tradicionales se han visto afectados por este nuevo tipo de tiendas.
El presente estudio tiene por finalidad identificar los principales factores que influyen en la decisión de compra de los clientes de las tiendas por conveniencia en el distrito de Santiago de Surco antes y durante el periodo de inmovilización social del año 2020 empleando el modelo de la Teoría del Comportamiento Planificado (TPB).
El documento consta de 4 capítulos:
Capítulo 1: se encuentra la introducción.
Capítulo 2: se detalla el marco teórico donde están los antecedentes, el estado de la cuestión, los puntos caves de este proyecto y algunos conceptos generales que aportan a la investigación.
Capítulo 3: indica el plan de investigación, el cual se refiere al problema principal, las hipótesis y los objetivos planteados para el desarrollo de este trabajo de investigación.
Capítulo 4: se explica la metodología del trabajo, las variables, la cobertura de estudio, encuestas y el tamaño de muestra para esta investigación.
Capítulo 5: se realiza el desarrollo numérico mediante gráficos y tablas de los softwares correspondientes que comprueban las hipótesis y objetivos de la investigación.
Capitulo 6: se encuentran las conclusiones y recomendaciones que arrojan los resultados del presente proyecto. / In recent years, convenience stores have had great growth in most of Lima's districts and many states of Peru. These have been positioning themselves and gaining a large part of the Peruvian market. Shopping malls and traditional wineries have been affected by this new type of store.
The purpose of this study is to identify the main factors influencing the purchase decision of convenience store customers in the Santiago de Surco district before and during the period of social immobilization in 2020 using the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB).
The document consists of 4 chapters:
Chapter 1: Introduction.
Chapter 2: Theoretical framework where the background, the state of the question, the key points of this project and some general concepts that contribute to the research are detailed.
Chapter 3: Indicates the research plan, which refers to the main problem, the hypotheses and the objectives set for the development of this research work.
Chapter 4: Methodology, variables, study coverage, surveys, and sample size for this research are explained.
Chapter 5: Numerical development is carried out by means of graphs and tables of the corresponding software that verify the hypotheses and objectives of the investigation.
Chapter 6: Conclusions and recommendations of the results of this project are found. / Tesis
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En kulturell och kommersiell teater : En differentieringsstrategi mot E-handeln / A Cultural and Commercial Theater : A Differentiation Strategy towards E-commerceRichardson, Mette, Hedberg, Siri January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att utifrån intern strategi och anställdas uppfattning undersöka hur ett varuhus inom High-End-segmentet arbetar med att differentiera sitt fysiska erbjudande. Vidare syftar uppsatsen till att undersöka huruvida detta skulle kunna vara ett sätt att bemöta den ökade konkurrensen från E-handeln. De teorier som har legat till grund för studiens analysmodell är teorin om The Five Products Levels samt immateriella värdens kompletterande effekten på differentieringen av ett erbjudande. Studien baseras på primär- och sekundärdata av Nordiska Kompaniet (NK). Kvalitativ primärdata erhölls från semistrukturerade intervjuer med personer i strategisk position på NK och anställda i varuhuset. Respondenterna valdes utifrån ett strategiskt urval. Sekundärdata från externa källor användes som komplement. Studien visar att NK har möjlighet att konkurrera med E-handeln med ett fysisk erbjudande, genom en unik upplevelse som sträcker sig utanför köpögonblicket. NK kan konkurrera genom att positionera sig inom områden som E-handeln behärskar sämre. Områden som E-handeln i dagsläget ej anses behärska på grund av dess svårigheter att bygga starka kundrelationer samt endast digital närvaro där fysiska upplevelser går förlorade. / The purpose of the thesis is to, based on internal strategy and the employees' perception, investigate how a department store within the High-End segment works to differentiate its physical offering. Furthermore, the thesis aims to investigate whether this could be a response to the increased competition from E-commerce. The theories that have formed the basis of the study's model of analysis are the theory of The Five Products Levels and the complementary effect of intangible values on the differentiation of an offer. The study is based on primary and secondary data of Nordiska Kompaniet (NK). Qualitative primary data was obtained from semi-structured interviews with people in strategic positions at NK and department store staff. The respondents were selected based on a strategic selection. Secondary data from external sources were used as a complement. The study shows that NK has the opportunity to compete with E-commerce with a physical offer, through a unique experience that extends beyond the moment of purchase. NK can compete by positioning itself in areas that E-commerce masters less. Areas that E-commerce currently does not master due to its difficulties in building strong customer relationships and only digital presence where physical experiences are lost.
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Marknadsföringens roll i strävan mot hållbar konsumtion : En kvantitativ studie om konsumenters hållbara köppåverkanJohansson, Emelie, Lundin, Elin January 2020 (has links)
Title: The role of marketing in the pursuit of sustainable consumption Level: Student thesis, final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Authors: Emelie Johansson, Elin Lundin Supervisor: Zahra Ahmadi and Akmal Hyder Examiner: Agneta Sundström Date: 2020 – 06 Aim: The aim of the study is to examine the extent to which sustainable consumption is perceived and how sustainable marketing influences consumers' purchasing behavior and awareness. Method: In this study, we have used a quantitative method consisting of a survey. The survey was answered by a total of 223 respondents in order to test the study's hypotheses and purpose. Hypothesis testing was performed by descriptive analysis and correlation analysis using the SPSS program. The results obtained are reported in tables and analyzed in comparison with previous theory. Conclusion: The study has shown that consumers have a high level of awareness of sustainable consumption. However, sustainable consumption is not complied with to the same extent as the consumer is conscious, which is influenced by factors of price and habit. Studies have also shown that sustainable marketing has an effect on the consumer's buying behavior and awareness and that consumers demand more communication about this from the grocery stores. Contribution: The study has contributed to the supplementation of already existing research in sustainable consumption and sustainable marketing. We have been able to demonstrate a link between sustainable marketing and consumer sustainable consumption. The study's main benefits are showing how grocery stores can increase their understanding of their consumers and what sustainability issues motivates them in their efforts to promote sustainable consumption. Keywords: Sustainable marketing, sustainable consumption, environmental awareness, purchasing behavior, purchasing decisions, overconsumption, climate change, grocery stores, groceries. / Titel: Marknadsföringens roll i strävan mot hållbar konsumtion Nivå: Examensarbete på Grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi Författare: Emelie Johansson, Elin Lundin Handledare: Zahra Ahmadi och Akmal Hyder Examinator: Agneta Sundström Datum: 2020 – 06 Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning hållbar konsumtion uppfattas samt hur hållbar marknadsföring påverkar konsumenters köpbeteende och medvetenhet. Metod: I denna studie har vi använt en kvantitativ metod bestående av en enkätundersökning. Enkätundersökningen besvarades av totalt 223 respondenter i syfte att testa studiens hypoteser och syfte. Hypotesprövning utfördes genom deskriptiv analys och korrelationsanalys med hjälp av programmet SPSS. Resultaten som utvanns redovisas i tabeller och analyseras i jämförelse med tidigare teori. Slutsats: Studien har visat att konsumenter har en hög grad av medvetenhet om hållbar konsumtion. Däremot efterlevs inte hållbar konsumtion i samma utsträckning som konsumenten är medveten, vilket påverkas av faktorer såsom pris och vana. Studien har även visat att hållbar marknadsföring har effekt på konsumentens köpbeteende och medvetenhet och att konsumenterna efterfrågar mer kommunikation om detta från livsmedelsbutikerna. Uppsatsens bidrag: Studien har bidragit till komplettering av redan befintlig forskning inom hållbar konsumtion och hållbar marknadsföring. Genom att vi kunnat påvisa ett samband mellan hållbar marknadsföring och konsumenternas hållbara konsumtion. Studien ger främst nytta till livsmedelsbutiker för att öka förståelsen för dess konsumenter och vad som motiverar dem i arbetet med att främja hållbar konsumtion. Nyckelord: Hållbar marknadsföring, hållbar konsumtion, miljömedvetenhet, köpbeteende, köpbeslut, överkonsumtion, klimatförändring, livsmedelsbutiker, dagligvaror.
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Site selection for small retail stores using sustainable and location-driven indicators : Case study: Starbucks coffee shops in Los AngelesSokol, Vadym, Jordanov, Kristijan January 2020 (has links)
Site selection decisions remains a complex yet crucial process for strong business performance. Despite the extensive number of publications in this field, the emergence of new data collection technique, improved location analytics, and changes in consumers’ preferences call for testing of new models and hypothesis. This study compares traditional site selection indicators (e.g. property size, proximities, competition, and demographic profiles) with novel site-selection indicators (e.g. environmental sustainability performance and socio-demographic characteristics from Tapestry data). By investigating a case study of Starbucks coffee stores in Los Angeles, we argue that environmental sustainability performance and socio-demographic Tapestry segments correlate with business performance indicators of small retail shops in two ways. First, higher sustainability scores result in increased foot traffic, and by extension increased business performance. Second, Tapestry segmentation stands as significant indicator of business performance in site selection modeling – specifically, by demonstrating the significant correlation between socio-demographic consumers’ segments and the number of visitors per location. The output of this study offers an alternative location-driven site selection method, important for businesses and key industry-players in sharpening location-allocation decision-making processes.
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Butiksdöd eller butiksrenässans? : Hur skapar små fysiska modebutiker konkurrenskraft?Eklöf, Linn, Vadér, Alice January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Digitaliseringen av sällanköpsvaruhandeln har bidragit till en strukturomställning där konkurrensen för fysiska butiker blivit allt hårdare. Brytpunkten för tillväxt inom modebranschen, som ingår i sällanköpsvaruhandeln, har skiftats från fysisk butik till e-handel och den snabbväxande e-handeln visar inga tecken på att avta, snarare tvärtom. Det sker en prispress, både online och i fysiska butiker, vilket innebär att det oftast är de svagaste butikerna (främst mindre fysiska butiker) som är de först drabbade, på grund av svårigheterna att anpassa sig. Studien visar därmed hur de fysiska butikerna skapar konkurrenskraft för att stå sig kvar på marknaden. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att bidra till en ökad förståelse för hur fysiska små butiker inom modebranschen skapar konkurrenskraft, samt hur e-handeln påverkar konkurrensen för dessa. Forskningsfrågor: -Hur påverkas de små fysiska modebutikerna av e-handelns framväxt? Hur skiljer det sig mellan rural area och city area? -Hur skiljer sig marknadsföringsstrategier och prissättningsstrategier från befintliga små fysiska butiker inom modebranschen i jämförelse med nedlagda butiker? -Hur ska de fysiska små modebutikerna undvika butiksdöd och hantera utmaningarna för långsiktig överlevnad? Resultat: Studien resulterar i att alla fallföretag skapar konkurrenskraft genom att erbjuda sina kunder en hög personlig service där kunden alltid är i fokus och kommer i första hand. Den höga personliga servicen är en ännu viktigare konkurrensstrategi om butiken är belägen i en rural area. På sikt kommer däremot små fysiska modebutiker behöva anpassa sig till branschens strukturomvandling och erbjuda kunder ett mer sömlöst upplägg för att kunna konkurrera med e-handeln. I dagsläget har e-handeln ett stort försprång i både pris och räckvidd och en strukturomställning skulle innebära att fysisk butik och e-handel konkurrerar på liknande villkor och på så vis undviks dagens konkurrensasymmetri. / Background: The digitalization of the retail industry has contributed to a restructuring, where competition for physical stores has become increasingly fierce. The breaking point for the growth of the fashion industry has shifted from the physical store to e-commerce and the fast-growing e-commerce is showing no signs of abating, but rather the opposite. There is a constant pressure on prices, both online and in physical stores, which means that it is usually the weakest stores (mainly smaller physical stores) which are the first affected because of the difficulties in adapting. The study thus shows how the physical stores create competitiveness to remain in the market. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to contribute to an increased understanding of how physical small stores in the fashion industry creates competitiveness, and how e-commerce affects competition for these. Research questions: -How do the physical small stores (within the fashion industry) create competitiveness based on marketing strategies and pricing strategies? How does it differ between the rural area and the city area? -How do marketing strategies and pricing strategies differ from existing small physical stores in the fashion industry in comparison to closed stores? -How should the physical small fashion stores handle the challenges of long-term survival? Conclusion: The study results in all case companies creating competitiveness by offering their customers a high personal service where the customer is always in focus and comes first. The high personal service is an even more important competitive strategy if the store is located in a rural area. In the long run, small physical fashion stores will need to adapt to the structural transformation and offer customers a more seamless design in order to compete with e-commerce. At present, e-commerce has a major advantage in both price and scope, and a restructuring would mean that physical stores and e-commerce compete on similar terms and thus avoid today’s competitive asymmetry.
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Filmové regály: nástup soukromých videopůjčoven počátkem 90. let / Film Shelves: Private Video rental stores in the early 1990s Czech republicKrejčířová, Anna January 2021 (has links)
The subject of this thesis are now almost extinct brick and mortar video rental stores that were a crucial film distribution window between theatre and television premiere only a few decades ago. The research focuses on the arrival of video rental stores run by small private entrepreneur in Prague 1990-1995 right after the country reinstalled its market economy. The text tries to reconstruct, describe and analyse six particular places of business via interviews with their owners and further archive materials - and in addition maybe ascertain reasons of their closure / continuance after 1995. Part of the thesis is also a list of 90 addresses of Prague video rental stores from around that time and basic figures of their arrangement.
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Tiempo de espera, atributos de tienda y calidad del servicio que determinan la satisfacción del cliente de la generación Millennial en las tiendas de conveniencia de distritos seleccionados de Lima Metropolitana / Waiting time, store attributes and service quality that determine the satisfaction of the Millennial generation customer in the convenience stores of selected districts of Metropolitan LimaAngeles Ramos, Jackeline Liliana, Santana Cardenas, Silvia Vicenta 19 April 2021 (has links)
Las empresas se enfrentan a más competidores y tienen la necesidad de diferenciarse y no solo adaptarse para obtener la preferencia del público. Es así que los formatos de tiendas de conveniencia brindan una inmediatez y cercanía para la compra. Estas empresas deben dirigir esfuerzos a generar satisfacción en el cliente sobre todo de la generación Millennial que tienen necesidades particulares. Por ello, la investigación realizada busca determinar el efecto del tiempo de espera, atributos de tienda y calidad del servicio en la satisfacción del cliente de la generación Millennial. El enfoque utilizado fue de tipo cuantitativo, de alcance correlacional - causal, y de corte transversal y la herramienta utilizada fue la encuesta, se realizaron 464 cuestionarios. Entre los principales hallazgos están que Tambo fue la tienda más visitada por los clientes encuestados. Además, se concluye que el tiempo de espera, los atributos de tienda y la calidad de servicio sí afectan en la satisfacción del cliente con un 95% de confianza. Del mismo modo, se puede observar que la calidad de servicio es el factor más relevante y que el precio tiene un coeficiente negativo en la satisfacción del cliente, lo que se explica de manera positiva, ya que a menor precio mayor es la satisfacción del cliente. Por último, se afirma que los clientes tienen predisposición a esperar en cola, pero que al momento de elegir la opción de compra optarán por el establecimiento que les genere un menor tiempo de espera. / Companies face more competitors and have the need to differentiate themselves and not just adapt to obtain the preference of the public. Thus, the formats of convenience stores provide immediacy and closeness to the purchase. These companies must direct efforts to generate customer satisfaction, especially for the Millennial generation who have particular needs. For this reason, the research carried out seeks to determine the effect of waiting time, store attributes and service quality on customer satisfaction of the Millennial generation. The approach used was quantitative, correlational-causal, and cross-sectional and the tool used was the survey, 464 questionnaires were performed. Among the main findings are that Tambo was the most visited store by the surveyed customers. In addition, it is concluded that waiting time, store attributes and quality of service do affect customer satisfaction with 95% confidence. In the same way, it can be observed that the quality of service is the most relevant factor and that the price has a negative coefficient on customer satisfaction, which is explained in a positive way, since the lower the price, the higher the customer satisfaction. Finally, it is stated that customers have a predisposition to wait in line, but that when choosing the purchase option, they will opt for the establishment that generates the least waiting time. / Tesis
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Motivación hedónica, valor y riesgo percibido en relación a la decisión de compra del consumidor en el canal online de tiendas por departamento / Hedonic motivation, value and perceived risk in relation to the consumer's purchase decision in the online channel of department storesSalviati Chunga, Valeria Alexandra, Tantachuco Vargas, Valeria Abigail 02 December 2020 (has links)
En la actualidad, los consumidores han cambiado su estilo de vida a causa de diversos factores. Uno de ellos es la pandemia causada por el Covid-19, la cual ha modificado la decisión de compra de los shoppers, afectando también al sector retail y; por otro lado, se encuentra la digitalización, la cual transformó los canales de venta existentes. Estos han tenido que adaptarse, a través de estrategias digitales, con el fin de motivar la compra de los clientes. Por lo tanto, se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de diversos autores, los cuales estudian los principales factores de compra y su relación con la venta online de tiendas por departamento.
En base a lo anteriormente mencionado, el presente artículo de investigación, tiene el objetivo de analizar la relación entre la motivación hedónica, valor y riesgo percibido, como factores de compra y la forma en que influyen en la decisión de compra en el canal online de tiendas por departamento. Para ello, se propondría una investigación de tipo correlacional de enfoque cuantitativo y carácter concluyente, que será testeada en 400 personas que hayan comprado en línea en los últimos seis meses. Los resultados obtenidos, serán medidos a través de un análisis estadístico descriptivo (regresiones lineales, correlaciones, desviación estándar). / Currently, consumers have changed their lifestyles due to a large variety of factors. One of them is the pandemic caused by Covid-19, which has modified the purchase decision of buyers, also affecting the retail sector and; on the other hand, there is the digitization, which transformed the existing sales channels. These have had to adapt, through digital strategies, in order to motivate the purchase of customers. Therefore, a bibliographic review was carried out by various authors, who study the main purchasing factors and their relationship with the online sale of department stores.
Based on the aforementioned, this research article has the objective of analyzing the relationship between hedonic motivation, value and perceived risk, as purchase factors and the way in which they influence the purchase decision in the online channel of department stores. To do this, a conclusive quantitative-focus correlational research would be proposed, which will be tested on 400 people who have bought online in the last six months. The results obtained will be measured through a descriptive statistical analysis (linear regressions, correlations, standard deviation). / Trabajo de investigación
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Store awareness, store loyalty, store perceived quality y store image en relación a la intención de compra en tiendas departamentalesAperrigue Garay, Vivian Gardenia, Cortez Rojas, Lucila Miriam 03 December 2020 (has links)
Esta investigación se enfoca en analizar la relación de las variables del store equity: store awareness, store loyalty, store perceived quality y store image. Asimismo, la investigación evaluó que tanto una variable influye en las otras, y cuál de estas influye más en la intención de compra en las tiendas departamentales. Como primer resultado, se encontró que el store awareness es una pieza clave del store equity. Asimismo, se encontró que el store awareness y el store image influyen en el store loyalty. Además, este estudio muestra evidencia de que todas las variables del store equity influyen en la intención de compra, pero no con la misma intensidad. El estudio para esta investigación fue realizado en Lima (Perú), utilizando una metodología cuantitativa con una muestra de 400 clientes de tiendas departamentales. / This research focuses on analyzing the relationship of store equity variables: store awareness, store loyalty, store perceived quality and store image. Also, the investigation evaluated how much one of these variables influences the others, and which of these influences the most on the purchase intention of department stores. As the first result, it was found evidence that the store awareness is a key element of the store equity. Also, it shows that the store awareness and the store image influences the store loyalty. In addition, this study shows evidence about how all the variables of store equity influence purchase intention, but not with the same intensity. The study for this investigation was made in Lima (Peru), using a quantitative methodology with a sample of 400 customers of department stores. / Trabajo de investigación
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