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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den svarta paraden : Emo-kulturens uttryck och intention,tolkat i termer av uppror / The Black Parade : The expressions and intensions of emo subculture, interpreted in terms of rebellion

Hägg, Alice January 2017 (has links)
Emotional hardcore är subkulturen som gick från undergroundrörelse med nära kopplingar till punken till att bli en extremt kommersialiserad subkultur. Emos efter millennieskiftet har beskrivits som deprimerade och destruktiva, och deras kultur som potentiellt farlig för unga människor. I den här uppsatsen kommer emo-kulturens uttryck och intention att undersökas, framförallt kommer fokus att ligga på hur samtalet om motstånd, psykisk ohälsa och känslor såg ut. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med fem personer som rört sig i emo-kulturen, analyser av text från Bilddagboken och privata bloggar framträder en mer komplex bild av emos. Kulturen rymmer både normskritiska och livsbejakande inslag, även om scenen inte värjer sig för tunga ämnen som självdestruktivitet och depression. Emos synliggjorde sina känslor och personliga uttryck men krävde också respekt och acceptans från sin omgivning. Deras närvaro öppnar upp för en debatt om utseendenormer och psykisk ohälsa som fortfarande är aktuell. / Emotional hardcore is the subculture which went from underground movement with close ties to punk rock to become an extremely commercialized subculture. The emos of the post-millennial emo culture have been described as depressed and destructive, and their culture as potentially dangerous to young people. This essay is exploring the expressions and intentions of the emo culture, with a focus on the discourse on rebellion, mental health and feelings. Qualitative interviews with five former members of the Swedish emo-community, textual analyses from the social media Bilddagboken (Dayviews) and private blogs form a more complex picture of emos. The emo culture contains both norm critical and life affirmative elements, even if the scene doesn’t shield itself from difficult subjects like self-harm and depression. Emo kids made both their feelings and personal expressions visible and demanded respect and acceptance from their surroundings. Their presence open up for a debate about standards of appearance and metal health that is still relevant.

A Blacker and Browner Shade of Pale: Reconstructing Punk Rock History / Schwarze und braune Nuancen im Weiß: eine Rekonstruktion der Geschichte des Punkrocks

Pietschmann, Franziska 20 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Embedded in the transatlantic history of rock ‘n’ roll, punk rock has not only been regarded as a watershed moment in terms of music, aesthetics and music-related cultural practices, it has also been perceived as a subversive white cultural phenomenon. A Blacker and Browner Shade of Pale challenges this widespread and shortsighted assumption. People of color, particularly black Americans and Britons, and Latina/os have pro-actively contributed to punk’s evolution and shaped punk music culture in the United States and England. Examining why people of color are not linked to the punk rock genre and culture in normative discourse, this paper first scrutinizes the continuously unaddressed racialization of Anglo-American popular music itself and explores how the historical development and discursive construction of racial boundaries impacted the historiography of Anglo-American popular music. Building on these premises, the second central field of inquiry probes how the music press, aided and abetted by academic texts, constructs punk as a white music mono-culture that such discourse historicizes, analyzes, and maintains. Both popular (journalistic) and academic publications have largely ignored or underrepresented the presence of people of color, especially black (American) as well as Latina/o participants, in punk rock culture. The thesis’ third major focus imagines punk as a fluid social and musical convergence culture that continuously crosses unstable boundaries of genres, races, and genders. A Blacker and Browner Shade of Pale thus indicates an emerging awareness of how popular and academic discourse can become more sensitive to punk's multiracial, inclusive, and participatory mores.

Hard as iron or Hot as hell : En kvalitativ textanalys av kvinnoframställningar i Close-Up Magazine och Sweden Rock Magazine

Jönsson, David, Bergström, Sofia January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats var att genom en genusvetenskaplig och socialkonstruktivistisk ansats undersöka hur kvinnor framställs i de svenska hårdrocksmagasinen Close-Up Magazine och Sweden Rock Magazine. Då majoriteten av den genusrelaterade medieforskningen har intresserat sig för reklam- och modebilder finns en kunskapslucka kring hur kvinnor framställs i bilder inom genrer vid sidan av dessa. Denna studie avsåg att genom semiotisk textanalys undersöka bilder i dessa magasin, för att identifiera de kvinnliga stereotyperna i dem och sedan jämföra dessa med etablerade stereotyper som tidigare forskning påvisat. Sammanlagt analyserades 28 bilder i 15 magasin från 2013 utifrån feministisk blickteori och Goffmans teori om könsframställning. Tre tydliga kvinnliga stereotyper framträdde i resultatet. Dessa benämnde vi som Den hårda, Den medkännande och Den objektifierade. De två sistnämnda är väl kända sedan innan inom forskningssammanhang medan Den hårda kvinnan, som bland annat uppvisar tecken på aggressivitet, avsky och överlägsenhet, inte påträffats i liknande studier innan. Denna nyfunna stereotyps blick, som inte definierats i tidigare forskning, namngav vi The Glare. Slutligen påvisar studiens resultat en större nyansering av de stereotyper som tidigare har diskuterats i genusrelaterad medieforskning. Resultaten tyder på att det inte finns en enhetlig kvinnlig stereotyp, utan att de kan variera beroende på genre och kulturell kontext. / The aim of this paper was to examine how women are portrayed in the Swedish metal magazines Close-Up Magazine and Sweden Rock Magazine from a gender theoretical and social constructivist perspective. Since the majority of the gender related media research have focused on pictures in fashion and advertising, there is a lack of awareness regarding how women are portrayed in other genres. This study’s objective was to examine pictures in these magazines in order to identify female stereotypes and compare them to established stereotypes from previous studies. In total 28 pictures from 15 magazines, that were published in 2013, were analyzed based on the understanding of feminist theory and Goffman’s theory of gender display. Three distinctive female stereotypes appeared in the results. These were titled The tough, The compassionate and The objectified. The last two are well known in the media research field while The tough woman, who show signs of aggression, contempt and superiority, has not appeared in previous studies. This new stereotype's view of the observer, which has not been defined in previous studies, we decided to call The glare. The results show a greater variety of stereotypes than what has been discussed in prior media related research. They also indicate that there is no uniform female stereotype and that they vary depending on genre and cultural context.

Alternativní kultura v České republice po roce 1989 / Alternative Culture in the Czech Republic after 1989

Chorvátovičová, Iva January 2011 (has links)
This thesis describes the phenomenon of alternative culture in public policy. The first part seeks to define what alternative culture means and builds on the research mainly from sociology and cultural studies. Very useful are then specific theory of social deviance, the theory of subcultures and postsubcultures. At the same time, the paper looks into the past, before 1989, when the alternative culture phenomenon was clearly defined, standing outside the mainstream culture and the alternative culture was illegal. Through the analysis of some events and political cases from the recent past, there could be seen both differences between alternative culture and an attitude to it before 1989, but also some important parallels with the current situation of alternative culture. Alternative culture is later specified by current alternative underground subcultures: freetekno - DIY, squatting and street art. In the case of these three controversial subcultures, the paper deals with an attitude of public policy to these subcultures through the extremism policy. The next part the paper deals with the contemporary cultural politics in the country. Briefly, it describes and outlines the current situation and possible areas for innovation in the context of alternative culture. In the last phase this thesis deals...


Süß, Heidi 27 April 2017 (has links)
Der Begriff HipHop-Feminismus wurde von der amerikanischen Kulturkritikerin Joan Morgan etabliert und beschreibt einen Feminismus, der den Lebenswelten HipHop-sozialisierter Frauen (of color) gerechter werden soll. Neben der selbstreflexiven Auseinandersetzung mit der eigenen Positionierung innerhalb einer als sexistisch geltenden Kultur, zählen auch kritische Diskurse um rassisierte Repräsentationen von women of color und die Aufarbeitung weiblicher HipHop-Geschichte zu den Themen des HipHop-Feminismus.

Från beatniks till hippies : Utmanande och omvälvande subkulturella ungdomsgrupper i Sverige 1959 till 1969 / From beatniks to hippies : Challenging and revolving subcultural youths in Sweden 1959 to 1969

Starlander, Olle January 2022 (has links)
From beatniks to hippies — challenging and revolving subcultural youths in Sweden 1959 to 1969 The purpose of this work has been to explore and analyse the transformation of the youth subcultures beatniks and hippies in a Swedish context between 1959 and 1969, by searching answers to the following questions: What was the background of the subcultures ? How were these subcultures established, transformed and developed in a Swedish context? What became their typical style and taste?, and in what rooms and places were these cultures practiced by Swedish youths?        Mass media, especially TV but also radio, film, books and records brought the world in and were the main reason youths in Sweden could identify themselves through foreign subcultures. They adapted most of the original style but brought in some local elements.       My studies show a close link between the beatnik-subculture and the hippie-subculture, in Sweden transformed through the mod-subculture. The freedom-movement and visions spread by “the beat-generation” were important as inspiration and guide to unite youths and challenge the national hegemony. The mod-culture established the subcultural practises in public rooms. The transnational bounds in the hippie-culture set a global perspective of the world rather than the previous regional or national perspectives.         It is shown in the study that intersectional boundaries were pushed by the subcultures. They helped to bring up equality among sexes and were a main force for women’s liberation throughout the 60’s. All classes were in some way involved in the subcultures, although they practised them in different ways.         Subcultural youth style was commercialized, popularised and became in many ways mainstream during the 60’s. These youth-cultures had a vast impact on cultural changes as well as changes in society in Sweden during the time of my research.

A Blacker and Browner Shade of Pale: Reconstructing Punk Rock History

Pietschmann, Franziska 31 March 2010 (has links)
Embedded in the transatlantic history of rock ‘n’ roll, punk rock has not only been regarded as a watershed moment in terms of music, aesthetics and music-related cultural practices, it has also been perceived as a subversive white cultural phenomenon. A Blacker and Browner Shade of Pale challenges this widespread and shortsighted assumption. People of color, particularly black Americans and Britons, and Latina/os have pro-actively contributed to punk’s evolution and shaped punk music culture in the United States and England. Examining why people of color are not linked to the punk rock genre and culture in normative discourse, this paper first scrutinizes the continuously unaddressed racialization of Anglo-American popular music itself and explores how the historical development and discursive construction of racial boundaries impacted the historiography of Anglo-American popular music. Building on these premises, the second central field of inquiry probes how the music press, aided and abetted by academic texts, constructs punk as a white music mono-culture that such discourse historicizes, analyzes, and maintains. Both popular (journalistic) and academic publications have largely ignored or underrepresented the presence of people of color, especially black (American) as well as Latina/o participants, in punk rock culture. The thesis’ third major focus imagines punk as a fluid social and musical convergence culture that continuously crosses unstable boundaries of genres, races, and genders. A Blacker and Browner Shade of Pale thus indicates an emerging awareness of how popular and academic discourse can become more sensitive to punk's multiracial, inclusive, and participatory mores.

Die "Fiedler-Debatte" oder Kleiner Versuch, die "Chiffre 1968" von links ein wenig auf-zuschreiben

Walther, Danny 19 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Ausgehend von der sog. "Fiedler-Debatte" des Jahres 1968, eine jener Auseinandersetzungen über Formen und Inhalte, Aufgaben und Möglichkeiten von Literatur, Kunst und deren Kritik, wie sie im Umkreis des Annus mirabilis so häufig wie heftig geführt worden sind, unternimmt diese Arbeit auf rund 340 Seiten den Versuch, mit (nicht nur) diskursanalytischen Methoden das in der "Chiffre 1968" besonders virulent gewordene Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Kunst, Literatur und Ästhetik auf der einen und den vielfältigen Politisierungstendenzen auf anderen Seite mikrologisch auf-zuschreiben und mit Blick auf eine ganze Reihe verschiedener Bezugspunkte und -ebenen zu erklären (z.B. bezüglich genereller Kunst- und Ästhetikvorstellungen innerhalb der (Neuen) Linken, hinsichtlich der Aufarbeitung der deutschen NS-Vergangenheit, der Auseinandersetzung mit Antiamerikanismus usw.) Dabei rücken nicht nur die vielfältigen, nicht selten geradezu antagonistisch auftretenden "deutschen" Revolte-Ansätze "um '68", sondern auch Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede zu zeitgleichen Tendenzen und Debatten in den USA in den Fokus. Die umfangreiche Analyse der ebenso vielen wie vielschichtigen Ebenen der "Chiffre 1968" zeigt, dass von einem "1968"oder "den 68ern" nirgends Rede sein kann.

Die "Fiedler-Debatte" oder Kleiner Versuch, die "Chiffre 1968" von links ein wenig auf-zuschreiben

Walther, Danny 24 September 2007 (has links)
Ausgehend von der sog. "Fiedler-Debatte" des Jahres 1968, eine jener Auseinandersetzungen über Formen und Inhalte, Aufgaben und Möglichkeiten von Literatur, Kunst und deren Kritik, wie sie im Umkreis des Annus mirabilis so häufig wie heftig geführt worden sind, unternimmt diese Arbeit auf rund 340 Seiten den Versuch, mit (nicht nur) diskursanalytischen Methoden das in der "Chiffre 1968" besonders virulent gewordene Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Kunst, Literatur und Ästhetik auf der einen und den vielfältigen Politisierungstendenzen auf anderen Seite mikrologisch auf-zuschreiben und mit Blick auf eine ganze Reihe verschiedener Bezugspunkte und -ebenen zu erklären (z.B. bezüglich genereller Kunst- und Ästhetikvorstellungen innerhalb der (Neuen) Linken, hinsichtlich der Aufarbeitung der deutschen NS-Vergangenheit, der Auseinandersetzung mit Antiamerikanismus usw.) Dabei rücken nicht nur die vielfältigen, nicht selten geradezu antagonistisch auftretenden "deutschen" Revolte-Ansätze "um ''68", sondern auch Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede zu zeitgleichen Tendenzen und Debatten in den USA in den Fokus. Die umfangreiche Analyse der ebenso vielen wie vielschichtigen Ebenen der "Chiffre 1968" zeigt, dass von einem "1968"oder "den 68ern" nirgends Rede sein kann.

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