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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sąmoningai save žalojančių ir turinčių savižudiškų tendencijų paauglių sveikatai nepalankaus elgesio ypatumai / The peculiarity of adolescents health untoward behaviour between non-suicidal self-injury and suicidal tendencies

Kapočiūtė, Viktorija 08 June 2010 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas - išsiaiškinti sąmoningai save žalojančių ir turinčių savižudiškų tendencijų paauglių sveikatai nepalankaus elgesio ypatumus. Tyrime dalyvavo 690 tiriamųjų. Iš jų 379 (54,9 %) vaikinai ir 311 (45,1 %) merginų. 38 (5,5 %) respondentai nurodė sąmoningai save žalojantys, iš jų tik 13 (1,9 %) tiriamųjų išsakė neturintys savižudiškų ketinimų. 86 (12,5 %) paaugliai nurodė turintys savižudiškų ketinimų, iš kurių 61 (8,9 %) respondentas turintis savižudiškų ketinimų, tačiau savęs nežaloja. Tai reiškia, kad 25 (3,6 %) tiriamieji ir sąmoningai save žaloja, ir turi savižudiškų ketinimų. Tiriamųjų amžius nuo 12 iki 19 metų. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, jog paaugliai yra labiau linkę save žalojant turėti savižudiškų ketinimų, nei tie, kurie savęs nežaloja, tačiau turi savižudiškų ketinimų. Tik sąmoningai save žalojantys paaugliai be savižudiškų ketinimų vartoja alkoholinius gėrimus, elgiasi agresyviai ir turėjo ankstyvų lytinių santykių rečiau nei sąmoningai save žalojantys paaugliai turintys savižudiškų ketinimų, tačiau dažniau nei tik savižudiškų ketinimų turintys paaugliai. Taip pat galima pastebėti tendencijas, kad tik sąmoningai save žalojantys paaugliai be savižudiškų ketinimų rūko ir vartoja narkotines medžiagas rečiau nei sąmoningai save žalojantys paaugliai turintys savižudiškų ketinimų, tačiau dažniau nei tik savižudiškų ketinimų turintys paaugliai. / The survey has been targeted to find out the peculiarity of adolescents health untoward behavior between non-suicidal self-injury and suicidal tendencies. There were 690 participants in the survey, 379 (54,9 %) boys and 311 (45,1 %) girls. 38 (5,5 %) participants were self-injurers, 13 (1,9 %) of them were non-suicidal self-injurers. 86 (12,5 %) adolescents noted to have suicidal tendencies, 61 (8,9 %) of them noted to have only suicidal tendencies without self-injuring behavior. It means that 25 (3,6 %) respondents self-injure themselves and report suicidal tendencies. The participants age was from 12 to 19 years old. The results showed that adolescents are tend to report suicidal tendencies the same time when they are self-injuring compared to those who does not self-injure and report only suicidal tendencies. Adolescents who experience non-suicidal self-injure, use alcohol, drugs, behave aggressive and have early sexual intercourse more rarely than those who self-injure and report suicidal tendencies, but more often then those, who report only suicidal tendencies. Also there can be noted the tendency, that non-suicidal sel-injurers smoke cigarettes and use drugs more rarely than those adolescents who self-injure and report suicidal tendencies, but more often then those adolescents, who report only suicidal tendencies.

Suicide-Related Imagining and Acquired Capability: Investigating the Role of Imagery in Self-Harm Behaviors

Holaday, Tara C. 01 December 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this investigation was to examine the role of suicide-related mental imagery in suicidal behavior. It was hypothesized that engagement (frequency, emotional impact, vividness, realism) with suicidal imagery would be related to suicidality, with greater engagement with imagery associated with more suicidal behaviors. Acquired capability for suicide was expected to be a mediator of this relationship. These hypotheses were tested by surveying 237 undergraduate university students (59% female; mean age = 20). Students completed a packet of self-report measures: The Modified Suicidal Cognitions Interview, The Acquired Capability for Suicide Scale, and the Self-Harm Behavior Questionnaire. Results suggested that engagement with suicide-related imagery was positively correlated with suicidality. The correlational analyses showed that an additional mediational analysis was unwarranted. The implications of these findings are that understanding suicide-related mental imagery could play an important role in clinical risk assessment and treatment for suicidality, and that further research is needed to clarify the mechanisms underlying the relationship between suicide-related mental imagery and suicidal behavior.

青少年情緒經驗、反芻風格與自我傷害行為的關聯性 / The correlation between emotion experience, rumination style and non-suicidal self-injury in adolescent

李羿璇 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在於探討在不同情緒經驗及反芻風格對男女性自傷行為的影響。回顧過去研究,情緒被認為是多數自傷者自傷的動機及原因之一。可惜的是,大多數研究聚焦在負向情緒經驗,而較少探討正向情緒及不同激發程度的影響力。Selby(2008)的情緒瀑布理論提出反芻風格能夠增加負面情緒強度的論點,也暗示了反芻風格也是另一個與自傷行為相關認知因子。因此本研究認為情緒經驗與反芻風格可能皆為自傷發生的關鍵。有鑑於許多文獻結果指出,男女性的自傷危險因子可能存在差異,本研究便把性別差異納入考量,欲了解男、女性是否在情緒經驗及反芻風格的自傷預測因子有所不同。 本研究對象為508位北部某私立高職部學生,請學生填寫包含基本資料、反芻風格、自傷狀況及情緒經驗的評估共四部份問卷。研究結果顯示,在預測過去一年自傷行為的因子上,的確有性別差異。對女性來說,預測過去一年是否自傷的有效因子分別為負向情緒及負向低激發情緒,男性則是負向情緒及正向低激發情緒。在自傷頻率方面,對男女性來說,沒有任何情緒經驗或反芻風格為有效預測因子。在自傷種類數方面,沒有任何情緒經驗或反芻風格為女性自傷頻率的有效預測因子;對男性來說,則是負向情緒及低激發情緒能夠有效預測過去一年自傷種類多寡。研究最後針對這樣的結果做進一步討論及提供實務上的意涵及應用。 / The purpose of the present study was to investigate the influence of emotion experiences and rumination styles on Non-suicidal self-injury behavior (NSSI) in males and females. According to past studies, emotion was considered a critical factor in motivating individuals to practice NSSI. However, most studies focused on negative emotion experiences, and ignored the role of positive emotions and the effect of emotion activation level. Moreover, Selby’s Emotional Cascade Model proposes that rumination style will increase the negative affect intensity, suggesting that rumination style may be another key factor to NSSI. In addition, due to several studies have shown gender differences in risk factors for NSSI, the gender difference will be also take into account in the present study. To sum up, the present study aimed to examine gender differences in predictors (i.e., emotion experiences and rumination styles) for NSSI. The participants were 508 high school students from one of the private vocational high school in Northern Taiwan. All participants were asked to fill out the questionnaire pack which included demographic questionnaire, short-form rumination style questionnaire, deliberate self- harm inventory, and affect valuation inventory. The results show that gender differences in predicting NSSI existed: First, in predicting the occurrence of NSSI in the past year, negative affect and low arousal negative emotion were the most effective factors for females; negative emotion and low arousal positive emotion were the most effective ones for males. Second, neither emotion experience nor rumination style can predict the frequency of NSSI in the past year for males and females. Third, in predicting the numbers of types of self-injury used in the past year, there was no effective predictor for females; negative emotion and low arousal emotion were the effective predictors for males. Finally, the results and the practical implication were discussed in the thesis.

Toward a Better Understanding of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in University Students: Examining Associations with Parent-Child Relationships, Emotion Regulation Difficulties, and Contextual Risk Factors

Guérin-Marion, Camille 25 May 2022 (has links)
Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) is increasingly understood as representing a public health concern and a behavioral marker of emotional and psychological distress among young people. NSSI is prevalent during the period of young adulthood, including among emerging adults pursuing a university education, yet the vulnerability factors associated with NSSI in this population merit more in-depth and contextualized investigation. The current dissertation's overarching objective was to better understand the risk context surrounding university students' engagement in NSSI. Using a sample of 2,579 students (75.2% female; Mage=18.97; SDage=1.54), Study 1 first explored the roles of parental (mother and father pressure) and intrapersonal (emotion dysregulation, academic coping, perfectionism subtypes) risk factors in university students’ likelihood and frequency of engagement in NSSI in the past year. An integrated latent structural equation model revealed that higher levels of perceived mother and father pressure were associated with a greater likelihood of past-year NSSI engagement in the university student sample. Among intrapersonal risk factors, only emotion dysregulation was found to be associated with higher NSSI likelihood and frequency. Building upon these results, Study 2 sought to narrow in further on understanding the emotion regulation profiles of university students with a past-year history of NSSI. Using a person-centered statistical approach, university students who reported having engaged in NSSI within the past year (n = 479; 83.8% female; Mage = 18.77; SDage = 1.43) were classified into latent profiles based on their self-perceived difficulties in regulating both positive and negative emotions. Independent samples of students who had a past history of NSSI but had not self-injured within the previous year (n = 439; 82.9% females; Mage = 19.03, SDage = 1.62) and who had no history of NSSI (n = 1551; 69.9% females; Mage = 19.02, SDage = 1.55) were included as comparison groups. Latent cluster analyses uncovered three emotion regulation profiles within the NSSI sample - the Average Difficulties (47.4%), Dysregulated (33.0%), and Low Difficulties (19.6%) profiles - each of which differed meaningfully from both comparison samples on mean levels of emotion regulation difficulties. Students across the three profiles also differed in their self-reported experiences with parents, particularly with fathers (perceived pressure, antipathy, unresolved attachment, psychological control), and in the extent to which they felt alienated from parents. Lastly, students across profiles differed in the frequency, methods, functions, and addictive properties of their NSSI. Taken together, findings from the current dissertation expanded our awareness of vulnerability factors for NSSI that have historically been understudied (e.g., parental pressure, father-child relationships, dysregulated positive emotions), while also bringing into focus the notion that even well-established NSSI risk factors (emotion regulation difficulties) can manifest quite heterogeneously amongst university students with a history of self-injurious behavior.

Interpersonal Functions of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury and Their Relationship to Facial Emotion Recognition and Social Problem-Solving

Copps, Emily Caroline January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

The Relationship Among Mental Health Professionals' Degree of Empathy, Counselor Self-Efficacy, and Negative Attitudes Towards Jail and Prison Inmates Who Display Non-Suicidal Self-Injury

Rubin, Orit 25 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Egenerfarnas perspektiv på vad som främjar återhämtning vid självskadebeteende : en integrerad litteraturöversikt / The self-experienced perspective on what promotes recovery in self-harming behavior : an integrative literature review

Willman, Veronica, Öhman, Petra January 2021 (has links)
Självskadebeteende är relativt vanligt förekommande bland personer med psykisk ohälsa. Återhämtning är ett begrepp som beskriver hur en person kan återerövra och finna kvalitet i sitt liv trots svår sjukdom. Självskadebeteende innebär ett stort lidande för individen och påverkar närstående i personens omgivning negativt. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att utifrån egenerfarnas perspektiv sammanställa kunskap om vad som främjar återhämtning vid självskadebeteende. Metoden för studien var en integrerad litteraturöversikt, vilken utgick från 15 vetenskapliga artiklar och resulterade i 6 kategorier. I resultatet framkom att återhämtning hos personer med självskadebeteende kunde främjas av att komma till en vändpunkt, att vara i gemenskap med andra med liknande erfarenheter, att få stöd av närstående, att få professionellt stöd, att förstå och kunna hantera svåra känslor och handlingar, och av att finna inre styrka. Forskning visade även att det bland vårdpersonal florerade negativa attityder och brister i förhållningssättet mot personer med självskadebeteende, vilket motverkade deras återhämtning. Vår slutsats är att etiska reflektioner i arbetsgruppen, handledning, stöd, samt utbildningsinsatser till vårdpersonal är angeläget för att öka förståelsen och höja kompetensen angående självskadebeteende; samt för att minska negativa attityder och förbättra omvårdnaden av personer med självskadebeteende på ett sätt som främjar deras återhämtning.


Dodd, Dorian R. 28 April 2015 (has links)
No description available.

自傷與自殺的階層預測模式 / Hierarchical Predictor Model of Non-suicidal self-injury and Suicide

謝光桓, Hsieh, Kuang Huan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結合Clark與Watson(1991)的三角模式(Tripartite Model)以及Brown、Chorpita和Barlow(1998)提出的階層性概念,結構正向情感、負向情感、焦慮、憂鬱、無望感、自傷、自殺的關係,建立自傷與自殺的階層預測模式,說明自傷與自殺的同異處。研究對象為487位大學生,325位女性與162位男性,採取自陳式問卷的方式施測,包含自我傷害行為量表、自殺危險程度量表、貝克無望感量表、正負向情感量表、症狀檢核表-90-修正版(摘錄測量焦慮與憂鬱的題目)、相關背景變項的測量,並以描述性統計、相關性考驗、階層迴歸分析、結構方程模式等統計方式對資料進行處理。主要的研究結果為:(1)負向情感能預測與解釋焦慮和憂鬱,且能透過焦慮預測自傷與自殺,唯焦慮對自傷的解釋力較高;負向情感亦能透過憂鬱預測自殺,但無法透過憂鬱預測自傷。(2)正向情感能預測與解釋憂鬱,且能透過憂鬱預測自殺。(3)加入無望感分析後,發現憂鬱能透過無望感預測自殺,憂鬱也能直接預測自殺,顯示無望感為憂鬱與自殺的部分中介變項。最後,結果發現有15.81%的自傷比例、24.64%的自殺意念比例、8.01%的自殺企圖比例。 / This study combined Clark & Watson’s (1991) tripartite model with Brown, Chorpita, and Barlow’s (1998) hierarchical model to structure the relationship of positive affect (PA), negative affect (NA), anxiety, depression, hopelessness, non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI), and suicide. This study attempted to establish hierarchical predictor model of NSSI and suicide, and explain the relationship of NSSI and suicide. The participants were 487 university students, 325 females and 162 males, who were participating in a study of test of deliberate self-harm inventory, suicide risk inventory, Beck hopelessness scale, positive and negative affect schedule, symptom checklist-90-R, and background variables. The data were examined by descriptive statistics, correlation, hierarchical analysis, and structural equation modeling. The main results were : (1) NA could predict anxiety and depression ; anxiety could not only mediate the relationship of NSSI and NA, but also mediate the relationship of NA and suicide ; anxiety accounted for more of the variance in NSSI than in suicide ; depression could mediate the relationship of NA and suicide, but could not mediate the relationship of NSSI and NA. (2) PA could predict depression, and depression could mediate the relationship of PA and suicide. (3) the role of hopelessness was partial mediator of depression and suicide. Finally, the result found 15.81% NSSI, 24.64% suicidal ideation, and 8.01% suicidal attempt.

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