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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Manejo de Euterpe edulis Mart. para produção de polpa de fruta: subsídios à conservação da biodiversidade e fortalecimento comunitário / Management of Euterpe edulis Mart. for fruit pulp production: subsidies to biodiversity conservation and community empowerment

Saulo Eduardo Xavier Franco de Souza 03 December 2014 (has links)
A juçara (Euterpe edulis Mart.) é uma palmeira importante ecologicamente e considerada fonte de produtos valiosos culturalmente e economicamente. Há mais de duas décadas tem sido considerada ameaçada de extinção pelo corte de palmito, e atualmente surge uma nova oportunidade para reduzir sua vulnerabilidade por meio da valorização de seus frutos. Nesta pesquisa investigamos se o manejo de juçara para produção de polpa de frutos pode funcionar como catalisador da conservação da biodiversidade e da melhoria dos meios de vida das populações humanas locais. Algumas questões foram elaboradas e organizadas em quatro eixos convergentes a questão central: (I) Quais os principais aspectos socioeconômicos e práticas de manejo de E. edulis para produção de polpa nas áreas de estudo? Qual o potencial da atividade para o fortalecimento local e conservação da espécie? (II) Como varia a composição e a estrutura florestal ao longo de gradientes de manejo e altitude? Quais as espécies vegetais nativas mais valorizadas por estas comunidades locais? (III) Como a produção e a colheita de frutos variam através de diferentes sistemas de manejo ao longo dos anos? Quais os principais fatores que explicam essa variação? (IV) De que maneira o manejo de frutos de juçara afeta sua dinâmica populacional? Qual a taxa máxima sustentável de remoção de frutos? Quais as estratégias de manejo sustentável recomendada para diferentes condições? Para isso, foi realizado o monitoramento de populações de E. edulis em áreas manejadas por quatro populações humanas que habitam o entorno e interior do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar (PESM), Núcleos Santa Virgínia e Picinguaba, nos municípios de Natividade da Serra e Ubatuba, SP. Também amostramos populações de E. edulis em áreas de proteção integral no interior do PESM, entrevistamos os moradores de cada comunidade local, assim como usamos dados de fontes secundárias sobre a vegetação do PESM e sobre a atividade de manejo da juçara nos últimos anos. Verificamos que existe uma nova possibilidade de trabalho e renda nas comunidades, inclusive para mulheres e jovens, possibilitando diversificação da economia local. As práticas não destrutivas de colheita dos frutos e as características do sistema reprodutivo da espécie não implicam em severas consequências ecológicas adversas, permitindo considerar o potencial de conservação circa situm, principalmente diante as mudanças climáticas e pressão do mercado de palmito. A diversidade arbórea reduziu localmente com o aumento da intensidade de manejo agroflorestal, mas permite a manutenção de espécies arbóreas de interesse para a conservação, além de proporcionar sustento às famílias dos produtores. As práticas de manejo realizadas nos sistemas agroflorestais tradicionais podem favorecer a manutenção do conhecimento ecológico local, além de aumenta a produtividade de frutos e reduzir a variação interanual da frutificação. A colheita de frutos de juçara em si não representa prejuízos em termos populacionais. Sendo o novo manejo de juçara uma das estratégias recomendadas para manter a viabilidade das populações em longo prazo, desde que o corte de palmito seja controlado e a regeneração seja promovida. / Juçara (Euterpe edulis Mart.) is a palm source of various culturally and economically valued products. It has been considered threatened of extinction for more than two decades. The simple opposition between strategies to obtain its different products arises a new opportunity to reduce its vulnerability. In this research we investigated if the management for fruit production could act as a catalyst to biodiversity conservation and local livelihood improvement. Some questions were elaborated and organized into four axes convergent to the central question: (I) How do the management systems of E. edulis for fruit production are characterized at the study area? Which is the activity potential to improve local livelihoods? (II) How does the forest structure and composition vary along management and altitude gradients? What native plant species are most valued by these communities? (III) How do fruit production and harvest vary through different management systems along different years? What are the main factors explaining such variation? (IV) How do juçara management for fruit production affect its population dynamics? What is the maximum sustainable rate of fruit removal? Which sustainable management strategies are recommended for different conditions? We built empirical evidences through monitoring E. edulis populations managed by four local human populations living around and inside Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar (PESM), Nuclei Santa Virgínia and Picinguaba. We also sampled E. edulis populations in strictly protected areas inside PESM, as well as used secondary data about juçara management activities in the last years. The opportunity for work and income, inclusive for women and young people, the stimulus for social organization, production diversification, among other aspects recorded in this study promote community resilience in the face of political and economic change. Juçara fruit harvest allows frugivorous foraging and indicates the potential for in situ and circa situm conservation approach, mainly in the face of climate change and market pressure for palm heart. Arboreal diversity reduced locally with increasing agroforesty management intensity, which in turn raised diversity at the landscape level. Management practices, performed at the traditional agroforestry systems, could strengthen local cognitive systems, enhance fruit productivity and reduce fruiting inter annual variation. Juçara fruit harvest benefits recruitment and could even induce population increase at the long term. Neverheless, other factors affected negatively affected the population negatively. The protection of adult palms for fruit harvest is one of the recommended strategies to keep population viability in the long term and could function as in situ and circa situm conservation strategies.

En studie om byggteknik och kulturhistoriska värden för medeltida takkonstruktioner i kyrkor / A study of building technology and cultural-historical values ​​of medieval roof constructions in churches

Kajtazi, Jeton, Berg, Christopher January 2021 (has links)
Arbetet syftar till att öka kunskapen om de medeltida takkonstruktioner och hur de är uppbyggda. Genom att göra en inventering och byggnadsundersökning av två takkonstruktioner i medeltida kyrkor. Resultatet av studien är tänkt att öka kunskapen av denna typ av byggnadsverk, dess kulturhistoriska värden och ge underlag för en långsiktig och hållbar förvaltning. De två kyrkorna som har undersökts är Drevs gamla kyrka och Hemmesjö gamla kyrka. I Sverige finns det många exemplar av välbevarade takkonstruktioner från medeltiden vilket är unikt. Examensarbetet genomfördes med hjälp av platsbesök, litteraturstudier och intervjuer, vilket var en bra kombination som gav ett tillförlitligt resultat. De personer som valdes att intervjuas är kunniga inom området och det var Samuel Palmblad från Kulturparken Småland samt timmerman och forskare Mattias Hallgren från Traditionsbärarna. Resultatet visar att båda kyrkorna är konstruerade i en romansk stil vilket är en arkitektonisk stil som var vanlig bland sockenkyrkorna under den tidiga medeltiden (1100-talet). Byggnadsteknikerna utvecklades under medeltiden vilket sakristian i Hemmesjö gamla kyrka visar med sin gotiska takkonstruktion från 1400-talet. Resultatet påpekar att båda dessa kyrkor är en del av Sveriges kulturarv och måste därefter bli behandlade på ett korrekt sätt för att dess kulturhistoriska värde inte ska förstöras. Resultatet påvisar även vikten av att dokumentera denna typ av takkonstruktioner då det ska fungera som en hjälp för förvaltningen av denna typ av bebyggelse. Detta examensarbete har svarat på varför det är viktigt att bevara de medeltida kyrkornas takkonstruktioner, dess byggnadstekniker samt vilken betydelse de kulturhistoriska värdena har. / The work aims to increase knowledge of the medieval roof structures and how they are built. By making an inventory and building survey of two roof structures in medieval churches. The result of the study is intended to increase knowledge of this type of building, its cultural-historical values ​​and provide a basis for long-term and sustainable management. The two churches are Drevs gamla kyrka (The old church of Drev) and Hemmesjös gamla kyrka (The old church of Hemmesjö), both are in Småland Sweden. The churches are well-preserved and have a history to tell through themselves. The study was possible through onsite study, article study and two interviews with Samuel Palmblad, Kulturparken Småland and Mattias Hallgren, Traditionsbärarna. The results have shown that the churches are built in a Romanic style which is an architectural expression on a building technology used during the early medieval time (12th century), with one part of the old church of Hemmesjö being built by using a later found building technology also called gothic style which was more common during late medieval time. During the interviews it was mentioned that these churches are heritage to Sweden and therefore need to be treated accordingly. There is still knowledge to be found and understood which will help with the preservation of the churches and their historical value. If the knowledge does not exist, there can be faults that happen which means that the values can be lost or misused which will lead to the destruction of a part of history. With little to no documents from the time they were built, it will be difficult to maintain for the people who work with the preservation if responsibility is not taken to learn more about these churches.  This study will look at the importance of preserving these churches and their roof constructions with the help of explaining the building technology and the culture-historical values.

Les mécanismes de droit international pour la protection et la préservation des forêts tropicales à travers l’étude de la forêt amazonienne brésilienne

Bonnet, Marion 02 1900 (has links)
Dans le monde, les écosystèmes, notamment les forêts, sont mis à mal par les activités anthropiques. La souveraineté étatique, le développement économique, les incendies, le développement durable et la commercialisation de produits ligneux nationale et internationale sont tout autant de motivations économiques à l’origine des déforestations intensives. Bien qu’il n’existe pas, à ce jour, de régime international spécifiquement dédié aux forêts, ces dernières sont prises en compte de manière plus ou moins directe. La communauté internationale met en place une multitude de mécanismes juridiques internationaux et régionaux de protection et de commercialisation dans cet objectif. Également, le droit international propose diverses actions, qui prennent la forme de législation, de répression, de programmes internationaux et nationaux éducatifs, facultatifs et incitatifs. Les forêts sont alors instrumentalisées par ces mécanismes internationaux afin de résoudre les différentes problématiques actuelles liées aux changements climatiques, à la baisse de la biodiversité, à la sécheresse ou à la commercialisation. Le travail qui suit s’attardera sur l’étude du cas de la forêt amazonienne brésilienne et cherchera à déterminer si les mécanismes de droit internationaux permettent de protéger les forêts tropicales tout en poursuivant leurs objectifs. / All over the world, ecosystems – and forests in particular – are under threat from human activities. State sovereignty, economic developments, fires, sustainable development and the marketing of wood products both nationally and internationally are all economic motivations behind intensive deforestation. Although there is currently no international regime specifically dedicated to forests, they are taken into account in a more or less direct way. The international community is setting up a multitude of international and regional legal mechanisms to protect and market forests. International law also proposes a variety of actions, in the form of legislation, repression, and international and national educational, voluntary and incentive programs. Forests are then instrumentalized by these international mechanisms to solve the various current problems linked to climate change, biodiversity loss, drought or commercialization. The following work will focus on the case of the Brazilian Amazon rainforest and will seek to determine whether international legal mechanisms can protect tropical forests while pursuing their objectives.

Viabilité biologique et économique pour la gestion durable de pêcheries mixtes / Ecological and economic viability for the sustainable management of mixed fisheries

Gourguet, Sophie 06 September 2013 (has links)
L’objectif général de la thèse est de modéliser les principaux processus biologiques et économiques régissant des pêcheries multi-espèces et multi-flottilles afin de proposer des stratégies viables pour la gestion durable de ces pêcheries mixtes, dans un contexte stochastique et multiobjectif. Plus spécifiquement, cette thèse utilise des analyses de co-viabilité stochastique pour étudier les arbitrages entre des objectifs contradictoires de gestion (conservation, et viabilité économique et sociale) des pêcheries mixtes. Deux pêcheries mixtes sont analysées dans cette thèse : la pêcherie française mixte démersale du golfe de Gascogne et la pêcherie crevettière australienne du Nord (NPF). Ces deux pêcheries sont multi-espèces, et utilisent des stratégies multiples de pêche, induisant des impacts directs et indirects sur les écosystèmes. Cette thèse propose une application de la co-viabilité stochastique à ces deux cas, en prenant en compte leur histoire, leur contexte socio-politique et les différences dans les stratégies et objectifs de gestion. Les résultats suggèrent que le status quo peut être considéré comme une stratégie biologiquement durable mais socio économiquement à risque dans les deux pêcheries (ainsi qu’à risque écologique dans le cas de la pêcherie australienne). Les simulations réalisées pour le golfe de Gascogne permettent de comparer les arbitrages associés à différentes réductions de capacités par flottille et de montrer qu’il existe des solutions de gestion permettant la co-viabilité du système (viabilité biologique des différentes espèces considérées et viabilité socio-économique des flottilles) contrairement à des stratégies de gestion mono-spécifiques ou basées sur la maximisation de la rente. Dans la pêcherie crevettière australienne, l’analyse montre que les stratégies de diversification permettent de limiter le risque économique contrairement aux stratégies plus spécialisées. / Empirical evidence and the theoretical literature both point to stock sustainability and the protection of marine biodiversity as important fisheries management issues. Decision-support tools are increasingly required to operationalize the ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management. These tools need to integrate (i) ecological and socio-economic drivers of changes in fisheries and ecosystems; (ii) complex dynamics; (iii) deal with various sources of uncertainty; and (iv) incorporate multiple, rather than single objectives. The stochastic co-viability approach addresses the trade-offs associated with balancing ecological, economic and social objectives throughout time, and takes into account the complexity and uncertainty of the dynamic interactions which characterize exploited ecosystems and biodiversity. This thesis proposes an application of this co-viability approach to the sustainable management of mixed fisheries, using two contrasting case studies: the French Bay of Biscay (BoB) demersal mixed fishery and the Australian Northern Prawn Fishery (NPF). Both fisheries entail direct and indirect impacts on mixed species communities while also generating large economic returns. Their sustainability is therefore a major societal concern. A dynamic bio-economic modelling approach is used to capture the key biological and economic processes governing these fisheries, combining age- (BoB) or size- (NPF) structured models of multiple species with recruitment uncertainty, and multiple fleets (BoB) or fishing strategies (NPF). Economic uncertainties relating to input and output prices are also considered. The bioeconomic models are used to investigate how the fisheries can operate within a set of constraints relating to the preservation of Spawning Stock Biomasses (BoB) or Spawning Stock Size Indices (NPF) of a set of key target species, maintenance of the economic profitability of various fleets (BoB) or the fishery as a whole (NPF), and limitation of fishing impacts on the broader biodiversity (NPF), under a range of alternative scenarios and management strategies. Results suggest that under a status quo strategy both fisheries can be considered as biologically sustainable, while socio-economically (and ecologically in the NPF case) at risk. Despite very different management contexts and objectives, viable management strategies suggest a reduction in the number of vessels in both cases. The BoB simulations allow comparison of the trade-offs associated with different allocations of this decrease across fleets. Notably, co-viability management strategies entail a more equitable allocation of effort reductions compared to strategies aiming at maximizing economic yield. In the NPF, species catch diversification strategies are shown to perform well in controlling the levels of economic risk, by contrast with more specialized fishing strategies. Furthermore analyses emphasize the importance to the fishing industry of balancing global economic performance with inter-annual economic variability. Promising future developments based on this research involve the incorporation of a broader set of objectives including social dimensions, as well as the integration of ecological interactions, to better address the needs of ecosystem-based approaches to the sustainable harvesting of marine biodiversity.

A model for forest and product certification in Ghana : the perception and attitudes of forest enterprises in Ghana

Attah, Alhassan January 2011 (has links)
Forest and product certification was initially promoted as a means of enhancing sustainable management of forests in the tropics. However after almost two decades, there is still very little evidence of certified timber products originating from tropical countries. A number of approaches have been suggested to enhance the growth of forest certification in the tropics. These approaches such as that of the Forest Stewardship Council, Global Forest Trade Network of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Sustainable Forest Initiative and various private sector initiatives have all failed to facilitate forest certification. Therefore to enhance the development of forest certification in Ghana, the research work amongst others, draws on experiences in certification from other sectors such as cocoa, fisheries, tourism and oil palm to develop a model for promoting forest certification in Ghana. The research work uses elements identified in the literature review in developing a questionnaire for the survey of timber firms in Ghana. The research work identified stakeholder consultations, legal framework, resource rights, and the regulation of the domestic market as key elements for promoting forest certification in Ghana. The research recommends a phased approach to promoting forest certification with the first phase being verification of legality that adopts the European Union Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) and the Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) initiative. The study identifies this approach not only as a means of reducing cost to the private sector in pursuing forest certification but a means of drawing on support measures to enhance the regulation of the domestic market; a key component for promoting forest certification. The report argues that it is only through a well regulated domestic market can tropical timber producing countries achieve sustainable forest management and hence forest certification. The domestic market is therefore seen as a strong means of promoting certification since it will be internalised in the producing countries. None of the research on certification has so far identified the domestic market as a key factor to promoting forest certification and the research work argues that the slow pace of certification has been the lack of demand for certified products on the domestic market. Developing the domestic market is therefore seen as a key policy instrument for promoting the uptake of forest certification in Ghana and the tropics in general.

Evaluating the Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Potential and Cost-competitiveness of Forest Bioenergy Systems in Ontario

Ralevic, Peter 09 August 2013 (has links)
Recent literature has recommended that life cycle assessments (LCA) of forest bioenergy supply chains consider the impact of biomass harvest on ecosystem carbon stocks as well as the net emissions arising from combustion of various forms of biofuels compared with reference fossil fuel systems. The present study evaluated the magnitude and temporal variation of ecosystem C stock changes resulting from harvest of roadside residues and unutilized whole trees for bioenergy. The Carbon Budget Model (CBM-CFS3) was applied to the Gordon Cosens Forest, in northeastern Ontario, along with the Biomass Opportunity Supply Model (BiOS-Map), for cost analysis of different types of biomass comminution. Natural gas (NG) steam and electricity, grid electricity, and coal electricity reference systems were analyzed for a pulp and paper mill. The findings showed that the forested landscape becomes a net sink for carbon following the 20th year of roadside residue harvest, compared to whole-tree harvest, where the forested landscape remained a net source of carbon over the entire 100 year rotation. The cumulative ecosystem carbon loss from whole-tree harvest was 11 times greater compared to roadside residue harvest. BiOS-Map analysis suggested that due to technical and operational limits, between 55%-59% and 16%-24% of aboveground biomass was not recovered under roadside residue and whole-tree harvest respectively. The cost of delivering roadside residues was estimated at $52.32/odt–$57.45/odt, and for whole trees $92.63/odt–$97.44/odt. The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) analysis showed break-even points of 25, 33 and 6 years for roadside residues displacing NG steam, NG electricity, and coal, respectively. No GHG reduction was achieved when forest biomass was used to displace grid electricity that is generated in Ontario. Whole-tree bioenergy resulted in no GHG reduction for NG displacement, and a break-even point of 70-86 years for coal. A net GHG reduction of 67% and 16% was realized when roadside residues and whole trees were used to displace coal, compared to 45% and 38% when roadside residues were used to displace NG steam and NG electricity, respectively. Therefore, it is recommended that bioenergy deployment strategies focus on the utilization of roadside residues, if the main goal is GHG mitigation.

Evaluating the Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Potential and Cost-competitiveness of Forest Bioenergy Systems in Ontario

Ralevic, Peter 09 August 2013 (has links)
Recent literature has recommended that life cycle assessments (LCA) of forest bioenergy supply chains consider the impact of biomass harvest on ecosystem carbon stocks as well as the net emissions arising from combustion of various forms of biofuels compared with reference fossil fuel systems. The present study evaluated the magnitude and temporal variation of ecosystem C stock changes resulting from harvest of roadside residues and unutilized whole trees for bioenergy. The Carbon Budget Model (CBM-CFS3) was applied to the Gordon Cosens Forest, in northeastern Ontario, along with the Biomass Opportunity Supply Model (BiOS-Map), for cost analysis of different types of biomass comminution. Natural gas (NG) steam and electricity, grid electricity, and coal electricity reference systems were analyzed for a pulp and paper mill. The findings showed that the forested landscape becomes a net sink for carbon following the 20th year of roadside residue harvest, compared to whole-tree harvest, where the forested landscape remained a net source of carbon over the entire 100 year rotation. The cumulative ecosystem carbon loss from whole-tree harvest was 11 times greater compared to roadside residue harvest. BiOS-Map analysis suggested that due to technical and operational limits, between 55%-59% and 16%-24% of aboveground biomass was not recovered under roadside residue and whole-tree harvest respectively. The cost of delivering roadside residues was estimated at $52.32/odt–$57.45/odt, and for whole trees $92.63/odt–$97.44/odt. The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) analysis showed break-even points of 25, 33 and 6 years for roadside residues displacing NG steam, NG electricity, and coal, respectively. No GHG reduction was achieved when forest biomass was used to displace grid electricity that is generated in Ontario. Whole-tree bioenergy resulted in no GHG reduction for NG displacement, and a break-even point of 70-86 years for coal. A net GHG reduction of 67% and 16% was realized when roadside residues and whole trees were used to displace coal, compared to 45% and 38% when roadside residues were used to displace NG steam and NG electricity, respectively. Therefore, it is recommended that bioenergy deployment strategies focus on the utilization of roadside residues, if the main goal is GHG mitigation.

Modélisation de mécanismes institutionnels et impacts bio-économiques de systèmes de gestion de quotas : application à la pêcherie de sole du golfe de Gascogne / Modelling institutional arrangements and bio-economic impacts of catch share management systems : application to the Bay of Biscay sole fishery

Bellanger, Manuel 18 May 2017 (has links)
En France, où les droits de pêches ne sont pas transférables, la gestion des quotas de pêche est essentiellement déléguée aux organisations de producteurs (OP), lesquelles se voient attribuer des allocations collectives et sont responsables de la gestion des possibilités de pêche de leurs adhérents. On peut ainsi s’interroger sur la manière dont la présence des OP au sein des institutions peut permettre d’améliorer les performances écologiques,économiques et sociales de la gestion des pêches en comparaison avec d’autres formes institutionnelles telles que les systèmes de quotas individuels transférables (QIT). Les recherches de thèse, comprenant une partie théorique et s’appuyant sur le cas de la pêcherie de sole du golfe de Gascogne pour les applications empiriques,sont organisées autour des questions suivantes : (1) Par quels mécanismes les OP peuvent-elles permettre d’améliorer le respect des réglementations et influencer l’émergence de normes sociales ? (2) Quels sont les effets redistributifs de la gestion des quotas par les OP ? (3) Comment les mécanismes de gestion des quotas par les OP peuvent-ils être intégrés dans la modélisation bio-économique pour l’évaluation d’impact de scénarios de gestion ? Les analyses développées établissent l’intérêt de prendre en compte des contraintes induites par différents arrangements institutionnels et les résultats sont notamment examinés au regard des trois dimensions (écologique, économique et sociale) nécessaires à la gestion durable des pêches. Les compromis entre ces différentes dimensions sont mis en évidence dans le cadre de scénarios prospectifs visant une meilleure compréhension des enjeux liés à la gestion des pêches. / In France, where fishing rights are non-transferable, the management of fishing quotas is essentially delegated to producer organizations (POs). POs are granted collective allocations based on the aggregate fishing rights of their members and are then responsible for managing their fishing opportunities. The goal of this research, which contains theoretical developments as well as empirical analyses applied to the Bay of Biscay sole fishery, is to determine how outcomes of fisheries management are altered by the presence of POs within institutions as compared to alternative governance systems such as individual transferable quotas (ITQs). This dissertation notably brings together bio-economic approaches and institutional analyses to better anticipate the ecological, economic and social impacts of potential governance options. The research questions are the following: (1) What mechanisms could ensure a high level of compliance and what are the potential gains of placing the POs between the regulator and the fishermen? (2) What are the distributional effects of catch share management by POs? (3) What is the added value of integrating institutional arrangements involving POs into bio-economic modelling for the impact assessment of catch share management options? The analyses that were developed establish the ability of institutional design to influence outcomes in catch share systems in terms of compliance, distribution, and ecological-socioeconomic trade-offs achieved by alternative management options.

Towards the sustainable management of recreational fisheries / accounting for diversity in angler behaviour and fish life history

Johnston, Fiona Dawn 30 March 2015 (has links)
Die Freizeit- bzw. Angelfischerei ist ein komplexes sozial-ökologisches System, welches sich aus drei wesentlichen Komponenten zusammensetzt: einer biologischen, einer sozialen und einer Managementkomponente. Fischereimanager sind aufgefordert, anglerischen Interessen und den Anforderungen einer biologisch nachhaltigen Gewässerbewirtschaftung gleichsam gerecht zu werden. Unzureichend verstandene Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Fischereikomponenten limitieren die Möglichkeit, die Angelfischerei nachhaltig zu entwickeln. Diese werden beeinflusst von lebensgeschichtlichen Parametern der jeweiligen Fischart, von Dynamik und Diversität der Angler sowie von Maßnahmen und Managementzielen. Die Dissertation untersuchte die Bedeutung einer gleichzeitigen Berücksichtigung der drei Fischereikomponenten und ihren Wechselwirkungen zur Realisierung einer biologisch und sozial nachhaltigen Angelfischerei. Ein neuartiges bioökonomisches Simulationsmodell identifizierte Bewirtschaftungsmaßnahmen, die den von der Fischerei erzeugten sozialen Nutzen maximieren. Die Ergebnisse widerlegen die Annahme der Selbstregulationsfähigkeit der Angelfischerei. Die Höhe und Art der Befischungsintensität sowie der soziale Nutzen wurden stark durch eine Vielzahl von fangabhängigen und fangunabhängigen Attributen beeinflusst, wobei auch Anglertyp und Anfälligkeit der Fischpopulation zur Überfischung eine Rolle spielten. Einige Regularien zur Erreichung der Bewirtschaftungsziele waren effektiver als andere, aber ihre Wirksamkeit könnte durch die Haksterblichkeit und die Nichteinhaltung von Vorschriften unterlaufen werden. Obwohl sich die Bewirtschaftungsmaßnahmen je nach Zielart, Anglerschaft und Bewirtschaftungszielen richten, beinhalten die als optimal identifizierten Maßnahmen in fast allen Fällen eine biologische nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass ein interdisziplinärer Ansatz zu einer sozial und biologisch nachhaltigen Bewirtschaftung der Freizeitfischerei beitragen kann. / Recreational fisheries are complex social-ecological systems, and managers often need to balance the interests of the anglers utilizing the fishery – the social sustainability – and the biological sustainability of the fish population. However, a poor understanding of the interactions among the main components of a fishery – the biological, social, and management components – has limited our ability to manage recreational fisheries sustainably. Fish life-history type (LHT), the dynamics and diversity of the angler population, angling regulations and management objectives all influence management outcomes. Using both empirical and theoretical studies, I evaluated the importance of jointly considering these primary drivers and the feedbacks between fishery components when managing recreational fisheries. I developed a novel bioeconomic modelling framework to determine which regulations (effort regulations and minimum-size limits) maximized the social welfare derived from the fishery, the optimal social yield (OSY). My research refutes the hypothesis that anglers are self-regulating (i.e., stop fishing when catch rates decline). The amount and type of fishing pressure the fishery received and the social welfare derived were strongly influenced by multiple fishery attributes and differed with the type of angler fishing and the fish population’s vulnerability to overexploitation (LHT). I found regulations influenced fishing mortality rates, but also directly influenced angler behaviour. Some regulations were more effective than others at achieving management objectives, but their effectiveness could be undermined by hooking mortality and regulatory noncompliance. Despite differences in optimal regulations, an OSY management approach generally did not result in overfishing. My research demonstrates that a multidisciplinary approach based on clear objectives can help us progress towards both socially and biologically sustainable management of recreational fisheries.


李志村 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣隨著聯電與台積電陸續成立晶圓製造廠以來,帶動了整個半導體高科技產業的蓬勃發展,也因而創造了台灣的經濟奇蹟。以電子資訊業為首的高科技產業,無論在營收成長、獲利力或個人產值等方面均有傑出的表現。雖然過去,台灣高科技產業能持續在市場上生存並佔有一席之地,乃在於擁有完善的製造能力與完整的產業供應鏈。但今日,高科技產業長期的經營與運作模式已面臨嚴重挑戰。企業間過度擠壓所造成的削價競爭、產業外移,供應鏈失調等問題,正是高科技產業停滯不前瀕臨生存威脅的最大因素。因此,台灣企業該如何提升其自身的競爭優勢與經營管理能力,並且妥善運用有限的資源進而轉化成對外的競爭策略,將是企業是否能安然渡過該波擠壓洪流,而得以永續經營的關鍵成功因素。 因此,本研究將探討『台灣電腦晶片組設計業經營問題與競爭優勢分析』,藉由分析探討國內兩大電腦系統晶片組設計廠商-矽統科技與威盛電子公司的實際經營狀況,來了解台灣電腦系統晶片組設計業現今所面臨的經營問題。 針對上述探討研究方向,除了參閱多方理論文獻與次級文獻資料外,吾人亦以十多年來實際參與電腦產業經營運作的經驗,並收集分析矽統科技與威盛電子公司發展推動市場的手法,試圖來解釋分析本論文所發現的問題,同時在總結各方面的研討後,提出可能性的對策與方案,使之能在既有的核心能耐與有限的資源下,對其所擁有的核心能力加以強化及發揮,進而產生另一層的經營優勢並提昇該產業的核心競爭力。 本研究結果發現台灣電腦系統晶片設計業: 一、 台系電腦晶片組廠商目前所面臨經營上的機會與問題 劣勢與威脅部分: 1. 新產品的創新能力、類比技術及系統整合能力較差,加上電腦系統晶片組功能整合開發難度與日俱增,在國際競爭上始終無法超前國際大廠(如Intel與nVIDIA)。 2. 由於新技術能力的不足,造成產品推出時程落後;沒有新穎產品的創新能力,無法提供附加價值,不得不採取低價策略。 3. 同業間惡性競爭、下游廠商代工成本提高、獲利不佳引發財務資源不足。 競爭優勢部分: 1.台灣半導體產業專業分工,群聚效果顯著,產業供給鏈完整,對電腦晶片組產品開發設計幫助大。 2.人力素質佳,上下游產業垂直分工,能力強。 3.專業晶圓代工關係密切,並帶動上下游產業發展。 4.營運彈性大,效率高,以達經濟規模,具成本競爭優勢。 5.下游PC資訊產業為堅強支援。 6.設計技術高、能力強、產品運用靈活、整合力佳。 其機會在於: 1.大陸PC/數位消費性電子市場胃納大,台灣具同文同種優勢。 2.IA產品衍生的零組件商機。 3.業界聯盟、技轉和併購增加實力。 4.台灣矽島計畫(IP Mall)成立。 5.與中國市場提供規格制定的可能,進而能利用中國人才加強研發能力。 6.低價電腦需求持續成長,帶動低價的台灣晶片組產品出貨量。 關鍵性成功因素: 台灣廠商應持續強化其競爭優勢,使此優勢有持續性與不可取代性。因此,台灣廠商應憑藉著自身有限的資產與技術能力為競爭的基礎,採用最佳的競爭手段來對抗後進的ATi與nVIDIA的激烈競爭,如:提供更多的產品組合以發揮其綜效的產品策略、最低價產品的定位策略、利用台灣產業群聚效益的優勢發掘最有效率的製造策略等;採用正確的競爭方式以避開正面與外商優勢產品的直接競爭,如:基於目前擁有成熟的技術,運用其技術延展性的特性,積極開發新產品並鎖定中國、印度、印尼、俄羅斯及巴西等新興電腦市場之選擇。 二、 台灣廠商的整合核心技術能力普遍不及外商,尤其在整合性產品中的繪圖核心邏輯部分與類比技術;不過值得慶幸的是新技術的市場推廣往往必須花費許久時間,台灣廠商可藉此發展較便宜的產品,一旦新技術被市場接受時,迅速推廣至市場達到後發先至,後來居上的成功策略,畢竟類似的產品其價格仍佔優勢。 三、 近年來,電腦晶片組所賴以為生的上下游產業,多數廠商雖被迫遷至中國設廠以降低製造成本來爭取較高獲利,原以為此種現象將會造成台灣電腦產業群聚效益的喪失,但所幸的是新的產業群聚效益逐漸於中國的上海地區形成,就如同台灣的竹科與南科一般;因此,台灣電腦晶片組廠商仍擁有較國際大廠較佳的電腦產業群聚效益的優勢。除了該優勢外,台灣廠商若能在有限的資產與技術能力的基礎下,更持續強化其自身的競爭優勢,使此優勢具有持續與不可取代性。如此方能統合己身的資源優勢,進而得有能力來對抗後進的ATi與nVIDIA等廠商的激烈競爭。 / Following the establishment and operations of TSMC(Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited)and UMC(United Microelectronics Corporation)in Taiwan, the high-tech industry of wafer production flourished and created a reputation nothing short of an economic miracle for Taiwan. In the electronic information field, it became the leading business; outperforming in all aspects showing outstanding profits, income, growth, and personal production value. The high-tech industry of Taiwan then occupied a strong-hold of the market continuously, owing to its manufacturing capability and complete supply chain. Today however, the long time operational model of this industry confronts a serious challenge because of compression among local enterprises. Prices have been cut, factories have been moved abroad, creating a disorder in the supply chain and all can be seen as life or death threatening risks to this systematic industry. The key success factors for sustainable management objectives is going to be how the Taiwanese enterprisers promote their competitive advantage; utilize their business management ability for better efficiency of factories; manipulate the limited resources; and further divert all of the above into a competitive strategy. Through analysis of actual practice and business operations of two PC chipset design house companies(Silicon Integrated Systems Corporation and VIA Technologies, Inc.), this study will examine and predict『The operational problems related to business management and competitive advantages analysis which are in front of the PC chipset design industry in Taiwan』. Aiming at directions of above stated examinations and analysis by using my experience of participating in management and review of all aspects in PC industry for more than ten years and by reading of papers at sublevels; also by collecting marketing methods of the above two companies; I will explain the problems I have revealed. At the same time, I will provide applicable stratagem and programs for PC chipset industry of Taiwan to upgrade its core competencies and strengthen its competitive force. Results of this study are stated below: A. The operational problems related to business management and competitive advantages in front of the PC chipset design industry of Taiwan A/1: Weaknesses and Threats 1. The PC chipset vendors of Taiwan cannot compete or overtake Intel or nVIDIA in the international market until the following is addressed. In addition to extended difficulties in PC chipset integration, there is an inferior ability in the following aspects: the invention or creation of new products; analogy techniques, and system integration. 2. Due to inadequate new technologies, the new products cannot put into market on schedule. Further, without innovation of products to create added value to a product low price policy has become the only strategy. 3. Vicious competition among similar enterprisers and an increase of labor cost of factories in the production line may induce monetary crises at any point of the chain of the PC industry. A/2 : Competitive Advantages 1. Specialty divisions, clustering of the Taiwan Semiconductor industry and good supply chains all contribute a lot to the development of PC chipset products. 2. Good quality of labor and vertical division of top to bottom production are the factors which enforce the industry. 3. Close ties to the chip production manufacturers promote development of top to bottom enterprisers. 4. Flexibility of management facilitates higher efficiency to reach the economics of scale. A definite cost competitive advantage. 5. The PC information industry constitutes concerted support. 6. Design technology at high level, good capability, splendid flexibility on product applications and fine integration of these elements. A/3: Opportunities 1. Markets for PC and digital consumer appliances for Taiwan and the mainland China is huge because of population and economic growth there in recent years. Consumers share the same culture; belonging to same race also is an advantage. 2. Opportunity deriving from IA products for companies to produce peripheral parts. 3. Through alliance of enterprisers, transit of techniques and business merging is an opportunity. 4. Establishment of Taiwan IP mall. 5. To formulate protocols and define specification together with enterprisers in mainland China for a market there. Further to utilize local professionals to promote research and development. 6. Demand for low cost PCs will increase steadily which will enable Taiwan to export more PC chipset products. A/4: Key Factors for Success The Taiwan companies should continue to strengthen their competitive advantages to maintain their continuity and non replaceable character. Also apply the limited resources and technical know-how as a base of competition. Furthermore by adopting better competitive measures to confront the new more advanced competitors such as ATi and nVIDIA. These measures may include a greater product portfolio synergy; the assembly of more complex and efficient products made in Taiwan; a low cost product positioning strategy in order to avoid face to face competition; a redirection of the current mature technologies into technology extensions for products aimed at the emerging PC markets such as China, India, Indonesia, Russia and Brazil. B. The ability to integrate core technologies by the Taiwan industry is less efficient than foreign companies especially the graphics core-logic and analog techniques. It is fortunate that it often needs a long time for a new technique to appear in a market. The Taiwan companies can use this time gap between the existing mature technique and another generation of know-how to develop modified low price alternative products. Once the new technique is accepted by the market, it can be spread to the market with a faster speed to achieve a better result. After all, prices of similar products still occupy the good position for profit. C. In recent years many factories, from top to bottom producers were forced to move to the mainland China in order to lower the cost of their production for higher profits. At first it was thought that these phenomena may cause the disappearance of industry clustering in Taiwan adversely affecting the supply chain. Fortunately the outgoing factories were clustered in the Shanghai area very similar to Hsienchu Science Park and Southern Taiwan Science Park in Taiwan. The PC chipset design industry of Taiwan can thus still maintain their clustering advantages to confront the big factories world wide.

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