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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The politics of system in the art of Carl Andre, Sol LeWitt, and Vito Acconci, 1959-1975

Gieskes, Mette 28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available / text

Information-based Economy And E-government: Transformation In The Public Administration

Terzi, Mahir 01 April 2006 (has links) (PDF)
&ldquo / Information-Based Economy&rdquo / , which is today&rsquo / s economy that is a proof and indicator of development level for the countries now on, comes on the scene with its new organizing model on the infrastructure of its own, which is called &ldquo / Information Society&rdquo / . The phenomenon of administration introduces to &ldquo / e-Government&rdquo / for reinforcing the roots of &ldquo / Information-Based Economy&rdquo / now. The objective of this study is to research the transformation of state, authoritarian and dominant power, that &ldquo / Information-Based Economy&rdquo / gives direction in the environment of &ldquo / Information Society&rdquo / and to determine the locus and focus of &ldquo / e-government&rdquo / as a new organizing model especially in the dilemma between administration and management, and in the dilemma between politics and administration by using the theories of public administration, keeping the variance of culture in mind. In addition, to have a systematic knowledge of the relation between &ldquo / Information-Based Economy&rdquo / , &ldquo / Information Society&rdquo / and &ldquo / e-Government&rdquo / as a whole composes of the theme of this thesis. For this purpose, questionnaire has been conducted in the Ministry of National Education, which is responsible for forming the society of the future, to understand whether there is a systematic knowledge on the relation between &ldquo / Information-Based Economy&rdquo / , &ldquo / Information Society&rdquo / and &ldquo / e-Government&rdquo / as a whole. Moreover, it has been aimed to discover what the mental formulations of participants are. Questionnaire results reveal that there is no systematic knowledge on the relation between &ldquo / Information-Based Economy&rdquo / , Information Society&rdquo / and &ldquo / e-Government&rdquo / as a whole in the Ministry of National Education, and that the participants are apt to perceive &ldquo / e-Government&rdquo / within the context in which they are in terms of professions, status and backgrounds. Questionnaire results also show that the responses given by the participants concerning &ldquo / e-Government&rdquo / are more or less the same due to the hierarchical organization of knowledge and official knowledge in particular.

Sensing and organising : an interpretation of the thought of Karel E. Weick

Joubert, Carel W. T. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The focus in this thesis is on sensemaking in organisations and the aim was to offer an interpretation of the thought of Karl E. Weick. The interpretation subsequently consists of a description and discussion of concepts, underlying theories and paradigmatic perspectives that are integrated into and deployed in Weick's sensemaking framework. After a description and definition of sensemaking terms and concepts, it is argued that a process cosmology forms the ground theory in Weick's sensemaking framework. In order to elucidate this interpretation, the organic model of the world of Bergson and Whitehead is introduced. Special attention is given to pragmatism's underlying process ontology and themes which social consructionism, symbolic interactionism and ethnomethodology share in common with pragmatism. The aim is to show how these perspectives and themes are taken up in Weick's sensemaking in organisations and organisational theory. A failure to make sense is both consequential and existential. This aspect of Weick's thought is discussed in the context of Bergson's process cosmology. It is followed by a description and discussion of Weick's use of systems theory with special attention given to Weick's concept of 'enactment' . How and why does an organisation becomes what it becomes? This question is addressed in the context of a description and discussion of complexity theory. A core concept in both complexity theory and Weick's thought is self-organisation. The aim is to show how sense making appears on systems level. Finally, this thesis attempts to addresses the question of the relationship between organisation and organising and how both terms is to be understood in terms of Weick's ontological view of the world. This aim is to show that Weick's understanding of "the" organisation (noun) can be conceived of as an abstraction and organisation (verb - 'organising') in terms of relating and as process in becoming and how he thereby gives social construction an ontological twist. The conclusion reached is that, in the type of world Weick describes, it makes sense to make sense. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis fokus op 'sensemaking' in organisasies - om die dubbelsinnige, onduidelike en onverwagse meer duidelik, begryplik and redelik te maak vir persone om te weet wat besig is om te gebeur en gepaste aksies te neem. Die doel was derhalwe 'n interpretasie van die denke van Karl E. Weick. Die interpretasie omvat gevolglik 'n beskrywing en bespreking van konsepte, teorieë en paradigmatiese perspektiewe wat Weick in sy sensemaking raamwerk integreer en ontplooi. Ná 'n definiëring en beskrywing van terme en konsepte word geargumenteer dat 'n proses beskouing van die werklikheid Weick se sensemaking raamwerk onderlê. Hierdie interpretasie word toegelig met 'n bespreking en beskrywing van die organiese model van Bergson en Whitehead, sowel as die proses ontologie onderliggend aan pragmatisme. Gevolglik kom pragmatisme, sosiale konstruksionisme, simboliese interaksionisme en etnometodologie aan die orde. Verskeie temas word beskryf en bespreek in die konteks van sensemaking en organisasie-teorie. 'n Mislukking in sensemaking het newe gevolge en is dit ook eksistensieël van aard. Hierdie aspek van Weick se denke word beskryf en bespreek in die konteks van Bergson se proses kosmologie en word die interpretasie opgevolg met 'n bespreking van sisteem-teorie. Hoe en waarom verander organisasies wanneer hulle verander? Die antwoord op hierdie vraag kom aan die orde in die konteks van 'n bespreking van kompleksiteits-teorie. 'n Kern konsep in beide Weick se sensemaking en kompleksiteits-teorie is self-organisasie. 'n Baie belangrike doel is om aan te dui hoe sensemaking voorkom en plaasvind op sisteem-vlak. Ten slotte poog die tesis om die verband tussen organisasie en organisering in Weick se denke meer verstaanbaar te maak. Die argument hier is dat Weick se verstaan van "die" organisasie (selfstandige naamwoord) as 'n abstraksie en organisasie (werkwoord) in terme van relasies en proses in wording geïnterpreteer kan word, en Weick sodoende 'n ontologiese kinkel in die verstaan van sosiale konstruksionisme teweeg bring. Die slotsom tot waartoe in hierdie studie gekom word is dat, in die wêreld wat Weick beskryf, maak dit 'sense' om 'sense' te maak.

Ett nytt sätt att arbeta med elevhälsa? : En fallstudie om förebyggande, hälsofrämjande och åtgärdande arbete i ett elevhälsoteam

Larsliden, Bibbi January 2018 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syftet med undersökningen är att skapa kunskap om hur elevhälsoteam kan gestaltas för att inte bara vara åtgärdande utan även hälsofrämjande och förebyggande. Tidigare forskning, nationella granskningar och rapporter har visat på svårigheter för elevhälsoteam att arbeta utifrån sitt uppdrag att vara främst förebyggande och hälsofrämjande. Undersökningen tar sin utgångspunkt i att undersöka om elevhälsoteamets som studeras arbetar främst förebyggande och hälsofrämjande. Indikatorer i en tidigare pilotstudie indikerar på att så är fallet och syftet är att undersöka detta närmare och om det iså fall finns en brytpunkt när elevhälsoteamet började arbeta på detta sätt. Vidare är syftet att, om det finns en brytpunkt, undersöka vilka faktorer som bidragit till att detta arbetssätt utvecklades och vilka faktorer som upprätthåller detta. Studiens teoretiska ansats är systemteori om lärandeorganisationer samt teori om tvärprofessionella team. Andra ansatser är olika specialpedagogiska perspektiv, ett salutogent perspektiv samt ekologisk utvecklingsmodell. Dessa teorier används även i analysen. En variant av metodtriangulering har använts. Detta innebär att empirin är insamlad från flera olika källor för att identifiera olika perspektiv på elevhälsoarbete i materialet samt se var samstämmighet föreligger. Följande datamaterial har samlats in: a) 13 observationer av elevhälsoteamsmöten med lärare b) 3 observationer av elevhälsoteamsmöten utan lärare c) en fokusgruppsintervju med elevhälsoteamet d) en intervju med psykolog i elevhälsoteamet e) en intervju med två rektorer f) en fokusgruppsintervju med elever med åtgärdsprogram samt g) en enkät till alla pedagogerna på skolan. Observations- och intervjumaterialet har transkriberats och samtliga material har analyserats genom att identifiera återkommande teman och sedan tolka dem genom tidigare forskning och studiens teoretiska utgångspunkter. Elevhälsoteamet i undersökningen har rört sig från att arbeta mest med åtgärder till att även arbeta förebyggande och hälsofrämjande och skiljer sig således till delar från elevhälsoteam som studerats tidigare. Rektors roll var viktig för att utvecklingsarbetet skulle inledas men även för att upprätthålla arbetssättet, enligt flera datakällor. Att rektor skapar tydliga mål, sprider visionen och håller i utvecklingsarbetet över lång tid lyftes fram som betydelsefullt. Att elevhälsoteamet har tydliga rutiner för hur samarbetet med lärarna ska utformas samt för användningen av ett elevcentrerat arbetssätt är andra faktorer som framstår som viktiga i den empiriska analysen. Resultaten i uppsatsen diskuteras utifrån den teoretiska bakgrunden och tidigare forskning. / The aim of this study is to create knowledge about how pupil welfare teams in schools can work with health promotion and prevention and not only with remedial work. Earlier research together with national reports and inspections has shown the challenge for pupil welfare teams to work with prevention and health promotion. The study first explored if the pupil welfare team in the study also worked with prevention and health promotion. Indications of this way of working was shown in an earlier study and the aim was then to further explore if there was an inflection point when the pupil welfare team started to work in these ways. In case there was such a point, the aim was also to further explore which factors that contributed to this and which factors that supported that these ways of working continued. System theory and theories about cross-professional teams are used as theoretical perspectives in the analysis. Special pedagogical perspectives and the salutogenic perspective were also used in the analysis together with earlier research about pupil welfare teams. Both qualitative methods with interviews and participant observations and a quantitative method with a questionnaire are used in the study. The information from the different data sources was triangulated in order to identify both different and convergent perspectives of the research questions. The following data material has been collected: a) 13 observations of pupil welfare teams including teachers b) 3 observations of pupil welfare teams without teachers c) a group interview with the pupil welfare team d) an interview with the psychologist in the pupil welfare team e) an interview with both headmasters in the school f) a group interview with six pupils g) a questionnaire to all teachers working on the school. Results show that the pupil welfare team has gone from remedial work to work more with prevention and health promotion. The results indicate the important role of the principal for creating clear goals and common visions. To stay long and hold on to the strategies are important for developing the way of working with prevention and health promotion. Clear routines, close co-operation with teachers and a pupil centered way of working are other keys to success for developing and hold on to prevention and health promotion work in pupil welfare teams. The results are discussed in relation to the theoretical background and earlier research.

An investigation into an experiential approach to training in group psychotherapy

Sewpershad, Narropi 00 December 1900 (has links)
High-quality group psychotherapy training is considered more important than ever in the current mental health care environment. With the need for ongoing education and development in the field of group psychotherapy, concern has been raised regarding the lack of group psychotherapy training guidelines for trainee psychologists. Findings from numerous empirical studies show that at present, most training courses often maintain a rather unstructured format for fostering an experiential group process. The literature suggests that without standardized course objectives, students are vulnerable to harm, they are ill equipped to meet professional demands, and trainers are not provided with adequate guidelines for instruction. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to review the relevant literature in order to describe the principles of group psychotherapy as they manifest in group interaction, and to compare the subjective experiences of trainee group psychotherapists with the findings from the literature. The aim of this investigation was to generate hypotheses about the effectiveness of the use of an experiential group as a training medium, in group psychotherapy. Further objectives included exploring the merits of an experiential approach to training in group psychotherapy, and identifying factors that could potentially aid/hinder trainee development. In order to adhere to the objectives of the investigation, a qualitative, exploratory research design was used. Data for the study was gathered by means of a client-centered interview conducted with five group psychotherapy trainees who received training in a Clinical Psychology Masters program. In addition, these trainees were also required to complete a semi-structured questionnaire. The interview focused on how the trainees' subjective, affective experiences influenced their perceptions of the qualitative aspects of group life, while the questionnaire was designed to elicit information about the ways in which trainees cognitively conceptualized their understanding of group process, group dynamics and group facilitation skills. The results of the study were analysed through the qualitative method of content analysis. Results showed that, while trainees may have perceived that they gained tremendous benefits through exposure to the experiential group, an analysis of their interaction patterns highlighted certain areas which can be considered problematic. For example, it was found that trainees did not have a theoretical understanding of group process and group dynamics, and were therefore, not equipped with the necessary skills required to facilitate groups. This is further substantiated by the finding that the group facilitator had a pervasive influence on the development of the individual trainee and on the development of the group as a whole. Furthermore, results obtained raised certain concerns regarding the suitability and adequacy of using an experiential group as a tool for training, in group psychotherapy. The research findings suggest that, while the experiential group may provide the trainee with an invaluable experience, it alone is insufficient as a training method, in group psychotherapy. This study also raises questions about the ethics of such a training program in its current form. One of the major conclusions of this investigation is that there is a need for ongoing research and evaluation of the training programs. Finally, recommendations are made for improving the group psychotherapy training experience. These recommendations are based on the evaluation of the trainees' subjective experiences / Psychology / (M.A.(Clinical Psychology))

Coverage of African countries in Pan-African business magazines : evidence of hierarchy in regional news flows

Ubomba-Jaswa, Florence Otae 04 1900 (has links)
This dissertation examines the flow of economic news in Africa, in order to investigate the potential existence of regional hierarchies in international news flow. The research was based on a framework of theories on international news flow. A quantitative and qualitative content analysis of a sample of news articles published in Africa Investor, African Business and Business in Africa during 2007 and 2008 was analysed. The quantitative results showed that South Africa received the highest level of coverage and was covered to a greater extent than any other African country. The qualitative results indicated that there was clear evidence of regional hierarchy in the coverage of African countries: South Africa received extensive coverage probably due to the fact that it is the largest, most advanced and influential economy in the continent. The study showed that inequality in news coverage is not only a global issue, but also a regional one. / Communication Science / M.A. (International Communication)

An investigation of performance in the Biology 5090 at selected high schools in Lesotho / Investigation of performance in the Biology five thousand and ninety at selected high schools in Lesotho

Lebata, Mamalanga Calextina 06 1900 (has links)
Performance in Lesotho at senior level (COSC) has been poor. One of the subjects which is performed poorly is Biology 5090. This prompted the researcher to examine factors responsible for the poor performance in Biology 5090. The study also aimed at finding ways in which teachers envisage to improve Biology 5090 performance. Data was collected from three schools through semi-structured interviews and document analysis. The study also adopted the General System Theory (GST) as the theoretical framework. Data was analyzed in line with qualitative content analysis, and from the perspective of the GST. The data analysis scheme was developed and presented (appendix P). The results of the study showed that Biology 5090 performance was affected by factors such as human resources, and the transformation process. The study also suggested ways in which Biology 5090 performance could be improved in Lesotho. These include: in-serving training, team work and others. / Science and Technology Education / M. Ed. (Natural Science Education)

The formation of SANDF : integration experiences of former Transkei, Bophuthatswana, Venda and Ciskei defence force members

Matloa, Abbey Oupa 02 1900 (has links)
Before entering into a democratic dispensation, South African military and defence systems were constituted by seven disparate armed forces. The transformation of South Africa from a separatist state introduced renewed efforts and challenges to integrate what was once a divided military corps and society. In 1994, the formation of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) was born out of the effort to integrate various statutory and non-statutory armed forces in South Africa, including forces from former TBVC states. Through a phenomenological inquiry, integration experiences of former TBVC Armed Force members into the new SANDF structure are investigated. The study aimed to find out from the former TBVC force members how they were affected by the integration process and what their perception with regards to the effectiveness of the integration process on enhancing representation on all rank levels in the new SANDF was. The findings from in-depth semi-structured interviews with 16 such members indicate that transformation of South Africa’s military outfit into an integrated system is not exactly an epitome of a new and different yet cohesive and unified structure. The notion of ‘integration’ is as such cast as essentially a problematic one where inequalities still reflect in how former statutory and non-statutory force members are treated particularly with regards to promotion opportunities. In addition, there are perceived lingering vestiges of a previous separatist system such as the use of Afrikaans language as a medium of instruction and communication, previous SADF policies which helps produce the idea of integration as more a process of absorption instead. Despite this problematisation of integration processes in shaping how the new SANDF outfit is currently experienced by members, there are perceived benefits from the change brought about by ‘integration’ of forces. Some benefits are as tangible as individual career advancement, while others tend to reflect impacts at systemic level of family where members indirectly profit from the reorganisation and call for adjustment to new settings and structures that followed integration / Research / M.A. (Research Consultation)

O sistema de formação, aplicação e superação dos precedentes vinculantes

Araújo Júnior, Pedro Dias de 06 February 2017 (has links)
The present master thesis has its start point on Nicklas Luhmann's system theory and political science in David Easton to demonstrate that the legal system interacts with society through structural couplings, creating binding precedents through existing normative consolidation or, alternatively, from current legal system. One of the key points of the thesis is the participation of the amicus curiae as a legitimizing element of the binding precedents policy. Although they interpret the law in very open interpretation, we defend the thesis that this interpretation can not have the breadth defendend by Peter Häberle in the sense of being greatly enlarged, but the interpretations outside the legal system are realized through codes because a fundamental characteristic of any sound social system – including law system - is open cognitiveness and closed operability according to Luhmann's theory, creating rules and these same rules return to the environment. In the formation of the precedent, we analyzed the participation of the amicus curiae as an element of cognitive openness. In its application, we understand that the integrity of the system should not be understood only in its Dworkian principle theory, defended by Lenio Streck, but rather that it should be understood as a system, in the light of Luhmann's theory. The preservation of the internal operability of the subsystem of binding precedents is one of the means to avoiding systemic corruption - this defies the integrity of any kind of system. With regard to the application of the precedents, there is a need for a more detailed study of the ratio decidendi and the obiter dictum, in order to correct the innumerable imperfetcions of judicial decisions in Brazil, especially those coming from the Federal Supreme Court. When studying the precedents, it is discovered that frozen view of jurisprudence is more typical of the English system than the American system, which makes predict that the Brazilian system will also be more flexible than the two systems under study. In the Constitutional Court, we analyze the main arguments for and against the constitutionality of the binding precedents system and we conclude by its constitutionality. Finally, after the extensive study, it competed to frame the binding precedent - and not the jurisprudence - as a formal source of Brazilian law. / A presente dissertação parte da teoria sistêmica de Nicklas Luhmann e da ciência política em David Easton para demonstrar que o sistema jurídico interage com a sociedade, através dos acoplamentos estruturais, criando precedentes vinculantes através do adensamento normativo até então existente ou, alternativamente, extraindo normas do atual sistema jurídico. Um dos pontos chaves da tese é a participação do amicus curiae como elemento legitimador da política de precedentes vinculantes. Apesar dos mesmos interpretarem o ordenamento em uma possível interpretação aberta do ordenamento, defende-se a tese de que esta interpretação não pode ter o elastério emprestado por Peter Häberle no sentido de ser excessivamente ampliada, mas sim as interpretações advindas de fora do sistema jurídico são metabolizadas através de códigos próprios deste sistema, pois uma característica fundamental de qualquer sistema social íntegro é a cognitividade aberta e a operacionalidade fechada, na teoria de Luhmann, criando regras gerais e estas mesmas regras retornam ao meio ambiente. Na formação do precedente, é analisada a participação do amicus curiae como elemento da abertura cognitiva. Em sua aplicação, entende-se que a integridade do sistema não deve ser compreendida apenas em sua acepção dworkiana da teoria dos princípios, defendida por Lenio Streck, mas sim que ela deve ser compreendida como um sistema, à luz dos ensinamentos de Luhmann, ou seja, a preservação da operatividade interna do subsistema dos precedentes vinculantes é um dos meios de se evitar a corrupção sistêmica – esta sim desafiadora da integridade de quaisquer sistemas. No que se refere à aplicação dos precedentes, há a necessidade de um estudo mais aprofundado da ratio decidendi e do obiter dictum, de forma a se corrigir os inúmeros vícios das decisões judiciais Brasil afora, em especial daquelas oriundas do Supremo Tribunal Federal. Ao se estudar os precedentes, descobre-se que aquela visão engessadora da jurisprudência é mais típica do sistema inglês que do norte-americano, o que gera uma previsão de que o sistema brasileiro será, também, mais flexível que os dois sistemas em estudo. Na seara constitucional, são analisados os principais argumentos a favor e contrário à constitucionalidade do sistema dos precedentes vinculantes e conclui-se pela sua constitucionalidade. Por fim, após o amplo estudo, competiu enquadrar o precedente vinculante – e não a jurisprudência - como fonte formal do direito brasileiro.

Confiance et risque pour engager un échange en milieu hostile / Trust and risk to exchange into hostil environment

Legrand, Véronique 19 June 2013 (has links)
De nos jours, l’échange électronique est le seul média qui offre l’accès à l’information pour tous, partout et tout le temps, mais en même temps il s’est ouvert à de nouvelles formes de vulnérabilités. La régulation des systèmes numériques, en héritage de la régulation cybernétique, maintient les équilibres à l’aide d’une boucle de rétroaction négative. Ainsi, leurs sys-tèmes de défense, désignés sous le terme de zone démilitarisée (DMZ) suivent-ils une régulation cybernétique en émettant ce que l’on appelle des évènements de sécurité. De tels évènements sont issus de sondes de surveillance qui matérialisent la ligne de dé-fense du système régulé. Toutefois, de telles sondes sont des système-experts et ces évènements appris au préalable ne rendent pas toujours compte de la dynamique de l’environnement et plus encore de la psychologie des individus. Plus encore, la multi-plication des systèmes de surveillance a entrainé une production considérable de ces évènements rendant cet ensemble de plus en plus inefficace. Par ailleurs, les systèmes vivants obéissent à une régulation complexe, l’homéostasie, qui les guide dans l’incertain à l’aide de mécanismes de surveillance continue. La force de tels mécanismes repose sur la variété des points de vue qu’ils empruntent ce qui leur permet de conjuguer leurs connaissances préalables à leurs informations de contexte pour comprendre leur environnement et s’adapter. Dans notre thèse, nous proposons d’associer à chaque système communicant, un sys-tème de surveillance continue : Dangerousness Incident Management (DIM) qui rend compte des changements de l’environnement en collectant et analysant toutes les traces laissées par les activités des usagers ou systèmes, légitimes ou non ; de cette manière, un tel système accède à une information étendue et reste sensible à son contexte. Néan-moins, plusieurs difficultés surviennent liées à la compréhension des informations re-cueillies dont le sens est noyé dans une grande masse d’informations, elles sont deve-nues implicites. Notre contribution principale repose sur un mécanisme de fouille de données adapté aux informations implicites. Nous proposons une structure à fort pou-voir d’abstraction fondée sur le principe d’un treillis de concepts. À partir de ce modèle de référence adaptatif, il nous est possible de représenter tous les acteurs d’un échange afin de faire coopérer plusieurs points de vue et plusieurs systèmes, qu’ils soient hu-mains ou machine. Lorsque l’incertitude de ces situations persiste, nous proposons un mécanisme pour guider l’usager dans ses décisions fondé sur le risque et la confiance. Enfin, nous évaluons nos résultats en les comparant aux systèmes de références Com-mon Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) proposés par le National Institute of Stan-dards and Technology (NIST). / Nowadays, the electronic form of exchanges offers a new media able to make easy all information access, ubiquitous access, everywhere and everytime. But, at the same time, such a media - new, opened and complex - introduces unknown threats and breaches. So, how can we start up trust exchanges? From the system theory point of view, the cybernetic regulation maintains the sys-tems equilibrium with negative feedback loops. In this way, the defense line is based on a set of defense components still named Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) in order to block flow, to control anomalies and give out alerts messages if deviances are detected. Nev-ertheless, most of these messages concern only anomalies of machines and very little of human. So, messages do not take into account neither psychological behavior nor the dynamic of the context. Furthermore, messages suffer of the "big data" problem and become confused due to too much velocity, volume and variety. Finally, we can limit this problem to the understanding difficulty during the access to the specific knowledge in connection with the message. For example, the identity theft with the XSS attack is an illustration of this unfriendly environment. On the contrary, the living sciences show that organisms follow a positive regulation by where each one itself adapts according to his complexity. For that, they deploy adapted and continuous environment monitoring process still named "homeostasis". During this cycle, inputs capture information, then outputs adjust in response corre-sponding actions : this is the feedback. The strength of such a mechanism lies on the information meaning and in particular on the clues they include. In fact, some of these information include clues by which organisms can explain situations. For example, the information « attention" alludes to dangerous situation. This faculty comes from ad-vanced knowledge having first explicit relationship with this information: this relation forms what we call the "cognitive loop". To illustrate this phenomenon, the cognitive sciences often evoke "a friend immediately recognized by her friend" despite he is swal-lowed up in the crowd. But, the cognitive loop should not be broken. Like the living beings functioning, our work propose a cognitive model named Diag-nostic And Incident Model (DIM). The main idea lies on the context-aware model in order to adapt itself like "homeostasis". DIM has been founded on the principle of the "cognitive loop" where the inputs are the "logs" of numerics systems. So, in order to make easier the comparison between contextual and known situation, we will design "logs" and advanced knowledge by a common model. DIM proposes a conceptual struc-ture to extract clues from massive and various "logs” issued from environment based on advanced knowledge acquisition. Then, we propose the cognitive structure will be applied to the anomaly detection, incident management and diagnosis process.

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