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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Støtte til barn og ungdommer innom autismespekteret : En litteraturstudie

Naqvi, Nazia Ibrar January 2022 (has links)
Background: The autism spectrum disorder is increasing in our society. Autism is a spectrum of conditions characterized by difficulties in understanding. Symptoms of autism can change with a right support. Aim: The purpose of the study is to use Bronfenbrenner’s theory in order to analyse forms of support for children and young adults on the autism spectrum disorder. I will use Bonfrenbrenner’s ecological system theory in my literature review in order to emphasize on different systems that influence support. Systems include microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem and chronosystem. Method: General literature study where the results are based on both quantitative and qualitative research from databases EBSC host, APA psycinfo and APA psycArticles all of which created 9 studies. Results: The results show that more support is needed in school and habilitation centers for children and young adults with autism spectrum diagnosis. An increase in knowledge about the autism spectrum disorder is needed among parents, teachers and personal assistants. The results show that different forms of support help individuals with autism spectrum disorder to develop different skills. With proper communication, follow-up, mapping in behavioural therapy, socialstories and by creating clear circumstances can develop more skills individually. There is support for autism spectrum disorder in schools and kindergarten, but more support is needed. Support from technology has an important role in society. Follow-up for the individuals with autism spectrum disorder needs to start as early as possible. The findings show that with laterfollow-up or no follow-up, the autistic symptoms can re-appear. The result also show that sometimes parents may be influenced by cultural factors, which may prevent them from seeking support. Conclusion: Different forms of support have a developmental effect for individuals with autism spectrum disorder. More forms of support are needed in the society. Individuals with autism diagnose need constant follow-up support to develop skills. Children who received support at an early age developed better than those who received support later.

Anhörigstöd under övergångsprocessen mellan barnhabiliteringen och vuxenhabilitering - En kvalitativ studie kring anhörigstöd utifrån kuratorers erfarenhet / The impact of family support during the process of transition between childhabilitation and adult habilitation. A qualitative study of family supportbased on curators' experience.

Safaie Westberg, Sanam January 2022 (has links)
Syftet är att kartlägga anhörigstödet kring övergången från barnhabilitering till vuxenhabilitering utifrån kuratorers erfarenhet. Genom att undersöka ämnet övergång utifrån olika aspekter såsom organisation, samverkan, roller samt vinster med ett aktivt anhörigstöd eller brist i avsaknad av den, är förhoppningen att skapa djupare förståelse för de svårigheter som kan eventuellt tillkomma under processens gång. Studien bygger på en kvalitativ hermeneutisk ansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Teorierna som används i studien är Systemteori, Ekologisk systemteori, Rollteori och Livsloppsperspektivet. Följande teman framkom i resultatet Organisation, Samverkan och Roller. Resultatet visar att förbindelse mellan forskningen och det praktiska arbetet när det gäller anhörigstöd i övergången är bristfällig. Studien visar även att övergången är en orolig tid med många förändringar och där många unga vuxna likväl anhöriga upplever en oro. I resultatet framkommer det att anhörigstöd finns inom habiliteringen men att det främst erbjuds i relation till den unga vuxnas diagnos, vilket enligt resultatet indikerar att anhörigstöd i övergångsprocessen i dag är otillräckligt. Stödet behöver ses utifrån ett större perspektiv, där samverkan med andra instanser är av stor vikt för att kunna möta de behov som kan finnas hos de anhöriga. / The purpose is to identify the support for relatives in the transition from child habilitation to adult habilitation, based on the experience of health care curators. By examining the transition of the subject based on various aspects such as organisation, cooperation, roles and benefits with active relative support or disadvantages in lack of it, the expectation is to create a deeper understanding of the difficulties that may occur during the process. The study is based on a qualitative hermeneutic approach, based on semi-structured interview. The theories used in this study are Systems theory, Ecological system theory, Role theory, and Life course perspective. The themes that emerged were Organization, Cooperation, and Roles. The study shows that the connection between the research and the practical work regarding relative support in the transition is flawed. The transition is a troubled time and with many changes taking place and young adults, as well as relatives, experience a higher level of concerns. The results show that while support for relatives is available in habilitation, the support in question is primarily provided in relation to the young adult's diagnosis, which according to the results indicate that relatives support in the transition process is insufficient. The relatives support needs to be seen from a broader perspective where collaboration with other services is of great importance.

Skolchefens avsikter att förbättra fritidshemmets undervisning : - Den dimensionella modellen prövas för analys av huvudmannaplaner / Aims of the Superintendent to improve the Education in LtCs : - The Dimensional Model tested to analyze Plans at a District system level

Mokvist Koutakis, Carina January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien i föreliggande uppsats är att pröva hur dimensionella modellen kan bedöma de avsikter skolchefen formulerar för att förbättra fritidshemmets undervisning, för att, i ett nästa steg, bidra i det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet.  Frågeställningen undersöker på vilket sätt den dimensionella modellens kvalitativa bedömningskriterier kan bidra, dels med kvalitativa bedömningar av skolchefens avsikter att förbättra fritidshemmets undervisning, dels fungera som underlag att generera formativa frågor för kommande systematiska kvalitetsarbete.  Denna kvalitativa, deduktiva studie använder systemteori som utgångspunkt. Teorin utgår från tanken att skolors likaväl som skolsystems kultur och historia ser olika ut, varför insatser behöver differentieras för att motsvara skolans uppdrag. System avser i det här fallet helheter, bildade av individer och organisationer.  Medvetenhet om detta gör det lättare att orientera sig i skolans komplexa verksamhet och det blir möjligt att förändra och därmed förbättra.  Empiriskt material inhämtades ur grundskolors huvudmannaplaner. Resultatet visar en bild där fritidshemmet är relativt osynligt, särskilt gällande utbildningsuppdraget. Skolchefens avsikter likaså. Dimensionella modellen bidrog till bilden genom att belysa centrala dimensioner i planerna samt med underlag för formativa frågor. Slutsatsen är att planerna har ett stort utrymme till förbättring, utifrån samtliga dimensionerna. I utrymmet framträder frågor att använda formativt för att förbättra måluppfyllelsen i fritidshemmet. / The aim is to test how The Dimensional model can assess the intentions formulated by the Superintendent to improve teaching in the LtCs, to, in the following, contribute to the systematic quality work.   The question examines how The Dimensional model's qualitative assessment criteria can con-tribute, partly with qualitative assessments of the Superintendents' intentions to improve teaching in the LtCs and partly serve as a basis for generating Formative questions for future Systematic quality Development Work.   This qualitative, deductive study uses Systems Theory as starting point. The theory is based on the idea that schools as well as school systems look different in terms of culture and history, which is why efforts need to be differentiated to meet the purpose. Here, systems are wholes, formed by individuals and organizations. Awareness of this makes it easier to orientate oneself in complex activities in schools and it becomes possible to change and thus also improve.   Data was gathered from Plans of the Schoolboard for the compulsory school.   The results draw a picture of the LtCs being relatively undetectable. That is also true for the aims of the Superintendent. The Dimensional model added to the picture by illustrating core dimensions in the Plans and well as Formative questions.    The conclusion is that the Plans have a lot of room for improvement. In that gap, questions emerge to use formatively to improve the fulfillment of goals in the LtCs.

AI in the Swedish Food System : Exploring Adoption, Challenges, and Opportunities in Primary Production through a Socio-Technical Lens / AI i det svenska livsmedelssystemet : Utforska antagande, utmaningar och möjligheter i primärproduktionen genom en socioteknisk lins

Zakeri, Amirhadi, Lei, Yiming January 2024 (has links)
Artificial intelligence (AI) holds immense potential to revolutionize the global food system, driving sustainability, enhancing efficiency, and addressing food security challenges. However, the successful integration of AI in the food system demands a deep understanding of the complex interplay between technology, social factors, economic considerations, and ethical implications. This study explores the opportunities and challenges in implementing AI technologies within the Swedish food system, focusing on primary production. The research utilizes an expanded Socio-Technical System Theory (STST) framework, incorporating economic and ethical dimensions alongside the traditional social and technical levels. Literature review and semi-structured interviews provide insights into the dynamics of AI adoption in the Swedish context. The findings reveal that AI adoption in the Swedish food system is currently in the early adopter phase, with broad range applications. However, the study also uncovers significant barriers to widespread AI adoption, including the lack of suitable business models, fragmented data sharing infrastructures, and ethical concerns surrounding data privacy and ownership.  The analysis emphasizes the need for developing user-friendly interfaces, leveraging narrow AI applications, and establishing seamless data flow across the food value chain. The study contributes to the theoretical development of the Socio-Technical System Theory framework by demonstrating the importance of incorporating economic and ethical dimensions in understanding the complex dynamics of AI adoption in socio-technical systems. The findings also have practical implications for policymakers, industry actors, and researchers, emphasizing the significance of context-specific AI development, as well as the need for collaborative innovation processes. The research acknowledges its limitations, including the focus on primary production and the reliance on qualitative methods, and identifies potential areas for future research, such as comparative analyses across different food sectors and the use of quantitative approaches.  In conclusion, this study provides a timely and critical contribution to the understanding of AI's role and potential in transforming the Swedish food system. It indicates the need for developing suitable business plans, establishing data sharing platforms, and ensuring a harmonized data flow to harness the benefits of AI while navigating its challenges and risks, paving the way for a more sustainable and resilient food future. / Artificiell intelligens (AI) har enorm potential att revolutionera det globala livsmedelssystemet, driva hållbarhet, förbättra effektiviteten och hantera livsmedelssäkerhetsutmaningar. Men en framgångsrik integration av AI i livsmedelssystemet kräver en djup förståelse för det komplexa samspelet mellan teknik, sociala faktorer, ekonomiska överväganden och etiska implikationer. Denna studie utforskar möjligheterna och utmaningarna med att implementera AI-teknologier inom det svenska livsmedelssystemet, med fokus på primärproduktionen. Forskningen använder ett utökat ramverk för Socioteknisk Systemteori (STST), som inkluderar ekonomiska och etiska dimensioner tillsammans med de traditionella sociala och tekniska nivåerna. Litteraturöversikt och halvstrukturerade intervjuer ger insikter i dynamiken kring AI-antagande i svensk kontext. Resultaten visar att AI-antagandet i det svenska livsmedelssystemet för närvarande befinner sig i den tidiga antagandefasen, med breda tillämpningar. Studien avslöjar dock också betydande hinder för ett utbrett AI-antagande, inklusive bristen på lämpliga affärsmodeller, fragmenterade datadelingsinfrastrukturer och etiska bekymmer kring dataintegritet och ägande. Analysen betonar behovet av att utveckla användarvänliga gränssnitt, utnyttja smala AI-applikationer och etablera sömlösa dataflöden över hela livsmedelsvärdekedjan. Studien bidrar till den teoretiska utvecklingen av Socioteknisk Systemteori genom att visa vikten av att inkludera ekonomiska och etiska dimensioner för att förstå den komplexa dynamiken kring AI-antagande i sociotekniska system. Resultaten har också praktiska implikationer för beslutsfattare, branschaktörer och forskare, och betonar betydelsen av kontextspecifik AI-utveckling samt behovet av samarbetsinriktade innovationsprocesser. Forskningen erkänner sina begränsningar, inklusive fokus på primärproduktion och beroende av kvalitativa metoder, och identifierar potentiella områden för framtida forskning, såsom jämförande analyser över olika livsmedelssektorer och användningen av kvantitativa metoder. Sammanfattningsvis ger denna studie ett aktuellt och kritiskt bidrag till förståelsen av AI roll och potential i att transformera det svenska livsmedelssystemet. Den pekar på behovet av att utveckla lämpliga affärsplaner, etablera plattformar för datadelning och säkerställa ett harmoniserat dataflöde för att utnyttja AI fördelar samtidigt som man navigerar dess utmaningar och risker, och banar vägen för en mer hållbar och motståndskraftig livsmedelsframtid.

A critical examination of translation and evaluation norms in Russian Bible translation

Wehrmeyer, Jennifer Ella 01 January 2003 (has links)
This research aimed to determine whether the rejection by Russian Orthodox Church leaders of recent translations of the Bible into Russian could be ascribed to a conflict of Russian and Western translation norms. Using Lefevere's (1992) notion of systems, the study compared the norms of Russian Bible translations, Western Bible translation and Russian literary translation, as well as those of a segment of the target audience, to determine the extent of their compatibility with each other and with the translations in question. The results showed that the recent translations did reflect the norms of Western Bible translation, but that these were not atypical of norms for previous Russian and Slavonic translations, nor for the norms of Russian literary translation. However, the results also showed that in practice target audience norms mirrored those of the Russian Orthodox Church, resulting in a similar rejection of the newer translations. / Linguistics / M.A. (Linguistics)

A family systems analysis of child murderers

Pillay, Karolyn 03 1900 (has links)
For decades there has been growing interest into the crime of child murders. Emphasis was placed on victims and those at risk. Not much focus was placed on perpetrators and their families. Evidence suggests that the family and social systems play a vital role in determining adult violent behaviour. This qualitative study aims to explore the experiences of convicted child murderers in their family and social system. Data was collected and analysed, using genogram interviews and analysis. Themes were highlighted using hermeneutic thematic analysis, within a post-modern paradigm. Results were presented in the form of genogram analysis and thematic content analysis. Prominent themes that arose were separation, rejection, abuse, neglect and substance abuse. These life experiences together with poor education are some of the characteristics that may have contributed to the child murderers actions towards children. / Psychology / M. A. (Clinical Psychology)

The Representation of Ethiopian politics in selected Amharic novels, 1930 - 2010

Anteneh Aweke Ewnetu 07 1900 (has links)
Amharic literature has always occupied an important place in the history of the literary traditions of Ethiopia. Although this literature is believed to be strongly related to the politics of the country, there has been no study that proves this claim across the different political periods in the country. It would be ambitious to deal with all the literary genres in this respect. Therefore, delimiting the investigation of the problem is considered to be useful to filling the knowledge gap. Accordingly, this comparative research which investigates a representation of Ethiopian politics in selected Amharic novels across three political periods: 1930 – 2010 was designed. The objective of the research is to investigate the representation of Ethiopian politics in selected Amharic novels. The basic research question focuses on how these representations can be explained. An eclectic theoretical approach (the New Historicism, Bourdieu’s System Theory and the Critical Discourse Analysis) is employed to understand the representations. The main method of data collection focuses on a close reading of non-literary and literary texts. A purposive sampling technique is used to select the sample novels as the technique allows to select those that yield the most relevant data using some criteria. Based on the criteria set, sixteen novels are selected. The manners in which the political events represented in the novels are examined using different parameters. The parameters also look into the methods used in representing the political events and the time in which the events were represented, i.e. whether they are represented contemporarily, post-contemporarily or before the actual happening of the event. Having read the novels critically, the political events that took place in the three respective states are identified, analyzed and interpreted. The analysis mainly shows that different novels represented the political events in different manners: lightly or deeply, overtly or covertly, positively or negatively, contemporaneously or post-contemporaneously. Regarding the ‘how’ of the representations, it is observed that the critical novels, for instance, Alïwälädïm and Adäfrïs are covert and use symbols, direct and indirect allusions and other figures of speeches, and other techniques including turn taking, and size of dialogues to achieve their goals. Some political events are found to be either under-represented or totally un-represented in the novels. In some cases, same political events are represented differently in different novels at different times. Some novels that criticized the political events of the governments contemporaneously have been removed from market, republished in the political period that followed and exploited by the emerging government for its political end. There are some patterns observed in the analyses and interpretations of the politics in the novels. One of the patterns is that sharp criticisms on the events of an earlier political period are usually reflected in novels published in a new period. The critique novels of the Haileselassie government, for instance, Maïbäl Yabïyot Wazema, were published during the Darg period, and those that were critical of the Darg government, for instance, Anguz, were published in the EPRDF period. Another pattern observed is that there is no novel that praises a past regime, even despite being critical of a contemporary government. No novel written during the Darg period admired the Haileselassie period; and no novel written during the EPRDF period appreciated the Darg period. There are cases in which novelists who were critical of the contemporary Haileselassie and Darg periods, for instance, Abe and Bealu, respectively, ended up in detention or just disappeared and their novels, Alïwälädïm and Oromay, respecitely were banned from being circulated. Unlike the two previous political periods, the critique novels of the EPRDF period, for instance Dertogada, Ramatohara, and Yäburqa Zïmïta, have been published, or even republished, several times. Novels written during the Haileselassie period, such as Alïwälädïm, which were critical of the respective contemporary period, made their criticism covertly, using probes and imaginary settings and characters, while the critique novels of the EPRDF period, criticize overtly, and boldly. Generally, it could be concluded that the novels had the power to reflect history, and show human and class relationships implicitly, through the interactions of characters, story developments, and plot constructions, and the impact that politics has on the literature, and the influence of literature on politics. / Classics and World Languages / D. Phil. (Theory of Literature)

Adornos legitime Erbin

Hess, Jörg 28 June 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Wie wollen wir diese hochgradig komplexe soziale Welt von heute verstehen, in der bald über 7 Mrd. Menschen auf vielerlei verschlungenen Kanälen miteinander kommunizieren und interagieren, ohne über eine brauchbare ‚General Theory‘ des gegenwärtigen globalen sozialen Weltsystems zu verfügen? Wie wollen wir verstehen, wie das soziale Weltsystem mit seiner ökologischen Umwelt interagiert, wenn wir über keine brauchbare universelle Theorie verfügen, die hinlänglich präzise erklären könnte, wie die ‚globalen Zustände‘ zustande kamen und kommen? Adornos legitime Erbin argumentiert wider die vorherrschende Meinung, das grandiose Scheitern des Marxismus-Leninismus habe große historische Welterklärungsversuche ein für alle Mal diskreditiert. Aufbauend auf einer akribischen Kritik Anthony Giddens‘ zeitdiagnostischem Spätwerk, entwirft die vorliegende Untersuchung den Bauplan einer ‚Forschungsplattform Anthropogenes Weltsystem‘, die vielleicht irgendwann tatsächlich leisten kann, woran Kritische Theorie bislang noch immer scheiterte: schrittweise das Verständnis schaffen, das geschaffen werden muss, damit die Menschheit hoffen darf, die über kurz oder lang drohende doppelte soziale und ökologische Krisis des 21. Jahrhunderts zu meistern.

冷戰後時期「中俄戰略協作夥伴關係」之形成與探析 / The Formation and Analysis: Sino-Russian Partnership of Strategic Coordination in the Post Cold War Era

黃振祥, Huang , Martin Unknown Date (has links)
本文之目的在於探討冷戰後時期「中俄戰略協作夥伴關係」(Sino-Russian Partnership of Strategic Coordination)對戰略三角政治互動的意涵及其對台海安全的可能影響與衝擊。本文將以「系統理論研究途徑」(System Theory Approach)作為中心分析概念架構(central organizing concept)進行研究分析。 冷戰結束後,隨著蘇聯解體,冷戰時期的兩極格局已不復存在,大國之間的關係實行了相對的調整。在新的國際格局中,中國與俄羅斯兩國基於遏制「北約東擴」和防止「美日安保」條約的圍堵(Containment),雙方除了極力倡導多極化國際體系外,並進一步建立「戰略協作夥伴關係」,冀由強化雙邊的多層面關係,來共同對抗「美國霸權」局面。 中俄戰略協作夥伴關係之建立為新世紀中、俄兩國關係的發展奠定了良好基礎。10年來,中俄關係發展相當順利。1992年-2001年,中俄關係的發展,連續上了四個台階,這就是:(一)92年「互視為友好國家關係」;(二)94年「建設性夥伴關係」;(三)96年「戰略協作夥伴關係」。在此以後,中俄戰略協作夥伴關係在實踐中不斷得到充實和發展。(四)2001年7月中俄雙方簽署了一份歷史性文件「中俄睦鄰友好合作條約」(China-Russia Good-neighborhood, Friendship and Cooperation Treaty),標誌雙方關係又進入一個新的發展階段。 在冷戰時期,中國、蘇聯與美國的戰略三角關係是影響國際政治變動的主要因素。蘇聯解體後,中俄關係發生重大變化,兩國已建立一個面向二十一世紀的戰略協作夥伴關係。作為冷戰後時期的世上唯一超強,美國非常關注中俄軍事合作面向之擴大。對美國而言,中國與俄羅斯為其全球戰略部署兩個最重要的國家,它們的重要性是因為它們的幅員、經濟潛力和軍事力量。其中最值得注意的是,中俄雙方在軍事和技術層面的合作,包括俄羅斯對中國的軍售。美國擔心中俄發展戰略協作夥伴關係,會導致中國軍力的增強,以及亞太區域「權力平衡」(Balance of Power)之改變。 本文認為,中俄戰略協作夥伴關係,就短程而言: 中俄「戰略匯合」(the Strategic Convergence between China and Russia)將使中俄在「政治」、「經濟」、「軍事」、「外交戰略」等合作面向獲得若干程度的「實質利益」(substantial interests)。同時中俄戰略協作夥伴關係之條約化將對美國在亞太區域戰略地位造成影響,從而衝擊到台海均勢與安全。然而,就長程而言: 未來中俄戰略協作夥伴關係發展,顯然仍有其「地緣政治」、「歷史上陰影」因素之侷限。 關鍵字: 中國、俄羅斯、系統理論分析途徑、現實主義、 國家利益、戰略三角互動、中俄戰略協作夥伴關係 / The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of the“Sino-Russian Partnership of Strategic Coordination” in the Post Cold War Era, on the strategic triangle politics and its implication for the security and balance of power across the Taiwan Straits. In this thesis, the “System Theory Approach” will be the central organizing concept, applied to the analysis. After the Cold War, the bi-polar system has been broken since the collapse of the USSR. Relations among great powers were adjusted accordingly. PRC and Russia initiated multi-polar system and become“Partnership of Strategic Coordination ” to resist the “American hegemony” It has laid a solid foundation for the development of Sino-Russian relations in the new century. In the past ten years, Sino-Russian relations witnessed a smooth progress. From 1992-2001, the relations progressed from“Friendly neighbors” to “Constructive partnership” to“Partnership of strategic coordination”. Since then,“China-Russia Good-neighborhood, Friendship and Cooperation Treaty”signed by the PRC and the Russia Federation in July 2001, marked a new era in the development of bilateral relations. The Sino-Soviet-US triangular relations were the most dominant factor which affected the change of international politics in the Cold War period. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the Sino-Russian relations have developed to a certain degree that the two countries have established a strategic partnership aimed at the 21st century. As the sole world super power, the United States is wary of Expanded Sino-Russian military cooperation. For the US, China and Russia are the two most important countries in the world. Their importance is derived from their size, their economic potential, and their military power. The US is much concerned about the development of Sino-Russian Strategic relations which may lead to a buildup of China’s military power and a change of Asia-pacific “Balance of Power”. It is believed in this study that,“Sino-Russian Partnership of Strategic Coordination,” in the short term: “The Strategic Convergence between China and Russia,” China and Russia will gain to some degree the substantial interests from the bilateral cooperation, such as “Political” ,“Economic ”,“Military”,“Foreign Policy Strategy.”At the same time, the stipulation of the mechanism of Chinese-Russo partnership in the treaty will create impact on the US strategic position in the Taiwan Straits and security of Taiwan. Nevertheless, in the long term: In the future, the development of” Chinese-Russo strategic partnership” still has its limits in the terms of “Geopolitical” and “ Historical Shadow” conditions. Key word: China, Russia, System Theory Approach, Realism, National Interest, Strategic Triangle Interaction, Sino-Russian Partnership of Strategic Coordination


謝蕙如 Unknown Date (has links)
經濟時代,智慧資本係企業創造競爭優勢及永續經營之核心關鍵,基於有效管理智慧資本,對其進行衡量之應用需求日漸殷切。本研究嘗試利用資料包絡分析法整合系統理論「投入—轉化—產出」之觀念,將智慧資本衡量指標區分為投入與產出項目,建構企業智慧資本轉換能力,並藉複迴歸分析,探討其對企業績效之影響;此外,與另外一項評估工具—智慧資本增值係數比較,探討何者對於企業績效具有相對較高之解釋能力。研究對象為我國2005年至2007年92家資訊電子業上市公司之縱橫資料。 實證結果發現,智慧資本轉換能力對市價淨值比未達顯著影響,顯示目前大部分投資人進行投資決策時較關注反映企業營運結果之財務產出面向,而不注重過程面資源投入產出間之成本效益分析;智慧資本轉換能力與資產週轉率呈正向相關並達顯著水準,亦即轉換能力越高,企業運用資源的效率越好;而在Vuong test檢測下,智慧資本轉換能力對企業績效解釋能力並未顯著優於智慧資本增值係數。本研究結果顯示,智慧資本轉換能力確實可提供一具體衡量企業智慧資本之指標,作為企業資源配置決策之有用資訊以提升企業經營績效。 / Intellectual capital(IC) is vital to achieving sustainable competitive advantage in the knowledge-based economy. In attempting to effectively managing IC, demands for IC measurement and application are increasing. This study integrates the system theory with Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to measure a firm’s intellectual capital transform capability (ICTC). The main purpose of this study is to examine the association between ICTC and corporate performance. Moreover, the study also compares the relative explanatory ability about business performance between ICTC and Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAICTM). Samples are drawn from 92 listed firms in Taiwan information and electronics industry, covering a 3-year panel data from 2005 to 2007. The result indicates ICTC has a significant positive impact on asset turnover ratio, which suggests that ICTC can be an indicator to measure a firm's operating capability. However, ICTC is unrelated to market-to-book ratio, which shows that ICTC explains business operating performance better than market performance. The Vuong test reveals that in explaining the performance of a business VAICTM does not have a higher explanatory ability than ICTC. This finding implies that ICTC can provide a valuable indicator for measuring IC, help a firm to efficiently allocate its resource and improve a firm's operating performance.

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