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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Telework and its Effect on Office Real Estate : A Study on Telework, its Future, and How Telework can Affect the Market for Office Space / Distansarbete och dess effekt på kontorsfastigheter : En studie om distansarbete, dess framtid, och hur distansarbete kan påverka marknaden för kontorsyta

Uzun, Serhat January 2021 (has links)
The combination of growth in gross domestic product, population, and employment in an area usually implies a growth in demand for workplace properties, somewhere employees can carry out work. This, in combination with a deindustrialization process where more and more people shift to jobs within the service sector has historically fuelled the demand for office space in most across the western world, not least in Sweden. During the year of 2020, due to the ongoing pandemic many employees have been forced or encouraged to work from home, telework. With so many employees teleworking and many organisations reconsidering where work should be carried out, the importance and future of offices is questioned. The aim of this thesis was to obtain a deeper understanding of how increased telework will affect the office space market. In doing so, four research questions were formulated assessing the effect of telework on the office space market, the drivers and obstacles towards increased telework, and finally the Corona pandemic effect on the future of telework. The approach of finding evidence to answer research questions was interviewing real estate professionals, employers and employees, conducting a survey, and performing an extensive literature review on previous work surrounding the topic. The result shows that telework will likely lead to decentralisation of offices, increased demand for flexibility, changes in requested office design and eventually a somewhat weakened demand for office space. Result further shows that the main drivers towards increased telework were found to be the event of a crisis, improved results, development of information and communication technology (ICT), and improved work-life balance. The main obstacles were found to be social isolation, loss of organisational culture, and teamwork suffering. Lastly, results show that the Corona pandemic has served as a catalyst for many to realise the potential of telework while simultaneously helping many to realise the importance of the office as a meeting place. In conclusion, the Corona pandemic has pushed the change towards increased telework and possibly, we need to reconsider what is implied with work in our society. / Kombinationen av tillväxt i bruttonationalprodukt, befolkning och antal arbetare i ett område medför vanligtvis en ökad efterfrågan på arbetsplatsfastigheter, någonstans arbetare kan utföra sitt arbete. Detta, i kombination med en avindustrialiseringsprocess där fler och fler människor jobbar inom tjänstesektorn har historiskt sett drivit på efterfrågan för kontor i de flesta länder i västvärlden, inte minst i Sverige. Under året 2020 har den pågående pandemin resulterat i att många arbetare tvingats eller uppmuntrats arbeta hemifrån, distansarbete. Med så många som arbetar på distans och då många organisationer ser över var arbete helst ska utföras, ifrågasätts betydelsen och framtiden av kontor. Syftet med detta arbete var att få en djupare förståelse för hur ökat distansarbete kan komma att påverka marknaden för kontorsyta. Därigenom formulerades fyra forskningsfrågor som granskar effekten av distansarbete på kontorsmarknaden, drivkrafterna och hindren för ökat distansarbete och slutligen Coronapandemins effekt på framtiden för distansarbete. Tillvägagångssättet för att hitta bevis som kan svara på forskningsfrågor var att intervjua yrkesverksamma inom fastighetsmarknaden, arbetsgivare, anställda, genomföra en enkätundersökning samt utföra en omfattande litteraturgranskning av tidigare arbete kring ämnet. Resultatet visar att distansarbete sannolikt kommer att leda till decentralisering av kontor, ökad efterfrågan på flexibilitet, förändringar i efterfrågad kontorsdesign och så småningom en något försvagad efterfrågan på kontor. Resultatet visar även att de viktigaste drivkrafterna mot ökat distansarbete är inträffandet av en kris, förbättrat resultat, utveckling av informations- och kommunikationsteknik och förbättrad balans mellan arbete och privatliv. De största hindren visade sig vara social isolering, försvagad organisationskultur och att samarbete kan gå förlorad. Slutligen visar resultatet att Coronapandemin har fungerat som en katalysator för många att inse potentialen med distansarbete samtidigt som många insett betydelsen av kontoret som mötesplats. Sammanfattningsvis har Coronapandemin drivit på förändringen mot ökat distansarbete och möjligtvis måste vi tänka om kring vad arbete betyder i vårt samhälle.

Någon inne? : En kvalitativ studie över coronapandemins inverkan på kontorsmarknaden i Stockholm / Anyone Here? : A Study of the Impact of the Corona Pandemic on the Officemarket in Stockholm

Karnebäck, Erik January 2021 (has links)
I över ett år har vi levt med en pandemi orsakad av coronaviruset SARS-CoV-2. Till följd av kraftig smittspridning har folkhälsomyndigheten rekommenderat hemarbete för alla som har möjlighet till det. Studien har gjorts mitt i pandemin med pågående vaccinationsprogram med syftet att ge en bild över coronapandemins påverkan på kontorsmarknaden i Stockholm. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats där semistrukturerade intervjuer har hållits med fastighetsägare och hyresgästrepresentanter för att undersöka dels vilka utmaningar pandemin skapat för fastighetsägare, dels hur efterfrågan på kontorsyta och flexibla avtal sett ut men även hur pandemin påverkat avtalsförhandlingen mellan hyresvärd och hyresgäst. Den tydligaste slutsatsen som kan dras är att pandemin och distansarbetet den medfört har skapat osäkerhet hos företag om det framtidakontorsbehovet där många företag fortfarande håller på att utreda behovet. Under pandemin har man upplevt en lägre efterfrågan på vakanta lokaler än innan pandemin. Hur den framtida efterfrågan kommer se ut är mer osäker och beror på flera olika faktorer. Under pandemin har det förekommit kortsiktiga lösningar exempelvis avtalsförlängningar på ett år på grund av osäkerhet inför framtiden. Avtalsförhandlingar har präglats av ett pragmatiskt förhållningssätt där man i större utsträckning än tidigare arbetat tillsammans för att hitta en lösning. I studien framkommer att pandemin har medfört flera utmaningar för fastighetsägarna främst av ekonomisk och organisatorisk karaktär. / For over a year we have been living with a pandemic caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. As a result of the widespread infection, the public health authority has recommended remote work for everyone that has the opportunity to do so. The study was conducted in the middle of the pandemic with the aim of providing a picture of the impact of the corona pandemic on the office market in Stockholm. The study has a qualitative approach where semi-structured interviews have been held with property owners and tenant representatives to examine what challenges the pandemic has created for property owners, and how the demand for office space and flexible leases looked like, but also how the pandemic affected the contract negotiation between landlord and tenant. One conclusion that can be drawn is that the pandemic has created uncertainty among companies about their future office space needs and many companies are still investigating that. During the pandemic, there has been a lower demand for vacant office space than before the pandemic. What the future demand will look like is more uncertain and depends on several different factors. During the pandemic, there have been short-term solutions, such as lease extensions of one year due to uncertainty about the future. Contract negotiations have been characterized by a pragmatic approach where they have worked together to a greater extent than before to find a solution. The study show that the pandemic has brought several challenges for property owners, mainly of an economic and organizational nature.


CHRISTIAN KAZUO FUZYAMA 03 September 2024 (has links)
[pt] Nos últimos anos observaram-se mudanças significativas no mundo do trabalho devido à reestruturação produtiva do sistema capitalista. O período da pandemia da COVID-19 atuou como um catalisador dessas mudanças, produzindo desdobramentos como a ampliação do teletrabalho e, posteriormente, a criação de formatos híbridos de trabalho. Essas transformações motivaram a realização dessa tese que, utilizando a perspectiva teórica da Teoria do Processo de Trabalho (LPT), objetivou compreender, a partir das narrativas emergentes das vivências de trabalhadores em regimes remoto e híbrido as dinâmicas de controle-resistência desse processo de trabalho. Com este intuito, sob o posicionamento ontológico do Realismo Crítico e por meio da abordagem metodológica da Análise de Narrativa Temática (ANT), foram entrevistados 15 trabalhadores que atuam em regime de teletrabalho na modalidade híbrida ou integralmente remota com vistas a entender suas vivências de trabalho. Assim, suas narrativas reconstituíram o movimento dinâmico e integrador da dicotomia capital-trabalho e do tensionamento entre controle-resistência, apontando para o aspecto recursivo, e por vezes contraditório, dessas categorias constituintes do devir organizacional. As histórias narradas também indicaram a experiência ambígua da sobreposição das dimensões individuais e laborais; a articulação de narrativas que tensionam os conflitos marcados pela subjetividade das estratégias de controle e da individualidade das formas de resistência; além da percepção da presença de um elemento geracional a influenciar as vivências. Finalmente, ainda que o teletrabalho possa se configurar como uma expressão da integração do lar como espaço de produção de mais-valia – ele também aparece como terreno contestado e palco da disputa entre a vida e o capital. / [en] In recent years, there have been significant changes in the world of work due to the productive restructuring of the capitalist system. The COVID-19 pandemic has acted as a catalyst for these changes, producing developments such as the expansion of teleworking and, later, the creation of hybrid work formats. These transformations motivated this thesis which, using the theoretical perspective of Labour Process Theory (LPT), aimed to understand how the work process and its dynamics of control and resistance are experienced and narrated by workers in the context of remote or hybrid work. To this end, under the ontological stance of Critical Realism and using the methodological approach of Thematic Narrative Analysis (ANT), 15 workers who work remotely in the hybrid or fully remote modality were interviewed in order to understand their work experiences. Their narratives reconstructed the dynamic and integrating movement of the capitallabour dichotomy and the tension between control-resistance, pointing to the recursive and sometimes contradictory aspect of these categories that make up the organisational becoming. The stories told also indicated the ambiguous experience of the overlapping of individual and labour dimensions; the articulation of narratives that tension conflicts marked by the subjectivity of control strategies and the individuality of forms of resistance; as well as the perception of the presence of a generational element influencing experiences. Finally, although teleworking can be configured as an expression of the integration of the home as a space for the production of surplus value - it also appears as contested terrain and the stage for the dispute between life and capital.

Novas tecnologias e a duração do trabalho / New technologies and work time

Landi, Flávio 08 May 2009 (has links)
O uso de novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação, para o trabalho, cria um novo ambiente laboral. O impacto desta alteração, guardadas as proporções dos respectivos contextos sociais, pode ser comparado ao impacto causado com o advento dos relógios, colocados em locais públicos dos centros urbanos, na Baixa Idade Média. A Revolução Industrial trouxe consigo o ambiente das fábricas, onde o confinamento dos empregados permitiu o controle de suas atividades e da duração do trabalho, circunstância que fez surgir o Taylorismo, o Fordismo e o Toyotismo, assim como o próprio Direito do Trabalho. O teletrabalho pode trazer consigo diversas vantagens para a sociedade (inclusive para o meio ambiente), para o prestador e para o tomador dos serviços. Mas traz, também, a possibilidade de tornar o empregado permanentemente disponível aos chamados do empregador, por meio de modernos equipamentos, como telefones celulares de última geração, notebooks, palm tops, comunicadores que operam via satélite etc. O direito a limites à duração do trabalho, e o direito a períodos de descanso passam, então, a ser postos em cheque. A OIT não editou convenção ou recomendação específica sobre o tema do teletrabalho. O ordenamento jurídico brasileiro não tem legislação a respeito, apenas o Anexo II, da Norma Regulamentar n. 17, expedida pelo Ministério do Trabalho, dedica-se às condições de trabalho dos operadores de teleatendimento e telemarketing. Por outro lado, as normas coletivas poderiam suprir esta ausência legislativa, porém, não é isso que se vislumbra. O avanço fica por conta do Código do Trabalho de Portugal, que possui mais de dez artigos versando sobre teletrabalho. Deve-se afastar a idéia de que o teletrabalho descaracteriza o trabalho subordinado e de que a parassubordinação se apresenta como alternativa capaz de garantir direitos sociais aos teletrabalhadores. Os valores sociais do trabalho, preconizados pela CF, implicam no respeito ao meio ambiente, à saúde e ao lazer do trabalhador. Transgredir esses mandamentos constitucionais implica em gravames para toda a sociedade e para o sistema de Seguridade Social. / The use of new information and communication technologies creates a new labor environment. The impact of this alteration, kept the ratios of the respective social contexts, can be compared with the impact caused with the advent of the clocks placed in cities in the Middle Ages. The Industrial Revolution created the environment of the plants, where the confinement of the employees allowed the control of activities and work time, idea used by F. W. Taylor, Ford Motor Company and Toyota Motor Corporation. It also propitiated the sprouting of Labour Law. Teleworking can bring to many advantages for the society (also for the environment), for the worker and for the company. But it brings the possibility to become employee permanently available for the calls of the employer for the use of modern equipment, as mobile telephones, notebooks, palm tops, communicators by satellite etc. Limits to work time and periods of rest are rediscussed rights. The ILO did not edit convention or specific recommendation on the subject of teleworking. The Brazilian legal system does not have legislation about it only Annex II of NR 17, dedicates to the conditions of work of the operators in call centres. On the other hand, the collective bargaining could supply this legislative absence, however it is not a fact yet. The advance is on account of the Portugal Labour Code that brings ten articles about teleworking. The idea of teleworking as a necessary autonomy working must be moved away, as well as the parasubordinate work as an alternative capable to guarantee social rights to the teleworkers. The labour social values stipulated on the Brazilian Constitucion mean the respect to the environment, the health and the leisure of the worker. To transgress these constitutional standards implies in burdens for all the society and Social Security system.

O teletrabalho no poder judiciário brasileiro: ganhos para tribunais e sociedade? : as experiências de Santa Catarina e Amazonas

Lima, Mauro Saraiva Barros 13 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by MAURO SARAIVA BARROS LIMA (maurosaraiva@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-07-06T15:55:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 VERSÃO FINAL_MAURO SARAIVA BARROS LIMA.pdf: 1765611 bytes, checksum: da7820d5c1e4216950433a4deb2c5663 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by ÁUREA CORRÊA DA FONSECA CORRÊA DA FONSECA (aurea.fonseca@fgv.br) on 2018-07-12T18:55:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 VERSÃO FINAL_MAURO SARAIVA BARROS LIMA.pdf: 1765611 bytes, checksum: da7820d5c1e4216950433a4deb2c5663 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-16T18:52:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 VERSÃO FINAL_MAURO SARAIVA BARROS LIMA.pdf: 1765611 bytes, checksum: da7820d5c1e4216950433a4deb2c5663 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-06-13 / Objetivo - O objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi verificar se o teletrabalho implementado em órgãos do Poder Judiciário brasileiro gera ganhos para tribunais e sociedade. Em seus objetivos específicos, o estudo pretendeu descrever as características e as peculiaridades do teletrabalho no âmbito do Poder Judiciário, bem como analisar a sua influência nos fatores de efetividade dos serviços judiciais. Metodologia – A pesquisa foi desenhada, em termos da sua estratégia de organização, como um método de estudo de casos múltiplos (análise de dois tribunais que implementaram programas de teletrabalho), bem como utilizou-se o modelo analítico dos autores KIM e MAUBORGNE (2005) para melhor descrever os tipos de ganhos identificados para tribunais e sociedade com a adoção dos programas de teletrabalho. Como estratégias para coleta e análise de dados utilizaram-se múltiplas fontes de evidências (entrevistas, análise dos relatórios dos projetos experimentais e Resoluções sobre o teletrabalho, observação participante e artefatos físicos), considerando a proposta de estudo de casos (YIN, 2015). Resultados – Os resultados mostraram que as evidências apontaram para a afirmação de que com a implementação de programas de teletrabalho em órgãos do Poder Judiciário brasileiro há ganhos para tribunais e sociedade. Limitações – Não houve aplicação do método quantitativo para mensuração das evidências identificadas, cuja pesquisa limitou-se a conhecer, por meio da pesquisa de campo (estudo de casos), de que forma o teletrabalho promove mudanças nos fatores de efetividade dos serviços judiciais. Contribuições práticas – A aplicabilidade da pesquisa se mostrou relevante, já que conseguiu demonstrar as implicações dos programas de teletrabalho nas ações e políticas dos tribunais pesquisados como importante instrumento de gestão e facilitador no sentido de contribuir para melhor eficiência dos órgãos do Poder Judiciário. Contribuições sociais – O estudo permitiu conhecer as práticas do teletrabalho e suas peculiaridades, desmistificando eventuais preconceitos contra servidores públicos que trabalham na nova metodologia de trabalho, realizado em casa (teletrabalho). Também demonstrou que, além da melhoria da qualidade de vida para o servidor, há um impacto direto nos fatores de efetividade dos serviços judiciais, contribuindo para um judiciário mais célere, produtivo e de maior acesso à justiça pela população. Originalidade – A abordagem do teletrabalho sob a perspectiva de geração de ganhos para tribunais e sociedade, por meio de seus reflexos nos fatores de efetividade dos serviços judiciais, representa um marco na literatura da temática do teletrabalho, representando um novo enfoque ao tratar do tema teletrabalho na administração pública, possibilitando abrir caminhos para futuras pesquisas e promissores estudos sobre o assunto. / Purpose - The general objective of this research was to verify if the telework implemented in organs of the Brazilian Judiciary generates gains for courts and society. In its specific objectives, the study aimed to describe the characteristics and peculiarities of teleworking within the scope of the Judiciary, as well as to analyze its influence on the effectiveness factors of the judicial services. Design/Methodology - The research was designed, in terms of its organizational strategy, as a multiple case study method (analysis of two courts that implemented telework programs), as well as the analytical model of the authors KIM and MAUBORGNE (2005). best describe the types of gains identified for courts and society with the adoption of telecommuting programs. Multiple sources of evidence (interviews, analysis of reports on experimental projects and Resolutions on telecommuting, participant observation and physical artifacts) were used as strategies for data collection and analysis, considering the case study proposal (YIN, 2015). Findings - The results showed that the evidence pointed to the affirmation that with the implementation of telework programs in organs of the Brazilian Judiciary there are gains for courts and society. Research limitations/implications - There was no application of the quantitative method to measure the identified evidences, whose present research was limited to know, through the field research (case study), how teleworking promotes changes in the effectiveness factors of the judicial services. Practical implications - The applicability of the research proved to be relevant, as it was able to demonstrate the implications of the telework programs in the actions and policies of the investigated courts as an important management tool and facilitator in order to contribute to a better efficiency of the organs of the Judiciary. Social implications - The study allowed to know the practices of telework and its peculiarities, demystifying possible prejudices against public servants who work in the new methodology of work, done at home (telework). It also demonstrated that, in addition to improving the quality of life for the server, there is a direct impact on the effectiveness factors of judicial services, contributing to a faster, more productive judiciary and greater access to justice for the population. Originality - The teleworking approach, based on the perspective of generating gains for courts and society, through its reflections on the effectiveness factors of the judicial services, represents a landmark in the teleworking literature, representing a new approach when dealing with the topic teleworking in administration open the way to future research and promising studies on the subject.

Novas tecnologias e a duração do trabalho / New technologies and work time

Flávio Landi 08 May 2009 (has links)
O uso de novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação, para o trabalho, cria um novo ambiente laboral. O impacto desta alteração, guardadas as proporções dos respectivos contextos sociais, pode ser comparado ao impacto causado com o advento dos relógios, colocados em locais públicos dos centros urbanos, na Baixa Idade Média. A Revolução Industrial trouxe consigo o ambiente das fábricas, onde o confinamento dos empregados permitiu o controle de suas atividades e da duração do trabalho, circunstância que fez surgir o Taylorismo, o Fordismo e o Toyotismo, assim como o próprio Direito do Trabalho. O teletrabalho pode trazer consigo diversas vantagens para a sociedade (inclusive para o meio ambiente), para o prestador e para o tomador dos serviços. Mas traz, também, a possibilidade de tornar o empregado permanentemente disponível aos chamados do empregador, por meio de modernos equipamentos, como telefones celulares de última geração, notebooks, palm tops, comunicadores que operam via satélite etc. O direito a limites à duração do trabalho, e o direito a períodos de descanso passam, então, a ser postos em cheque. A OIT não editou convenção ou recomendação específica sobre o tema do teletrabalho. O ordenamento jurídico brasileiro não tem legislação a respeito, apenas o Anexo II, da Norma Regulamentar n. 17, expedida pelo Ministério do Trabalho, dedica-se às condições de trabalho dos operadores de teleatendimento e telemarketing. Por outro lado, as normas coletivas poderiam suprir esta ausência legislativa, porém, não é isso que se vislumbra. O avanço fica por conta do Código do Trabalho de Portugal, que possui mais de dez artigos versando sobre teletrabalho. Deve-se afastar a idéia de que o teletrabalho descaracteriza o trabalho subordinado e de que a parassubordinação se apresenta como alternativa capaz de garantir direitos sociais aos teletrabalhadores. Os valores sociais do trabalho, preconizados pela CF, implicam no respeito ao meio ambiente, à saúde e ao lazer do trabalhador. Transgredir esses mandamentos constitucionais implica em gravames para toda a sociedade e para o sistema de Seguridade Social. / The use of new information and communication technologies creates a new labor environment. The impact of this alteration, kept the ratios of the respective social contexts, can be compared with the impact caused with the advent of the clocks placed in cities in the Middle Ages. The Industrial Revolution created the environment of the plants, where the confinement of the employees allowed the control of activities and work time, idea used by F. W. Taylor, Ford Motor Company and Toyota Motor Corporation. It also propitiated the sprouting of Labour Law. Teleworking can bring to many advantages for the society (also for the environment), for the worker and for the company. But it brings the possibility to become employee permanently available for the calls of the employer for the use of modern equipment, as mobile telephones, notebooks, palm tops, communicators by satellite etc. Limits to work time and periods of rest are rediscussed rights. The ILO did not edit convention or specific recommendation on the subject of teleworking. The Brazilian legal system does not have legislation about it only Annex II of NR 17, dedicates to the conditions of work of the operators in call centres. On the other hand, the collective bargaining could supply this legislative absence, however it is not a fact yet. The advance is on account of the Portugal Labour Code that brings ten articles about teleworking. The idea of teleworking as a necessary autonomy working must be moved away, as well as the parasubordinate work as an alternative capable to guarantee social rights to the teleworkers. The labour social values stipulated on the Brazilian Constitucion mean the respect to the environment, the health and the leisure of the worker. To transgress these constitutional standards implies in burdens for all the society and Social Security system.

Okontrollerat arbete? : En rättsvetenskaplig studie om arbetsgivarens arbetsmiljöansvar i det flexibla arbetslivet

Hultgren, Olivia January 2017 (has links)
Employers’ responsibility of the health and safety on the environment for the employee who is teleworking is one of the questions in this essay. What is teleworking, in relation to the aim for this essay, is the second question. Teleworking is an employment which is growing and the Swedish legislation is vague. The methods which have been used to investigate and understand the legislation is jurisprudence method and the legal dogmatic method. After the investigation of the aim and question of this essay it is possible to say, the Employers always have the responsibility for the environment of employees’ health and safety. But teleworking makes it hard for the employer to verify the health and safety on the environment, when they do not know where the employer is working.

Balans mellan arbetsliv och övrigt liv vid ofrivilligt distansarbete : En kvalitativ studie om individers upplevelser av balans och gränsdragning under Covid-19

Backström, Hanna, Jansson, Rosanna January 2021 (has links)
The new coronavirus Covid-19 has put humanity to a great test and several workplaces have had to adapt to the Swedish Public Health Agency's restrictions and recommendations. Many workplaces have switched to teleworking to reduce the spread of the virus. The purpose of this study is to illustrate how teleworking affects the balance between working life and other life, as well as the strategies and routines individuals use to manage the boundaries between these domains. The study is based on ten qualitative interviews with informants in different professions, who due to the pandemic are forced to work from home. The collected empirical material has been analyzed using Clark's border theory where the concepts segmentation and integration are in focus. Furthermore, is Goffman's theory of roles used to illustrate how the informants handle the balance depending on what roles they take on when they are in the two different domains. The material shows that the informants' experiences of teleworking and balance differ and that they have developed different strategies to achieve balance between working life and other life. Several informants used time and spatial aspects to distinguish between working hours and leisure hours. Some informants with children use the children's drop-off and pick-up time from preschool and school as a demarcation. Furthermore, it was revealed that the informants who have had more flexible jobs didn`t experience as much difference regarding the balance between working life and other life when they work from home. However, the majority of informants feel that the boundaries between working life and other life have been blurred when they work from home and there is no clear start or end to the workday. Finally, the results are discussed based on the study's purpose together with previous research on the subject to provide a more profound picture of the phenomenon. / Det nya coronaviruset Covid-19 har ställt mänskligheten inför en stor prövning och flera arbetsplatser har varit tvungna att anpassa sig efter Folkhälsomyndighetens restriktioner och rekommendationer. Många arbetsplatser har övergått till distansarbete för att minska smittspridningen. Syftet med denna undersökning är att belysa hur distansarbete påverkar balansen mellan arbetsliv och övrigt liv samt vilka strategier och rutiner individer använder sig av för att hantera gränsdragningen. Undersökningen baseras på tio kvalitativa intervjuer med informanter i olika branscher som i samband med Covid-19 pandemin tvingats arbeta hemifrån. Det insamlade empiriska materialet analyseras med hjälp av Clarks gränsteori där begreppen segmentering och integrering är i fokus. Vidare hjälper Goffmans teori om roller att belysa hur informanterna hanterat balansen beroende på vilka roller de tar på sig när de befinner sig i de två olika domänerna. Materialet visar att informanternas upplevelser kring distansarbete och balans skiljer sig åt och att de har utvecklat olika strategier för att uppnå balans mellan arbetsliv och övrigt liv. Fler informanter har använt sig av tids och rumsliga aspekter för att skilja på arbetstid och övrig tid. Vissa informanter med barn använder barnens lämning och hämtning från förskola och skola som en gränsdragning. Vidare kom det fram att de informanter som haft ett mer flexibelt arbete inte upplever lika stor skillnad gällande balansen mellan arbetsliv och övrigt liv när de arbetar hemifrån. Dock upplever majoriteten informanter att gränsen mellan arbetsliv och övrigt liv har suddats ut när de arbetar hemifrån och att det inte finns någon tydlig start eller slut på arbetsdagen. Slutligen diskuteras resultatet utifrån studiens syfte och frågeställningar tillsammans med tidigare forskning inom ämnet för att ge en överskådlig bild av fenomenet.

“Även om jag inte uppskattar att bli knackad på axeln så saknar jag ändå… Att bli knackad på axeln.” : - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om distansarbetets sociala arbetsmiljö under Covid-19 pandemin

Bladh, Felicia January 2020 (has links)
This study examines employees who, during the spread of the Covid-19 virus, have had to switch from working in the workplace to digital teleworking. The aim of the study is to achieve a deeper understanding of how the informants are experiencing their social work environment in digital teleworking, by examining how they experience their relationships with colleagues, managers and cohabitants, as well as how they experience their organizations’ handling of the social work environment. The empirical data consists of 6 qualitative, semi-structured interviews. The theoretical framework of the study consists of Jahoda’s Deprivation theory and Ahrne’s theory of the Organizational centaur, both of which concern the importance of social contact in the workplace. The result of the study show how the respondent’s collegial relationships are affected or even deteriorative by the digital telework during Covid-19 , and how the relationships with cohabitants have changed their dynamics by becoming more work oriented. The result also shows that the respondents perceived lack of organizational management of the social work environment during their new work circumstances caused by Covid-19. Meanwhile, the experiences of employee engagement for digital social contact has increased, as well as perceived social support from those whose partners also work from home. The conclusions of the study are that work seems to fulfill an unintentional social function that is irreplaceable, and that employee initiatives for social interaction increase when the employees feel that the employer invests too much in organizational goals / Denna studie undersöker arbetstagare som under spridningen av Covid-19 har behövt ställa om från arbete på arbetsplatsen till digitalt distansarbete. Studiens syfte är att nå en djupare förståelse av hur respondenterna upplever den sociala arbetsmiljön i det digitala distansarbetet, genom att undersöka hur de upplever relationerna till kollegor, chefer och samboende samt hur de upplever organisationernas hantering av den sociala arbetsmiljön. Den empiriska datan består av 6 stycken kvalitativa, semistrukturerade intervjuer i vilket respondenterna fått berätta om sina upplevelser. Studiens teoretiska ramverk utgörs av Jahodas deprivationsteori och Ahrnes teori om den organisatoriska kentauren, vilka båda berör vikten av social kontakt i arbetet. Resultaten som framkommer vittnar om försämrade eller uteblivna kollegerelationer i det digitala distansarbete som orsakats av Covid-19, en ändrad relationsdynamik med samboende och upplevd bristande organisationshantering av den sociala arbetsmiljön i det digitala distansarbetet. Samtidigt återfinns dock upplevelser av ett ökat medarbetarengagemang för digital social kontakt, samt ett socialt stöd från partners som också arbetar hemifrån. Slutsatserna blir att arbetet verkar fylla en oavsiktlig social funktion som är oersättlig, samt att medarbetarinitiativen för socialt umgänge ökar då arbetstagarna upplever att arbetsgivaren satsar för mycket på organisatoriska mål.

Pandemins påverkan på den fysiska och psykosociala arbetsmiljön vid hemarbete : Kvalitativ studie

Hörberg, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine department heads experiences of work environment responsibility during homework during an ongoing pandemic. The Methodfor this qualitative study’s data collection was semi-structured interviews with an informative sample of informants. The informants was five managers from different departments at Region Gävleborg. Data were analyzed by a conventional content analysiswhere a coding scheme with meaningful units, condensed unit, code, subcategories and categories. The results showed four main categories and two subcategories, which emerged from the analysis, which was the following ergonomics and the psychosocial affect employees, physical activity and recovery can be affected by homework, homework is largely perceived to provide flexibility and managers work for a good work environment at home. The two subcategories are ability to influence the work environment and factors are difficult to influence. The main findings of the study showed that the managers feel that the employees have been most affected psychosocially and not as much physically when it comes to the work environment at homework. Managers try to influence their employees as best they can by encouraging them to move, take a walks and book digital coffee meetings to discuss things other than work. The clearest conclusion of the result highlights that the managers work actively to ensure thatemployees have a good work environment at home, both in terms of the physical and psychosocial. The psychosocial factors has the greatest impact on employees according to managers perceptions and experiences. To confirm the results of this study, further research needs to be carried out. / Syftet med studien var att undersöka avdelningschefers erfarenheter och upplevelser av arbetsmiljöansvaret vid hemarbete under en pågående pandemi. Metoden för den kvalitativa studiens datainsamling var semistrukturerade intervjuer med ett informationsrikt urval av informanter. Informanterna var fem chefer från olika avdelningar inom Region Gävleborg. Data analyserades genom en konventionell innehållsanalys där ett kodningsschema tillämpades med meningsbärande enheter, kondenserad enhet, kod, subkategorier och kategorier. Resultatet av analysen gav fyra huvudkategorier och två subkategorier, enligt följande: ergonomi och den psykosociala påverkar medarbetarna, fysisk aktivitet och återhämtning kan påverkas vid hemarbete, hemarbete upplevs till stor del ge flexibilitet och cheferna arbetar för en god arbetsmiljö vid hemarbete. De två subkategorierna är möjlighet att påverka arbetsmiljön och faktorer som är svåra att påverka. Huvudresultat i studien visar att cheferna upplever att medarbetarna mest påverkats psykosocialt och inte lika mycket fysiskt när de gäller arbetsmiljön vid hemarbete. Cheferna försöker påverka sina medarbetare så gott de kan genom att uppmuntra dem till att röra på sig, ta promenader och att boka in digitala fikamöten för att diskutera andra saker än arbete. Den tydligaste slutsatsen var att cheferna arbetar aktivt med att se till att medarbetarna har en god arbetsmiljö i hemmet, både när det gällde den fysiska- och psykosociala arbetsmiljön. Den psykosociala faktorn hade den största påverkan på medarbetarna enligt chefernas uppfattning och erfarenheter.För att bekräfta den här studies resultat behöver vidare forskning genomföra.

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