Spelling suggestions: "subject:"then hegemonic masculinity"" "subject:"them hegemonic masculinity""
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Det (o)manliga sociala arbetet : En litteraturöversikt kring män, maskulinitet och deras positioner inom socialt arbete / The (un)manly social work : A literature review about men, masculinity and their positions within social workEldelid, Edvin, Lindqvist, Ian January 2022 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka vad forskningen säger om mäns positioner i socialt arbete samt hur genus påverkar yrkesutövningen. Studiens metod är en allmän litteraturöversikt och dess empiriska material består av elva vetenskapliga artiklar. Empirin analyseras genom en tematisk analys som följs av ett fördjupat teoretiskt resonemang kring resultaten. Den teoretiska grunden för studien är Connells teori om hegemonisk maskulinitet. I den tematiska analysen identifieras två huvudteman samt flera underteman. Det första huvudtemat är utövande av maskulinitet, där undertemana reproducering eller utmanande av hegemonisk maskulinitet samt vertikala eller horisontella karriärvägar identifierades. Det andra huvudtemat är särbehandling med undertemana positiv eller negativ särbehandling. Studien redogör för vad forskningen säger om de positioner män tar inom socialt arbete, hur de orienterar sig och förhandlar mellan traditionellt maskulina normer och yrkesrollen, samt hur de blir bemötta av andra inom yrket. Studiens resultat diskuteras sedan kritiskt i förhållande till teorin om hegemonisk maskulinitet. Studien bidrar till forskningen om män inom det sociala arbetet och män i kvinnodominerade yrken. / The purpose of this study is to examine what the research says about men’s positions in the social work profession, as well as how gender affects the professional practice. The method used is a general literature review and the study´s empirical material consists of eleven scientific articles. A thematic analysis is used to analyze the empirical material which is then followed by a deepened theoretical reasoning. The theoretical foundation of the study is Connell's theory of hegemonic masculinity. In the thematic analysis, two main themes are identified as well as several sub-themes. The first main theme is practicing masculinity, including the sub-themes reproducing or challenging hegemonic masculinity as well as vertical or horizontal career paths. The second main theme is special treatment which includes the sub-themes positive or negative special treatment. The study accounts for what the research says about the positions men take within the social work profession, how they orient themselves and negotiate between traditional masculine norms and their profession, as well as how they are treated by others within the profession. The results are then critically discussed in relation to the theory of hegemonic masculinity. This study contributes to the research on men in social work and men within female-dominated professions.
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Tidigare forskning har främst belyst incels i relation till våld och radikalisering. Förhållandevis lite akademisk uppmärksamhet har tillägnats det som kan förstås som kärnan av incelgemenskapen; avsaknaden av intima relationer. Följande studie ämnar fylla detta tomrum genom att undersöka incels föreställningar om maskulinitet och intima relationer, samt hur de kan förstås i relation till teoretiska perspektiv på maskulinitet och sexualitet. Studien utgår från en kvalitativ metod med en socialkonstruktivistisk forskningsansats. Materialinsamlingen har skett i form av ett tidsbaserat urval där skrivna inlägg från de tre internationellt största diskussionsforumen för incels inhämtades, vid tre olika tillfällen. Alla foruminlägg som publicerades inom en specifik timme inkluderades i urvalet. Empirin bearbetades med en induktiv konventionell innehållsanalys. De teoretiska perspektiven utgår från hegemonisk maskulinitet, och en utveckling av Bourdieus begrepp om fysiskt kapital. Erotiskt kapital användes som kompletterande teoretiskt begrepp. De övergripande resultaten visar att många av personerna på incelforumen förhåller sig till två föreställda strukturer inom vilka intima relationer antas uppstå. Den ena strukturen utgår från en föreställd maskulinitetshierarki där endast män med hegemonisk status antas kunna inleda intima relationer med kvinnor. Den andra strukturen består av en föreställd sexuell marknad där medlemmarna menar att kvinnor strävar efter att inleda relationer med attraktiva och framgångsrika män. Personerna på incelforumen försöker utveckla och etablera strategier för att uppnå en överordnad position i maskulinitetshierarkin och på den sexuella marknaden. Syftet med att avancera inom hierarkierna utgår från en föreställning om att endast en överordnad position kan möjliggöra intima relationer. / Previous research has placed incels in relation to violence and radicalization. Relatively little academic attention has been paid to what can be seen as the essence of the community; the lack of intimate relationships. The following study aims to close this gap by exploring how incels view masculinity and intimate relationships, and how this view relates to theoretical perspectives on sexuality and masculinity. This study is based on a qualitative method with a social constructivist approach. Data was collected in the form of a time-based sample where written posts from the three largest international forums for incels were collected on three different occasions. At each occasion all forum posts that were created or updated within a chosen specific hour were included in the sample. The material was processed using an inductive conventional content analysis. The theoretical perspective is based on hegemonic masculinity, and a development of Bourdieu's concept of physical capital. Erotic capital was used as a complementary theoretical concept. The overall results show that people on the incel forums relate to two imagined structures within which intimate relationships are assumed to arise. One structure is based on an imagined masculinity hierarchy where only men with hegemonic status are assumed to be able to initiate intimate relationships with women. The second structure consists of an imagined sexual market where forum members believe that women strive to initiate relationships with attractive and successful men. The people on the incel forums try to develop and establish strategies to achieve a superior position in the masculinity hierarchy and on the sexual market. The purpose of advancing within the hierarchies is based on the notion that only a superior position can enable intimate relationships.
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TO EVERY WOMAN WHO IS READING THIS: FEEL FEAR : En netnografisk studie av forumet incels.is / TO EVERY WOMAN WHO IS READING THIS: FEEL FEAR : A netnographic study of the online forum incels.isNelson, Mikaela, Andersson, Julia January 2021 (has links)
Incels designate a group of men who live in a state of involuntary celibacy due to their,according to them, appearance wise disadvantage in comparison to the ideal man. In recentyears a number of deadly violent attacks have been carried out by incels for the incel cause,whereupon the incel phenomenon has received increasing attention. The aim of this study isto analyze the worldview of incels, and how an online-climate that's characterized byglorification of violence and hatred against women in the worst case can motivate individualincels to commit violent attacks. Netnography is the method of choice in this study and hasbeen used to collect material from the biggest incel forum at the moment; incels.is. Aqualitative content analysis was applied on the material to code it. The results identified astrong community that’s been formed around the incels alternative perception of the world,which encourages violence, misogyny and anti-feminist views and opinions. / Incel, en sammanskrivning av engelskans involuntary och celibate, är en benämning på demän som lever i ofrivilligt celibat till följd av vad de anser ett utseendemässigt underlägejämfört med idealmannen. Under de senaste åren har incels begått ett antal dödligavåldsattacker varpå fenomenet blivit allt mer uppmärksammat. Syftet med studien är attundersöka den världsbild incels besitter, samt hur det våldsglorifierande ochkvinnoföraktande klimat på internetforum i värsta fall kan leda till att enskilda incels begårvåldsattentat. Studien har en netnografisk ansats som riktats mot det inhämtade materialet iform av trådstarter och inlägg från forumet incels.is, vilket identifierats som den störstaincelforumet. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys har i sin tur applicerats på materialet för attsortera detta. Resultatet kom att visa att det råder en alternativ uppfattning av omvärldeninom incelkulturen, kring vilken en stark gemenskap bildats, som i sin tur uppmanar tillvåldsdåd, kvinnohat och antifeministiska åsikter.
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Försvarsmakten- still marching straight most of the time? : En poststrukturalistisk diskursanalys av Försvarsmaktens arbete med HBTQ-frågorArvidsson, Christina January 2021 (has links)
By using a poststructural discourse analysis, this study aims to investigate how the Swedish Armed Forces formulates the preventive work against discrimination due to sexual orientation and transgender identity or expression. The aim is to also bring knowledge of how the preventive work affect the work environment and the possible consequences for LGBTQ-people within the organisation. The method “What’s the problem represented to be” by Carol Bacchi is used to analyse the chosen material of policies and qualitative interviews to find out what shapes the preventive work, how it has come about and the effects on different groups in the organisation. Theoretical concepts as hegemonic masculinity, queer, heteronormativity, peripheral inclusion and homonationalism is used as theoretical frame and applied throughout the method. This study shows preventive work tend to focus on Pride and attitudes, rather than questioning structures within the organisation. As result, the heteronormativity and hegemonic masculinity within the organisation is not disrupted and LGB-people in the organisation still perceive homophobic tendencies as part of the work environment.
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Male Victims of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in UgandaLyng Bengtsson, Ida January 2022 (has links)
Abstract This research is dedicated to increasing the understanding of the phenomenon of conflict-related violence against men. The topic of conflict-related violence against men has through history been unnoticed, unaddressed, and unrecognized in the field of gender-based violence. Most of the literature, research, and documentation of sexual violence is subsequently more dedicated to women. However, even though there is limited research on the topic there has been an increase in research during the previous years. Moreover, research that does exist on conflict-related sexual violence against men is scarce and missing significant evidence due to underreporting on the issue. The objective of the research is to highlight the consequential gap in research regarding sexually violated men. Doing so by composing a case study on Uganda and analyzing how masculinities, gender norms, gender identity along with others affect sexually violated men, in distinction to the theoretical framework of hegemonic masculinity. Along with analyzing how two substantial organizations, Refugee Law Project, and Men of Hope Refugee Association Uganda, in Uganda, work with male victims of conflict-related sexual violence. This research is composed as a qualitative desk study using abductive reasoning as the analytical framework. The collected data is analyzed through content analysis followed by thematic analysis. The methodological approach and the analytical framework have been chosen to comprehend and achieve an in-depth understanding of the phenomenon of conflict-related sexual violence against men more fully.
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"The Way to Become a Man": The Influence of Commercial Sex on Male Psychosocial DevelopmentGarcia, Adrian DeLuna 03 December 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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"Är det inte svårt för dig att vara brandman, du med alla dina känslor?" : En kvalitativ undersökning om kvinnliga brandmäns upplevelser av ett mansdominerat yrke / "Isn ́t hard for you to be a firefighter, you with all your emotions?" : A qualitative study about female firefighters experience of a male dominated professionLagerstedt, Maja, Richter Malm, Märta January 2023 (has links)
Brandmansyrket har under lång tid varit mansdominerat, trots att antalet kvinnor inom yrket har ökat går det än idag att se en tydlig skillnad mellan antalet kvinnliga respektive manliga brandmän. Med grund i denna problematik har denna studie syftat till att undersöka kvinnliga brandmäns upplevelser av kulturen i ett mansdominerat yrke. Studien har utgått ifrån frågeställningarna “Påverkas kulturen på arbetsplatsen av att det är ett mansdominerat yrke?” samt “Hur upplever kvinnliga brandmän att arbeta i ett mansdominerat yrke?”. För att undersöka detta har empiri samlats in genom kvalitativa intervjuer med nio kvinnliga brandmän. Med hjälp av Raewyn Connells teori om genusrelationer och hegemonisk maskulinitet samt Erving Goffmans begrepp taktfullhet, har det insamlade materialet analyserats. Intervjuerna har bidragit med förståelse för de kvinnliga brandmännens upplevelser av att arbeta i ett mansdominerat yrke. Resultatet har visat att de kvinnliga brandmännen har en positiv inställning till att arbeta i ett mansdominerat yrke samt att det har skett förändring i kulturen, men belyser vikten av en fortsatt utveckling av jämställdhetsarbetet. / For a long time firefighter has been a male dominated profession. Even though the number of female firefighters has increased there is still a distinct difference between the amount of female- and male firefighters. Based on this problem this study aimed to examine female firefighters experience of the culture in a male dominated profession. The framing questions of the study was ”Does the fact that it is a male dominated profession affect the culture in the workplace?” and ”How does female firefighters experience working in a male dominated profession?”. The study is of qualitative character and the empirical material has been collected through nine qualitative interviews with female firefighters. The empirical material has been analysed using Raewyn Connells Theory of gender realisations and hegemonic masculinity, as well as Erving Goffmans concept Tact. The interviews has contributed with understanding of the female firefighters experience of working in a male dominated profession. The results has shown that female firefighters has a positive attitude towards working in a male dominated profession and their experience is that there has been a change in the culture. Despite that they also highlight the importance of continued development of gender equality work.
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Oönskat men ändå närvarande : Maskulinitetsnormer i klientmöten inom Kriminalvården / Unwanted but Still Present : Masculinity Norms in Client Meetings Within the Correctional ServiceBacklund, Daniel, Nolin, Jennie January 2023 (has links)
The aim of the study was to see how work groups in the Correctional Service perceived and expressed masculinity norms and how the work group experienced that the phenomenon affected their meetings with clients. To meet the aim two qualitative group interviews were conducted with two and three people respectively in each group. The participants belonged to working groups within the Correctional System Service from two different regions. The results were analysed through theories of hegemonic masculinity and queer theory. The study showed a perception that masculinity norms did affect the client work because of how the client’s expressed masculinity but that the work group lacked expressions of masculinity norms. In the discussion the results are being discussed through previous research and theory. / Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur personal inom Kriminalvårdens frivård uppfattade maskulinitetsnormer i arbetsgruppen samt hur arbetsgrupperna upplevde att fenomenet påverkade klientarbetet. För att besvara syftet genomfördes två kvalitativa gruppintervjuer med två respektive tre informanter i varje grupp. Informanterna tillhörde arbetsgrupper inom Kriminalvårdens frivårdkontor från två olika regioner. Resultatet analyserades genom teori kring hegemonisk maskulinitet samt queerteori. Studien visade en uppfattning om att maskulinitetsnormer kunde påverka klientarbetet beroende på hur klienter uttryckte maskulinitet, men att arbetsgruppen ansåg sig själva sakna uttryck och påverkan av maskulinitetsnormer i klientarbetet. I diskussionen diskuteras förklaringsmodeller till resultatet utifrån tidigare forskning och teori.
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Det sitter i timret : Maskulinitetsnormer inom den svenska skogsbranschenJakobsson, Ester, Rickeberg, Anna January 2023 (has links)
This essay aims to investigate the meaning of masculinity norms within the forestry sector in Sweden, and how these norms affect the gender equality within the industry. A qualitative research method was applied to highlight and investigate the research aim and questions. Six semi-structured interviews were conducted and furthermore analyzed with a discursive analysis method and a gender theoretical perspective. This study is a continuation of and has its starting point, where the project Jämställdhet i skogsbranschen, implemented by Länsstyrelsen in Västernorrland and other actors, left off. The fourth aim of that project became an object of focus for us and this essay as a whole. The results of this study implied that there are several masculinity norms within the Swedish forestry sector and that the norms influence both men and women. A hegemonic masculinity within the industry became apparent that affected women as well as men. Finally, the gender equality work within the sector could be affected by masculinity norms, that could be considered to prohibit existing and ongoing gender equality work.
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"Tänk om pappa ser att jag har målat naglarna?" : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med yrkesverksamma inom skola med syfte att undersöka machokultur / "What if dad sees that i have painted my nails?" : A qualitative interviewstudy with people working in school purposing to study macho cultureEvertsson, Agnes, Pihlkvist, Anton January 2023 (has links)
The following study aims to investigate the concept of macho culture among younger boys in schools. The paper examines the extent to which the concept can be seen as a problem and whether schools are working with the topic. The paper is presented inductively through qualitative data collection based on interview studies. Before that, two theories, hegemonic masculinity and the gender schema theory, which permeate the study's results and analysis. The interview study took place over the course of the thesis and involved eight different professional school counsellors in different municipalities. The data generated was then subjected to thematic analysis where four themes emerged: poor attitudes, difficulties with emotions, limited norms and working methods. The constructed themes are later presented in terms of results, but also as a discussion analysis to highlight the connection with selected theories and previous research. Conclusions relevant to the study include the recognition of macho culture as a problem in the schools where we conducted interviews, the problem of working methods, and the influence of norms and values from home. / Följande studie syftar till att undersöka begreppet machokultur bland yngre killar inom skolvärlden. Uppsatsen kommer att studera i vilken grad begreppet kan ses som ett problem och huruvida skolor arbetar runt ämnet. Genom att inhämta data kvalitativt med utgångspunkt i intervjustudier har uppsatsen framställts induktivt. Dessförinnan introduceras två teorier, den hegemoniska maskuliniteten och the gender schema theory som genomsyrar studiens resultat och analys. Intervjustudien har skett över tid under uppsatsens förlopp och har innefattat åtta olika yrkesverksamma skolkuratorer och skolsocionomer inom varierande kommuner. Den data som framställts har sedan genomgått en tematisk analys där fyra teman framträdde: dålig attityd, svårt med känslor, snäva normer och svårt att omsätta arbete i praktiken. De teman som konstruerats presenteras senare rent resultatmässigt men även som en diskussionsanalys för att belysa anknytning till valda teorier samt tidigare forskning. Slutsatser som ligger till vikt för studien är bland annat erkännandet av machokultur som ett problem på de skolor där vi utfört intervjuer, problematiken med arbetssätt samt präglandet av normer och värderingar hemifrån.
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