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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

國營事業新進人員工作滿意對組織承諾影響之探討—以C國營事業為對象 / A Study on the Effect of Job Satisfaction on Organizational Commitment of New Entrants in A State-owned Enterprise: A Case of State-owned Enterprise C

陳宥蓁, Chen, Yu Chen Unknown Date (has links)
民國80年代起,國營事業配合民營化政策停止新進人員進用,至民國90年代才陸續恢復,近年來,政府為改善國營事業人力結構,加速人力新陳代謝,積極規劃鬆綁國營事業用人制度並持續招考員工。國營事業新進員工的工作滿意與組織承諾對於所屬國營事業未來的發展及經營將具有極大的影響,更關係到組織的效率和競爭力。因此本研究以國營事業新進人員工作滿意、組織承諾為探討重點,同時就國營事業新進人員之個人背景變項與工作滿意、組織承諾作相關分析,並探討國營事業新進人員之工作滿意度對於組織承諾之影響,以問卷調查的方式進行資料蒐集。經分析問卷調查結果後發現: 一、不同「服務年資」、「人員類別」及「工作職務」的國營事業新進人員在工作滿意部分構面上有顯著差異。 二、不同「年齡」、「服務年資」、「人員類別」及「工作職務」的國營事業新進人員在組織承諾部分構面上有顯著差異。 三、國營事業新進人員工作滿意對組織承諾具有顯著的相關性,且呈現非常高度正相關。 四、國營事業新進人員之工作滿意各構面對組織承諾各構面部分達到顯著的正向效果-「內在滿意」、「外在滿意」與「一般滿意」對價值承諾之影響均呈現顯著的正向效果,「內在滿意」與「一般滿意」對努力承諾之影響亦呈現顯著的正向效果,「內在滿意」與「外在滿意」對留職承諾之影響同為顯著的正向效果。 依據相關研究分析結果提出建議供國營事業主管機關、國營事業機構及新進人員參考,以提升新進人員的工作滿意及組織承諾。 / In the 1990s, state-owned enterprises stopped the use of new entrants in cooperation with the privatization policy and only gradually recovered in the 2000s. In recent years, the government has been working hard to improve the manpower structure of state-run enterprises and speed up manpower metabolism by systematically planning to loosen the employment system of state-owned enterprises Employee. The job satisfaction and organizational commitment of new entrants in state-owned enterprises will have a tremendous impact on the future development and operation of the state-owned enterprises to which they belong, and more on the efficiency and competitiveness of the organization. Therefore, this study is satisfied with the work of new personnel in state-owned enterprises, the organization promises to explore the key points, at the same time, it analyzes the individual background changes of variables and job satisfaction, organizational commitment and the job satisfaction of the newly recruited state- The impact of commitment, and to conduct a questionnaire survey data collection. After the analysis of the survey results found: 1.There are significant differences in terms of job satisfaction among the newly recruited state-owned enterprises with different "years of service", "categories of personnel" and "job titles". 2.The new staff of state-owned enterprises with different "age", "seniority", "type of personnel" and "job title" have significant differences in the organizational commitment aspects. 3.Job satisfaction of newly recruited state-owned enterprises has significant correlation with organizational commitment and shows a very high degree of positive correlation. 4.Job Satisfaction of New Staff in State-owned Enterprises Achieve Significant Positive Effect on Various Facets of Organizational Commitment. Based on the results of the relevant research and analysis, suggestions are made for the reference of the competent state-run business administrations, state-owned institutions and newly recruited personnel so as to enhance the job satisfaction and organizational commitment of the newly recruited staff.

Employabilité et implication organisationnelle : quelles pratiques RH ? / Employability and organizational commitment : What HR practices ?

Zgoulli-Swalhi, Saloua 11 December 2014 (has links)
Aujourd'hui la vie au travail est caractérisée par une grande complexité, une imprévisibilité, et une insécurité. L'intérêt pour l'employabilité a été suscité par l'impact économique des pénuries de compétences et de main-d'œuvre et la nature changeante des carrières ainsi que par l'érosion de la sécurité de l'emploi. Pour assurer la sécurité d'emploi de ses salariés qui sont garants de son adaptation et de sa performance, l'entreprise doit mener des actions pour maintenir et développer leur employabilité. La finalité de cette recherche est de comprendre comment les pratiques RH influencent l'employabilité et l'implication organisationnelle. La réponse à cette problématique contribue à proposer aux organisations une approche adaptée de l'utilisation des pratiques RH qu'elles ont à leur disposition. Deux types de méthodologie ont été croisés. D'abord une étude qualitative exploratoire a été menée auprès d'un échantillon multi-acteur de 21 personnes (Dirigeants, DRH et salariés). Elle a visé à enrichir et à vérifier la pertinence du modèle proposé à l'issue de l'analyse de la littérature, à identifier les pratiques RH favorables à l'employabilité et à explorer le concept de l'employabilité à travers une explicitation de ses dimensions. Ensuite une étude quantitative, auprès de 266 salariés, nous a permis de vérifier le type de relations qui peuvent exister entre les pratiques RH, l'employabilité et l'implication organisationnelle. Notre recherche montre que, d'une manière générale, les pratiques RH influencent positivement l'employabilité et l'implication organisationnelle notamment la dimension affective. Cette étude propose cinq familles de pratiques RH (l'organisation qualifiante et la mobilité, la formation et l'évaluation, la communication, la GPEC et la rémunération) qui agissent sur l'employabilité (individuelle, par les compétences, et interne/externe) et sur l'implication organisationnelle (affective et calculée). / Today working life is characterized by highly complex, unpredictability and insecurity. The interest for employability was motivated by the economic impact of skills shortages and labor force; the changing nature of careers, and the erosion of job security.To ensure the job security of its employees who are guarantors of its adaptation and its performance, the organization must take action to maintain and to develop their employability.The purpose of our study is to understand how HR practices influence employability and organizational commitment. The answer to this issue helps organizations provide a suitable method in terms how to use HR practices which they have at their disposal approach.Two types of methodology were crossed. First, an exploratory qualitative study was conducted with a multi-actor sample, 21 persons (executives, DHR and employees) were interviewed. It aimed to enrich and to verify the relevance of the research model proposed after the literature review; to identify HR practices in favor to employability; and to explore the concept of employability through an explanation of its dimensions. Then a quantitative study among 266 employees helps us to confirm the type of relationship that may exist between HR practices, employability and organizational commitment.Our research shows that in a general way, HR practices positively influence the employability and organizational commitment particularly affective dimension. This study suggests five families of HR practices (the learning organization and mobility, training and evaluation, communication, compensation and management planning of employment and skills) acting on employability (individual approach, skills approach, and internal / external approachs) and organizational commitment (affective dimension and continuance dimension).

Sources and Consequences of Burnout and the Moderating Role of Proactive and Reactive Coping Mechanisms : an Evidence from Academe / Sources et conséquences de l'épuisement professionnel et rôle modérateur des mécanismes d'adaptation proactifs et réactifs : le cas des enseignants-chercheurs universitaires

Abbas, Syed Gohar 20 January 2015 (has links)
Le but de cette étude empirique est d'étudier les relations entre les facteurs de stress, le coping (stratégies d’adaptation), le burnout, les maladies somatiques, la dépression, la performance, l'engagement organisationnel et l’intention de départ avec une référence particulière aux différents types d'universités dans différents segments démographiques au Pakistan. Dans cette étude, nous avons d'abord cherché à comprendre la relation entre quatre principaux facteurs de stress (la surcharge de travail, l’ambiguïté des rôles, le conflit de rôle et la conciliation travail-famille) qui conduisent au burnout (l'épuisement émotionnel et la dépersonnalisation). De plus, nous avons cherché à identifier la relation entre le burnout et ses conséquences (la somatisation, la dépression, la performance, l’engagement organisationnel et l’intention de départ). Au cœur de notre modèle se trouve l’effet modérateur des stratégies d'adaptation sur les relations étudiées. Ces mécanismes sont notamment la planification proactive, le soutien du supérieur, le soutien des collègues, le soutien social général, la réinterprétation positive, l'adaptation par évitement, le fait de s’adresser au Dieu et le changement d’idées.Nous avons utilisé un design de recherche quantitatif et transversal pour recueillir des données sur un échantillon de 450 membres du personnel académique dans les universités privées, publiques et semi-publiques de la province du KPK au Pakistan Le nombre total des questionnaires pris en compte pour l'analyse est de 274. L'analyse préliminaire des données, exploratoire puis confirmatoire a montré que nos données étaient quasi normales et que nos variables possédaient de bonnes propriétés psychométriques. Nous avons testé nos hypothèses de recherche au moyen de modèles de régression structurels en utilisant AMOS et de régressions hiérarchiques multiples en utilisant SPSS. Les résultats ont révélé que la conciliation travail-famille, l’ambiguïté des rôles et la surcharge de travail avaient un impact positif significatif sur le burnout. Les résultats ont également démontré que le burnout avait un impact positif significatif sur la somatisation, la dépression et l’intention de départ et un impact négatif significatif sur l'engagement organisationnel et la performance.La majorité des hypothèses relatives à l’effet modérateur du soutien social et des mécanismes d'adaptation n'a pas été confirmé par nos résultats. Contrairement à nos hypothèses, planification proactive, le soutien du supérieur, le soutien social général, et le changement d’idées se sont avérés être des stratégies d'adaptation non-efficaces. Malgré ses limites, cette thèse apporte d’importantes contributions académiques et méthodologiques ainsi que des implications managériales. Quelques suggestions pour des recherches futures ont également été faites à la fin. / The purpose of this quantitative study is to investigate the relationships between stressors, coping, burnout, somatic ill health, depression, performance, organizational commitment and turnover intentions with particular reference to different demographic segments in different types of universities of Pakistan. In this context firstly we aimed to understand the relationships between four main stressors (Work Overload, Role Ambiguity, Role Conflict and Work-life Imbalance) and Burnout (Emotional Exhaustion and Depersonalization). Moreover, we aimed to identify the relationship between burnout and its consequences i.e. Somatization, Depression, Performance, Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intentions. At the core of our model was the moderating impact of coping strategies on the relationships mentioned above. These coping mechanisms included Proactive Planning, Boss Support, Colleague Support, General Social Support, Turning To God, Positive Reinterpretation, Avoidance and Mind Deviation. The quantitative and cross sectional survey research design was used to collect data based on a sample of 450 academic staff in private, public and semi-government universities of the KPK province of Pakistan The total questionnaires considered for analysis were 274. The preliminary data analysis, EFAs and CFAs demonstrated that our data was quasi normal and our variables possessed good psychometric properties. We tested our research hypotheses through structured regression models in AMOS and multiple hierarchical regression using SPSS. The results revealed that Work-Life Imbalance, Role Ambiguity and Work Overload showed significant positive impact on burnout. Results also demonstrated that burnout had a significant positive impact on Somatization, Depression and Turnover Intentions and a significant negative impact on Organizational Commitment and Performance. The Majority of the hypotheses related to moderating impact of social support and coping mechanisms were not supported by our results. Contrary to our hypotheses, Proactive Planning, Boss Support, General Social Support and Mind Deviation proved to be non-effective coping strategies. Despite of its limitations, this thesis has made some important academic and methodological contributions along with managerial implications. Few suggestions for future research have been also made at the end.

Förebyggandet av hög personalomsättning: en kvantitativ analys av möjliga prediktorer för avsikten att lämna en organisation

Berggren, Ann January 2017 (has links)
Hög personalomsättning är ett kostsamt problem för organisationer. I försök att motverka problemet har forskare försökt hitta personalomsättningens orsaker. Arbetstagares avsikt att lämna en organisation har visat sig vara en viktig prediktor för omsättning och därför har forskare studerat orsaker till denna avsikt. Syftet med denna undersökning var att undersöka de prediktorer som tidigare forskning visat kan vara signifikanta för avsikten att lämna en organisation: socialiseringstaktiker; organisationsengagemang; övergripande rättvisa; och medarbetarbeteenden. Undersökningen som här genomförts bestod av 74 deltagare som hade jobbat på sin arbetsplats i max sex månader och rekryterades via tillgänglighetsurval. Datainsamlingen skedde genom en webbenkät med självskattningsformulär. En multipel regressionsanalys visade att övergripande rättvisa och investerande kontra fråntagande socialiseringstaktiker var signifikanta prediktorer för avsikten att lämna organisationen. På grund av att urvalet var ett relativt litet snöbollsurval utan stor varians i demografisk bakgrund bör inga stora slutsatser dras utifrån detta resultat, men resultatet kan inspirera till vidare forskning inom ämnet.

Work commitment : Its dimensions and relationships with role stress and intention to quit

Hoole, Crystal January 1997 (has links)
A renewed interest in work has developed world-wide during the last decade. One of the reasons for this is that organizations are responding to the changing economic, social, technological and environmental demands in ways that are fundamentally transforming the nature of organizations and the meaning of work for employees. Work has changed tremendously, not only in nature but also its importance. The current demands placed on organizations and employees include, among others, global competition, cost-cutting, downsizing and restructuring and information processing on a large scale. It is intuitive to think that these changes and demands will affect employees in some way or the other. For many employees changes brought different job descriptions, more roles to fulfil and more complicated tasks to complete with more uncertainty and less clear-cut instructions. The work commitment construct has been part of a lively debate since Morrow's (1983) call for a moratorium on the development of further work commitment measures due to the existence of concept redundancy within and among the work commitment facets. It has been proposed that the work commitment construct consists of four main facets i.e. job involvement, organizational commitment, career commitment and work values. It has been unclear up to now on how these facets are interrelated. The relationships between the work commitment facets, role strain and intention to quit have also not been studied together in a single study before. The current study investigated the underlying dimensions of the work commitment construct, the underlying dimensions of each proposed facet, as well as determined the relationships among the work commitment facets, role strain and intention to quit, based on a large diverse South African sample. This was done by using Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analyses, the calculation of intercorrelations and Structural Equation Modeling. Each instrument was standardized for South African conditions. The results indicated that although the instruments were portable to South Africa, unique results and factors were obtained. Promising results were obtained with regard to the causal relationships among the variables. / Thesis (DPhil)--University of Pretoria, 1997. / gm2014 / Psychology / Unrestricted

L'influence des trois formes de tensions de rôle sur l'absentéisme et l'intention de départ du personnel infirmier / The influence of the three forms of role stressors on absenteeism and intent to leave of nursing staff

Randon, Sophie 25 September 2015 (has links)
De plus en plus de contraintes pèsent sur les organisations avec de plus en plus de règles et de procédures à respecter. Ces contraintes ont une répercussion sur les salariés et se traduisent notamment par un surcroît de pression et de stress. Le secteur de la santé n’est pas épargné par ce phénomène de société avec des défis majeurs à relever : contenir l’augmentation des dépenses de santé, faire face aux progrès de la médecine et de la technologie, faire face également à la pression du public pour l’amélioration de la qualité et de la sécurité des soins, et répondre à une demande accrue due au vieillissement de la population. Ces défis peuvent générer chez le personnel soignant de l’absentéisme et du turnover. L’absentéisme et le turnover du personnel infirmier représentent un problème de santé publique coûteux et désorganisant. Les travaux réalisés sur l’absentéisme et l’intention de départ montrent qu’il s’agit de concepts à la mécanique complexe. Une lecture de ces comportements à travers les concepts d’implication organisationnelle, de satisfaction au travail et de tensions de rôle permet d’appréhender la complexité de ces phénomènes. Les précédents travaux sur les tensions de rôle n’ont jusqu’à présent jamais mesuré conjointement les trois formes de tensions de rôle. En effet, ils ont en majorité porté sur le conflit de rôle au détriment des deux autres formes de tensions de rôle (ambiguïté de rôle et surcharge de rôle). Une analyse simultanée des trois formes de tensions de rôle représenterait pourtant un intérêt managérial important puisqu’elle permettrait d’orienter préférentiellement les actions managériales sur la ou les formes de tensions de rôle qui sont véritablement des facteurs explicatifs des variables dépendantes. Cela conduirait à une meilleure adaptation des pratiques de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, et à terme favoriserait leur efficacité. Telle est l'ambition de notre travail de thèse. Une première étude qualitative exploratoire, adossée à une revue rigoureuse de la littérature, nous a permis de construire des modèles de recherche que nous avons ensuite confrontés à l'épreuve des faits dans une étude quantitative mobilisant plus de 300 personnels infirmiers et une trentaine de cadres de santé. Notre travail contribue à éclairer le déterminisme des tensions de rôle dans le phénomène de turn-over, ou plus précisément dans les intentions de départ des personnels, ainsi que dans la satisfaction au travail, et l'implication organisationnelle. Nos résultats sont plus décevants s'agissant de l'absentéisme, ce qui souligne la difficulté de son étude et tend à confirmer la complexité de ce phénomène. / There are more and more constraints weighing on organizations, with more and more rules and procedures to respect. These constraints have a repercussion on employees, in particular through increased pressure and stress. The health sector has not been spared by this societal phenomenon and must face major challenges that lie ahead: contain increased health care costs, face technological and medical advances, deal with public pressure to improve the quality and security of health care and respond to a rising demand due to the ageing population.These challenges may give rise to absenteeism and turnover among caregivers. Absenteeism and turnover among nursing staff constitutes a major public health problem that is both costly and disrupting. Work carried out on absenteeism and departure intentions shows that complicated, intricate concepts are involved. Interpreting these behaviours through the concepts of organisational commitment, job satisfaction and role stressors allows one to grasp the complexity of these phenomena. Previous work done so far on role tensions has never jointly measured the three different forms of role tensions. In fact, the majority have concentrated on role conflict, to the detriment to the two other forms (role ambiguity and role overload). A simultaneous analysis of the three forms of role tensions, however, would be of great managerial interest as it would preferentially orientate management action on the form or forms of role tension which are the true explanatory factors in dependent variables. This would lead to better adaptation of the Human Resources Management practices and, in the end, boost their efficiency. This is the aim of our research. An exploratory qualitative study, supported by rigorous review of the literature, allowed us to construct research models that were tested in a quantitative study involving 300 nurses and around 30 health professionals. Our work contributes to shedding light on the determination of role tensions in the turnover phenomenon, or more precisely on the intent to leave of personnel, as well as job satisfaction and organisational commitment. Our findings are more disappointing in regard to absenteeism, which highlights the difficulty of its study and tends to confirm the complexity of this phenomenon.

An investigation into the relationship between organisational commitment and the intention to quit within a Financial Services division in the Western Cape

Lodewyk, Faatiemah January 2011 (has links)
Magister Commercii - MCom / Consent for the research study was obtained from the divisional executive of the financial services division being researched and all ethical factors were clarified. All potential participants were engaged in a divisional communication session where participation was advised to be voluntary and anonymity and confidentiality was assured. The results of the study revealed that there was no statically significant relationship between intention to quit and organisational commitment but a statically significant relationship between organisational commitment and age, tenure, marital status and staff with dependants respectively were revealed. Further to that, a statistically significant relationship between intention to quit and age, tenure, marital status was also revealed. Therefore, based on the understanding gained, and the relationship it had with respect to the biographical factors used in the study, it presents organisations with the insight and opportunity to better retain staff. Clear understandings of the limitations of the findings presented are also discussed and additional recommendations for future research are also provided. / South Africa

新北市國民中學校長正向領導、教師情緒勞務與教師組織承諾關係之研究 / A study of the relationship among Principals' positive leadership, Teachers' emotional labor and Teachers' organizational commitment in junior high schools of New Taipei City

王鼎元, Wang, Ding Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解新北市國民中學校長正向領導、教師情緒勞務與教師組織承諾之現況,分析不同背景變項之教師對於校長正向領導、教師情緒勞務與教師組織承諾之知覺差異情形,並研究三者之間的關係,最後分析新北市國民中學校長正向領導與教師情緒勞務對教師組織承諾之預測力。 本研究採問卷調查法,共計抽樣37所國民中學,發出555份問卷,收回414份,回收率達75%,其中有效問卷共有371份,可用率達90%。問卷調查結果以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行統計分析。 根據資料分析與討論的結果,本研究之研究結果如下: 一、新北市國民中學教師知覺校長正向領導、教師情緒勞務與教師組織承諾皆屬於中高程度。 二、新北市國民中學教師因其背景變項不同,對校長正向領導的知覺程度不同,以男性、41歲以上、服務年資21年以上、兼任主任以及學校規模61班以上之教師有較高的知覺程度。 三、新北市國民中學教師因其背景變項不同,對教師情緒勞務的知覺程度不同,以41歲至50歲、服務年資21年以上以及兼任主任教師有較高的知覺程度。 四、新北市國民中學教師因其背景變項不同,對教師組織承諾的知覺程度不同,以男性、41歲以上、碩、博士學歷、服務年資21年以上以及兼任主任之教師有較高的知覺程度。 五、新北市國民中學校長正向領導、教師情緒勞務與教師組織承諾整體及各分層面間具有正相關。 六、新北市國民中學校長正向領導與教師情緒勞務對教師組織承諾具有預測力,以賦予正向意義的預測力最佳。 本研究依據校長正向領導、教師情緒勞務與教師組織承諾之相關結論,提供教育行政機關、學校教育人員建議,以做為未來教育行政以及後續研究之參考。

Public perceptions of motivational factors influencing employee's service delivery performance in Gauteng province/region

Ngcobo, Nomnotho Deograssia January 2016 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for a Degree of Master of Technology: Human Resource Management, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2016. / While research has been conducted, with regard to motivational factors impacting service delivery performance globally, not many studies have focused on public sector employees’ motivational factors and how they are perceived by the public, with specific reference to the South African public sector. Therefore, the understanding of these factors are clearly explained and clarified, in order to assist the South African public sector to improve service delivery performance across the board and to attract and retain a motivated, professional workforce. Motivational factors that influence the service delivery performance of employees include, salaries and benefits, training and development, and promotional opportunities, as well as employee recognition, job security and so on. The research sample was selected randomly, using a stratified sampling method and consisted of 100 participants, required to complete a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire in the presence of the researcher, who was present to assist in providing clarity where needed. A combined method of both quantitative and qualitative techniques was employed, while the analysis of data was done using the statistics package SPSS, version 21.0, with the results presented by figures developed in Microsoft Excel and gross tabulation tables. The findings of the study revealed that a lack of employee training and development negatively compromises quality of service delivery performance in the public sector. The study results further discovered that the absence of career development opportunities hinders the improvement of service delivery performance, as employees perceive this as an obstacle to their earning abilities in the long-term. Leadership was identified as a major factor that contributes considerably in influencing employees’ performance in the public sector. Moreover, the study’s results and literature show that the South African government has policies regulating motivational factors, for example the Performance Management System (performance appraisals), as well as the Skills Development Act 97 of 1998 (training and development). Nonetheless, public servants still exhibit signs of poor motivation. Therefore, the findings from this study can assist the public sector to enhance the motivational levels of employees, while improving public service delivery performance, as a whole. / M

The impact of employee engagement on the business success of Johnson controls Uitenhage

Muller, Roger Joseph January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the influences, outcomes and degree of employee engagement, as it relates to business success of Johnson Controls. The research was conducted by questionnaire using a sample of 120 employees of Johnson Controls Uitenhage Plant. The sample represents 45 percent of the total population of 267 employees. The study discusses certain key influences of engagement - the degree to which employees are engaged and the resultant outcomes of employee engagement. The result of the study proves that communication, leadership behaviours, policies, practices, recognition and rewards are real factors influencing engagement. The study also validated that productivity, safety, customer satisfaction, employee retention and quality are outcomes of engagement. A strong relationship was found to exist between employee engagement and business success. The study also found that a strong relationship exist between leadership behaviours, policies and procedures, and recognition and rewards. Communication was found to have no relationship with employee engagement.

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