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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Da temporalidade dos direitos patrimoniais do autor / Temporality of the economic rights of the authorship

Ogawa, Mariana Uyeda 26 October 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:26:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mariana Uyeda Ogawa.pdf: 401628 bytes, checksum: fcd1d9018861e84fe62a022e70833ac1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-10-26 / Copyright field of Intellectual Property - protects literary and artistic works. The copyright law has the purpose to protect intellectual creation expressed by any means or medium of expression. The protection includes only the form of expression of ideas, not the ideas themselves. Authorship has certain specific rights moral and economic rights. Moral rights - right of paternity and right of integrity, for example - allow the author to preserve the personal link between himself and his work. They remain with the author even after he has transferred his economic rights or the work has fallen into the public domain. Economic rights permit the author gain financial reward from the use of his works by others. Authorship has many forms of exploitation of his work like to authorize reproduction, distribution and public performance. Economic rights are not to be perpetual as moral rights. They are temporary considering the social function of the copyright and of the public interest in to develop the cultural heritage. In this work we intend to analyze the situations in whic after a certain perior of time and accomplishment of the legal conditions the intellectual work is transferred from the author to the public domain and consequently may be freely used by any interested party / O direito de autor - ramo da Propriedade Intelectual protege a obra artística ou literária. Visa proteger a criação intelectual exteriorizada por qualquer meio ou suporte. A proteção é concedida somente para a forma de expressão da idéia e não propriamente as idéias em si. O autor possui específicos direitos: direitos morais e patrimoniais. Os direitos morais direito à paternidade e o direito de integridade, por exemplo permite ao autor preservar a sua ligação pessoal com a sua obra. Esses direitos permanecem com o autor até mesmo após a transferência dos direitos patrimoniais ou da obra ter caído em domínio público. Os direitos patrimoniais permitem ao autor obter uma retribuição financeira pelo uso da sua obra. O autor tem várias formas de explorar a sua obra como autorizar a sua reprodução, distribuição e representação pública. Esses direitos são temporários em decorrência da função social do direito de autor e do interesse publico em promover o patrimônio cultural. No presente trabalho procuramos analisar as situações em que após o transcurso do prazo e das condições legais a obra intelectual passa do âmbito exclusivo do autor para o domínio público, podendo ser livremente utilizada por qualquer interessado

Les services offerts sur le domaine public et le droit de l'Union européenne / Services provided in areas belonging to the public domain in the light of European law

Usai, Andrea 22 May 2015 (has links)
Tout d'abord, en ce qui concerne le premier chapitre, cette thèse vise à vérifier l'impact des normes des Traités, comme, par exemple, la liberté d'établissement et la libre prestation de services, par rapport aux activités économiques qui sont offerts sur les espaces domaniales. Ensuite, après avoir examiné la jurisprudence de la Cour de justice en matière de services, en ce qui concerne le deuxième chapitre, nous avons examiné aussi l'impact des principes généraux du droit européen et de l'art. 16 de la Charte des Droits Fondamentaux sur les services offerts sur le domaine public. En ce qui concerne le troisième chapitre, nous avons adressé un examen approfondi de la Directive « Services » : après avoir analysé sa genèse, plutôt problématique et difficile, nous en avons décrit les objectifs et la ratio. Le résultat qui a émergé est une fragmentation du marché commun de services, en particulier pour ce qui concerne les services qu’on prend en examen dans cette recherche. L'une des phases les plus critiques par rapport à la Directive « Services », c'est sa transposition. Ce qui semble clair, c'est une fragmentation générale qui entrave l’achèvement et le bon fonctionnement du marché commun. Une fois qu'on a examiné le rôle de la directive « Bolkestein », on a montré la nécessité d'évaluer l'impact de cette norme sur les services offerts sur le domaine public. Dans le quatrième chapitre, on a décidé d'examiner le rôle des directives sur les contrats publics. D'un point de vue juridique, les contrats publics et les concessions sont deux choses distinctes, même si la logique sous-jacente à l’article 12 de la Directive « Services » et le principe de concurrence établissent que les espaces (et, indirectement, par conséquence, les services qui sont intéressés) concernés doivent être attribués dans le cadre d'une procédure de sélection publique. Il convient de rappeler que, avant la présentation d'une proposition de directive de la Commission Européenne pour réglementer les concessions, les principes applicables à ces dernières ont été (et sont encore aujourd’hui) empruntés à la discipline des contrats publics. Nous avons décidé de mettre en évidence comment l'état actuel des contrats publics et les concessions sont interconnectés. On montre aussi que les directives sur les marchés publics jouent un rôle important dans la régulation des types de concessions examinées dans le présent document. On a décidé d'examiner l'impact potentiel de la Directive « concessions ». Dans le cinquième et le sixième chapitre, nous avons examiné et comparé les différents systèmes des États membres de l’Union Européenne. En particulier, nous avons vu comment les concessions des plages sont réglementées en Italie, où, par exemple, il y a un problème juridique qui est loin d’être adressé, en France, en Croatie, en Portugal, et, finalement, en Espagne. Dans le septième et le huitième chapitre, nous avons choisi de parler du risque éventuel de violation des normes en matière d'aides d’État. / With regard to the first chapter, this thesis aims at analysing the impact of the Freedom of Establishment and of the Free Movement of Services on those economic activities which are offered in areas belonging to the public domain. Thus, after examining the relevant case-law of the ECJ in the field of services, in the second chapter what has been analysed is the impact of the general principles and of Art. 16 of the Charter on the services provided in areas belonging to the public domain. In the third chapter, a deep analysis of the Services Directive has been conducted: after addressing its genesis, which was quite problematic, both its objectives and its rationale have been analysed. What has emerged is a fragmentation of the internal market of services, especially with regard to the activities that are examined in this research. One of the most problematic issues related to that Directive is its implementation. Again, what has emerged is a fragmentation of the market of services. Thus, what has been addressed is the impact of the Directive on the services provided in areas belonging to the public domain. In the fourth chapter, the impact of the Public Contracts Directives has been examined. Legally speaking, public procurement contracts and concessions are different, even if the rationale beyond Art. 12 of the Services Directive together with the general principle of competition require the services at issue to be awarded through a selection procedure. Indeed, even before the adoption of what is now the Concessions Directive, the principles applicable to concessions have always been the same as those applicable to public procurement contracts. What emerges is that the public procurement contracts and concessions are strongly interconnected. The potential impact of the Concessions Directive has been addressed as well. In the fifth and in the sixth chapter a comparison between the Italian status quo with regard to those services provided in areas belonging to the public domain and the situation in Portugal, Croatia, France and Spain has been drawn. In the seventh and in the eighth chapter all the implications regarding potential violations of the State Aid rules have been addressed.

Le patrimoine immobilier des services départementaux d'incendie et de secours : consistance et évolutions / The real estate property of the local fire rescue services : consistency and evolution

Chaptal, Philippe 25 March 2014 (has links)
Les Services départementaux d’incendie et de secours (SDIS) modernes sont nés de la volonté du législateur français qui, par une loi du 3 mai 1996, a créé des établissements publics autonomes dotés de missions propres et partagées afin de gérer l’un des plus anciens services public au monde : celui des secours et de la lutte contre l’incendie.La qualification ainsi retenue, conforme à l’histoire et à la tradition administrative française, n’en suscite pas moins certaines interrogations car si le critère de spécialité inhérent aux établissements publics est bien présent, celui non moins important de l’autonomie est sujet à caution et pose la question de la véritable nature des SDIS.Ainsi pour mener à bien leurs missions de service public, les SDIS ont besoin d’immeubles, afin de loger les hommes et les véhicules départementalisés, mais aussi de locaux afin de dispenser la formation et d’héberger l’administration nécessaire au fonctionnement de l’établissement public.Ce patrimoine immobilier, hérité principalement des communes et des Etablissements publics de coopérations intercommunales (EPCI) anciennement titulaires de la compétence incendie, a pris majoritairement la forme de mises à disposition à titre gratuit, comme le permettait les textes en vigueur. Cependant, peu de collectivités ont fait le choix de transférer les biens en pleine propriété aux SDIS, mettant ces derniers dans une situation délicate d’un point de vue juridique et comptable puisque les investissements futurs ont été effectués sur des biens ne leur appartenant pas.De même, si en principe, les SDIS construisent, acquièrent ou louent les biens nécessaires à leur fonctionnement (article L 1424-12 du CGCT), certains l’ont fait sur des terrains dont ils n’étaient pas propriétaires, puisque ces derniers ont eux aussi été mis à disposition par des communes ou des EPCI à compétence incendie. Les collectivités historiquement en charge de des SIS ont ainsi marqué une certaine réticence à se départir aussi des terrains d’assiette.Quelle est donc la consistance réelle de ce patrimoine immobilier ? Existe-t-il des moyens de le valoriser ? Si oui, dans quel but ? Et enfin, les SDIS doivent-ils se doter d’une véritable stratégie en matière de gestion de ses actifs immobiliers ? / The modern day local Fire Rescue Services have arisen through the will of the French administration who by an Act of May 3 1996 created autonomous public institutions with specified shared missions in order to manage one of the oldest public services in the world that being the rescue and the fight against fire.The adopted measures, consistent with past history and the traditional French administration nevertheless raise certain questions concerning the true nature of the Fire Rescue Services because even if the specific criteria inherent to public service establishments is respected the no less important autonomy of these establishments should be carefully considered.In order to carry out their public service missions the Fire and Rescue Services not only require buildings to house personnel and departmental vehicules but also to provide training and house to the required administration.This real estate is primarily inherited from the local community and public establishments formerly holding fire authority (EPCI), the majority have been made available free of charge as permitted by law, however few communities have chosen to legally transfer the freehold property to the Local Fire and Rescue Service, which therefore puts them in a delicate position both from a legal and financial point of view as investments for the future have been made on property, legally not belonging to them.Similarly, if in principle the Local Fire Rescue Services construct, acquire or lease property required to operate, some have done so on land they did not own as this has also been made available by the local community or the EPCI. The local communities historically in charge of the Fire Rescue Services have been reluctant to dispose of their land base.So what is the actual substance of this inherited real estate? Are there ways in which it could be enhanced ? If so with what objective? And finally should the local Fire Rescue Services develop a strategy to enable them to manage their real estate assets ?

The relevance for sustainable development of the protection of intellectual property rights in traditional cultural expressions

Olajumoke Ibironke Esan January 2009 (has links)
<p>This research work addresses the problem being faced by developing countries in the commercial exploitation of their traditional cultural expressions (TCEs) by third parties without giving due attribution to nor sharing benefits with the communities from which these TCEs originate. This problem stems from the inability of customary law systems which regulates life in such communities to adequately cater for the protection of these TCEs. The legal systems of the developing countries have also proven to be ineffective in the protection of TCEs from such misappropriation and unauthorized commercial exploitation. This mini-thesis examines how TCEs have been protected domestically through national legislation and internationally through treaties and proposes means by which they can be protected in a manner that would preserve them, while promoting the dissemination of those which can be shared without destroying their inherent nature. This mini-thesis thus explores avenues through which the protection of TCEs would contribute to economic and human development in developing countries.</p>

The relevance for sustainable development of the protection of intellectual property rights in traditional cultural expressions

Olajumoke Ibironke Esan January 2009 (has links)
<p>This research work addresses the problem being faced by developing countries in the commercial exploitation of their traditional cultural expressions (TCEs) by third parties without giving due attribution to nor sharing benefits with the communities from which these TCEs originate. This problem stems from the inability of customary law systems which regulates life in such communities to adequately cater for the protection of these TCEs. The legal systems of the developing countries have also proven to be ineffective in the protection of TCEs from such misappropriation and unauthorized commercial exploitation. This mini-thesis examines how TCEs have been protected domestically through national legislation and internationally through treaties and proposes means by which they can be protected in a manner that would preserve them, while promoting the dissemination of those which can be shared without destroying their inherent nature. This mini-thesis thus explores avenues through which the protection of TCEs would contribute to economic and human development in developing countries.</p>

Le pouvoir de gestion du domaine public / The power to manage state administered property

Camus, Aurelien 28 November 2013 (has links)
Le pouvoir de gestion du domaine public est un objet juridique atypique. Au cœur de la dialectique opposant puissance publique et propriété, et confronté aux nouveaux enjeux, patrimoniaux, économiques et concurrentiels, qui traversent la domanialité publique, ses contours et son fondement doivent être redéfinis, sur le socle de sa généalogie. Pouvoir sur une chose, la puissance publique gestionnaire doit aussi être définie dans le cadre des ses interactions avec les administrés, dans une perspective subjectiviste. Le pouvoir de gestion est une puissance publique propriétaire en interaction avec les droits des usagers. / The power to manage state administered property is an atypical legal object. At the core of the dialectic between public authority and property, and facing new property, economic and competitive issues related to state owned public domains, its outline and its foundation must be redefined based on its genealogy. A power upon a thing, the managing public authority must also be defined from a subjectivist approach, within the framework of its interactions with citizens. Management power is a public owner power interacting with the users’ rights.

La cession des biens publics / The deaccessioning of public goods

Plateaux, Wistan 17 June 2015 (has links)
Si la cession des propriétés publiques est un phénomène en vogue, il reste discret au plan doctrinal. Ce décalage entre la théorie et la pratique s’explique par sa place instable, entre le droit public et le droit privé. Par conséquent, l’étude de la cession implique un effort de classification, puis un exercice de déduction, en dépassant la distinction classique, entre le domaine public et le domaine privé, au profit d’un monisme domanial. Cette conception tire les conséquences de la modernisation du droit administratif des biens, derrière la bannière de la propriété publique, tout en offrant une large place au critère organique. Elle présente également l’avantage d’une application immédiate, sans relais de la part du législateur. Cependant, la pérennité de ce modèle dépendra de la conservation d’un équilibre, entre la liberté de l’administration-propriétaire, et la continuité du service public. Pour préserver cet héritage, les bases constitutionnelles du droit des biens publics devront être confirmées, et de manière explicite. / Even though the disposal of publicly-owned assets is occurring more and more frequently, these activities remain doctrinally unclear. The discrepancy between the theory and practice of such disposals can be explained by their uncertain position between public law and private law. Consequently, when considering such disposals, attention is paid to their classification and the exercise of judgement which goes beyond the traditional distinction between public and private domains in favour of the application of a single principle of public ownership. This concept has as consequence the modernization of administrative property law in the context of public ownership with an emphasis on the criteria of institutional law. It also has the advantage of being put into practice immediately without intervention from the legislature. However, this model will only be sustainable if it can maintain a balance between the prerogative of the administration-owners and the continuity of public services. To maintain this legacy, the constitutional basis of the law of publicly-owned assets must be confirmed explicitly

Code général de la propriété des personnes publiques et identification du patrimoine des collectivités territoriales. / The general Code on public property and identification of the local property

Laussat, Julie 16 November 2015 (has links)
L’entrée en vigueur du code général de la propriété des personnes publiques le 26 avril 2006 a profondément modifié la perception du patrimoine des collectivités territoriales. Le code permet, d’une part, de consacrer le statut de propriétaire de l’ensemble des collectivités territoriales et, d’autre part, de resserrer le périmètre de leur patrimoine relevant du régime de la domanialité publique. Les critères d’identification du domaine public immobilier tendent à limiter les possibilités d’extension de son champ d’application tandis que la création d’une nouvelle définition du domaine public mobilier vise à restreindre l’application des règles de la domanialité publique aux seuls biens présentant un intérêt public culturel. L’identification du patrimoine local souffre cependant toujours d’imperfections. En raison de la technique de codification à droit non constant, les modifications apportées par le code doivent désormais s’analyser à travers une jurisprudence souvent hésitante dans son application des nouveaux critères. Les règles relatives à l’application temporelle du code reportent pour l’instant sa mise en œuvre et le juge tente parfois maladroitement de combler le vide. Et si la codification a réussi à consacrer le statut de propriétaire des collectivités territoriales, la maîtrise in fine de leur patrimoine relève toujours de l’Etat, propriétaire éminent. / The perception of local authorities assets has been significantly changed by the entry into force of the general Code on public property on 26 April 2006. The code sanctions the local ownership status and tighten the criteria of the public domain. The possibilities of extending the scope of the public domain tend to be tighten by those criteria, while a new definition of movable property limits the application of public domain's law to cultural interest goods. However, the identification of local heritage continues suffering from several defects. The specificities of this “non-constant” codification means that all the code's innovations have to be analysed through the jurispridence which is still hesitant with the new criteria. The rules relating to the temporary application of the code postpone his setting-up.and the judge often makes incovenient decisions. Lastly, even if the codification succed in sanctioning the ownership status of local authorities, the general control of territorial authorities ownership is still coming within the competency of the State.

A consolidação das redes de trasmissão e de distribuição do sistema eletrico brasileiro em face da intervenção do Estado na propiedade / The consolidation of the transmission and distribution networks in the brazilian electric system in the face of the state's interrence with the propiety

Landini, Luiz Alberto Rodrigues 27 July 2007 (has links)
Orientadores: Moacyr Trindade de Oliveira Andrade, Floriano Peixoto de Azevedo Marques Neto / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecanica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-09T10:40:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Landini_LuizAlbertoRodrigues_D.pdf: 1207326 bytes, checksum: b2ca669a4eb5daf92ea3a407e474da70 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: A reestruturação e a privatização do setor elétrico a partir de 1995 redefiniram o papel do Estado neste setor, que passa a assumir a função regulatória e de controle em substituição às atividades de agente empreendedor. Com essa não interveniência o Estado tornou-se apenas responsável pela regulação, fiscalização e controle dos serviços públicos concedidos de energia elétrica, sendo que o fortalecimento do marco regulatório se deu com a criação da Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica ¿ ANEEL, instituída pela Lei nº 9.427, de 26 de dezembro de 1996. Paradoxalmente a isso, os serviços de infra-estrutura de energia elétrica, para que possam ser implementados, necessitam da intervenção do Estado na propriedade do particular. Assim ocorre na geração, transmissão e na distribuição de energia elétrica. Um país de dimensões continentais como o Brasil, torna tais serviços de grande complexidade para sua implementação, pois desde a geração da energia elétrica até os grandes centros consumidores há necessidade da implantação de uma vasta rede de linhas transmissoras e distribuidoras que transpassam por inúmeras propriedades sobre as quais recaem os ônus da servidão, ou, quando não, são desapropriadas para a destinação a ser dada pelas concessionárias, trazendo sérios transtornos aos seus proprietários. Neste contexto observa-se no presente trabalho que, conquanto o detentor do imóvel não perde o domínio de sua propriedade, pois não há a transferência dela para a concessionária nos casos de instituição de servidão de passagem de linhas transmissoras e distribuidoras de energia elétrica, há sempre a restrição quanto ao uso, gozo e fruição da mesma. Diferindo da faixa de servidão, na desapropriação ocorre a transferência da propriedade para o titular do direito à expropriação, fazendo com que o proprietário perca sua propriedade para o Estado, representado por quem esse tenha outorgado a concessão ou permissão para a exploração do serviço. Para tanto, compete ao poder concedente como medida preparatória, a emissão dos atos declaratórios de utilidade pública para fins de desapropriação ou de instituição de servidão administrativa no setor elétrico tal qual previsto na Lei nº 8.987, de 13 de fevereiro de 1995 (Lei de Concessões), que dispõe sobre o regime de concessão e permissão da prestação de serviços públicos previsto no caput do art. 175 da Constituição Federal. No entanto, a reestruturação e a privatização de diversos setores, tais quais previstos no Programa Nacional de Desestatização - PND, trouxeram algumas dificuldades que não eram observadas quando todas as empresas implementadoras de infra-estrutura eram estatais. Neste contexto se situam as empresas prestadoras dos serviços públicos de energia elétrica, e de rodovias, em face das controvérsias verificadas quanto à utilização transversal e longitudinal das faixas de domínio das rodovias por empresas transmissoras e distribuidoras de energia elétrica, em razão de cobranças pecuniárias para sua utilização, denominadas como receitas complementares ou acessórias. O presente trabalho além de abordar o entendimento das concessionárias envolvidas, e das agências ARTESP, CSPE, ANEEL, e ABCR, ao final, trata de questão recém regulamentada, ou seja, a incorporação das redes particulares de distribuição, que não disponham de ato autorizativo do poder concedente, ao patrimônio das concessionárias de energia elétrica, em face da disposição contida na Lei nº 10.848, de 15 de março de 2004, que dispõe sobre a comercialização de energia, dando, também, outras providências. Estas questões, entre outras, são discutidas no presente trabalho, trazendo a lume, ao seu final, conclusões e recomendações quanto aos temas abordados / Abstract: The restructuring and privatization of the Brazilian electric sector started in 1995, has redefined the State¿s role within this sector that now starts to play the regulating and controlling functions instead of those of a contractor agent. With the non-intervention, the State has become the responsible for regulating, supervising and controlling the granted electric energy public services; keeping in mind that the strenghtening of the regulatory process begun with the founding of the Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica ¿ ANEEL, instituted by Law nº 9.427, 1996 december 26th. On the other hand, for the implementation of the electric energy infrastructure services, it is necessary the State¿s intervention on private properties. That is the way it happens in generation, transmission and distribution of electric energy. A country like Brazil with continental dimensions, makes the implementation of such services quite complex, because from the generation point to the great consumer markets there is the need of implementing huge transmission and distribution networks through many private properties which suffer the burden of public right of free passage over it, or in many other cases these properties are expropriated and whose destination is decided by the utilities, causing serious troubles to their rightful owners. Under this circumstances it is observed in this project that although the land owner does not lose the right over his property (for there is not a legal transfer from the owner to the utility when the public right of free passage to the transmission and distribution networks is aplicable), there is always the problem related to the restriction of the usage, fruition and enjoyment of this very property by the owner. When it comes to expropriation, there is the transfer of the owner's rights, makin the owner loses it's property to the State; the State is, in this case, represented by a company that was granted the rights or permission to exploit the service. For this to happen, it is due to the power in charge of granting this concession (as a preparatory measure), the issuing of declaratory actions aiming the expropriation or the institution of administrative servitude in the electric sector, as foreseen in the Law nº 8.987 (february 13th 1995) known as Leis de Concessão (Concessions Law), which determines the clauses of the concession¿s set of rules, and the granting of the rendering of public services, as stated by caput in art. 175 of the Federal Constitution. However, the restructuring and privatization of various segments, according to the Programa Nacional de Desestatização ¿ PND (National Program for Privatization), have brought some difficulties that were not taken into account when all the companies resposible for implementing the infrastructure belonged to the State. We may include in this context, the companies which rendered electric energy public services, and highways, in view of the controversies related to the transversal and longitudinal usage of the sovereignty zones belonging to the highways by transmission and distribution of electric energy companies, due to pecuniary charges for its usage, the so-called complementary or secondary income. This document besides aproaching the understanding of the involved utilities as well as the agencies ARTESP, CSPE, ANEEL, and ABCR, deals with a recently regulated issue, that is, the incorporation of private distribution networks, which do not have an authorization act from the granting power, to the net assets of the electric energy utilities, in view of the clause contained in the Law nº 10.848, march 15th 2004, which establishes regulations over the energy trade, offering other arrangements as well. These issues, among others, are detailed in this current document, showing at the end, conclusions and recommendations related to the topics discussed. / Doutorado / Doutor em Planejamento de Sistemas Energéticos

Piratas, anarquistas ou publicizadores? Práticas socioinformacionais, cultura livre e domínio público / Social-informational practices, free culture and public domain: Pirates, anarquists or a make public state?.

Andre Pequeno dos Santos 08 August 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir a questão da cultura livre a partir dos aspectos relativos ao domínio público. O método utilizado se baseia na observação, na análise e na síntese de dados relacionados aos temas propostos, viabilizando uma discussão baseada no estudo bibliográfico exploratório e explicativo das várias questões abordadas na pesquisa que culminam na problemática desta cultura livre e da noção e dos espaços de domínio público.Por sua vez, recorre-se ao estudo e análise de objetos que compõema pesquisa como, por exemplo, o papel da internet, da \"pirataria\", do direito autoral, da evolução dos meios de comunicação e disseminação do conhecimento, das atividades de cooperação e produção independente pelos usuários da grande rede e das políticas culturais no ambiente digital. Desse modo, são descritas e discutidas experiências de bibliotecas (Digital Public Library of America - DPLA), arquivos históricos (Europeana 1914-1918), música (Jamendo), quadrinhos e games.A partir da análise e estudo do conceito e das práticas de cultura livre estabelecidas principalmente sob o domínio público e da pirataria social, chega-se a conclusão que tais questões são fundamentais no incremento de atividades e relações estabelecidas no ambiente cooperativo da internet, que identificam os usuários como produtores e disseminadores de um ciclo cultural vivo entrelaçado pelas vias da grande rede. Com isso, reforça-se o potencial de políticas culturais a partir do ambiente digital que fortaleçam o ideal de cultura livre a partir de questões tais como a revisão das leis de direito autoral, do incentivo ao domínio público e até mesmo sobre novos entendimentos acerca do universo social-cooperativo da pirataria social em rede. / The mains objective of this paper is to discuss the issue of free culture relating it to the public domain questions. The method used is based on observation, analysis and synthesis of data related to the proposed themes, enabling a discussion based on exploratory and explanatory bibliographical study of the various issues addressed in the research culminating in the issue of this free culture and the notion of public domain.In turn, it is through the study and analysis of objects that make up the research as, for example, the role of the internet, \"piracy\", copyright law, the evolution of media and dissemination of knowledge, cooperative and independent cultural activitiesmade by the users and the large network of cultural policies in the digital environment. Some interesting activities in many cultural fields are discussed and described such as in libraries (Digital Public Library of America - DPLA), historic archives (Europeana 1914-1918), music devices and communities (Jamendo), comics and video gamesFrom the analysis and study of the concept and practice of free culture established primarily in the public domain and social piracy, we conclude that such questions are fundamental in development of activities and relationships established in the collaborative environment of the internet, which identify users as producers and disseminators of a living cultural cycle paths intertwined by the large network.Thus, it reinforces the potential of cultural policies from the digital environment that strengthen the ideal of free culture from issues such as the revision of copyright law, encouraging the public domain and even on new understandings of cooperative and social universe of social piracy.

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