Spelling suggestions: "subject:"then social services act"" "subject:"them social services act""
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Biståndshandläggare inom omsorgen om funktionshindrade - om komplexitet i en mångfacetterad yrkesrollSuomi, Sarianna January 2008 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study is to explore the complexity of social workers professinal role in disability services in local municipalities. The study is based on qualitative interviews that took place in 5 local municipalities in the surroundings of Stockholm. I interviewed two social workers in every municipal. The theoretical point in the study is Roine Johanssons theory of streetlevel bureaucats´ discretion in the execution of their work and the limitations that comes from the organisation. The results in this study show that social workers are in a complex work situation between clients and the organisation they work for. Disability services are a multi-faced area and though the professionals have a substantial discretion in the execution of their work there are several limitations in the execution. The discretion is controlled by activities both from thr government and from the local municipality. The social worker is in a middle position in the organisation and has to choose between being loyal to the own organisation or show obedience to the laws.</p>
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Självbestämmande inom institutionens gränser : Implementering av socialtjänstlagens verksamhetsmål och värdegrund på korttidsboenden för äldre / Self-determination within the boundaries of the institution : Implementation of the Social Services Act's objectives and basic values on short-term accommodations for elderlyNilsson, Linnéa, Borgfors, Josefin January 2015 (has links)
Studien syftar till att belysa hur omvårdnadspersonal och enhetschefer på tre korttidsboenden arbetar med frågor som rör självbestämmande, meningsfullhet, trygghet, integritet, välbefinnande, värdigt liv samt hur de arbetar med att utveckla individernas egna resurser. Dessa begrepp anges i socialtjänstlagens verksamhetsmål och värdegrund i 5 kap. 4§ och 1 kap. 1§ (SFS 2001:453). För att besvara studiens syfte intervjuades tre enhetschefer och ett frågeformulär användes för att inhämta omvårdnadspersonalens perspektiv på implementeringen av verksamhetsmålen och värdegrunden. Empirin analyserades utifrån Self-determination theory och begreppet institutionalisering. Resultatet visar att enhetschefernas främsta metod för implementering av värdegrunden är att diskutera denna med omvårdnadspersonalen på arbetsplatsen. En stor andel av personalen känner dock inte till värdegrundens innehåll. De boendes möjligheter att utöva självbestämmande är begränsade och deras behov av integritet inskränks vid överbeläggningar då de får dela rum och toalettutrymme. Personer med demenssjukdom och de som vistas på korttidsboendet för växelvård blir exkluderade och har minskade möjligheter att få sina behov tillgodosedda. / The study aims to illustrate how caregivers and care managers on three short-term accommodations implement values concerning self-determination, meaningfulness, safeness, integrity, well-being, dignity and how they work to develop the individual's own resources. These values are stated in the Social Services Act in the objectives in section 1 §1, and in section 5 §4 (SFS 2001:453). To answer the aim of the study three care managers were interviewed and a questionnaire were used to obtain the caregivers perspective on the short-term accommodations. The empirical data were analyzed on the basis of Self-determination theory and institutionalization. Result shows that the care managers main method of implementation of the basic values are to discuss it with the caregivers in the workplace. A large proportion of the staff however, do not know the content of the basic values. The residents’ ability to exercise self-determination are limited and their integrity is curtailed when overcrowding when they share a room and lavatories. People with dementia and those who dwelt in the short-term accommodation for respite are being excluded thus, they have less opportunity to get their needs met.
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Rätten att bestämma över sitt liv : En studie hur biståndshandläggare hanterar äldre demenssjukas självbestämmanderätt och hjälpbehov / The right to decide over one´s life. : A study about how social workers handle the empowerment and needs for elder people with dementia disease.Zad, Carina, Andreasson, Annika January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study was to analyze how social workers in an elder administration in Sweden handle empowerment and needs for people with dementia and what ethical dilemmas the social workers could experience with these clients. The result is based on qualitative interviews where eight social workers had the opportunity to describe their work with elder people with dementia. Five main subjects were identified in the interviews: empowerment, strategies, dilemmas, force and knowledge and understanding in the organization. The analysis of these themes helps us to understand how the social workers in their profession handle different situations and dilemmas which can arise in their daily work. The conclusion from the result and the analysis was that the most frequent dilemmas for the social workers in their work with people with dementia was the clients unwillingness to receive help, relatives’ and other professions’ ignorance about empowerment and also when relatives wanted to make decisions for the clients. The result showed that the social workers used extensive motivational work for the clients with dementia in order to handle their empowerment and needs. The social workers requested that the relatives and the staff who work with elder people should have more knowledge about the empowerment for the clients. / Syftet med studien var att förstå hur biståndshandläggare i en äldreförvaltning i Sverige hanterar äldre demenssjukas självbestämmanderätt och hjälpbehov samt vilka etiska dilemman de kan ha i arbetet med dessa brukare. Empirin bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer där åtta biståndshandläggare haft möjlighet att med egna ord beskriva hur ärendehanteringar med äldre demenssjuka brukare kan se ut. Fem huvudteman identifierades i intervjuerna vilka var: självbestämmande, strategier, dilemman, tvång samt olika kunskaper och förståelse i organisationen. Analysen av dessa teman bidrar till att förstå hur handläggarna i sin yrkesroll hanterar situationer och dilemman som kan uppstå i deras praktiska vardag. Slutsatsen utifrån resultat och analys är att de främsta dilemman som biståndshandläggarna möter i arbetet med demenssjuka brukare är brukarnas ovilja att ta emot hjälp, oförståelse om självbestämmanderätten hos anhöriga och övriga professioner samt när anhöriga vill ta beslut åt brukarna. Utifrån empirin kunde vi se att biståndshandläggarna använde sig av omfattande motiveringsarbete med de demenssjuka brukarna för att hantera deras självbestämmanderätt och hjälpbehov. Något som handläggarna efterfrågade var mer kunskap om självbestämmanderätten bland äldreförvaltningens hemtjänstpersonal och anhöriga till brukarna.
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Den tysta omsorgen : - Om anhörigstöd ur ett rättsvetenskapligt perspektivHäggvik-Sundgren, Kerstin, Long, Helen January 2008 (has links)
<p>The aim of the study was to examine the background and prerequisites for social services responsibility for carers according to the carers’ section in the Social Services Act. How the legislation is perceived and implemented in practice was also studied. The study’s theoretical basis was jurisprudence and the sociology of law. Preparatory work and other sections of importance for the interpretation of the carers’ section in the Social Services Act were also scrutinized. Interviews with four municipal politicians and four local civil servants were conducted. Various factors which affect the prerequisites for the social services duty of care towards carers were identified in the study. By studying the direct effects of legislation various indirect effects were also highlighted. The results showed that legislation is a weak instrument of control in municipalities’ planning and implementation of support for carers. Therefore social services responsibility for carers is unclear and imprecise. For carers themselves it is difficult to know what support they can demand or ask for from social services – municipalities have to offer support for carers but the carers’ section does not give carers any legal right to support.</p>
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Missbruk av spel om pengar : Socialtjänstens förutsättningar att arbeta enligt den reviderade socialtjänstlagen / Gambling addiction : The social services' prerequisites to work according to the revised social services actAndersson, Linnéa, Gustavsson, Camilla January 2019 (has links)
Syftet var att undersöka hur handläggare inom socialtjänsten upplever sina förutsättningar att arbeta enligt socialtjänstlagen gällande missbruk av spel om pengar. Sju handläggare från sex kommuners vuxenenheter deltog i kvalitativa intervjuer. Resultatet visade att de flesta informanter upplever sig ha goda förutsättningar att utföra sitt arbete på ett adekvat sätt. Detta uppgavs bero på såväl individuella som kontextuella faktorer. Resultatet visade även att informanterna arbetar på olika sätt och att få använder rekommenderade metoder. Informanterna angav att de i första hand överväger om klientens hjälpbehov kan tillgodoses genom öppenvårdsinsatser. En majoritet uppgav sig ha tillräckliga kunskaper om spelproblem, den reviderade socialtjänstlagen och socialtjänstens utökade ansvarsområde. Samverkan med hälso- och sjukvården beskrevs vara utmanande. Den främsta fördelen med lagändringarna uppgavs vara möjligheten att hjälpa fler människor. Studiens viktigaste slutsatser var att förebyggande arbete och samverkan mellan olika huvudmän bör prioriteras i högre utsträckning. / The aim was to examine how social workers perceive their prerequisites to work according to the social services act regarding gambling addiction. Seven social workers from six municipalities were interviewed in a qualitative study. The result showed that most feel that they have good prerequisites due to both individual and contextual factors. The results also showed that the informants work differently and that few use recommended methods. The informants stated that they primarily consider whether the client's needs can be met through outpatient care. A majority stated that they have sufficient knowledge of gambling problems, the revised social services act and the social services' expanded area of responsibility. Collaboration with health care was described as challenging. The main benefit of the legislative changes was stated to be the opportunity to help more people. The study's most important conclusions were that preventive work and collaboration between authorities should be prioritized.
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Den tysta omsorgen : - Om anhörigstöd ur ett rättsvetenskapligt perspektivHäggvik-Sundgren, Kerstin, Long, Helen January 2008 (has links)
The aim of the study was to examine the background and prerequisites for social services responsibility for carers according to the carers’ section in the Social Services Act. How the legislation is perceived and implemented in practice was also studied. The study’s theoretical basis was jurisprudence and the sociology of law. Preparatory work and other sections of importance for the interpretation of the carers’ section in the Social Services Act were also scrutinized. Interviews with four municipal politicians and four local civil servants were conducted. Various factors which affect the prerequisites for the social services duty of care towards carers were identified in the study. By studying the direct effects of legislation various indirect effects were also highlighted. The results showed that legislation is a weak instrument of control in municipalities’ planning and implementation of support for carers. Therefore social services responsibility for carers is unclear and imprecise. For carers themselves it is difficult to know what support they can demand or ask for from social services – municipalities have to offer support for carers but the carers’ section does not give carers any legal right to support.
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Who Cares? : A Study of the Social Services’ Responsibility for Crime VictimsThunberg, Sara January 2013 (has links)
The Swedish Social Services Act (2001:453) states that crime victims should be a priority group for the social services and that they have a responsibility to ensure that victims receive the needed help and support. The aim with this study was to examine how the Swedish municipal social services fulfil their responsibility for the psychosocial wellbeing of crime victims, by examining the collaboration between Victim Support and the social services. Interviews were conducted with crime victims, crime victim coordinators and social workers. The social services have an overall responsibility for the psy-chosocial support to crime victims. However, the study show that in reality the social services, in many cases, do not provide this help and support, as there is a view that it is not their responsibility. Instead, the victims are referred to various support organisations such as Victim Support, without really knowing what kind of support they are offering. Furthermore, the social services in some mu-nicipalities argue that there is no opportunity for them to collaborate with Victim Support due to con-fidentiality, even though it is possible in other municipalities. Through collaboration resources can be saved, and knowledge and awareness of the victims’ needs can be increased. This can eventually lead to that victims’ receive better care, which can result in shorter recovery time for crisis that may have occurred due to the experience of crime. / I socialtjänstlagen (2001:453) framgår att brottsoffer ska vara en prioriterad grupp för socialtjänsten och att de har ansvar för att se till att brottsoffer får hjälp och stöd. Syftet med denna studie var att un-dersöka hur socialtjänsten uppfyller sitt ansvar för det psykosociala stödet till brottsoffer, genom att undersöka samverkan mellan socialtjänsten och Brottsofferjouren. Studien genomförs genom intervju-er med brottsoffersamordnare, socialsekreterare och brottsoffer. Det framkommer att socialtjänsten, enligt socialtjänstlagen, har det övergripande ansvaret för det psykosociala stödet till brottsoffer. Re-sultatet från studien visar dock att socialtjänsten i många fall inte ger hjälp och stöd till brottsoffer, då det finns ett synsätt att de inte har ansvar för detta. Istället hänvisas brottsoffren till olika stödorganisa-tioner såsom Brottsofferjouren, utan att socialtjänsten har någon djupare kunskap om vad dessa orga-nisationer erbjuder för stöd. Vidare menar socialtjänsten i vissa kommuner att det inte finns någon möjlighet att samverka med Brottsofferjouren på grund av sekretess, trots att andra kommuner kan göra det. Samverkan kan vara ett bra sätt att spara resurser, samtidigt som kunskapen och medveten-heten kring brottsoffers behov ökar. Detta kan på sikt göra att brottsoffer får ett bättre omhänderta-gande, vilket i sin tur kan resultera i kortare återhämtningstider efter den kris som kan ha uppstått i samband med brottsupplevelsen.
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"Man nöjer sig med att prata med föräldrarna" : En kvalitativ studie om socialtjänstens bedömningsprocess efter inkommen 14 kap. 1 § SoL anmälan. / "You are satisfied with talking to the parents" : About the assessment process in social services after recieving a notification according to Chapter 14, section 1, The Social Services Act.Hanzaz, Sara January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study was to reach a deeper understanding of the process that occurs within the social services after receiving a notification according to Chapter 14, section 1, The Social Services Act. More specifically the focus of this study was to illustrate how social secretaries reason about children’s participation in the process, as well as to examine whether the legislative change, Chapter 11, section 1 a, The Social Services Act, has affected the process in any way. The study’s results reflect interviews with five social secretaries who are active in four different municipalities in southern Sweden. The results in this study were analyzed with the help of two theories, Lipskys theory about street-level bureaucrats and the theory of childhood sociology. The results show that the social secretaries experience some changes due to the legislative alteration; they feel an increased time pressure that for some of them lead to fewer meetings with the child and more encounters with parents by telephone. Throughout the interviews the social secretaries mentioned their sense of intuition or the feeling in the room as an assessment instrument to assess whether to open an investigation regarding a child’s vulnerability. The majority of the social secretaries did not express that the child’s participation in the process was unconditional. They expressed that whether they would involve the child or not depended on how they experienced the meeting with the parents.
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Med logik som styrmedel. : En studie om aktiveringspolitiska förändringar i socialpolitiken. / With logic as a means of control. : A study on activation policy changes in social policy.Parsland, Ellen January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to analyse legislative changes in the Social Services Act and thereby understand what institutional logic governs the change in social policy regarding the activation of unemployed recipients during the period 2012-2016. In order to meet the purpose of the study, two of the Social Services Act's legislative changes and their preliminary work has been analysed. The text analysis has been conducted with inspiration from Carol Bacchi's (2009) method "What is the problem represented to be?". The empirical material has been analysed with neo-institutional theoretical concepts, focusing on Friedland & Alfords (1991) theory regarding institutional logic and the knowledge claims that exists within them. The results of the study indicated that the institutional logics which governs the change in social policy regarding the activation of unemployed recipients is an institutional logic of activation policy. The institutional logic of activation policy implies clear government control in terms of the social services mission towards unemployed recipients; that only the unemployed recipients who are active in the labour market and take active responsibility for their situation are entitled to social security benefits. This can be further elucidated by a description of how the goal of activation policy is to create the ideal citizen of society which is an autonomous citizen who is active and independent towards the welfare state. In this way, the activation policy logic has entailed a change in social policy, partly in regard to the social services mission with unemployed recipients and partly regarding those who receive economic social security benefits due to unemployment.
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Anmälningsskyldigheten inom skolan : sex rektorers förhållningssätt till anmälningsskyldigheten inom skolanDahlin, Kalle January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to examine what effects the law has on principals’ approaches to mandatory reporting of child maltreatment (Social Services Act 14:1§). Moreover, the aim is to study if the regulation gets the impact intended. To respond to the purpose, legal science methods in the form of sociology of law were employed aided by qualitative semi-structured research interviews. The interviews comprised six principals in six different schools in the Stockholm area. The interviews were analyzed based on sociology of law theory, earlier research and relevant regulations in social law. The outcome indicates that principals’ understanding of the intentions behind mandatory reporting of child maltreatment is limited in some aspects. There is a difference between the interviewed principals’ official approaches and how they answer that they apply mandatory reporting in practice. When deciding how to apply the mandatory reporting, the child’s best interest is weighed against the parents’ right not to be reported to the authorities unless there is a real concern in the child. The principals suggest that in situations when a report does not lead to action, the reporting creates a bad relationship between the parents and the school. According to the principals, these situations affect the children and their wellbeing
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