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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Produktivitetsanalys i hyvelanläggningen vid Chemwood AB i Alvesta

Karlsson, Erik, Ström, Christian January 2008 (has links)
<p>Produktivitet kan inom tillverkande industri användas som ett nyckeltal för mått på effektivitet; enkelt uttryckt hur bra man utnyttjar tillgängliga resurser för att skapa god avkastning. För att öka produktiviteten bör man identifiera och eliminera, alternativt minska risken för störningar i flödet. Bland störningar återfinns bland annat ställtid och justeringar. Genom att reducera tiden för omställning av maskinutrustning ökar tillgänglig produktionstid liksom flexibiliteten i produktsortimentet.</p><p>Syftet med studien är att identifiera och belysa produktivitetshämmande företeelser och ge förslag till produktivitetshöjande åtgärder för och vid postning såväl för hela flödet vid Chemwood AB i Alvesta. Utöver närmare studie av postningsförfarandet identifierades och analyserades även andra för flödet störande företeelser.</p><p>Postningsförfarandet vid Chemwood AB kan enbart normeras till den grad där grundläggande moment ingår.</p><p>Tiden för postning kan reduceras genom enkla åtgärder.</p> / <p>Productivity can within production be regarded as a tool of measuring efficiency – simply put how well you use available resources in order to create value and high yield. In order to increase productivity thou should aim at identifying and if possible eliminate the risk of disturbances in the line of production. Amongst disturbances one can see setup times and adjustments. By reducing the time of setup in the planing equipment the available time for production as well as the flexibility in product assortment increases.</p><p>The purpose of the study is to identify and elucidate restraints and provide suggestions of improvement for the entire flow; particularly measures for reducing setup time in the planer.</p><p>The setup procedure at Chemwood AB in Alvesta can be standardised to a level where basic elements are included. The setup time can without difficulty be reduced.</p>

Regime jurídico brasileiro da duração do trabalho na relação de emprego / The Brazilian juridical regime of working time duration in employment relationship

Daniel Chen 13 May 2008 (has links)
O desemprego crescente é diagnosticado como um dos maiores males da globalização econômica durante o último quarto do século XX até os dias atuais, servindo de impulso para o surgimento do ideário da flexibilização na Europa como proposta de repensamento dos instrumentos jurídicos em matéria de trabalho. Acolhido na legislação brasileira, tal postulado deitou raízes na Constituição da República de 1988 em temas caros ao Direito do Trabalho como salário e jornada de trabalho, privilegiando a negociação coletiva e originando novas modalidades de contratos e, principalmente, de planejamento da distribuição das horas de labor em prol do incremento do setor empresarial, levado a reboque na espiral do acelerado mercado global. O objetivo do presente estudo consiste na análise desta influência, com foco centralizado no tema do gerenciamento e remuneração do período de trabalho subordinado e suas diversas formas. Na medida em que, após cerca de três décadas de aclimatação, os imperativos flexibilizatórios são seguidamente acusados de ter traído o investimento social realizado e de provocar a precarização geral das relações trabalhistas, importa investigar a razão pela qual alguns institutos criados sob seu jugo, entre eles o banco de horas, sofrem cada vez mais rejeição das centrais sindicais e das entidades profissionais, que pressionam de forma contínua pela adoção de medidas menos conservadoras, especialmente na administração do tempo de efetivo trabalho. Neste diapasão, buscam-se inovações em tese mais benéficas ao empregado, dentre as quais a redução do limite semanal do trabalho, sem diminuição do padrão salarial mensal, é a mais ambiciosa e polêmica proposta na persistente meta de criação e manutenção de postos de emprego. / The increasing unemployment is diagnosed as one of the major evils of economic globalization during the last quarter of the 20th Century and up to the present days, serving as a driving force for the outbreak of the ideas of flexibilization in Europe as an invitation to reconsider the legal instruments in terms of jobs. Admitted by the Brazilian legislation, such postulate took roots in the 1988 Constitution of the Republic in matters relevant for the Labor Law, as salary and working time, favoring the collective bargaining and originating new contract modalities and, mainly, the planning the distribution of labor hours for the benefit of the increment of the business sector, taken in the wake of the accelerated global market. The objective of the present study consists of the analysis of such influence, with centralized focus on the theme of management and remuneration of the subordinated working period and its different forms in Brazil. To the extent that, after three decades of acclimatization, the flexibility imperatives are repeatedly accused of having betrayed the social investment carried out and of provoking the general instability of labor relations, it is worth to investigate the reason why some institutes created under its subordination, among which the bank of hours, have been increasingly suffering rejection by the Unions and professional entities, which have continuously been putting pressure on the adoption of less conservative measures, in special, on the administration of the effective working hours. In this sense, innovations theoretically more beneficial to employees are pursued, among which the reduction of the weekly working time, without reducing the monthly salary standards, is the most ambitious and controversial proposal towards persistently targeting to create and maintain job posts.

Optimalizace a návrh tiskového centra za využití metod štíhlé výroby ve společnosti IMI International, s.r.o / Process optimalization ayout of the printing center using lean production methods in the company IMI International Ltd

Matoušek, David January 2019 (has links)
This Master's thesis deals with the design of a new workplace and the optimization of the process of printing production documentation for given production sections at IMI International Ltd. The solution to the problem begins with an analysis of the process that pointed to certain types of waste. Then, the process was optimized and a more efficient workplace with ergonomic features was designed. In the last part of the thesis the proposal is technically and economically evaluated.

Projektmetod för cykeltidsoptimering av CNC-maskiner / Project method for cycle time optimization of CNC machines

Dackebro, Johan, Jansson, Alexander January 2023 (has links)
Inom den automatiserade bearbetande metallindustrin är ett sätt att effektivisera produktionen, och följaktligen stärka konkurrenskraft, att cykeltidsoptimera CNC-maskiner. I avsikt att denna typ av optimeringsarbeten inte ska ske ostrukturerat, utan med systematik, syftar detta arbete till att arbeta fram ett förslag på en projektmetod avsedd för cykeltidsoptimering av CNC-maskiner. Vidare har intervjuer, arbetsuppföljning och observationer vid Scania CV ABs vevaxelproduktion tillsammans med relaterade litterära studier analyserats och filtrerats; och sedan använts för att tillhandahålla svar på arbetets frågeställningar: (1) Kan onödiga aktiviteter i CNC-cykler identifieras och kan dessa i sådant fall minimeras eller uteslutas? (2) Hur kan en projektmetod vara uppbyggd och vad kan den uppbyggnaden innefatta? Åtta stycken täckande aktiviteter i CNC-cyklar med optimeringspotential noterades. Där innefattas exempelvis väntetider, långsamma och onödiga sekvenser samt aktiviteter som kanske parallellt men ej gör det. Även praktisk arbetsgång för cykeltidsoptimering av CNC-maskiner och metoder för annan optimering identifierades. Sammanvägningen av de empiriska resultaten och de relaterade studierna visade att fasindelning och innehållet i en projektmetod kan skilja beroende på om metoden är generell eller specifikt anpassad. Efter att ha arbetat samtliga empiriska resultat och relaterade studier konstruerades ett förslag på projektmetod. Metoden har fem faser (potential, initiering, planering, utförande och avslutning) och presenteras i ett användargränssnitt. Gränssnittet tydliggör vad som ska utföras i respektive fas och hur. I ett utökat arbete kan gränssnittet utvecklas och optimeringsaspekter som kräver mer omfattande lösningar kartläggas samt definieras kopplat till hur de bör hanteras. / Within the automated metalworking industry, one way to make production more effective, and consequently strengthen and maintain competitiveness, is to optimize the cycle time of CNC machines. With the intention that this type of optimization work should not be done unstructured, but systematically, this work aims to develop a proposal for a project method intended for cycle time optimization of CNC machines. Furthermore, interviews, workfollow-up and observations at Scania CV AB's crankshaft production together with related literary studies have been analyzed and filtered; and then used to provide answers to the work's research questions: (1) Can unnecessary activities in CNC cycles be identified and, if so, can these be minimized or excluded? (2) How can a project method be structured and what can that structure include? Eight covering activities in CNC cycles with optimization potential were noted. This includes, for example, waiting times, slow and unnecessary sequences and activities that can take place parallelly but do not. Practical workflow for cycle time optimization of CNC machines and methods for other types optimization were also identified. The balance of the empirical results and the related studies showed that the phasing and content of a project method can differ depending on whether the method is general or specifically adapted. After working through all the empirical results and related studies, a proposal was put together for a project method. The method has five phases (potential, initiation, planning, execution and termination) and is presented in a user interface. The interface clarifies what must be done in each phase and how. In an extended work, the interface can be further developed and optimization aspects that require more comprehensive solutions can be mapped and defined in connection with how they should be handled.

Minskning av ställtider / Reduction of setup times

Halilovic, Edin, Al Bazi, Resol January 2021 (has links)
Detta examensarbete behandlar hur olika företag reducerar ställtider samt hur de förhåller sig tillvarandra och beskriven teori. Problemområden som detta arbete behandlar är huvudsakligen standardiserad arbetssätt, produktionsplanering samt rengöring och underhåll. Arbetet går främst ut på att analysera tillvägagångssätten, faktorer samt metoder som bidrar till hur företag reducerar ställtider. Med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra olika företag gjordes en litteraturstudie som stöd till de olika problemområden som företagen brottas med. Genomförande av kodning som går hand i hand med semistrukturerade intervjuer som var till hjälp för att få en tydligare helhetsbild över företagens syn på hur ställtider reduceras men gjorde det även enklare att hitta samband och mönster i förhållande till de problem som bidrar till ställtider. En analys och jämförelse gjordes mellan de fyra olika företagen för att se hur de eliminerar de problem som uppstår i produktionen. Det kunde påvisas att det rådde både likheter och olikheter bland företagen. De främsta likheterna var hur företagen eliminerade problemområden som uppstod. De olikheter som fanns bland de olika företagen kunde knytas till ledningens kunskap om just ställtidsreduktion, det rådde olika kunskapsnivåer. En annat viktig faktor som bidrog till olikheter bland företagen var deras storlek i volym som i sin tur även påverkar produktionsförmågan. / This thesis deals with how different companies reduce downtime and how they relate to each other and described theory. Problem areas that this work deals with are mainly standardized working methods, production planning and cleaning and maintenance. The work is mainly about analyzing approaches, factors and methods that contribute to how companies reduce downtime. With the help of semi-structured interviews with four different companies, a literature study was conducted to support the different problem areas that the companies struggle with. Implementation of coding that goes hand in hand with semi-structured interviews that was helpful in gaining a clearer overall picture of companies' views on how set-up times are reduced, but also made it easier to find connections and patterns in relation to the problems that contribute to set-up times. An analysis and comparison was made between the four different companies to see how they eliminate the problems that arise in production. It could be shown that there were both similarities and differences among the companies. The main similarities were how the companies eliminated problem areas that arose. The differences that existed among the different companies could be linked to the management's knowledge of downtime reduction, there were different levels of knowledge. Another important factor that contributed to differences among companies was their size in volume, which in turn also affects production capacity.

Reduction of Working Time in Austria. A Mixed Methods Study Relating a New Work Time Policy to Employee Preferences

Gerold, Stefanie, Nocker, Matthias 05 1900 (has links) (PDF)
This mixed-methods study examines factors determining employees' desire to reduce worktime. The results of a binary logit regression model, based on data from the Austrian Microcencus 2012, suggest that employees who prefer shorter weekly working hours are older, higher educated and work longer hours in white-collar positions, compared to those who do not wish to change their hours. Gender differences are greatest in terms of household and family characteristics, supporting the 'male breadwinner & part-time' model. Qualitative interviews have been conducted among employees who had the possibility to choose between a pay increase and equivalent leisure time via a new worktime policy ("Freizeitoption") implemented in 2013. The results suggest that employees with higher education tend to reduce worktime. The fact that money is valued from a long-term, security perspective, as well as the tendency of assessing work performances by output indicators can be regarded as major obstacles for worktime reductions. / Series: WWWforEurope

Hundra år med åtta timmars arbetsdag : En kvalitativ studie om arbetstidsförkortning och framtidens arbetstid / One hundred years with eight-hour work day : A qualitative study of working time reduction and the working hours of the future

Ask, Frida, Fransson, Sara January 2019 (has links)
Denna studies syfte är att identifiera arbetsgivares attityder kring arbetstidsförkortning, samt finna svar på om de ser det som ett realistiskt alternativ inför framtiden. För att lyckas uppnå vårt syfte har vi utgått från en kvalitativ metod med ett induktivt synsätt. Vi har intervjuat fem representanter från olika företag för att undersöka hur de ser på arbetstidsförkortning som fenomen. Resultatet visar att arbetsgivare både ser för- och nackdelar med arbetstidsförkortning. De största hindren mot att införa arbetstidsförkortning som våra informanter ser är företagens okunskap, känsla av osäkerhet samt risken för ekonomiska förluster. Fördelarna som de ser är framförallt att arbetstidsförkortning kan öka balansen mellan arbete och fritid, gynna jämställdheten i samhället samt att det är ett sätt att orka arbeta högre upp i åldrarna när pensionsåldern höjs. Resultatet visar även att arbetsgivare ser ännu mer flexibilitet i framtiden och att de idag inte ser tillräckligt stort behov av kortare arbetsdagar för att det ska bli en prioriterad fråga för deras företag. Om sjuktalen däremot ökar kan de se arbetstidsförkortning som ett alternativ även i deras organisationer. / The purpose of this study is to identify the employers' attitudes concerning working time reduction, and find answers to whether they see it as a realistic alternative for the future. In order to succeed in achieving our goal, we have used a qualitative method with an inductive approach. We have interviewed five representatives from different companies in order to investigate what they think about work time reduction as a phenomenon. The result shows that employers see both advantages and disadvantages of working hours reduction. The biggest obstacles to the implement of working hours reduction that our informants see are the companies' lack of knowledge, a sense of uncertainty and the risk of financial losses. The advantages that they see are especially that working hours reduction can increase the balance between work and leisure, benefit gender equality in society and that it is a way for employees to be able to work all the way to retirement, even when the retirement age increases. The result also shows that employers see even more flexibility in the future and that they do not currently see sufficient need for shorter working days in order for it to be a priority issue for their company. On the other hand, if the sickness rate increases, they can see reduction of working hours as an alternative even in their organizations.

Flödesoptimering i begränsande resurs / Flow optimization in constraining resource

Bergström, Jesper, Karlsson, Rickard January 2012 (has links)
Most companies have a bottleneck in their production, that is a constraining re-source. When the demand is higher than the capacity in the constraining resource it is impossible to produce the demanded output. This problem leads to delayed deliveries, unhappy customers and ultimately to decreased revenue. Bottlenecks therefore has a significant role in production and must be handled thereof.MW Power in Sävsjö, Sweden designs and manufactures water and steam boilers for the customer's unique needs. MW Power invested in a new plasma cutting ma-chine but the machine has not reached the expected capacity. The capacity prob-lem is due to time consuming set-up times, machine care and material supply which makes the plasma cutting machines utilization rate 37.5 %.The study’s purpose aims to maximize the material flow through the plasma cut-ting machine. In order to answer the purpose, two thesis questions are used: “How can increased machine time in the plasma cutting machine be achieved?” and “How can the ma-terial flow to and from the plasma cutting machine be improved so that the actual capacity can be increased?”To answer the thesis questions, the study had a deductive approach in which ex-isting theories has been applied to real life case.In order to streamline the plasma cutting machine and the processes directly re-lated to it, the material flow upstream, the material flow through and the material flow downstream of the plasma cutting machine has been mapped and analyzed. In order to maximize the flow of material through the plasma cutting machine, setup times must be reduced to increase the capacity.The plasma cutting machine requires maintenance by the operator at regular basis where the nozzles and other consumables in the plasma cutting machine burner must be replaced. A SMED-analysis has been undertaken which shows that the internal set-up operations should be converted to external set-up operations. Re-placement of nozzles and consumables should be an external set-up operation and this can be achieved by purchasing more burners.The plasma cutting machine also has access to unmanned production which will be able to increase the capacity, since it can be running after hours.The material flow upstream and downstream must be improved through better planning of cutting orders and with a more efficient return flow. Prioritizing mate-rial supply to the constraining resource is crucial to secure that material shortages do not occur in the plasma cutting machine.If the study proposed measures are implemented, the material flow through the plasma cutting machine will be maximized. / De flesta företag har en flaskhals i sin produktion, alltså en begränsande resurs. När efterfrågan är större än kapaciteten hos den begränsande resursen kan den mängd output som efterfrågas ej levereras. Detta leder till försenade leveranser, missnöjda kunder och i förlängningen till minskade intäkter. Flaskhalsar har därför en betydande roll inom produktion och måste därför hanteras.Företaget MW Power i Sävsjö konstruerar och tillverkar kundanpassade ång- och hetvattenpannor. Företaget har investerat i en ny plasmaskärmaskin som inte har nått förväntad kapacitet. Problemen är bl.a. att ställ, maskinvård och materialtill-försel tar lång tid vilket gör att plasmaskärmaskinens utnyttjandegrad endast är 37,5 %.Syftet med studien är att maximera materialflödet genom plasmaskärmaskinen. För att uppfylla syftet kan detta brytas ner i två problemfrågor. Dessa är; Hur kan maskintiden i plasmaskärmaskinen ökas? samt Hur kan materialflödet till och från plasma-skärmaskinen förbättras så att utnyttjandet av den verkliga kapaciteten ökas?För att svara på problemfrågorna har studien haft en deduktiv ansats där befintliga teorier genom litteraturstudier tagits fram för att sedan applicerats på verkligheten.För att kunna effektivisera plasmaskärmaskinen och processer direkt anknutna till denna har materialflödet uppströms, materialflödet genom och materialflödet ned-ströms från plasmaskärmaskinen kartlagts och analyserats.För att maximera materialflödet genom plasmaskärmaskinen måste ställtider minskas för att kunna öka utnyttjandegraden och därmed nyttokapaciteten.Plasmaskärmaskinen kräver underhåll av operatören vid jämna mellanrum där munstycken och andra slitagedelar i plasmaskärmaskinens brännare måste bytas ut. En SMED-analys har genomförts där det framgår att interna ställ bör göras om till externa ställ. Byte av munstycken och andra slitagedelar är idag ett internt ställ vilket kan göras om till ett externt ställ genom att köpa in fler brännare.Plasmaskärmaskinen har även tillgång till obemannad styrning vilket kommer kunna öka nyttokapaciteten eftersom den då kan vara igång utanför ordinarie ar-betstid.Materialflödet uppströms och nedströms måste effektiviseras genom bättre plane-ring av skärordrar och ett effektivare och minskat returflöde samt genom att prio-ritera materialtillförseln så att materialbrist ej uppstår i plasmaskärmaskinen.Om studien föreslagna åtgärder genomförs kommer materialflödet genom plasma-skärmaskinen att maximeras.

Redução de lead time em projetos: proposta de aplicação da abordagem quick response manufacturing no gerenciamento de projetos que utilizem o PMBOK

Maciel Neto, Jaime Domingues 29 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:51:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4714.pdf: 3301604 bytes, checksum: 9af8a72e777bb07cc110b09f14be0d8b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-29 / Project management is an ancient concept that has been studied since the 1950´s, in the cold war era, when major military projects were developed. Currently this area still has great relevance. This happens because companies can achieve their objectives of short, medium and long term through the implementation of projects. This may occur through exchange of equipment, technological change, expansion or modernization of facilities and development of new products to take advantage of opportunities identified in the market. Thus, it is vital that these projects are well managed, what can be achieved by using as main reference the PMBOK, since this guide is widely known both in the academic and professional environments. Then the time spent on project implementation can be a competitive advantage for the organization, so it is important to reduce the time needed to complete the project. So for this, the concepts and principles of QRM, which is a pragmatic approach aimed at reducing the lead time can be used. This approach is used not only on the shop-floor, but also in the administrative environment. The QRM promotes joint action with the other partners in the supply chain to reduce lead times once it become evident the holistic earned gains. From this context emerges the present work that aims to reduce the lead time in the life cycle of a project, through a proposal to integrate the QRM approach and modern project management given by the PMBOK guide. This proposal will be utilized in an illustrative case study on a project of the oil sector that is sensitive to the term. / Gerenciamento de projetos é um conceito antigo e que vem sendo estudado desde a década de 1950 no período da guerra fria, onde grandes projetos militares foram desenvolvidos. Atualmente, os projetos são vitais para as organizações, visto que, através destes, essas podem alcançar seus objetivos trocando equipamentos, alterando tecnologia, expandindo ou modernizando suas instalações e também para que sejam aproveitadas oportunidades identificadas no mercado. Dessa forma, é vital que esses projetos sejam bem gerenciados, o que pode ser auferido ao se utilizar como principal referência o PMBOK, uma vez que este é um guia amplamente conhecido tanto no ambiente acadêmico como profissional. Além disso, o prazo de implementação do projeto pode ser uma vantagem competitiva para a organização, sendo importante a redução do prazo necessário para conclusão do projeto. Para isso, utilizou-se a abordagem do QRM que visa a redução de lead time não somente no chão de fábrica, mas também no ambiente administrativo. Essa abordagem, o QRM, promove o engajamento dos outros parceiros da cadeia de abastecimento na redução de lead times, uma vez que fica evidente os ganhos holísticos auferidos por todos. A partir deste contexto, surge a presente dissertação que tem como objetivo o a redução de lead time no ciclo de vida de um projeto, através de uma proposta de integração da abordagem QRM e a moderna gestão de projetos dado pelo guia PMBOK. Esta proposta será utilizada em um estudo de caso ilustrativo em um projeto do setor de petróleo que é sensível ao prazo.

Automating the harm evaluation methodology

Rubiño Espinosa De los Monteros-Aliaga, David, Rodriguez Arriaza, Cristina January 2023 (has links)
The advance of automation in industry has meant that in recent years companies have begun to look for other ways to improve the efficiency of their productivity. Automation is present in all types of activities in industry, however, there are certain activities that cannot be fully automated due to the difficulty to develop them. Therefore, this activity must be handled by the worker and their safety must always be considered. In this aspect, ergonomics is in charge of studying the comfort and safety of the workers. Numerous methods of studying ergonomics can be found today, but the one that this project will focus in is the Hand and Arm method (HARM) which nowadays is performed manually by ergonomists. This method requires a great deal of effort on the part of ergonomics professionals in order to obtain reliable and accurate results. In addition to this disadvantage, the time required to perform each evaluation is also high. As the HARM method is an observational evaluation method, the study must sometimes be made by more than one ergonomist to reach a valid conclusion. This project presents the development of a system that automates one such ergonomic evaluation method called the Hand-Arm Risk Assessment Method (HARM). For this purpose, high-precision sensors are used to measure the different motions of a user's joints, as well as pressure sensors that measure the forces exerted by a worker while performing an industrial activity. This project is presented as a solution that improves both accuracy and reliability and reduces the time needed to perform the HARM method evaluation. The created tool serves as a link between the ergonomist and the various hardware systems in use, and it features an intuitive user interface that enables both data collection and visual depiction of the evaluation's findings. The topic of sustainable development, which is being addressed as a result of the development of the tool, is another crucial aspect of this project. Some of the objectives outlined in the UN's sustainable development guidelines have been met as a result of the intimate relationship between ergonomics and sustainability. Among these goals are good health and well-being (Goal 3), work and economic growth (Goal 8), industry, innovation, and infrastructure (Goal 9), gender equality (Goal 5) and reduced inequalities (Goal 10). / <p>Utbytesstudenter, Universidad de Málaga, Spanien</p>

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