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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les mules de la mode : mobilités de commerçantes angolaises entre le Brésil et la Chine / Fashion mules : The mobility of Angolan women traders between Brazil and China

Barreau, Léa 12 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s’appuie sur les expériences professionnelles de voyage de commerçantestransnationales angolaises qui voyagent à l’étranger pour rapporter des produitsmanufacturés (vêtements, chaussures, accessoires féminins) qu’elles transportentdirectement dans leurs valises sans déclarer l’objectif commercial de leur activité. Cecommerce, pratiqué sur l’ensemble du continent africain s’est intensifiée en Angolaavec la fin de la guerre en 2002 et l’ouverture des relations internationales avec despartenaires comme le Portugal, le Brésil, Dubaï et la Chine. Ce travail analyse deuxvagues de mobilités commerciales féminines : de l’Angola vers le Brésil et de l’Angolavers la Chine. S’intéressant aux rôles spécifiques des femmes africaines sur troisespaces, l’observation menée sur les marchés de São Paulo, Luanda et Canton s’inscritdans la perspective de la globalisation « par le bas ». Interrogeant les processusémancipatoires, ce travail cherche à vérifier si la circulation commerciale permet auxfemmes de prendre conscience des rapports de pouvoir qui les marginalisent et dedévelopper leur capacité à les transformer. Cependant, la thèse défendue est que lescaractéristiques de l’économie « parallèle » où les frontières entre le légal, l’illégal, lelicite et l’illicite se confondent, conditionnent les capacités d’autonomisation desfemmes et pénalisent la revendication de leurs droits. À l’heure de l’accélération de laglobalisation des échanges entre pays du Sud, cette thèse a pour ambition de donnerune vision intimiste et féministe de la mobilité en suivant le parcours et les récits devie de plusieurs femmes angolaises entre le Brésil, l’Angola et la Chine. / This thesis is based on the professional experiences of a small group of transnationalAngolan traders how travel abroad to bring back manufactured products (clothing,shoes, and women’s accessories) that they transport in their suitcases withoutdeclaring the commercial aim of this activity. After the end of the Angolan civil war in2002, allowing for the opening of international relations with partners such asPortugal, Brazil, Dubai and China, the feminization of this commercial practiceintensified. This thesis analyzes these phenomena through different case studiesinvolving two waves of female transnational traders: the first being from Angola toBrazil, and the second from Angola to China. By investigating the specific roles ofthese African women in the three different spaces where they were observed, themarkets of São Paulo, Luanda and Guangzhou, the research fits into the perspectiveof globalization from below. By investigating these emancipatory processes, thisresearch attempts to verify if this commercial activity allows the women to becomeconscious of the power relations that marginalize them and whether thisconsciousness develops the capacity to transform them. However, the thesis defendedhere assumes that the characteristics of the “parallel” economy, where the bordersblur between legal and illegal, licit and illicit, condition the capacities of the women’sempowerment and put them at a disadvantage in the collective demands for theirrights. At of time when globalization is accelerating, this study endeavors to give anintimate, feminist vision of mobility through the journey and the life stories of variousAngolan women as they travel between Brazil, Angola and China.

Beyond the beach : periplean frontiers of Pacific islanders aboard Euroamerican ships, 1768-1887

Chappell, David A January 1991 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1991. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 473-513) / Microfiche. / ix, 513 leaves, bound 29 cm

Hållbarhet inom svensk luftfart : En studie av hur ämnet hanteras i flygbolags kommunikation

Ålander, Anna January 2018 (has links)
I denna uppsats har jag fokuserat på frågan om hur flygbolag på den skandinaviska marknaden verkar se på och hantera ämnet hållbarhet utifrån deras marknadsföringsmässiga kommunikation mot svenska folket och svensk media. Valda utifrån deras representativa ställning granskades SAS, Norwegians och BRAs pressmeddelanden och hemsidor på två olika sätt för att kunna avgöra deras syn och hantering av hållbarhetsaspekten för deras bransch. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys mätte först i vilken omfattning de alls berörde hållbarhetsämnet i sina pressmeddelanden. Sedan granskades de pressmeddelanden som visats handla om någon hållbarhetsrelaterad aspekt/åtgärd, tillsammans med hemsidornas hållbarhetsfokuserade innehåll, för att hitta teman och vinklingar i hur och vad de valde att kommunicera när de talade om ämnet. Resultatet visade att endast 3 av 90 pressmeddelanden under det senaste halvåret var marknadsföringsmässig kommunikation kring hållbarhet, och av dem stod BRA för två och SAS för ett. Hållbarhetskommunikationen var främst centrerad runt utsläppen av växthusgaser samt de tekniska lösningar och den resursoptimering de vidtar för att minska dessa och bli hållbara. Intensiteten med vilken bolagen tar sig an hållbarhetsämnet skiljer sig marknat mellan dem. Slutsatsen blir ändå att flyget utifrån det de visar i sin marknadsföringsmässiga kommunikation i pressmeddelanden och på hemsidorna, är att man ser det som något man behöver hantera och gör det defensivt. Vidare forskning krävs för att resultatet ska få ökad validitet.

Roteiros americanos: as viagens de Mindlin e Artigas pelos Estados Unidos , 1943-1947 / American Roadmaps: the travels of Mindlin and Artigas by the United States, 1943-1947

João Clark de Abreu Sodré 17 June 2016 (has links)
A tese investiga as possíveis aproximações entre arquitetura e viagens de formação a partir das experiências de deslocamentos de dois arquitetos de São Paulo pelos Estados Unidos, entre 1943 e 1947. Formados respectivamente pelas escolas de engenharia do Mackenzie e da USP na década anterior, Henrique Mindlin (1911-1971) e João Vilanova Artigas (1915-85) empreenderam suas viagens aos EUA em anos decisivos de modelagem de sua atitude e liderança no campo profissional, de modernização do campo arquitetônico no Brasil, bem como de ampliação dos mecanismos de cooperação entre os dois países. Propõe-se entender estas viagens tanto em seus aspectos comuns, como um expediente caro à própria história da arquitetura, quanto nas particularidades de cada uma delas, dos arquitetos que as empreenderam, dos itinerários que desenvolveram e no momento mesmo em que o fizeram. / The thesis investigates the possible approximations between architecture and training trips based on the experiences of two US architects traveling from São Paulo between 1943 and 1947. They were graduated respectively from Mackenzie and USP engineering schools in the previous decade, Henrique Mindlin (1911-1971) and João Vilanova Artigas (1915-85) undertook their travels to the United States in decisive years modeling their attitude and leadership in the professional field of modernizing the architectural field in Brazil, as well as expanding cooperation mechanisms between The two countries. It is proposed to understand these journeys both in their common aspects, as a costly expedient for the history of architecture itself, as well as the particularities of each one of them, the architects who carried them out, the itineraries they developed and the moment they did so.

À Teplitz et dans le monde. Les Clary-Aldringen : une maison princière dans l’Europe des Habsbourg au temps des révolutions / In Teplitz and around the world. The Clary-Aldringen : a bohemian princely House in the Habsburg monarchy at the time of revolutions

Magne, Matthieu 20 October 2017 (has links)
Au tournant du XIXe siècle, Teplitz est une ville thermale renommée à la frontière de la Bohême du Nord et de la Saxe. Il s’agit aussi de la seigneurie des Clary-Aldringen, une maison noble de la monarchie des Habsbourg élevée au rang princier en 1767. Durant la décennie révolutionnaire, les mobilités familiales entre Vienne, Prague et Teplitz se déroulent en même temps que la circulation d’un nombre croissant de baigneurs, parmi lesquels les fonctionnaires de la monarchie, les vétérans des armées de Prusse, de Saxe et d’Autriche ou les nobles francophones en exil. Les correspondances et les journaux comme ceux de Charles-Joseph de Clary-Aldringen (1777-1831) contiennent de précieuses informations sur la manière dont cette grande famille vécut le temps des révolutions et des restaurations en Europe centrale. Avec les comptabilités et les documents administratifs, les Clary-Aldringen ont également laissé de riches sources iconographiques qui présentent un regard original sur le monde de la « première société » au tournant du XIXe siècle. Leurs archives éclairent une période où le théâtre, la peinture et la littérature de société répondent à une quête identitaire née au moment des émigrations comme celle du prince de Ligne accueilli par sa belle famille à Teplitz en 1794. Cette thèse propose d’examiner le fonctionnement de cette maison princière pour mieux comprendre les transformations de la culture aristocratique qui accompagnent les transformations du pouvoir juridique et politique de la noblesse à l’échelle des seigneuries comme dans le concert des nations du XIXe siècle.Quels sont les enjeux d’une vie construite à Teplitz et dans le monde, alors que les bouleversements de la fin de l’époque moderne entraînent la recomposition de l’Europe des dynasties ? Les aspects éducatifs, les mobilités dans la monarchie et à l’étranger ou l’usage du français et de l’allemand sont des éléments essentiels pour aborder une période de refondation de la légitimité aristocratique avec la disparition du Saint-Empire Romain Germanique et la politique des congrès menée après 1815. Les recherches dans les archives de cette grande famille francophone visent ainsi à interroger la conception aristocratique d’une « Europe des Habsbourg » entre la Révolution française et le Printemps des peuples. / At the turn of the 19th century, Teplitz was a well-known spa at the border between North Bohemia and Saxony. It was also part of the seignorial estates of the Clary-Aldringen family who had been promoted to Princely House in 1767. The first Princes of Clary- Aldringen led an aristocratic way of life in their palaces in Vienna and Prague and in their castle in Teplitz. The letters and diaries written by Charles Joseph of Clary-Aldringen provide essential information to understand how this aristocratic family faced the challenges of the revolutions and restorations in Central Europe. Those were unstable times when political and social powers became questioned while new nations were emerging in central Europe.What is at stake then in their lives when the revolutionary upheavals unbalance the dynastic order in Europe? This research aims to analyse how this princely House managed to face the transformations in aristocratic culture at the end of the Holy Roman Empire and in the first decades of the Austrian empire. Indeed the Clary-Aldringen left a hoard of visual documents also with financial and administrative records, all showing the striking features of the “First Society” in the Habsburg monarchy. The archives lead us back to a period when amateur theatre, paintings and writings were given pride of place. The exceptional variety of the documents found allows us to better apprehend how the aristocrats of the Habsburg monarchy conceived their roles and their legitimacy in Europe during the period of revolutions and just before the Spring of the Peoples. One decisive key lies in the fact that this family kept travelling over Europe after 1792.

The Plight of the Englishman: The Hazards of Colonization Addressed in Jonathan Swift’s <i>Gulliver’s Travels</i>

Hodson, Katrin C. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Leopold von Mildenstein and the Jewish Question

Verbovszky, Joseph 19 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Jazykový rozbor Cestopisu Bedřicha z Donína / Linguistic analysis of the "Travelbook" by Frederick from Donín

Lehne, Eva January 2011 (has links)
The thesis analyses selected phenomena of graphy, phonology, morfology, lexicology and words-formation of the Frederick from Donin's Czech book of travels, which was written at the turn of the 16th and 17th century. Partly, it also deals with the syntax and style of the work. Selected phenomena of individual language levels are studied using the original manuscript. The thesis intends to show in which aspects the text is close to early modern language usage, and conversely in which aspects it differs from it. The language of the manuscript is also compared with the contemporary Czech language.

Paul Auster's representation of invisible characters in selected novels

Gous, Joané Facqueline January 2012 (has links)
In this dissertation I argue that invisible characters, as they appear in Paul Auster’s novels, serve a very specific function within the interpretative framework of a text and that they should be considered to play a functional role, in order to arrive at a more holistic interpretation of the text and a more accurate analysis of said texts. I argue that Auster knowingly includes these characters in his novels as part of his narrative technique, in order for them to serve specific functions and to contribute to the structure of postmodern fiction. I make use of a contextualized close reading of five of Auster’s novels and attempt a hermeneutic interpretation of these novels to arrive at a hermeneutic circle when combining these novels into an integrated whole, individual, work of fiction. Certain parallels can be drawn between Auster’s various novels and these parallels contribute to the various motifs and themes found throughout his work. The importance of space in Auster’s novels is also highlighted with emphasis on liminality which serves as an instigator for transgression to occur between different fictive worlds. / Thesis (MA (English))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Paul Auster's representation of invisible characters in selected novels

Gous, Joané Facqueline January 2012 (has links)
In this dissertation I argue that invisible characters, as they appear in Paul Auster’s novels, serve a very specific function within the interpretative framework of a text and that they should be considered to play a functional role, in order to arrive at a more holistic interpretation of the text and a more accurate analysis of said texts. I argue that Auster knowingly includes these characters in his novels as part of his narrative technique, in order for them to serve specific functions and to contribute to the structure of postmodern fiction. I make use of a contextualized close reading of five of Auster’s novels and attempt a hermeneutic interpretation of these novels to arrive at a hermeneutic circle when combining these novels into an integrated whole, individual, work of fiction. Certain parallels can be drawn between Auster’s various novels and these parallels contribute to the various motifs and themes found throughout his work. The importance of space in Auster’s novels is also highlighted with emphasis on liminality which serves as an instigator for transgression to occur between different fictive worlds. / Thesis (MA (English))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

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