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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Träna på utlandssemestern - galet eller helt genialiskt? : En kvalitativ studie om motivation och träningsvanor hos deltagare från träningsresor / Exercise during vacation abroad - insane or completely genious : A qualitative study about motivation and exercise habits on participants of exercise-travels

Brännmark, Fanny January 2019 (has links)
Inaktiviteten är ett stort problem idag samtidigt som intresset för att resa och uppleva världen är stort. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka en möjlig hälsosam balans mellan fysisk aktivitet och mental hälsa i vardagen. Det görs utifrån fokus på hur träningsresor kan påverka motivationen för ny träningsrutin i hemmiljö. Mer specifikt varför väljer individer att åka på träningsresor och anser de att resan infriar deras förväntningar? Studien har gjorts utifrån en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod med intervjuer. Urvalet är genomfört utefter en specifik arrangör för träningsresor genom bekvämlighets- och tillgänglighetsurval, men även ur ett snöbollsurval. Totalt har sex respondenter intervjuats varav fem är deltagare från träningsresan och ytterligare en som är en deltagande arrangör. Samtliga respondenter hade en fysiskt aktiv bakgrund och därmed visade resultatet inte en förhöjd motivation till/eller ökad fysisk aktivitet efter träningsresan. Däremot så kan resultaten tolkas som att träningsresorna har en positiv inverkan på motivationen och att konceptet med förbestämda aktiviteter, motiverande coacher och att naturen främjar deltagarnas fysiska, mentala hälsa och motivation. Mängden olika träningsformer som utövas under träningsresorna har visats ge inspiration till deltagarna som de kan ta med hem till vardagen. Gällande möjligheten om det finns en balans mellan fysisk aktivitet och mental hälsa i vardagen, kan inte styrkas men den kan inte heller förbises. Mycket tyder på att den hälsosamma balansen finns men frågan är på vilket sätt, vilket kan vara en fråga för kommande studier att undersöka. / The interest for travelling and exploring the world is huge and at same time a large population of the world is struggling with inactivity. The aim of this study is to examine a possible healthy balance between physical activity and mental health in our everyday life. It is made through a focus of how exercise-travels may affect motivation to a new training routine in the home environment. More specifically of why individuals are choosing to travel on exercise-travels and if they consider it to fulfil their expectations. This study is made by a qualitative method theory made through interviews. The selection of respondents is made of a specific exercise-travels organizer through comfort and accessibility, but also through a snowball selection. There are six respondents in total whereof five are participant of the exercise-travels and one is the one who organize them. All respondents had a physically active background and therefore the result did not show an increased motivation to/or increased physically activity after coming home. Although the results can be interpreted to mean that exercise-travels have a positive impact on motivation and that the concept of predetermined activities, motivating coaches and nature promotes the participants' physical, mental health and motivation. The amount of different types of exercise that are planned in the exercise-travels has been shown to give inspiration to the participants that they may add to their everyday life. The study of whether there is a healthy balance between physical activity and mental health in everyday life cannot be substantiated, but it cannot be denied either. There are many indications that the healthy balance exists, but the question is in what way, which may be for future studies to investigate.

Uriel da Costa : a trajetória intelectual de um judeu suicida em Amsterdam, no século XVII

Santos, Ernania Santana 16 July 2018 (has links)
This work deals with the trajectory of the intellectual life of a new Christian, centered in the cities of Porto, where he was born, from Amsterdam to where he lived and Hamburg where he lived for some years, observing to what extent the influences in those places where he was, were indispensable for His alternation of thought to the end of his life. The chronological period that delimits our study is from 1580 to 1640, understood as the Philippine period and the Iberian Union in which Spain and Portugal were under the rule of a single crown, but also five decades after the creation of the Tribunal of the Holy Office of the Inquisition, Focusing basically on the Jewish question. The research was centered in a documentation already explored, but also of some processes that complement our understanding about the subject and bringing an original interpretation, which gives account of explaining its alternation or evolution of thought. We also analyze the Christian-New element embedded in a vast Region, to the north of Europe in century XVII. The research allowed us to follow the development of Uriel da Costa and of the new Christians in the interior and exterior of Portugal, through the denunciations and the processes it was possible to perceive with what intensity Criptojudaismo was observed in Porto even with the threat of the vigilance maintained by the Inquisition. / Este trabalho trata da trajetória da vida intelectual de um cristão-novo, centrada a partir das cidades do Porto, onde nasceu, de Amsterdam, para onde expatriou e Hamburgo, onde morou por alguns anos; observando até que ponto as influências nesses lugares por onde esteve, foram imprescindíveis para a sua alternância de pensamento até o término de sua vida. O período cronológico que delimita nosso estudo é de 1580-1640, compreendido como o período Filipino e da União Ibérica em que Espanha e Portugal estavam sob o domínio de uma só coroa, mas também cinco décadas após a criação do Tribunal do Santo Ofício da Inquisição, enfocando basicamente a questão judaica. A pesquisa está baseada em uma documentação já explorada, mas, também de alguns processos que complementaram nosso entendimento acerca do tema e trazendo uma nova interpretação, haja vista, que dá conta de explicar a sua alternância ou evolução de pensamento a partir das paisagens culturais. Também analisamos o elemento cristão-novo inserido em uma vasta Região ao Norte da Europa no século XVII. A pesquisa nos permitiu acompanhar o desenvolvimento de Uriel da Costa e dos cristãos-novos no interior e exterior de Portugal. Através das denúncias e dos processos, foi possível perceber com que intensidade o Criptojudaismo se deu no Porto, mesmo com a ameaça da vigilância mantida pela Inquisição. / São Cristóvão, SE

?xodos e as migra??es contempor?neas: UM estudo sobre o discurso fotogr?fico de Sebasti?o Salgado. / Exodus and the contemporaries migrations: a study about Sebasti?o Salgado s photographic discussion.

Cl?udio, Ana Luiza de Abreu 28 August 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:12:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2008 - Ana Luiza de Abreu Claudio01.pdf: 5527941 bytes, checksum: 26ce3217b943833e25a98ee598df0dd8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-08-28 / Growing bananas is nowadays the third largest agricultural product of Rio de Janeiro State, with an estimates value of 69,8 million Reais. Besides it is the second largest cultivate area and the third largest harvested volume. Along with de production numbers it important to say that the banana culture involves over 2.800 producers in whole state, worked in small properties mainly from 2 to 5 ha, according to IBGE (2007) data. From the latest 70 this activity started to decline as great competition was held into it from bananas coming from other regions in Brazil, where more modern production techniques were adopted, resulting in best visual quality products with lower production coasts. The approach of this study relates to the aspect involved in identifying, classifying and characterizing the local production systems, in particular the banana production cluster, according to the cluster theories. By all means, this study aims to analyze how happens the formation of the banana production cluster in Rio de Janeiro state, through the evaluation of static and dynamic aspects, studying no only the comparative advantages, but also the competitive advantages. To come along this objective it was necessary to identify the main characteristics of this cluster, clearly define its borders and to discuss how these characteristics ma)' influence in the adoption of local development strategies, allowing the cluster to enter in a new virtuous production cycle. As a development, this study may be used to guide public policies as well as to guide private investments decisions. The results of this study state that the banana production in Rio de Janeiro State holds a big economic and commercial potential that is yet underdeveloped by local producers and businessmen. As a final conclusion this study shows that the implementation focus of de Banana APL in Rio de Janeiro state must be directed to the organization innovation matters, through the implementation of a new and more efficient governance structure. The more appropriate region to do so is constituted by the counties at Costa Verde region, particularly the counties of Itagua?, Mangaratiba, Andra dos Reis and Paraty. / O presente trabalho buscou analisar o discurso fotogr?fico de Sebasti?o Salgado sobre as migra??es contempor?neas, as quais caracterizam-se por migra??es ocorridas por raz?es econ?micas, culturais e at? mesmo ambientais, no per?odo da chamada globaliza??o econ?mica. As fotografias estudadas fazem parte da obra ?xodos , trabalho que re?ne uma tr?ade: documentarismo, viagens e migra??es. As paisagens registradas s?o de espa?os geogr?ficos e sociais diferenciados, enfocando a tem?tica do ?xodo rural, a disputa por territ?rio, a urbaniza??o acelerada e os conflitos ?tnicos de pa?ses da ?frica, do Oriente M?dio, da Europa, da ?sia e da Am?rica Latina. Para esta pesquisa optamos por focar o estudo das fotografias sobre os pa?ses da Am?rica Latina e da ?frica. O recorte temporal compreende o final dos anos 90 at? a atualidade, momento das viagens para a realiza??o das fotografias at? a publica??o da obra ?xodos , bem como sua repercuss?o na atualidade. Tal pesquisa torna-se relevante por considerarmos Salgado um fot?grafo internacionalmente conhecido, cuja produ??o traduz-se em fontes documentais de grande relev?ncia para as Ci?ncias Sociais. Leva-se em considera??o que Salgado ? um viajante contempor?neo em situa??o de deslocamento, assim como seus modelos fotogr?ficos . Ele percorre, com seu olhar de viajante/fot?grafo/migrante, diferentes regi?es do mundo com organiza??es socioculturais distintas. O m?todo utilizado para este trabalho, compreendeu a leitura visual das fotografias de ?xodos , por meio de categorias e conceitos de an?lise. Enfatizamos que a leitura visual foi suportada pela linguagem escrita, presente nos relatos de viagem que acompanham as fotografias de Salgado, em entrevistas concedidas por ele a ve?culos de comunica??o (sites, jornal impresso e televis?o) e em toda a bibliografia referenciada. O estudo do discurso fotogr?fico formou-se a partir de um olhar observador sobre todo o livro, partindo de uma an?lise mais ampliada do ambiente para uma mais focalizada, esmiu?ando assim, especificidades presentes nas fotografias.

Mechanical operations of the spirit : the Protestant object in Swift and Defoe

Neimann, Paul Grafton 07 February 2011 (has links)
This study revises a dominant narrative of the eighteenth-century, in which a secular modernity emerges in opposition to religious belief. It argues that a major challenge for writers such as Jonathan Swift and Daniel Defoe, and for English subjects generally, was to grasp the object world--including the modern technological object--in terms of its spiritual potential. I identify disputes around the liturgy and common prayer as a source of a folk psychology concerning mental habits conditioned by everyday interactions with devotional and cultural objects. Swift and Defoe therefore confront even paradigmatically modern forms (from trade items to scientific techniques) as a spiritual ecology, a network of new possibilities for practical piety and familiar forms of mental-spiritual illness. Texts like A Tale of a tub (1704) and Robinson Crusoe (1719) renew Reformation ideals for the laity by evaluating technologies for governing a nation of souls. Swift and Defoe's Protestantism thus appears as an active guide to understanding emotions and new experience rather than a static body of doctrine. Current historiography neglects the early modern sense that sectarian objects and rituals not only discipline religious subjects, but also provoke ambivalence and anxiety: Swift's Tale diagnoses Catholic knavery and Puritan hypocrisy as neurotic attempts to extract pleasure from immiserating styles of material praxis. Crusoe, addressed to more radical believers in spaces of trade, sees competent spiritual, scientific and commercial practice on the same plane, as techniques for overcoming fetishistic desires. Swift's orthodoxy of enforced moderation and Defoe's oddly worldly piety represent likeminded formulae for psychic reform, and not--as often alleged--conflicts between sincere belief and political or commercial interests. Gulliver's travels (1726) and A Journal of the plague year (1722) also link mind and governance through different visions of Protestant polity. Swift sees alienation from the national church--figured by a Crusoe or Gulliver--as refusal of common sense and problem solving. Defoe points to religious schism, exemplified by dissenters' exclusion from state church statistics, as a moral and medical failure: the city risks creating selfish citizens who also may overlook data needed to combat the plague. / text

Keliautojai ir jų kelionių aprašymai XIX a. lietuvių literatūroje / Travellers and the descriptions of their travels in the lithuanian literature of the XIX century

Trumpienė, Daiva 17 August 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbo objektas – kelionės samprata XIX amžiuje, tikslas – išanalizuoti mažiau žinomų ir nagrinėtų keliautojų po Lietuvą tekstus, atskleisti ir suvokti kelionės motyvą XIX amžiaus poezijoje ir prozoje. Tikslo įgyvendinimui darbas suskirstytas į tris dalis ir pasirinkti šie autoriai bei jų kūriniai: V. Sirokomlė „Nemunas nuo versmių iki žiočių“, K. Tiškevičius „Neris ir jos krantai“, A.H. Kirkoras „Pasivaikščiojimai po Vilnių ir jo apylinkes“, M. Balinskis „Vilniaus miesto istorija“, L. A. Jucevičius „Žemaičių žemės prisiminimai“ – tai realios kelionės po Lietuvą; poetinė XIX amžiaus kelionė A.Baranauskas, A. Mickevičius, Maironis, A. Vienažindys, P. Vaičaitis, jų kūryboje stengtasi atskleisti – kaip poetai perteikė kelionės motyvą, kokias prasmes įgyja realiosios kelionės virsdamos dvasinėmis; J. S. Dovydaitis „Šiaulėniškis senelis“, P. Gomalevskis „Aplankymas seniuko“, M. Akelaitis „Kwestorius po Lietuwa wažinedamas žmonis bemokinąsis“, M. Valančius „Palangos Juzė“ – didaktų kelionės, kur aiškinamasi moralinės vertybės, bei kaupiama įvairi medžiaga. Darbo metodai pasirinkti atsižvelgiant į išsikeltus uždavinius: apžvelgti Lietuvą XIX amžiaus keliautojų akimis; išnagrinėti skirtingų autorių kelionių sampratas; ieškoti tekstuose tarpdisciplininių – etnografinių, folklorinių ryšių. Tad daugiausia naudojamas aprašomasis metodas bei remiamasi mitokritikos ir istorizmo metodais. Išanalizavus pirmosios dalies autorius, galima teigti, kad kiekvienas savo kelionėje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of the master’s work dealing with the travel conception in the XIX century is aimed to the analysis of the lesser-known and studied texts concerning travelers’ and their travels around Lithuania, developing and perceiving travel’s motive in the poetry and prose of the XIX century. With the view of the fulfillment of the aim the work is divided into three units and the writings of the following authors are opted: “The Nemunas from the Springhead to the Outfall” by V. Sirokomlė, “The Neris and its Banks” by K. Tiškevičius, “Strolling around Vilnius and its Surroundings” by A.H. Kirkoras, “The History of Vilnius Town” by M. Balinskis, “The Memories of the Land of the Lowlanders” by L. A. Jucevičius involving real travels around Lithuania; while A.Baranauskas, A. Mickevičius, Maironis, A. Vienažindys, P. Vaičaitis introduce poetical travel of the XIX century aiming to display the methods conveying the travel motifs and expressing significance of the real travels which convert into the spiritual ones; “Grandfather from Siauliai” by J. S. Dovydaitis, “Visiting the Old Codger” by P. Gomalevskis, “Quest Teaching People Traveling around Lithuania” by M. Akelaitis, “ Palangos Juze” by M. Valančius comprehending peregrination by didacts, interpreting moral values and collecting multifarious material. The work methods are chosen according to the set problems: reviewing Lithuania from the point of view of the travelers of the XIX century; approaching travel conceptions... [to full text]

Robert Louis Stevenson’s Romantic Sensibility : Nature and Human Emotion in An Inland Voyage and Travels with a Donkey in the Cévennes

Davidsson, Carl-Ludwig January 2017 (has links)
In the latter half of the 19th century, Robert Louis Stevenson set off on two journeys through Belgium and France, two travels that were to become the subject of his early travelogues An Inland Voyage and Travels with a Donkey in the Cévennes. In these two travelogues Stevenson elaborates extensively on depictions of nature, and through these depictions, Stevenson suggests that there exists a special relationship between natural beauty and human emotion. In fact, this portrayal of human emotion as bound with nature can be considered as significantly Romantic. Consequently, this study investigates Stevenson’s depictions of natural beauty from the Romantic conceptualizations, the beautiful, the sublime, and the picturesque. However, these Romantic theories are subject to various definitions and perceptions by different aesthetes and intellectuals. Therefore, in this study a few important Romantic philosophers have been given special consideration, those are, Edmund Burke, William Gilpin, William Wordsworth, and John Ruskin. The analysis of Stevenson’s depictions is conducted by way of discussing excerpts and quotations from Stevenson’s writing in relation to these Romantic perspectives. Although these travelogues are misplaced as Romantic in terms of period of time, I argue that Robert Louis Stevenson’s depictions of natural beauty and human emotion in An Inland Voyage and Travels with a Donkey in the Cévennes reveal an interesting Romantic sensibility, which is founded on a combination of the aesthetic and philosophical ideas of the picturesque, the beautiful and the sublime.


吳保漢 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文意在分析綏夫特<<格理弗遊記>>中的主體、客體、卑賤體的再現,嘗試以不同觀點來看遊記主人翁在四次航行中的遭遇。<<格理弗遊記>>為十八世紀著名的旅行文學,而旅行本身即被視作一種譬喻來闡述旅行者與旅行之間的關係。本論文我主要採用克莉斯蒂娃(Julia Kristeva)幾本書中的理論觀點來逐章論述。在<小人國遊記>中,格理弗以旅行者主體去觀察與再現異地事物。其中最顯而易見的是以「方便之計」來救火。此不經意的行為不僅帶入旅行者主體的議題,也進一步檢驗在家與旅行之間的關係。除了旅行者主體之外,格理弗作為一個發言主體背後代表一套語言規則。最顯著的例子是拉普塔與慧駰國的語言系統。此兩國的語言系統以及他們對於某些外在客體的描述提供讀者去了解語言背後的符號意義。除此之外,透過格理弗在慧駰國的所見所聞,尤其是犽猢的無所不在,造成格理弗不僅在身體上也在心理上產生認知的改變。而他的回程也代表著一項重要的意義:格理弗的改變源於他內在卑賤體(abject)的存在,而他的家人更讓他了解到自己是一位在家的陌生人。 / This thesis investigates the representation of the subject/object/abject in Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels. In Chapter One, I give a short introduction to describe what and why I want to talk about these representations in this thesis. Following the introductory chapter, Chapter Two explores the representation of the subject and provides a prominent example of Gulliver’s urinating act in Lilliput. This behavior not only constructs Gulliver’s subjectivity, but also helps examine the idea of home. Kristeva’s idea of “the Semiotic and the Symbolic” and Freud’s concept of “fort-da” game are adopted to discuss the dynamics of travel and Gulliver’s traveling subject. Chapter Three examines the way to decode and encode what the strangers speak in alien lands. To address the problem of the linguistic system of the strangers, Kristeva’s idea of “materiality of language” is elucidated. I also offer two examples from the Flappers and the Yahoos to call into question Gulliver’s role as a speaking subject. Foucault’s idea of power and Kristeva’s concept of “genotext” provide a possibility to discuss the relation between the subject and the discourse. In Chapter Four, the representation of the abject is particularly presented by Gulliver’s voyage in the Houyhnhnm-land. The presence of the Yahoos elicits Gulliver’s psychological symptom and problematizes his subject. Moreover, Gulliver’s return to his homeland and his acting-outs suggest that Gulliver is a stranger to himself. Kristeva’s theory of abject offers an effective way to describe Gulliver’s transformation. By focusing on the representation of the subject/object/abject in Gulliver’s Travels, my thesis provides a more newfangled interpretation of this classical text.

Memórias inventadas: um estudo comparado entre \'Relato de um certo oriente\', de Milton Hatoum e \'Um rio chamado Tempo, uma casa chamada Terra\', de Mia Couto / Invented memories: a comparative study between the novel \'Relato de um certo Oriente\', by Milton Hatoum and \'Um rio chamado tempo, uma casa chamada Terra\', by Mia Couto

Maquêa, Vera Lúcia da Rocha 13 March 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho realiza um estudo comparado entre o romance Relato de um certo Oriente, do escritor brasileiro Milton Hatoum e Um rio chamado Tempo, uma casa chamada Terra, do escritor moçambicano Mia Couto, com a finalidade de verificar as estratégias de construção da memória. Com base na hipótese de que a memória, nestes textos, é imaginação de possibilidades do devir que não se esgota em quadros fixos, a tese focaliza as dominantes técnicas e temáticas de construção da narrativa através do uso feito pelos autores do motivo da viagem, da fotografia e da epistolografia na composição dos quadros de memória. Para refletir sobre os narradores que se movimentam no espaço impreciso das misturas, envolvidos em complexas práticas culturais em interação, vale-se do apoio teórico e crítico de conceitos como hibridismo, mestiçagem, transculturação, crioulização e ambivalência. Este exercício crítico faz-se no horizonte do comparatismo da solidariedade, proposto por Benjamin Abdala Junior para os estudos das literaturas ibero-afro-americanas. / This paper carries out a comparative study between the novel Relato de um certo Oriente, by brazilian writer Milton Hatoum and Um rio chamado tempo, uma casa chamada Terra, by mozambican writer Mia Couto, with the purpose of verifying the construction strategies of memory. Based on the hypothesis that the memory, in these texts, is imagination of possibilities of the future that does not end up itself in fixed pictures, the thesis highlights the dominant techniques and issues of construction of the narrative through the use made by the authors of the travel motive, of the photograph, and of the epistolography in the composition of memory pictures. In order to reflect on the narrators that movie themselves on the imprecise space of mixtures, involved in complex cultural practices in interaction, it is looked for theoretical support and critical concepts as hybridism, miscegenation, transculturation, creolization and ambivalency. This critical exercise was done in the comparatism horizon of solidarity, proposed by Benjamin Abdala Junior to the studies of Iberian-Afro-American literatures.

O voo do idoso / The elderly in flight

Bertulucci, José Alberto Cesar 30 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-09-13T11:39:51Z No. of bitstreams: 1 José Alberto Cesar Bertulucci.pdf: 1422902 bytes, checksum: a11444032b9d1766a110efa126cc8925 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-13T11:39:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 José Alberto Cesar Bertulucci.pdf: 1422902 bytes, checksum: a11444032b9d1766a110efa126cc8925 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Comfort on board for passenger well-being has become a top priority for airlines in this 21st century. Certainly, ambitioning to adapt to take advantage of the reality nowadays experienced with the rapid aging of the world’s population. Regardless if on a long or short trip, it is likely that those who suffer most from the effects of an air trip are the elderly who, in addition to all the discomfort due to bad flight conditions, have not yet acquired the right to required special treatments, which are guaranteed by law to them. In certain problem-situations, questions arise: how should a flight attendant act, for example, when an elderly passenger needs to go to the toilet immediately, when everyone has to be, for safety, with the belt fastened? How to reconcile safety and comfort of passengers, at all times, on board the planes? The objectives of this study are: (i) to reflect on the environmental conditions of an airplane cabin, offered to the elderly during a flight, (ii) to investigate problematic, unpleasant or conflicting situations involving an elderly, dependent or independent, in an airplane; (iii) Forward a proposal based on preventive strategies in favor of a controlled environment, i.e, thought for/prepared for the welfare of an elderly person. The methodology required a survey and analysis of theoretical texts that deals with the themes and gives base to this study, such as the rights of the elderly in the most varied environments, the problems brought up by the advancement of the age and that require a special treatment, etc. The expected results are that: (i) Bring up the need of making detailed diagnoses of each of the problem-situations, by listening to the elderly themselves, so that the period confined in a cabin becomes more comfortable to the long-lived passengers; (ii) the efforts undertaken in this study can serve as a guide to new procedures for elderly passengers, precisely in order to ensure that in-flight environmental conditions are met by the necessary technological upgrading of new generations of airplanes, as well as the proper training of on-board staff on aging / Comodidade a bordo para o bem-estar dos passageiros transformou-se em prioridade das companhias aéreas neste século XXI. Certamente ambicionando adaptar-se para tirar proveito da realidade ora vivenciada com o rápido envelhecimento da população mundial. Não importa se em viagem de longa ou curta duração, é provável quem vem sofrendo mais os efeitos de uma viagem aérea são os idosos que, além de todo o desconforto por más condições de voo, ainda não adquiriram o direito a um tratamento diferenciado, adequado, que lhes é garantido por lei. Em determinadas situações-problema, indagações se colocam: como deve agir um comissário de bordo, por exemplo, quando um passageiro-idoso necessita ir de imediato ao sanitário, quando todos têm que estar, por segurança, com o cinto ajustado? Como conciliar segurança e conforto dos passageiros, todo o tempo, a bordo dos aviões? Os objetivos deste estudo são: (i) refletir sobre as condições ambientais de uma cabina de avião, oferecidas aos idosos, durante um voo; (ii) investigar situações-problema, desagradáveis ou conflituosas, envolvendo um idoso, dependente ou independente, em avião; (iii) encaminhar uma proposta fundada em estratégias preventivas em favor de um ambiente controlado. A metodologia exigiu um levantamento e análise de textos teóricos que tratem dos temas que fundamentem este estudo, como sobre os direitos dos idosos no mais variados ambientes, as problemáticas trazidas pelo avanço da idade e que exigem um tratamento diferenciado etc. Os resultados esperados são que: (i) evidencie-se a necessidade de que se façam diagnósticos detalhados de cada uma das situações-problema, para que se torne o período confinado em cabine mais confortável a passageiros longevos; (ii) os esforços empreendidos neste estudo possam servir de guia para novos procedimentos dirigidos a passageiros idosos, justamente visando a que melhorem as condições do ambiente em voo, tributárias ao necessário aperfeiçoamento tecnológico em novas gerações de aviões

Viagens de Mário de Andrade: a construção cultural do Brasil

Santos, Marcelo Burgos Pimentel dos 23 May 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T20:20:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcelo Burgos Pimentel dos Santos.pdf: 5715181 bytes, checksum: 1e986c2e6f8fc5a663ba8355d8b546b6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-05-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This thesis examines the relationship between literature and social sciences in two crucial aspects: culture and politics. We analyzed the importance of two ethnographic travels named O Turista Aprendiz, in the work and political career of Mario de Andrade. These journeys, occurred in 1927 and 1928-9, were important for rousing the contact with inside Brazil that the modernist writer have always looked for. One of the main issues of the aesthetic project of Mario de Andrade was "to look inside of Brazil" searching for its true origins. In our view, this look was responsible for developing two other strands on Andrade's work since reverberated in a project Na Pancada do Ganzá that can be explained, at first, as its contribution to the Brazilian social thought in seeking an interpretation of Brazilianness from the cultural field. Also echoed in political actions, in a institutional way, when he took over and led the Department of Culture of the Municipality of São Paulo. For this, we observe the actions of Mario de Andrade, from three basic axes: the literary man, the researcher man and politician man. All these strands establish links among themselves to help the measurement of the contribution that Andrade gave to the Social Sciences and to understand Brazil. In addition to the links between these strands, we noted how collaboration and networking are important tools in Mário de Andrade's work in both its aesthetic and ideological conceptions / Esta tese analisa a relação entre literatura e ciências sociais sob dois aspectos cruciais: cultura e política. Para isto, analisamos a importância que duas viagens etnográficas O Turista Aprendiz tiveram em parte da obra e trajetória política de Mário de Andrade. Essas viagens ocorridas nos anos de 1927 e 1928-9 foram importantes por aguçar no escritor modernista o contato que sempre almejou com o Brasil de dentro . Uma das bandeiras do projeto estético de Mário de Andrade consistia em olhar pra dentro do Brasil na busca por suas verdadeiras origens. Em nossa hipótese, esse olhar foi responsável por desenvolver duas outras vertentes mariodeandradianas pois reverberaram em um projeto Na Pancada do Ganzá que podem ser explicado, num primeiro momento, como sua contribuição para o pensamento social brasileiro ao buscar uma interpretação da brasilidade a partir do campo cultural. Também ecoou em ações políticas, via institucional, quando assumiu e coordenou o Departamento de Cultura do Município de São Paulo. Para isso, observamos as ações de Mário de Andrade, a partir de três eixos básicos: o homem literato, o homem pesquisador e homem político. Todas essas vertentes estabelecem vínculos entre si que ajudam a dimensionar a contribuição que Mário de Andrade de para a Ciências Sociais e para a própria compreensão do Brasil. Além dos elos entre essas vertentes, anotamos como a colaboração e as redes de relacionamento foram ferramentas importantes nos projetos de Mário de Andrade seja, na suas concepções estéticas e ideológicas

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