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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur ser asylrättsprocessen ut i Sverige ?

Hasth, Evelyn January 2020 (has links)
This essay was focused on how Sweden are processing an asylum for refugees. The purpose of this essay was to examine the jurisdictional requirements that needs to be fulfilled to grant someone asylum. Nine verdicts were analyzed as a foundation for the research to understand what criterias a refugee can claim in the trial of an asylum. Throughout this essay, the concept of well-founded fear, persecution, sur place, benefit of the doubt, assessment of credibility and assessment of genuineness was examined to further understand the trial of an asylum within Swedish jurisdiction. It is Migrationsverket, Migrationsdomstolen and Migrationsöverdomstolen whom decides whether a person is classified as a refugee throughout an oral inquiry. The oral inquiry will contain an assessment of credibility and an assessment of genuineness. The process needs to be as detailed and coherent as possible and can’t include any contradictory information. There are four kind of invocations one can claim to apply for an asylum and international protection. The invocations are sexual preference, politics, gender and religion. The result of this essay was based on nine verdicts, three of which will be politically based, three will be based on gender, two will be based on sexual preference and one will be based on religion. The four invocations are based on different kinds of evidential presentation due to the assessment of credibility being applied differently on each invocation. The invocation of gender was the easiest to prove and to appear most credible, meanwhile sexual preference was more difficult, due to the demands of evidential presentation and credibility. Because of the higher demand of evidential presentation in sexual preference there is a rule of relief to lower the standards of demands. Religion was also an invocation that was hard to prove and therefore there are certain tests applied and assessed to ensure the refugees’ knowledge of the religion.

Läkaren och den pålästa patienten : Läkares syn på välinformerade patienter / The physician and the well-informed patient : Doctors view on well-informed patients

Sandelin, Maria January 2014 (has links)
As a patient you can find a lot of information concerning health and diseaseson the Internet. Purpose: The purpose of my study is to gain a betterunderstanding of how physicians relate to well-informed patientsfrom the point of doctor's changing role in meeting the patient related to theweb-based patient information. Today's patients are turning increasingly tothe Internet before they visit their doctor, this is due to the electronic healthinformation is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week while the regulardoctor usually have several weeks of waiting. Problems that can arise with theWeb-based information is that the patient does not have a medical educationto know whether the information is appropriate or not. Method: To explorethese questions, I decided to use both qualitative semi-structured postalquestionnaires and telephone interviews in which the physicians preferreddifferently. My respondents were five licensed physicians who had experienceof many patients encounters. Findings: The physicians in myresearch have an overall positive and relaxed attitude towards patients whoseek information on the Internet. Nevertheless, they say it is important topoint out that its a bad idea to rely only on Internet sources. This becauseInternet is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. Amedical doctor not only need to make a personal examination but also havethe education, experience and the critical eye that is needed to make the rightdiagnosis. The physicians in my study often prefer the medical professionaljournals to Internet as a result of old habits related to their medical educationand the feeling that these journals are more thrustworty. Still, the physiciansagreed that they sometimes themselves find the World Wide Web useful ifthey are from reliable sources. / Program: Bibliotekarie

Designelements betydelse för ökat förtroende på byggföretags webbplatser / The impact of design elements for the purpose of increasing trust in home renovation companies’ websites

Öhman, Linn, Stenholm, Johanna, Lundström, Frida January 2022 (has links)
The existing research available on website credibility has been carried out primarily on e-commerce, travel, news, and online gaming sites. The results identified the credible design elements of those websites. Considering the recent surge in home renovation demand in Sweden, investigating the impact of those design elements when implementing them on websites for companies in the home renovation industry is worth investigating. This study assumes that the first interaction between the user and a company takes place through their website and the goal of this study was to identify which design elements from the existing research on website credibility affect the user’s trust and what encourages them to pursue further contact. Prominence-Interpretation Theory was implemented to identify which attributes the user interprets as credible and should be prominent on a construction company's website. A mixed method approach was used to derive data: a quantitative survey and qualitative semi-structured interviews. The survey was based on the existing research on website credibility where specific credible design elements were tested and ranked, which produced objective results. The study results showed that an interface including the company’s services and contact details, photos of completed projects and employees as well as a well thought-out and visually appealing design and layout were significant in building trust.

Att göra sig trovärdig som HBTQI-person i svensk asylrätt : En queerteoretisk granskning av Migrationsverkets och migrationsdomstolens trovärdighetsbedömningar / To make oneself credible as a LGBTQI person in Swedish asylum law : A queer theoretical analysis of the credibility assessments of the Swedish Migration Agency and the Swedish Migration Court

Palm, Annie January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this study is to analyze and derive a more profound understanding on how the Swedish Migration Agency and the Swedish Migration Court of Stockholm determine the credibility of LGBTQI-persons applying for asylum in Sweden. Through a qualitative content analysis of nine cases where decisions from both the Swedish Migration Agency and the Swedish Migration Court of Stockholm are used, this study aims to determine what is required from LGBTQI asylum seekers to prove their reliability and credibility. Furthermore a theoretical perspective on queer theory written by Fanny Ambjörnsson is applied to the assessment methodologies of both government departments, this as a way of assessing the credibility. The study shows that the Migration Agency and the Migration Court of Stockholm have a number of recurring reasons for rejecting LGBTQI persons residence; the applicant cannot account for an inner emotional process, the applicant lacks deep thoughts regarding his/hers sexual orientation, the applicant mainly describes sexual experiences rather than feelings, the applicant gives contradictory information and lastly the applicant has not considered the risks of their actions. In accordance with Ambjörnssons theory these reasons presented by both the Agency and Court are shown in the study to be based on stereotypical assumptions and heteronormative social structures.

Visualisering av trovärdighet : En undersökning av ett poängsystem som hjälpmedel vid trovärdighetsbedömningar av nyhetsartiklar på webben

Jonsson, Axel, Ulenius, Magnus January 2015 (has links)
Along with the Internet and the increased flow of information that follows, it’s now a fact thateveryone have the ability to publish information that could theoretically reach hundreds ofthousands of people. Several studies point to similar problems and believe that Internet usersgenerally lack the knowledge required to assess the credibility of various web content. Thismeans that the need for a tool to help users with web credibility assessment have never beengreater. With this report we try to study the effects this kind of tool would have on the usersand to what extend they are affected by it. We have performed a quantitative survey study inwhich the majority of the questions concerning which one of two news articles therespondents considered to be the most reliable. This was done in between two groups thatwould act as control groups for one another. They were also unaware of each other’sexistence and the respondents were recruited voluntarily through Facebook. The study showsthat visual representation of articles web credibility has little to no effect on the subjectsresponses apart from two major genres. Future studies should examine these specific genresand their impact on web credibility assessment.

Kunskapsbrist eller värderingstvist? : Den romantiska liberalismens frihetsideal i ett urval västerländska länders asylprövning då sexuell läggning eller könsidentitet åberopas som asylskäl. / Is it Rather a Matter of Values? : On the Romantic Liberalism and its Freedom Ideals in a sample of Western Asylum Procedures were Lgbtq+-claims are made.

Ezimoha, Stella January 2020 (has links)
Då asylsökande åberopar sexuell läggning eller könsidentitet som asylskäl, är den egna berättelsen inte sällan den enda bevisning som finns att tillgå. Detta innebär att trovärdigheten i den asylsökandes framförande av sin berättelse tillmäts stor vikt. Tidigare forskning har funnit att trovärdighetsbedömningen i västerländska länders asylprövning påverkas av vilken handläggare som hanterar ärendet, och dennas stereotyper av sexuell läggning och könsidentitet. Förekomsten av stereotyper har härletts till kompetens- eller rutinbrist. Exempelvis har det anförts att asylprövande myndigheter och domstolar lider brist på normkritik och nyanserad kunskap i hbtq+-personers olika omständigheter och leverne. Denna studie erbjuder en annan hypotes, med utgångspunkt i etablerad politisk teori och samtida statsvetenskaplig forskning: Att ideologin romantisk liberalism präglar västerländska länders asylprövning. Det finns empiriskt stöd för att människor i västvärlden i allt större utsträckning värdesätter individuell frihet. Tidigare forskning har antagit att detta värdesättande leder till ökad tolerans och välkomnande av ökad mångfald. Ett sådant positivt förhållande ifrågasätts emellertid av flera statsvetare, däribland den svenska statsvetaren Gina Gustavsson. I en avhandling från 2014 presenterar Gustavsson en beskrivning av en romantisk gren inom liberalismen. Denna ideologi framhåller ett obevekligt, provokativt och kreativt uttryck för individens originalitet: både vad avser beskrivningar av vad människan är, och värderande utsagor om hur människan bör vara. En sådan syn, menar Gustavsson, är en förrädisk förståelse för frihet som kan urarta i intolerans, trots att den utges för det motsatta. Med ideologianalys prövas rätts- och myndighetsmaterial från ett urval västerländska länders asylprövning mot en idealtyp av den romantiska liberalismen. Resultatet är att den romantiska liberalismens frihetsideal i flera avseenden kommer till uttryck i urvalet västerländska länders asylprövning. Slutsatsen är att beslutsfattare och utredares upptagenhet av särskilda uttryck för den asylsökandes identitet, kan förstås som en manifestation av den romantiska liberalismens frihetsideal. Detta snarare än som uttryck främst för kompetens- och rutinbrist, såsom tidigare forskning konstaterat. Vidare förs en diskussion kring betydande spänningar mellan den romantiska liberalismen och mänskliga rättigheters universella anspråk. Detta särskilt avseende asylsökandes begränsade möjlighet eller avsikt att leva upp till romantiskt liberala frihetsideal. / As asylum seekers invoke sexual orientation or gender identity as a reason for asylum, their own story is often the only evidence available. This means that the credibility of asylum seeker's presentation of their story, often is given great importance. Previous research shows that credibility assessments in Western countries can differ depending on the sexual orientation and gender identity stereotypes of the case officer who is handling the case. The existence of stereotypes has been related to lack of skills or routine. For example, it is in previous research stated that asylum reviewing authorities and courts suffer from a lack of norm criticism and nuanced knowledge of lgbtq+-persons' different circumstances and living. This study offers another hypothesis, based on established political theory and contemporary political science research: That the ideology romantic liberalism characterizes the asylum procedure in Western countries. There is empirical support for the fact that people in the Western world increasingly value individual freedom. Previous research has assumed that such values leads to increased tolerance and a welcoming of diversity. However, such a positive relationship is questioned by the Swedish political scientist Gina Gustavsson. In Gustavssons’ dissertation from 2014, a description of a romantic branch of liberalism is presented, which elevates a relentless, creative and provocative expression of the individual's originality: both in terms of descriptions of what an individual is, and evaluative statements about what an individual should be. Such a view, Gustavsson says, is a treacherous understanding of freedom that can degenerate into intolerance, even though it is issued to stand for the contrary. With ideology analysis, judicial and governmental material from a sample of Western countries' asylum procedures is tested against an ideal type of romantic liberalism. The results of the analysis show that the ideal of freedom of romanticism, in several respects, can be found in the asylum procedure in a sample of Western countries. The conclusion is that decision makers and investigators' preoccupation with specific expressions of the identity of the asylum seeker can be understood as a manifestation of the freedom ideals in the romantic liberalism. This rather than a lack of skills and routine, as previous research has found. Furthermore, a discussion is held regarding that there is considerable tension between romantic liberalism and the universal claims of human rights. This particularly regarding the asylum seekers' limited ability or intention to live up to the freedom ideals of the romantic liberalism.

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