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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Extendable ladder cover solution for swedish fire vehicles

Molbeck Blyth, Marco Aurelio, Acosta Vega, María Isabel January 2016 (has links)
The following thesis project has been done in direct collaboration with Autokaross i Floby AB Rescue Vehicle Department, in Sweden.  The report contains the design development of a protective cover against weather conditions for the extendable ladder in a fire vehicle.   The aim of the report has been to develop a functional and low cost solution cover for the FEL on a fire truck, which is allocated on the roof, with the express intention of providing adequate access and protection against weather conditions in Nordic countries, so as to prevent premature deterioration of the FEL unit. The company has set the technical and conceptual boundaries, with the help of the two previous concepts currently used, the BMC and the ACP.   The initial requirements laid out by the company were expressed through a number of specific demands which can be categorized in two main points:   Cost: Designing a solution keeping in mind cost limits, assembly cost and time, and space optimization. This was done by taking into account the two existing solutions, particularly the BMC, which represents the lowest, cost wise and function wise. Therefore it was used as the basis on which to apply improvements, rather than trying to lower the high cost on the overqualified function of the ACP.   Function: Providing the adequate protection and access to the FEL. In this case, the problem was solved by establishing the correct degree of protection relevant to the Nordic weather conditions and FEL needs, and regarding the access, this was assured by fully automating the opening/closing process with the existing extraction operating system of the FEL.     The result of this report is a concept solution which meets the company’s demands, obtained by creative detailing, together with an analysis regarding possible considerations that could improve the creative detailing result in this report in the form of future work.     The report documents the process that has taken place in exploration, concept generation, concept evaluation, concept selection, and detailed CAD development. Each section shows the requirements and adjustments taken to fulfil the company’s needs.

Entwicklung eines variablen Turbolader-Verdichters für schwere Nutzfahrzeugmotoren / Development of a turbocharger compressor with variable geometry for heavy duty truck engines

Wöhr, Michael 19 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die Entwicklung schwerer Nutzfahrzeugmotoren unterliegt dem Zielkonflikt zwischen möglichst geringen Betriebskosten, hoher Leistung und der Einhaltung von Emissionsvorschriften. Bezüglich der Auslegung der Verdichterstufe des Abgasturboladers resultiert dies in einem Kompromiss zwischen Kennfeldbreite und den Wirkungsgraden im Nennpunkt sowie im Hauptfahrbereich. In der vorliegenden wissenschaftlichen Publikation wird untersucht, ob mit Hilfe einer geometrischen Verstellbarkeit des Verdichters eine bessere Lösung für das anspruchsvolle Anforderungsprofil gefunden werden kann. Das Ziel ist eine Reduktion des Kraftstoffverbrauchs eines 12,8l NFZ-Dieselmotors im schweren Fernverkehr, ohne dass hierbei Abstriche bezüglich weiterer Leistungsmerkmale der Verdichterstufe in Kauf genommen werden müssen. In einem ersten Schritt wird hierzu mit Hilfe der Auswertung von Lastkollektivdaten der für den Kraftstoffverbrauch relevante Betriebsbereich der Basis-Verdichterstufe identifiziert. Dieser befindet sich bei vergleichsweise geringen Massenströmen und hohen Totaldruckverhältnissen in der Nähe der Volllast-Schlucklinie im Verdichterkennfeld. Die Auswertung von ein- und dreidimensionalen Strömungssimulationen führt zur Erkenntnis, dass die hohen Tangentialgeschwindigkeiten im unbeschaufelten Diffusor ausschlagge- bend sind für die Strömungsverluste innerhalb der Verdichterstufe im Hauptfahrbereich. Eine Möglichkeit die Geschwindigkeitskomponente in Umfangsrichtung zu reduzieren, ist die Verwendung eines beschaufelten Diffusors. Zur Überprüfung des Potentials werden im Rahmen einer Parameterstudie 47 unterschiedliche Nachleitgitter im Diffusor der Basis-Verdichterstufe am Heißgasprüfstand untersucht. Es stellt sich heraus, dass durch den Einsatz einer Nachleitbeschaufelung der Verdichterwirkungsgrad um bis zu 8 Prozentpunkte verbessert werden kann, die Kennfeldbreite jedoch nicht ausreicht, um die motorischen Anforderungen bezüglich der Pumpstabilität oder der Bremsleistung zu erfüllen. Resultierend aus diesen Erkenntnissen werden drei variable Verdichter entwickelt, mit dem Ziel, den Wirkungsgradvorteil beschaufelter Diffusoren mittels einer geometrischen Verstellbarkeit für den schweren Nutzfahrzeugmotor nutzbar zu machen. Die Bewertung hinsichtlich der Ziele und Anforderungen erfolgt anhand von Versuchen am Heißgas- sowie Vollmotorenprüfstand. Die Variabilität mit der geringsten Komplexität ist die Kombination aus starrem Nachleitgitter und Schubumluftventil. Das System zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass Strömungsabrisse im Bereich des Nachleitgitters durch Aktivieren des Schubumluftventils und somit Öffnen eines Rezirkulationskanals im Verdichtergehäuse in pumpkritischen Situationen vermieden werden können. Der Verzicht auf bewegliche Teile im Diffusor resultiert in der höchsten Reduktion des Kraftstoffverbrauchs um 0,6 − 1,4% im Hauptfahrbereich. Der Doppeldiffusor besitzt zwei separate Strömungskanäle unterschiedlicher Geometrie, die im Betrieb durch eine axiale Verschiebung mit Druckluft aktiviert werden können. Dieses völlig neuartige Konzept ermöglicht es, die Auslegungsziele auf zwei Diffusoren aufzuteilen und somit für jede Kennfeldhälfte die jeweils optimale Schaufelgeometrie auszuwählen. Mit dieser Variabilität kann die Einspritzmenge im Hauptfahrbereich um 0,5 − 0,8 Prozent gesenkt werden. Das System mit der höchsten Komplexität ist der Verdichter mit rotierbarer Nachleitbeschaufelung. Über einen elektronischen Steller können die Anstellwinkel und Halsquerschnitte in jedem Betriebspunkt den Anströmbedingungen angepasst werden, um den jeweils bestmöglichen Wirkungsgrad zu erhalten. Aufgrund der anspruchsvollen geometrischen Zwangsbedingungen bei der Auswahl der Schaufelgeometrie besitzt der Dreh- schaufler mit 0,3−0,6% das geringste Potential zur Verbesserung der Kraftstoffsparsamkeit, erzielt jedoch das beste Ergebnis bezüglich der Bremsleistung und der Pumpstabilität. / Reducing the total costs of ownership, achieving the rated engine power and compliance with exhaust-emission legislation are competing goals regarding the development of heavy duty engines. This leads to demanding requirements for the aerodynamic design of the turbocharger compressor stage such as high efficiencies at various operating points and a broad map width. The aim of the present doctoral thesis is to investigate the potential of a compressor with variable geometry in order to obtain a better compromise between efficiency and compressor map width for the purpose of increasing fuel economy without sacrifices concerning the rated power, engine brake performance or surge stability. In a first step, the evaluation of load cycles yields operating points on which the fuel consumption is heavily dependent. Results of 1D- and 3D fluid flow simulations show that the high tangential velocity in the vaneless diffusor is the main cause for the reduction of compressor efficiency in the main driving range. A parameter study containing 47 different geometries is conducted at a hot gas test rig in order to examine the potential of vaned diffusers regarding the reduction of the tangential velocity component. It can be seen that by introducing diffuser vanes compressor efficiency can be increased by up to 8 percent. The narrow map width however prevents the use of a fixed geometry for heavy duty engines. Based on those results three variable geometry compressors are developed with the goal of maintaining the efficiency benefit of vaned diffusers while increasing the map width by adjustable geometric features. The evaluation of the variable compressor systems is based on hot gas and engine test bench measurements. The variable compressor system with the lowest complexity utilizes a recirculation valve in the compressor housing in combination with a fixed geometry vaned diffuser in order to improve the surge margin for a short period of time at a sudden load drop. The abandonment of functional gaps in the diffuser leads to the highest improvement of fuel economy of 0,6 − 1,4% in the main driving range. The compressor with stacked diffuser vanes has two separate flow channels in the diffuser. During engine operation only one vaned diffuser geometry is active. The axial movement is performed via pressure chambers in the compressor and bearing housing. The two diffuser geometries are either optimized for high or low mass flows. This way the fuel consumption in the main driving range can be reduced by 0,5 − 0,8%. The compressor with pivoting vanes in the diffuser has the highest complexity of all systems. With the aid of an electronic actuator the vane inlet angle and throat area can be adjusted to the impeller outlet flow conditions at each operating point. As a consequence the pivoting vanes compressor achieves the best results regarding engine brake performance and surge stability. The fuel economy in the main driving range can be improved by 0,3 − 0,6%. Higher benefits are prevented by demanding geometric constraints in order to ensure the rotatability of the vanes and to prevent vibrations of the impeller blades.

Viabilidade de operação do duplo semi-reboque de cinco eixos no Brasil / Operation feasibility of the five axle twin trailer truck in Brazil

Reis, Neuto Gonçalves dos 22 April 1996 (has links)
Este trabalho investiga a viabilidade de se implantar no Brasil o veículo combinado de cinco eixos constituído de um cavalo mecânico mais dois semi-reboques acoplados por um dolly intermediário e chamado aqui de Duplo Semi-Reboque (DSR). Essa investigação inclui tanto aspectos econômicos (custos operacionais) quanto operacionais (densidade das cargas, rotas, demandas, veículos utilizados), tecnológicos (veículos e implementes), legais (pesos e dimensões), de segurança (estabilidade, dirigibilidade, risco de acidentes e impacto sobre o tráfego de outros veículos) e de inter-relação com a infra-estrutura rodoviária. Como a configuração analisada é largamente utilizada nos Estados Unidos, com o nome de twin trailer truck, faz-se uma ampla revisão da literatura norte-americana. O estudo apresenta as características técnicas do twin, levanta a legislação norte-americana de carga por eixo e mostra como a busca de produtividade e o aumento da carga volumosa conduziram à necessidade de veículos mais longos. Compila artigos sobre a estabilidade, a dirigibilidade e o impacto sobre o tráfego dos veículos longos combinados. Sintetiza pesquisas comparando taxas de acidentes dos veículos combinados com os caminhões convencionais. A maioria desses estudos conduz à conclusão de que, embora os twins possam degradar ligeiramente as condições de segurança de tráfego e aumentar o desgaste elos pavimentos, essa degradação é compensada pela redução do número de viagens e do custo do transporte. Conclui-se que o veículo seria economicamente viável no Brasil para substituir caminhões trucados em rotas de demanda limitada, e que poderia também economizar custos na substituição a veículos convencionais no transporte de cargas volumosas, sem provocar maiores impactos sobre a segurança operacional. Pesquisa com frotistas mostra que quase 50% das transportadoras de carga fracionada operam cargas de densidade compatível com o DSR. A introdução do veículo, no entanto, enfrenta fortes obstáculos legais e exigiria mudança profunda na legislação dos veículos combinados longos. / This paper investigates the feasibility of introducing the American twin trailer truck in the Brazilian road transport network. The twin is a five axle configuration with one tractor and two semi-trailers, coupled by an intermediate dolly. The investigation embraces not only economic questions (operational costs), but also operational aspects (freight density and volume, vehicle choice, line extension etc), technological questions (vehicles, trailers and dollies), weights and dimensions legislation, safety impacts (handling and stability, impact of traffic operations and statistic studies of accident rates) and the twin\'s interface with the highway facilities. The American and Canadian studies about twins are reviewed. The paper presents the technical characteristics of twins, the american weights and dimensions legislation and shows how the claim for more productivity in the transport industry and the low density freight growth have induced the use of longer combinations. The study compiles the main results presented in the literature about handling, stability and the twin trailer impact on the highway traffic and analyzes statistics comparing doubles with semi-trailer accident rates. The literature review leads to the conclusion that, althrough the twins could degrade slightly the vehicle traffic safety performance and accelerate the pavement wear, this degradation is overwhelmed by the reduction of the number of vehicles on the roads and direct and indirect transportation costs. The introduction of the win trailer truck in Brazil could be advantageous in order to replace tandem trucks on low demand routes. The savings in terminal times and the higher capacitiy of this configuration would cut costs as compared to the straight truck, semi-trailer and truck-and-trailer configurations, without relevant deterioration of the operational safety. The results of a large sample with brazilian LTL companies show that almost 50% of them operate with a freight density that would be ideal for twins. The twin\'s introduction, however, faces strong legal impediments in some markets, and only would be feasible if deep changes in the Brazilian weight and dimension regulations would be undertaken.

Viabilidade de operação do duplo semi-reboque de cinco eixos no Brasil / Operation feasibility of the five axle twin trailer truck in Brazil

Neuto Gonçalves dos Reis 22 April 1996 (has links)
Este trabalho investiga a viabilidade de se implantar no Brasil o veículo combinado de cinco eixos constituído de um cavalo mecânico mais dois semi-reboques acoplados por um dolly intermediário e chamado aqui de Duplo Semi-Reboque (DSR). Essa investigação inclui tanto aspectos econômicos (custos operacionais) quanto operacionais (densidade das cargas, rotas, demandas, veículos utilizados), tecnológicos (veículos e implementes), legais (pesos e dimensões), de segurança (estabilidade, dirigibilidade, risco de acidentes e impacto sobre o tráfego de outros veículos) e de inter-relação com a infra-estrutura rodoviária. Como a configuração analisada é largamente utilizada nos Estados Unidos, com o nome de twin trailer truck, faz-se uma ampla revisão da literatura norte-americana. O estudo apresenta as características técnicas do twin, levanta a legislação norte-americana de carga por eixo e mostra como a busca de produtividade e o aumento da carga volumosa conduziram à necessidade de veículos mais longos. Compila artigos sobre a estabilidade, a dirigibilidade e o impacto sobre o tráfego dos veículos longos combinados. Sintetiza pesquisas comparando taxas de acidentes dos veículos combinados com os caminhões convencionais. A maioria desses estudos conduz à conclusão de que, embora os twins possam degradar ligeiramente as condições de segurança de tráfego e aumentar o desgaste elos pavimentos, essa degradação é compensada pela redução do número de viagens e do custo do transporte. Conclui-se que o veículo seria economicamente viável no Brasil para substituir caminhões trucados em rotas de demanda limitada, e que poderia também economizar custos na substituição a veículos convencionais no transporte de cargas volumosas, sem provocar maiores impactos sobre a segurança operacional. Pesquisa com frotistas mostra que quase 50% das transportadoras de carga fracionada operam cargas de densidade compatível com o DSR. A introdução do veículo, no entanto, enfrenta fortes obstáculos legais e exigiria mudança profunda na legislação dos veículos combinados longos. / This paper investigates the feasibility of introducing the American twin trailer truck in the Brazilian road transport network. The twin is a five axle configuration with one tractor and two semi-trailers, coupled by an intermediate dolly. The investigation embraces not only economic questions (operational costs), but also operational aspects (freight density and volume, vehicle choice, line extension etc), technological questions (vehicles, trailers and dollies), weights and dimensions legislation, safety impacts (handling and stability, impact of traffic operations and statistic studies of accident rates) and the twin\'s interface with the highway facilities. The American and Canadian studies about twins are reviewed. The paper presents the technical characteristics of twins, the american weights and dimensions legislation and shows how the claim for more productivity in the transport industry and the low density freight growth have induced the use of longer combinations. The study compiles the main results presented in the literature about handling, stability and the twin trailer impact on the highway traffic and analyzes statistics comparing doubles with semi-trailer accident rates. The literature review leads to the conclusion that, althrough the twins could degrade slightly the vehicle traffic safety performance and accelerate the pavement wear, this degradation is overwhelmed by the reduction of the number of vehicles on the roads and direct and indirect transportation costs. The introduction of the win trailer truck in Brazil could be advantageous in order to replace tandem trucks on low demand routes. The savings in terminal times and the higher capacitiy of this configuration would cut costs as compared to the straight truck, semi-trailer and truck-and-trailer configurations, without relevant deterioration of the operational safety. The results of a large sample with brazilian LTL companies show that almost 50% of them operate with a freight density that would be ideal for twins. The twin\'s introduction, however, faces strong legal impediments in some markets, and only would be feasible if deep changes in the Brazilian weight and dimension regulations would be undertaken.

Shared representation of work-related musculoskeletal risk factors and comparison of assessment methods : an experimental study in the truck manufacturing industry / Représentation partagée des facteurs de risque des troubles musculosquelettiques et comparaison des méthodes d'évaluation : une étude expérimentale dans le secteur de l’assemblage de camions

Zare Mahmoudabadi, Mohsen 11 December 2015 (has links)
Les facteurs de risque de troubles musculo-squelettiques(TMS) tels que les facteurs physiques, organisationnels et psychosociaux sont un défi commun pour les industries de l'assemblage automobile qui entrainent des effets indésirables sur le système et les humains. L’ergonomie a déjà été intégrée dans les systèmes de production de ces industries pour la prise en charge de la prévention des TMS. La question est de savoir si l'approche ergonomique actuelle des industries automobiles, sur la base de normes à l'entreprise et des méthodes d'observation, peut fournir une connaissance partagée des facteurs ergonomiques pour les divers intervenants et pour faciliter l'amélioration des conditions de travail. Cette étude aborde la problématique du positionnement des différents méthodes d'évaluation (utilisées par les différents intervenants) et compare les résultats et apports de chaque méthode d'évaluation. Cette thèse propose que la procédure actuelle d'évaluation des risques de TMS ne favorise pas une connaissance partagée entre les intervenants dans les industries automobiles. On constate que les évaluations par auto-questionnaire (opérateurs) sont significativement différentes de celles issues des méthodes d'observation (ergonome) et des mesures directes (analyse biomécanique). Cependant, les opinions et jugements des opérateurs concernant les facteurs ergonomiques sont importants pour faciliter la réussite d'une approche ergonomique. Un entretien structuré et systématisé, basé sur des données objectives (Video-observations ou de mesure directe) liées aux activités et stratégies des opérateurs, pourrait être une procédure appropriée pour faire progresser l'ergonomie des situations de travail. Enfin, la connaissance tirée de cette thèse souligne que la variabilité des tâches dans l’industrie automobile nécessite une approche ergonomique qui partage les connaissances des risques entre les intervenants. Dans cette approche, les attitudes et les comportements des opérateurs sont pris en compte dans les projets d’amélioration continue. De plus, la participation des intervenants devrait être intégrée afin d'améliorer la prise en compte de l'ergonomie dans la production. Une synthèse de cette thèse en Français a été fournie dans l’annexe première. / Musculoskeletal risk factors such as physical, organizational and psychosocial factors are a common challenge for the automotive assembly industries and result in adverse human and system effects. Ergonomics has already been integrated inthe production systems of such factories to eliminate work related musculoskeletal disorders (WR-MSDs). The issue is whether the current ergonomic approach of car industries, based on corporate standards and observational methods, can provide a shared knowledge of ergonomic factors for various stakeholders and facilitate ergonomic improvement. This study focuses on the positioning of the different assessment methods (used by various stakeholders), agreement between their results in evaluation of physical risk factors and the influence of intervention and improvement following ergonomic assessment. This thesis proposes that the current procedure of risk factor assessment can not provide ashared knowledge and representation of risks between stakeholders in manufacturing industries. It was found that the operators’ assessments of risk factors (self-reported questionnaire) were significantly different from those assessed by observational methods (ergonomist) and direct measurement. However, the operators’ opinions and judgments of ergonomic factors of a job are of particular importance to the success of an ergonomic approach. A structured interview based on objective data (video-observation or direct measurement) linked the activities and strategies of atrisk operators might be an appropriate procedure to advance ergonomics.The knowledge gained from this study emphasizes that the variable nature of tasks in manufacturing industries needs an ergonomic approach which shares knowledge and representation of risks between stakeholders. In such an approach, attitudes and behaviors of operators are taken into consideration in developing new intervention processes, organizational and technical remedies. Moreover, involvement of stakeholders should be integrated and this should result in improving production ergonomics.

Weight Estimation through Frequency Analysis

Johansson, Hampus, Höglund, Nicklas January 2009 (has links)
<p>The weight of a heavy duty vehicle plays an important role when dealing with different control systems. Examples of control units in a truck that need this parameter are the ones used to control the brakes, the engine and the gearbox. An accurate estimation of the weight leads not only to a more fuel efficient and safer transport, but also assures the driver that current law limits are not exceeded. The weight can be estimated with pretty good accuracy if the truck is equipped with air suspension. In trucks that lack this type of suspension other methods are used to estimate the weight. At present these methods are inaccurate. In this thesis a new method where the weight is to be estimated through frequency analysis of the truck's driveline is developed and evaluated.</p>

Weight Estimation through Frequency Analysis

Johansson, Hampus, Höglund, Nicklas January 2009 (has links)
The weight of a heavy duty vehicle plays an important role when dealing with different control systems. Examples of control units in a truck that need this parameter are the ones used to control the brakes, the engine and the gearbox. An accurate estimation of the weight leads not only to a more fuel efficient and safer transport, but also assures the driver that current law limits are not exceeded. The weight can be estimated with pretty good accuracy if the truck is equipped with air suspension. In trucks that lack this type of suspension other methods are used to estimate the weight. At present these methods are inaccurate. In this thesis a new method where the weight is to be estimated through frequency analysis of the truck's driveline is developed and evaluated.

Modélisation des écoulements d’air et des transferts de chaleur dans un camion frigorifique : Etude des performances d’un dispositif de rideau d’air innovant pour le maintien de la chaîne du froid et la réduction des pertes à l’ouverture des portes / Modeling of airflow, heat and mass transfers in a refrigerated truck : Study of an innovative air curtain device to protect the cold chain and to reduce energy losses at the door opening

Lafaye de Micheaux, Téo 09 June 2016 (has links)
La préservation de la chaîne du froid est un paramètre particulièrement important dans le cadre de la distribution urbaine, où les fréquentes ouvertures de portes induisent une charge thermique d’infiltration. Afin de réduire les transferts de masse et de chaleur et de protéger l’ouverture, des rideaux d’air ont récemment été installés au niveau de l’ouverture des camions frigorifiques. L’objet de la présente étude est d’étudier ce type confinement. Deux modèles CFD ont été développés pour simuler les champs de températures et de vitesses dans un camion réfrigéré clos. Ils ont permis de montrer que la variation de la vitesse de soufflage ne modifie pas de manière significative la structure des écoulements. Différents conduits d’air sont modélisés. Les résultats numériques montrent que la configuration avec un conduit ouvert améliore fortement le renouvellement d’air. Puis, une étude numérique est réalisée dans le but d’étudier les infiltrations de chaleur et de masse au cours de l’ouverture des portes. Ces écoulements sont bien prédits par le modèle CFD, excepté à la transition entre les deux régimes d’infiltration. Une caisse expérimentale a été équipée d’un dispositif de rideau d’air composé d’un jet ambiant, d’un jet froid ou d’un jet double. En parallèle, un modèle numérique CFD a été développé pour étudier l’influence de différents paramètres. Une bonne concordance entre les résultats numériques et expérimentaux a été observée. L’efficacité du rideau d’air ambiant est maximale lorsque le point d’impact du rideau se situe dans le plan de l’ouverture. Le rideau double maintient efficacement l’homogénéité de la température pour de courtes ouvertures. Le rideau d’air froid est la meilleur configuration, il limite fortement l’augmentation de température de l’enceinte et permet des gains énergétiques importants. / Cold chain safety is a key parameter for urban distribution where the frequent door-opening induces a heat infiltration. In order to reduce heat and mass transfer, air curtain have recently been installed to protect the doorway of refrigerated truck. The aim of this work is to study this type of door insulation. Two CFD numerical models were developed to simulate the temperature and velocity fields in a closed refrigerated truck. These models showed that modifying the blowing velocity does not modify the air flow structure inside the cavity. Different air chutes were modelled. Numerical results demonstrate that the configuration with a convergent and an open duct strongly improves the air renewal. A numerical investigation was performed in order to study heat and mass infiltration rates during the opening. The infiltration flow rate is well predicted by the CFD model, except at the transition between both flow regimes. An experimental truck was equipped with an air curtain setup, composed by an ambient air jet, a cold air jet or a double jet. In parallel, a numerical CFD model was developed to study the influence of various parameters. Experimental and numerical results were found to be in good agreement. The maximum efficiency of the ambient air curtain is reached when the impact point of the jet occurs in the door plane at the ground level. This configuration is only relevant for short opening times. The double air curtain efficiently maintains the temperature homogeneity for short openings. The cold air curtain is the best configuration which strongly limits the temperature increase during the opening and allows important energy savings.

Auxiliary Heater for Natural Gas Trucks

Karlgren Johansson, Mikael, Leong, Kevin January 2017 (has links)
As alternative fuels are becoming more common, technologies need to adjust to them. Natural gas is one of the alternative fuels that has grown during the latest years in the transport sector. Natural gas consists of around 97 % methane and is the cleanest fossil fuel. The use of natural gas can make it easier to transition to biogas as it has equivalent properties. Today Scania CV AB's trucks fuelled by natural gas are using auxiliary cabin heaters driven by diesel. This means that the natural gas trucks have two fuels on-board the truck. The goal of this project is to find a concept to eliminate the diesel fuel and replace it with an auxiliary cabin heater driven by another energy source. It will improve the heating solution and make it superior from an environmental perspective. The result of the project lead to a short-term solution with an auxiliary heater fuelled by natural gas. A long-term solution is to have a cooperation with a manufacturer to develop a better natural gas auxiliary heater that fulfils more of the requirements in the technical specification. An experiment plan is devised to test parameters out of reach of the project.

Modifikace materiálového toku zásobování výroby / Modification of material flow of the manufacturing supplies

Hloušek, David January 2017 (has links)
The main content of this thesis is analysis and proposal of supplying between storages in company Hella Autotechnik Nova in Mohelnice. The main content of creation of this company is wide sort of front headlamps, rear and break lights, but also there is some sort of its washers for the most famous cars brands. Otherwise this thesis is about modification of basic layout, what can be seen there nowadays between external storage Meriva and logistic centre, what is located in main building of this company.

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