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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rysk krigföring i Georgien och Ukraina : en cirkus av vilseledning

Sundstrand, Joel January 2024 (has links)
The Russian term maskirovka can be translated as deception. Maskirovka has been part of Russian military doctrine since at least WWII and is considered to be a central part of their warfare. Maskirovka has been broadly researched since WWII, although not specifically in two of Russia’s most recent wars in Georgia and Ukraine from 2022. The Russo-Georgian war and the Russo-Ukrainian war share common ground considering the conventional sphere; the use of regular units and the methods used. This study has aimed to research how Russia applied deception in these wars, and finally compared its application between 2008 and 2022, all through the theoretical framework for this study that was drawn from Barton Whaley’s theory of deception. The study identified many similarities in utilization of strategic maskirovka; the most vital one perhaps a military exercise north of the border to both Georgia and Ukraine, disguised as an exercise but functioning to mobilize troops. The study also showed similarities in Russian attempts to control the narrative and portray the enemy as bandits, both leading up to the invasion and ongoing throughout the war. Notable is that the attempts in Georgia had effects that caused confusion and made important factors of their success. In Ukraine and the attack against Kiev, the attempts of strategic maskirovka were predicted and seen through by both west and Ukraine. Russia used maskirovka on a tactical level in Georgia and Ukraine as well, which may had effect on individual battles rather than the warfare in general.

Taktisk framgång i kriget mellan Ukraina och Ryssland

Gyllander, Sandra January 2024 (has links)
No description available.

Hur har kriget i Ukraina påverkat den svenska bostadsmarknaden? / How has the War in Ukraine affected the Swedish housing market?

Zuniga, Alicia, Abu-Ramadan, Amgad January 2024 (has links)
Purpose - The study aims to examine how the war in Ukraine, due to Russia's actions, has affected the Swedish housing market. By drawing parallels to previous crises that have impacted the housing market, and using a theoretical framework, the relationship between the war in Ukraine and the housing market in Sweden is studied. Methodology - The purpose is fulfilled through a quantitative approach using multiple linear regression analysis conducted in a statistical program, the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, hereafter abbreviated as SPSS. The collected data comprises 144 observations from the years 2012-2023 and refers to monthly statistics. The overall data is collected from SCB and also from Ekonomifakta. The dependent variable is the real average price in Sweden, an inflation-adjusted average price for detached houses across the country. The explanatory variables are: inflation, mortgage interest rate, unemployment, population, real GDP per capita, number of newly built detached houses, and electricity price. Additionally, dummy variables named war, annexation, covid, and time are included. Findings - The results present three estimations. The first estimation shows that the war has had a negative effect on the Swedish housing market. The total effect of the war on the housing market in Sweden is represented in estimation 1. Estimations 2 & 3 show the direct effect that each variable has on the average price; this is further developed in the results. The latter estimations' results are not statistically significant, which means it cannot be conclusively determined that the war either has or does not have an effect. Instead, the relationships are explained with the theory anchored in reasoning about how market mechanisms act in practice. Originality/Value - To our knowledge, the relationship between the war in Ukraine and the decline in housing prices in Sweden in 2022 has not been previously studied. The work highlights previous research on price formation over time as well as previous crises and their impact on the housing market to discuss the war's effects. Previous research establishes that bank lending and interest rates have a significant impact on housing prices. This study will contribute a new perspective depicting how war in modern society affects the housing market that has taken shape in Sweden. / Syfte - Studien syftar till att undersöka hur kriget i Ukraina på grund av Rysslands aktion har påverkat den svenska bostadsmarknaden. Med hjälp av paralleller till föregående kriser som har påverkat bostadsmarknaden, och en teori, studeras sambandet mellan kriget i Ukraina och bostadsmarknaden i Sverige. Metod - Syftet uppfylls med hjälp av ett kvantitativt tillvägagångssätt genom en multipel linjär regressionsanalys utförd i ett statistikprogram, Statistical Package for the Social Sciences hädanefter förkortad SPSS. Den insamlade datan utgör 144 observationer mellan år 2012-2023 och avser månatlig statistik. Den övergripande datan är insamlad från SCB men även från Ekonomifakta. Den beroende variabeln är reala medelpris i Sverige, ett inflationsjusterat genomsnittligt pris för småhus över hela riket. De förklarande variablerna är: inflation, bolåneränta, arbetslöshet, folkmängd, real BNP per capita, antal nybyggda småhus, och elpris. Dessutom inkluderas dummyvariabler som benämns krig, annektering, covid och time. Resultat - I resultatet redovisas tre skattningar. Den första skattningen visar att kriget har haft en negativ effekt på den svenska bostadsmarknaden. Krigets totala effekt på bostadsmarknaden i Sverige representeras i skattning 1. Skattning 2 & 3 visar den direkta effekten som respektive variabel har på det genomsnittliga priset; detta utvecklas vidare i resultatet. De sistnämnda skattningarnas resultat är inte statistiskt signifikant vilket innebär att det inte med säkerhet kan konstateras att kriget varken har eller inte har effekt. Istället förklaras sambanden med teorin som förankras i resonemanget kring hur marknadens mekanismer agerar i praktiken. Problemområde/Litteraturöversikt - Vad vi känner till har sambandet mellan kriget i Ukraina och prisnedgången på bostadsmarknaden i Sverige år 2022 inte studerats tidigare. Arbetet belyser tidigare forskning kring prisbildningen över tid samt föregående kriser och dess påverkan på bostadsmarknaden för att kunna föra resonemang kring krigets effekter. Tidigare forskning fastställer att bankutlåning och räntor har stor påverkan på bostadspriser. Denna studie kommer bidra med ett nytt perspektiv som skildrar hur krig i det moderna samhället påverkar den bostadsmarknad som har tagit form i Sverige.

Sofvande orm tro icke : En undersökning om säkerhetspolitiska konsekvenser av Rysslands export av gas och olja till EU under perioden 2014–2022 / Sleeping snake don´t think

Kourinnoi, Igor January 2023 (has links)
This essay maps the security policy consequences of Russia's export of gas and oil to Europe in the years 2014–2022. The essay analyzes the development of the EU's energy policy, which dealt with energy transitions. The author also examines changes in the Russian Federation's security policy, military thinking, and military spending, as well as EU actions directed at Russia. The source material consisted of digital and printed sources that were processed using the deductive and qualitative method. To interpret the sources and create the narrative, the Peak Oil theory of M. King Hubbert, Benedict Anderson's theory of nationalism and the groupthink theory of Irving Janis were used. The results of the survey confirm previous research that emphasizes the importance of cheap energy for a modern society. The survey confirms that energy transitions do not occur in a blink of an eye, as well as the claim that the countries that import gas and oil become dependent on the countries that export these fossil fuels. The survey results show that the security policy situation in Europe has become worse during the period 2014–2022. The war in Ukraine can be seen because of Russia's changed military thinking and security policy, as well as the EU's inability to use powerful sanctions against Russia. During the same period, the EU underwent an energy transition and was extremely dependent on oil and gas imports from Russia. The results of this essay show that Russia's policy was primarily driven by geopolitical ambitions, namely, to make Russia a great power. Incorporation of Ukraine was seen as one of the intermediate goals. The sanctions used by the EU had little or no effect. What could affect Russia's ability to continue the war was a total boycott of Russian oil and gas. The essay's results provide a clear indication of the consequences of an ill-conceived energy policy. The result also shows how geopolitics, power and economics are connected and can affect humanity both locally and globally. The research results offer a broad field for further research in the energy sector, historical and political geography.

Alliansdynamik under kris : En analys av sammanhållningen hos Natos medlemsländer genom stödet till Ukraina

Karlin, Marcus January 2024 (has links)
In this study, I analyze NATO's internal cohesion against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine. By examining the differing support levels from its member states to Ukraine, utilizing quantitative methods, I explore the correlation between the support and previously existing groupings within NATO. My findings reveal persistent divisions, suggesting that alliance cohesion has not significantly improved. The study offers crucial insights for Swedish and NATO policymakers, highlighting the strategic importance of understanding alliance dynamics during global crises. It underscores the necessity for policies that enhance unity and effectiveness in international alliances.

Småsten kan också vara berg : resursmobilisering av Ukrainas frivilligbataljoner 2014–2015

Hylén, Jonathan January 2024 (has links)
This study explores the resource mobilization of Ukrainian volunteer battalions during the 2014-2015 conflict, analysing how these non-state military actors strategically adapted without formal military infrastructure or state support to mobilize and maintain operational efficiency. The study highlights their innovative organizational tactics and resource utilization, emphasizing their ability to adapt and maintain combat effectiveness in challenging conditions. Utilizing the Resource Mobilization Theory (RMT), the research investigates the strategies these volunteer-battalions employed to mobilize resources, offering new insights into the role of non-state actors in modern warfare. This analysis addresses a gap in previous research which often uses narrow theoretical perspectives and consequently view these battalions as static rather than dynamic entities. The findings reveal that the effectiveness of the Ukrainian volunteer battalions was critically dependent on their ability to rapidly mobilize a wide array of resources. This was significantly enhanced by local and international networks, which facilitated resource acquisition and strategic operational planning. These networks also played a crucial role in legitimizing the battalions' activities and garnering broader societal support. Overall, this study contributes to the existing research by highlighting the pivotal role of resource mobilization in the establishing and maintaining of non-state military actors. It underscores the need for further research into the integration of social movement theories with military strategy to fully grasp the evolving nature of modern conflicts.

Svarta havet – Två år av växlande sjökontroll

Arby, Nathaniel January 2024 (has links)
The littorals, narrow seas, brown water or coastal areas, whatever definition, warfare in a coastal environment favors the defender due to environmental characteristics. But is this theory valid even when an actor does not hold the ability to organize an effective defensive system along its coastline? How can a weaker defensive actor create a naval ability to strike towards and deny a stronger opponents’ sea control?This thesis investigates the shift in initiative and command of the seas in the Black Sea during the first two years of the war between Russia and Ukraine.The result is two-folded; Even when almost totally erased, a coastal state can conduct sea denial and even establish local sea control to protect its own coast. Unfortunately, this thesis cannot validate if these actions will lead to victory at sea, even less victory of the war.

Illusion, utopi eller framtidens krigföringskoncept : En undersökning av manöverkrigföringens betydelse för markoperativ framgång i östra Ukraina 2022–2023

Bratt, Johan January 2024 (has links)
Maneuver warfare theory has been used to explain success in numerous modern conflicts and is extensively incorporated into contemporary military doctrine. However, during 2022-2023, the war in Ukraine resembled World War I attritional warfare, leading theorists to question the relevance of maneuver warfare in today’s conflicts. This thesis examines the applicability of maneuver warfare theory in contemporary conflicts by analyzing success in land operations in eastern Ukraine, testing Stephen Biddle’s theory, The Modern System, in a comparative case study. The result indicates that asymmetry in force employment, referring to one side using military means more efficiently than the opponent, leads to success, and conversely that symmetry creates an attritional character of battle. The thesis contributes with insight into the dynamics between maneuver and attrition in high-intensity interstate wars, highlighting the importance of flexibility and adaptability. The conclusions emphasize the need of further research on maneuver warfare in contemporary conflicts.

Mellan konflikternas rader: Jämförande studie i rapportering av internationella konflikter : En analys av svensk medias framställning av Ryssland- Ukraina kriget och Israel- Palestina konflikten.

Moukadam, Juliana, Haj Rachid, Tala January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att utforska och analysera hur svensk media presenterar internationella konflikter, med fokus på Ryssland och Ukraina kriget, samt Israel och Palestina konflikten. Metodologiska ansatserna för studien är en kombination av framing analys och kritisk diskursanalys med fokus på Faircloughs tredimensionell modell. Genom dessa två analysverktyg kan vi få en mer omfattande bild av svenskmedias framställning av de valda konflikterna. Den möjliggör en fördjupad förståelse av medias makt i att forma offentliga diskurser. För att stärka och stödja vår analys, tillämpades två teorier, dels diskurs, dels postkolonial teori inom Internationella Relationer. Resultaten indikerar att det finns betydande skillnader i rapporteringen om de två konflikterna. Detaljering av information kring civila offer i Ukraina tenderar att vara högre jämfört med Palestinska offer. Ytterligare en skillnad som betraktades, var den bristande benämning av historiska aspekter i både konflikterna, vilket tyder på att media väljer att framhäva vissa berättelser och ignorera andra.  Det fanns även likheter med konflikterna, exempelvis, användningen av starkt laddade ord vid framställningen av konflikterna. Detta tyder på maktspel som formar politiska och sociala attityder. En annan likhet mellan konflikternas presentation i svensk media var journalisternas sätt att väcka emotionell respons hos läsaren. De framställda narrativen påverkar mottagarens beteende, attityder och syn på rättvisa och moral. Slutligen, understryker denna studie vikten av medvetenheten om hur svensk media rapporterar om internationella konflikter. Det är därmed viktigt att fokuset ligger på en balanserad rapportering som inkluderar både aktuell och historiska kontexter.

Turismens utveckling i ett instabilt Kiev : En studie om destinationsimage i Ukraina

Bredlind, Hanna, Pogulyaylo, Maria January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to get an idea of how tourism in Ukraine and specifically in the capital, Kiev, changed since the major events in recent years. In 2012 Ukraine and Poland welcomed the big football event Euro 2012 where Kiev was one of the hosting cities. After that the tourist flow increased until the terrible riot that took place at the end of 2013. Among other consequences, it led to Kiev receiving a bad image internationally via mass media, which in turn led to the reduction of the tourist flow. This thesis is a qualitative study, based on interviews with two government officials who had given us an overview of how tourism is today and what government does to improve the city’s image of having poor security and threats to potential tourists in Kiev today. Interviews with both representatives took place on location in Kiev. In addition to that, we conducted an email-survey with 13 Swedish tourists who had not previously visited Kiev to get a picture of their knowledge of Ukraine’s capital. Based on the answers from our respondents, we had worked to obtain the relevant theories and previous research for further analysis. The results of this thesis show that nowadays tourism in Kiev is not a profitable industry and there is too little focus dedicated to this topic as well as the city's marketing, because of the ongoing war in parts of the country. Furthermore, there is no ministry responsible for tourism in Kiev, but only departments that are being constantly moved between different ministries. / Syftet med denna uppsats var att få en uppfattning över hur turism i Ukraina och specifikt i huvudstaden Kiev ser ut, då den ändrades i och med stora händelser under de senaste åren. År 2012 hade Ukraina och Polen välkomnat det stora fotbollsevenemanget EM 2012 och Kiev var en av städerna som evenemanget arrangerades i. Efter detta hade turistflödet ökat tills det förfärliga upploppet som skedde i slutet av år 2013. Det ledde till att Kiev fick en dålig image internationellt via massmedia som i sin tur ledde till turismflödets minskning. Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ studie, byggt på intervjuer med två myndighetsrepresentanter som har gett oss en överblick om hur turismen ser ut idag och vad staten gör för att avlägsna denna image om dålig säkerhet och hot mot potentiella turister som Kiev har idag. Med potentiell turist menas en person som hittar något intresse för att besöka ett turistställe. Intervju med både representanter skedde på plats i Kiev. Samtidigt hade vi genomfört en undersökning då vi via e-post intervjuade 13 svenska turister som inte tidigare hade besökt Kiev. Syftet med e-post intervjuerna var att få deltagarnas bild av vad de har för kunskap om Kiev. Utifrån svar från våra respondenter hade vi arbetat för att få fram de relevanta teorier samt tidigare forskning för vidare analys. Resultatet av denna uppsats visar att dagens turism i Kiev inte är den lönsamma näringen och det fokus som läggs på detta område samt stadens marknadsföring är obetydlig, då det pågår krig i delar av landet. Samtidigt som förvärvsarbetet av turismen brister på grund av saknad av ett departement som ska vara ansvarig för turismen i Kiev. Det finns endast inaktiva avdelningar som ständigt flyttas till olika departement.

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