Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ukraine"" "subject:"ukrainian""
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Russia’s war against Ukraine : The effect on IT security in Sweden’s municipalities / Rysslands krig mot Ukraina : Effekten på IT-säkerheten i Sveriges kommunerGötlind, Hampus, Olsson, Rickard January 2023 (has links)
This report aims to look at how Russia’s war in Ukraine has affected the work with IT security at Swedish municipalities, what actions have been taken, if any, and see if there has been an increase in attacks towards the municipalities’ networks. This was done by sending out a questionnaire to all of Sweden’s 290 municipalities via email with four questions regarding their IT security. 103 of Sweden’s municipalities responded to the email. Ten municipalities declined to participate in the report, which means that 32% (93) of Sweden’s municipalities participated in this survey. We chose to evaluate the Swedish municipalities and their preparedness in case of war for several reasons. They are a uniform group which we believed adhere to the same guidelines and regulations regarding cybersecurity, and the fact that they store and engage with critical and sensitive data about Sweden and its population, making them prime targets for attacks by foreign powers. The results were presented anonymously and based on the voluntary responses of the municipalities. Answers were then compiled and sorted into the five main categories from the NIST framework for cybersecurity. The report concludes that Swedish municipalities have taken significant actions to protect their networks in response to Russia’s war and aggressions towards Ukraine. For example, 18 municipalities reported that they had trained their staff in some way, which was the most common measure, and 11 municipalities had implemented two-factor authentication. However, more can be done in terms of responding to threats and enhancing recovery plans and systems. In summary, there seemed to be a lack of consensus on how municipalities should handle their own IT-security, as there was a high variation in the responses. The follow-up questions revealed a significant increase in attacks towards the municipalities’ networks, with many considering their networks potential targets for future attacks from foreign powers.
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Nya tider eller ideologisk urholkning? : En studie om Socialdemokraternas kassering av alliansfriheten.Börjesson, Jonatan January 2023 (has links)
In Sweden, after the Russian invasion of Ukraine 2022, the Social Democrats were inturmoil. Some factions had started openly advocating for Nato membership, while someremained staunchly opposed, favouring the status quo. This shift earned the partycriticism for having abandoned their last claim to any form of ideology. This studyproposes the use of politically aligned newspaper editorials as surrogates for studyingpolitical parties, gleaning insights into how stubborn or malleable the party isideologically, thus determining whether the Social Democrats lean more into idealism orrealism. Eight editorials are analysed and classified as Realist/Idealist andPro-/Anti-Nato. The tendency found is that there is a strong correlation between beingidealist and being against Nato-membership, and vice versa. This correlation is thenapplied to the Social Democrats, who voted for joining the alliance, to ultimately suggestthat the party today is more realist than idealist.
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Ukraina och freden : En fredsteoretisk analys utefter konfliktens konstituerande elementEile, Mattias January 2023 (has links)
This thesis explores the prerequisites for peace in Ukraine from a typology of the conflict’s constituent elements. The material examined consist of accounts from open sources and official statements from the warring parties. The thesis concludes that the high intensity combat between two state parties and the ostensible lack of veto-players warrants a conflict with a shorter duration and relatively good prerequisites for solution. Underpinning territorial aspects and general scale of conflict together with lingering features of Russian strategic culture points to a longer and more intractable conflict. The western support for Ukraine contributes both to scale and intensity, but also induces a risk for horizontal escalation.
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Sörjbar eller inte? : En jämförande diskursteoretisk analys av hur syriska respektive ukrainska flyktingar framställs i svensk mediaJohansson, Emma, Nilsson, Viktoria January 2023 (has links)
In 2015, tens of thousands of Syrians fled to Sweden to escape the civil war that was raging in Syria. In the media, grief was spread, partly when small children drowned during their journey across the Mediterranean, partly fear of terrorists and the burden on Sweden. Laws were changed, borders were controlled and fences were built. In 2022, Ukraine was invaded by Russia and Ukrainian refugees made their way to Sweden. The media then spread how Swedes opened up their homes to the Ukrainian refugees. The purpose of this study is to, in the form of a discourse analysis, examine and compare the construction of Syrian refugees in 2015 and Ukrainian refugees in 2022 in Swedish media. A total of 20 articles made up the material for the analysis. These have been taken from Aftonbladet and Svenska Dagbladet, five articles per refugee group and newspaper. We began by coding to identify patterns in the articles. We then analyzed these patterns with Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe's alignment within discourse analysis, discourse theory and related concepts. To deepen the analysis and add additional perspective, we also used Judith Butler's concepts of framing and grievability. With the concepts within discourse theory and Butler's concepts, we were able to draw a conclusion; different groups of refugees are portrayed differently in Swedish media and made grievable and non-grievable as a result of their ethnicity, origin and religion. / Året 2015 flydde tiotusentals syrier till Sverige för att undkomma det inbördeskrig som härjade i Syrien. I media spreds dels sorg när små barn drunknade under sin färd över medelhavet, dels skräck för terrorister men också för den belastning som mottagandet skulle innebära för Sverige. Lagar skärpets, gränserna kontrollerades och staket byggdes upp. Under 2022 invaderades Ukraina av Ryssland och ukrainska flyktingar tog sig till Sverige. I media spreds då hur svenskar öppnade upp sina hem för de ukrainska flyktingarna. Syftet med denna studie är att i form av en diskursanalys undersöka hur konstruktionen av syriska flyktingar framställts i svensk media under 2015, i jämförelse med konstruktionen av ukrainska flyktingar under 2022. Totalt har 20 artiklar utgjort materialet för analysen, vilka har hämtats från Aftonbladet och Svenska Dagbladet, fem artiklar per flyktinggrupp och tidning. För att kunna identifiera mönster i artiklarna inleddes analysen med en kodningsprocess. Mönstren analyserades därefter med Ernesto Laclau och Chantal Mouffes inriktning diskursteori samt dess tillhörande begrepp. För att fördjupa analysen och tillföra ytterligare perspektiv användes även Judith Butlers begrepp inramning och sörjbarhet. Med hjälp av de diskursteoretiska begreppen samt Butlers teoretiska begrepp kunde vi komma fram till en slutsats; olika flyktinggrupper framställs olika i svenska media, och görs sörjbara och osörjbara utifrån etnicitet, ursprung och religion.
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Att definiera “Cyber-Pearl Harbor” Validering av DSLP-ramverket i “Offensive Cyberspace Operations Targeting Ukraine: a Cyber Pearl-HarborEishayea, Eleshwa, Lilja, Jonathan January 2023 (has links)
Användningen av cyberattacker mot organisationer, sjukvård och individer har ökat parallellt med digitaliseringen. Nationer har också blivit offer för dessa typer av attacker, som ofta kombineras med andra medel för krigföring såsom markanfall och missilattacker. En Cyber-Pearl Harbor (härefter förkortad CPH) är en term uppmärksammad av Leon Panetta som enligt honom består av kombinerade attacker som resulterar i mänsklig död, fysisk förstörelse och som lamslår en hel nation. Gazmend Huskaj använder sig av Panettas definition för utformande av ett ramverk (“DSLP-ramverket”) som är tänkt användas för att kunna klassificera en händelse som en CPH. Syftet med denna studie är att utforska om DSLP-ramverket kan valideras då termen har brukats de senaste 25 åren utan att en global definition tagit fäste, det är därför inte säkert att de kriterier som presenteras i ramverket överensstämmer med vad cybersäkerhetsexperter anser att en CPH är. Forskningsfrågan som utvecklades från denna studie blev följande: “Hur kan ramverket "DSLP-ramverk" från "Offensive Cyberspace Operations Targeting Ukraine: a Cyber Pearl-Harbor" (2023) valideras för klassificering av cyberattacker som Cyber Pearl-Harbor?”. En kvalitativ fallstudie genomfördes med en litteraturöversikt över termen CPH samt en semistrukturerad intervju där 3 experter utfrågades, vilket sedan analyserades via en tematisk analys. Som ett första steg för att besvara denna studies frågeställning applicerades ramverket på tre verkliga fall, detta för att avgöra huruvida dessa fall kan klassificeras som en CPH eller inte. Dessa tre verkliga fall var en attack mot en publik sjukvårdssektor i Costa Rica, ett TV-torn i Kiev, Ukraina samt dagligvarukedjan Coop i Sverige. Resultatet av valideringen av DSLP-ramverket var att endast fallet med TV-kornet i Kiev, Ukraina kunde klassificeras som en CPH. Den kognitiva effekten av eventet var dock inte förlamande nog att paralysera hela Ukraina, vilket gör klassificeringen diskutabel. Det andra steget bestod av en tematisk analys som gjordes på de tre experterna, vilket resulterade i skapandet av fyra huvudteman: Begreppets betydelse, Försvar mot Cyber-Pearl Harbor, Probabilitet och Kombinerade anfall. Följande slutsatser kom att dras i denna studie: Avsaknaden av en internationell/global standard gör det svårare att 1) göra upp om en gemensam definition av termen samt 2) klassificera en CPH i verklig kontext. Kombinationer av flera attacker och verktyg är en annan aspekt som understryks vid definiering av en CPH. Huruvida en CPH har skett eller inte varierar från expert till expert, och detsamma gäller probabiliteten för att en CPH kan ske i dagens kontext. Baserat på dessa slutsatser blir det svårt att validera DSLP-ramverket. Ytterligare forskning och data, intervjuer med experter och förtydligande behövs för att skapa en universell definition och därmed en gemensam grund att utgå ifrån. / The use of cyberattacks against organizations, health care and individuals have increased along with the constant digitalisation. Nations have also fallen victim to cyberattacks, often combined with other means of war like boots on the ground or missiles. A Cyber-Pearl Harbor (further shortened as CPH) is a term mentioned by Leon Panetta described in his words as “combined attacks that result in human death and physical destruction and that paralyzes an entire nation”. Gazmend Huskaj used Panettas definition in order to create a framework (“DSLP-framework”) for classifying an event as a CPH. This study strives to see if the DSLP-framework can be validated since the term has been widely used for the last 25 years, however a universal definition of the term seems to be missing, therefore it is not certain that the criterias presented in the framework is accurate to what cybersecurity experts consider a CPH to be. The research question developed from this study's problem became the following: “How can the framework “DSLP-Framework” from “Offensive Cyberspace Operations Targeting Ukraine: a Cyber Pearl-Harbor” (2023) be validated for classification of cyberattacks as Cyber Pearl-Harbor?”. A qualitative case study was conducted through a literature overview regarding the term CPH and a semistructured interview with three experts, which were later analyzed through a thematic analysis. As a first step to answering the research question, the framework was applied to three real life cases in order to determine whether or not they can be classified as a CPH. The following cases were an attack on a public health sector in Costa Rica, a TV-tower in Kyiv, Ukraine and the grocery company Coop in Sweden. The result from applying each case to the DSLP-framework was that only the case of the TV-tower in Kyiv could be classified as a CPH. However, the cognitive effects of the event were not crippling enough to paralyze the entirety of Ukraine, making the classification debatable. The second step was done through the use of thematic analysis on the interviews with the experts, in which four main themes were created: The meaning of the concept, Defense against Cyber-Pearl Harbor, Probability and Combined attacks. The following conclusions were drawn in this study: The absence of an international standard makes it harder to 1) conclude a common definition of the term and 2) classify a CPH in real context. The combinations of attacks and tools is another important aspect to highlight when defining a CPH. Whether a CPH has happened or not varies from expert to expert, and the same goes for the probability of a CPH occurring in today's context. Based on these conclusions, it is hard to validate the DSLP-framework. Further research and data, interviews with experts and clarification is needed in order to create a universal definition and therefore a common ground to start from.
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Kombattantstatus hos frivilliggrupper i Ukraina : Rysslands anklagelser om legosoldater - juridik eller retorik? / Combatant status among volunteer battalions in Ukraine : The legal merits of Russian mercenary accusationsJanson, Felix January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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"Är det skillnad på folk och folk?" : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om syriska migranters uppfattningar om media, migrationsverket, inkludering och exkludering efter ankomst till Sverige / ”Is there a difference between people and people?” : A Qualitative interview study that depicts Syrian refugees´ perceptions of the media, the Swedish Migration Board, inclusion and exclusion after their arrival in SwedenJohansson Vodusek, Linnea, Abdo, Mona January 2022 (has links)
Under 2015 migrerade ett stort antal flyktingar från Syrien som sedan kom att stanna i Sverige. Resan mot att känna sig inkluderad i samhället ser olika ut med olika faktorer som spelar in för hur migranterna uppfattar att de blivit mottagna i det nya landet. Till följd av den nutida flyktingkris som uppkommit då ukrainska medborgare flyr Ukraina, har bemötandet sett olika ut i denna flyktingkris mot hur syriska flyktingar porträtterats och mottagits. Därmed syftade studien att genom semistrukturerade intervjuer, utforska hur mottagandet i Sverige kan uppfattas av syriska migranter som levt här sedan 2015. Studien utforskade upplevelsen av respondenternas uppfattning om Migrationsverket. Vidare undersöktes även respondenternas intryck om medias skildringar. Slutligen undersökte om de känner sig inkluderade eller exkluderade i samhället till följd av deras upplevelse med migrationsverket samt medias porträtteringar och skildringar av syrier. Resultatet har analyserats med hjälp av tidigare forskning samt utifrån teorierna ”vi och dom”, ”social identitet” och ”avhumanisering” och visade på att det finns uppdelningar i samhället och känsla av ”vi och dom”, osäkerheter i social identitet samt kopplingar till känsla av avhumanisering. Slutsatser som dras i studien är att respondenterna visade vardagliga upplevelser och bidrog till en bredare bild av Sveriges mottagande och positiva och negativa upplevelser av migrationsverket och media. De visade även på blandade åsikter och angav tydliga bidragande faktorer som påverkat deras känsla av exkludering och inkludering som även varierade beroende på tidpunkt och sammanhang för respondenterna.
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Andra världskriget i läroböcker: Hur olika länder minns och berättar historia / World War II in textbooks: How different nations remember and tell historyEkeroth, Erik, Rekstad, Fabian January 2023 (has links)
According to Skolverket the aim of history as a subject is to teach the students about different narratives in history. The purpose of this overview is to analyze and compare what earlier research tells us about how World War II is portrayed in textbooks in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. To achieve this purpose we are focusing on a number of narratives. The ability to critically review textbooks is important in the profession because usually the facts that are presented are in the interest of the nation. The material that has been used was found through the databases: Education Research Complete (ERC) and ERIC via EBSCO. The sources have been reviewed and analyzed to make sure that they are relevant for the subject. To narrow the material further we have only used peer-reviewed sources. Furthermore, additional sources have been presented through Google Scholar. The result in this overview tells us about how the countries in question use different narratives as a tool in nation building and the creation of a national identity. Depending on the country the narratives change to either connect or disconnect from other countries and their actions. A lot of the focus in the textbooks deals with things that happen within their own countries borders and the people that live within those borders. On the contrary, other countries and the people within those countries tend to be forgotten, especially in cases such as foundation, suffering and resistance. Concluding the overview, the different materials used all argue that textbooks play an important role in nation building and the creation of a national identity. Focusing on a number of narratives, the difference in how nations portray the same narratives in different ways to build a national identity is clear. The results presented by the sources opened up for discussions about the relation between the teacher and the textbook as well as how the textbook is used.
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Vilken effekt har ESG och finansiell flexibilitet på svenska företags aktiekurser? : Empirisk studie utifrån inledningsskedet för Rysslands invasion av UkrainaHajeer, Mahmoud, Höglund, Kristoffer January 2023 (has links)
In this study, we examine the effect of ESG-ranking and strong financial flexibility have on Swedish firms’ stock price during the initial stage of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. This study is based on examining this theme during Russia's invasion of Ukraine with a time frame that lasts during the first half of 2022. The sample for this study is limited to the large index OMXS30 that is part of the Stockholm Stock Exchange. Moreover, in this paper five portfolios have been formed for this purpose, which are divided into high respectively low ESG ranking and high respectively low financial flexibility in comparison to the markets portfolio. The findings in this paper show that the portfolios with Swedish firms that have strong financial flexibility and low ESG-ranking outperform the market portfolio. Meanwhile the portfolios with Swedish firms that have high ESG-ranking and low financial flexibility underperform the market portfolio. In addition to this, the paper found that the Swedish firms with high ESG-ranking have a stable excess return and they are the safest option in terms of investments. While the Swedish firms with strong financial flexibility have high excess return but they are riskier.
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SMUTS : En sociosemiotisk analys av Balenciagas "The Mud Show" 2022 utifrån Pierre Bourdieus teori om kapital samt nutida mediala representationer av kriget i Ukraina. / DIRT : A sociosemiotic analysis of Balenciaga's "The Mud Show" 2022 based on Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of capital and contemporary media representations of the war in Ukraine.Rosberg, Andrea January 2023 (has links)
The main purpose of this study is to examine how the media representation of the war in Ukraine is portrayed in Balenciaga’s runway for "Summer 23" collection in Paris Fashion Week 2022. To reach the objective of this study I used an approach based on a qualitative method with support from theories concerning socio-semiotics, Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of capital, provocation and taste. The material, based on video sequences and screenshots from the runway-show, are analyzed in correlation to the contemporary social and cultural context of a westernized perspective. The outcome of this study indicates that Balenciaga, as a luxurious brand with high levels of all forms of capital, alludes to the media’s representation of war as a means of provocation, which makes the "good taste" that they possess change. / The primary aim with my Media Production is to create a visual material whose purpose is to emotionally touch the intended target group to click on the Action for Happiness website and to learn more about how one can live to achieve a happier life. My animated introductory video is meant to be an entry to the "10 Key Words for a Happier Life" page on the website.
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