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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uppfattningen hos yrkesverksamma inom ideell sektor om pornografis påverkan på ungdomars parrelationer i Sverige : Det sexuella våldet, mänskliga rättigheter, samtycke och genus / The perception of professionals in the non-profit sector about the impact of pornography inyoung people's relationship in Sweden : Sexual violence, human rights, consent and gender

Österberg, Jenny January 2021 (has links)
The thesis of this essay explores if there is a causation in youth (15-25 years) partnerrelationships between pornography consumption and sexual violence. The analysis includedperspectives of human rights, gender and consent. It has also been examined how to counteractthese issues and who’s responsibility it is to do so. These questions have been asked to sevenprofessionals in non-profit organizations through an interview study. A survey with 19-yearolds in high school about their experiences with pornography and sexual violence was alsomade. Because of low participation in the survey only part of it will be shown in the analysis.To process all the data of the studies, theories of gender and consent have been used. The resultsshowed that youths that contacts the non-profit organisations feel that they need to do whateversexual act that their partner wants them to. They could not always see themselves thatpornography was affecting their relationships and that the acts they were forced to do wasinspired from pornography. The questions asked to the youths played a role in how much of acausation the organisations could see. Pornography is not the only reason that sexual violencehas increased among youths, there are other things contributing, like how the whole society isvery sexualized and is very tolerant to violence in general. The youths had a hard timedetermining what sexual violence is and how complex consent is. Gender norms put pressureon them to act a certain way in their partner relationships and talk a special way about violence,sex and pornography. To see the causation, you need to have the knowledge about violence,gender and how to talk to youths. We cannot stop the use of pornography, but we can learn howto talk to young people about it and work pre-emptive to prevent more issues to evolve. Sexualviolence is a rights issue, but those rights that protect you from violence is not helpful inrestricting pornography. Conventions can be used to put more pressure on the state of Swedento act against these issues. Harmful standards must be prevented and there needs to be supportand openness to talk to youths about these issues.

Psykisk ohälsa och bemötandets betydelse : - En kvalitativ studie om ungdomars upplevelser av bemötandetpå Ungdomsmottagningen / Mental illness and treatment : - A Qualitative Study about Young People's Experiences of the Treatment Recieved atUngdomsmottagningen

Tunander, Amanda, Westman, Wilma January 2023 (has links)
Psykisk ohälsa är ett växande problem bland ungdomar i Sverige. Ungdomsmottagningar ären av de instanser som ungdomar kan vända sig till för att få hjälp och stöd gällande blandannat psykisk ohälsa. Bemötande i sig har en stor påverkan på den hjälpsökande och kan varaavgörande för huruvida denne är benägen att söka hjälp senare i livet. Forskning visar attunga personer som har erfarenheter av negativt bemötande av att söka hjälp tar med sig denerfarenheten genom livet det och kan leda till att den unge inte söker hjälp igen. Studiensempiri har sin grund i sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med ungdomar som tidigare sökt hjälpför psykisk ohälsa på Ungdomsmottagningen. Det empiriska materialet visade att det fannsdelade erfarenheter gällande bemötandet på Ungdomsmottagningen. Av de respondenter somupplevde kontakten som positiv har många uppgett att personalen var lyhörd, tog derasproblematik på allvar och kunde individanpassa stödet. De var också mer benägna att sökahjälp senare i livet jämfört med de respondenter som upplevt kontakten som negativ.Respondenterna som upplevde kontakten som negativ berättade att de kände ett behov av attöverdriva sina symtom, att de inte togs på allvar och att de saknade inflytande i stödet somerbjöds. Resultatet analyserades med hjälp av begreppen stigma, kommunikationsteori ochmakt. / Mental illness is a growing problem amongst adolescents in Sweden. Ungdomsmottagningenis one of the instances that young people can turn to in order to receive help and support with,amongst other things, their mental health concerns. The interaction with staff has a big impacton whether or not they are willing to seek help later in life. Research shows that adolescentswith negative experiences of the interaction with professionals are especially vulnerable tonot seeking help again later in life. This study is based on six semi-structured interviews withadolescents who have received help and support via Ungdomsmottagningen. The empiricaldata shows that there are different experiences about the treatment received atUngdomsmottagningen. The participants who described the interaction as positive, alsodescribed the staff as being perceptive, and that they acknowledged the youths problems anddescriptions. These participants were also more prone to seek support later compared tothose who had a bad experience. Among the interviewed who had a bad experience with thestaff interaction mentioned that they felt a need to exaggerate their symptoms, that they werenot taken seriously and had a lack of influence in the care they received. The results wereanalyzed using theories such as stigma, communication theory and power.

Det suicidpreventiva arbetet bland ungdomar inom högstadiet och gymnasiet - skolsköterskors erfarenheter / The suicide preventive work among adolescents within high school and senior high school - school nurses experiences

Johansson, Ellinor, Nygren, Magdalena January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Många av dagens ungdomar i Sverige lider av psykisk ohälsa, som kan bidra till ökad risk för suicid. Suicid är den vanligaste dödsorsaken i åldersgruppen 15-24 år. Skolsköterskan har en viktig uppgift att främja elevers psykiska hälsa samt att uppmärksamma elever med psykisk ohälsa för att kunna ge dem rätt stöd. Hälsosamtalet är ett tillfälle då skolsköterskan får möjlighet att samtala med eleverna om deras hälsa och kan upptäcka riskbeteenden och tecken till suicidalitet. Syfte: Att beskriva skolsköterskors erfarenheter av det suicidpreventiva arbetet bland ungdomar inom högstadiet och gymnasiet. Metod: Studien bygger på en kvalitativ innebördsanalys med livsvärldsintervjuer. Resultatet analyserades med en beskrivande innebördsanalys. Resultat: Sex innebördsteman framkom: tidiga insatser för att förhindra suicid, skapa en tillitsfull och trygg relation, att möta eleverna i hälsosamtal, samarbeta med olika professioner inom skolan, samarbeta med externa aktörer samt känslan av trygghet i den egna yrkesprofessionen. Slutsats: Suicidpreventivt arbete inom högstadiet och gymnasiet är idag begränsat, däremot finns ett aktivt förebyggande arbete mot psykisk ohälsa, som anses som suicidpreventivt på sikt. Ett framgångsrikt suicidpreventivt arbete bygger på goda relationer med eleverna, som uppnås genom hälsosamtal och tillgänglighet. Samarbete med andra aktörer underlättar arbetet men behöver synliggöras och utvecklas. För att känna trygghet i det suicidpreventiva arbetet krävs utbildning och yrkeserfarenhet samt tydliga riktlinjer och handlingsplaner inom skola / Background: Many of today's adolescences in Sweden suffer from mental illness, which can contribute to an increased risk of suicide. Suicide is the most common cause of death in the age group 15-24 years. The school nurse has an important task to promote students' mental health and to draw attention to students with mental illness in order to give them the right support. The health discussion is an occasion when the school nurse has the opportunity to talk to the students about their health and can discover risk behaviors and signs of suicidality. Purpose: To describe school nurses' experiences of suicide prevention work among adolencences within high school and upper secondary school. Method: The study is based on a qualitative meaning analysis with life world interviews. The results were analyzed with a descriptive meaning analysis. Results: Six meaning themes emerged in the results, early interventions to prevent suicide, create a trusting and safe relationship, to meet the students in health discussions, collaborate with different professions within the school, collaborate with external actors and the feeling of security in one’s own professional role. Conclusions: Suicide prevention work in high school and upper secondary school is currently limited, however, there is active preventive work against mental illnes, which is considered suicide preventive in the long run. Successful suicide prevention work is based on good relationships with students, which are achieved through health discussions and accessibility. Cooperation with other actors facilitates the work but needs to be made visible and developed. In order to feel secure in the suicide prevention work, education and professional experience are required, as well as clear guidelines and action plans within the school.

Barnperspektivet på ett av SiS ungdomshem: En studie av behandlingspedagogers utmaningar och förståelse av normbrytande ungdom : ”… Det här med att det är barn och sånt. Det, alltså om man ska vara brutalt ärlig. Politikerna har ju ingen aning om vad det är för killar som hamnar på SiS. Det är inga barn. Vi måste ju vara ärliga.”

Alp, Biyan, Bringeland, Karl-Rasmus January 2024 (has links)
Ungdomar placerade på SiS ungdomshem är en heterogen grupp med vitt skilda bakgrunder som handlar om allt från missbruksproblematik till grov kriminalitet. Ungdomarnas beteenden och bakgrund utmanar synen på vad ett barn kan vara. Det innebär ett behov av en kompetent och reflekterande personal i arbetet med dem. Detta är en kvalitativ studie baserad på gruppintervjuer på ett utav SiS ungdomshem. Syftet var att undersöka hur behandlingspedagogerna beskriver ungdomarna och de tvångsåtgärder som används, samt vilka utmaningar behandlingspedagogerna upplever och hur de kan förstås ur ett barnperspektiv. Studiens insamlade data analyserades genom tematisk analys. Ett resultat som framkom var bland andra att behandlingspedagogerna uttrycker svårigheter att se ungdomarna som barn, vilket kan leda till att barnperspektivet utmanas vid insatser i verksamheten. Studiens teoretiska ramverk utgörs av teorin om gräsrotsbyråkrati, stämplingsteori samt barndomssociologiska perspektiv. Studiens resultat har diskuterats och analyserats i relation till tidigare forskning inom fältet.

Å leve et dobbelt liv. : En kvalitativ studie av unges opplevelse med diagnosen ADHD og medikamentell behandling / To live a double life. : A qualitative study of youths experience with the diagnosis ADHD and medical treatment in their daily life

Setså, Wenche January 2007 (has links)
Hensikten med denne studien var å undersøke hvordan unge med diagnosen attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) erfarte denne lidelsen, dens behandling med sentralstimulerende medisin, og konsekvensene diagnosen og medisineringen hadde for deres daglige liv. Metode: En kvalitativ studie med intervju av ti ungdommer i alderen fra 13 – 18 år, hvor alle har diagnosen ADHD og ni var medisinert. Fem av informantene var gutter, fem var jenter. Intervjuene ble tatt opp på lydbånd og analysert etter prinsippene i Grounded Theory. Resultat: De unge definerte sin opplevelse av diagnosen på fire områder. Skole, fritid og venner. Sin egen opplevelse definerte de som; lettelse, skjule diagnosen, annerledes, anstrengelse. De unges opplevelse inngår i en kjernekategori” å leve et dobbelt liv” som inneholder fire hovedkategorier. Det er opplevelsen av å være avvikende, opplevelsen av å kjenne uro for framtiden, det er å føle skam for diagnosen og skjule at de tar medisin. Analysen indikerer en sammenheng mellom diagnose og medisinering og stigma for den enkelte unge på tre av områdene, unntatt hjemmet. Bruk av denne sammenhengen kan bidra til å utvikle et helsefremmende arbeid i forbindelse med diagnostiseringen av ADHD til unge menneske / The aim of the study was to investigate how youths with a diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) experienced the disorder, it`s treatment and the consequences of the diagnosis and treatment on their daily life. Method: Ten youths between 13 and 18 years on age (five were females and five were males) with a diagnosis of attention deficit disorder who were patients in an outpatient unit for children and adolescents were interviewed by the author. The interviews were audiotaped and analyzed by principles and methods of Grounded Theory. Findings: Four main themes/basic areas were identified: Friends, school, leisure time and home. Friends: They characterised their relationships with friends as different. School: their experience of the school was centred around make a secret about the illness. Leisure time was described as to conceal their illness. Home was described as relief. A core category uniting these basic themes was the feeling of having a “double life” the essence of which was feeling shame about the diagnoses, fear of being different form other youths and insecurity about their future. This led to considerable effort being spent on concealing their use of medication. Their view on the medication was dominated by ambivalence. On one hand it helped them handle their daily routines, on the other it was a signal of being different from other youths. The study indicated that essential parts of the subjective life of these youths consisted of thoughts about their diagnosis, negative social consequences and efforts to avoid stigma. / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-16-0</p>

Idrott eller Hälsa? : en studie om hur läraren i idrott och hälsa arbetar med ämnet hälsa i sin undervisning.

Eade, Amanda January 2017 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur lärare i ämnet idrott och hälsa arbetar med ämnet hälsa samt hur hälsomålen uppfylls. Frågeställningar Hur lyder idrott och hälsolärarens egna definition av hälsa? Hur arbetar lärare i ämnet idrott och hälsa med att uppfylla hälsomålen som finns uppsatta? Hur bedömer lärare i ämnet idrott och hälsa inom området hälsa i ämnet idrott och hälsa? Vad anser lärare i ämnet idrott och hälsa vara optimal didaktik i ämnet idrott och hälsa? Metod Fyra verksamma lärare intervjuades. Två undervisar i Stockholms innerstad och två undervisar i två närförorter till Stockholm. Resultat Samtliga lärare definierar hälsa som en känsla av välbefinnande inom det biologiska samt i det holistiska området. De fyra intervjuade lärarna arbetar med ämnet på ett sätt som sträcker sig utanför den traditionella undervisningen och bedömer elever i idrott och hälsa genom diskussioner, teoretiska och praktiska prov, men även utefter magkänsla. Slutsats De intervjuade lärarna anser att de behöver en tydlig hälsodefinition för att kunna undervisa i ämnet hälsa men även för att kunna bedöma eleven i ämnet. Ämnet hälsa i idrott och hälsa behöver få mer utrymme i form av tid för att kunna matcha samhällets krav på skolan samt att lärare i idrott och hälsa får en tydlig didaktik samt bedömningsstöd inom ämnet så att eleverna kan nå de mål som krävs. / Abstract Aim and question The study aims to examine how physical education (PE) teachers teach health in school and how they assess health. What is the physical education and health teachers own definition of health? How does the teacher in physical education work to meet health targets? How does the physical educator judge health in the subject physical education? What do teachers in physical education thin is the optimal didactics of physical education? Method Four active PE teachers were interviewed. Two who taught in the inner city and two who taught in two suburbs of Stockholm. Results All teachers define health as a feeling of well-being in the biological and in the holistic field. The four interviewed teachers worked with physical education in ways that was beyond the traditional teaching and assessed the topic through discussion, theoretical and practical examinations, but also with their gut feeling. Conclusions The interviewed teachers believe that they need a clear definition of health to be able to teach the subject health but also to assess the pupil in the subject. The subject health in physical education need to have more space in the form of time to match the demands the school have from society, however, it requires a clearer didactics of the subject and an assessment support so that students can achieve the required goals.

Vilka faktorer påverkar unga vuxna att inte använda kondom vid vaginalt samlag

Nyberg, Jessica, Olofsson, Lisa January 2017 (has links)
Background: Every year 330 million new cases of sexually transmitted infections all over the world. This is a contributing factor of illness and death in the world’s poorest countries. In the age group young adults there has been a significant increase of sexual transmitted infections and a decreased in condom use. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate what various factors that affect young adults in their decision of not using condom when having vaginal sexual intercourse. Method: Articles were gathered through a literary search in the database of PubMed. The collected material was analyzed with content analyses in accordance to the aim and the research question. Results: Six different  categories were identified that formed the result; not thinking about the consequence, not the same feeling, destroys the atmosphere, use of alcohol, relationship/no relationship, beliefs towards sexually transmitted infections. Conclusion: Young people's choice not to use a condom in vaginal intercourse was mainly due to the stability of a relationship, attitude to sexually transmitted infections and the influence of alcohol, as well as the experience that condom use did not give the same pleasure.Therefore it´s important that nurses are involved in the subject and have good knowledge of what the consequences may be for non-use of condoms. This to be able to respond, guide, inform, transform and counteract the factors that can be decisive in their choice to use a condom or not. It is especially important to identify this audience that has their whole reproductive life ahead of them. / Bakgrund: Varje år inträffar det ungefär 330 miljoner fall globalt utav sexuellt överförbara infektioner. Detta är en är bidragande faktor till sjukdom och dödlighet i världens fattigaste länder. I gruppen unga vuxna har det skett en ökning av könssjukdomar och en minskad kondomanvändning. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar unga vuxna i deras val att inte använda kondom vid vaginalt samlag. Metod: Artiklar samlades genom litteratursökning i databasen Pubmed. Det insamlade materialet analyserades med syfte och frågeställning som utgångspunkt. Tio vetenskapliga artiklar inkluderades och är basen för resultatet. Resultat: Sex kategorier identifierades som påverkar unga vuxna i deras val att inte använda kondom som vidare skapade resultatet; brist på konsekvenstänk, inte lika skönt, förstör stämningen, alkohol främjar riskbeteende, relation/ icke relation och inställning till sexuellt överförbara infektioner. Slutsats: Ungdomars val till att inte använda kondom vid vaginala samlag visade sig i huvudsak bero på stabiliteten i en relation, inställning till könssjukdomar och påverkan av alkohol liksom upplevelsen av att kondomanvändning inte gav samma njutning.De sexuellt överförbara sjukdomarna har ökat kraftigt hos unga vuxna av båda könen under de senaste decennierna vilket kan återkopplas till bristfällig kondomanvändning samt negativ inverkan på individens reproduktiva- och sexuella hälsa, men även negativt ur ett samhällsekonomiskt perspektiv. Det är därför av stor vikt att som sjuksköterska vara insatt i ämnet och ha god kunskap om vad konsekvenserna kan bli vid utebliven kondomanvändning. Detta för att kunna bemöta, vägleda, informera, förändra och motverka de faktorerna som kan vara avgörande i valet om unga vuxna väljer att använda kondom eller inte. Det är speciellt viktigt att identifiera denna målgrupp som faktiskt har hela sitt reproduktiva liv framför sig.

Flickor – identitet – alkohol : en kvalitativ undersökning på Maria Ungdom om flickors identitetsskapande i relation till problematisk alkoholkonsumtion, ur ett behandlarperspektiv

Aldebjer, Johanna, Pohl, Eva January 2006 (has links)
<p>The objective of this study was investigating social worker’s perspective of how alcohol consumption can affect, and what elements in the social environment that may be of significance for, alcohol consumption and development of identity. The questions at issue were: Do social workers experience any positive effects from alcohol consumption in 16-17 year-old girls with problematic alcohol consumption and what influence do the effects have on self esteem, self image and development of identity? What do social workers experience are the negative effects from alcohol consumption on self esteem, self image and development of identity? How important do social workers find the social environment and how do they believe the social environment affect the alcohol consumption and development of identity? This was investigated with a qualitative approach from a social worker’s perspective, hence social workers were interviewed. The study’s theoretical basis was Symbolic Interactionism and Erikson’s theory of Psychosocial Development. According to interviewed social workers results showed only short-term positive effects on self esteem and self image and the negative effects were primarily feelings of guilt and shame, which could cause a long-term deterioration of self esteem and self image. Alcohol consumption brings only negative effects to development of identity, according to social workers who also stated that the social environment is of significance for the alcohol consumption and the development of identity.</p>

Insatsen kontaktperson för ungdomar mellan 13-18 år : en rättssociologisk studie

Göthe, Elisabet, Härfstrand, Susanne January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this essay was to study which arguments social workers used in the basis of their estimation concerning young people of the age 13-18 given an aid, a contact person (swe. kontaktperson). The purpose was also to describe how the legal paragraph, regarding contact person, is regulated and then compare the arguments made by the social worker with the intentions expressed by the legislator. To answer our purposes we studied the law and the intentions expressed by the legislator, which is the foundation for the legal paragraph that regulates contact person, 3 chap. 6 §. Through studies of social journals at five local authorities we collected material to make a comparison between the arguments found in the journals with the intentions expressed by the legislator.</p><p>We used legal method and the perspective of sociology of law. The Swedish law, Socialtjänstlagen (2001:453) is a basic law which means that our legal paragraph, 3 chap 6 §, is open for interpretation. It is every local authority's own option how to apply the paragraph. The results showed that the social workers do use the same terms as the legislator. Our results also showed that the social workers to a great extent used arguments that could not be traced to the intentions expressed by the legislator. The essay is a quantitative study. Our data has been processed through a program for statistical analysis, SPSS, version 14.0 (Statistical Package for Social Sciences).</p>

Barnets bästa i skolan

Lidman-Evans, Johanna, Vasiliauskaite, Daiva January 2008 (has links)
<p>The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) was ratified by Sweden in 1990. Among its principles is devotion to the best interests of the child (article 3). This principle is hard to define, and it is difficult to find studies on how children express themselves about how the convention should be realized. The Swedish government wants local councils to introduce routines that follow the proposed rights. The Swedish school system is an important arena where UNCRC’s rights can be put into practice. This study’s purpose is to discover how the Swedish upper secondary schools follow article 3, using pupils’ description of what is best for them as a starting point. Two pupil focus-group interviews have been used to obtain this description, and the pupils views were divided into four main themes: Security, Reception, Studies and development and Influence. These were converted into questionniares for two schools. The result was analyzed using empowerment and SOC (sense of coherence) as theoretical perspectives. Some answers differed between the schools as to how the principle of article 3 is fulfilled. The majority of the pupils are happy with their schools, in spite of difficulties with structural conditions and that life at school isn’t always on the pupils’ conditions.</p>

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