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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Česká škola v roce 1945 / Czech school in 1945

Machačová, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
Diploma thesis is concerned with organization of education after ending of the Second World War. The first chapter deals with education in a period of the Nazi occupation. Main part of this thesis is focused on organization of school year 1945/1946 and on problems which occured in connection with organization of post-war education. The following part devotes to teachers and pupils in this period. In this thesis is also described unitary educational model, the origin of the faculties of education, activity of the Extraordinary People's Courts and activity of institutions like the Ministry of Education or the Country School Council, and teaching some school subjects (history, political education and russian language). The thesis is based on study of the archival sources, law regulations and interpretation the articles of professional pedagogical literature.

Effets électrophysiologiques de la stimulation du cortex moteur sur les noyaux somatosensorielslatéraux du thalamus : étude expérimentale sur un modèle de stimulation du cortex moteur chez le chat / Electrophysiological effects of Motor Cortex stimulation on the ventro-postero-lateral nucleus of the somatosensory thalamus : an experimental study on a cat model of motor cortex stimulation

Kobaïter Maarawi, Sandra 02 July 2013 (has links)
La stimulation du cortex moteur (SCM) est une technique neurochirurgicale utilisée chez l'Homme comme traitement de dernier recours pour les douleurs neuropathiques rebelles. Elle a été développée sur des bases empiriques. Ce travail vise à une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes d'action de la SCM qui restent incomplètement élucidés à ce jour. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier les effets électrophysiologiques de la SCM au niveau thalamique, chez un modèle de chat. La première partie de cette étude a consisté à établir une cartographie stéréotaxique du cortex moteur (CM) de cet animal, inexistante dans la littérature. À partir de cette cartographie, nous avons pu établir et valider un modèle de SCM chez cet animal, implanté de façon mini-invasive. La deuxième partie de ce travail a consisté à recueillir et analyser les changements électrophysiologiques de l'activité extracellulaire unitaire des cellules du noyau ventro-postéro-latéral (VPL) du thalamus, induits par différents protocoles de SCM. Nos résultats montrent une modulation de l'activité des cellules du VPL par la SCM, qui varie en fonction de la nature nociceptive ou non de la cellule thalamique. La SCM augmente l'activité des cellules non nociceptives et diminue celle des cellules nociceptives. Pour une cellule donnée, l'effet observé est indépendant de la correspondance somatotopique entre la région du CM stimulée et la localisation sur le corps du champ récepteur de la cellule enregistrée. Ce travail a ainsi permis de montrer l'existence d'une neuro-modulation différentielle du VPL par la SCM en fonction de la nature de la cellule thalamique / Motor cortex stimulation (MCS) is a neurosurgical technique developed on empirical basis and currently used as last solution for patients suffering from refractory neuropathic pain. The present work is a new attempt among other contemporary studies aiming to understand the mechanisms of action of MCS, which remain incompletely elucidated at that time. The main objective of this thesis is to study the electrophysiological effect of MCS at the thalamic level, in a cat model. The first part of this work aims to establish the stereotactic somatotopic map of the cat motor cortex (MC), not available so far in the literature. Based on this mapping, we created and validated a cat model of MCS, using a mini-invasive electrode implantation. The second part of this study included a recording and analysis of the potential changes of the unitary extracellular activity of cells located in the thalamic ventro-postero-lateral (VPL) nucleus, induced by different MCS protocols. Our results indicate a modulation of the VPL cells activity after MCS, depending on the nociceptive or non-nociceptive nature of the recorded thalamic cell. MCS increases the activity of non-nociceptive cells and decreases that of nociceptive cells. For a given cell the matching between the somatotopy of the MC stimulated region and the receptive field localization of the recorded thalamic cell is not a prerequisite for obtaining such a modulation. In conclusion, the present work has proven a neuro-modulatory differential effect of MCS on nociceptive and non-nociceptive cells in the thalamic VPL nucleus

Финансирование социальных процессов в системе обязательного медицинского страхования : магистерская диссертация / The financing of social processes in system of obligatory medical insurance

Шапошникова, И. А., Shaposhnikova, I. A. January 2016 (has links)
Современная экономическая ситуация не позволяет государственным органам исполнительной власти выполнить в полном объеме взятые на себя обязательства по обеспечению населения бесплатной медицинской помощью. Объективной необходимостью отечественного здравоохранения стала задача пересмотра существующей модели оплаты медицинской помощи с формированием такой нормативной базы, которая вводила бы для всех регионов России единые принципы тарифной политики и единые методы оплаты, единую методику расчета тарифов и единые методологические подходы к оплате медицинской помощи без увеличения расходных обязательств в системе обязательного медицинского страхования. Цель исследования - систематизация опыта Свердловской области по внедрению современной модели оплаты медицинской помощи в рамках перехода на новые способы оплаты по клинико-статистическим группам, разработка практических рекомендаций по внедрению современной модели финансирования и оплаты медицинской помощи через систему обязательного медицинского страхования. В работе: - обобщен и проанализирован российский опыт применения и внедрения современной модели оплаты медицинской помощи на основе клинико-статистических групп; - предложена и внедрена современная модель оплаты медицинской помощи в Свердловской области, включающая новые квалификационные критерии отнесения случая заболевания к конкретной клинико-статистической группе заболеваний, что позволило пересмотреть структуру групп заболеваний и относительные коэффициенты затратоемкости, и существенно снизить дифференциацию тарифов на оплату медицинской помощи; - разработана методика дифференциации на подгруппы стандартного перечня групп КСГ по основным профилям медицинской помощи с дифференцированной оплатой медицинской помощи через систему обязательного медицинского страхования в Свердловской области. / He current economic situation does not allow state bodies of Executive power to comply fully with its obligations to provide the population with free medical care. The objective necessity of national health care was the task of revising the existing model of payment for medical care with the formation of such a regulatory framework would be introduced for all regions of Russia unified principles of the tariff policy and the common payment methods a common methodology for calculating tariffs and common methodological approaches to paying for health care without increasing spending obligations in the system of mandatory medical insurance. The aim of the research is systematization of experience of the Sverdlovsk region by introducing modern methods of payment of medical aid within the framework of the transition to new payment methods on clinical and statistical groups, development of practical recommendations on introduction of modern models of financing and payment for medical assistance through mandatory medical insurance. In work: - compiled and analyzed the Russian experience of application and implementation of modern models of payment for medical care based on clinical and statistical groups; - proposed and introduced a modern model of payment for medical care in the Sverdlovsk region, which includes new qualification criteria for the assignment of cases to specific diagnostic-related group of diseases, that allowed to revise the structure of groups of diseases and the relative coefficients of tetrataenite, and significantly reduce the differentiation of tariffs for payment of medical assistance; - developed method of differentiation for subgroups of the standard list of groups of DRG on the main profile of medical aid with differentiated pay for health care through the compulsory health insurance system in the Sverdlovsk region..

People Who Care: Counter-Stories of Unitary Status in Rockford, Illinois

Sadddler, Craig A., Sr. 13 January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Topics in the Physics and Astrophysics of Neutron Stars

Postnikov, Sergey A. 16 April 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Intresseavvägningar för planprojekt - inom Stockholms innerstad / Balancing of interests for planning projects - within Stockholm's inner city

Wennström, Joel January 2020 (has links)
I denna uppsats studeras hur avvägningarna mellan allmänna och enskilda intressen hanteras avde dömande organen och hur de olika sakägarna resonerar utifrån de olika intressena. Arbetet har genomförts som en fallstudie där fyra olika byggprojekt studerats. Gemensamt för alla är att de ligger i Stockholms innerstad och har mött motstånd i form av överklaganden. Det finns lite olika definitioner för vad allmänintresset är, somliga menar att allmänintresset är ensammanslagning av flera enskilda intressen medan andra definierar att det bestäms av folkets valda representanter. Det ideologiska tillvägagångsättet som diskuteras är utilitarism, enhetligt, rättighetsbaserad ochdialogbaserad. För att tolka domstolarna domslut används fjäder- och balansvågsmodellen där fjädervågsmodellen symboliserar gränsen för vad man som sakägare är skyldig att tåla. Balansvågsmodellen symboliserar det beslut som tas baserat på de sammanvägda för- och nackdelarna. Det första fallet är kvarteret Plankan 24 där Svenska Bostäder vill bygga nya bostäder i den oexploaterade innergården, planen har mötts av kritik från de boende som menar att luftkvaliteten, bullernivåerna, ljusinsläpp, rekreationsytor, barnens miljö och kulturmiljön avsevärt kommer att försämras. Mark och miljööverdomstolen anser att de skäl som de klagande åberopat inte är tillräckliga för att planen inte ska genomföras. Fall nummer två handlar om Orgelpipan 6, en hotellbyggnadskomplex och en av citybanans uppgångar mittemot centralstationen. De klagande menar bland annat att ett nytt hotell kommer att skapa obalans på en redan obalanserad marknad, att ljusförutsättningarna kommer att försämras och att byggnaden kommer att för skada Stockholm. Länsstyrelsen anser inte att deklagomål som kommit in är tillräckliga för att planen inte ska vinna laga kraft. Det tredje fallet handlar om Mårtensdal 6, ett kontorskomplex som ska bli 125 meter högt. De klagande är befintliga hyresgäster som anser att deras verksamhet inte ska behöva flytta och Fortum Värme AB som anser att höjden på byggnaden riskerar att inskränka deras verksamhet pga. att den är högre än deras egen skorsten. Mark- och miljööverdomstolen beslutar att Fortums överklagande bör accepteras och upphäver därför planen pga. av allmänintresset. Det sista fallet är byggandet av Nobel Center på Blasieholmen bakom Nationalmuseum. De klagande är gemensamt emot planen då det kommer påverka riksintresset och kulturmiljön. I Mark- och miljödomstolens domslut går man på de klagandes linje och upphäver planen för att planen innebär påtaglig skada på kulturmiljön och riksintresset. Den ideologi som tycktes vara den som tillämpades mest var en blandning mellan utilitarismenoch enhetliga. Den rättighetsbaserad ideologin användes inte alls och den dialogbaserade är något som används tidigare i planprocessen. Något entydigt samband i domstolarnasbedömningar har dock inte kunnat konstaterats, det kan bero på att varje fall är unikt och har dess egna förutsättningar. Kommunen och övriga sakägare resonerar på olika sätt när det kommer till avvägningar mellan allmänna och enskilda intressen. Generellt gör kommunen avvägningar genom ett utilitaristiskt och enhetligt tillvägagångsätt medan sakägarna använder olika tillvägagångssätt beroende påom de representerar ett företag, en förening eller är en privatperson. / This paper examines how the balances between public and private interests are handled by the appeals court and how the different stakeholder’s reason based on the different interests. The work has been carried out as a case study in which four different construction projects were studied. Common to all is that they are in Stockholm's inner city and have met with resistance in the form of appeals. There are slightly different definitions for what the public interest is,some believe that the public interest is a combination of several individual interests, while others define that it is decided by the elected representatives of the people. The ideological approach under discussion is utilitarianism, unitary, rights-based and dialogical. To interpret the court's verdict, the dynanometer and beam scale model is used wherethe dynamometer model symbolizes the boundary of what you as a stakeholder are obliged toendure. The beam scale model symbolizes the decision that is made based on the weighted pros and cons. The first case is Kv. Plankan 24, where Svenska Bostäder wants to build new housing in the undeveloped courtyard, the plan has been met by criticism from the residents who believe that the air quality, noise levels, day light, recreation areas, children's environment and the cultural environment will deteriorate significantly. The Land and environmental court consider that the reasons cited by the complainants are not sufficient for the plan not to be implemented. Case number two is about Kv. Orgelpipan 6, a hotel building complex and one of the new entrances for the new commuter track, Citybanan. The complainants believe, among otherthings, that a new hotel will create imbalance in an already unbalanced market, that the lighting conditions will deteriorate and that the building will harm the character of Stockholm. The County Administrative Board does not consider that the complaints received are sufficient for the plan not to get implemented. The third case is about Mårtensdal 6, an office complex that will be 125 meters high. The complainants are existing tenants who feel that their business should not need to relocate and Fortum Värme AB who believes that the height of the building risks reducing their business because it is higher than their own chimney. The Land and environmental court decide that Fortum's appeal should be accepted because the public interest of Fortums appeal is greater than the office building to be higher than the chimney. The last case is the construction of the Nobel Center at Blasieholmen behind the NationalMuseum. The complainants jointly oppose the plan as it will affect the national interest and the historical culture environment. The Land and Environmental Court cancels the plan because it involves significant damage to the historical cultural environment and the national interest. The ideology that seemed to be the one most applied for the court was a mix between utilitarianism and unitary. The rights-based ideology was not used at all and the dialogue-based is something that is used earlier in the planning process. However, no clear connection in the judgments of the courts has been found, it may be because each case is unique and has its ownconditions. The municipality and the other stakeholders reasoning in different ways when it comes to the delimitation of public and private interests. In general, the municipality balances through autilitarian and uniform approach, while the business owners use different approaches depending on whether they represent a company, an association, or a private person.

A critical analysis of crime investigative system within the South African criminal justice system: a comparative study

Montesh, Moses 30 November 2007 (has links)
With the establishment of the Directorate of Special Operations (Scorpions), the Asset Forfeiture Unit (AFU), the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) and the Departmental Investigating Unit (DIU), questions were asked as to whether this is a creation of new units of the Police Service. These questions were exaggerated by the fact that the media uses the term "Scorpions" whenever the Scorpions, the AFU, SIU and the DIU perform their functions. South African legislation that governs organised crime does not demarcate activities to be dealt with by the SAPS, AFU, DIU, Scorpions and the SIU. The Constitution of South Africa lays down the objects of the police, but it is silent about the objectives of the Scorpions, AFU, SIU, DIU and other investigative institutions except that it only mentions the creation of a single National Prosecuting Authority (NPA). A literature study was used as the basis for this study. In addition, unstructured interviews and observation were used to gather evidence from the relevant stakeholders. An analysis of the SAPS Detective Service, the Special Investigating Unit (SIU), the Scorpions, the Departmental Investigating Unit (DIU) of the Department of Correctional Services and the Asset Forfeiture Unit (AFU), was done in order to establish the overlapping of functions. Indeed, overlapping was discovered between the Scorpions and the SAPS Detective Service, the AFU and the SIU, as well as between the SAPS and the DIU. In order to make a proper finding, an analysis was done of anti-corruption agencies in Botswana, Nigeria, Malawi and Hong Kong. The findings indicate that the better way of fighting corruption, fraud, economic and financial crimes, is through the establishment of a single agency that will work independently from the police, with a proper jurisdiction. / Criminology / D.Litt. et Phil.(Police Science)

Handcuffs or Stethoscopes: A Cross-National Examination of the Influence that Political Institutions and Bureaucracy have on Public Policies Concerning Illegal Drugs

Nilson, Chad 16 May 2008 (has links)
This dissertation attempts to explain why cross-national variation exists in government approaches to dealing with illegal drugs. As other scholars have shown, several domestic and international political factors do account for some of this variance. However less is known of the effect that bureaucratic dominance and political institutions may have on drug policy. This research argues that bureaucrats define problems in ways that make their services the best possible solution to policymakers. Mediating the ability of bureaucrats to influence drug policy outcomes are political institutions. Certain institutional structures foster a competitive policymaking environment while others foster a more cooperative policymaking environment. In the former of these, law enforcement approaches to the drug problem are often retained as the status quo because competition between policy actors prevents consideration of alternatives. In the latter environment however, prevention, treatment, and harm reduction approaches to the drug problem are developed because cooperation between policymakers allows other actors. namely public health bureaucrats.to influence drug policy decision making. To test this argument, I constructed an original dataset that includes over 4,000 observations of drug policy in 101 democracies. Institutional data on intergovernmental relations, regime type, political bargaining, electoral design, and cameralism were regressed on 6 different drug policy indices: law enforcement, deterrence-based prevention, abstinence-based treatment, educationbased prevention, substitution-based treatment, and harm reduction. While controlling for government resource capacity, severity of the drug problem, international pressure, and political ideology, I found that institutions explain a portion of the variance in drug policy outcomes. Providing in-depth information about these phenomena is a large amount of field data I collected while interviewing 155 politicians, bureaucrats, interest group leaders, and service providers. Respondents from all four of the case countries examined in this research.including United States, Canada, Austria, and Netherlands.report that bureaucrats play a major role in the formation of drug policy. Which bureaucrats have the most influence on policymakers is largely a function of domestic political conditions, international political factors, and political institutions.

Études de la violation de CP dans les désintégrations B0 -> DK*0 et des performances du système de déclenchement hadronique avec le détecteur LHCb au CERN / CP violation studies on the B0 -> DK*0 decays and hadronic trigger performance with the LHCb detector at CERN

Martin Sanchez, Alexandra 25 June 2013 (has links)
Dans le Modèle Standard de la physique des particules, le mécanisme Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) décrit le phénomène du mélange des quarks. De ses paramètres, l'angle gamma est celui connu avec la moins grande précision. Les mesures directes donnent une incertitude d'environ 15º, importante comparée à celle sur la valeur extraite des ajustements globaux, de 3º. Pour vérifier la cohérence du Modèle Standard, gamma doit être mesuré précisément. Cela est possible en utilisant des processus au niveau des arbres, où seules des contributions du Modèle Standard sont attendues, ou avec des processus impliquant des boucles, qui peuvent être sensibles à des effets au-delà. Des différences entre la mesure de gamma avec des diagrammes en arbres et avec des boucles pourraient être donc une indication de nouvelle physique. Cette thèse présente la première mesure des observables CP dans la désintégration B0 -> DK*0. Celle-ci est sensible à gamma du fait de l'interférence entre l'amplitude des diagrammes b -> u et b -> c, au niveau des arbres. L'asymétrie CP dans le mode B0 -> D(K+K-)K*0 et le rapport des largeurs partielles avec B0 -> D(K+pi-)K*0 sont mesurés avec 1 /fb de données récoltées par l'expérience LHCb en 2011,A_KK_d = -0,452 +/- 0,230 +/- 0,025 = A_CP+,R_KK_d = 1,360 +/- 0,366 +/- 0,075 = R_CP+. L'asymétrie CP du mode supprimé B0 -> D(K-pi+)K*0 et le rapport des largeurs partielles avec le favorisé B0 -> D(K+pi-)K*0 sont mesurés avec 3 /fb de données récoltées en 2011 et 2012,A_sup_d = -0,094 +/- 0,318 = A_ADS,R_d = 0,075 +/- 0,023 = R_ADS. Les études réalisées sur le système de déclenchement hadronique de l'expérience LHCb sont aussi présentées. / In the Standard Model of particle physics, the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) mechanism describes the quark mixing effect. The CKM gamma angle is one of the parameters of the Standard Model that are known less accurately. Direct measurements give an uncertainty of around 15º, large with respect to the uncertainty on the value extracted from global fits, of 3º. In order to test the Standard Model consistency, the gamma angle needs to be measured precisely. This can be done using processes at the tree-level, where only Standard Model contributions are expected, or using processes involving loop diagrams, which can be sensitive to physics beyond the Standard Model. Differences in the gamma measurement from tree and loop diagrams would be an indication of new physics. This thesis presents the first measurement of the CP observables in the B0 -> DK*0 decay. Sensitivity to gamma arises from the interference of the b -> u mediated amplitude with the b -> c one, at the tree-level. The CP asymmetry of the B0 -> D(K+K-)K*0 mode and the partial width ratio of this channel with respect to B0 -> D(K+pi-)K*0 are measured using 1 /fb of data collected by the LHCb experiment in 2011,A_KK_d = -0.452 +/- 0.230 +/- 0.025 = A_CP+,R_KK_d = 1.360 +/- 0.366 +/- 0.075 = R_CP+. The CP asymmetry of the suppressed B0 -> D(K-pi+)K*0 mode and the partial width ratio with respect to the favoured B0 -> D(K+pi-)K*0 are measured using the total 3 /fb of data collected in 2011 and 2012,A_sup_d = -0.094 +/- 0.318 = A_ADS,R_d = 0.075 +/- 0.023 = R_ADS. In addition, the studies performed on the hardware hadronic trigger of the LHCb experiment are also presented.

Analyse p-adique et complétés unitaires universels pour GL₂(F) / p-adic analysis and universal unitary completion for GL₂(F)

De Ieso, Marco 11 December 2012 (has links)
Soit p un nombre premier. Les résultats de cette thèse s'inscrivent dans le cadre du programme de Langlands p-adique. Lorsque V est une représentation p-adique de dimension 2 du groupe Gal(\bar{Qp}/Qp), on sait lui associer une représentation p-adique continue B(V) de GL₂(Qp). Si F est une extension finie non triviale de Qp, la question d'associer des représentations p-adiques de GL₂(F) aux représentations p-adiques de dimension 2 de Gal(\bar{Qp}/F) dans l'esprit d'une correspondance locale à la Langlands s'annonce beaucoup plus délicate. Dans ce texte, nous considérons des espaces de Banach p-adiques, munis d'une action linéaire continue de GL₂(F), qui sont des complétions unitaires universelles de certaines représentations localement Qp-analytiques de GL₂(F). Celles-ci sont susceptibles de jouer un rôle important dans une éventuelle correspondance de Langlands locale p-adique pour GL₂(F). Le résultat principal de cette thèse est démontré dans le Chapitre 3 et généralise des résultats antérieurs de Berger et Breuil. Il consiste en une description explicite de ces complétés unitaires universels à l'aide des fonctions continues sur F d'un certain type. Pour ce faire, nous introduisons dans le Chapitre 2 des espaces de Banach de fonctions de classe C^r, où r est un nombre rationnel positif, et leurs espaces duaux de distributions d'ordre r. Nous construisons une base de Banach et nous donnons un critère de prolongement des formes linéaires définies sur un espace de fonctions localement Qp-polynomiales en distributions d'ordre r. Ce faisant, nous généralisons des résultats classiques dus à Amice-Vélu et Vishik. Dans le Chapitre 4, nous exhibons des cas de non nullité pour les complétions unitaires universelles considérées par construction explicite de réseaux invariants. Cela donne de nouveaux cas de la conjecture proposée par Breuil et Schneider sur l'équivalence entre l'existence de normes invariantes sur certaines représentations localement algébriques de GL_d(F) et l'existence de certaines représentations de de Rham de Gal(\bar{Qp}/F). / Let p be a prime. The subject of this thesis is the p-adic Langlands correspondence. If V is a p-adic representation of dimension 2 of the group Gal(\bar{Qp}/Qp), it is known how to associate to it a continuous p-adic representation B(V) of GL₂(Qp). If F is a non-trivial finite extension of Qp, the issue of associating p-adic representations of GL₂(F) to p-adic representations of dimension 2 of Gal(\bar{Qp}/F) in the spirit of a local Langlands correspondence appears much more delicate. In this text we consider a class of p-adic Banach spaces, endowed with a continuous linear action of GL₂(F), which are obtained as universal unitary completions of certain locally Qp-analytic representations of GL₂(F). Such representations are likely to play an important role in a future local p-adic Langlands correspondence for GL₂(F). The main result of this thesis is proved in Chapter 3 and generalizes some previous results of Berger and Breuil. It consists in an explicit description of these universal unitary completions by means of a certain class of continuous functions on F. In order to do this, we introduce in Chapter 2 a class of Banach spaces of functions of class C^r, where r is a positive rational number, as well as their dual spaces of distributions of order r. We build a Banach base and we give a criterion for telling when a linear form defined on a space of locally Qp-polynomial functions extends to a distribution of order r. As a consequence, we generalize some classical results due to Amice-Vélu and Vishik. In Chapter 4 we exhibit cases of non-nullity for these universal unitary completions, by an explicit construction of invariant lattices. This also provides new instances of the Breuil-Schneider conjecture about the equivalence between the existence of invariant norms on certain locally algebraic representations of GL_d(F) and the existence of certain De Rham representations of Gal(\bar{Qp}/F).

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