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"Allas röst i rummet" : Lärares syn på utveckling av samtalsförmågor i svenskundervisningen i skolans mellanår / "Everyone's voice in the room" : Teachers' perspective into the development of pupils' verbal communication skills in upper primary schoolRosby, Linnea January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate the approach taken by upper primary school teachers to the development of pupils’ verbal communication skills in Swedish as a school subject. The study also looks at to what degree quieter pupils receive support in the development of these skills. A qualitative study was undertaken in which interviews were conducted with four qualified upper primary school teachers. All four teachers reported that they organized their teaching so as to suit all their pupils. All the teachers described their methodology as interactive where the pupils are involved and active. Three teachers described the work with the development of pupils’ verbal communication skills as not to be prioritized in comparison to the other parts of the Swedish subject. According to the teachers, pupils often practice these skills in other subjects. The teachers talked about the need for a supportive classroom environment if pupils are to be willing to speak while others are listening. Nevertheless, the teachers also found creating a disciplined and accepting classroom environment to be a challenge. In each of their classes the teachers had a couple pupils who did not follow the classroom rules and that effected other pupils in the class. All the teachers described quieter pupils in their classes. Three teachers reported that they supported quieter pupils through a good contact with both the pupils and the parents. Otherwise, the quieter pupils didn’t get any specific support. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka lärares syn på att utveckla elevers samtalsförmågor i svenskämnet i skolans mellanår. Syftet är vidare att undersöka hur mer tystlåtna elever får stöd i detta arbete samt vilka utmaningar som lärare upplever i utvecklingen av elevers samtalsförmågor. Metoden som har använts är kvalitativa intervjuer av fyra legitimerade och verksamma lärare i skolans mellanår. De deltagande lärare beskriver att de utformar arbetssätt som präglas av att eleverna är aktiva. Arbetssätten beskrivs som utformade för att passa så många som möjligt av eleverna i klassrummet. Tre av fyra lärare beskriver att utvecklingen av elevers samtalsförmågor är lågprioriterad i jämförelse med andra delar av svenskan vilket lärarna menar kan bero på att samtal sker kontinuerligt i flera ämnen. Alla lärare beskriver betydelsen av ett tryggt klassrumsklimat för att elever både ska våga och vilja ta ordet i klassrummet när andra lyssnar. Lärarna beskriver att upprätthållandet av ett tryggt klassrumsklimat kan vara en utmaning eftersom ett par elever i varje klass på olika sätt inte förhåller sig till gemensamma regler. Det i sin tur menar lärarna kan påverka andra elever i klassrummet. Alla lärare beskriver även att det finns mer tystlåtna elever i klassrummet. Det stöd som de mer tystlåtna eleverna får i utvecklingen av samtalsförmågorna beskrives som dialoger med elev och vårdnadshavare angående tystlåtenheten samt genom positiva förstärkningar. I övrigt stöttas inte dessa elever på något specifikt sätt.
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Följ med mig in i texten : elevers möten i text genom kamratrespons / Come with me into the text : pupils' encounters in text through peer responsLinnér, Therese January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate the meaning-making expressed by pupils in upper primary school when they work with peer response while writing an explanatory and comparative text. The questions answered through the study concern, firstly, what pupils aim their written response at when they read texts, and secondly, what experiences the pupils highlight in the work of giving and receiving peer response. The theoretical foundation on which the study rests is dialogism (Bakhtin 1952–1953/1997). The pupils’ response work is considered in terms of the significance of dialogue for learning, in which language functions as a mediating tool (Säljö 2000). In the texts analysed in the study, there is an interaction between writer and reader, and there is a dialogue that can be related to earlier texts and the conventions developed there (Ajagán-Lester, Ledin et al. 2003, Evensen 1999). The empirical material for the study comes from a class with 23 pupils in grade 5. The material consists of pupils’ written response to classmates’ texts, pupils’ written reflections and six interviews with pupils about working with peer response. The result shows that the pupils are aware that they are writing for readers and that they must therefore think about how the reader is supposed to understand the text. The response is geared above all to the purpose and readers of the text and to how the content is organized. In cases where spelling and punctuation become an obstacle to an understanding of the text, there is also response about that. Pupils appear to be able to utilize their knowledge of text to give a response to classmates’ texts and to their own texts. The pupils also say that they will retain what they have learned in this writing project in future situations when they have to write texts. The double dialogue stands out as central. Interaction is important and the conventions are used to achieve what the pupils’ appear to have in focus: the reader’s understanding of the text. Through contexts where pupils meet in dialogue about text, meaning is created. In this study pupils in upper primary school state that response work and the resulting transactions lead to a knowledge of how to write texts, and through this meaning is created.
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Ověření postupů práce s poezií na 2.stupni základní školy / Verification of procedures of work with poetry in grades 6-9Bierdümpflová, Marie January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is dealing with verification of procedures of work with poetry at grades 6- 9. Term of poetry and concisely summarized development of poetry for children and young is defined in the theoretical part. Chapter Poetry at school is dealing with position of poetry in curriculum documents, with the role of teacher by teaching poetry and with reading- books and methodical manuals, which teacher can use. Teaching methods and closer specified of methods destined especially for work with poetry are defined further. Theoretical part concludes characteristic of pupils at grades 6-9 from evolutionary psychologic's view. Practical part intorduces a brief characteristic of lections, there is an explanation of their structure and sorting. In the next part is explained methodology of choosing texts, description of the enviroment of primary school Hanspaulka, where the lections were verified, and pupils who worked with. After that follows each lection for different classes of upper level of primary school. The lections were verified and also evaluated. Supplemetnal worksheets which were used in lections as well are added.
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Var är meningen? : Elevtexter och undervisningspraktikerBergh Nestlog, Ewa January 2012 (has links)
This is about how pupils in years 4 to 6 of compulsory school and their teachers make meaning in teaching activities and texts. The aim of the study is to investigate the teaching and learning of writing and the pupils’ discursive texts. Another aim is to use linguistic theories and develop methods and analytical concepts for studying teaching practices. Sources for the material are the teaching practices in two classes, the teachers and the pupils. The field studies lasted for two years, consisting of observations and interviews. Twelve pupils’ texts and four writing projects are studied in depth. The theoretical framework is linked to systemic functional linguistics, critical discourse analysis, dialogical conception of language and new literacy studies. Analytical tools are also derived from rhetorical structure theory, relief theory and theory of text sequences. These tools have been adapted and are also applied in the analysis of the teaching practice. To analyse pupils’ meaning making in their texts, a theory of mobility in texts is used. The analyses show two different categories of texts and teaching practices. The hierarchically composed texts are characterized by hierarchies concerning the entire text. The sequentially coupled texts are characterized by many vague relations between text entities. One conclusion is that the students in the hierarchically composed texts develop knowledge during writing. They make meaning recursively when writing and they seem to grasp the text as a whole in a way they do not in the sequentially coupled ones. In the sequentially coupled texts, pupils seem to develop knowledge mostly before they write the text, rather than during the writing. In the hierarchically composed practice the pupils deepen their knowledge about text. The result can be interpreted as showing that pupils primarily need education about global text levels in order to develop text knowledge and subject knowledge. Teaching practice seems to promote all pupils’ meaning making if the practice is characterized by many interpersonal relations in the chains of spoken and written texts and if pupils learn to write texts that can structure their meaning making in a functional way.
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Próza s dívčí hrdinkou od počátku 90. let 20. století / Prose with a girl character from the beginning 90s of the 20th centuryPOULOVÁ, Nikola January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on prose featuring a girl heroine from the beginning of the 1990s and it is aimed at upper primary school pupils. It deals with the quality literature and the pulp fiction of the Czech literature for girls. The literature for girls has themes such as eating disorders, sexual criminality and travelling. The analysis and the collation of the selected books and the most commonly used reading-books are also part of this thesis. The dissertation also captures the historical development of the prose with the girl character, the attribute of the Czech book market and changes in behaviour and in the body. Part of the practical part is a questionnaire focused on the reading experience of girls of the older school age, in particular from the point of view of the pupils and more briefly from the point of view of the teachers.
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Drama v didaktice literární výchovy na 2. stupni ZŠ / Drama in the Didactics of Literary Education at the Upper Primary SchoolRAICHLOVÁ, Denisa January 2017 (has links)
The presented dissertation deals with education of drama in literary lessons on the second grade of primary schools. The theoretic part is dedicated to the definition of literary and dramatic education, what their goals in education are in general and how to achieve these goals. Secondly, it describes drama, its elements and history. The second part is practical. We focus on reading-books and how the discussed topic is reflected in them. We present the "By Reading and Writing to Critical Thinking" programme methods which we then use in concrete preparations for lessons. We afterwards evaluate these lessons based on the extent to which the lessons were successful within the education itself.
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Metody implementace globálního rozvojového vzdělávání na českých základních školách a nižším stupni gymnázií / Methods of Implementation of the Global Development Education at Czech Primary and Grammar SchoolsSequensová, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
The master thesis deals with the issue of the Global Development Education. It is focused closer on the description of the implementation methods of this topic into the Czech education system. Global Development Education is not mentioned directly in the Framework Education Programmes of the Czech Republic. Nevertheless the Framework Education Programmes contain it. Global Development Education goes across the Cross-curricular Topics. However that could be the reason why the schools don't pay to it as much attention as it deserves. This thesis describes the ways of implementation of the Global Development Education into the Czech education system and into the teaching in the Czech schools. This work is divided into two parts. The first part is theoretical and it tries to briefly outline the theoretical background, beginnings of the Global Development Education in the Czech surroundings, curriculum and strategic documents that deals with the issue of the Global Development Education. In the first part there are also mentioned the possibilities how to integrate this topic into the school education programs and into the teaching as well. The second part of this work is based on the empirical research among five Czech schools. It is built on the qualitative analysis of the school education programs...
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Le réseau éducatif à Briançon : de la République des Escartons (1343) à la fin du XIXème siècle / The education system in Briançon : from the Escartons Republic (1343) to the end of the 19th centurySerra, Angelique 18 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse, en s’inscrivant dans le champ plus général de l’histoire de l’Instruction Publique masculine, s’intéresse à celle, très spécifique, de la ville de Briançon située au nord du département des Hautes Alpes.La région briançonnaise a bénéficié au cours des siècles de taux d’alphabétisation élevés et d’un intérêt pour l’enseignement qui prennent leur source au Moyen-Âge, avec l’instauration d’un régime politique particulier, appelé communément aujourd’hui, la République des Escartons (1343-1789). Cette République a induit la modélisation d’un système scolaire original géré par la commune.En s’appuyant à la fois sur les données de l’histoire locale et sur le fonds d’archives scolaires municipales de Briançon, dont une partie a été classée par nos soins, sans omettre les archives départementales et nationales, notre recherche permet dans un premier temps de retracer les prémices de cette instruction au Moyen-Âge, puis de décrire cette école avant-gardiste tout en la comparant aux écoles existantes en France sous l’Ancien Régime.Dans un deuxième temps l’interrogation porte sur ce qu’il advient de cette structuration si particulière suite à la dissolution des Escartons lors de la Révolution française. Dans ce XIXème siècle où la promulgation de lois permet une organisation de la scolarité sur tout le territoire français, l’école de Briançon conserve-t-elle alors des aspects de son organisation et de ses spécificités antérieures ? Parallèlement à son enseignement de niveau primaire, la municipalité crée un système scolaire complet en y adjoignant un collège puis une école primaire supérieure. Ces deux établissements se conforment-ils aux directives ministérielles ou allient-ils particularisme local et modèle national ? L’étude montre qu’une singularité perdure dans la première moitié du siècle puis tend peu à peu à se dissoudre dans le contexte général.L’objet même de la thèse est de démontrer comment l’acquisition d’un savoir peut représenter pour un peuple une des conditions de sa liberté, à une époque où celle-ci n’est pas inscrite pour tous. Paradoxalement à Briançon, la République, en devenant nationale, confisque une partie de l’esprit d’innovation qui avait fait l’originalité de son école. / While dealing with the history of State Education for boys at large, the study undertaken focusses on one particular case, that of Briançon, an Alpine town located in the north of the “Hautes-Alpes” district.Over centuries, Briançon and the surrounding area had the benefit of high levels of literacy along with a keen interest in teaching going back to the Middle Ages with the establishment of a specific political system commonly referred to today as the Escartons Republic (1343-1789). Under this Republic, a novel school system run by the town was created.Based on local history data as well as the collection of municipal school archives available in Briançon -which we filed in the process- and also drawing on departmental and national archives, our research allows us first of all to trace the beginnings of this local education system back to the Middle Ages and then to describe this vanguard school system while comparing it to other existing school systems in France under the Old Regime.Next, our study looks at what happened to this unique system once the 'Escartons' came to an end during the French Revolution. In the 19th century, when new laws allowed for schooling to be organised throughout the country, did the Briançon school system manage to retain some aspects of its structure and former specificity? Along with its primary education, the town of Briançon set up a broader school system by first adding a secondary school and then an upper primary school. Did those schools conform to ministerial directives or did they combine local specificity and national requirements ? The study shows that for the first half of the century, they kept aspects of what set them apart from other schools but that, as time went on, they tended to blend into the general system.It is the intention of this thesis to demonstrate how, for any given people, access to education can be an essential prerequisite on the road to freedom, at a time when education is still a privilege for some. In Briançon, paradoxically, when the republic became nationwide, it deprived its school system of the innovative spirit that had been its trademark.
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Hur normer förmedlas i läroböcker inom samhällskunskap : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av normkritiskt perspektiv med fokus på familjekonstellationer, funktionsförmåga, kön/genus och vit/icke vithet / How norms are mediated in study material in the social sciences : A qualitative content analysis of norm-critical perspective focusing on fam-ily constellations, ability to function, gender/non-binary gender persons and white/non-whitenessBöjeryd, Julia January 2020 (has links)
The study’s purpose has been to attract attention and facilitate discussion regarding norms that are present in text books in the social science for upper primary school. The theoretical premiss has been a normcritical perspective based on queer theory, social constructionism and intersectionality. The study’s conclusion is based on content analysis (text and image) of four text books. The method that was chosen were qualitative analysis with quantitative ingredients. This study was limited to family constellations, ability to function, gender/non-binary gender persons and white/non white persons. In summary, the text books shows several normcritical perspectives. The results differ from earlier studies since one out of four study material is female dominant. The most common family constellation that appeared was the nuclear family. All study materials was dominated by white persons, additionally there were persons with disabilities: visual impairment (glasses). Other disabilities were absent. / Studiens syfte har varit att väcka uppmärksamhet och skapa diskussion kring vilka normer som förekommer i läroböcker i samhällskunskap för årskurs 4-6. Teoretiska utgångspunkter har varit normkritiskt perspektiv utifrån queerteori, socialkonstruktivism och intersektionalitet. Studiens resultat är baserat på text- och bildanalys av fyra läroböcker. Metoden som valdes var kvalitativ analys med kvanitativa inslag. Denna studie var avgränsad mot familjekonstellationer, funktionsförmåga, genus/könsöverskridande identitet och vithet/icke vithet. Sammanfattningsvis har läroböckerna flera normkritiska perspektiv. Resultatet skiljer sig från tidigare forskning i och med att en av fyra läroböcker var kvinnodominerade. Den vanligaste formen av familjekonstellationer var kärnfamiljen. Samtliga läroböcker domineras av vita personer, dessutom finns presentationers av personer med funktionsnedsättning: synfel (glasögon). Andra funktionsnedsättningar lyste med sin frånvaro.
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Teachers' attitudes toward different English varieties in upper primary school EFL classroomsByers Runberg, Elisabeth January 2022 (has links)
This study investigates teachers' attitudes towards aural recordings and written English from different English varieties in the Swedish upper primary school EFL-classroom. Data from 27 online surveys and four semi-structured interviews are analyzed. The results show that British and American English are the most accepted varitetis. Australian English is accepted in audio, though not necessarily recognized in writing. Indian English, while mostly recognized, is not as accepted. Swedish English, though still accepted by most, is the least approved of the studied varieties.
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