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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Det är inte värt det : En grundad teori om gymnasieelevers förklaringar till varför elever ingriper eller förblir passiva i en mobbningssituation. / It’s not worth it : A grounded theory of upper secondary school students’ explanations to why students intervene or remain passive in a bullying situation.

Holmström, Mollie, Enocksson, Nina January 2021 (has links)
Mobbning sker ofta i närvaro av fler personer än förövaren och offret. Det är ett socialt fenomen där även deltagarroller såsom den passiva åskådaren och försvararen bevittnar mobbningen, varav den passiva åskådaren håller sig undan och försvararen väljer att ingripa för att hjälpa offret. Trots att forskning om barns och ungas perspektiv på mobbning visar att de anser det vara både omoraliskt och fel så ökar mobbningen i de svenska skolorna och många elever som bevittnar mobbning förblir passiva. Med bakgrund av detta syftade aktuell studie till att identifiera och undersöka hur gymnasieelever, i sina naturliga kompisgrupper och med egna ord, resonerar kring varför vissa elever ingriper medan andra förblir passiva i en mobbningssituation trots att tidigare forskning visat att elever generellt tycker att mobbning är fel. Deltagarna bestod av 51 gymnasieelever inom åldersspannet 16 till 21 år (34 flickor, 17 pojkar) och kom från 14 skolor lokaliserade i åtta orter i Sverige. Datainsamling skedde genom semistrukturerade fokusgruppsintervjuer om 3–5 elever i vilka två vinjetter (en med flickor och en med pojkar) som illustrerade fiktiva mobbningssituationer innehållandes flera deltagarroller fungerade som utgångspunkt för samtalen. Data analyserades genom konstruktivistisk grundad teori och utmynnade i en grundad teori. Analys av deltagarnas utsagor visar på att elever beräknar vilka konsekvenser som kan komma av ett potentiellt ingripande, och om dessa anses allt för negativa så resulterar det i vidare passivitet. Studien erbjuder en djupare förståelse för hur gymnasieelever motiverar och förklarar deltagarrollernas beteende och kan fungera som ett ramverk för framtida antimobbningsarbete som syftar till att få åskådare att kunna agera i linje med sina moraliska värderingar. / Bullying often takes place in the presence of more people than the perpetrator and the victim. It is a social phenomenon where participant roles such as the passive bystander and the defender also witness the bullying, of which the passive bystander stays away and the defender chooses to intervene to help the victim. Although research on children’s and youth’s perspective on bullying show that they consider it both immoral and wrong, bullying is increasing in Swedish schools and many students who witness bullying remain passive. Based on this, the current study has aimed to identify and investigate how upper secondary school students, in their natural groups of friends and with their own words, reason about why some students intervene while others remain passive in a bullying situation, despite previous research showing that students generally consider bullying as wrong. The participants consisted of 51 upper secondary school students in the age range 16 to 21 years (34 girls, 17 boys) and came from 14 schools located in eight counties in Sweden. Data was gathered through semi-structured focus group interviews consisting of 3-5 students in which two vignettes (one with girls and one with boys) that illustrated fictitious bullying situations containing several participant roles served as a starting point for the conversations. The data was analyzed through constructivist grounded theory and resulted in a grounded theory. Analysis of the participants’ statements shows that students calculate the consequences that can come from a potential intervention, and if these are considered too negative, it results in further passivity. The study provides a deeper understanding of how upper secondary school students motivate and explain the behavior of participant roles and can serve as a framework for future anti-bullying work aimed at enabling bystanders to act in line with their moral values.

Witches are not so delicate : A Jungian analysis of gendered oppression in Madeline Miller’s Circe and the novel’s pedagogical potential in the EFL classroom

Ida, Hermansson January 2022 (has links)
Circe (2018) by Madeline Miller is a retelling of The Odyssey from the perspective of the witch Circe. The novel challenges the previous portrayal of Circe as a vindictive seductress and provides insight into the narrative of a woman negotiating a man’s world, in which she is denied autonomy due to her gender. This essay focuses on how oppressive structures prevent the protagonist to psychologically develop towards their true potential in Circe. Jungian psychoanalytic theory of individuation and archetypes are applied to analyze the psychological process. In addition, the impact of hegemonic masculinity in Circe is examined as it stunts the protagonist’s progress in individuation. Furthermore, Circe can be a tool in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom in upper secondary school to enable discussions on gender oppression and unjust social structures. A feminist reading of the individuation process in Circe can provide new insight into the effects of gender oppression as it concerns the psychological impact of unjust treatment.

Motivation among high and low achievers in English : A qualitative study of students’ motivational orientation in an upper-secondary school in Sweden

Solmaz, Bian January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this degree project was to identify motivational orientations among upper-secondary school students in grade 12. A qualitative approach, namely analysis of interviews, was used to explore six participants’ views on and reasons for learning the English language. The interviews were semi-structured where the participants had the opportunity to clarify why they were learning the language, why they had chosen the advanced, optional English 7 course, what they thought about the learning environment and how they will use English in the future. This study also had a secondary aim, which was to explore and understand the differences between the motivational orientation exhibited by high achieving students and low achieving students in the subject English.  The results showed that all the participants were motivated toward a specific goal. The high achieving students possessed integrative and instrumental motivation as they displayed an inherent interest in the cultural community associated with the target language whilst also valuing the practical aspects and benefits that come with being proficient in the language. The low achieving students only possessed instrumental motivation since the English language was learned mainly for practical purposes, travel reasons, or to secure a better job and education in the future. The analysis of the differences between the groups showed that the high achieving students had stronger ties with the English language, and with people speaking the language, than the low achieving students. The results of this study concur with earlier research on integrative orientation and how it helps to promote second language learning. They do not, however, agree with more recent studies conducted in Sweden on integrative and instrumental orientation in upper-secondary English.

The Use of Mobile Assisted Language Learning for Vocabulary Acquisition in the English Classroom / Användningen av MALL för att utvidga ordförrådet i det Engelska Klassrummen

Holmberg Svensson, Line, Sinclaire, Emma January 2022 (has links)
The increased need for digital education in upper secondary schools of Sweden during the COVID-19 outbreak showcased that there is a lack of professional knowledge in regards to what tools to use in order to vary the experience for the students in a virtual teaching environment. In this paper, we investigate whether Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) could assist English vocabulary acquisition of Swedish upper secondary students and what their attitudes are towards it. By finding and synthesizing studies that have been published on MALL in regards to vocabulary acquisition, we hoped to gauge the possible outcomes of applying it in Swedish classrooms as well. The majority of the analyzed studies showed positive results on both vocabulary acquisition and the students' attitudes. However, the methods of the experiments and the attitude questionnaires, along with the innate cultural differences, made us question whether we would see the same results in Swedish schools, but when considering the curriculum, the empirical evidence and learning theories, we still found enough relevancy and validity in the method to claim that MALL could work to assist vocabulary acquisition in the English classroom of Swedish upper secondary school.

Den sociala situationen för ungdomar med autismspektrumtillstånd i ordinarie gymnasieklasser

Serneke, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
There are few studies reporting the voices of adolescents with autism, especially concerning their situation in school. Most studies are about children with autism and from the perspectives of their parents or teachers. This study aimed to investigate how adolescents with autism experience the social situation in mainstream upper secondary schools and what success factors and challenges they raise about their social situation. The theoretical framework leans on Aspelin's relational pedagogy and Noddings's ethic of care. The study was conducted using a qualitative method with semistructured interviews with five students. This study intended to contribute to method development about interviewing young people with autism. I used visual support, adapted to the age of the respondent, in the interview.According to the result of this study, the social needs of young students with autism do not look like students without difficulties. In today's schools, there are many opportunities for communication and interaction, which belongs to the difficulties of these students. Students with autism are, according to this study, often alone or in the periphery of the classroom, and they have a smaller contact network and fewer friends than others. The students express that they do not need or want an extensive network of contacts where they interact and communicate; they are satisfied in a small context. However, it is crucial that they have a small context, that they have friendships and that they feel accepted by the class. Without social support and friendship relations, there is a risk of exclusion and bullying. Other challenges are all situations where a social network is needed, and when they need "to make their voices heard", for example, in group work and discussions. Another challenging situation where a social network is needed is the lunch situation. It is vital that there is a teacher in the classroom who meets the students with care, who listens and understands, has basic knowledge of autism and who adapts according to the student's needs and day-to-day shape. Adaptations that are highlighted by the students as successful are the opportunity for individual tasks, to present in smaller groups and the opportunity to withdraw during the day. These adaptations need to be made in dialogue with the student.These findings imply that schools need routines for students with autism. The routines need to ensure that there is always someone in the organization who has an extra responsibility for the social situation of the student because the social situation of these students is complex and vulnerable. Schools need to work at the organizational level to create an allowing atmosphere; teachers need education in autism and understand the importance of careful treatment.

Rita för betyg - koppling mellan figurer och resultat

Hammer, Johan, Stenqvist, Björn January 2018 (has links)
I denna studie har vi undersökt om det föreligger en korrelation mellan elevers resultat i skolan och diverse kvaliteter på figurer de konstruerar då de löser matematiska problem. Underlaget till studien har varit 207 elevlösningar till uppgifter på nationella prov i Matematik 2c, då eleverna är runt 16-17 år gamla. Vi har påvisat, med begränsat socio-ekonomiskt underlag, att sannolikheten för slumpmässiga relationer mellan resultat och figurkvaliteter är låg. Vi har även påvisat att korrelationen är positiv, alltså att konst-ruerade figurer med hög kvalitet är kopplade till höga resultat. Det verkar också som att elever som använder sig av figurer presterar högre än elever som inte gör det. I relation till många andra studier är vår studie relativt väl underbyggd gällande statistiskt underlag. Dock är detta en av de punkter vi ser att framtida studier bör ta vid: utöka underlaget ytterligare både till antal men framförallt till socioekonomisk och geografisk utbredning. Vidare ser vi också att andra sorters matematiska problem studeras och inte endast problemlösning som undersökts här. / In this study we investigated whether there exists a correlation between pupils' results in school and qualities of figures they design when solving mathematical problems. The basis for the study has been 207 student solutions from national tests in Mathematics 2c, when students were around 16-17 years old. We have shown, with limited socio-economic coverage, that likelihood of random relationships between results and figure qualities is low. We have also shown that correlation is positive, i.e. constructed figures with high quality are linked to high results. It also seems that students using figures perform higher than students that do not. In relation to many other studies, our study has a relatively well-supported statistically basis. However, we suggest that future studies should expand the basis by numbers and increase the socio-economic and geographical coverage. Furthermore, we encourage studies of other types of mathematical problems not just problem solving as was investigated here.

Digitalisering som diskurs i gymnasiets styrdokument

Ryberg Welander, Rebecka January 2019 (has links)
Through Laclau and Mouffes discourse theory, this study seeks to find and analyze the different types of discourses regarding digitalisation that exist in the Swedish upper secondary schools curriculum, focusing on those documents that regard the subjects Swedish and Swedish as a second language, and finally analyze what kind of implications these discourses can have for teachers in the subject of Swedish. The study starts with going through digital literacy and why it’s important in a digitalized world. With Laclau and Mouffes discourse theory as method, this study identifies several discourses available in the curriculum. These discourses are digital competence, digital work, digital tools, digital change and digital copyright. In addition to this, the study identifies three subjects as bearers of the discourse, the teacher, the student and the curriculum itself. The study finds that digitalization is loosely defined within the curriculum, leaving the teacher with the duty of both analyzing and construing their own view of digitalization within the subject Swedish. Finally, the study discusses the implications of these findings.

Inquiry-Based Student Learning Activities for Upper Secondary School Chemistry

Nielsen, Jonathan January 2019 (has links)
Läroplanen för gymnasiets Kemi 1 och Kemi 2 förespråkar elevplanerade laboratorieövningar. Men de nuvarande populära kurslitteratur som används för att undervisa Kemi 1 och Kemi 2 beskriver primärt bara elevlaboratorier med fullständiga instruktioner för eleverna att följa. Denna litteraturstudie listar och beskriver 15 undersökande elevaktiviteter för i Kemi 1 och Kemi 2. Beskrivningen fokuserar på elevaktivitet, förutsättningar och läranderesultat. Varje aktivitet hittades i en publicerad referentgranskad artikel. Dessa 15 elevaktiviteter kan sammanlagt användas till undervisning av 11 av de 19 screenade centrala innehåll från läroplanen för Kemi 1 och Kemi 2. / The state prescribed curriculum for the two chemistry courses Kemi 1 and Kemi 2 for Swedish upper secondary school, advocates student planned laboratory exercises. But the current popular course literature book systems used for teaching Kemi 1 and Kemi 2 primarily describe student laboratory exercises with complete step-by-step instructions for the students to follow. This literature study lists and describes 15 inquiry-based learning activities for students attending Kemi 1 and Kemi 2, the descriptions focus on student activity, preconditions, and learning outcome. Each activity was found in a published peer-reviewed article. Combined these 15 student activities can be used for teaching 11 out of the 19 screened core contents listed in the state prescribed curriculum for Kemi 1 and Kemi 2.

"We Really Are Not Artists, We Are Military. We Are Soldiers": The Street Art Culture of Chile and its Power in Art Education

Granlund, Magdalena, Silén, Maria January 2018 (has links)
This thesis describes the street art culture of Chile and its power in art education. The thesis highlights the didactic questions what, how and why. With the Swedish art curriculum in upper secondary education (Skolverket, 2011) as a starting point, the following research examines what topics street artists in Chile address in their work; and how and how can educators in Sweden use street art in the classroom when they wish to highlight topics such as communication, identity and democracy, and with what purpose. The implementation of the study is based on a method of qualitative research. Semi structured- as well as informal interviews are used. Observation in form of visual field notes is presented through photography. This results in four different themes that is highlighted. The themes are cultural heritage, artivism and democracy, identity and school. The conclusion regarding what benefits street art may serve in school are that Swedish teachers in upper secondary art education can benefit from using street art in the art classroom when they wish to highlight the communicative aspects of street art. Another conclusion being made is that Chilean street artists use street art as a communicative tool when they wish to highlight topics such as cultural heritage, political views and as an identity marker.

"Hon är ju ingen slarver direkt" – Gymnasieelevers upplevelser av bedömning och betygsättning i svenskämnet

Bergquist, Janna, Johnsson, Beatrice January 2018 (has links)
Both in the school world and in the public debate we have experienced a major focus on assessment and grading. However, the practice of summative assessment has according to us been rather absent in our upper secondary teacher education programme. Since the student perspective of assessment is a research topic that is fairly unexplored, the purpose of this study is to contribute with knowledge about teachers’ assessment practice from a student perspective. Moreover, this thesis aims to explore upper secondary students’ perceptions and understandings of assessment and grading in the subject Swedish. The empirical material is based on questionnaires followed by focused group interviews. The study was conducted at two Swedish upper secondary schools with one class from each school. The theoretical frame of this study is phenomenology and Husserl’s theory of the lifeworld and Løgstrup’s theory of the ethical demand are used to interpret the empirical material. The results show that students experience that their learning is made visible both orally and in writing throughout the course, that they know what their grades are based on, and that they know what they have to do in order to attain a certain grade. However, the students do not seem to be able to give any examples of specific skills. Furthermore, they experience that the teacher gives them several opportunities to meet the knowledge requirements and most students are pleased with their grades, which seems to result in that they are more likely to perceive grades as fair. Criticism is addressed towards the grading system and knowledge requirements for being arbitrary and intricate. Nonetheless, the students accentuate their teacher’s ability to disambiguate the knowledge requirements. The conclusion is that the teacher’s professionality and the student-teacher relationship are of great significance for the students’ comprehension and perception of assessment and grading. Hence, it is suggested that students’ perspectives should be attended to before reforms of the grading system are carried out.

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